// HET.C
// Hosted Entity Tracker
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
#include <as16.h>
// OSI and HET apis are the equivalent of the NT HOOK functionality.
// HET_DD apis are the equivalent of the NT display driver apis.
// HOOK functionality
BOOL WINAPI OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16(HWND hwnd) { BOOL fScreenSaver;
// If there is no screen saver active, this window can't be one.
fScreenSaver = FALSE; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, 0, &fScreenSaver, 0); if (fScreenSaver) { char szClassName[64];
// Is the class name WindowsScreenSaverClass? This is what all
// screen savers using the Win95 toolkit use. BOGUS BUGBUG
if (!GetClassName(hwnd, szClassName, sizeof(szClassName)) || lstrcmp(szClassName, HET_SCREEN_SAVER_CLASS)) { fScreenSaver = FALSE; } }
DebugExitBOOL(OSIIsWindowScreenSaver16, fScreenSaver); return(fScreenSaver); }
// OSIStartWindowTracking16()
// This installs our global call window proc hook then watches windows
// being created, destroyed, shown, hidden and looks for relationships via
// process or related process info to the currently shared windows.
BOOL WINAPI OSIStartWindowTracking16(void) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Install window/task tracking hook
g_hetTrackHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, HETTrackProc, g_hInstAs16, NULL); if (!g_hetTrackHook) { ERROR_OUT(("Can't install WH_CALLWNDPROC hook")); DC_QUIT; }
// Install event hook
g_hetEventHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, HETEventProc, g_hInstAs16, NULL); if (!g_hetEventHook) { ERROR_OUT(("Can't install WH_CBT hook")); DC_QUIT; }
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(OSIStartWindowTracking16, rc); return(rc); }
// OSIStopWindowTracking16()
void WINAPI OSIStopWindowTracking16(void) { DebugEntry(OSIStopWindowTracking16);
// Remove Graphic Output hooks
// Remove event hook
if (g_hetEventHook) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_hetEventHook); g_hetEventHook = NULL; }
// Remove window/task tracking hook
if (g_hetTrackHook) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_hetTrackHook); g_hetTrackHook = NULL; }
DebugExitVOID(OSIStopWindowTracking16); }
// HETEventProc()
// This is a global CBT hook that prevents the screensaver from kicking
// in when sharing.
LRESULT CALLBACK HETEventProc ( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LRESULT lResult;
if ((nCode == HCBT_SYSCOMMAND) && (wParam == SC_SCREENSAVE)) { // Prevent the screen saver from starting. NONZERO means disallow.
WARNING_OUT(("Preventing screensaver from starting, we're currently sharing")); lResult = TRUE; } else { lResult = CallNextHookEx(g_hetEventHook, nCode, wParam, lParam); }
DebugExitDWORD(HETEventProc, lResult); return(lResult); }
// HETTrackProc()
// This is the global hook that watches for windows coming & going,
// showing & hiding to see if new ones related to shared ones should also
// be shared. This covers related processes as well as related windows.
// wParam is a BOOL, TRUE if this is interthread
// lParam is a pointer to a CWPSTRUCT
lpCwp = (LPCWPSTRUCT)lParam; ASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(lpCwp, sizeof(*lpCwp)));
// We better be tracking still
// Skip calls that happen in CONF itself. This is our implementation
// of the SKIP_OWNPROCESS WinEvent option in NT's hook dll
if (GetCurrentTask() != g_hCoreTask) { switch (lpCwp->message) { case WM_NCCREATE: HETHandleCreate(lpCwp->hwnd); break;
case WM_NCDESTROY: HETHandleDestroy(lpCwp->hwnd); break;
case WM_NCPAINT: //
// This will catch being shown before WINDOWPOSCHANGED does.
// We still keep that for a catch all.
if (IsWindowVisible(lpCwp->hwnd)) { HETHandleShow(lpCwp->hwnd, FALSE); } break;
case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: lpPos = (LPWINDOWPOS)lpCwp->lParam; ASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(lpPos, sizeof(WINDOWPOS)));
if (!(lpPos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE)) HETCheckParentChange(lpCwp->hwnd);
if (lpPos->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) HETHandleShow(lpCwp->hwnd, TRUE); else if (lpPos->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) HETHandleHide(lpCwp->hwnd); break; } }
lResult = CallNextHookEx(g_hetTrackHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
DebugExitDWORD(HETTrackProc, lResult); return(lResult); }
// HETHandleCreate()
void HETHandleCreate(HWND hwnd) { HET_TRACK_INFO hti; UINT hostType;
// Ignore child windows
if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { if (GetParent(hwnd) != g_osiDesktopWindow) { TRACE_OUT(("Skipping child window %04x create", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; } }
hti.idThread = g_lpfnGetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &hti.idProcess);
// Ignore special shell threads
if (HET_IsShellThread(hti.idThread)) { TRACE_OUT(("Skipping shell thread window %04x create", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; }
// We don't need to ignore menus. Only when first shared do we skip
// menus. The cached one we never want to share. The others will
// go away almost immediately. From now on, we treat them the same
// as other windows.
// Figure out what to do.
hti.hwndUs = hwnd; hti.cWndsApp = 0; hti.cWndsSharedThread = 0; hti.cWndsSharedProcess = 0;
UpOneLevel: EnumWindows(HETShareEnum, (LPARAM)(LPHET_TRACK_INFO)&hti);
if (hti.cWndsSharedThread) { TRACE_OUT(("New window %04x in shared thread %08lx", hwnd, hti.idThread)); hostType = HET_HOSTED_PERMANENT | HET_HOSTED_BYTHREAD; } else if (hti.cWndsSharedProcess) { TRACE_OUT(("New window %04x in shared process %08lx", hwnd, hti.idProcess)); hostType = HET_HOSTED_PERMANENT | HET_HOSTED_BYPROCESS; } else if (hti.cWndsApp) { //
// There's another window in our app, but none are shared. So don't
// share us either.
TRACE_OUT(("New window %04x in unshared process %08lx", hwnd, hti.idProcess)); DC_QUIT; } else { DWORD idParentProcess;
// Loop through our ancestor processes (no thread info at this point)
HETGetParentProcessID(hti.idProcess, &idParentProcess);
if (!idParentProcess) { TRACE_OUT(("Can't get parent of process %08lx", hti.idProcess)); DC_QUIT; }
// We know if we got here that all our favorite fields are still
// zero. So just loop! But NULL out idThread to avoid matching
// anything while we look at our parent.
TRACE_OUT(("First window %04x in process %08lx, checking parent %08lx", hwnd, hti.idProcess, idParentProcess));
hti.idThread = 0; hti.idProcess = idParentProcess; goto UpOneLevel; }
// OK, we are going to share this. No need to repaint, all our
// notifications are synchronous.
OSIShareWindow16(hwnd, hostType, FALSE, TRUE);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(HETHandleCreate); }
// HETHandleDestroy()
// Handles the destruction of a window
void HETHandleDestroy(HWND hwnd) { DebugEntry(HETHandleDestroy);
// Blow away our cache. Our cache holds the last window
// drawing happened for, whether it was shared or not,
// to let us more quickly decide whether we care.
OSIUnshareWindow16(hwnd, TRUE);
if (hwnd == g_oeLastWindow) { TRACE_OUT(("Tossing oe cached window %04x", g_oeLastWindow)); g_oeLastWindow = NULL; }
DebugExitVOID(HETHandleDestroy); }
// HETHandleShow()
void HETHandleShow ( HWND hwnd, BOOL fForceRepaint ) { UINT hostType; HET_TRACK_INFO hti;
hostType = HET_GetHosting(hwnd);
// If this window is a real child, clear the hosting property. Usually
// one isn't there. But in the case of a top level window becoming
// a child of another, we want to wipe out junk.
if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { if (GetParent(hwnd) != g_osiDesktopWindow) { TRACE_OUT(("Skipping child window 0x%04x show", hwnd)); if (hostType) { WARNING_OUT(("Unsharing shared child window 0x%04 from SHOW", hwnd)); OSIUnshareWindow16(hwnd, TRUE); } DC_QUIT; } }
// Is this guy already shared? Nothing to do if so. Unlike NT,
// we don't get async notifications.
if (hostType) { TRACE_OUT(("Window %04x already shared, ignoring show", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; }
// Here's where we also enumerate the top level windows and find a
// match. But we DO not track across processes in this case. Instead
// we look at the owner if there is one.
// This solves the create-as-a-child then change to a top level
// window problem, like combo dropdowns.
hti.idThread = g_lpfnGetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &hti.idProcess);
// Ignore special shell threads
if (HET_IsShellThread(hti.idThread)) { TRACE_OUT(("Skipping shell thread window 0x%04x show", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; }
hti.hwndUs = hwnd; hti.cWndsApp = 0; hti.cWndsSharedThread = 0; hti.cWndsSharedProcess = 0;
EnumWindows(HETShareEnum, (LPARAM)(LPHET_TRACK_INFO)&hti);
// These kinds of windows are always only temp shared. They don't
// start out as top level windows that we saw from the beginning or
// watched created. These are SetParent() or menu kinds of dudes, so
// for a lot of reasons we're plain safer sharing these babies only
// temporarily
// Anything else shared on this thread/process, the decision is easy.
// Otherwise, we look at the ownership trail.
if (!hti.cWndsSharedThread && !hti.cWndsSharedProcess) { HWND hwndOwner;
// Does it have an owner that is shared?
hwndOwner = hwnd; while (hwndOwner = GetWindow(hwndOwner, GW_OWNER)) { if (HET_GetHosting(hwndOwner)) { TRACE_OUT(("Found shared owner %04x of window %04x", hwndOwner, hwnd)); break; } }
if (!hwndOwner) { DC_QUIT; } }
// We maybe getting this too late, like in the case of a menu coming up,
// and it may have already painted/erased. So invalidate this baby.
// That's what the fForceRepaint parameter is for. That is only true
// when coming from WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED after an explicit WM_SHOWWINDOW
// call. Most of the time, we catch WM_NCPAINT though, for show.
TRACE_OUT(("Sharing temporary window %04x", hwnd));
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(HETHandleShow); }
// HETHandleHide()
void HETHandleHide(HWND hwnd) { UINT hostType;
hostType = HET_GetHosting(hwnd);
if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { if (GetParent(hwnd) != GetDesktopWindow()) { TRACE_OUT(("Skipping child window %04x hide", hwnd)); if (hostType) { WARNING_OUT(("Unsharing shared child window 0x%04 from HIDE", hwnd)); OSIUnshareWindow16(hwnd, TRUE); }
DC_QUIT; } }
if (!hostType) { //
// Unlike NT, we don't get hide notifications out of context, so
// we don't need to recount the top level guys.
TRACE_OUT(("Window %04x not shared, ignoring hide", hwnd)); } else if (hostType & HET_HOSTED_TEMPORARY) { TRACE_OUT(("Unsharing temporary window %04x", hwnd)); OSIUnshareWindow16(hwnd, TRUE); } else { ASSERT(hostType & HET_HOSTED_PERMANENT);
// Nothing to do
TRACE_OUT(("Window %04x permanently shared, ignoring hide", hwnd)); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(HETHandleHide); }
// HETCheckParentChange()
// On a windowposchange with MOVE, we make sure that no child window has the
// hosting property. When a window's parent changes, it is always moved,
// so that's the best way I have to check for it. Since we only look at
// top level windows, converted-to-children windows will stay shared forever
// and won't show up in the share menu.
// This is NOT perfect. If the child is not moving to a different position
// relative to the two parents, we won't see anything. But for the case
// where one is switching to/from top level, its very likely we will come
// through here. More likely than checking for hide/show.
void HETCheckParentChange(HWND hwnd) { DebugEntry(HETCheckParentChange);
if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { if (GetParent(hwnd) != GetDesktopWindow()) { UINT hostType;
hostType = HET_GetHosting(hwnd); if (hostType) { WARNING_OUT(("Unsharing shared child window 0x%04x from MOVE", hwnd)); OSIUnshareWindow16(hwnd, TRUE); } } }
DebugExitVOID(HETCheckParentChange); }
// HETShareEnum()
// This is the EnumWindows() callback. We stop when we find the first
// matching shared window (thread or process). We keep a running tally
// of the count of all top level windows in our process (not shared by
// thread or process) at the same time. This lets us do tracking.
BOOL CALLBACK HETShareEnum(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { LPHET_TRACK_INFO lphti = (LPHET_TRACK_INFO)lParam; DWORD idProcess; DWORD idThread; UINT hostType; BOOL rc = TRUE;
// Skip ourself.
if (hwnd == lphti->hwndUs) { DC_QUIT; }
// Skip if window is gone.
idThread = g_lpfnGetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &idProcess); if (!idThread) { DC_QUIT; }
// Do the processes match? If not, easy amscray
if (idProcess != lphti->idProcess) { DC_QUIT; } lphti->cWndsApp++;
hostType = HET_GetHosting(hwnd); if (!hostType) { DC_QUIT; }
// Now, if this window is shared by thread or process, do the right
// thing.
if (hostType & HET_HOSTED_BYPROCESS) { // We have a match. We can return immediately.
lphti->cWndsSharedProcess++; rc = FALSE; } else if (hostType & HET_HOSTED_BYTHREAD) { //
// For WOW apps, we don't want this one, if in a separate thread, to
// count. No matter what.
if (idThread == lphti->idThread) { lphti->cWndsSharedThread++; rc = FALSE; } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(HETShareEnum, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_IsShellThread()
// Returns TRUE if thread is one of shell's special threads
BOOL HET_IsShellThread(DWORD threadID) { BOOL rc;
if ((threadID == g_lpfnGetWindowThreadProcessId(HET_GetShellDesktop(), NULL)) || (threadID == g_lpfnGetWindowThreadProcessId(HET_GetShellTray(), NULL))) { rc = TRUE; } else { rc = FALSE; }
DebugExitBOOL(HET_IsShellThread, rc); return(rc); }
// OSIShareWindow16()
// This shares a window. This is called when
// * An app is unshared
// * A window is destroyed
// * A temporarily shared window is hidden
// This returns TRUE if it shared a window
BOOL WINAPI OSIShareWindow16 ( HWND hwnd, UINT hostType, BOOL fRepaint, BOOL fUpdateCount ) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Set the property
if (!HET_SetHosting(hwnd, hostType)) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't set shared property on window %04x", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; }
// Toss out our cache--it could have been a child of this one.
g_oeLastWindow = NULL;
TRACE_OUT(("Shared window %04x of type %04x", hwnd, hostType));
// Repaint it
if (fRepaint) { USR_RepaintWindow(hwnd); }
if (fUpdateCount) { PostMessageNoFail(g_asMainWindow, DCS_NEWTOPLEVEL_MSG, TRUE, 0); }
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(OSIShareWindow16, rc); return(rc); }
// OSIUnshareWindow16()
// This unshares a window. This is called when
// * An app is unshared
// * A window is destroyed
// * A temporarily shared window is hidden
// This returns TRUE if it unshared a shared window.
BOOL WINAPI OSIUnshareWindow16 ( HWND hwnd, BOOL fUpdateCount ) { BOOL rc = FALSE; UINT hostType;
// This gets the old property and clears it in one step.
hostType = HET_ClearHosting(hwnd); if (!hostType) { //
// Unlike NT, all the destroy notifications we get are synchronous.
// So we don't need to recalculate the total.
TRACE_OUT(("Unsharing window %04x of type %04x", hwnd, hostType));
// Toss our cache--the sharing status of some window has changed.
g_oeLastWindow = NULL;
// Update the top level count
if (fUpdateCount) { PostMessageNoFail(g_asMainWindow, DCS_NEWTOPLEVEL_MSG, FALSE, 0); }
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(OSI_UnshareWindow, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_WindowIsHosted()
// Returns TRUE if a window is shared. This is used by the IM code in its
// high level hooks.
BOOL HET_WindowIsHosted(HWND hwnd) { BOOL rc = FALSE; HWND hwndParent;
if (!hwnd) DC_QUIT;
// Walk up to the top level window this one is inside of
while (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); if (hwndParent == GetDesktopWindow()) break;
hwnd = hwndParent; }
rc = HET_GetHosting(hwnd);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(HET_WindowIsHosted, rc); return(rc); }
// HETGetParentProcessID()
// Get parent process if this one
void HETGetParentProcessID ( DWORD processID, LPDWORD pParentProcessID ) { //
// Get the ID of the parent process
ASSERT(processID); *pParentProcessID = GetProcessDword(processID, GPD_PARENT); }
// DISPLAY DRIVER functionality
// HET_DDInit()
BOOL HET_DDInit(void) { return(TRUE); }
// HET_DDTerm()
void HET_DDTerm(void) { DebugEntry(HET_DDTerm);
// Make sure we stop hosting
g_hetDDDesktopIsShared = FALSE; OSIStopWindowTracking16();
DebugExitVOID(HET_DDTerm); }
// HET_DDProcessRequest()
// Handles HET escapes
BOOL HET_DDProcessRequest ( UINT fnEscape, LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER pResult, DWORD cbResult ) { BOOL rc = TRUE;
switch (fnEscape) { //
// NOTE:
// Unlike NT, we have no need of keeping a duplicated list of
// shared windows. We can make window calls directly, and can use
// GetProp to find out.
case HET_ESC_UNSHARE_ALL: { // Nothing to do
} break;
case HET_ESC_SHARE_DESKTOP: { ASSERT(!g_hetDDDesktopIsShared); g_hetDDDesktopIsShared = TRUE; } break;
case HET_ESC_UNSHARE_DESKTOP: { ASSERT(g_hetDDDesktopIsShared); g_hetDDDesktopIsShared = FALSE; HETDDViewing(FALSE); } break;
case HET_ESC_VIEWER: { HETDDViewing(((LPHET_VIEWER)pResult)->viewersPresent != 0); break; }
default: { ERROR_OUT(("Unrecognized HET escape")); rc = FALSE; } break; }
DebugExitBOOL(HET_DDProcessRequest, rc); return(rc); }
// HETDDViewing()
// Called when viewing of our shared apps starts/stops. Naturally, no longer
// sharing anything stops viewing also.
void HETDDViewing(BOOL fViewers) { DebugEntry(HETDDViewing);
if (g_oeViewers != fViewers) { g_oeViewers = fViewers; OE_DDViewing(fViewers); }
DebugExitVOID(HETDDViewing); }