// SSI.C
// Save Screenbits Interceptor
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
#include <as16.h>
// We patch the display driver's onboard bitmap DDI call if it exists. This
// doesn't exist on newer displays, but we need to fail it on older ones.
// We won't see drawing that happens via calls to it otherwise.
// NM 2.0 used to grovel in USER's dataseg to find the variable address of
// the onboard bitmap routine and fill in its own, whether there was one or
// not. Then it used to return TRUE always for saves. Since USER '95 checked
// for a non-zero address to decide if onboard capabilities were present,
// this sort of worked. Except of course that NM 2.0 needed special case
// code for all the flavors of Win95.
// With multiple monitor support, there is no single savebits proc address
// anymore. Plus, we're tired of having to alter our code with every
// change in the OS. Our new scheme works based off blts to/from a memory
// bitmap owned by USER. Since we already spy on bitmaps for the SBC
// it doesn't really add overhead to do it this way.
// When USER is saving bits
// (1) It creates the SPB bitmap via CreateSpb() (GDI calls it
// CreateUserDiscardableBitmap()),
// the only time it calls this routine. If the bits get discarded,
// the BitBlt back from this bitmap will fail, in which case USER
// will repaint the affected area.
// (2) It does a BitBlt from the screen into this bitmap, after making
// it owned by g_hModUser16. This bitmap is byte-pixel-aligned
// horizontally, so it may be a bit wider than the window about to
// be shown there.
// (3) This happens just before a CS_SAVEBITS window is shown in that
// area. The window gets a private WS_HASSPB style bit set on it.
// (4) After creating the SPB bitmap, USER walks through the windows
// behind where the window is going to be in the z-order and subtracts
// pending updage regions from the "OK" region of the SPB. This
// may result in discarding the SPB right away.
// When USER is discarding saved bits
// (1) It deletes the bitmap it created when saving
// When USER is restoring saved bits
// (1) It may decide to discard if there's not much saved by restoring
// (2) It will temporarily select in a visrgn for the screen that is
// only the valid part of the SPB
// (3) It will blt from a memory DC with the SPB bitmap selected in
// to the screen, again byte-aligned pixelwise horizontally.
// (4) It will return a region to be invalidated and repainted via
// normal methods (the complement of the valid blt visrgn)
// We have to be able to support nested savebits. We do this via a
// stack-like bitmap cache. New save requests get put at the front.
// SSI_DDProcessRequest()
// Handles SSI escapes
BOOL SSI_DDProcessRequest ( UINT fnEscape, LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER pRequest, DWORD cbRequest ) { BOOL rc;
switch (fnEscape) { case SSI_ESC_RESET_LEVEL: { ASSERT(cbRequest == sizeof(OSI_ESCAPE_HEADER));
SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap(); rc = TRUE; } break;
SSISetNewCapabilities((LPSSI_NEW_CAPABILITIES)pRequest); rc = TRUE; } break;
default: { ERROR_OUT(("Unrecognized SSI_ escape")); rc = FALSE; } break; }
DebugExitBOOL(SSI_DDProcessRequest, rc); return(rc); }
// SSI_DDInit()
BOOL SSI_DDInit(void) { BOOL rc = TRUE;
// Patch the display driver's onboard SaveBits routine, if there is one
if (SELECTOROF(g_lpfnSaveBits)) { if (!CreateFnPatch(g_lpfnSaveBits, DrvSaveBits, &g_ssiSaveBitsPatch, 0)) { ERROR_OUT(("Unable to patch savebits routine")); rc = FALSE; } }
DebugExitBOOL(SSI_DDInit, rc); return(rc); }
// SSI_DDTerm()
void SSI_DDTerm(void) { DebugEntry(SSI_DDTerm);
if (SELECTOROF(g_lpfnSaveBits)) { DestroyFnPatch(&g_ssiSaveBitsPatch); }
DebugExitVOID(SSI_DDTerm); }
// SSI_DDViewing()
void SSI_DDViewing(BOOL fViewers) { DebugEntry(SSI_DDViewing);
// Activate our SaveBits patch if we have one
if (SELECTOROF(g_lpfnSaveBits)) { EnableFnPatch(&g_ssiSaveBitsPatch, (fViewers ? PATCH_ACTIVATE : PATCH_DEACTIVATE)); }
// Reset our SSI stack
DebugExitVOID(SSI_DDViewing); }
// DrvSaveBits()
// Since we have to have code to spy on USER spb bitmaps, it doesn't make
// sense to have twice the code. So we simply return FALSE here. This
// also avoids the "enable the patch after a bitmap was saved via a call
// to the driver so on the restore we're confused" problem. The worst that
// will happen now is that USER will blt from a bitmap we've never seen
// to the screen, we'll catch the drawing, and send it over the wire as
// screen update (not cached!). The next full save/restore will use an
// order instead.
BOOL WINAPI DrvSaveBits ( LPRECT lpRect, UINT uCmd ) { return(FALSE); }
// NOTE:
// ssiSBSaveLevel is the index of the NEXT FREE SPB SLOT
// FUNCTION: SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap.
// Resets the SaveScreenBitmap state.
// RETURNS: Nothing.
void SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap(void) { DebugEntry(SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap);
// Discard all currently saved bits
g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel = 0;
// Reset the # of pels saved
g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved = 0;
DebugExitVOID(SSIResetSaveScreenBitmap); }
// FUNCTION: SSISendSaveBitmapOrder
// Attempts to send a SaveBitmap order matching the supplied parameters.
// lpRect - pointer to the rectangle coords (EXCLUSIVE screen coords)
// wCommand - SaveScreenBitmap command (ONBOARD_SAVE, ONBOARD_RESTORE,
// TRUE if order successfully sent FALSE if order not sent
BOOL SSISendSaveBitmapOrder ( LPRECT lpRect, UINT wCommand ) { DWORD cRemotePelsRequired; LPSAVEBITMAP_ORDER pSaveBitmapOrder; LPINT_ORDER pOrder; BOOL rc = FALSE;
// If the SaveBitmap order is not supported then return FALSE
// immediately.
if (!OE_SendAsOrder(ORD_SAVEBITMAP)) { TRACE_OUT(( "SaveBmp not supported")); DC_QUIT; }
switch (wCommand) { case ONBOARD_DISCARD: //
// We don't transmit DISCARD orders, there's no need since
// saves/restores are paired.
g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved -= CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remotePelsRequired; rc = TRUE; DC_QUIT;
// Calculate the number of pels required in the remote Save
// Bitmap to handle this rectangle.
cRemotePelsRequired = SSIRemotePelsRequired(lpRect);
// If there aren't enough pels in the remote Save Bitmap to
// handle this rectangle then return immediately.
if ((g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved + cRemotePelsRequired) > g_ssiSaveBitmapSize) { TRACE_OUT(( "no space for %lu pels", cRemotePelsRequired)); DC_QUIT; }
// Allocate memory for the order.
pOrder = OA_DDAllocOrderMem(sizeof(SAVEBITMAP_ORDER), 0); if (!pOrder) DC_QUIT;
// Store the drawing order data.
pSaveBitmapOrder = (LPSAVEBITMAP_ORDER)pOrder->abOrderData;
pSaveBitmapOrder->type = LOWORD(ORD_SAVEBITMAP); pSaveBitmapOrder->Operation = SV_SAVEBITS;
// SAVEBITS is a BLOCKER order i.e. it prevents any earlier
// orders from being spoilt by subsequent orders or Screen
// Data.
pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.fOrderFlags = OF_BLOCKER;
// Copy the rect, converting to inclusive Virtual Desktop
// coords.
pSaveBitmapOrder->nLeftRect = lpRect->left; pSaveBitmapOrder->nTopRect = lpRect->top; pSaveBitmapOrder->nRightRect = lpRect->right - 1; pSaveBitmapOrder->nBottomRect = lpRect->bottom - 1;
pSaveBitmapOrder->SavedBitmapPosition = g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved;
// Store the relevant details in the current entry of the
// local SSB structure.
CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remoteSavedPosition = pSaveBitmapOrder->SavedBitmapPosition;
CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remotePelsRequired = cRemotePelsRequired;
// Update the count of remote pels saved.
g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved += cRemotePelsRequired;
// The operation rectangle is NULL.
pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.rcsDst.left = 1; pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.rcsDst.right = 0; pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.rcsDst.top = 1; pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.rcsDst.bottom = 0;
// Update the remote pel count first. Even if we fail to send
// the order we want to free up the remote pels.
g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved -= CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remotePelsRequired;
// Allocate memory for the order.
pOrder = OA_DDAllocOrderMem(sizeof(SAVEBITMAP_ORDER), 0); if (!pOrder) DC_QUIT;
// Store the drawing order data.
pSaveBitmapOrder = (LPSAVEBITMAP_ORDER)pOrder->abOrderData;
pSaveBitmapOrder->type = LOWORD(ORD_SAVEBITMAP); pSaveBitmapOrder->Operation = SV_RESTOREBITS;
// The order can spoil others (it is opaque).
// It is not SPOILABLE because we want to keep the remote
// save level in a consistent state.
pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.fOrderFlags = OF_SPOILER;
// Copy the rect, converting to inclusive Virtual Desktop
// coords.
pSaveBitmapOrder->nLeftRect = lpRect->left; pSaveBitmapOrder->nTopRect = lpRect->top; pSaveBitmapOrder->nRightRect = lpRect->right - 1; pSaveBitmapOrder->nBottomRect = lpRect->bottom - 1;
pSaveBitmapOrder->SavedBitmapPosition = CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.remoteSavedPosition;
// The operation rectangle is also the bounding rectangle of
// the order.
pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.rcsDst.left = pSaveBitmapOrder->nLeftRect; pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.rcsDst.right = pSaveBitmapOrder->nRightRect; pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.rcsDst.top = pSaveBitmapOrder->nTopRect; pOrder->OrderHeader.Common.rcsDst.bottom = pSaveBitmapOrder->nBottomRect; break;
default: ERROR_OUT(( "Unexpected wCommand(%d)", wCommand)); break; }
OTRACE(( "SaveBitmap op %d pos %ld rect {%d %d %d %d}", pSaveBitmapOrder->Operation, pSaveBitmapOrder->SavedBitmapPosition, pSaveBitmapOrder->nLeftRect, pSaveBitmapOrder->nTopRect, pSaveBitmapOrder->nRightRect, pSaveBitmapOrder->nBottomRect ));
// Add the order to the order list.
OA_DDAddOrder(pOrder, NULL); rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(SSISendSaveBitmapOrder, rc); return(rc); }
// SSISaveBits()
// This attemps to save the SPB into our stack. If we have no more room,
// no big deal. We won't find it on a bitblt back to the screen, and that
// info will go as screen data.
// The rectangle is EXCLUSIVE screen coords.
void SSISaveBits ( HBITMAP hbmpSpb, LPRECT lpRect ) { DebugEntry(SSISaveBits);
// We should never have unbalanced save/restore operations
ASSERT(g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel >= 0);
// Are we out of space?
if (g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel >= SSB_MAX_SAVE_LEVEL) { TRACE_OUT(("SaveLevel(%d) exceeds maximum", g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel)); DC_QUIT; }
// If the rectangle to be saved intersects the current SDA, then we will
// have to force a repaint on the restore. This is because orders are
// always sent before Screen Data.
// Otherwise mark the bits as saved.
// Store the bitmap and associated screen rectangle
CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.hbmpSave = hbmpSpb; CopyRect(&CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect, lpRect);
// If successfully saved, try to accumulate a SaveBits order
if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.saveType != ST_FAILED_TO_SAVE) { CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely = SSISendSaveBitmapOrder(lpRect, ONBOARD_SAVE); } else { //
// We didn't manage to save it. No point in trying to save the
// bitmap remotely.
TRACE_OUT(( "Keep track of failed save for restore later")); CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely = FALSE; }
// Update the save level
// NOTE this now points to the NEXT free slot
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(SSISaveBits); }
// SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove()
// This starts at the topmost valid entry on the SPB stack and works
// backwards. NOTE that saveLevel is the NEXT valid entry.
BOOL SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove(HBITMAP hbmpSpb) { int i; int iNewSaveLevel; BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Look for this SPB. If we find it, then discard the entries after
// it in our stack.
iNewSaveLevel = g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel;
for (i = 0; i < g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel; i++) { if (rc) { //
// We found this SPB, so we are discarding all entries after
// it in the stack. Subtract the saved pixels count for this
// dude.
g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved -= g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].remotePelsRequired; } else if (g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveState[i].hbmpSave == hbmpSpb) { //
// Found the one we were looking for
OTRACE(( "Found SPB %04x at slot %d", hbmpSpb, i));
iNewSaveLevel = i; rc = TRUE; } }
g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel = iNewSaveLevel;
DebugExitBOOL(SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove, rc); return(rc); }
// SSIRestoreBits()
// Called when a BitBlt happens to screen from memory. We try to find the
// memory bitmap in our SPB stack. If we can't, we return FALSE, and the OE
// code will save away a screen painting order.
// If we find it, we save a small SPB restore order instead.
BOOL SSIRestoreBits ( HBITMAP hbmpSpb ) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
ASSERT(g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel >= 0);
// Can we find the SPB?
if (SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove(hbmpSpb)) { //
// saveLevel is the index of our SPB.
if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely) { //
// The bits were saved remotely, so send and order.
rc = SSISendSaveBitmapOrder(&CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect, ONBOARD_RESTORE); } else { //
// We failed to save the bitmap remotely originally, so now
// we need to return FALSE so that BitBlt() will accumulate
// screen data in the area.
TRACE_OUT(( "No remote save, force repaint")); }
if (g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel == 0) { g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved = 0; } }
DebugExitBOOL(SSIRestoreBits, rc); return(rc); }
// SSIDiscardBits()
// This discards the saved SPB if we have it in our stack.
// NOTE that SSIRestoreBits() also discards the bitmap.
// We return TRUE if we found the bitmap.
BOOL SSIDiscardBits(HBITMAP hbmpSpb) { BOOL rc;
// Search for the corresponding save order on our stack.
if (rc = SSIFindSlotAndDiscardAbove(hbmpSpb)) { //
// The save level is now the index to this entry. Since we are
// about to free it, this will be the place the next SAVE goes
// into.
// If the bits were saved remotely, then send a DISCARD order
if (CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.fSavedRemotely) { //
// NOTE that SSISendSaveBitmapOrder() for DISCARD doesn't have
// a side effect, we can just pass in the address of the rect
// of the SPB we stored.
if (!SSISendSaveBitmapOrder(&CURRENT_LOCAL_SSB_STATE.rect, ONBOARD_DISCARD)) { TRACE_OUT(("Failed to send DISCARDBITS")); } }
if (g_ssiLocalSSBState.saveLevel == 0) { g_ssiRemoteSSBState.pelsSaved = 0; } }
DebugExitBOOL(SSIDiscardBits, rc); return(rc); }
// FUNCTION: SSIRemotePelsRequired
// Returns the number of remote pels required to store the supplied
// rectangle, taking account of the Save Bitmap granularity.
// lpRect - pointer to rectangle position in EXCLUSIVE screen coordinates.
// RETURNS: Number of remote pels required.
DWORD SSIRemotePelsRequired(LPRECT lpRect) { UINT rectWidth; UINT rectHeight; UINT xGranularity; UINT yGranularity; DWORD rc;
// Calculate the supplied rectangle size (it is in EXCLUSIVE coords).
rectWidth = (DWORD)(lpRect->right - lpRect->left); rectHeight = (DWORD)(lpRect->bottom - lpRect->top);
xGranularity = g_ssiLocalSSBState.xGranularity; yGranularity = g_ssiLocalSSBState.yGranularity;
rc = (DWORD)((rectWidth + (xGranularity-1))/xGranularity * xGranularity) * (DWORD)((rectHeight + (yGranularity-1))/yGranularity * yGranularity);
// Return the pels required in the remote SaveBits bitmap to handle
// this rectangle, taking account of its granularity.
DebugExitDWORD(SSIRemotePelsRequired, rc); return(rc); }
// FUNCTION: SSISetNewCapabilities
// Set the new SSI related capabilities
// pDataIn - pointer to the input buffer
void SSISetNewCapabilities(LPSSI_NEW_CAPABILITIES pCapabilities) { DebugEntry(SSISetNewCapabilities);
// Copy the data from the Share Core.
g_ssiSaveBitmapSize = pCapabilities->sendSaveBitmapSize;
g_ssiLocalSSBState.xGranularity = pCapabilities->xGranularity;
g_ssiLocalSSBState.yGranularity = pCapabilities->yGranularity;
TRACE_OUT(( "SSI caps: Size %ld X gran %hd Y gran %hd", g_ssiSaveBitmapSize, g_ssiLocalSSBState.xGranularity, g_ssiLocalSSBState.yGranularity));
DebugExitVOID(SSISetNewCapabilities); }