#include "precomp.h"
// Hosting, local and remote
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
// HET_Init()
// Initialization for hosting
// * window tracking
// * capabilities
// * host UI
BOOL HET_Init(void) { BOOL rc = FALSE; int property; UINT i; LOGFONT lf;
// Initialize T.128 capabilities, whether we can host or not.
ZeroMemory(&g_cpcLocalCaps, sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps)); g_cpcLocalCaps.header.numCapabilities = PROTCAPS_COUNT;
// Check for compression setting (useful to debug protocol)
// You can set CT_PKZIP (1) or none (0) instead of persistent PKZIP,
// which is the default.
g_cpcLocalCaps.general.header.capID = CAPS_ID_GENERAL; g_cpcLocalCaps.general.header.capSize = sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps.general);
COM_ReadProfInt(DBG_INI_SECTION_NAME, GDC_INI_COMPRESSION, GCT_DEFAULT, &property); g_cpcLocalCaps.general.genCompressionType = (TSHR_UINT16)property; g_cpcLocalCaps.general.genCompressionLevel = CAPS_GEN_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_1;
g_cpcLocalCaps.general.OS = CAPS_WINDOWS; g_cpcLocalCaps.general.OSVersion = (g_asWin95 ? CAPS_WINDOWS_95 : CAPS_WINDOWS_NT);
g_cpcLocalCaps.general.typeFlags = 0; if (g_asOptions & AS_SERVICE) { g_cpcLocalCaps.general.typeFlags |= AS_SERVICE; } if (g_asOptions & AS_UNATTENDED) { g_cpcLocalCaps.general.typeFlags |= AS_UNATTENDED; }
g_cpcLocalCaps.general.version = CAPS_VERSION_CURRENT; g_cpcLocalCaps.general.supportsDOS6Compression = CAPS_UNSUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.general.supportsCapsUpdate = CAPS_SUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.general.supportsRemoteUnshare = CAPS_UNSUPPORTED;
g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.header.capID = CAPS_ID_SCREEN; g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.header.capSize = sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps.screen); g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsSupports1BPP = CAPS_UNSUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsSupports4BPP = CAPS_SUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsSupports8BPP = CAPS_SUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsSupports24BPP = CAPS_SUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsScreenWidth = (TSHR_UINT16)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsScreenHeight = (TSHR_UINT16)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsSupportsDesktopResize = CAPS_SUPPORTED; //
// Set up the V1 and/or V2 Bitmap Compression capabilities. For the
// V2.0 protocol, both are supported by default (supporting V1
// compression allows for negotiation down to V1 protocol systems), but
// can be overidden in the INI file.
g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsSupportsV1Compression = CAPS_UNSUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsSupportsV2Compression = CAPS_SUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.screen.capsBPP = (TSHR_UINT16)g_usrScreenBPP;
g_cpcLocalCaps.share.header.capID = CAPS_ID_SC; g_cpcLocalCaps.share.header.capSize = sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps.share); g_cpcLocalCaps.share.gccID = 0;
g_cpcLocalCaps.cursor.header.capID = CAPS_ID_CM; g_cpcLocalCaps.cursor.header.capSize = sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps.cursor); g_cpcLocalCaps.cursor.capsSupportsColorCursors = CAPS_SUPPORTED; g_cpcLocalCaps.cursor.capsCursorCacheSize = TSHR_CM_CACHE_ENTRIES;
g_cpcLocalCaps.palette.header.capID = CAPS_ID_PM; g_cpcLocalCaps.palette.header.capSize = sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps.palette); g_cpcLocalCaps.palette.capsColorTableCacheSize = TSHR_PM_CACHE_ENTRIES;
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.header.capID = CAPS_ID_BITMAPCACHE; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.header.capSize = sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps);
// The cache is now more in line with what the display driver is doing.
// The memory size for medium/large is the same. But large bitmaps are
// 4x bigger, so there are 1/4 as many. The # of small bitmaps is the
// same as the # of medium bitmaps. Since small bitmaps are 1/4 the
// size, only 1/4 as much memory is used.
if (g_sbcEnabled) { UINT maxSendBPP;
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsSmallCacheNumEntries = (TSHR_UINT16)g_asbcShuntBuffers[SBC_MEDIUM_TILE_INDEX]->numEntries;
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsMediumCacheNumEntries = (TSHR_UINT16)g_asbcShuntBuffers[SBC_MEDIUM_TILE_INDEX]->numEntries;
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsLargeCacheNumEntries = (TSHR_UINT16)g_asbcShuntBuffers[SBC_LARGE_TILE_INDEX]->numEntries;
if (g_usrScreenBPP >= 24) { maxSendBPP = 24; } else { maxSendBPP = 8; }
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsSmallCacheCellSize = MP_CACHE_CELLSIZE(MP_SMALL_TILE_WIDTH, MP_SMALL_TILE_WIDTH, maxSendBPP);
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsMediumCacheCellSize = MP_CACHE_CELLSIZE(MP_MEDIUM_TILE_WIDTH, MP_MEDIUM_TILE_HEIGHT, maxSendBPP);
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsLargeCacheCellSize = MP_CACHE_CELLSIZE(MP_LARGE_TILE_WIDTH, MP_LARGE_TILE_HEIGHT, maxSendBPP); } else { //
// We can't use sizes of zero, 2.x nodes will fail if we do. But
// we can use a tiny number so they don't allocate huge hunks of
// memory for no reason. And 3.0 will treat '1' like '0'.
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsSmallCacheNumEntries = 1; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsSmallCacheCellSize = 1; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsMediumCacheNumEntries = 1; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsMediumCacheCellSize = 1; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsLargeCacheNumEntries = 1; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsLargeCacheCellSize = 1; }
TRACE_OUT(("SBC small cache: %d entries, size %d", g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsSmallCacheNumEntries, g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsSmallCacheCellSize));
TRACE_OUT(("SBC medium cache: %d entries, size %d", g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsMediumCacheNumEntries, g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsMediumCacheCellSize));
TRACE_OUT(("SBC large cache: %d entries, size %d", g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsLargeCacheNumEntries, g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.sender.capsLargeCacheCellSize));
// RECEIVE caps are obsolete with 3.0; receivers simply look at the
// sender's attributes. So just fill in the MAX possible. 2.x remotes
// will take the min of themselves and everybody else's receiver caps.
g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.receiver.capsSmallCacheNumEntries = 0x7FFF; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.receiver.capsSmallCacheCellSize = 0x7FFF; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.receiver.capsMediumCacheNumEntries = 0x7FFF; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.receiver.capsMediumCacheCellSize = 0x7FFF; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.receiver.capsLargeCacheNumEntries = 0x7FFF; g_cpcLocalCaps.bitmaps.receiver.capsLargeCacheCellSize = 0x7FFF;
g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.header.capID = CAPS_ID_ORDERS; g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.header.capSize = sizeof(g_cpcLocalCaps.orders);
// Fill in the SaveBitmap capabilities.
g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsSaveBitmapSize = TSHR_SSI_BITMAP_SIZE; g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsSaveBitmapXGranularity = TSHR_SSI_BITMAP_X_GRANULARITY; g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsSaveBitmapYGranularity = TSHR_SSI_BITMAP_Y_GRANULARITY;
g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsSendSaveBitmapSize = g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsSaveBitmapSize; g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsReceiveSaveBitmapSize = g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsSaveBitmapSize;
// We support
// * R20 Signatures (cell heights, better matching)
// * Aspect matching
// * Charset/code page matching
// * Baseline text orders
// * Em Heights
// * DeltaX arrays for simulation if font not on remote
// Baseline text orders not yet supported in Win95. But that's OK,
// we don't mark any orders we generate on that platform with
// NF_BASELINE, so they aren't treated as such.
// Fill in which orders we support.
for (i = 0; i < ORD_NUM_LEVEL_1_ORDERS; i++) { //
// Order indices for desktop-scrolling and memblt variants are not
// to be negotiated by this mechanism... these currently consume
// 3 order indices which must be excluded from this negotiation.
if ( (i == ORD_RESERVED_INDEX ) || (i == ORD_MEMBLT_R2_INDEX ) || (i == ORD_UNUSED_INDEX ) || (i == ORD_MEM3BLT_R2_INDEX) ) { continue; }
g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsOrders[i] = ORD_LEVEL_1_ORDERS; }
g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsMaxOrderlevel = ORD_LEVEL_1_ORDERS;
// Fill in encoding capabilities
// Keep the "encoding disabled" option, it's handy for using our
// protocol analyzer
COM_ReadProfInt(DBG_INI_SECTION_NAME, OE2_INI_2NDORDERENCODING, CAPS_ENCODING_DEFAULT, &property); g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsEncodingLevel = (TSHR_UINT16)property;
g_cpcLocalCaps.orders.capsfSendScroll = FALSE;
// Get the app and desktop icons, big and small
g_hetASIcon = LoadIcon(g_asInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SHAREICON)); if (!g_hetASIcon) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_Init: Failed to load app icon")); DC_QUIT; }
g_hetDeskIcon = LoadIcon(g_asInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DESKTOPICON)); if (!g_hetDeskIcon) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_Init: failed to load desktop icon")); DC_QUIT; }
// Get the small icon, created, that we paint on the window bar items
g_hetASIconSmall = (HICON)LoadImage(g_asInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SHAREICON), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); if (!g_hetASIconSmall) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_Init: Failed to load app small icon")); DC_QUIT; }
g_hetDeskIconSmall = (HICON)LoadImage(g_asInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_DESKTOPICON), IMAGE_ICON, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); if (!g_hetDeskIconSmall) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_Init: Failed to load desktop small icon")); DC_QUIT; }
// Get the checkmark image
g_hetCheckBitmap = LoadBitmap(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(OBM_CHECK)); if (!g_hetCheckBitmap) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_Init: Failed to load checkmark bitmap")); DC_QUIT; }
// Create a bolded font for shared items in the host list
GetObject(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof(lf), &lf); lf.lfWeight += FW_LIGHT; g_hetSharedFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); if (!g_hetSharedFont) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_Init: Failed to create shared item font")); DC_QUIT; }
if (g_asCanHost && !(g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_NOSHARING)) { HET_Clear();
// Create the host UI dialog.
ASSERT(!g_asSession.hwndHostUI); ASSERT(!g_asSession.fHostUI); ASSERT(!g_asSession.fHostUIFrozen); g_asSession.hwndHostUI = CreateDialogParam(g_asInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_HOSTUI), NULL, HostDlgProc, 0); if (!g_asSession.hwndHostUI) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to create hosting UI dialog")); DC_QUIT; } }
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(HET_Init, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_Term()
// Cleanup hosting objects
void HET_Term(void) { DebugEntry(HET_Term);
if (g_asSession.hwndHostUI) { DestroyWindow(g_asSession.hwndHostUI); g_asSession.hwndHostUI = NULL; } g_asSession.fHostUIFrozen = FALSE; g_asSession.fHostUI = FALSE;
if (g_hetSharedFont != NULL) { DeleteFont(g_hetSharedFont); g_hetSharedFont = NULL; }
if (g_hetCheckBitmap != NULL) { DeleteBitmap(g_hetCheckBitmap); g_hetCheckBitmap = NULL; }
if (g_hetDeskIconSmall != NULL) { DestroyIcon(g_hetDeskIconSmall); g_hetDeskIconSmall = NULL; }
if (g_hetDeskIcon != NULL) { DestroyIcon(g_hetDeskIcon); g_hetDeskIcon = NULL; }
if (g_hetASIconSmall != NULL) { DestroyIcon(g_hetASIconSmall); g_hetASIconSmall = NULL; }
if (g_hetASIcon != NULL) { DestroyIcon(g_hetASIcon); g_hetASIcon = NULL; }
DebugExitVOID(HET_Term); }
// HET_IsShellThread()
// Returns TRUE if thread is one of shell's special threads
BOOL HET_IsShellThread(DWORD threadID) { BOOL rc;
if ((threadID == GetWindowThreadProcessId(HET_GetShellDesktop(), NULL)) || (threadID == GetWindowThreadProcessId(HET_GetShellTray(), NULL))) { rc = TRUE; } else { rc = FALSE; }
DebugExitBOOL(HET_IsShellThread, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_IsShellWindow()
// Returns TRUE if window is in same thread as tray or desktop
BOOL HET_IsShellWindow(HWND hwnd) { BOOL rc; DWORD threadID;
threadID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, NULL);
rc = HET_IsShellThread(threadID);
DebugExitBOOL(HET_IsShellWindow, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_ShareApp()
// This shares an app. We have 3 types of sharing, only two
// of which are supported currently:
// (1) By process (normal)
// (2) By thread (ConsoleNT or possibly Explorer)
// (3) By window <??>
// For the first two types, we enumerate all top level windows and share
// them also.
void ASShare::HET_ShareApp ( WPARAM uType, LPARAM dwID ) { HET_SHARE_INFO si;
// If we're sharing the desktop, ignore this.
if (m_pasLocal->hetCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED) { WARNING_OUT(("Can't share app; already sharing desktop")); DC_QUIT; }
si.cWnds = 0; si.uType = (UINT)uType; si.dwID = (DWORD)dwID;
// We need to get setup for sharing if we aren't hosting.
if (m_pasLocal->hetCount == 0) { if (!HETStartHosting(FALSE)) { ERROR_OUT(("Can't start sharing")); DC_QUIT; } }
if (uType == IAS_SHARE_BYWINDOW) { HETShareCallback((HWND)dwID, (LPARAM)&si); } else { EnumWindows(HETShareCallback, (LPARAM)&si); }
if (!si.cWnds) { //
// Nothing happened. We couldn't find any top level windows.
if (m_pasLocal->hetCount == 0) { HETStopHosting(FALSE); } } else { HETUpdateLocalCount(m_pasLocal->hetCount + si.cWnds); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(HET_ShareApp); }
// HETShareCallback()
// This is the enumerator callback from HETShareApp(). We look for windows
// matching the thread/process.
BOOL CALLBACK HETShareCallback ( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam ) { LPHET_SHARE_INFO lpsi = (LPHET_SHARE_INFO)lParam; DWORD idProcess; DWORD idThread; UINT hostType; char szClass[HET_CLASS_NAME_SIZE];
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(lpsi, sizeof(HET_SHARE_INFO)));
// Does this window match?
idThread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &idProcess);
// NOTE: If the window is bogus now, dwThread/dwProcess will be zero,
// and will not match the ones passed in.
if (lpsi->uType == IAS_SHARE_BYPROCESS) { if (idProcess != lpsi->dwID) { DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("Found window 0x%08x on process 0x%08x", hwnd, idProcess)); } else if (lpsi->uType == IAS_SHARE_BYTHREAD) { if (idThread != lpsi->dwID) { DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("Found window 0x%08x on thread 0x%08x", hwnd, idThread)); }
// Always skip special shell thread windows (the tray, the desktop, etc.)
if (HET_IsShellThread(idThread)) { TRACE_OUT(("Skipping shell threads")); DC_QUIT; }
// Always skip menus and system tooltips, those are temporarily shared
// when shown then unshared when hidden. That's because USER creates
// global windows that move threads/processes as needed to use them.
// New menus being created are different, those never change task and
// are treating like other windows in a shared app.
if (!GetClassName(hwnd, szClass, sizeof(szClass))) { TRACE_OUT(("Can't get class name for window 0x%08x", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; } if (!lstrcmp(szClass, HET_MENU_CLASS)) { TRACE_OUT(("Skipping menu popup window 0x%08x", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; } if (!lstrcmp(szClass, HET_TOOLTIPS98_CLASS) || !lstrcmp(szClass, HET_TOOLTIPSNT5_CLASS)) { TRACE_OUT(("Skipping system tooltip %08lx", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; }
if (HET_GetHosting(hwnd)) { WARNING_OUT(("Window %08lx already shared", hwnd)); DC_QUIT; }
if (lpsi->uType == IAS_SHARE_BYPROCESS) { hostType |= HET_HOSTED_BYPROCESS; } else if (lpsi->uType == IAS_SHARE_BYTHREAD) { hostType |= HET_HOSTED_BYTHREAD; } else if (lpsi->uType == IAS_SHARE_BYWINDOW) { hostType |= HET_HOSTED_BYWINDOW; }
// See if we can share it. This returns TRUE if success.
if (OSI_ShareWindow(hwnd, hostType, TRUE, FALSE)) { lpsi->cWnds++; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(HET_ShareCallback, TRUE); return(TRUE); }
// HET_UnshareApp()
// This unshares an app. We have 3 types of sharing, only two
// of which are supported currently:
// (1) By process (normal)
// (2) By thread (ConsoleNT or possibly Explorer)
// (3) By window (temporary)
// For the first two types, we enumerate all top level windows and share
// them also.
void ASShare::HET_UnshareApp ( WPARAM uType, LPARAM dwID ) { HET_SHARE_INFO si;
// If we aren't sharing apps (not sharing anything or sharing the
// dekstop), ignore this.
if ((m_pasLocal->hetCount == 0) || (m_pasLocal->hetCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED)) { WARNING_OUT(("Can't unshare app; not sharing any")); DC_QUIT; }
si.cWnds = 0; si.uType = (UINT)uType; si.dwID = (DWORD)dwID;
if (uType == IAS_SHARE_BYWINDOW) { //
// No enumeration, just this window.
HETUnshareCallback((HWND)dwID, (LPARAM)&si); } else { //
// Stop sharing all windows in it.
EnumWindows(HETUnshareCallback, (LPARAM)&si); }
if (si.cWnds) { HETUpdateLocalCount(m_pasLocal->hetCount - si.cWnds); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_UnshareApp); }
// HETUnshareCallback()
// This is the enumerator callback from HET_UnshareApp(). We look for windows
// matching the thread/process. In this case, we don't care about menus
// or explorer windows, since we assume that, from the time we shared and it
// was set up properly, the window/task tracking code did the right thing.
// If not, we'll wipe it out here anyway.
BOOL CALLBACK HETUnshareCallback ( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam ) { LPHET_SHARE_INFO lpsi = (LPHET_SHARE_INFO)lParam; DWORD dwProcess; DWORD dwThread;
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(lpsi, sizeof(HET_SHARE_INFO)));
// Does this window match? If by window, always.
if (lpsi->uType != IAS_SHARE_BYWINDOW) { dwThread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwProcess);
// NOTE: If the window is bogus now, dwThread/dwProcess will be zero,
// and will not match the ones passed in.
if (lpsi->uType == IAS_SHARE_BYPROCESS) { if (dwProcess != lpsi->dwID) { DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("Found window 0x%08x on process 0x%08x", hwnd, dwProcess)); } else if (lpsi->uType == IAS_SHARE_BYTHREAD) { if (dwThread != lpsi->dwID) { DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("Found window 0x%08x on thread 0x%08x", hwnd, dwThread)); } }
// This returns TRUE if we unshared a shared window.
if (OSI_UnshareWindow(hwnd, FALSE)) { lpsi->cWnds++; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(HETUnshareCallback, TRUE); return(TRUE); }
// HET_ShareDesktop()
void ASShare::HET_ShareDesktop(void) { ASPerson * pasT;
// If we're sharing apps, ignore this.
if (m_pasLocal->hetCount != 0) { WARNING_OUT(("Ignoring share desktop request, sharing apps")); DC_QUIT; }
TRACE_OUT(("HET_ShareDesktop: starting share"));
if (!HETStartHosting(TRUE)) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_ShareDesktop cannot start sharing desktop")); DC_QUIT; }
// Update the count of hosted entities (ie user-hosted windows)
// Get the desktop(s) repainted if anybody's viewing it.
ASSERT(m_pHost); m_pHost->HET_RepaintAll();
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_ShareDesktop); }
// HET_UnshareAll()
// Unshares everything including the desktop. If we had been sharing
// apps before, we will unshare them all.
void ASShare::HET_UnshareAll(void) { DebugEntry(ASShare::HET_UnshareAll);
if (m_pasLocal->hetCount != 0) { HETUpdateLocalCount(0); }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_UnshareAll); }
// HET_PartyJoiningShare()
BOOL ASShare::HET_PartyJoiningShare(ASPerson * pasPerson) { BOOL rc = TRUE;
DebugExitBOOL(ASShare::HET_PartyJoiningShare, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_PartyLeftShare()
void ASShare::HET_PartyLeftShare(ASPerson * pasPerson) { DebugEntry(ASShare::HET_PartyLeftShare);
// This guy is leaving the share, cleanup if he was sharing.
if (pasPerson->hetCount != 0) { // This person is hosting
if (pasPerson == m_pasLocal) { HETUpdateLocalCount(0); } else { HETUpdateRemoteCount(pasPerson, 0); } }
// If we're hosting, stop viewing if this is the last person in the share.
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_PartyLeftShare); }
// HET_CalcViewers()
// If we or a remote is viewing our shared stuff, then we must accumulate
// graphic output. If not, don't other, but keep the app tracked as necessary.
// This is called when we start to host, when somebody joins, or somebody
// leaves the conference.
void ASShare::HET_CalcViewers(ASPerson * pasLeaving) { BOOL fViewers;
fViewers = FALSE;
if (m_pHost) { if (m_scfViewSelf) { fViewers = TRUE; } else if (!pasLeaving) { //
// Nobody is leaving, so just check if anybody else is in the
// share.
if (m_pasLocal->pasNext) { fViewers = TRUE; } } else if (pasLeaving->pasNext || (m_pasLocal->pasNext != pasLeaving)) { //
// Sombody is leaving.
// The person leaving isn't the only other one besides us in the
// share, since there are others after it or before it in the
// members linked list.
fViewers = TRUE; } }
if (fViewers != m_hetViewers) { HET_VIEWER viewer;
m_hetViewers = fViewers; viewer.viewersPresent = fViewers;
OSI_FunctionRequest(HET_ESC_VIEWER, (LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)&viewer, sizeof(viewer)); }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_CalcViewers); }
// HET_ReceivedPacket()
void ASShare::HET_ReceivedPacket ( ASPerson * pasPerson, PS20DATAPACKET pPacket ) { PHETPACKET pHETPacket;
pHETPacket = (PHETPACKET)pPacket;
switch (pHETPacket->msg) { case HET_MSG_NUMHOSTED: HETUpdateRemoteCount(pasPerson, pHETPacket->hostState); break;
default: ERROR_OUT(("Unknown HET packet type %u from [%d]", pHETPacket->msg, pasPerson->mcsID)); break; }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_ReceivedPacket); }
// HET_SyncCommon()
// Called when somebody joins a share, after it is fully joined. We repaint
// all shared windows and send the current hosted top-level count.
// Also called when sharing, and somebody joins later.
// NOTE that some of the resets don't do anything when are just starting to
// share. But all are quick and benign.
void ASHost::HET_SyncCommon(void) { OSI_ESCAPE_HEADER osi;
m_upfSyncTokenRequired = TRUE;
OE2_SyncOutgoing(); // To reset order encoding
OA_SyncOutgoing(); // To clear pending orders
SBC_SyncOutgoing(); // To clear bitmap cache
PM_SyncOutgoing(); // To clear palette cache
SSI_SyncOutgoing(); // To reset savebits orders
SWL_SyncOutgoing(); // To reset shared window list
AWC_SyncOutgoing(); // To send active window
CM_SyncOutgoing(); // To send cursor shape/pos
// Tell the driver we are syncing
OSI_FunctionRequest(OSI_ESC_SYNC_NOW, &osi, sizeof(osi));
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::HET_SyncCommon); }
// HET_SyncAlreadyHosting()
// Called in a sync when we are already hosting and somebody joins call
void ASHost::HET_SyncAlreadyHosting(void) { DebugEntry(ASHost::HET_SyncAlreadyHosting);
// Send out the current hosted count
m_pShare->m_hetRetrySendState = TRUE;
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::HET_SyncAlreadyHosting); }
// HET_RepaintAll()
// Repaints all shared stuff if there's at least two people in the share...
void ASHost::HET_RepaintAll(void) { DebugEntry(ASHost::HET_RepaintAll);
ASSERT(m_pShare); ASSERT(m_pShare->m_pasLocal); if (m_pShare->m_hetViewers) { //
// Only repaint if somebody's viewing
if (m_pShare->m_pasLocal->hetCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED) { // Desktop sharing, so repaint desktop(s)
USR_RepaintWindow(NULL); OSI_RepaintDesktop(); //special repaint for winlogon desktop
} else { // App sharing, so repaint shared apps
EnumWindows(HETRepaintWindow, (LPARAM)m_pShare); } }
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::HET_RepaintAll); }
// HET_Periodic()
void ASShare::HET_Periodic(void) { DebugEntry(ASShare::HET_Periodic);
if (m_hetRetrySendState) { TRACE_OUT(( "Retry sending hosted count")); HETSendLocalCount(); }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_Periodic); }
// HET_WindowIsHosted - see het.h
BOOL ASShare::HET_WindowIsHosted(HWND hwnd) { BOOL rc = FALSE; HWND hwndParent;
// Desktop sharing: everything is shared
if (m_pasLocal->hetCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED) { rc = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
if (!hwnd) { TRACE_OUT(("NULL window passed to HET_WindowIsHosted")); DC_QUIT; }
// Walk up to the top level window this one is part of
while (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); if (hwndParent == GetDesktopWindow()) break;
hwnd = hwndParent; }
rc = (BOOL)HET_GetHosting(hwnd);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(ASShare::HET_WindowIsHosted, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_HandleNewTopLevel()
// Called when a shared top level window is shown or hidden. We update
// our local top level count.
void ASShare::HET_HandleNewTopLevel(BOOL fShown) { DebugEntry(ASShare::HET_HandleNewTopLevel);
// If we aren't sharing any apps (not sharing at all or sharing the
// desktop), ignore this.
if ((m_pasLocal->hetCount == 0) || (m_pasLocal->hetCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED)) { WARNING_OUT(("Ignoring new hosted notification; count is 0x%04x", m_pasLocal->hetCount)); DC_QUIT; }
if (fShown) HETUpdateLocalCount(m_pasLocal->hetCount + 1); else HETUpdateLocalCount(m_pasLocal->hetCount - 1);
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_HandleNewTopLevel); }
// HET_HandleRecountTopLevel()
// Called when a massive change in the top level visible count occurs, so
// that we can just set the new total at once, rather than handle
// individual inc/dec messages.
void ASShare::HET_HandleRecountTopLevel(UINT uNewCount) { DebugEntry(ASShare::HET_HandleRecountTopLevel);
// If we aren't sharing any apps (not sharing at all or sharing the
// desktop), ignore this.
if ((m_pasLocal->hetCount == 0) || (m_pasLocal->hetCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED)) { WARNING_OUT(("Ignoring new hosted notification; count is 0x%04x", m_pasLocal->hetCount)); DC_QUIT; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_HandleRecountTopLevel); }
// HETStartHosting()
// Called when we are about to begin sharing windows. fDesktop is TRUE if
// we are sharing the entire desktop, FALSE if just individual windows.
BOOL ASShare::HETStartHosting(BOOL fDesktop) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Create the hosting object
m_pHost = new ASHost; if (!m_pHost) { ERROR_OUT(("HETStartHosting: couldn't create m_pHost")); DC_QUIT; }
ZeroMemory(m_pHost, sizeof(*(m_pHost))); SET_STAMP(m_pHost, HOST);
// Init hosting
if (!m_pHost->HET_HostStarting(this)) { ERROR_OUT(("Failed to init hosting for local person")); DC_QUIT; }
// Start tracking graphics/windows
if (fDesktop) { HET_SHARE_DESKTOP hdr;
// Shortcut directly to display driver. No need to track windows
// since everything will be shared.
if (!OSI_FunctionRequest(HET_ESC_SHARE_DESKTOP, (LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)&hdr, sizeof(hdr))) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_ESC_SHARE_DESKTOP failed")); DC_QUIT; } } else { //
// Start tracking windows.
if (!OSI_StartWindowTracking()) { ERROR_OUT(( "Failed to install window tracking hooks")); DC_QUIT; } }
if (m_scfViewSelf && !HET_ViewStarting(m_pasLocal)) { ERROR_OUT(("ViewSelf option is on, but can't create ASView data")); DC_QUIT; }
rc = TRUE;
// Return to caller
DebugExitBOOL(ASShare::HETStartHosting, rc); return(rc); }
// Name: HETStopHosting
// Description: Called when the last hosted window is unshared
// ALWAYS CALL THIS AFTER the "hethostedTopLevel" count is 0.
// Params: none
void ASShare::HETStopHosting(BOOL fDesktop) { DebugEntry(ASShare::HETStopHosting);
m_hetViewers = FALSE;
// Stop tracking graphics/windows. This will stop viewing, then uninstall
// hooks.
if (fDesktop) { HET_UNSHARE_DESKTOP hdr;
// There is no window tracking, just shortcut directly to the
// display driver.
OSI_FunctionRequest(HET_ESC_UNSHARE_DESKTOP, (LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)&hdr, sizeof(hdr)); } else { //
// Unshare any remaining shared windows
HET_Clear(); OSI_StopWindowTracking(); }
// Tell areas we are finished hosting
if (m_pHost) { //
// If we're viewing ourself, kill the view first
if (m_scfViewSelf) { HET_ViewEnded(m_pasLocal); }
// Delete host object
delete m_pHost; m_pHost = NULL; }
// Return to caller
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HETStopHosting); }
// HETSendLocalCount()
// This sends the hosting count to remotes.
// * If zero, we are not sharing
// * If one, we are sharing apps
// * If 0xFFFF, we are sharing desktop
// Note that we used to send the real count of top level windows, so every
// time a new window came or went, we would broadcast a packet. But
// remotes only care when the value goes from zero to non-zero or back,
// and when non-zero if it's the special desktop value or not. So don't
// repeatedly broadcast values remotes don't care about!
void ASShare::HETSendLocalCount(void) {
UINT sentSize; #endif // _DEBUG
// Allocate a packet for the HET data.
pHETPacket = (PHETPACKET)SC_AllocPkt(PROT_STR_MISC, g_s20BroadcastID, sizeof(HETPACKET)); if (!pHETPacket) { WARNING_OUT(("Failed to alloc HET host packet")); m_hetRetrySendState = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
// Packet successfully allocated. Fill in the data and send it.
pHETPacket->header.data.dataType = DT_HET; pHETPacket->msg = HET_MSG_NUMHOSTED;
switch (m_pasLocal->hetCount) { case 0: // Not hosting
pHETPacket->hostState = HET_NOTHOSTING; break;
case HET_DESKTOPSHARED: // Sharing desktop - 3.0 only
pHETPacket->header.data.dataType = DT_HET30; pHETPacket->hostState = HET_DESKTOPSHARED; break;
default: // Sharing apps
pHETPacket->hostState = HET_APPSSHARED; break; }
// Compress and send the packet.
#ifdef _DEBUG
sentSize = #endif // _DEBUG
DCS_CompressAndSendPacket(PROT_STR_MISC, g_s20BroadcastID, &(pHETPacket->header), sizeof(*pHETPacket));
TRACE_OUT(("HET packet size: %08d, sent %08d", sizeof(*pHETPacket), sentSize));
TRACE_OUT(("Sent new HET packet (%d)", m_pasLocal->hetCount)); m_hetRetrySendState = FALSE;
// Return to caller
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HETSendLocalCount); }
// HETUpdateLocalCount()
void ASShare::HETUpdateLocalCount(UINT newCount) { UINT oldCount;
oldCount = m_pasLocal->hetCount; m_pasLocal->hetCount = newCount;
if ((oldCount == 0) && (newCount != 0)) { SendMessage(g_asSession.hwndHostUI, HOST_MSG_HOSTSTART, 0, 0);
// Don't bother sending net packets if nobody is viewing
if (m_hetViewers) { HETSendLocalCount(); }
HETCheckSharing(TRUE); } else if ((oldCount != 0) && (newCount == 0)) { if (m_hetViewers) { //
// Ending host, desktop or apps
HETSendLocalCount(); }
// The local guy is stopping sharing.
HETStopHosting(oldCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED);
ASSERT(IsWindow(g_asSession.hwndHostUI)); SendMessage(g_asSession.hwndHostUI, HOST_MSG_HOSTEND, 0, 0);
HETCheckSharing(FALSE); }
ASSERT(IsWindow(g_asSession.hwndHostUI)); SendMessage(g_asSession.hwndHostUI, HOST_MSG_UPDATELIST, 0, 0);
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HETUpdateLocalCount); }
// HETUpdateRemoteCount()
// Updates the count of shared top level windows from a remote, and notifies
// the UI on transition from/to zero if a remote. If local, kills the share.
void ASShare::HETUpdateRemoteCount ( ASPerson * pasPerson, UINT newCount ) { UINT oldCount;
ValidatePerson(pasPerson); ASSERT(pasPerson != m_pasLocal);
oldCount = pasPerson->hetCount; pasPerson->hetCount = newCount;
TRACE_OUT(("HETUpdateRemoteCount: Person [%d] old %d, new %d", pasPerson->mcsID, oldCount, newCount));
// We generate events for remote people if
// * They were sharing but now they aren't
// * There weren't sharing but now they are
if ((oldCount == 0) && (newCount != 0)) { //
// The remote dude started to share
if (!HET_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("HET_ViewStarting failed; pretending remote not sharing"));
pasPerson->hetCount = 0; HET_ViewEnded(pasPerson); } else { HETCheckSharing(TRUE); } } else if ((oldCount != 0) && (newCount == 0)) { //
// The remote dude stopped sharing. Notify the UI also.
HET_ViewEnded(pasPerson); HETCheckSharing(FALSE); }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HETUpdateRemoteCount); }
// HETCheckSharing()
// Called when any member of the conference (local or remote) transitions
// to/from sharing. When the first person has shared something, we notify
// the UI. When the last person has stopped sharing, we kill the share which
// will notify the UI.
void ASShare::HETCheckSharing(BOOL fStarting) { DebugEntry(ASShare::HETCheckSharing);
if (fStarting) { ++m_hetHostCount; if (m_hetHostCount == 1) { // First host started
TRACE_OUT(("First person started hosting")); DCS_NotifyUI(SH_EVT_SHARING_STARTED, 0, 0); } } else { ASSERT(m_hetHostCount > 0); --m_hetHostCount; if (m_hetHostCount == 0) { //
// Last host stopped sharing -- end share if we're not cleaning
// up after the fact. But don't do it NOW, post a message.
// We may have come in here because the share is ending already.
PostMessage(g_asMainWindow, DCS_KILLSHARE_MSG, 0, 0); } }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HETCheckSharing); }
// HET_HostStarting()
// Called when we start to host applications. This creates our host data
// then calls the component HostStarting() routines
BOOL ASHost::HET_HostStarting(ASShare * pShare) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Set back pointer to share
m_pShare = pShare;
// Turn effects off
HET_SetGUIEffects(FALSE, &m_hetEffects); OSI_SetGUIEffects(FALSE);
// Now call HostStarting() routines
if (!USR_HostStarting()) { ERROR_OUT(("USR_HostStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!OE2_HostStarting()) { ERROR_OUT(("OE2_HostStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!SBC_HostStarting()) { ERROR_OUT(("SBC_HostStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!CM_HostStarting()) { ERROR_OUT(("CM_HostStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!SSI_HostStarting()) { ERROR_OUT(("SSI_HostStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!PM_HostStarting()) { ERROR_OUT(("PM_HostStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!SWL_HostStarting()) { ERROR_OUT(("SWL_HostStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!VIEW_HostStarting()) { ERROR_OUT(("VIEW_HostStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
// Now reset OUTGOING info. 2.x nodes do not; that's why we have to
// hang on to RBC, OD2, CM, PM data for them. When 2.x compat is gone,
// we can move ASPerson data in to ASView, which is only around while
// the person is in fact hosting.
// Reset OUTGOING data.
// Note corresponding cleanup for 3.0 nodes
// in CM, OD2, RBC, and PM.
// Note that we don't need to reset SSI incoming goop, since we will
// clear all pending orders and are invalidating everything shared
// from scratch. There will be no reference to a previous savebits.
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(ASHost::HET_HostStarting, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_HostEnded()
// Called when we stop hosting applications.
void ASHost::HET_HostEnded(void) { DebugEntry(ASHost::HET_HostEnded);
// Call HostEnded() routines
CA_HostEnded(); SWL_HostEnded();
PM_HostEnded(); CM_HostEnded(); SBC_HostEnded();
OE2_HostEnded(); USR_HostEnded();
// Restore windows animation.
HET_SetGUIEffects(TRUE, &m_hetEffects); OSI_SetGUIEffects(TRUE);
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::HET_HostEnded); }
// HET_ViewStarting()
// Called to create the data needed to view somebody who is hosting.
BOOL ASShare::HET_ViewStarting(ASPerson * pasPerson) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Create ASView object
// Allocate VIEW structure
pasPerson->m_pView = new ASView; if (!pasPerson->m_pView) { // Abject, total, failure.
ERROR_OUT(("HET_ViewStarting: Couldn't allocate ASView for [%d]", pasPerson->mcsID)); DC_QUIT; }
ZeroMemory(pasPerson->m_pView, sizeof(*(pasPerson->m_pView))); SET_STAMP(pasPerson->m_pView, VIEW);
// Now call ViewStarting routines
if (!USR_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("USR_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!OD2_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("OD2_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!OD_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("OD_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!RBC_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("RBC_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!CM_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("CM_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!SSI_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("SSI_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!PM_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("PM_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!VIEW_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("VIEW_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!CA_ViewStarting(pasPerson)) { ERROR_OUT(("CA_ViewStarting failed")); DC_QUIT; }
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(ASShare::HET_ViewStarting, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_ViewEnded()
// Called when we stop viewing a host
void ASShare::HET_ViewEnded(ASPerson * pasPerson) { DebugEntry(ASShare::HET_ViewEnded);
if (pasPerson->m_pView) { //
// Call the component ViewEnded routines
CA_ViewEnded(pasPerson); VIEW_ViewEnded(pasPerson);
PM_ViewEnded(pasPerson); SSI_ViewEnded(pasPerson); CM_ViewEnded(pasPerson);
RBC_ViewEnded(pasPerson); OD_ViewEnded(pasPerson); OD2_ViewEnded(pasPerson); USR_ViewEnded(pasPerson);
delete pasPerson->m_pView; pasPerson->m_pView = NULL; }
DebugExitVOID(ASShare::HET_ViewEnded); }
// HETUnshareAllWindows()
// EnumWindows() callback, to make sure when you exit a share on the local
// machine, we aren't left with any properties on top level windows.
BOOL CALLBACK HETUnshareAllWindows(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { DebugEntry(HETUnshareAllWindows);
DebugExitVOID(HETUnshareAllWindows); return(TRUE); }
// HET_Clear()
void HET_Clear(void) { HET_UNSHARE_ALL req;
// Quick DD communication to wipe out the track list
OSI_FunctionRequest(HET_ESC_UNSHARE_ALL, (LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)&req, sizeof(req));
// Enum all top level windows, and wipe out the property.
// if we can share.
EnumWindows(HETUnshareAllWindows, 0);
DebugExitVOID(HET_Clear); }
// HETRepaintWindow()
// EnumWindows() callback to repaint each window, happens when somebody
// joins a share
BOOL CALLBACK HETRepaintWindow(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { ASShare * pShare = (ASShare *)lParam;
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pShare, sizeof(*pShare)));
if (pShare->HET_WindowIsHosted(hwnd)) { USR_RepaintWindow(hwnd); } return(TRUE); }
// HET_SetGUIEffects
// Turns various animations off/on when we start/stop hosting, to improve
// performance. Currently, we mess with
// * min animation
// * all of the effects in SPI_SETUIEFFECTS (tooltip fade, menu animation,
// etc.)
// * cursor shadows
// We don't turn off smooth scroll or full drag.
void HET_SetGUIEffects ( BOOL fOn, GUIEFFECTS * pEffects ) { DebugEntry(HET_SetGUIEffects);
ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pEffects, sizeof(*pEffects)));
// NB. We deliberately do not track the state of animation whilst we
// are sharing. A determined user could, using some other app (such as
// the TweakUI control panel applet) reenable animation whilst in a
// share. We will respect this.
// We only affect the current 'in memory' setting - we do not write our
// temporary change to file.
if (fOn) { //
// If it was on before, restore it.
if (pEffects->hetAnimation.iMinAnimate) { pEffects->hetAnimation.cbSize = sizeof(pEffects->hetAnimation); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETANIMATION, sizeof(pEffects->hetAnimation), &pEffects->hetAnimation, 0); }
if (pEffects->hetAdvanced) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETUIEFFECTS, 0, (LPVOID)pEffects->hetAdvanced, 0); }
if (pEffects->hetCursorShadow) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETCURSORSHADOW, 0, (LPVOID)pEffects->hetCursorShadow, 0); } } else { //
// Find out what animations are on.
ZeroMemory(&pEffects->hetAnimation, sizeof(pEffects->hetAnimation)); pEffects->hetAnimation.cbSize = sizeof(pEffects->hetAnimation); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETANIMATION, sizeof(pEffects->hetAnimation), &pEffects->hetAnimation, 0);
pEffects->hetAdvanced = FALSE; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETUIEFFECTS, 0, &pEffects->hetAdvanced, 0);
pEffects->hetCursorShadow = FALSE; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCURSORSHADOW, 0, &pEffects->hetCursorShadow, 0);
// Turn off the animations which are on.
if (pEffects->hetAnimation.iMinAnimate) { //
// It's currently enabled, suppress it.
pEffects->hetAnimation.cbSize = sizeof(pEffects->hetAnimation); pEffects->hetAnimation.iMinAnimate = FALSE; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETANIMATION, sizeof(pEffects->hetAnimation), &pEffects->hetAnimation, 0);
// SPI will wipe this out. Keep it set so we know to restore it.
pEffects->hetAnimation.iMinAnimate = TRUE; }
if (pEffects->hetAdvanced) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETUIEFFECTS, 0, FALSE, 0); }
if (pEffects->hetCursorShadow) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETCURSORSHADOW, 0, FALSE, 0); } }
DebugExitVOID(ASHost::HET_SetGUIEffects); }
// HET_GetAppsList()
// Gets the list of shareable applications, the ones currently shared and
// the ones available for sharing.
// This routine does NOT check if we're in a call. The interface from the
// UI for the SDK does. This allows us to show the task list, disabled,
// always in the share host UI.
BOOL HET_GetAppsList(IAS_HWND_ARRAY ** ppArray) { BOOL rc = FALSE; HOSTENUM hostEnum;
ASSERT(ppArray != NULL); *ppArray = NULL;
// Generate a list of shareable apps
// This does NOT include the desktop.
::COM_BasedListInit(&hostEnum.list); hostEnum.count = 0; hostEnum.countShared = 0;
::EnumWindows(HostEnumProc, (LPARAM)&hostEnum);
// If there's nothing left in the list, but we know something is
// shared, it means there's a hidden/weird window the user can't
// see. Fake a catchall entry.
if (hostEnum.countShared && !hostEnum.count) { ::COM_SimpleListAppend(&hostEnum.list, HWND_BROADCAST); hostEnum.count++; }
*ppArray = (IAS_HWND_ARRAY *)new BYTE[sizeof(IAS_HWND_ARRAY) + (hostEnum.count * sizeof(IAS_HWND))]; if (*ppArray != NULL) { (*ppArray)->cEntries = hostEnum.count; (*ppArray)->cShared = hostEnum.countShared;
IAS_HWND * pEntry; pEntry = (*ppArray)->aEntries; while (! ::COM_BasedListIsEmpty(&hostEnum.list)) { pEntry->hwnd = (HWND) ::COM_SimpleListRemoveHead(&hostEnum.list); pEntry->fShared = (pEntry->hwnd == HWND_BROADCAST) || (HET_IsWindowShared(pEntry->hwnd)); pEntry++; }
rc = TRUE; } else { WARNING_OUT(("HET_GetAppsList: can't allocate app array")); }
DebugExitBOOL(HET_GetAppsList, rc); return(rc); }
// HET_FreeAppsList()
void HET_FreeAppsList(IAS_HWND_ARRAY * pArray) { ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pArray, sizeof(*pArray)));
delete pArray; }
// HostEnumProc()
// EnumWindows callback. This makes the shared/shareable task list.
BOOL CALLBACK HostEnumProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { PHOSTENUM phostEnum = (PHOSTENUM)lParam;
// We are only interested in windows which:
// - are shareable
// - have no owner. This should remove all top level windows
// except task windows
// - are not the front end itself, which should not be shared
// - are visible
// - are not shadowed or already hosted
// We are also only interested in already hosted or shadowed apps, but
// since only ASMaster knows our SHP_HANDLE, we let it test for that
// afterwards, since then we can use SHP_GetWindowStatus().
if (HET_IsWindowShared(hwnd)) { phostEnum->countShared++;
HWND hwndOwner = ::GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER);
// Note that we also want to skip windows with no title. There's not
// much point is showing <Untitled Application> in the Share menu since
// nobody will have a clue what it is.
if ( HET_IsWindowShareable(hwnd) && ((NULL == hwndOwner) || !::IsWindowVisible(hwndOwner)) && ::IsWindowVisible(hwnd) && ::GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) ) { ::COM_SimpleListAppend((PBASEDLIST)(&((PHOSTENUM)phostEnum)->list), (void *) hwnd); phostEnum->count++; }
// Return TRUE for the enumeration to continue
return TRUE; }
// HET_IsWindowShared()
BOOL HET_IsWindowShared(HWND hwnd) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
if (g_asSession.pShare && g_asSession.pShare->m_pasLocal) { if (hwnd == GetDesktopWindow()) { rc = (g_asSession.pShare->m_pasLocal->hetCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED); } else if (hwnd == HWND_BROADCAST) { rc = (g_asSession.pShare->m_pasLocal->hetCount != 0); } else { rc = (HET_GetHosting(hwnd) != 0); } }
UT_Unlock(UTLOCK_AS); return(rc); }
// HET_IsWindowShareable()
BOOL HET_IsWindowShareable(HWND hwnd) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
if (HET_IsWindowShared(hwnd)) { // It's shared -- so it must be shareable (or was at the time)
rc = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
// Now check the window against share restrictions
// if this is the desktop, check it
if (hwnd == ::GetDesktopWindow()) { if (g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_NODESKTOPSHARE) { //
// Policy prevents desktop sharing
DC_QUIT; } } else { DWORD idProcess; char szClass[HET_CLASS_NAME_SIZE];
if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &idProcess) && (idProcess == GetCurrentProcessId())) { //
// We NEVER let you share windows in the caller's process
if (HET_IsShellWindow(hwnd)) { //
// We NEVER let you share the tray or the shell desktop
if ((g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_SHAREMASK) && GetClassName(hwnd, szClass, sizeof(szClass))) { //
// Check for CMD prompt
if (!lstrcmpi(szClass, HET_CMD95_CLASS) || !lstrcmpi(szClass, HET_CMDNT_CLASS)) { if (g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_NODOSBOXSHARE) { //
// Policy prevents cmd prompt sharing
DC_QUIT; } }
// Check for SHELL
if (!lstrcmpi(szClass, HET_EXPLORER_CLASS) || !lstrcmpi(szClass, HET_CABINET_CLASS)) { if (g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_NOEXPLORERSHARE) { //
// Policy prevents shell sharing
DC_QUIT; } } } }
// Finally! It's OK to share this.
rc = TRUE;
return(rc); }
// HostDlgProc()
// Handles the hosting UI dialog. This may or may not be visible. It can
// only actually share apps and change control state when in a call. But
// users may keep it up as a mini-taskman thing, so we need to dyanmically
// update its state.
INT_PTR CALLBACK HostDlgProc ( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { BOOL rc = TRUE;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { HOST_InitDialog(hwnd); rc = FALSE; break; }
case WM_DESTROY: { //
// Because NT4.x has bad WM_DELETEITEM bugs, we must clear out
// the listbox now, to avoid leaking the memory for the
// items.
SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); rc = FALSE; break; }
case WM_INITMENU: { if (IsIconic(hwnd)) { EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE), SC_RESTORE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE), SC_MINIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } else { EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE), SC_RESTORE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE), SC_MINIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); } break; }
case WM_SYSCOMMAND: { switch (wParam) { case CMD_TOPMOST: { if (GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOPMOST) { CheckMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE), CMD_TOPMOST, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_UNCHECKED);
SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } else { CheckMenuItem(GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE), CMD_TOPMOST, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED);
SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } break; }
default: { rc = FALSE; break; } }
break; }
case WM_COMMAND: { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDOK: if (::GetFocus() == GetDlgItem(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST)) { // Do same thing as double-click
HOST_ChangeShareState(hwnd, CHANGE_TOGGLE); break; } // FALL THROUGH
case IDCANCEL: SendMessage(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); break;
case CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST: { // Double-click/Enter means to toggle sharing
switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case LBN_SELCHANGE: { HOST_OnSelChange(hwnd); break; }
case LBN_DBLCLK: { HOST_ChangeShareState(hwnd, CHANGE_TOGGLE); break; } } break; }
case CTRL_SHARE_BTN: { HOST_ChangeShareState(hwnd, CHANGE_SHARED); break; }
case CTRL_UNSHARE_BTN: { HOST_ChangeShareState(hwnd, CHANGE_UNSHARED); break; }
case CTRL_UNSHAREALL_BTN: { HOST_ChangeShareState(hwnd, CHANGE_ALLUNSHARED); break; }
case CTRL_ALLOWCONTROL_BTN: { // Turn on allow state.
switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: { //
// CA_AllowControl() will send us a message back
// and cause us to change the button.
SendMessage(g_asMainWindow, DCS_ALLOWCONTROL_MSG, TRUE, 0); break; } } break; }
case CTRL_PREVENTCONTROL_BTN: { // Turn off allow state.
switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: { //
// CA_AllowControl() will send us a message back
// and cause us to change the button.
SendMessage(g_asMainWindow, DCS_ALLOWCONTROL_MSG, FALSE, 0); break; } } break; }
case CTRL_ENABLETRUECOLOR_CHECK: { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: { //
// This takes effect the next time something
// changes--somebody joins, somebody leaves,
// you stop/start hosting
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, CTRL_ENABLETRUECOLOR_CHECK)) { g_asSettings |= SHP_SETTING_TRUECOLOR; } else { g_asSettings &= ~SHP_SETTING_TRUECOLOR; } break; } } break; }
case CTRL_AUTOACCEPTCONTROL_CHECK: { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: { //
// This takes effect when the next control
// request comes in.
if (g_asSession.pShare && g_asSession.pShare->m_pHost) { g_asSession.pShare->m_pHost->m_caAutoAcceptRequests = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, CTRL_AUTOACCEPTCONTROL_CHECK) != 0); } break; } } break; }
case CTRL_TEMPREJECTCONTROL_CHECK: { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: { //
// This takes effect when the next control
// request comes in.
// This allows you to keep auto-accept on, but then
// temporarily do not disturb.
if (g_asSession.pShare && g_asSession.pShare->m_pHost) { g_asSession.pShare->m_pHost->m_caTempRejectRequests = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, CTRL_TEMPREJECTCONTROL_CHECK) != 0); } break; } } break; } } break; }
case WM_MEASUREITEM: { rc = HOST_MeasureItem(hwnd, (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam); break; }
case WM_DELETEITEM: { rc = HOST_DeleteItem(hwnd, (LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT)lParam); break; }
case WM_DRAWITEM: { rc = HOST_DrawItem(hwnd, (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam); break; }
case WM_TIMER: { if (wParam != IDT_REFRESH) { rc = FALSE; } else { ASSERT(IsWindowVisible(hwnd)); HOST_FillList(hwnd); } break; }
case WM_ACTIVATE: { //
// When activating, kill timer. When deactivating, start
// timer. The theory is, there's nothing else going on when we
// are active, so why poll for updates? On sharing state
// changes, we update the list anyway.
if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { if (wParam) { KillTimer(hwnd, IDT_REFRESH); HOST_FillList(hwnd); } else { SetTimer(hwnd, IDT_REFRESH, PERIOD_REFRESH, 0); } } break; }
// Private communication messages
case HOST_MSG_CALL: { HOST_OnCall(hwnd, (wParam != FALSE)); break; }
case HOST_MSG_OPEN: { //
// If we are temporarily hidden, ignore all open requests.
if (!g_asSession.fHostUIFrozen) { if (!IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { //
// Note, we may end up updating the list twice, once here
// and once under activation.
HOST_FillList(hwnd); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW); g_asSession.fHostUI = TRUE; }
if (IsIconic(hwnd)) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); } break; }
case WM_CLOSE: case HOST_MSG_CLOSE: { if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { //
// Hiding the window will deactivate it. Deactivating it
// will kick off timer. So kill timer afterwards.
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); KillTimer(hwnd, IDT_REFRESH); g_asSession.fHostUI = FALSE; } break; }
// We only do list stuff when the UI is up.
if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { HOST_FillList(hwnd);
// If timer is on, reset it. This is for case where you
// are hosting but this UI window is up in the background.
// There's no point in overlapping the updates. We want the
// list to update every time there's a top level shared
// window change OR PERIOD_REFRESH milliseconds have elapsed
// without a change.
if (hwnd != GetActiveWindow()) { SetTimer(hwnd, IDT_REFRESH, PERIOD_REFRESH, 0); } } break; }
case HOST_MSG_HOSTSTART: { HOST_OnSharing(hwnd, TRUE); break; }
case HOST_MSG_HOSTEND: { HOST_OnSharing(hwnd, FALSE); break; }
case HOST_MSG_ALLOWCONTROL: { HOST_OnControllable(hwnd, (wParam != 0)); break; }
case HOST_MSG_CONTROLLED: { if (wParam) { //
// Hide the window temporarily
ASSERT(!g_asSession.fHostUIFrozen); g_asSession.fHostUIFrozen = TRUE;
if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { ASSERT(g_asSession.fHostUI);
SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_HIDEWINDOW); } } else { //
// Put the window back in the state it was
if (g_asSession.fHostUIFrozen) { g_asSession.fHostUIFrozen = FALSE;
if (g_asSession.fHostUI) { SetWindowPos(hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } } } break; }
default: rc = FALSE; break; }
DebugExitBOOL(HostDlgProc, rc); return(rc); }
// HOST_InitDialog()
// Initializes the host UI dialog
void HOST_InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { HMENU hMenu; char szText[128]; MENUITEMINFO mi;
// Set title text
HOST_UpdateTitle(hwnd, IDS_NOTINCALL);
// Set window icon
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)g_hetASIcon);
// Update system menu
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwnd, FALSE); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, SC_SIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, SC_MAXIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED);
// Append separator, always on top to system menu
ZeroMemory(&mi, sizeof(mi));
mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi); mi.fMask = MIIM_TYPE; mi.fType = MFT_SEPARATOR; InsertMenuItem(hMenu, -1, TRUE, &mi);
mi.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_STATE | MIIM_TYPE; mi.fType = MFT_STRING; mi.fState = MFS_ENABLED; mi.wID = CMD_TOPMOST;
LoadString(g_asInstance, IDS_TOPMOST, szText, sizeof(szText)); mi.dwTypeData = szText; mi.cch = lstrlen(szText);
InsertMenuItem(hMenu, -1, TRUE, &mi);
// Enable/disable true color sharing control. If a policy prevents it
// or our screen depth isn't capable, disable it.
HOST_EnableCtrl(hwnd, CTRL_ENABLETRUECOLOR_CHECK, ((g_usrScreenBPP >= 24) && !(g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_NOTRUECOLOR)));
// Get text, control buttons set.
HOST_OnControllable(hwnd, TRUE); HOST_OnControllable(hwnd, FALSE);
DebugExitVOID(HOST_InitDialog); }
// HOST_UpdateTitle()
// Updates title bar of hosting UI
void HOST_UpdateTitle(HWND hwnd, UINT idState) { char szText[64]; char szFormat[128]; char szTitle[192];
LoadString(g_asInstance, IDS_SHARING_FORMAT, szFormat, sizeof(szFormat)); LoadString(g_asInstance, idState, szText, sizeof(szText)); wsprintf(szTitle, szFormat, szText);
SetWindowText(hwnd, szTitle);
DebugExitVOID(HOST_UpdateTitle); }
// HOST_OnCall()
// Handles call start/stop
void HOST_OnCall(HWND hwnd, BOOL fCall) { DebugEntry(HOST_OnCall);
// Update title bar
HOST_UpdateTitle(hwnd, (fCall ? IDS_NOTHING : IDS_NOTINCALL));
HOST_EnableCtrl(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, fCall);
if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { SendMessage(hwnd, HOST_MSG_UPDATELIST, 0, 0); }
DebugExitVOID(HOST_OnCall); }
// HOST_OnSharing()
// Handles sharing start/stop
void HOST_OnSharing(HWND hwnd, BOOL fSharing) { DebugEntry(HOST_OnSharing);
// Update title bar
if (fSharing) { HOST_UpdateTitle(hwnd, (g_asSession.pShare->m_pasLocal->hetCount == HET_DESKTOPSHARED) ? IDS_DESKTOP : IDS_PROGRAMS); } else { HOST_UpdateTitle(hwnd, IDS_NOTHING); }
// The ctrl button should always be Allow. When we stop hosting, we turn
// off allowing control first.
if (!(g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_NOCONTROL)) { HOST_EnableCtrl(hwnd, CTRL_ALLOWCONTROL_BTN, fSharing); }
HOST_EnableCtrl(hwnd, CTRL_UNSHAREALL_BTN, fSharing);
if ((g_usrScreenBPP >= 24) && !(g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_NOTRUECOLOR)) { //
// Only dynamically change this checkbox if true color is available.
HOST_EnableCtrl(hwnd, CTRL_ENABLETRUECOLOR_CHECK, !fSharing); }
DebugExitVOID(HOST_OnSharing); }
// HOST_OnControllable()
// Updates the blurb, button text, and button ID when the controllable
// state changes.
void HOST_OnControllable(HWND hwnd, BOOL fControllable) { HWND hwndBtn; TCHAR szText[256];
// Control blurb
LoadString(g_asInstance, (fControllable ? IDS_MSG_TOPREVENTCONTROL : IDS_MSG_TOALLOWCONTROL), szText, sizeof(szText)); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, CTRL_CONTROL_MSG, szText);
// Control button
if (fControllable) { hwndBtn = GetDlgItem(hwnd, CTRL_ALLOWCONTROL_BTN); ASSERT(hwndBtn); SetWindowLong(hwndBtn, GWL_ID, CTRL_PREVENTCONTROL_BTN);
LoadString(g_asInstance, IDS_PREVENTCONTROL, szText, sizeof(szText)); } else { hwndBtn = GetDlgItem(hwnd, CTRL_PREVENTCONTROL_BTN); ASSERT(hwndBtn); SetWindowLong(hwndBtn, GWL_ID, CTRL_ALLOWCONTROL_BTN);
LoadString(g_asInstance, IDS_ALLOWCONTROL, szText, sizeof(szText)); }
SetWindowText(hwndBtn, szText);
// Enable/disable the control checkboxes, make sure they start unchecked.
DebugExitVOID(HOST_OnControllable); }
// HOST_FillList()
// Fills the contents of the shared/unshared applications list
void HOST_FillList(HWND hwnd) { IAS_HWND_ARRAY * pArray; int iItem; PHOSTITEM pItem; char szText[80]; UINT iWnd; HICON hIcon; BOOL fAppsAvailable; HWND hwndSelect; int iSelect; int iTop; int cxExtent; RECT rc; HFONT hfnT; HFONT hfnControl; HDC hdc;
// For the common case, remember what was selected and try to put that
// back.
// Save current top index
iTop = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0);
// Save currently selected item
hwndSelect = HWND_BOTTOM; iSelect = -1; iItem = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (iItem != -1) { pItem = (PHOSTITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, iItem, 0); if (pItem) { hwndSelect = pItem->hwnd; } }
// Turn off redraw and clear the apps list.
SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
// We're going to calculate the horizontal extent since ownerdraw
// lists can't do that.
hdc = GetDC(hwnd); hfnControl = (HFONT)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0); cxExtent = 0;
// HET_GetAppsList() will fail if there's not enough memory to allocate
// the array. If we really can't allocate it, why add an item for the
// desktop?
if (HET_GetAppsList(&pArray)) { ASSERT(pArray);
fAppsAvailable = TRUE;
// If desktop sharing is permitted, add desktop item.
if (!(g_asPolicies & SHP_POLICY_NODESKTOPSHARE)) { pItem = new HOSTITEM; if (!pItem) { ERROR_OUT(("Unable to alloc HOSTITEM for listbox")); } else { pItem->hwnd = GetDesktopWindow(); pItem->hIcon = g_hetDeskIconSmall; LoadString(g_asInstance, IDS_DESKTOP, szText, sizeof(szText));
pItem->fShared = (HET_IsWindowShared(pItem->hwnd) != FALSE); if (pItem->fShared) { //
// When everything (the desktop) is shared, sharing
// individual apps makes no sense. We keep them in the
// list but draw them unavailable, same as if the list
// itself were completely disabled.
fAppsAvailable = FALSE; pItem->fAvailable = TRUE; } else if (!pArray->cShared && g_asSession.callID && (g_asSession.attendeePermissions & NM_PERMIT_SHARE)) { //
// No apps are shared, the desktop item is available.
pItem->fAvailable = TRUE; } else { //
// Apps are shared, sharing the entire desktop makes no
// sense.
pItem->fAvailable = FALSE; }
iItem = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)szText); if (iItem == -1) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't append item to list")); delete pItem; } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_SETITEMDATA, iItem, (LPARAM)pItem);
// Calculate width.
hfnT = SelectFont(hdc, (pItem->fShared ? g_hetSharedFont : hfnControl));
SetRectEmpty(&rc); DrawText(hdc, szText, lstrlen(szText), &rc, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_EXTERNALLEADING | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT);
SelectFont(hdc, hfnT);
rc.right -= rc.left; cxExtent = max(cxExtent, rc.right);
// If this desktop item were selected last time,
// remember so we select it again after.
if (pItem->hwnd == hwndSelect) iSelect = iItem; } }
// Add items for apps.
for (iWnd = 0; iWnd < pArray->cEntries; iWnd++) { hIcon = NULL;
if (pArray->aEntries[iWnd].hwnd == HWND_BROADCAST) { LoadString(g_asInstance, IDS_HIDDEN_WINDOW, szText, sizeof(szText)); hIcon = g_hetASIconSmall; } else { GetWindowText(pArray->aEntries[iWnd].hwnd, szText, sizeof(szText)); if (!szText[0]) continue;
// Try to get window small icon
SendMessageTimeout(pArray->aEntries[iWnd].hwnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0, SMTO_NORMAL, 1000, (DWORD_PTR*)&hIcon); if (!hIcon) { hIcon = (HICON)GetClassLongPtr(pArray->aEntries[iWnd].hwnd, GCLP_HICON); }
// Make a copy of the small icon, we can't just hang on to
// the application's, it could go away.
if (hIcon) { hIcon = (HICON)CopyImage(hIcon, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0); }
if (!hIcon) { hIcon = g_hetASIconSmall; } }
// Add item to list
pItem = new HOSTITEM; if (!pItem) { ERROR_OUT(("Unable to alloc HOSTITEM for listbox")); } else { pItem->hwnd = pArray->aEntries[iWnd].hwnd; pItem->hIcon = hIcon; pItem->fShared = pArray->aEntries[iWnd].fShared; pItem->fAvailable = g_asSession.callID && (g_asSession.attendeePermissions & NM_PERMIT_SHARE) && (fAppsAvailable != FALSE);
iItem = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)szText); if (iItem == -1) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't append item to list")); delete pItem; } else { SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_SETITEMDATA, iItem, (LPARAM)pItem);
// Calculate width.
hfnT = SelectFont(hdc, (pItem->fShared ? g_hetSharedFont : hfnControl));
SetRectEmpty(&rc); DrawText(hdc, szText, lstrlen(szText), &rc, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_EXTERNALLEADING | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT);
SelectFont(hdc, hfnT);
rc.right -= rc.left; cxExtent = max(cxExtent, rc.right); }
// If this app item were selected before, remember so we
// select it again when done.
if (pItem->hwnd == hwndSelect) iSelect = iItem;
} }
HET_FreeAppsList(pArray); }
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
// Set cur sel, top index, update buttons
SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_SETTOPINDEX, iTop, 0);
SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_SETCURSEL, iSelect, 0); HOST_OnSelChange(hwnd);
// Turn on redraw and repaint
// Set horizontal extent
if (cxExtent) { // Add on space for checkmark, icons
cxExtent += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON) + 3*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); } SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, cxExtent, 0);
InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST), NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST));
DebugExitVOID(HOST_FillList); }
// HOST_MeasureItem()
// Calculates height of ownerdraw items in host list
if (lpmi->CtlID != CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST) { // Not for us
// Get height of bolded font
hdc = GetDC(hwnd); hfnT = SelectFont(hdc, g_hetSharedFont); GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm); SelectFont(hdc, hfnT); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
// Height is max of default height (height of char in font),
// checkmark height, and small icon height, plus dotted rect.
cy = (UINT)tm.tmHeight; lpmi->itemHeight = max(lpmi->itemHeight, cy);
cy = (UINT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK); lpmi->itemHeight = max(lpmi->itemHeight, cy);
cy = (UINT)GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); lpmi->itemHeight = max(lpmi->itemHeight, cy);
lpmi->itemHeight += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE); rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(HOST_MeasureItem, rc); return(rc); }
// HOST_DeleteItem()
// Cleans up after an item is deleted from the list.
if (lpdi->CtlID != CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST) { DC_QUIT; }
pItem = (PHOSTITEM)lpdi->itemData; if (!pItem) { //
// NT 4.x has a terrible bug where the item data is not passed
// in the DELETEITEMSTRUCT always. So try to obtain it if not.
pItem = (PHOSTITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, lpdi->itemID, 0); }
if (pItem) { if ((pItem->hIcon != g_hetASIconSmall) && (pItem->hIcon != g_hetDeskIconSmall)) { DestroyIcon(pItem->hIcon); }
delete pItem; }
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(HOST_DeleteItem, rc); return(rc); }
// HOST_DrawItem()
// Draws list item
BOOL HOST_DrawItem(HWND hwnd, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi) { COLORREF clrBk; COLORREF clrText; HBRUSH hbr; HFONT hfnT; RECT rcItem; char szText[80]; PHOSTITEM pItem; BOOL rc = FALSE;
if (lpdi->CtlID != CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST) { DC_QUIT; }
pItem = (PHOSTITEM)lpdi->itemData; if (!pItem) { // Empty item for focus
rc = TRUE; DC_QUIT; }
rcItem = lpdi->rcItem;
// Set up colors
if (!pItem->fAvailable) { // No selection color
clrBk = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); hbr = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW); clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); } else if (lpdi->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { clrBk = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); hbr = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); } else { clrBk = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); hbr = GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW); clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); }
SetBkColor(lpdi->hDC, clrBk); SetTextColor(lpdi->hDC, clrText);
// Erase background
FillRect(lpdi->hDC, &rcItem, hbr);
// Focus rect
if (lpdi->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) { DrawFocusRect(lpdi->hDC, &rcItem); } rcItem.left += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); InflateRect(&rcItem, 0, -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER));
// Draw checkmark and select bolded font
if (pItem->fShared) { HDC hdcT; HBITMAP hbmpOld;
hdcT = CreateCompatibleDC(lpdi->hDC); hbmpOld = SelectBitmap(hdcT, g_hetCheckBitmap); SetTextColor(hdcT, clrText); SetBkColor(hdcT, clrBk);
BitBlt(lpdi->hDC, rcItem.left, (rcItem.top + rcItem.bottom - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK)) / 2, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK), hdcT, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
SelectBitmap(hdcT, hbmpOld); DeleteDC(hdcT);
hfnT = SelectFont(lpdi->hDC, g_hetSharedFont); }
rcItem.left += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE);
// Draw icon, centered vertically
DrawIconEx(lpdi->hDC, rcItem.left, (rcItem.top + rcItem.bottom - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON)) /2, pItem->hIcon, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL); rcItem.left += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE);
// Draw the text
szText[0] = 0; SendMessage(lpdi->hwndItem, LB_GETTEXT, lpdi->itemID, (LPARAM)szText); DrawText(lpdi->hDC, szText, lstrlen(szText), &rcItem, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_EXTERNALLEADING | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE);
// Deselect bolded shared font
if (pItem->fShared) { SelectFont(lpdi->hDC, hfnT); }
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: return(rc); }
// HOST_ChangeShareState()
// Changes the sharing state of the currently selected item.
void HOST_ChangeShareState(HWND hwnd, UINT action) { int iItem; PHOSTITEM pItem; HWND hwndChange; HCURSOR hcurT;
if (action == CHANGE_ALLUNSHARED) { hwndChange = HWND_BROADCAST; action = CHANGE_UNSHARED; goto ChangeState; }
iItem = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (iItem != -1) { pItem = (PHOSTITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, iItem, 0); if (pItem && pItem->fAvailable) { hwndChange = pItem->hwnd;
if (action == CHANGE_TOGGLE) { if (HET_IsWindowShared(hwndChange)) { action = CHANGE_UNSHARED; } else { action = CHANGE_SHARED; } }
ChangeState: ASSERT((action == CHANGE_SHARED) || (action == CHANGE_UNSHARED));
// Set wait cursor
hcurT = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
if (action == CHANGE_SHARED) { DCS_Share(hwndChange, IAS_SHARE_DEFAULT); } else { DCS_Unshare(hwndChange); }
// Set wait cursor
SetCursor(hcurT); } }
DebugExitVOID(HOST_ChangeShareState); }
// HOST_OnSelChange()
// Handles a selection change in the task list. We enable/disable
// buttons as appropriate, depending on whether item is available.
void HOST_OnSelChange(HWND hwnd) { int iItem; PHOSTITEM pItem; BOOL fShareBtn = FALSE; BOOL fUnshareBtn = FALSE;
// Get current selection, and decide what to do based off that.
iItem = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (iItem != -1) { pItem = (PHOSTITEM)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, CTRL_PROGRAM_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, iItem, 0); if (pItem) { if (pItem->fShared) { fUnshareBtn = TRUE; } else if (pItem->fAvailable) { ASSERT(g_asSession.callID); fShareBtn = TRUE; } } }
HOST_EnableCtrl(hwnd, CTRL_UNSHARE_BTN, fUnshareBtn); HOST_EnableCtrl(hwnd, CTRL_SHARE_BTN, fShareBtn);
DebugExitVOID(HOST_OnSelChange); }
// HOST_EnableCtrl()
// This enables/disables the child control. If disabling, and this control
// used to have the focus, we make sure the dialog resets the focus control
// so the keyboard keeps working. We know that the Close button is always
// available, so this won't die.
void HOST_EnableCtrl ( HWND hwnd, UINT ctrl, BOOL fEnable ) { HWND hwndCtrl;
hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(hwnd, ctrl); ASSERT(hwndCtrl);
if (fEnable) { EnableWindow(hwndCtrl, TRUE); } else { if (GetFocus() == hwndCtrl) { // Advance the focus
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0); }
EnableWindow(hwndCtrl, FALSE); }
DebugExitVOID(HOST_EnableCtrl); }