// File: H245Main.C
// This file contains the DLL's entry and exit points.
// INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information
// This listing is supplied under the terms of a license agreement with
// Intel Corporation and may not be copied nor disclosed except in
// accordance with the terms of that agreement.
// Copyright (c) 1995 Intel Corporation.
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT
#include "precomp.h"
#define H245DLL_EXPORT
#include "h245com.h"
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE)
#include "interop.h"
#include "h245plog.h"
LPInteropLogger H245Logger = NULL; #endif // (PCS_COMPLIANCE)
extern CRITICAL_SECTION TimerLock; extern CRITICAL_SECTION InstanceCreateLock; extern CRITICAL_SECTION InstanceLocks[MAXINST]; extern struct InstanceStruct * InstanceTable[MAXINST];
BOOL H245SysInit() { register unsigned int uIndex;
/* initialize memory resources */ H245TRACE(0, 0, "***** Loading H.245 DLL %s - %s", __DATE__, __TIME__); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE)
H245Logger = InteropLoad(H245LOG_PROTOCOL); #endif // (PCS_COMPLIANCE)
InitializeCriticalSection(&TimerLock); InitializeCriticalSection(&InstanceCreateLock); for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < MAXINST; ++uIndex) { InitializeCriticalSection(&InstanceLocks[uIndex]); } return TRUE; } VOID H245SysDeInit() { register unsigned int uIndex; H245TRACE(0, 0, "***** Unloading H.245 DLL");
for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < MAXINST; ++uIndex) { if (InstanceTable[uIndex]) { register struct InstanceStruct *pInstance = InstanceLock(uIndex + 1); if (pInstance) { H245TRACE(uIndex+1,0,"DLLMain: Calling H245ShutDown"); H245ShutDown(uIndex + 1); InstanceUnlock_ProcessDetach(pInstance,TRUE); } } ASSERT(InstanceTable[uIndex] == NULL); DeleteCriticalSection(&InstanceLocks[uIndex]); } DeleteCriticalSection(&InstanceCreateLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&TimerLock); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE)
if (H245Logger) { H245TRACE(0, 4, "Unloading interop logger"); InteropUnload(H245Logger); H245Logger = NULL; } #endif // (PCS_COMPLIANCE)
} #if(0)
// Function: dllmain
// Description: DLL entry/exit points.
// Inputs:
// hInstDll : DLL instance.
// fdwReason : Reason the main function is called.
// lpReserved : Reserved.
// Return: TRUE : OK
// FALSE : Error, DLL won't load
BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE hInstDll, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { extern CRITICAL_SECTION TimerLock; extern CRITICAL_SECTION InstanceCreateLock; extern CRITICAL_SECTION InstanceLocks[MAXINST]; extern struct InstanceStruct * InstanceTable[MAXINST]; register unsigned int uIndex;
switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: DBG_INIT_MEMORY_TRACKING(hInstDll);
/* initialize memory resources */ H245TRACE(0, 0, "***** Loading H.245 DLL %s - %s", __DATE__, __TIME__); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE)
H245Logger = InteropLoad(H245LOG_PROTOCOL); #endif // (PCS_COMPLIANCE)
InitializeCriticalSection(&TimerLock); InitializeCriticalSection(&InstanceCreateLock); for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < MAXINST; ++uIndex) { InitializeCriticalSection(&InstanceLocks[uIndex]); } break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: /* release memory resources */ H245TRACE(0, 0, "***** Unloading H.245 DLL"); H245TRACE(0, 0, "***** fProcessDetach = TRUE");
for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < MAXINST; ++uIndex) { if (InstanceTable[uIndex]) { register struct InstanceStruct *pInstance = InstanceLock(uIndex + 1); if (pInstance) { H245TRACE(uIndex+1,0,"DLLMain: Calling H245ShutDown"); H245ShutDown(uIndex + 1); InstanceUnlock_ProcessDetach(pInstance,TRUE); } } ASSERT(InstanceTable[uIndex] == NULL); DeleteCriticalSection(&InstanceLocks[uIndex]); } DeleteCriticalSection(&InstanceCreateLock); DeleteCriticalSection(&TimerLock); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE)
if (H245Logger) { H245TRACE(0, 4, "Unloading interop logger"); InteropUnload(H245Logger); H245Logger = NULL; } #endif // (PCS_COMPLIANCE)
return TRUE; } #endif // if(0)