/* *************************************************************************
** INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information ** ** This listing is supplied under the terms of a license ** agreement with INTEL Corporation and may not be copied ** nor disclosed except in accordance with the terms of ** that agreement. ** ** Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Intel Corporation. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** ************************************************************************* */
// $Author: JMCVEIGH $
// $Date: 05 Feb 1997 12:14:24 $
// $Archive: S:\h26x\src\common\cdrvdefs.h_v $
// $Header: S:\h26x\src\common\cdrvdefs.h_v 1.39 05 Feb 1997 12:14:24 JMCVEIGH $
// $Log: S:\h26x\src\common\cdrvdefs.h_v $
;// Rev 1.39 05 Feb 1997 12:14:24 JMCVEIGH
;// Support for improved PB-frames custom message handling.
;// Rev 1.38 14 Jan 1997 11:17:14 JMCVEIGH
;// Put flag for old still-frame mode backward compatibility under
;// #ifdef H263P
;// Rev 1.37 06 Jan 1997 17:38:08 JMCVEIGH
;// Added flag in LPDECINST to ensure backward compatibility with
;// old still-frame mode (crop CIF image to 320x240).
;// Rev 1.36 16 Dec 1996 17:37:00 JMCVEIGH
;// Added H263Plus state and changed name for true B-frame mode.
;// Rev 1.35 16 Dec 1996 13:40:46 MDUDA
;// Added compression and bit width fields to compress info.
;// Rev 1.34 11 Dec 1996 14:56:46 JMCVEIGH
;// Added H.263+ options to frame header structure and flags in
;// configuration structure.
;// Rev 1.33 09 Dec 1996 17:43:10 JMCVEIGH
;// Added support for arbitrary frame size support.
;// Rev 1.32 09 Dec 1996 09:24:42 MDUDA
;// Re-arranged for H263P.
;// Rev 1.31 10 Sep 1996 16:13:06 KLILLEVO
;// added custom message in decoder to turn block edge filter on or off
;// Rev 1.30 10 Sep 1996 10:32:10 KLILLEVO
;// changed GlobalAlloc/GlobalLock to HeapAlloc
;// Rev 1.29 06 Sep 1996 15:00:20 MBODART
;// Added performance counters for NT's perfmon.
;// New files: cxprf.cpp, cxprf.h and cxprf.cpp.
;// New directory: src\perf
;// Updated files: e1enc.{h,cpp}, d1dec.{h,cpp}, cdrvdefs.h, h261* makefiles.
;// Rev 1.28 10 Jul 1996 08:26:38 SCDAY
;// H261 Quartz merge
;// Rev 1.27 19 Jun 1996 14:37:26 RHAZRA
;// added #define FOURCC_YUY2
;// Rev 1.26 06 May 1996 12:56:34 BECHOLS
;// changed unbitspersecond to unBytesPerSecond.
;// Rev 1.25 06 May 1996 00:42:36 BECHOLS
;// Added support for the bit rate control in the configure dialog.
;// Rev 1.24 26 Apr 1996 11:09:18 BECHOLS
;// Added RTP stuff.
;// Rev 1.23 02 Feb 1996 18:52:52 TRGARDOS
;// Added code to enable ICM_COMPRESS_FRAMES_INFO message.
;// Rev 1.22 19 Jan 1996 15:32:50 TRGARDOS
;// Added TRPrev field to PictureHeader structure.
;// Rev 1.21 11 Jan 1996 16:52:24 DBRUCKS
;// added variables to store the aspect ratio correction boolean
;// Rev 1.20 04 Jan 1996 18:07:54 TRGARDOS
;// Added boolean for 320x240 input into COMPINSTINFO.
;// Rev 1.19 27 Dec 1995 14:11:54 RMCKENZX
;// Added copyright notice
// Rev 1.18 06 Dec 1995 09:22:56 DBRUCKS
// Added blazer data rate, frame rate, and quality variables to
// COMPINSTINFO inside an H261 ifdef
// Rev 1.17 30 Oct 1995 12:02:12 TRGARDOS
// Modified compressor instance structure to add
// 240x180 support.
// Rev 1.16 27 Sep 1995 19:09:30 TRGARDOS
// Changed enumeration name for picture code type.
// Rev 1.15 20 Sep 1995 12:37:40 DBRUCKS
// save the fcc in uppercase
// Rev 1.14 19 Sep 1995 15:41:28 TRGARDOS
// Fixed four cc comparison code.
// Rev 1.13 18 Sep 1995 08:42:46 CZHU
// Define FOURCC for YUV12
// Rev 1.12 13 Sep 1995 17:08:26 TRGARDOS
// Finished adding encoder support for YVU9 160x120 frames.
// Rev 1.11 12 Sep 1995 17:01:38 DBRUCKS
// add twocc
// Rev 1.10 11 Sep 1995 11:14:48 DBRUCKS
// add h261 ifdef
// Rev 1.9 29 Aug 1995 17:18:48 TRGARDOS
// Padded H263HeaderStruct
// Rev 1.8 28 Aug 1995 17:45:04 DBRUCKS
// add size defines
// Rev 1.7 28 Aug 1995 11:45:52 TRGARDOS
// Updated frame size bit field in PTYPE.
// Rev 1.6 25 Aug 1995 10:37:12 CZHU
// Changed PITCH from const int to #define, because of compiler bug for inline
// Rev 1.5 25 Aug 1995 09:02:32 TRGARDOS
// Modified picture header structure.
// Rev 1.4 14 Aug 1995 11:34:52 TRGARDOS
// Finished writing picture frame header.
// Rev 1.3 11 Aug 1995 17:27:56 TRGARDOS
// Added bitstream writing and defined bitstream fields.
// Rev 1.2 07 Aug 1995 16:25:28 TRGARDOS
// Moved PITCH definition here from c3dec.h.
// Rev 1.1 03 Aug 1995 10:38:40 TRGARDOS
// Put picture header structure definition and GOB header
// definition in here.
// Rev 1.0 31 Jul 1995 12:56:14 DBRUCKS
// rename files
// Rev 1.0 17 Jul 1995 14:43:58 CZHU
// Initial revision.
// Rev 1.0 17 Jul 1995 14:14:32 CZHU
// Initial revision.
;// Added encoder controls message support.
;// Modified RTP dialog box.
;// Change to PercentForcedUpdate
;// Integrate with build 29
#ifndef DRV_DEFS_H
#define DRV_DEFS_H
#ifndef WIN32
* Define standard data types. */ typedef BYTE __huge* HPBYTE; typedef WORD __huge* HPWORD; typedef BYTE __far* LPBYTE; typedef WORD __far* LPWORD; typedef int __far* LPSHORT;
typedef unsigned char U8; #ifndef I8
typedef signed char I8; #endif
#ifndef U16
typedef unsigned int U16; #endif
#ifndef I16
typedef signed int I16; #endif
#ifndef U32
typedef unsigned long U32; #endif
#ifndef INT
#define INT short int /* signed 16 bit */
#else //WIN32
typedef BYTE * HPBYTE; typedef WORD * HPWORD; typedef BYTE * LPBYTE; typedef WORD * LPWORD; typedef short int * LPSHORT;
typedef unsigned char U8; #ifndef I8
typedef signed char I8; #endif
#ifndef U16
typedef unsigned short int U16; #endif
#ifndef I16
typedef signed short int I16; #endif
#ifndef U32
typedef unsigned long U32; #endif
#ifndef INT
#define INT int /* signed 16 bit */
#endif //WIN32
* Define custom DRVPROC messages for playback. */ #define PLAYBACK_CUSTOM_START (ICM_RESERVED_HIGH + 1)
typedef struct { char name[5]; HANDLE h; U16 FAR *log; U16 err; } TimeLog;
* Define various constants. */ #define TOTAL 0
#define OVERHEAD 1
#define HUFF 2
#define YSLANT 3
#define VSLANT 4
#define USLANT 5
#define YDIFF 6
#define VDIFF 7
#define UDIFF 8
#define TORQUE 9
#define FILTER 10
#define CSC 11
#ifdef H263P
enum FrameSize {FORBIDDEN=0, SQCIF=1, QCIF=2, CIF=3, fCIF=4, ssCIF=5, CUSTOM=6, EPTYPE=7}; #else
enum FrameSize {FORBIDDEN=0, SQCIF=1, QCIF=2, CIF=3, fCIF=4, ssCIF=5}; #endif
#define MAX_WIDTH 352 // CIF
#define MAX_HEIGHT 288 // CIF
#define PITCH (MAX_WIDTH+32)
//** Decompressor Instance information
typedef struct { BOOL Initialized; BOOL bProposedCorrectAspectRatio; // proposed
BOOL bCorrectAspectRatio; // whether to correct the aspect ratio
#ifdef H263P
BOOL bCIFto320x240; // whether to crop CIF frames to 320x240 (old still-frame mode)
WORD xres, yres; // size of image within movie
FrameSize FrameSz; // Which of the supported frame sizes.
int pXScale, pYScale; // proposed scaling (Query)
int XScale, YScale; // current scaling (Begin)
UINT uColorConvertor; // Current Color Convertor
WORD outputDepth; // and bit depth
LPVOID pDecoderInst; BOOL UseActivePalette; /* decompress to active palette == 1 */ BOOL InitActivePalette; /* active palette initialized == 1 */ BOOL bUseBlockEdgeFilter;/* switch for block edge filter */ RGBQUAD ActivePalette[256]; /* stored active palette */ } DECINSTINFO, FAR *LPDECINST;
//** Configuration Information
typedef struct { BOOL bInitialized; // Whether custom msgs can be rcv'd.
BOOL bCompressBegin; // Whether the CompressBegin msg was rcv'd.
BOOL bRTPHeader; // Whether to generate RTP header info
/* used if bRTPHeader */ UINT unPacketSize; // Maximum packet size
BOOL bEncoderResiliency; // Whether to use resiliency restrictions
/* used if bEncoderResiliency */ UINT unPacketLoss; BOOL bBitRateState; /* used if bBitRateState */ UINT unBytesPerSecond; /* The following information is determined from the packet loss value. */ /* These values are calculated each time we receive a resiliency msg or */ /* the value is changed through the dialog box. They are not stored in */ /* the registry. Only the above elements are stored in the registry. */ BOOL bDisallowPosVerMVs; // if true, disallow positive vertical MVs
BOOL bDisallowAllVerMVs; // if true, disallow all vertical MVs
UINT unPercentForcedUpdate; // Percent Forced Update per Frame
UINT unDefaultIntraQuant; // Default Intra Quant
UINT unDefaultInterQuant; // Default Inter Quant
#ifdef H263P
BOOL bH263PlusState; // Whether to use H.263+
BOOL bImprovedPBState; // Whether to use improved PB-frames
BOOL bDeblockingFilterState; // Whether to use in-the-loop deblocking filter
//** Compressor Instance information
typedef struct{ BOOL Initialized; WORD xres, yres; FrameSize FrameSz; // Which of the supported frame sizes.
float FrameRate; U32 DataRate; // Data rate in bytes per second.
HGLOBAL hEncoderInst; // Instance data private to encoder.
LPVOID EncoderInst; WORD CompressedSize; BOOL Is160x120; BOOL Is240x180; BOOL Is320x240; #if defined(H263P)
U32 InputCompression; U32 InputBitWidth; #endif
U32 InputCompression; U32 InputBitWidth; #endif
//** Instance information
typedef struct tagINSTINFO { DWORD dwFlags; DWORD fccHandler; // So we know what codec has been opened.
BOOL enabled; LPCODINST CompPtr; // ICM
//** local name definitions ***
#ifdef H261
#ifdef QUARTZ
#define FOURCC_H26X mmioFOURCC('M','2','6','1')
#endif /* QUARTZ */
#define FOURCC_H263 mmioFOURCC('M','2','6','1')
#else /* is H263 */
#ifdef QUARTZ
#define FOURCC_H26X mmioFOURCC('M','2','6','3')
#endif /* QUARTZ */
#define FOURCC_H263 mmioFOURCC('M','2','6','3')
#define FOURCC_H26X mmioFOURCC('M','2','6','X')
#endif /* else is H263 */
#define FOURCC_YUV12 mmioFOURCC('I','4','2','0')
#define FOURCC_IYUV mmioFOURCC('I','Y','U','V')
#define FOURCC_YVU9 mmioFOURCC('Y','V','U','9')
#define FOURCC_IF09 mmioFOURCC('I','F','0','9')
#define FOURCC_YUY2 mmioFOURCC('Y','U','Y','2')
#define FOURCC_UYVY mmioFOURCC('U','Y','V','Y')
#define TWOCC_H26X aviTWOCC('i','v');
#define MOD4(a) ((a/4)*4)
typedef struct { unsigned short PictureStartCodeZeros:16; unsigned short PictureStartCode:6; unsigned short TR:8; unsigned short Const:2; unsigned short Split:1; unsigned short DocCamera:1; unsigned short PicFreeze:1; unsigned short SrcFormat:3; unsigned short Inter:1; unsigned short UMV:1; unsigned short SAC:1; unsigned short AP:1; unsigned short PB:1; unsigned short CPM:1; } T_H263FrameHeader;
enum EnumPicCodType {INTRAPIC=0, INTERPIC=1}; enum EnumOnOff {OFF=0, ON=1};
* If the size of T_H263FrameHeaderStruct is changed, then * that change must be updated in T_H263EncoderCatalog in e3enc.h */ typedef struct { U32 PictureStartCodeZeros; // 0..3
U8 TR; // 4
U8 Const; // 5 -- two bit constant: 10
U8 SrcFormat; // 6 -- source format
U8 Unassigned1; // 7
EnumOnOff Split; // 8..11 -- split screen indicator
EnumOnOff DocCamera; // 12..15 -- document camera indicator
EnumOnOff PicFreeze; // 16..19 -- freeze picture release
EnumPicCodType PicCodType; // 20 -- picture coding type
EnumOnOff UMV; // 24 -- optional unrestricted motion vector mode
EnumOnOff SAC; // 28 -- optional syntax-based arithmetic coding mode
EnumOnOff AP; // 32 -- optional advanced prediction mode
EnumOnOff PB; // 36 -- optional PB frames mode
U8 PQUANT; // 40
U8 CPM; // 41
U8 PLCI; // 42
U8 TRB; // 43
U8 DBQUANT; // 44
U8 PEI; // 45
U8 PSPARE; // 46
U8 TRPrev; // 47 Temporal Reference of Previous frame
#ifdef H263P
// H.263+ encoding options, document LBC-96-358
EnumOnOff CustomPCF; // 48 Custom PCF
EnumOnOff AdvancedIntra; // 52 Advanced intra coding (Annex I)
EnumOnOff DeblockingFilter; // 56 In-the-loop deblocking filter (Annex J)
EnumOnOff SliceStructured; // 60 Slice-structured (Annex K)
EnumOnOff ImprovedPB; // 64 Improved PB-frame mode (Annex M)
EnumOnOff BackChannel; // 68 Back-channel operation (Annex N)
EnumOnOff Scalability; // 72 SNR and spatial scalability (Annex O)
EnumOnOff TrueBFrame; // 76 True B-frame mode (Annex O)
EnumOnOff RefPicResampling; // 80 Reference-picture resampling (Annex P)
EnumOnOff RedResUpdate; // 84 Reduced-resolution update (Annex Q)
} T_H263FrameHeaderStruct;
#ifdef H263P
const int sizeof_T_H263FrameHeaderStruct = 88; #else
const int sizeof_T_H263FrameHeaderStruct = 48; #endif
typedef struct { unsigned short StartCodeZeros:16; unsigned short StartCode:1; unsigned short GN:5; unsigned short GLCI:2; unsigned short GFID:2; unsigned short GQUANT:5; } T_H263GOBHeader;
#endif /* multi inclusion protection */