/*#define __TEST
#ifdef __TEST
#include <stdio.h>
FILE *d_codage; FILE *d_test; #endif*/
* Project: Direct Subband 16000 bps coder * Workfile: sb_encod.c * Author: Alfred Wiesen * Created: 30 August 1995 * Last update: 4 September 1995 * DLL Version: 1.00 * Revision: Single DLL for coder and decoder. * Comment: * * (C) Copyright 1993-95 Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. (TM) * All rights reserved. Company confidential. */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Included files
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <math.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
//#define USE_CRT_RAND 1
#include <stdlib.h> // for rand() function
#include "fv_x8.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "bib_32.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function prototypes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitializeDecoderInstanceData(PVOID p, DWORD dwMaxBitRate); void interpolation_I(short low_input[],short coef[],short low_part_mem[],short order); void bruit_I(PD16008DATA p, short vec[],short max, short deb ,short fin); #if 0
// PhilF: The following is never called!!!
void dec_0a16_I2(short z1, short z2, short vec[], short maxv, short V1[], short V2[],long *code); #endif
void dec_sous_bandes(PD16008DATA p,short *out,short *codes_max, long *codes_sb, short *indic_br/*, short *code_max_br*/); #if 0
// PhilF: The following is not defined anywhere!!!
void decodeframe(short codes_max[],long codes_sb[],short d_indic_sp[],char stream[]); #endif
#ifdef CELP4800
void demux(PD4808DATA p); void decode_ai(PD4808DATA p); void dec_ltp(PD4808DATA p,short no),dec_dic(PD4808DATA p); void post_synt(PD4808DATA p),post_filt(PD4808DATA p,short no); #endif
/*void iConvert64To8(short *in, short *out, short N, short *mem);
void iConvert8To64(short *in, short *out, short N, short *mem); void filt_in(short *mem, short *Vin, short *Vout, short lfen); //void PassHigh(short *vin,short *vout,short *mem,short nech);
void BandPass(short *,short *,short *,short);*/
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global variables for decoder
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Instance data structure
PD16008DATA pDecoderData; D16008DATA DecoderData[MAXDECODINGHANDLES]; short brol[300]; short DecodingHandles[MAXDECODINGHANDLES];*/
// ROM tables :
//extern long coef_outfil[];
extern short coef_I[]; // QMF filter coefficients
extern short V3_I[]; extern short V4_I[]; extern short V5_I[]; extern short V6_I[]; extern short V7_I[]; extern short V8_I[]; extern short V9_I[]; extern short d_max_level[]; // Quantified maximum sample level
extern long coeffs[]; extern short quantif[]; extern long Mask[]; extern short tabcos[]; extern short LSP_Q[]; extern short TAB_DI[]; extern short GV[]; extern short BV[]; extern long coef_i[]; extern short NBB[],BITDD[]; extern short LSP0ROM[]; //extern short bytes[];
//extern short bits[];
// RAM variables
/*extern char d_stream[];
extern short synth_speech[]; extern short d_DATA_I[]; // Intermediate vector = input and output of QMF
extern short d_codes_max[]; extern long d_codes_sb[]; extern short d_indic_sp[]; extern short d_num_bandes; //extern float d_vect6[256], d_vect8[256];*/
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function implementation
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitializeDecoderInstanceData(PVOID p, DWORD dwMaxBitRate) // Instance data initializations
{ short i;
#ifdef CELP4800
if (dwMaxBitRate == 4800) { ((PD4808DATA)p)->dwMaxBitRate = dwMaxBitRate;
for (i=0;i<10;i++) ((PD4808DATA)p)->LSP0[i]=LSP0ROM[i]; } else #endif
{ ((PD16008DATA)p)->dwMaxBitRate = dwMaxBitRate; ((PD16008DATA)p)->lRand = 1L;
((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[0] = 9; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[1] = 9; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[4] = 5; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[5] = 5; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[6] = 5; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[7] = 5; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[8] = 5; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[9] = 5; ((PD16008DATA)p)->bits[0] = 52; ((PD16008DATA)p)->bits[2] = 38; ((PD16008DATA)p)->bits[3] = 38; ((PD16008DATA)p)->bits[4] = 38; if (dwMaxBitRate == 16000) { ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[2] = 7; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[3] = 7; ((PD16008DATA)p)->bits[1] = 46; } else { ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[2] = 9; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[3] = 9; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[10] = 5; ((PD16008DATA)p)->quantif[11] = 5; ((PD16008DATA)p)->bits[1] = 52; ((PD16008DATA)p)->bits[5] = 38; } } return; }
void interpolation_I(short low_input[],short coef[],short low_part_mem[],short order) // Purpose : from subbands stored in low_input[], create the corresponding signal
// Remark : The reconstruct signal is stored at *(input+N_SB*L_RES)
{ short *output; short *high_input; short *buffer,*sa_vec; short lng,j,i;
buffer = low_part_mem; for (i = 7-N_SB; i<7; i++) { lng = 1<<i; high_input=low_input+lng; output=low_input+L_RES; sa_vec=output; for (j = L_RES >> (i+1); j>0; j--) { low_part_mem=buffer;
output += 2*lng; low_input += lng; high_input += lng;
if (j&1) high_input += 2*lng; else low_input += 2*lng;
buffer += 2*order; } low_input=sa_vec; } }
void bruit_I(PD16008DATA p, short vec[],short max, short deb ,short fin) // rand() generates integers from 1 to RAND_MAX (32767)
{ short i;
for (i=deb;i<fin;i++) { #ifdef USE_CRT_RAND
*vec++ = (short)(((long)max*(long)(rand()-16384))>>15); #else
// We provide our own rand() function in order
// to go away from libcmt, msvcrt...
p->lRand = p->lRand * 214013L + 2531011L; *vec++ = (short)(((long)max*(long)((long)((p->lRand >> 16) & 0x7fff)-16384))>>15); #endif
} }
/*void bruit_I(int vec[],int max, int deb ,int fin)
{ int i; for (i=deb;i<fin;i++) *vec++ = (int)(((long)max*(long)(rand()-16384))>>15); }*/
// PhilF: The following is never called!!!
#if 0
void dec_0a16_I2(short z1, short z2, short vec[], short maxv, short V1[], short V2[],long *code)
// Decodes two long codes to retreive the z level quantified subband
{ // short vect1[16];
short i,x; long result; // long lp1,lp2;
result=*(code+1); for (i=15;i>=8;i--) // Decodes the 8 last samples of the subband
{ if (i==2*(short)(i/2)) { x=result%z1; result-=x; result/=z1; *(vec+i)=(short)(((long)V1[x]*(long)maxv)>>13); } else { x=result%z2; result-=x; result/=z2; *(vec+i)=(short)(((long)V2[x]*(long)maxv)>>13); } }
result=*(code); for (i=7;i>=0;i--) // Decodes the 8 first samples of the subband
{ if (i==2*(short)(i/2)) { x=result%z1; result-=x; result/=z1; *(vec+i)=(short)(((long)V1[x]*(long)maxv)>>13); } else { x=result%z2; result-=x; result/=z2; *(vec+i)=(short)(((long)V2[x]*(long)maxv)>>13); } } } #endif
void dec_0a16_I3(short z1, short z2, short vec[], short maxv, long *code)
// Decodes two long codes to retreive the z level quantified subband
{ // short vect1[16];
short i,x; long result; short *V1,*V2; // long lp1,lp2;
switch (z1) { case 3: V1=V3_I; break; case 4: V1=V4_I; break; case 5: V1=V5_I; break; case 6: V1=V6_I; break; case 7: V1=V7_I; break; case 8: V1=V8_I; break; case 9: V1=V9_I; break; } switch (z2) { case 3: V2=V3_I; break; case 4: V2=V4_I; break; case 5: V2=V5_I; break; case 6: V2=V6_I; break; case 7: V2=V7_I; break; case 8: V2=V8_I; break; case 9: V2=V9_I; break; }
result=*(code+1); if (z1 && z2) { for (i=15;i>=8;i--) // Decodes the 8 last samples of the subband
{ if (i==2*(short)(i/2)) { x=result%z1; result-=x; result/=z1; *(vec+i)=(short)(((long)V1[x]*(long)maxv)>>13); } else { x=result%z2; result-=x; result/=z2; *(vec+i)=(short)(((long)V2[x]*(long)maxv)>>13); } }
result=*(code); for (i=7;i>=0;i--) // Decodes the 8 first samples of the subband
{ if (i==2*(short)(i/2)) { x=result%z1; result-=x; result/=z1; *(vec+i)=(short)(((long)V1[x]*(long)maxv)>>13); } else { x=result%z2; result-=x; result/=z2; *(vec+i)=(short)(((long)V2[x]*(long)maxv)>>13); } } } }
void dec_sous_bandes(PD16008DATA p,short *out,short *codes_max, long *codes_sb, short *d_indic_sp)
// Decodes the 8 subbands
{ short max[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; short max_loc[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; short order[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; short maximum,max_num; short i,j,nbsb_sp,ord;
short sb_count; #endif
for (i=0;i<8;i++) // Decodes the maximums
{ max_loc[i]=2*d_max_level[codes_max[i]]; } nbsb_sp=0; j=0; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { if (d_indic_sp[i]==1) { max[i]=max_loc[j]; nbsb_sp++; j++; } }
if (p->dwMaxBitRate == 16000) { j=0;
sb_count=nbsb_sp; if (sb_count>=MAX_SB_ABSOLU) return; #endif
for (i=0;i<8;i++) { if (d_indic_sp[i]==0) { max[i]=max_loc[nbsb_sp+j]; j++; #ifdef MAX_SB_ABSOLU
sb_count++; quant_0a16_I3(SILENCE_QUANT_LEVEL_16000,SILENCE_QUANT_LEVEL_16000,in+i*16,max[i],codes_sb+2*sb_count); if (sb_count>=MAX_SB_ABSOLU) break; #endif
} } }
ord=8; for (i=0;i<8;i++) // Calculates the order of the subbands
{ // 1 is higher energy than 2 than 3,..
maximum=32767; for (j=7;j>=0;j--) { if ((order[j]==0)&&(max[j]<maximum)) { max_num=j; maximum=max[j]; } } order[max_num]=ord; ord--; }
if (p->dwMaxBitRate == 16000) { // On g�n�re les sous-bandes
for (i=7;i>=nbsb_sp;i--) { j=0; while (order[j]!=i+1) j++; dec_0a16_I3(SILENCE_QUANT_LEVEL_16000,SILENCE_QUANT_LEVEL_16000,out+j*16,max[j],codes_sb+2*i); } } else { // On g�n�re du bruit
if (nbsb_sp==0) maximum=20; // qd on ne doit generer que du bruit
else { maximum=32767; for (i=0;i<nbsb_sp;i++) if (max_loc[i]<maximum) maximum=max_loc[i]; maximum>>=2; // le 64eme du plus petit max transmis
//en fait il faudrait diminuer le bruit avec l'ordre
for (i=0;i<8;i++) // Replaces the less energetic subbands
{ // with white noise
if (d_indic_sp[i]==0) { maximum/=order[i]; bruit_I(p,out+i*16,maximum,0,16); } } }
for (i=nbsb_sp-1;i>=0;i--) { j=0; while (order[j]!=i+1) j++; dec_0a16_I3(p->quantif[2*i],p->quantif[2*i+1],out+j*16,max[j],codes_sb+2*i); }
short Demultiplexing( char *Stream, long *Codes, short *CodeSizes, short NumCodes, short StreamSize) { short B,P; // B=bits � coder, P=bits disponibles
short i,j;
long TotalBytes=0;
for (i=0;i<NumCodes;i++) TotalBytes+=CodeSizes[i]; if (TotalBytes>StreamSize*8) return 1; #endif
i=0; j=0; B=CodeSizes[i]; // bits � coder
P=8; // 1 octet libre au d�part
Codes[i]=0; while (i<NumCodes) { if (P>B) { Codes[i]|=(Stream[j]>>(P-B))&Mask[B]; P-=B; i++; if (i<NumCodes) { B=CodeSizes[i]; Codes[i]=0; } } else if (P<B) { Codes[i]|=(Stream[j]&Mask[P])<<(B-P); B-=P; P=8; j++; } else { Codes[i]|=Stream[j]&Mask[P]; i++; j++; P=8; if (i<NumCodes) { B=CodeSizes[i]; Codes[i]=0; } } } return 0; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef CELP4800
void decode_ai(PD4808DATA p) { short_to_short(p->code,p->LSP,10); p->LSP[10]=32767; dec_lsp(p->LSP,LSP_Q,NBB,BITDD,TAB_DI);
short_to_short(p->LSP,p->A3,10); teta_to_cos(tabcos,p->A3,10); lsp_to_ai(p->A3,p->TLSP,10);
interpol(p->LSP0,p->LSP,p->A1,NETAGES); teta_to_cos(tabcos,p->A1,10); lsp_to_ai(p->A1,p->TLSP,10);
interpol(p->LSP,p->LSP0,p->A2,NETAGES); teta_to_cos(tabcos,p->A2,10); lsp_to_ai(p->A2,p->TLSP,10);
short_to_short(p->LSP,p->LSP0,NETAGES); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void dec_ltp(PD4808DATA p,short no) { short k;
switch (no) { case 0: break; case 1: short_to_short(p->A2,p->A1,11); break; case 2: short_to_short(p->A3,p->A1,11); break; }
p->PITCH=p->code[10+p->depl]; k=p->code[11+p->depl]; if (k<10) p->GLTP = BV[k+1]; /* les BV sont multiplies par 16384 */ else p->GLTP = -BV[k-9];
if (p->PITCH<p->SOULONG) { short_to_short(p->EE+lngEE-p->PITCH,p->E,p->PITCH); short_to_short(p->E,p->E+p->PITCH,(short)(p->SOULONG-p->PITCH)); mult_fact(p->E,p->E,p->GLTP,p->SOULONG); } else { mult_fact(p->EE+lngEE-p->PITCH,p->E,p->GLTP,p->SOULONG); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void dec_dic(PD4808DATA p) { short i,esp_opt,j,position,npopt,phas_opt,cod; short c[10]; short Gopt;
cod=p->code[13+p->depl]; if (cod<16) Gopt=GV[cod+1]; else Gopt=-GV[cod-15];
if (cod<54) { position=cod; esp_opt=p->PITCH; } else { if (cod<64) { position=cod-54; if (p->PITCH<p->SOULONG) esp_opt=p->SOULONG+5; else if (p->PITCH/2<p->SOULONG) esp_opt=p->PITCH/2; else esp_opt=p->PITCH/3; } else { if (cod<128) { npopt=7; phas_opt=3; esp_opt=8; i=cod-64; c[0]=1; decode_dic(c,i,npopt); } else { npopt=8; phas_opt=0; esp_opt=7; i=cod-128; c[0]=1; decode_dic(c,i,npopt); } } }
if (cod<64) { i=0; do { p->E[position+i] += Gopt; i += esp_opt; } while ((position+i)<p->SOULONG); } else for (j=0;j<npopt;j++) p->E[esp_opt*j+phas_opt] += c[j]*Gopt;
short_to_short(p->EE+p->SOULONG,p->EE,(short)(lngEE - p->SOULONG)); short_to_short(p->E,p->EE+lngEE-p->SOULONG,p->SOULONG); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void post_synt(PD4808DATA p) { short GPREF;
if (abs(p->GLTP)<8192) GPREF = (long)p->GLTP*(long)35/100; if (p->GLTP>=8192) GPREF=2867; if (p->GLTP<=-8192) GPREF=-2867;
if (p->PITCH>=p->SOULONG) mult_f_acc(p->EEE+lngEE-p->PITCH,p->E,GPREF,p->SOULONG); else { mult_f_acc(p->EEE+lngEE-p->PITCH,p->E,GPREF,p->PITCH); mult_f_acc(p->E,p->E+p->PITCH,GPREF,(short)(p->SOULONG-p->PITCH)); }
short_to_short(p->EEE+p->SOULONG,p->EEE,(short)(lngEE-p->SOULONG)); short_to_short(p->E,p->EEE+lngEE-p->SOULONG,p->SOULONG);
synthese(p->MSYNTH,p->A1,p->E,p->E,p->SOULONG,NETAGES); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void post_filt(PD4808DATA p,short no) { short i0;
switch (no) { case 0: i0=0; break; case 1: i0=SOUDECAL1; break; case 2: i0=SOUDECAL1+SOUDECAL; break; } filt_iir(p->memfil,coef_i,p->E,p->ss+i0,p->SOULONG,4); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
void demux(PD4808DATA p) // Purpose : deconcatenate the input stream
// Input parameter :
// input_stream[] : input stream
// Output parameter :
// code[] : separate parameter code
// Comments: The LTP or Adaptive codebook is also called PITCH.
// Stream format :
// input_stream[0] = LSP[0] | LSP[1] | LSP[2] | (Binary gain 2)
// input_stream[1] = LSP[3] | (Binary gain 3) | (Binary codebook 1)
// input_stream[2] = LSP[4] | LSP[5] | LSP[6] | LSP[7] | LSP[8] | LSP[9]
// input_stream[3] = (LTP codebook 1) | (LTP gain 1) | (Binary gain 1)
// input_stream[4] = (LTP codebook 2) | (LTP gain 2) | (Binary codebook 2)
// input_stream[5] = (LTP codebook 3) | (LTP gain 3) | (Binary codebook 3)
// Bit allocation : Codebook or gain "i" is the codebook for subframe "i".
// code[0] = LSP(0) : 3bits code[10] = LTP codebook 1 : 7bits
// code[1] = LSP(1) : 4bits code[11] = LTP gain 1 : 4bits
// code[2] = LSP(2) : 4bits code[12] = Binary codebook 1 : 8bits
// code[3] = LSP(3) : 3bits code[13] = Binary gain 1 : 5bits
// code[4] = LSP(4) : 4bits code[14] = LTP codebook 2 : 4bits
// code[5] = LSP(5) : 3bits code[15] = LTP gain 2 : 4bits
// code[6] = LSP(6) : 3bits code[16] = Binary codebook 2 : 8bits
// code[7] = LSP(7) : 2bits code[17] = Binary gain 2 : 5bits
// code[8] = LSP(8) : 3bits code[18] = LTP codebook 3 : 4bits
// code[9] = LSP(9) : 1bits code[19] = LTP gain 3 : 4bits
// code[20] = Binary codebook 3 : 8bits
// code[21] = Binary gain 3 : 5bits
{ p->code[0] = (p->frame[0]>>13) & 0x0007; p->code[1] = (p->frame[0]>>9) & 0x000f; p->code[2] = (p->frame[0]>>5) & 0x000f; p->code[17] = p->frame[0] & 0x001f;
p->code[3] = (p->frame[1]>>13) & 0x0007; p->code[21] = (p->frame[1]>>8) & 0x001f; p->code[12] = p->frame[1] & 0x00ff;
p->code[4] = (p->frame[2]>>12) & 0x000f; p->code[5] = (p->frame[2]>>9) & 0x0007; p->code[6] = (p->frame[2]>>6) & 0x0007; p->code[7] = (p->frame[2]>>4) & 0x0003; p->code[8] = (p->frame[2]>>1) & 0x0007; p->code[9] = p->frame[2] & 0x0001;
p->code[10] = (p->frame[3]>>9) & 0x007f; p->code[11] = (p->frame[3]>>5) & 0x000f; p->code[13] = p->frame[3] & 0x001f;
p->code[14] = (p->frame[4]>>12) & 0x000f; p->code[15] = (p->frame[4]>>8) & 0x000f; p->code[16] = p->frame[4] & 0x00ff;
p->code[18] = (p->frame[5]>>12) & 0x000f; p->code[19] = (p->frame[5]>>8) & 0x000f; p->code[20] = p->frame[5] & 0x00ff;
p->code[10] += LIM_P1; p->code[14] = p->code[14]+p->code[10]-7; p->code[18] = p->code[18]+p->code[14]-7;
} #endif
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DLL entry points
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
LH_PREFIX HANDLE LH_SUFFIX MSLHSB_Open_Decoder(DWORD dwMaxBitRate) { PVOID pDecoderData; /*short i,flag=0;
// Test if there are free handles
for (i=0;i<MAXDECODINGHANDLES;i++) if (DecodingHandles[i]==0) {DecodingHandles[i]=1; flag=1; break;} if (flag==0) return 0; pDecoderData=&DecoderData[i];*/
// Check the input bit rate param.
if ( #ifdef CELP4800
(dwMaxBitRate != 4800) && #endif
(dwMaxBitRate != 8000) && (dwMaxBitRate != 12000) && (dwMaxBitRate != 16000)) return (HANDLE)0;
// pDecoderData=(PVOID)GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwMaxBitRate == 4800 ? sizeof(D4808DATA) : sizeof(D16008DATA));
#ifdef CELP4800
pDecoderData=(PVOID)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, dwMaxBitRate == 4800 ? sizeof(D4808DATA) : sizeof(D16008DATA)); #else
pDecoderData=(PVOID)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, sizeof(D16008DATA)); #endif
if (pDecoderData==NULL) return (HANDLE)0;
InitializeDecoderInstanceData(pDecoderData, dwMaxBitRate);
#ifdef __TEST
d_codage=(FILE*)fopen("codage.dat","rb"); d_test=(FILE*)fopen("codes_dec.dat","wt"); #endif
return((HANDLE)pDecoderData); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
LH_PREFIX LH_ERRCODE LH_SUFFIX MSLHSB_Decode( HANDLE hAccess, LPBYTE lpSrcBuf, LPWORD lpSrcBufSize, LPBYTE lpDstBuf, LPWORD lpDstBufSize) { short i,iOutputSize,flag=0; char *input; char *int_ptr; unsigned short *ptr1; unsigned short *ptr3; long interm;
short codesizes[24]; long codes[24]; short numcodes,temp; short bits_count;
PVOID pDecoderData;
if ((!hAccess) || (!lpSrcBuf) || (!lpDstBuf)) return LH_EBADARG;
/*// First check that the handle provided as argument is correct
for (i=0;i<MAXDECODINGHANDLES;i++) if ((DecodingHandles[i]==1)&&(hAccess==(HANDLE)&DecoderData[i])) {flag=1; break;} if (flag==0) return LH_BADHANDLE;*/
// Check the input bit rate param.
if ( #ifdef CELP4800
(((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate != 4800) && #endif
(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate != 8000) && (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate != 12000) && (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate != 16000)) return (LH_ERRCODE)LH_EBADARG;
#ifdef CELP4800
if ((((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate == 4800)) { // then check the buffer sizes passed as argument.
if ((*lpDstBufSize<2*NECHDECAL)||(*lpSrcBufSize<12)) return (LH_ERRCODE)LH_EBADARG; *lpDstBufSize=2*NECHDECAL; *lpSrcBufSize=12;
ptr1 = (unsigned short *)lpSrcBuf; ptr3 = (unsigned short *)&(((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData)->frame);
for (i=6 ; i>0 ; i--) *ptr3++ = *ptr1++;
for (i=0;i<3;i++) { if (i==0) ((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData)->SOULONG=SOUDECAL1; else ((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData)->SOULONG=SOUDECAL; ((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData)->depl=4*i; dec_ltp((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData,i); dec_dic((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData); post_synt((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData); post_filt((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData,i); }
ptr3 = (unsigned short *)&(((PD4808DATA)pDecoderData)->ss); ptr1 = (unsigned short *)lpDstBuf;
for (i =160; i>0;i--) *ptr1++ = *ptr3++; } else #endif
{ // then check the buffer sizes passed as argument.
switch (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate) { case 8000: if ((*lpSrcBufSize<1)||(*lpDstBufSize<2*160)) return (LH_ERRCODE)LH_EBADARG; *lpDstBufSize=2*160; break; case 12000: case 16000: if ((*lpSrcBufSize<1)||(*lpDstBufSize<2*128)) return (LH_ERRCODE)LH_EBADARG; *lpDstBufSize=2*128; break; } input = (char *)lpSrcBuf; int_ptr=(char *)(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_stream);
/*for (i=0;i<26;i++)
*int_ptr++=*input++; // read d_stream[0]
for (i=0;i<8;i++) ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_indic_sp[i]=(short)((((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_stream[0]>>i)&0x01);
((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes=0; for (i=0;i<8;i++) if (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_indic_sp[i]==1) ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes++;
bits_count=8; for (i=0;i<((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes;i++) bits_count+=5+((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->bits[i];
if (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate == 16000) { #ifdef MAX_SB_ABSOLU
for (i=((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes;i<MAX_SB_ABSOLU;i++) #else
for (i=((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes;i<8;i++) #endif
bits_count+=5+SILENCE_CODING_BIT_16000; }
//temp=bytes[d_num_bandes]; //9
#if 0
temp=(short)((float)bits_count/8.0+0.99); #else
// We want to go away of libcmt, msvcrt... and
// floating point is not really essential here...
if (bits_count) temp=(short)((bits_count-1)/8+1); else temp=0; #endif
if (*lpSrcBufSize<temp) return (LH_ERRCODE)LH_EBADARG;
if ((((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate == 16000) || ((((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate == 8000) && (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes)) || ((((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate == 12000) && (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes))) { for (i=0;i<temp-1;i++) // read 8 last bytes
numcodes=0; for (i=0;i<24;i++) codesizes[i]=0; for (i=0;i<((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes;i++) { codesizes[i]=5; codesizes[((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes+2*i]=((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->bits[i]/2; codesizes[((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes+2*i+1]=((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->bits[i]/2; numcodes+=3; } if (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate == 16000) { for (i=((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes;i<8;i++) { codesizes[2*((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes+i]=5; codesizes[8+2*i]=SILENCE_CODING_BIT_16000/2; codesizes[8+2*i+1]=SILENCE_CODING_BIT_16000/2; numcodes+=3; } }
if (Demultiplexing(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_stream+1,codes,codesizes,numcodes,(short)(temp-1))) return (LH_ERRCODE)LH_BADHANDLE;
for (i=0;i<((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes;i++) { ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_codes_max[i]=(short)codes[i]; ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_codes_sb[2*i]=codes[((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes+2*i]; ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_codes_sb[2*i+1]=codes[((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes+2*i+1]; } if (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate == 16000) { #ifdef MAX_SB_ABSOLU
for (i=((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes;i<MAX_SB_ABSOLU;i++) #else
for (i=((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes;i<8;i++) #endif
{ ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_codes_max[i]=(short)codes[2*((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_num_bandes+i]; ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_codes_sb[2*i]=codes[8+2*i]; ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_codes_sb[2*i+1]=codes[8+2*i+1]; } } } *lpSrcBufSize=temp;
dec_sous_bandes(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData),((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_DATA_I,((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_codes_max,((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_codes_sb,((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_indic_sp); interpolation_I(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_DATA_I,coef_I,((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->QMF_MEM_SYNT_I,Fil_Lenght);
for (i=0;i<128;i++) ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_DATA_I[3*L_RES+i]*=8; //TEST 16; // Because input divided before coding
switch (((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->dwMaxBitRate) { case 8000: iOutputSize = 160; #ifdef _X86_
iConvert64To8(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_DATA_I+3*L_RES, ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->synth_speech, 128, ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->imem2); PassLow8(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->synth_speech, ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->synth_speech,((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->out_mem2,160); #else
SampleRate6400To8000(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_DATA_I+3*L_RES, ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->synth_speech, 128, ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->imem2, &((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->uiDelayPosition, &((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->iInputStreamTime, &((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->iOutputStreamTime ); #endif
break; case 12000: case 16000: iOutputSize = 128; for (i=0;i<128;i++) ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->synth_speech[i]=((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->d_DATA_I[3*L_RES+i]; break; }
for (i=0;i<iOutputSize;i++) { interm=((long)((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->synth_speech[i] * 2L);//VERS 4 + ( ((long)(rand()-16384))>>8 ) ;
if (interm>32700L) interm=32700L; if (interm<-32700L) interm=-32700L; ((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->synth_speech[i] = (short)interm ; }
ptr3 = (unsigned short *)&(((PD16008DATA)pDecoderData)->synth_speech); ptr1 = (unsigned short *)lpDstBuf;
for (i =0;i<iOutputSize;i++) ptr1[i] = ptr3[i]; } return (LH_SUCCESS); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*short i,flag=0;
// Check if right handle
for (i=0;i<MAXDECODINGHANDLES;i++) if ((DecodingHandles[i]==1)&&(hAccess==(HANDLE)&DecoderData[i])) {flag=1; break;} if (flag==0) return LH_BADHANDLE; // Free handle
if (!hAccess) return LH_EBADARG;
#ifdef __TEST
fclose(d_codage); fclose(d_test); #endif
return LH_SUCCESS; }