* File: RTPRECV.C * Product: RTP/RTCP implementation * Description: Provides Receive Data Functionality. * * This listing is supplied under the terms * of a license agreement with Intel Corporation and * many not be copied nor disclosed except in accordance * with the terms of that agreement. * Copyright (c) 1995 Intel Corporation. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "rrcm.h"
/ Global Variables /--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/ External Variables /--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern PRTP_CONTEXT pRTPContext; extern RRCM_WS RRCMws;
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE))
extern LPInteropLogger RTPLogger; #endif
* Function : RTPReceiveCheck * Description: Called when a packet is received. Handles any statistical * processing required for RTCP. * * Input : hRTPSession: handle returned by CreateRTPSession RTPsocket: socket on which the packet was received char *pPacket: pointer to packet buffer * cbTransferred: Number of bytes in packet * pFrom: sender address * fromlen: sender address length * * !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! * Currently assumes CSRC = 0 * !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! * * Return: Status indicating if the packet is OK or has a problem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD RTPReceiveCheck ( HANDLE hRTPSession, SOCKET RTPsocket, char *pPacket, DWORD cbTransferred, PSOCKADDR pFrom, UINT fromlen ) { PRTP_SESSION pRTPSession = (PRTP_SESSION) hRTPSession; RTP_HDR_T *pRTPHeader = (RTP_HDR_T *)pPacket; PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC = NULL; DWORD dwSSRC; DWORD oldSSRC; PSSRC_ENTRY pMySSRC; DWORD dwStatus = 0; struct sockaddr_in *pSSRCadr;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Enter RTPReceiveCheck()\n");
ASSERT (pRTPSession);
// If Winsock error or runt packet(used to cancel recvs), signal completion to application
// and do not repost.
if (cbTransferred < RTP_HDR_MIN_LEN) { // don't report closeSocket() as an error when the application
// have some pending buffers remaining
// notify the user if an error occured, so he can free up
// its receive resources. The byte count is set to 0
// Perform validity checking
ASSERT (pRTPHeader);
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE))
if (RTPLogger) { //INTEROP
InteropOutput (RTPLogger, (BYTE FAR*)(pRTPHeader), (int)cbTransferred, RTPLOG_RECEIVED_PDU | RTP_PDU); } #endif
// Check RTP Headers for validity. If not valid, then repost buffers
// to the network layer for a new receive.
if (validateRTPHeader (pRTPHeader) ) { // Get pointer to SSRC entry table for this session
// If SSRC in packet is > 1/2 MAX_RANGE of DWORD, start search from
// tail of SSRC list, otherwise, start from front
RRCMws.ntohl (RTPsocket, pRTPHeader->ssrc, &dwSSRC); if (dwSSRC > MAX_DWORD/2) { pSSRC = searchforSSRCatTail ( (PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTPSession->pRTCPSession->RcvSSRCList.prev, dwSSRC); } else { pSSRC = searchforSSRCatHead ( (PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTPSession->pRTCPSession->RcvSSRCList.next, dwSSRC); }
// get my own SSRC used for this stream
pMySSRC = searchForMySSRC ( (PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTPSession->pRTCPSession->XmtSSRCList.prev, RTPsocket); ASSERT (pMySSRC); // is this SSRC already known on the receive list ?
if (pSSRC == NULL) { // don't create an entry for my own packet looping back on
// a mcast group where loopback has not been turned off
if (pMySSRC->SSRC != dwSSRC) { // new party heard from. Create an entry for it
pSSRC = createSSRCEntry (dwSSRC, pRTPSession->pRTCPSession, pFrom, fromlen, FALSE);
// notify application if interested
RRCMnotification (RRCM_NEW_SOURCE_EVENT, pSSRC, dwSSRC, pRTPHeader->pt); } else { // my own SSRC received back
// A collision occurs if the SSRC in the rcvd packet is
// equal to mine, and the network transport address is
// different from mine.
// A loop occurs if after a collision has been resolved the
// SSRC collides again from the same source transport address
pSSRCadr = (PSOCKADDR_IN)&pMySSRC->from; if (((PSOCKADDR_IN)pFrom)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != pSSRCadr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) { // check if the source address is already in the
// conflicting table. This identifes that somebody out
// there is looping pckts back to me
if (RRCMChkCollisionTable (pFrom, fromlen, pMySSRC)) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : Loop Detected ...", 0, NULL, 0, DBG_NOTIFY);
// loop already known
dwStatus |= SSRC_LOOP_DETECTED; } else { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : Collision Detected ...", 0, NULL, 0, DBG_NOTIFY);
// create new entry in conflicting address table
RRCMAddEntryToCollisionTable (pFrom, fromlen, pMySSRC);
// send RTCP BYE packet w/ old SSRC
RTCPsendBYE (pMySSRC, "Loop/collision detected");
// select new SSRC
oldSSRC = pMySSRC->SSRC; dwSSRC = getSSRC (pMySSRC->pRTCPses->RcvSSRCList, pMySSRC->pRTCPses->XmtSSRCList);
EnterCriticalSection (&pMySSRC->critSect); pMySSRC->SSRC = dwSSRC; LeaveCriticalSection (&pMySSRC->critSect);
// create new entry w/ old SSRC plus actual source
// transport address in our receive list side, so the
// packet actually en-route will be dealt with
createSSRCEntry (oldSSRC, pRTPSession->pRTCPSession, pFrom, fromlen, FALSE);
// notify application if interested
// loop already known
dwStatus |= SSRC_COLLISION_DETECTED; } } else { // own packet looped back because the sender joined the
// multicast group and loopback is not turned off
dwStatus |= MCAST_LOOPBACK_NOT_OFF; } } } else if (pSSRC->dwSSRCStatus & THIRD_PARTY_COLLISION) { // this SSRC is marked as colliding. Reject the data
if (dwStatus == 0) { // do all the statistical updating stuff
updateRTPStats (pRTPHeader, pSSRC, cbTransferred);
// update the payload type for this SSRC
pSSRC->PayLoadType = pRTPHeader->pt;
} // SSRCList != NULL
} // valid RTP Header
else { dwStatus |= INVALID_RTP_HEADER; }
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit RTPReceiveCallback()\n"); return dwStatus; }
* Function : validateRTPHeader * Description: Performs basic checking of RTP Header (e.g., version number * and payload type range). * * Input : pRTPHeader: -> to an RTP header * * Return: TRUE, RTP Packet Header is valid * FALSE: Header is invalid ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL validateRTPHeader(RTP_HDR_T *pRTPHeader) { BOOL bStatus = TRUE;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Enter validateRTPHeader()\n");
if (! pRTPHeader) return FALSE;
// Check version number is correct
if (pRTPHeader->type != RTP_TYPE) bStatus = FALSE; // Next check that the Packet types look somewhat reasonable,
// at least out of the RTCP range
if (pRTPHeader->pt >= RTCP_SR) bStatus = FALSE;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit validateRTPHeader()\n"); return bStatus; }
#if 0
* Function : RTPRecvFrom * Description: Intercepts receive requests from app. Handles any statistical * processing required for RTCP. Copies completion routine * from app and substitutes its own. Apps completion routine * will be called after RTP's completion routine gets called. * * Input : RTPsocket: RTP socket descriptor * pBuffers: -> to WSAbuf structure * dwBufferCount: Buffer count in WSAbuf structure * pNumBytesRecvd: -> to number of bytes received * pFlags: -> to flags * pFrom: -> to the source address * pFromLen: -> to source address length * pOverlapped: -> to overlapped I/O structure * pCompletionRoutine: -> to completion routine * * Return: RRCM_NoError = OK. * Otherwise(!=0) = Check RRCM.h file for references. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD WINAPI RTPRecvFrom (SOCKET RTPsocket, LPWSABUF pBuffers, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD pNumBytesRecvd, LPDWORD pFlags, PSOCKADDR pFrom, LPINT pFromlen, LPWSAOVERLAPPED pOverlapped, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pCompletionRoutine) { int dwStatus = RRCM_NoError; int dwError; PRTP_SESSION pRTPSession; PRTP_BFR_LIST pRCVStruct;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Enter RTPRecvFrom()\n");
// If RTP context doesn't exist, report error and return.
if (pRTPContext == NULL) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : ERROR - No RTP Instance", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_CRITICAL); IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit RTPRecvFrom()\n");
return (MAKE_RRCM_ERROR(RRCMError_RTPInvalid)); }
// Search for the proper session based on incoming socket
pRTPSession = findSessionID(RTPsocket); if (pRTPSession == NULL) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : ERROR - Invalid RTP session", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_CRITICAL); IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit RTPRecvFrom()\n");
return (MAKE_RRCM_ERROR(RRCMError_RTPInvalidSession)); }
// We need to associate a completionRoutine's lpOverlapped with a
// session. We look at each buffer and associate a socket so when
// the completion routine is called, we can pull out the socket.
if (dwStatus = saveRCVWinsockContext(pOverlapped, pBuffers, pCompletionRoutine, pRTPSession, dwBufferCount, pNumBytesRecvd, pFlags, pFrom, pFromlen, RTPsocket) != RRCM_NoError) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : ERROR - Out of resources...", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_NOTIFY); IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit RTPRecvFrom()\n");
return (MAKE_RRCM_ERROR(dwStatus)); }
// Forward to winsock, substituting our completion routine for the
// one handed to us.
dwStatus = RRCMws.recvFrom (RTPsocket, pBuffers, dwBufferCount, pNumBytesRecvd, pFlags, pFrom, pFromlen, pOverlapped, RTPReceiveCallback);
// Check if Winsock Call succeeded
if (dwStatus != 0) { // If serious error, the receive request won't proceed so
// we must undo all our work
dwError = GetLastError(); if ((dwError != WSA_IO_PENDING) && (dwError != WSAEMSGSIZE)) { // Reinstate the Apps WSAEVENT
pRCVStruct = (PRTP_BFR_LIST)pOverlapped->hEvent; pOverlapped->hEvent = pRCVStruct->hEvent;
RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : ERROR - WSARecvFrom()", dwError, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_NOTIFY);
// Return the struct to the free queue
addToHeadOfList (&pRTPSession->pRTPFreeList, (PLINK_LIST)pRCVStruct, &pRTPSession->critSect); } } IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit RTPRecvFrom()\n");
return (dwStatus); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Function : RTPReceiveCallback * Description: Callback routine from Winsock2 Handles any statistical * processing required for RTCP. Copies completion routine * from app and substitutes its own. Apps completion routine * will be called after RTP's completion routine gets called. * * Input : dwError: I/O completion error code * cbTransferred: Number of bytes transferred * pOverlapped: -> to overlapped I/O structure * dwFlags: Flags * * !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! * Currently assumes CSRC = 0 * !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! * * Return: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CALLBACK RTPReceiveCallback (DWORD dwError, DWORD cbTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED pOverlapped, DWORD dwFlags) { PRTP_SESSION pRTPSession; RTP_HDR_T *pRTPHeader; PRTP_BFR_LIST pRCVStruct; PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC = NULL; DWORD dwSSRC; DWORD oldSSRC; PSSRC_ENTRY pMySSRC; DWORD dwRequeue = 0; struct sockaddr_in *pSSRCadr;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Enter RTPReceiveCallback()\n");
// GEORGEJ: catch Winsock 2 bug (94903) where I get a bogus callback
// after WSARecv returns WSAEMSGSIZE.
if (!dwError && ((int) cbTransferred < 0)) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : RCV Callback : bad cbTransferred", cbTransferred, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR); return; } // The returning hEvent in the LPWSAOVERLAPPED struct contains the
// information mapping the session and the buffer.
pRCVStruct = (PRTP_BFR_LIST)pOverlapped->hEvent;
// Search for the proper session based on incoming socket
pRTPSession = (PRTP_SESSION)pRCVStruct->pSession; ASSERT (pRTPSession);
// If Winsock error or runt packet(used to cancel recvs), signal completion to application
// and do not repost.
if (dwError || cbTransferred < RTP_HDR_MIN_LEN) { // don't report closeSocket() as an error when the application
// have some pending buffers remaining
if ((dwError != 65534) && (dwError == WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED)) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : RCV Callback", dwError, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR); }
// notify the user if an error occured, so he can free up
// its receive resources. The byte count is set to 0
// Reinstate the AppSs WSAEVENT
pOverlapped->hEvent = pRCVStruct->hEvent; // And call the apps completion routine
pRCVStruct->pfnCompletionNotification (dwError, cbTransferred, pOverlapped, dwFlags);
// Return the struct to the free queue
addToHeadOfList (&pRTPSession->pRTPFreeList, (PLINK_LIST)pRCVStruct, &pRTPSession->critSect);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit RTPReceiveCallback()\n"); return; }
// Perform validity checking
pRTPHeader = (RTP_HDR_T *)pRCVStruct->pBuffer->buf; ASSERT (pRTPHeader);
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE))
if (RTPLogger) { //INTEROP
InteropOutput (RTPLogger, (BYTE FAR*)(pRCVStruct->pBuffer->buf), (int)cbTransferred, RTPLOG_RECEIVED_PDU | RTP_PDU); } #endif
// Check RTP Headers for validity. If not valid, then repost buffers
// to the network layer for a new receive.
if (validateRTPHeader (pRTPHeader) && (dwError == 0)) { // Get pointer to SSRC entry table for this session
// If SSRC in packet is > 1/2 MAX_RANGE of DWORD, start search from
// tail of SSRC list, otherwise, start from front
RRCMws.ntohl (pRCVStruct->RTPsocket, pRTPHeader->ssrc, &dwSSRC); if (dwSSRC > MAX_DWORD/2) { pSSRC = searchforSSRCatTail ( (PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTPSession->pRTCPSession->RcvSSRCList.prev, dwSSRC); } else { pSSRC = searchforSSRCatHead ( (PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTPSession->pRTCPSession->RcvSSRCList.next, dwSSRC); }
// get my own SSRC used for this stream
pMySSRC = searchForMySSRC ( (PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTPSession->pRTCPSession->XmtSSRCList.prev, pRCVStruct->RTPsocket); ASSERT (pMySSRC); // is this SSRC already known on the receive list ?
if (pSSRC == NULL) { // don't create an entry for my own packet looping back on
// a mcast group where loopback has not been turned off
if (pMySSRC->SSRC != dwSSRC) { // new party heard from. Create an entry for it
pSSRC = createSSRCEntry (dwSSRC, pRTPSession->pRTCPSession, (PSOCKADDR)pRCVStruct->pFrom, (DWORD)*pRCVStruct->pFromlen, FALSE);
// notify application if interested
RRCMnotification (RRCM_NEW_SOURCE_EVENT, pSSRC, dwSSRC, pRTPHeader->pt); } else { // my own SSRC received back
// A collision occurs if the SSRC in the rcvd packet is
// equal to mine, and the network transport address is
// different from mine.
// A loop occurs if after a collision has been resolved the
// SSRC collides again from the same source transport address
pSSRCadr = (PSOCKADDR_IN)&pMySSRC->from; if (((PSOCKADDR_IN)pRCVStruct->pFrom)->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr != pSSRCadr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr) { // check if the source address is already in the
// conflicting table. This identifes that somebody out
// there is looping pckts back to me
if (RRCMChkCollisionTable ((PSOCKADDR)pRCVStruct->pFrom,*pRCVStruct->pFromlen, pMySSRC)) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : Loop Detected ...", 0, NULL, 0, DBG_NOTIFY);
// loop already known
dwRequeue |= SSRC_LOOP_DETECTED; } else { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : Collision Detected ...", 0, NULL, 0, DBG_NOTIFY);
// create new entry in conflicting address table
RRCMAddEntryToCollisionTable ((PSOCKADDR)pRCVStruct->pFrom,*pRCVStruct->pFromlen, pMySSRC);
// send RTCP BYE packet w/ old SSRC
RTCPsendBYE (pMySSRC, "Loop/collision detected");
// select new SSRC
oldSSRC = pMySSRC->SSRC; dwSSRC = getSSRC (pMySSRC->pRTCPses->RcvSSRCList, pMySSRC->pRTCPses->XmtSSRCList);
EnterCriticalSection (&pMySSRC->critSect); pMySSRC->SSRC = dwSSRC; LeaveCriticalSection (&pMySSRC->critSect);
// create new entry w/ old SSRC plus actual source
// transport address in our receive list side, so the
// packet actually en-route will be dealt with
createSSRCEntry (oldSSRC, pRTPSession->pRTCPSession, (PSOCKADDR)pRCVStruct->pFrom, (DWORD)*pRCVStruct->pFromlen, FALSE);
// notify application if interested
// loop already known
dwRequeue |= SSRC_COLLISION_DETECTED; } } else { // own packet looped back because the sender joined the
// multicast group and loopback is not turned off
dwRequeue |= MCAST_LOOPBACK_NOT_OFF; } } } else if (pSSRC->dwSSRCStatus & THIRD_PARTY_COLLISION) { // this SSRC is marked as colliding. Reject the data
if ((pSSRC != NULL) && (dwRequeue == 0)) { // do all the statistical updating stuff
updateRTPStats (pRTPHeader, pSSRC, cbTransferred);
// update the payload type for this SSRC
pSSRC->PayLoadType = pRTPHeader->pt;
// Reinstate the AppSs WSAEVENT
pOverlapped->hEvent = pRCVStruct->hEvent; // And call the apps completion routine
pRCVStruct->pfnCompletionNotification (dwError, cbTransferred, pOverlapped, dwFlags);
// Return the struct to the free queue
addToHeadOfList (&pRTPSession->pRTPFreeList, (PLINK_LIST)pRCVStruct, &pRTPSession->critSect); } // SSRCList != NULL
} // valid RTP Header
else { dwRequeue |= INVALID_RTP_HEADER; }
if (dwRequeue) { // The RTP packet was invalid for some reason
RTPpostRecvBfr (dwError, cbTransferred, pOverlapped, dwFlags); }
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit RTPReceiveCallback()\n"); }
* Function : saveRCVWinsockContext * Description: Saves context for this buffer so that when a completion * routine returns with a handle, we know exactly what * buffer/stream this refers to. * * Input : pOverlapped : -> to overlapped structure * pBuffers : -> to WSA buffers * pFunc : -> to completion routine * pSession : -> to the RTP session * dwBufferCount : Number of WSA buffers * pNumBytesRecvd : -> to number of bytes received * pFlags : -> to flags * pFrom : -> to the From address field * pFromlen : -> to the from address field length * RTPsocket : RTP socket descriptor * * Return: RRCM_NoError = OK. * Otherwise(!=0) = Check RRCM.h file for references. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CALLBACK saveRCVWinsockContext(LPWSAOVERLAPPED pOverlapped, LPWSABUF pBuffers, LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pFunc, PRTP_SESSION pSession, DWORD dwBufferCount, LPDWORD pNumBytesRecvd, LPDWORD pFlags, LPVOID pFrom, LPINT pFromlen, SOCKET RTPsocket) { PRTP_BFR_LIST pNewCell; DWORD dwStatus = RRCM_NoError; DWORD numCells = NUM_FREE_CONTEXT_CELLS;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Enter saveRCVWinsockContext()\n"); // Get a PRTP Buffer from the free list
pNewCell = (PRTP_BFR_LIST)removePcktFromTail ( (PLINK_LIST)&pSession->pRTPFreeList, &pSession->critSect);
if (pNewCell == NULL) { // try to reallocate some free cells
if (pSession->dwNumTimesFreeListAllocated <= MAXNUM_CONTEXT_CELLS_REALLOC) { // increment the number of reallocated times even if the realloc
// fails next. Will avoid trying to realloc of a realloc problem
if (allocateLinkedList (&pSession->pRTPFreeList, pSession->hHeapFreeList, &numCells, sizeof(RTP_BFR_LIST), &pSession->critSect) == RRCM_NoError) { pNewCell = (PRTP_BFR_LIST)removePcktFromTail ( (PLINK_LIST)&pSession->pRTPFreeList, &pSession->critSect); } } }
if (pNewCell != NULL) { // Initialize the params
pNewCell->hEvent = pOverlapped->hEvent; pNewCell->pBuffer = pBuffers; pNewCell->pSession = pSession; pNewCell->dwFlags = *pFlags; pNewCell->pFrom = pFrom; pNewCell->pFromlen = pFromlen; pNewCell->RTPsocket = RTPsocket; pNewCell->dwBufferCount = dwBufferCount; pNewCell->pfnCompletionNotification = pFunc; // Overwrite the hEvent handed down from app.
// Will return the real one when the completion routine is called
pOverlapped->hEvent = (WSAEVENT)pNewCell; } else dwStatus = RRCMError_RTPResources;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit saveRCVWinsockContext()\n"); return (dwStatus); }
* Function : RTPpostRecvBfr * Description: RTP post a receive buffer to Winsock * * Input : dwError : Error code * cbTransferred : Bytes transferred * pOverlapped : -> to overlapped structure * dwFlags : Flags * * Return: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void RTPpostRecvBfr (DWORD dwError, DWORD cbTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED pOverlapped, DWORD dwFlags) { DWORD dwStatus; PRTP_BFR_LIST pRCVStruct; PRTP_SESSION pRTPSession;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Enter RTPpostRecvBfr\n");
// Reuse the packet with another receive
pRCVStruct = (PRTP_BFR_LIST)pOverlapped->hEvent;
// Corresponding RTP session
pRTPSession = (PRTP_SESSION)pRCVStruct->pSession;
dwStatus = RRCMws.recvFrom (pRCVStruct->RTPsocket, pRCVStruct->pBuffer, pRCVStruct->dwBufferCount, &cbTransferred, &pRCVStruct->dwFlags, (PSOCKADDR)pRCVStruct->pFrom, pRCVStruct->pFromlen, pOverlapped, RTPReceiveCallback);
// Check if Winsock Call succeeded
if (dwStatus == SOCKET_ERROR) { // If serious error, the receive request won't proceed
dwStatus = GetLastError(); if ((dwStatus != WSA_IO_PENDING) && (dwStatus != WSAEMSGSIZE)) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTP : ERROR - WSARecvFrom()", dwError, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
// notify the user if an error occured, so he can free up
// its receive resources. The byte count is set to 0
// Reinstate the AppSs WSAEVENT
pOverlapped->hEvent = pRCVStruct->hEvent; // And call the apps completion routine
pRCVStruct->pfnCompletionNotification (dwStatus, 0, pOverlapped, dwFlags);
// Return the receive structure to the free list
addToHeadOfList (&pRTPSession->pRTPFreeList, (PLINK_LIST)pRCVStruct, &pRTPSession->critSect); } }
IN_OUT_STR ("RTP : Exit RTPpostRecvBfr\n"); } #endif
// [EOF]