* * FILE: Videoui.cpp * * CREATED: Mark MacLin (MMacLin) 10-17-96 * * CONTENTS: CVideo object * ****************************************************************************/ // File: VideoUI.cpp
#include "precomp.h"
#include "avdefs.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "h323.h"
#include <mperror.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <nacguids.h>
#define DibHdrSize(lpbi) ((lpbi)->biSize + (int)(lpbi)->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD))
#define DibDataSize(lpbi) ((lpbi)->biSizeImage)
#define DibSize(lpbi) (DibHdrSize(lpbi) + DibDataSize(lpbi))
// SortOrder() and SetVideoSize() are helper functions for reordering the video
// based on the notion of a "small", "medium", or "large" user preference that is
// exposed by a property setting in INmChannelVideo::Setproperty. This
// notion is flawed because there may be more or less than three sizes.
// We should expose the possible sizes and let the application choose
// a format. Unil then, this hack has to be here. The code for these two functions
// was originally in vidstrm.cpp (in NAC.DLL)
// types & globals used by SortOrder() and SetVideoSize()
// Used to translate between frame sizes and the FRAME_* bit flags
#define NON_STANDARD 0x80000000
#define SIZE_TO_FLAG(s) (s == Small ? FRAME_SQCIF : s == Medium ? FRAME_QCIF: s == Large ? FRAME_CIF : NON_STANDARD)
// FORMATORDER: structure used in ::SetVideoSize to
// use predefined frame size orders for different set size requests
typedef struct _FORMATORDER { WORD indexCIF; WORD indexQCIF; WORD indexSQCIF; } FORMATORDER;
// Table of sizes in order
const FORMATORDER g_fmtOrderTable[3] = { { 0, 1, 2 }, // requestor asked for CIF
{ 2, 0, 1 }, // requestor asked for QCIF
{ 2, 1, 0 } // requestor asked for SQCIF
// SortOrder
// Helper function to search for the specific format type and set its sort
// order to the desired number
BOOL SortOrder( IAppVidCap *pavc, BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO* pvidcaps, DWORD dwcFormats, DWORD dwFlags, WORD wDesiredSortOrder, int nNumFormats ) { int i, j; int nNumSizes = 0; int *aFrameSizes = (int *)NULL; int *aMinFrameSizes = (int *)NULL; int iMaxPos; WORD wTempPos, wMaxSortIndex;
// Scale sort value
wDesiredSortOrder *= (WORD)nNumFormats;
// Local buffer of sizes that match dwFlags
if (!(aFrameSizes = (int *)LocalAlloc(LPTR,nNumFormats * sizeof (int)))) goto out;
// Look through all the formats until we find the ones we want
// Save the position of these entries
for (i=0; i<(int)dwcFormats; i++) if (SIZE_TO_FLAG(pvidcaps[i].enumVideoSize) == dwFlags) aFrameSizes[nNumSizes++] = i;
// Now order those entries from highest to lowest sort index
for (i=0; i<nNumSizes; i++) { for (iMaxPos = -1L, wMaxSortIndex=0UL, j=i; j<nNumSizes; j++) { if (pvidcaps[aFrameSizes[j]].wSortIndex > wMaxSortIndex) { wMaxSortIndex = pvidcaps[aFrameSizes[j]].wSortIndex; iMaxPos = j; } } if (iMaxPos != -1L) { wTempPos = (WORD)aFrameSizes[i]; aFrameSizes[i] = aFrameSizes[iMaxPos]; aFrameSizes[iMaxPos] = wTempPos; } }
// Change the sort index of the sorted entries
for (; nNumSizes--;) pvidcaps[aFrameSizes[nNumSizes]].wSortIndex = wDesiredSortOrder++;
// Release memory
return TRUE;
out: return FALSE; }
// ::SetVideoSize
HRESULT SetVideoSize( IH323CallControl *pH323CallControl, DWORD dwSizeFlags ) { IAppVidCap* pavc; DWORD dwcFormats; DWORD dwcFormatsReturned; BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO* pvidcaps = NULL; BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO* pmin; DWORD *pvfx = NULL; DWORD i, j; int k; HRESULT hr = S_OK; int nNumFormatTags;
// Validate parameters
if (dwSizeFlags != FRAME_CIF && dwSizeFlags != FRAME_QCIF && dwSizeFlags != FRAME_SQCIF) return S_FALSE;;
// Prepare for error
hr = S_FALSE;
// Get a vid cap interface
if (pH323CallControl->QueryInterface(IID_IAppVidCap, (void **)&pavc) != S_OK) goto out;
// Get the number of BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO structures available
if (pavc->GetNumFormats((UINT*)&dwcFormats) != S_OK) goto out;
// Allocate some memory to hold the list in
if (!(pvidcaps = (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO*)LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwcFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO)))) goto out;
// Get the list
if (pavc->EnumFormats(pvidcaps, dwcFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO), (UINT*)&dwcFormatsReturned) != S_OK) goto out;
// Use the preformatted list of choice here
switch (dwSizeFlags) { default: case FRAME_CIF: i = 0; break; case FRAME_QCIF: i = 1; break; case FRAME_SQCIF: i = 2; break; }
// Get the number of different format tags
if (!(pvfx = (DWORD*)LocalAlloc(LPTR,dwcFormatsReturned * sizeof (DWORD)))) goto out; ZeroMemory(pvfx,dwcFormatsReturned * sizeof (DWORD));
if (dwcFormatsReturned) { for (nNumFormatTags = 1, pvfx[0] = pvidcaps[0].dwFormatTag, j=1; j<dwcFormatsReturned; j++) { for (k=0; k<nNumFormatTags; k++) if (pvidcaps[j].dwFormatTag == pvfx[k]) break;
if (k==nNumFormatTags) pvfx[nNumFormatTags++] = pvidcaps[j].dwFormatTag; } }
// Set the sort order for the desired item
if (!SortOrder(pavc, pvidcaps, dwcFormatsReturned, FRAME_CIF, g_fmtOrderTable[i].indexCIF, nNumFormatTags) || !SortOrder(pavc, pvidcaps, dwcFormatsReturned, FRAME_QCIF, g_fmtOrderTable[i].indexQCIF, nNumFormatTags) || !SortOrder(pavc, pvidcaps, dwcFormatsReturned, FRAME_SQCIF, g_fmtOrderTable[i].indexSQCIF, nNumFormatTags)) { goto out; }
// Always pack indices
for (i=0; i<dwcFormatsReturned; i++) { // First find an entry with a sort index larger or equal to i
for (j=0; j<dwcFormatsReturned; j++) { // if ((pvidcaps[j].wSortIndex >= i) || (!i && (pvidcaps[j].wSortIndex == 0)))
if (pvidcaps[j].wSortIndex >= i) { pmin = &pvidcaps[j]; break; } } // First the smallest entry larger or equal to i
for (; j<dwcFormatsReturned; j++) { if ((pvidcaps[j].wSortIndex < pmin->wSortIndex) && (pvidcaps[j].wSortIndex >= i)) pmin = &pvidcaps[j]; } // Update sort index
pmin->wSortIndex = (WORD)i; }
// Ok, now submit this list
if (pavc->ApplyAppFormatPrefs(pvidcaps, dwcFormats) != S_OK) { goto out; }
hr = S_OK;
out: // Free the memory, we're done
if (pvidcaps) LocalFree(pvidcaps); if (pvfx) LocalFree(pvfx);
// let the interface go
if (pavc) pavc->Release();
return hr; }
CVideoPump::CVideoPump(BOOL fLocal) : m_fPaused(FALSE), m_dwUser(0), m_pfnCallback(NULL), m_dwLastFrameRate(0), m_fLocal(fLocal), m_fChannelOpen(FALSE), m_pImage(NULL), m_pVideoRender(NULL), m_BestFormat(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT), m_NewFormat(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT), m_fOpenPending(FALSE), m_fReopenPending(FALSE), m_fClosePending(FALSE) { }
CVideoPump::~CVideoPump() { if (NULL != m_pVideoRender) { m_pVideoRender->Done(); m_pVideoRender->Release(); } ReleaseImage(); if (NULL != m_pIVideoDevice) { m_pIVideoDevice->Release(); } if (NULL != m_pMediaStream) { m_pMediaStream->Release(); }
if (NULL != m_pPreviewChannel) { m_pPreviewChannel->Release(); } if (NULL != m_pCommChannel) { m_pCommChannel->Release(); } }
BOOL CVideoPump::ChanInitialize(ICommChannel* pCommChannel) { HRESULT hr; BOOL bRet = TRUE; if(m_pPreviewChannel && m_pPreviewChannel == pCommChannel) { ASSERT(m_pVideoRender && m_pCommChannel == pCommChannel); //m_pCommChannel = pCommChannel;
} else { m_pCommChannel = pCommChannel; m_pCommChannel->AddRef(); } return bRet; }
BOOL CVideoPump::Initialize(IH323CallControl *pH323CallControl, IMediaChannel *pMC, IVideoDevice *pVideoDevice, DWORD_PTR dwUser, LPFNFRAMEREADY pfnCallback) { HRESULT hr;
m_dwUser = dwUser; m_pfnCallback = pfnCallback;
m_pMediaStream = pMC; m_pMediaStream->AddRef(); if(m_fLocal) { GUID mediaID = MEDIA_TYPE_H323VIDEO;
hr = pH323CallControl->CreateLocalCommChannel(&m_pPreviewChannel, &mediaID, m_pMediaStream); if(FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(0); return FALSE; }
m_pCommChannel = m_pPreviewChannel; m_pCommChannel->AddRef();
hr = m_pMediaStream->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoRender, (void **)&m_pVideoRender); if(FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(0); return FALSE; } hr = m_pVideoRender->Init(m_dwUser, m_pfnCallback); if(FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(0); m_pVideoRender->Release(); m_pVideoRender = NULL; return FALSE; }
ASSERT(pVideoDevice); m_pIVideoDevice = pVideoDevice; m_pIVideoDevice->AddRef();
m_fChannelOpen = FALSE; m_dwLastFrameRate = INITIAL_FRAMERATE; m_fPaused = TRUE; EnableXfer(FALSE); // need to store state locally, set it in OnChannelOpen
return TRUE; }
HRESULT CVideoPump::GetFrame(FRAMECONTEXT *pFrameContext) { HRESULT hr; // if we are paused m_pImage will be a pointer to the saved DIB
if (NULL != m_pImage) { *pFrameContext = m_FrameContext; hr = S_OK; } else { if(m_pVideoRender) { hr = m_pVideoRender->GetFrame(pFrameContext); } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
if (S_OK == hr) { // data pump may be sending a bogus lpClipRect, so ...
// if lpClipRect is NULL, calculate rect from bmiHeader
if (NULL == pFrameContext->lpClipRect) { // calculate clip rect from BITMAPINFOHEADER
m_ClipRect.left = m_ClipRect.top = 0; m_ClipRect.right = pFrameContext->lpbmi->bmiHeader.biWidth; m_ClipRect.bottom = pFrameContext->lpbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight; pFrameContext->lpClipRect = &m_ClipRect; } } } return hr; }
HRESULT CVideoPump::ReleaseFrame(FRAMECONTEXT *pFrameContext) { // release the frame if it is not the saved DIB
if ((m_pImage != (LPBYTE)pFrameContext->lpbmi) && m_pVideoRender) { // if lpClipRect was NULL (see GetFrame), restore it
if (&m_ClipRect == pFrameContext->lpClipRect) { pFrameContext->lpClipRect = NULL; } return m_pVideoRender->ReleaseFrame(pFrameContext); } return S_OK; }
VOID CVideoPump::SnapImage () { FRAMECONTEXT FrameContext; if ((NULL == m_pImage) && m_pVideoRender) { if (S_OK == m_pVideoRender->GetFrame(&FrameContext)) { BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmih; pbmih = &FrameContext.lpbmi->bmiHeader; m_pImage = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, DibSize(pbmih)); if (NULL != m_pImage) { int nHdrSize = DibHdrSize(pbmih);
CopyMemory(m_pImage, pbmih, nHdrSize); CopyMemory(m_pImage + nHdrSize, FrameContext.lpData, DibDataSize(pbmih));
m_FrameContext.lpbmi = (LPBITMAPINFO)m_pImage; m_FrameContext.lpData = (LPBYTE)m_pImage + nHdrSize; if (NULL != FrameContext.lpClipRect) { m_ClipRect = *FrameContext.lpClipRect; } else { m_ClipRect.left = m_ClipRect.top = 0; m_ClipRect.right = m_FrameContext.lpbmi->bmiHeader.biWidth; m_ClipRect.bottom = m_FrameContext.lpbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight; } m_FrameContext.lpClipRect = &m_ClipRect; } m_pVideoRender->ReleaseFrame(&FrameContext); } } }
VOID CVideoPump::ReleaseImage () { if (NULL != m_pImage) { LocalFree(m_pImage); m_pImage = NULL; } }
VOID CVideoPump::Pause(BOOL fPause) { m_fPaused = fPause; // ideally we would like the data pump to hold onto the last frame
// so that we don't have to do this
if (m_fPaused) { if (m_fChannelOpen) { SnapImage(); } EnableXfer(FALSE); } else { EnableXfer(TRUE); ReleaseImage(); } }
BOOL CVideoPump::IsXferEnabled() { if (m_fLocal) { return IsSendEnabled(); } return IsReceiveEnabled(); }
VOID CVideoPump::Open(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID format_id) { if(!m_pCommChannel) { return; } m_pCommChannel->PauseNetworkStream(FALSE); m_pCommChannel->EnableOpen(TRUE);
if (m_fLocal) { HRESULT hr; // if the channel is not open and a call is in progress, now is the time
if(m_pConnection && m_pCommChannel) { // a call is in progress
if(!IsChannelOpen() && !m_fOpenPending) { // so, the channel is not open
if(format_id != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { // try to open a channel using specified format
m_fOpenPending = TRUE; // do this first (callbacks!)
hr = m_pCommChannel->Open(format_id, m_pConnection); if(FAILED(hr)) m_fOpenPending = FALSE; }
} else if (m_fClosePending) { m_NewFormat = format_id; if(format_id != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { m_fClosePending = FALSE; m_fReopenPending = TRUE; hr = m_pCommChannel->Close(); } } } } } VOID CVideoPump::Close() { HRESULT hr; hr = m_pCommChannel->Close(); // what to do about an error?
VOID CVideoPump::EnableXfer(BOOL fEnable) { if (m_fLocal) { if (fEnable) { HRESULT hr; SetFrameRate(m_dwLastFrameRate);
EnablePreview(TRUE); EnableSend(TRUE);
// if the channel is not open and a call is in progress, now is the time
if(m_pConnection && m_pCommChannel) { // a call is in progress
if(!IsChannelOpen() && !m_fOpenPending) { // so, the channel is not open
m_BestFormat = m_NewFormat = CVideoProp::GetBestFormat(); if(m_BestFormat != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { // try to open a channel using format m_BestFormat
m_fOpenPending = TRUE; // do this first (callbacks!)
hr = m_pCommChannel->Open(m_BestFormat, m_pConnection); if(FAILED(hr)) m_fOpenPending = FALSE; } // else no common video formats exist and a channel cannot
// be opened.
} else if (m_fClosePending) { m_BestFormat = m_NewFormat = CVideoProp::GetBestFormat(); if(m_BestFormat != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { m_fClosePending = FALSE; m_fReopenPending = TRUE; hr = m_pCommChannel->Close(); } } }
} else { if (IsSendEnabled()) { m_dwLastFrameRate = GetFrameRate(); }
EnablePreview(FALSE); EnableSend(FALSE); } } else { EnableReceive(fEnable); } }
VOID CVideoPump::SetFrameSize(DWORD dwValue) { CVideoProp::SetFrameSize(dwValue); ForceCaptureChange(); }
VOID CVideoPump::OnConnected(IH323Endpoint * lpConnection, ICommChannel *pIChannel) { m_pConnection = lpConnection; m_fOpenPending = m_fReopenPending = m_fClosePending = FALSE; }
VOID CVideoPump::OnChannelOpened(ICommChannel *pIChannel) { HRESULT hr; m_fChannelOpen = TRUE; m_fOpenPending = FALSE; ChanInitialize(pIChannel); ASSERT(m_pMediaStream); if (m_fLocal) { m_fSend = TRUE; EnableXfer(TRUE);
// if video size changed while waiting for the channel to be opened,
// then need to close again, then reopen again using the new format
if(m_BestFormat != m_NewFormat) { ForceCaptureChange(); } else // make sure to track the video size
{ GetFrameSize(); } } else { EnableXfer(m_fReceive); SetReceiveQuality(m_dwImageQuality); } ReleaseImage(); }
VOID CVideoPump::OnChannelError() { m_fOpenPending = FALSE; }
if (IsChannelOpen()) { if (IsXferEnabled()) { if (IsRemotePaused()) { state = NM_VIDEO_REMOTE_PAUSED; } else { state = NM_VIDEO_TRANSFERRING; } } else { if (IsRemotePaused()) { state = NM_VIDEO_BOTH_PAUSED; } else { state = NM_VIDEO_LOCAL_PAUSED; } } } else { if (IsXferEnabled()) { state = NM_VIDEO_PREVIEWING; } } return state; }
VOID CVideoPump::OnChannelClosed() { m_fChannelOpen = FALSE; HRESULT hr; if(m_pPreviewChannel) { if(m_fReopenPending) { m_fReopenPending = FALSE; if(m_BestFormat != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT ) { m_fOpenPending = TRUE; hr = m_pCommChannel->Open(m_BestFormat, m_pConnection); if(FAILED(hr)) m_fOpenPending = FALSE; } } else if(CVideoProp::IsPreviewEnabled()) { EnablePreview(TRUE); } } else { if(m_pCommChannel) { m_pCommChannel->Release(); m_pCommChannel = NULL; } } }
VOID CVideoPump::OnDisconnected() { m_pConnection = NULL;
if(m_dwFrameSize != m_dwPreferredFrameSize) { SetFrameSize(m_dwPreferredFrameSize); } if (!IsLocal()) { EnableXfer(FALSE); }
ReleaseImage(); }
CVideoProp::CVideoProp() : m_pCommChannel(NULL), m_pPreviewChannel(NULL), m_pConnection(NULL), m_pMediaStream(NULL), m_pIVideoDevice(NULL) { }
VOID CVideoProp::EnableSend(BOOL fEnable) { m_fSend = fEnable; BOOL bPause = (fEnable)? FALSE :TRUE; ASSERT(m_pCommChannel); m_pCommChannel->PauseNetworkStream(bPause); m_pCommChannel->EnableOpen(fEnable);
BOOL CVideoProp::IsSendEnabled() { return m_fSend; }
VOID CVideoProp::EnableReceive(BOOL fEnable) { m_fReceive = fEnable; BOOL fPause = !fEnable;
if(m_pCommChannel) { m_pCommChannel->PauseNetworkStream(fPause); } }
BOOL CVideoProp::IsReceiveEnabled() { return m_fReceive; }
VOID CVideoProp::EnablePreview(BOOL fEnable) { m_fPreview = fEnable; MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID; if(m_pCommChannel) { if(m_fPreview) { // get format to preview, then do it
FormatID = GetBestFormat(); if(FormatID != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { m_pCommChannel->Preview(FormatID, m_pMediaStream); } } else { m_pCommChannel->Preview(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT, NULL); } } }
BOOL CVideoProp::IsPreviewEnabled() { return m_fPreview; }
BOOL CVideoProp::IsRemotePaused() {
if(m_pCommChannel) return m_pCommChannel->IsRemotePaused(); else return FALSE; }
VOID CVideoProp::SetFrameRate(DWORD dwValue) { m_dwFrameRate = dwValue;
ASSERT(m_pMediaStream); m_pMediaStream->SetProperty( PROP_VIDEO_FRAME_RATE, &dwValue, sizeof(dwValue)); }
DWORD CVideoProp::GetFrameRate() { DWORD dwValue; UINT uSize = sizeof(dwValue);
ASSERT(m_pMediaStream); m_pMediaStream->GetProperty( PROP_VIDEO_FRAME_RATE, &dwValue, &uSize);
TRACE_OUT(("GetFrameRate returns %d", dwValue)); return dwValue; }
MEDIA_FORMAT_ID CVideoProp::GetBestFormat() { IAppVidCap* pavc = NULL; UINT cFormats; BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO* pvidcaps = NULL;
MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID = INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT; // Get a vid cap interface. If in a call, use the best common format
if(!m_pConnection) { // not in a call - use the best local format period
if(!m_pCommChannel) goto out; if (m_pCommChannel->QueryInterface(IID_IAppVidCap, (void **)&pavc) != S_OK) goto out; // Get the number of BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO structures available
if (pavc->GetNumFormats(&cFormats) != S_OK) goto out;
if(cFormats < 1) goto out; // Allocate some memory to hold the list in
if (!(pvidcaps = (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO)))) goto out;
// Get the list of local capabilities
// (by the way, this is never called for receive video)
if (pavc->EnumFormats(pvidcaps, cFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO), &cFormats) != S_OK) goto out;
// the output of EnumCommonFormats is in preferred order
FormatID = pvidcaps[0].Id; } else { if (m_pConnection->QueryInterface(IID_IAppVidCap, (void **)&pavc) != S_OK) goto out;
// Get the number of BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO structures available
if (pavc->GetNumFormats(&cFormats) != S_OK) goto out;
if(cFormats < 1) goto out; // Allocate some memory to hold the list in
if (!(pvidcaps = (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO)))) goto out;
// Get the list of viable transmit capabilities
// (by the way, this is never called for receive video)
if (pavc->EnumCommonFormats(pvidcaps, cFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO), &cFormats, TRUE) != S_OK) goto out;
// the output of EnumCommonFormats is in preferred order
FormatID = pvidcaps[0].Id;
} out: // Free the memory, we're done
if (pvidcaps) LocalFree(pvidcaps);
// let the interface go
if (pavc) pavc->Release();
return FormatID; }
VOID CVideoProp::SetFrameSize(DWORD dwValue) { IH323CallControl * pH323CallControl = g_pH323UI->GetH323CallControl(); m_dwFrameSize = m_dwPreferredFrameSize = dwValue; ::SetVideoSize(pH323CallControl, m_dwFrameSize); }
DWORD CVideoProp::GetFrameSize() { MEDIA_FORMAT_ID idCurrent; if(m_pCommChannel) { idCurrent = m_pCommChannel->GetConfiguredFormatID(); m_dwFrameSize = GetFrameSizes(idCurrent); } return m_dwFrameSize; }
DWORD CVideoProp::GetFrameSizes(MEDIA_FORMAT_ID idSpecificFormat) { DWORD dwValue = 0; //FRAME_SQCIF | FRAME_QCIF | FRAME_CIF;
HRESULT hr; BOOL bOpen = FALSE; ASSERT(m_pCommChannel); // Used to translate between frame sizes and the FRAME_* bit flags
#define NON_STANDARD 0x80000000
#define SIZE_TO_FLAG(s) (s == Small ? FRAME_SQCIF : s == Medium ? FRAME_QCIF: s == Large ? FRAME_CIF : NON_STANDARD)
IAppVidCap* pavc = NULL; DWORD dwcFormats; DWORD dwcFormatsReturned; BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO* pvidcaps = NULL; DWORD i; DWORD dwSizes = 0; DWORD dwThisSize;
// Get a vid cap interface
hr = m_pCommChannel->QueryInterface(IID_IAppVidCap, (void **)&pavc); if (hr != S_OK) goto out;
// Get the number of BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO structures available
hr = pavc->GetNumFormats((UINT*)&dwcFormats); if (hr != S_OK) goto out;
// Allocate some memory to hold the list in
if (!(pvidcaps = (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwcFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO)))) { // report that no sizes are available?
goto out; } // if an active session, use common caps from that session
hr = m_pCommChannel->IsChannelOpen(&bOpen); // if hr is an error, so what. it will take the channel not open path
if(bOpen) { // Get the list of common formats
hr = pavc->EnumCommonFormats(pvidcaps, dwcFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO), (UINT*)&dwcFormatsReturned, m_fSend); if(hr != S_OK) { // if the error is simply because there are no remote video caps, get the local formats
if(hr == CAPS_E_NOCAPS) { hr = pavc->EnumFormats(pvidcaps, dwcFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO), (UINT*)&dwcFormatsReturned); if (hr != S_OK) goto out; } else goto out; } } else { hr = pavc->EnumFormats(pvidcaps, dwcFormats * sizeof (BASIC_VIDCAP_INFO), (UINT*)&dwcFormatsReturned); if (hr != S_OK) goto out; } if(bOpen && (idSpecificFormat != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT )) { // Now walk through the list to see what sizes are supported
for (i = 0 ; i < dwcFormatsReturned ; i++) { if(pvidcaps[i].Id == idSpecificFormat) { dwThisSize = SIZE_TO_FLAG(pvidcaps[i].enumVideoSize); // As long as the macro found the size, return it to the property requester
if (dwThisSize != NON_STANDARD) { dwSizes |= dwThisSize; } break; } } } else { // Now walk through the list to see what sizes are supported
for (i = 0 ; i < dwcFormatsReturned ; i++) { if(m_fSend) { if(!pvidcaps[i].bSendEnabled) continue; } else { if(!pvidcaps[i].bRecvEnabled) continue; } // Convert to bit field sizes or NON_STANDARD
dwThisSize = SIZE_TO_FLAG(pvidcaps[i].enumVideoSize);
// As long as the macro found the size, return it to the property requester
if (dwThisSize != NON_STANDARD) dwSizes |= dwThisSize; } } // Now that we've accumulated all the sizes, return them
dwValue = dwSizes;
out: // Free the memory, we're done
if (pvidcaps) LocalFree(pvidcaps); // let the interface go
if (pavc) pavc->Release(); return dwValue; }
BOOL CVideoProp::HasSourceDialog() { HRESULT hr; IVideoChannel *pVideoChannel=NULL; DWORD dwFlags;
ASSERT(m_pMediaStream); hr = m_pMediaStream->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoChannel, (void**)&pVideoChannel); ASSERT(pVideoChannel);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
pVideoChannel->GetDeviceDialog(&dwFlags); pVideoChannel->Release();
return dwFlags & CAPTURE_DIALOG_SOURCE; }
BOOL CVideoProp::HasFormatDialog() { HRESULT hr; IVideoChannel *pVideoChannel=NULL; DWORD dwFlags;
ASSERT(m_pMediaStream); hr = m_pMediaStream->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoChannel, (void**)&pVideoChannel); ASSERT(pVideoChannel);
if (FAILED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
pVideoChannel->GetDeviceDialog(&dwFlags); pVideoChannel->Release();
return dwFlags & CAPTURE_DIALOG_FORMAT; }
VOID CVideoProp::ShowSourceDialog() { DWORD dwFlags = CAPTURE_DIALOG_SOURCE; HRESULT hr; IVideoChannel *pVideoChannel=NULL;
hr = m_pMediaStream->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoChannel, (void**)&pVideoChannel); ASSERT(pVideoChannel);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
pVideoChannel->ShowDeviceDialog(dwFlags); pVideoChannel->Release(); } }
VOID CVideoProp::ShowFormatDialog() { DWORD dwFlags = CAPTURE_DIALOG_FORMAT; HRESULT hr; IVideoChannel *pVideoChannel=NULL;
hr = m_pMediaStream->QueryInterface(IID_IVideoChannel, (void**)&pVideoChannel); ASSERT(pVideoChannel);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
pVideoChannel->ShowDeviceDialog(dwFlags); pVideoChannel->Release(); } }
VOID CVideoProp::SetReceiveQuality(DWORD dwValue) { m_dwImageQuality = dwValue; if(m_pCommChannel) { dwValue = MAX_VIDEO_QUALITY - dwValue; m_pCommChannel->SetProperty( PROP_TS_TRADEOFF, &dwValue, sizeof(dwValue)); } }
DWORD CVideoProp::GetReceiveQuality() { return m_dwImageQuality; }
BOOL CVideoProp::IsCaptureAvailable() { ULONG uNumCapDevs;
uNumCapDevs = m_pIVideoDevice->GetNumCapDev(); return (uNumCapDevs > 0); }
BOOL CVideoProp::IsCaptureSuspended() { BOOL fStandby; UINT uSize = sizeof(fStandby);
ASSERT(m_pCommChannel); m_pCommChannel->GetProperty( PROP_VIDEO_PREVIEW_STANDBY, &fStandby, &uSize); return fStandby; }
VOID CVideoProp::SuspendCapture(BOOL fSuspend) { ASSERT(m_pCommChannel); if (fSuspend) { // Enable standby
m_pCommChannel->SetProperty( PROP_VIDEO_PREVIEW_STANDBY, &fSuspend, sizeof(fSuspend)); m_pCommChannel->Preview(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT, NULL); } else { if(m_fPreview) { // get format to preview, then do it
MEDIA_FORMAT_ID FormatID = GetBestFormat(); if(FormatID != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { m_pCommChannel->Preview(FormatID, m_pMediaStream); } // Disable standby
m_pCommChannel->SetProperty( PROP_VIDEO_PREVIEW_STANDBY, &fSuspend, sizeof(fSuspend)); } else { m_pCommChannel->Preview(INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT, NULL); } } }
// Gets the number of enabled capture devices
// Returns -1L on error
int CVideoProp::GetNumCapDev() { ASSERT(m_pIVideoDevice); return (m_pIVideoDevice->GetNumCapDev()); }
// Gets the max size of the captuire device name
// Returns -1L on error
int CVideoProp::GetMaxCapDevNameLen() { ASSERT(m_pIVideoDevice); return (m_pIVideoDevice->GetMaxCapDevNameLen()); }
// Enum list of enabled capture devices
// Fills up 1st buffer with device IDs, 2nd buffer with device names
// Third parameter is the number of devices to enum
// Returns -1L on error
BOOL CVideoProp::EnumCapDev(DWORD *pdwCapDevIDs, TCHAR *pszCapDevNames, DWORD dwNumCapDev) { ASSERT(m_pIVideoDevice); return (S_OK != m_pIVideoDevice->EnumCapDev(pdwCapDevIDs, pszCapDevNames, dwNumCapDev)); }
// Returns the ID of the currently selected device
// Returns -1L on error
int CVideoProp::GetCurrCapDevID() { ASSERT(m_pIVideoDevice); return (m_pIVideoDevice->GetCurrCapDevID()); }
// Selects the current capture device
// Returns -1L on error
BOOL CVideoProp::SetCurrCapDevID(int nCapDevID) { ASSERT(m_pIVideoDevice); return (S_OK != m_pIVideoDevice->SetCurrCapDevID(nCapDevID)); }
// Selects the current capture device
// Returns -1L on error
BOOL CVideoPump::SetCurrCapDevID(int nCapDevID) { if (nCapDevID == -1) { WARNING_OUT(("CVideoPump::SetCurrCapDevID called with %d", nCapDevID));
// This will release the capture device for Exchange RTC video stuff
if (m_pMediaStream) { m_pMediaStream->Configure(NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); }
return TRUE; } else { HRESULT hr; IDualPubCap *pCapability = NULL; LPAPPVIDCAPPIF pVidCap = NULL; IH323CallControl * pH323CallControl = g_pH323UI->GetH323CallControl();
// change the capture device
// reinitialize local capability data
hr = pH323CallControl->QueryInterface(IID_IDualPubCap, (void **)&pCapability); if(FAILED(hr)) goto out; ASSERT(pCapability); hr = pCapability->QueryInterface(IID_IAppVidCap, (void **)&pVidCap); if(FAILED(hr)) goto out; ASSERT(pVidCap); hr = pVidCap->SetDeviceID(nCapDevID); if(FAILED(hr)) goto out; hr = pCapability->ReInitialize();
out: if (pVidCap) pVidCap->Release(); if (pCapability) pCapability->Release();
return ForceCaptureChange(); } }
BOOL CVideoPump::ForceCaptureChange() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_fLocal) { if (m_pConnection) { if (IsXferEnabled()) { if (!m_fReopenPending && !m_fOpenPending) { // if the send channel, and a call exists and the channel is open, and not
// already closing or opening .....
if(IsChannelOpen()) { ASSERT(m_pCommChannel); // need to close and re-open
// don't lose a good channel if there is no longer
// a compatible format, otherwise, close and reopen
m_BestFormat = m_NewFormat = CVideoProp::GetBestFormat(); if(m_BestFormat != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT) { m_fReopenPending = TRUE; hr = m_pCommChannel->Close(); } } else { if(m_BestFormat != INVALID_MEDIA_FORMAT ) { m_fOpenPending = TRUE; hr = m_pCommChannel->Open(m_BestFormat, m_pConnection); if(FAILED(hr)) m_fOpenPending = FALSE; } } } else // already waiting for channel to be opened using some format
{ m_NewFormat = CVideoProp::GetBestFormat(); } } else { if(IsChannelOpen()) { m_fClosePending = TRUE; } } } else { if (!IsChannelOpen() && IsPreviewEnabled()) { // togle preview to commit size change
EnablePreview(FALSE); EnablePreview(TRUE); } } }
if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE; else return TRUE; }