/****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* ERNCCONF.HPP */ /* */ /* Base Conference class for the Reference System Node Controller. */ /* */ /* Copyright Data Connection Ltd. 1995 */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Changes: */ /* */ /* 12Jul95 NFC Created. */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/
#ifndef __ERNCCONF_HPP_
#define __ERNCCONF_HPP_
extern "C" { #include "T120.h"
} #include "events.hpp"
#include <cuserdta.hpp>
#include "inodecnt.h"
extern IT120ControlSAP *g_pIT120ControlSap;
class CNodeIdNameList2 : public CList2 { DEFINE_CLIST2_(CNodeIdNameList2, LPSTR, T120NodeID) };
class CUserDataList2 : public CList2 { DEFINE_CLIST2_(CUserDataList2, CNCUserDataList*, T120NodeID) };
class DCRNCConference;
/****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Structures */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/
// List of local addresses in the conference
// LONCHANC: This class is insane. We should fix it.
class CLocalAddress : public CRefCount { friend class CLocalAddressList;
public: CLocalAddress(PCSTR szLocalAddress); ~CLocalAddress(void) { delete m_pszLocalAddress; } PCSTR GetLocalAddress(void) { return m_pszLocalAddress; }
private: LPSTR m_pszLocalAddress; };
class CLocalAddressList : private CList { DEFINE_CLIST(CLocalAddressList, CLocalAddress*)
~CLocalAddressList(void) { ASSERT(IsEmpty()); }
HRESULT AddLocalAddress(ConnectionHandle connection_handle, BOOL * pbNewAddress, CLocalAddress ** ppLocalAddr); HRESULT GetLocalAddressList(UINT * pnAddresses, LPCSTR** ppaAddresses); void EndReference(CLocalAddress *pLocalAddr); };
/****************************************************************************/ /* Values for connection state field. */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef enum { CONF_CON_PENDING_START, CONF_CON_PENDING_INVITE, CONF_CON_PENDING_JOIN, CONF_CON_CONNECTED, CONF_CON_PENDING_PASSWORD, CONF_CON_INVITED, CONF_CON_JOINED, CONF_CON_ERROR, } LOGICAL_CONN_STATE;
/****************************************************************************/ /* An entry in the connection list. */ /****************************************************************************/ class CLogicalConnection : public CRefCount { public:
CLogicalConnection ( PCONFERENCE pConf, LOGICAL_CONN_STATE eAction, ConnectionHandle hConnection, PUSERDATAINFO pInfo, UINT nInfo, BOOL fSecure ); ~CLogicalConnection(void);
BOOL NewLocalAddress(void); void Delete(HRESULT hrReason); HRESULT InviteConnectResult(HRESULT hr); void InviteComplete(HRESULT hrStatus, PT120PRODUCTVERSION pVersion = NULL);
void SetState(LOGICAL_CONN_STATE eState) { m_eState = eState; } LOGICAL_CONN_STATE GetState(void) { return m_eState; }
LPSTR GetNodeAddress(void) { return m_pszNodeAddress; } void SetNodeAddress(LPSTR psz) { m_pszNodeAddress = psz; }
UserID GetConnectionNodeID(void) { return m_nidConnection; } void SetConnectionNodeID(GCCNodeID nidConn) { m_nidConnection = nidConn; }
ConnectionHandle GetInviteReqConnHandle(void) { return m_hInviteReqConn; } void SetInviteReqConnHandle(ConnectionHandle hConnReq) { m_hInviteReqConn = hConnReq; }
ConnectionHandle GetConnectionHandle(void) { return m_hConnection; } void SetConnectionHandle(ConnectionHandle hConn) { m_hConnection = hConn; }
CNCUserDataList *GetUserDataList(void) { return &m_UserDataInfoList; }
void ReArm(void) { m_fEventGrabbed = FALSE; }
BOOL Grab(void) { // For this function to work, it relies upon the fact
// that the thread executing it will not be interrupted
// and reenter this function on the same thread.
BOOL fGrabbedByMe = ! m_fEventGrabbed; m_fEventGrabbed = TRUE; return fGrabbedByMe; }
BOOL IsConnectionSecure(void) { return m_fSecure; };
LOGICAL_CONN_STATE m_eState; LPSTR m_pszNodeAddress; PCONFERENCE m_pConf; ConnectionHandle m_hInviteReqConn; // for invite request/indication
ConnectionHandle m_hConnection; GCCNodeID m_nidConnection; CLocalAddress *m_pLocalAddress; CNCUserDataList m_UserDataInfoList; BOOL m_fSecure;
BOOL m_fEventGrabbed; };
class CNCConfConnList : public CList { DEFINE_CLIST(CNCConfConnList, CLogicalConnection*) };
/****************************************************************************/ /* States */ /****************************************************************************/ typedef enum { CONF_ST_UNINITIALIZED, CONF_ST_PENDING_CONNECTION, CONF_ST_LOCAL_PENDING_RECREATE, CONF_ST_PENDING_T120_START_LOCAL, // LONCHANC: please do not remove this chunk of code.
class DCRNCConference : public IDataConference, public CRefCount { friend class CLogicalConnection; friend class CInviteIndWork;
// IDataConference Interface
STDMETHODIMP_(void) ReleaseInterface(void); STDMETHODIMP_(UINT_PTR) GetConferenceID(void); STDMETHODIMP Leave(void); STDMETHODIMP EjectUser ( UINT nidEjected ); STDMETHODIMP Invite ( LPCSTR pcszNodeAddress, USERDATAINFO aInfo[], UINT cInfo, REQUEST_HANDLE *phRequest ); STDMETHODIMP InviteResponse ( BOOL fResponse ); STDMETHODIMP JoinResponse ( BOOL fResponse ); STDMETHODIMP LaunchGuid ( const GUID *pcGUID, UINT auNodeIDs[], UINT cNodes ); STDMETHODIMP SetUserData ( const GUID *pcGUID, UINT cbData, LPVOID pData ); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) IsSecure(void); STDMETHODIMP UpdateUserData(void); STDMETHODIMP GetLocalAddressList ( LPWSTR pwszBuffer, UINT cchBuffer ); STDMETHODIMP CancelInvite ( REQUEST_HANDLE hRequest ); STDMETHODIMP SetSecurity ( BOOL fSecure ); STDMETHODIMP GetCred ( PBYTE *ppbCred, DWORD *pcbCred ); STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) GetParentNodeID(void);
// Various ways to get a connection entry.
// Based upon a current pending event (request).
CLogicalConnection * GetConEntry(ConnectionHandle hInviteIndConn); CLogicalConnection * GetConEntry(LPSTR pszNodeAddress); CLogicalConnection * GetConEntryByNodeID(GCCNodeID nid);
ULONG GetNodeName(GCCNodeID NodeId, LPSTR pszBuffer, ULONG cbBufSize); ULONG GetUserGUIDData(GCCNodeID NodeId, GUID *pGuid, LPBYTE pbBuffer, ULONG cbBufSize);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: DCRNCConference Constructor. */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This is the constructor for the conference class. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* conferenceName - name of the conference. */ /* pStatus - pointer to hold result on return. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ DCRNCConference(LPCWSTR pwszConfName, GCCConfID nConfID, BOOL fSecure, HRESULT *pStatus);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: DCRNCConference Destructor. */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This is the destructor for the conference class. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* None. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* Nothing. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ ~DCRNCConference(void); void OnRemoved(BOOL fReleaseNow = FALSE); #ifdef _DEBUG
void OnAppended(void) { m_fAppendedToConfList = TRUE; } #endif
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: GetID(). */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function returns the ID for this conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* none. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ GCCConferenceID GetID(void) { return m_nConfID; } void SetID(GCCConfID nConfID) { m_nConfID = nConfID; }
void SetActive(BOOL _bActive) { m_fActive = _bActive; } BOOL IsActive(void) { return m_fActive; } void FirstRoster(void);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: GetName(). */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function returns the actual name of this conference. For GCC */ /* this is the text part of the conference name. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* none. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ LPCWSTR GetName(void) { return m_pwszConfName; } LPSTR GetNumericName(void) { return m_ConfName.numeric_string; }
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: HandleGCCCallback(). */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called by the conference manager when */ /* GCC calls back with an event for this conference. */ /* The events handled by this function are: */ /* */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* pGCCMessage - pointer to the GCC message. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* Nothing. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleGCCCallback(GCCMessage *pGCCMessage); void HandleJoinConfirm(JoinConfirmMessage * pJoinConfirm);
HRESULT RefreshRoster(void);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: ValidatePassword() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is used to verify the password supplied with a */ /* GCC-Conference-Join indication. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* pPasswordChallenge - Pointer to the GCC structure containing the */ /* supplied password */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* TRUE, if the join is authorized, FALSE, otherwise. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ BOOL ValidatePassword (GCCChallengeRequestResponse *pPasswordChallenge);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: Invite() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to invite a remote node into the conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* pNodeDetails - details of the address of the node to invite into the */ /* conference. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. CONF_RC_BAD_STATE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT InviteResponse ( HRESULT hrResponse ); void InviteComplete(ConnectionHandle hInviteReqConn, HRESULT result, PT120PRODUCTVERSION pVersion);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: Leave() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to leave the conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* None. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* CONF_RC_BAD_STATE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ // HRESULT Leave(void);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: Terminate(). */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to terminate the conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* None. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* CONF_RC_BAD_STATE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ // HRESULT Terminate(void);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: Eject(). */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to eject an user from the conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* User ID. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* UI_RC_T120_FAILURE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT Eject(GCCNodeID nidEjected);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: SendText(). */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to send text to users in the conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* User ID -> If user id is 0 it sends the text to all participants. */ /* Text Mesage. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* UI_RC_T120_FAILURE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ // HRESULT SendText(LPWSTR pwszTextMsg, GCCNodeID node_id);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: TimeRemaining(). */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to send the time remaining in the conference.*/ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* Time remaining in seconds. */ /* User ID -> If user id is 0 it sends the text to all participants. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* UI_RC_T120_FAILURE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ // HRESULT TimeRemaining(UINT time_remaining, GCCNodeID nidDestination);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: Join() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to join a conference at a remote node. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* pNodeDetails - details of the address of the node at which to join */ /* the conference. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* CONF_RC_BAD_STATE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT Join(LPSTR pszNodeAddress, PUSERDATAINFO pInfo, UINT nInfo, PCWSTR _wszPassword);
HRESULT JoinWrapper(CLogicalConnection * pConEntry, PCWSTR _wszPassword);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: NotifyConferenceComplete() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called the generic conference when it has */ /* finished its attempt to start. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* result - result of the attempt to connect. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* Nothing. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ void NotifyConferenceComplete(HRESULT result);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: NotifyConnectionComplete() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called by an instance of a PHYSICAL_CONNECTION when */ /* it has finished its attempt to establish a connection. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* */ /* pConnection - ptr to the connection which has started. */ /* result - result of the attempt to connect. */ /* One of */ /* CONF_CONNECTION_START_PRIMARY */ /* CONF_CONNECTION_START_ALTERNATE */ /* CONF_CONNECTION_START_FAIL */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* CONF_RC_BAD_STATE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT NotifyConnectionComplete(CLogicalConnection * pConEntry, HRESULT result);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: NotifyRosterChanged(). */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called by the generic conference when its */ /* conference roster has been updated. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* pRoster - pointer to the new roster. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* Nothing. */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ void NotifyRosterChanged(PNC_ROSTER roster);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: StartLocal() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to start a local conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* _wszPassword: The local conference's password (used to validate */ /* GCC-Conference-Join indications. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* CONF_RC_BAD_STATE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT StartLocal(PCWSTR _wszPassword, PBYTE pbHashedPassword, DWORD cbHashedPassword);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: StartRemote() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to start a conference with a remote node. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* pNodeDetails - details of the address of the node with which to */ /* start the conference. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* CONF_RC_BAD_STATE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ // LONCHANC: please do not remove this chunk of code.
HRESULT StartRemote(LPSTR pszNodeAddress); #endif
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: StartIncoming() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to start an incoming conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* CONF_RC_BAD_STATE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT StartIncoming(void);
BOOL GetNotifyToDo(void) { return m_fNotifyToDo; } void SetNotifyToDo(BOOL fNotifyToDo) { m_fNotifyToDo = fNotifyToDo; }
/************************************************************************/ /* MapPCMtoConfError - map a PCM return code to a Conference return */ /* code. */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT MapPCMtoConfError(HRESULT PCMrc); CLogicalConnection *NewLogicalConnection ( LOGICAL_CONN_STATE eAction, ConnectionHandle hConnection, PUSERDATAINFO pInfo = NULL, UINT nInfo = 0, BOOL fSecure = FALSE ) { CLogicalConnection *pConEntry; pConEntry = new CLogicalConnection(this, eAction, hConnection, pInfo, nInfo, fSecure); if (NULL != pConEntry) { m_ConnList.Append(pConEntry); } return pConEntry; }
/************************************************************************/ /* StartConnection - add a new connection to our connection list. */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT StartConnection(LPSTR pszNodeAddress, LOGICAL_CONN_STATE action, PUSERDATAINFO pInfo = NULL, UINT nInfo = 0, BOOL fSecure = FALSE, REQUEST_HANDLE * phRequest = NULL);
// LONCHANC: please do not remove this chunk of code.
/************************************************************************/ /* StartFirstConference() - start the first attempt to create a */ /* conference. */ /************************************************************************/ void StartFirstConference();
/************************************************************************/ /* StartSecondConference() - start the second attempt to create a */ /* conference. */ /************************************************************************/ void StartSecondConference(HRESULT FirstConferenceStatus); #endif // ENABLE_START_REMOTE
// Local address list wrappers
HRESULT AddLocalAddress(ConnectionHandle hConn, BOOL *pbNewAddr, CLocalAddress **ppLocalAddrToRet) { return m_LocalAddressList.AddLocalAddress(hConn, pbNewAddr, ppLocalAddrToRet); } void EndReference(CLocalAddress *pLocalAddr) { m_LocalAddressList.EndReference(pLocalAddr); }
// Connection list
BOOL IsConnListEmpty(void) { return m_ConnList.IsEmpty(); } CLogicalConnection *PeekConnListHead(void) { return m_ConnList.PeekHead(); }
// Invite indication work item
CInviteIndWork *GetInviteIndWork(void) { return m_pInviteUI; } void SetInviteIndWork(CInviteIndWork *p) { m_pInviteUI = p; }
BOOL FindSocketNumber(GCCNodeID, SOCKET *); void UpdateNodeIdNameListAndUserData(PGCCMessage message);
UINT InvalidPwdCount(void) { return m_nInvalidPasswords; }; VOID IncInvalidPwdCount(void) { m_nInvalidPasswords++; }; VOID ResetInvalidPwdCount(void) { m_nInvalidPasswords = 0; };
private: // Generic Conference
/************************************************************************/ /* State of this conference. */ /************************************************************************/ NC_CONF_STATE m_eState;
/************************************************************************/ /* ID of this conference. */ /************************************************************************/ GCCConferenceID m_nConfID;
/************************************************************************/ /* List of connections in use by this conference. */ /************************************************************************/ CNCConfConnList m_ConnList;
/************************************************************************/ /* Name of this conference. */ /************************************************************************/ LPWSTR m_pwszConfName;
/************************************************************************/ /* Details of the first node we try to connect to. */ /************************************************************************/ LPSTR m_pszFirstRemoteNodeAddress;
/************************************************************************/ /* Are we incoming or outgoing? */ /************************************************************************/ BOOL m_fIncoming;
/************************************************************************/ /* Conference passwords */ /************************************************************************/ PBYTE m_pbHashedPassword; DWORD m_cbHashedPassword; LPWSTR m_pwszPassword; LPSTR m_pszNumericPassword;
/************************************************************************/ /* Security Setting */ /************************************************************************/ BOOL m_fSecure;
/************************************************************************/ /* Number of invalid passwords attempts */ /************************************************************************/ BOOL m_nInvalidPasswords;
/************************************************************************/ /* Remember the invite indication work item if being invited */ /************************************************************************/ CInviteIndWork *m_pInviteUI;
/************************************************************************/ /* List of local addresses */ /************************************************************************/ CLocalAddressList m_LocalAddressList;
/************************************************************************/ /* Miscellaneous states */ /************************************************************************/ BOOL m_fNotifyToDo; BOOL m_fActive; // Whether a placeholder or counted as a real conference.
#ifdef _DEBUG
BOOL m_fAppendedToConfList; // TRUE when this object is in NC Mgr's list
private: // T120 Conference
/************************************************************************/ /* Pointer to base conference */ /************************************************************************/ PCONFERENCE pBase;
/************************************************************************/ /* State. */ /************************************************************************/ NC_T120_CONF_STATE m_eT120State;
/************************************************************************/ /* Conference name structure to pass to GCC. */ /************************************************************************/ GCCConferenceName m_ConfName;
/************************************************************************/ /* Nodes ID. */ /************************************************************************/ GCCNodeID m_nidMyself;
/************************************************************************/ /* The user data for the local member in the conference. */ /************************************************************************/ CNCUserDataList m_LocalUserData; CNodeIdNameList2 m_NodeIdNameList; CUserDataList2 m_UserDataList;
PBYTE m_pbCred; DWORD m_cbCred;
public: // T120 Conference
/****************************************************************************/ /* AnnouncePresence() - announce this nodes participation in the */ /* conference. */ /****************************************************************************/ HRESULT AnnouncePresence(void);
void SetT120State(NC_T120_CONF_STATE eState) { m_eT120State = eState; }
protected: // T120 Conference
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: T120Invite() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to invite a remote node into the conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* pNodeDetails - the connection to invite the node over. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. UI_RC_T120_FAILURE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT T120Invite(LPSTR pszNodeAddress, BOOL fSecure, CNCUserDataList * pUserDataInfoList, ConnectionHandle * phInviteReqConn);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: T120Join() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to join a conference at a remote node. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* pNodeDetails - the connection to join the conference over. */ /* conferenceName - name of the conference to join. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* UI_RC_T120_FAILURE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT T120Join(LPSTR pszNodeAddress, BOOL fSecure, LPCWSTR conferenceName, CNCUserDataList *pUserDataInfoList, LPCWSTR pwszPassword); // REQUEST_HANDLE *phRequest);
private: // T120 Conference
// The original constructor of T120 Conference
HRESULT NewT120Conference(void);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: StartLocal() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to start a local conference. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* None. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* UI_RC_T120_FAILURE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ HRESULT T120StartLocal(BOOL fSecure);
/************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: T120StartRemote() */ /* */ /* DESCRIPTION: */ /* */ /* This function is called to start a conference with a remote node. */ /* */ /* PARAMETERS: */ /* */ /* pNodeDetails - connection to establish the conference with. */ /* */ /* RETURNS: */ /* */ /* 0 - success. */ /* UI_RC_T120_FAILURE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ // LONCHANC: please do not remove this chunk of code.
HRESULT T120StartRemote(LPSTR pszNodeAddress); #endif
void HandleConnectionBrokenIndication(ConnectionBrokenIndicationMessage *);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleAddConfirm - handle a GCC_ADD_CONFIRM message */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleAddConfirm(AddConfirmMessage * pAddConf) { ERROR_OUT(("HandleAddConfirm: Not supported yet...")); }
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleAnnounceConfirm - handle a GCC_ANNOUNCE_PRESENCE_CONFIRM */ /* message */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleAnnounceConfirm(AnnouncePresenceConfirmMessage * pGCCMessage);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleCreateConfirm - handle a GCC_CREATE_CONFIRM message. */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleCreateConfirm(CreateConfirmMessage * pCreateConfirm);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleDisconnectConfirm - handle a GCC_DISCONNECT_CONFIRM message. */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleDisconnectConfirm(DisconnectConfirmMessage * pDiscConf);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleDisconnectInd - handle a GCC_DISCONNECT_INDICATION message. */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleDisconnectInd(DisconnectIndicationMessage * pDiscInd);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleEjectUser - handle a GCC_EJECT_USER_INDICATION message. */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleEjectUser(EjectUserIndicationMessage * pEjectInd);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleInviteConfirm - handle a GCC_INVITE_CONFIRM message. */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleInviteConfirm(InviteConfirmMessage * pInviteConf);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandlePermitToAnnounce - handle a GCC_PERMIT_TO_ANNOUNCE_PRESENCE */ /* message. */ /************************************************************************/ void HandlePermitToAnnounce(PermitToAnnouncePresenceMessage * pAnnounce);
void HandleRosterReport(GCCConferenceRoster * pConferenceRoster);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleTerminateConfirm - handle a GCC_TERMINATE_CONFIRM message. */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleTerminateConfirm(TerminateConfirmMessage * pTermConf);
/************************************************************************/ /* HandleTerminateInd - handle a GCC_TERMINATE_INDICATION message. */ /************************************************************************/ void HandleTerminateInd(TerminateIndicationMessage * pTermInd); };
void LoadAnnouncePresenceParameters( GCCNodeType * nodeType, GCCNodeProperties * nodeProperties, LPWSTR * nodeName, LPWSTR * siteInformation);
void BuildAddressFromNodeDetails(LPSTR pszNodeAddress, LPSTR pszDstAddress);
#endif /* __ERNCCONF_HPP_ */