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<% '================================================== ' Microsoft Server Appliance ' ' Sets language based on browser settings ' ' Copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '================================================== %>
<% On Error Resume Next
Dim objLocalMgr Dim iBrowserLangID
Dim arrLangDisplayNames,arrLangISONames, arrLangCharSets Dim arrLangCodePages, arrLangIDs
Const strLANGIDName = "LANGID" Const ConstDword = 1
set objLocalMgr = Server.CreateObject("ServerAppliance.LocalizationManager")
If Not objLocalMgr.fAutoConfigDone Then Dim strBrowserLang Dim iCurLang, iCurLangID iCurLang = objLocalMgr.GetLanguages(arrLangDisplayNames, arrLangISONames, arrLangCharSets, arrLangCodePages, arrLangIDs) iCurLangID = arrLangIDs(iCurLang)
'Err.Clear 'Here getting -2147467259 Error strBrowserLang = getBroswerLanguage() iBrowserLangID = isSupportedLanguage(strBrowserLang) If iBrowserLangID <> 0 Then 'Browser Language and Current Language "LANGID" are diiferent.. ExecuteTask1(Hex(iBrowserLangID)) End if End if
' ' set the code page EVERYTIME ' Session.CodePage = objLocalMgr.CurrentCodePage
Set objLocalMgr = Nothing
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : getBroswerLanguage ' ' Synopsis : Serves in getting Browser Default Language ID ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : LANGID ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function getBroswerLanguage On Error Resume Next Err.Clear getBroswerLanguage = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE") getBroswerLanguage = Left(getBroswerLanguage, 2) End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : isSupportedLanguage ' ' Synopsis : checks whether the given language is supported by framework, ' if yes returns the lang id else returns 0 ' ' Arguments: strBrowserLang(IN) - ISO Name of Language ' ' Returns : Language ID ' '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function isSupportedLanguage(strBrowserLang) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim name Dim iIndex Dim ISOName iIndex=0 isSupportedLanguage = 0 for each ISOName in arrLangISONames If ISOName = strBrowserLang Then isSupportedLanguage = arrLangIDs(iIndex) Exit for End if iIndex = iIndex + 1 next
End Function
'---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ExecuteTask1 ' ' Synopsis : Executes the ChangeLanguage task ' ' Arguments: strLangID(IN) - The LANGID as a string ' ' Returns : true/false for success/failure ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ExecuteTask1(strLangID) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objTaskContext,objAS,rc Const strMethodName = "ChangeLanguage" Set objTaskContext = CreateObject("Taskctx.TaskContext") If Err.Number <> 0 Then ExecuteTask1 = FALSE Exit Function End If Set objAS = CreateObject("Appsrvcs.ApplianceServices") If Err.Number <> 0 Then ExecuteTask1 = FALSE Exit Function End If objTaskContext.SetParameter "Method Name", strMethodName objTaskContext.SetParameter "LanguageID", strLANGID objTaskContext.SetParameter "AutoConfig", "y" If Err.Number <> 0 Then ExecuteTask1 = FALSE Exit Function End If
objAS.Initialize() If Err.Number <> 0 Then ExecuteTask1 = FALSE Exit Function End If
rc = objAS.ExecuteTask("ChangeLanguage", objTaskContext) If Err.Number <> 0 Then ExecuteTask1 = FALSE Exit Function End If objAS.Shutdown If Err.Number <> 0 Then If Err.Number <> 438 Then 'error 438 shutdown is not supported.. ExecuteTask1 = FALSE Exit Function End if End If
Set objAS = Nothing Set objTaskContext = Nothing ExecuteTask1 = TRUE End Function %>