<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' folders.asp: Displays the drives and folders ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 16-Jan-2001 Creation date ' 26-Mar-2001 Modified date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp" --> <!-- #include virtual="/admin/ots_main.asp" --> <!-- #include file="loc_folder.asp"--> <!-- #include file="inc_folders.asp"--> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim rc Dim page Dim tableIcon 'OTS page Search variables Dim g_iSearchCol Dim g_sSearchColValue 'OTS page paging variables Dim g_bPagingInitialized Dim g_bPageChangeRequested Dim g_sPageAction Dim g_iPageMin Dim g_iPageMax Dim g_iPageCurrent 'OTS page Sort variables Dim g_bSortRequested Dim g_iSortCol Dim g_sSortSequence Dim g_bSearchChanged Dim g_strFirstColText 'Heading for first Column Dim g_strSecondColText 'Heading for second colum Dim g_strThirdColText 'Heading for third column Dim g_strFourthColText 'Heading for fourth column Dim g_strFifthColText 'name for fifth column 'SA_Traceout Dim SOURCE_FILE SOURCE_FILE = SA_GetScriptFileName() Const CONST_GOUP = "GOUP" Const CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE = 100 Const CONST_WMI_PERFORMANCE_FLAG = 48
Const CONST_SHARE_MULTIPLE = "M" Const CONST_SHARE_SINGLE = "S" 'Holds shares web site name CONST CONST_SHARES ="Shares" '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim F_parent_Folder 'Getting the Parent Folder name Dim F_strTaskType 'Task type(Goup or open) Dim F_strNavigation 'Navigation variable Dim F_strParent 'Parent key for goup function '====================================================== ' Entry point '====================================================== F_strNavigation = Request.QueryString("navigation") g_strSecondColText = L_COLUMN_MODIFIED_TEXT g_strThirdColText = L_COLUMN_ATTRIBUTES_TEXT g_strFourthColText = L_COLUMN_SHARED_TEXT g_strFifthColText = "SHARE FORMAT"
'Displays the heading for the Drives If F_strNavigation = "" Then L_VOLUMESON_APPLIANCE_TEXT = L_VOLUMES_ON_APPLIANCE_TEXT g_strSecondColText = L_TOTAL_SIZE_TEXT g_strThirdColText = L_FREE_SPACE_TEXT 'tableIcon = "images/disks_32x32.gif" g_strFirstColText = L_COLUMN_NAME_TEXT Else Dim arrVarReplacementStringsFolder(1) arrVarReplacementStringsFolder(0) = GetParentDirectory() L_FOLDERSPATH_TEXT = SA_GetLocString("foldermsg.dll", "40430066", arrVarReplacementStringsFolder) L_VOLUMESON_APPLIANCE_TEXT = L_FOLDERSPATH_TEXT 'tableIcon = "images/folder_32x32.gif" g_strFirstColText = L_COLUMN_FOLDERNAME End if tableIcon = "images/OpenFolderX16.gif"
' Create Page rc = SA_CreatePage( L_VOLUMESON_APPLIANCE_TEXT, tableIcon, PT_AREA, page )
' Show page rc = SA_ShowPage( page )
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: OnInitPage 'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page. Use this method ' to do first time initialization tasks. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful. FALSE to indicate ' errors. Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned. 'Global Variables: Out:None ' In:None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Dim strHost 'hold host name Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnInitPage") ' Initialize variables Call InitializeVariables() ' Disable automatic output back button for Folders page Call SA_SetPageAttribute(pageIn, AUTO_BACKBUTTON, PAGEATTR_DISABLE) strHost = GetComputerName() 'Get the system name 'Function call to update the text file for shares default page Call GenSharesPage(strHost , GetWebSiteID(CONST_SHARES)) End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: OnServeAreaPage 'Description: Called when the page needs to be served. Use this method to ' serve content. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: TRUE to indicate not problems occured. FALSE to indicate errors. ' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned. 'Global Variables: Out:None ' In:g_bSearchChanged, g_bPagingInitialized,g_iPageCurrent, ' g_strFirstColText,g_strSecondColText,g_strThirdColText,g_strFourthColText, ' g_sSearchColValue,g_iSearchCol, g_iPageMin, g_iPageMax, ' g_iSortCol,and g_sSortSequence '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnServeAreaPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg) Dim table Dim iColumnName Dim iColumnSize Dim iColumnSpace Dim iColumnShare Dim strDrivesFolders Dim arrDrives Dim nidx Dim nCount Dim arrPath Dim strTempFolder Dim strGOUPURL Dim strUrlBase Dim nReturnValue Dim arrFolders Dim strFolderName Dim arrFolderName 'Variables for the display of Share Type Dim strkey Dim sharetype Dim strShr Dim arrDicItems Dim strShrTypes Dim strShrPath Dim objDict 'Dictionary Object
Dim arrShareTypes Dim strParentFolder Dim strShareFormat ' Format of the shares of a folder (Single, or multiple or none) Dim strShareName ' Dim arrShareNames Dim strReturnToFolders ' Initialize variables nCount = 0 iColumnName = 1 iColumnSize = 2 iColumnSpace = 3 iColumnShare = 4
Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnServeAreaPage") If F_parent_Folder <> "" then table = OTS_CreateTable("", L_DESCRIPTION_HEADING2_TEXT) Else table = OTS_CreateTable("", L_DESCRIPTION_HEADING1_TEXT) End If
If ( TRUE = g_bSearchChanged ) Then ' Need to recalculate the paging range g_bPagingInitialized = FALSE ' Restarting on page #1 g_iPageCurrent = 1 End If ' Add columns to table nReturnValue = AddColumnsToTable(table) if nReturnValue = false then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_OTS_ADDCOLOUMNFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit function end if
' Get rows of data for the table 'If F_parent_Folder is Null getting Drives if F_parent_Folder = "" Then strDrivesFolders=GetDrives Else 'Else Geeting the Folders strDrivesFolders=GetFolders End If '---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Start displaying the Shared Type ' Taking the instance of Dictionary Object to place all shares ' in Dictionay object. set objDict=server.CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") ' Setting the property of Dictionary object to compare the shares in ' incase sensitive objDict.CompareMode= vbTextCompare ' Add all shares to shares table ' Gets all windows shares with name,path and description and type call GetCifsShares(objDict) ' Gets all unix shares with name,path and type call GetNfsshares(objDict) ' Gets all Ftp shares with name,path and type call GetFtpShares(objDict) ' Gets all Http shares with name,path and type call GetHttpShares(objDict) ' Gets all netware shares with name,path and type call GetNetWareShares(objDict)
' Gets all AppleTalk shares with name,path and type call GetAppleTalkShares(objDict) ' Displaying all shares In Object Picker Control arrDrives = split(strDrivesFolders,chr(1))
For nidx = 0 to ubound(arrDrives) - 1 'nCount = nCount + 1 arrPath= split(arrDrives(nidx),chr(2)) strShareName = "" if F_parent_Folder = "" Then arrPath(1) =arrpath(1)&"\" End If sharetype="" For each strkey in objDict.Keys strShrTypes=""
strShr=split(strKey,chr(1)) arrDicItems = split(objDict.Item(strKey),chr(1)) strShrTypes = arrDicItems(1) 'Checking for isarray or not If Isarray(strShr) Then 'checking for the existence If Ubound(strShr)=1 Then strShrPath = strShr(1) End If ' end of If Ubound(strShr)=1 Then End If ' end of If Isarray(strShr) Then if lcase(TRIM(arrPath(1))) = lcase(TRIM(strShrPath)) then ' Build list of all share names separated by "~" If Isarray(strShr) and UBound(strShr) >= 0 Then strShareName = strShareName & strShr(0) & chr(126) End if
arrShareTypes = split(strShrTypes," ") If Isarray(arrShareTypes) Then If Ubound(arrShareTypes) >= 0 Then For nCount=0 to UBound(arrShareTypes) If Instr(sharetype,arrShareTypes(nCount)) = 0 then sharetype = sharetype & " " & arrShareTypes(nCount) End If Next End If End If end if Next ' Retrieve the share names from the list arrShareNames = split(strShareName, chr(126))
If IsArray(arrShareNames) and UBound(arrShareNames) > 1 then ' The selected folder entry has multiple share names strShareFormat = CONST_SHARE_MULTIPLE Else ' The selected folder entry either has a single share name or ' The selected folder entry does not have any share names strShareFormat = CONST_SHARE_SINGLE End If
arrFolderName = replace(arrPath(1),"\","/") & chr(1)& arrPath(3)& chr(1) & sharetype ' Add rows to the table If ( Len( g_sSearchColValue ) <= 0 ) Then nCount=nCount+1
' Verify that the current user part of the current page If ( IsItemOnPage(nCount, g_iPageCurrent, CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( table,Array(arrFolderName,arrPath(0),arrPath(2),arrPath(3), sharetype, strShareFormat)) End If ' Search criteria blank, select all rows Else Select Case (g_iSearchCol)
Case iColumnName
If ( InStr(1, arrPath(0), g_sSearchColValue, 1) ) Then nCount=nCount+1 If ( IsItemOnPage(nCount, g_iPageCurrent, CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( table, Array(arrFolderName,arrPath(0),arrPath(2),arrPath(3), sharetype, strShareFormat)) End If End If Case iColumnSize
If ( InStr(1,arrPath(2), g_sSearchColValue, 1) ) Then nCount=nCount+1 If ( IsItemOnPage(nCount, g_iPageCurrent, CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( table, Array(arrFolderName,arrPath(0),arrPath(2),arrPath(3), sharetype, strShareFormat)) End If End If
Case iColumnSpace
If ( InStr(1, arrPath(3), g_sSearchColValue, 1) ) Then nCount=nCount+1 If ( IsItemOnPage(nCount, g_iPageCurrent, CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( table, Array(arrFolderName,arrPath(0),arrPath(2),arrPath(3), sharetype, strShareFormat)) End If End If Case iColumnShare If ( InStr(1, sharetype, g_sSearchColValue, 1) ) Then nCount=nCount+1 If ( IsItemOnPage(nCount, g_iPageCurrent, CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( table, Array(arrFolderName,arrPath(0),arrPath(2),arrPath(3), sharetype, strShareFormat)) End If End If Case Else nCount=nCount+1 If ( IsItemOnPage(nCount, g_iPageCurrent, CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE) ) Then Call OTS_AddTableRow( table, Array(arrFolderName,arrPath(0),arrPath(2),arrPath(3), sharetype, strShareFormat)) End If End Select
End If Next
' Add Tasks to the table nReturnValue= OTS_SetTableTasksTitle(table, L_SHARETASKTITLE_TEXT) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASKTITLE_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF If F_parent_Folder <> "" Then
strTempFolder = UnescapeChars(F_parent_Folder) strTempFolder = replace(strTempFolder,"\","/") arrFolders = split(strTempFolder, "/") If IsArray(arrFolders) then If Ubound(arrFolders) >= 0 then strFolderName = arrFolders(1) End if End if if strFolderName = "" or strFolderName = NULL then ' Drives OTS strGOUPURL = "folders/folders.asp?mytasks=CONST_GOUP" else ' Folders OTS strGOUPURL = "folders/folders.asp?mytasks=CONST_GOUP&navigation=next" end if
call SA_MungeURL(strGOUPURL,"parent",strTempFolder) call SA_MungeURL(strGOUPURL,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strGOUPURL,"Tab2",GetTab2()) 'If not top level, add task for going one level up nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_COLUMN_GOUP_TEXT, _ L_UP_ROLLOVER_TEXT, _ strGOUPURL,_ OTS_PT_AREA, _ "OTS_TaskAlways" ) ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF 'New task strUrlBase = "folders/folder_new.asp" call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"parent", strTempFolder) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2())
nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_SERVEAREABUTTON_NEW_TEXT, _ L_CREATE_ROLLOVER_TEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_PROPERTY, _ "OTS_TaskAlways" ) ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF 'Delete task strUrlBase = "folders/folder_delete.asp" call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"parent", strTempFolder) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_SERVEAREABUTTON_DELETE_TEXT, _ L_DELETE_ROLLOVER_TEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_PROPERTY, _ "OTS_TaskAny") ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF
'Open task strReturnToFolders = "folders/folders.asp" Call SA_MungeURL(strReturnToFolders, "Tab1", GetTab1()) Call SA_MungeURL(strReturnToFolders, "Tab2", GetTab2()) Call SA_MungeURL(strReturnToFolders,"parent", strTempFolder) strUrlBase = "folders/folders.asp?navigation=next" call SA_MungeURL(strGOUPURL,"parent", strTempFolder) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase, "ReturnURL", strReturnToFolders) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_SERVEAREABUTTON_OPEN_TEXT, _ L_OPEN_ROLLOVER_TEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_AREA, _ "OTS_TaskOne") ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF 'Properties task strUrlBase = "folders/folder_prop.asp" call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"parent", strTempFolder) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_SERVEAREABUTTON_PROPERTIES_TEXT, _ L_PROPERTIES_ROLLOVER_TEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_PROPERTY, _ "OTS_TaskAny") ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF 'Share task strUrlBase = "folders/folder_dispatch.asp?ParentPlugin=Folders" call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"parent", strTempFolder) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_SHARELINK_TEXT, _ L_SHARE_ROLLOVER_TEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_AREA, _ "ShareTask") ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF 'Mulitple Share task strUrlBase = "Shares/shares.asp?ParentPlugin=Folders" Call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"parent",strTempFolder) Call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) Call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_MANAGESHARES_TEXT, _ L_MANAGE_SHARES_ROLLOVER_TXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_AREA, _ "OTS_TaskAlways") ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF else
'Open task strReturnToFolders = "folders/folders.asp" Call SA_MungeURL(strReturnToFolders, "Tab1", GetTab1()) Call SA_MungeURL(strReturnToFolders, "Tab2", GetTab2()) Call SA_MungeURL(strReturnToFolders,"parent", strTempFolder) strUrlBase = "folders/folders.asp?navigation=next" call SA_MungeURL(strGOUPURL,"parent", strTempFolder) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase, "ReturnURL", strReturnToFolders) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask(table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_SERVEAREABUTTON_OPEN_TEXT, _ L_VOLUME_OPEN_ROLLOVERTEXT_TEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_AREA, _ "OTS_TaskOne") ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF 'Share task strUrlBase = "folders/folder_dispatch.asp?ParentPlugin=Folders" call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"parent", strTempFolder) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_SHARELINK_TEXT, _ L_SHARELINK_ROLLOVER_TEXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_AREA, _ "ShareTask") ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF
'Mulitple Share task strUrlBase = "Shares/shares.asp?ParentPlugin=Folders" Call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"parent",strTempFolder) Call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab1",GetTab1()) Call SA_MungeURL(strUrlBase,"Tab2",GetTab2()) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableTask( table, OTS_CreateTaskEx(L_MANAGESHARES_TEXT, _ L_MANAGE_SHARES_ROLLOVER_TXT, _ strUrlBase,_ OTS_PT_AREA, _ "OTS_TaskAlways") ) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOADDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE) OnServeAreaPage = false Exit Function End IF End If
' Enable sorting Call OTS_EnablePaging(table, TRUE)
If ( FALSE = g_bPagingInitialized ) Then g_iPageMin = 1 g_iPageMax = Int(nCount / CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE )
If ( (nCount MOD CONST_FOLDERS_PER_PAGE) > 0 ) Then g_iPageMax = g_iPageMax + 1 End If g_iPageCurrent = 1 Call OTS_SetPagingRange(table, g_iPageMin, g_iPageMax, g_iPageCurrent) End If Call OTS_SortTable(table, g_iSortCol, g_sSortSequence, SA_RESERVED) Call OTS_SetTableMultiSelection(table, true)
' Send table to the response stream ' Call OTS_ServeTable(table) ' Required to retain the share format of the folder selected in the OTS Response.Write("<input type=hidden name=shareformat id=shareformat value=''>")
'custom task function to decide whether to disable the share task or not Dim rows Dim tasks rows = "" Call OTS_GetTableRows(Table, rows) Call OTS_GetTableTasks(Table, tasks) Call ServeCustomTaskFunction(tasks, rows)
Set objDict = Nothing OnServeAreaPage = TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: OnSearchNotify() 'Description: Search notification event handler. When one or more columns are ' marked with the OTS_COL_SEARCH flag, the Web Framework fires ' this event in the following scenarios: ' 1) The user presses the search Go button. ' 2) The user requests a table column sort ' 3) The user presses either the page next or page previous buttons ' ' The EventArg indicates the source of this notification event which can ' be either a search change event (scenario 1) or a post back event ' (scenarios 2 or 3) ' 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sItem,sValue 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sItem,sValue 'Returns: Always returns TRUE 'Global Variables: Out:g_bSearchChanged,g_iSearchCol,g_sSearchColValue ' In:None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSearchNotify(ByRef PageIn, _ ByRef EventArg, _ ByRef sItem, _ ByRef sValue ) OnSearchNotify = TRUE Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnSearchNotify() Change Event Fired sItem :" & sItem) ' User pressed the search GO button ' If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnSearchNotify() Change Event Fired") g_bSearchChanged = TRUE g_iSearchCol = Int(sItem) g_sSearchColValue = CStr(sValue) ' ' User clicked a column sort, OR clicked either the page next or page prev button ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnSearchNotify() Postback Event Fired") g_bSearchChanged = FALSE g_iSearchCol = Int(sItem) g_sSearchColValue = CStr(sValue) ' ' Unknown event source Else Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "Unrecognized Event in OnSearchNotify()") End IF End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: OnPagingNotify() 'Description: Paging notification event handler. This event is triggered in one of ' the following scenarios: ' ' 1) The user presses either the page next or page previous buttons ' 2) The user presses the search Go button. ' 3) The user requests a table column sort ' ' The EventArg indicates the source of this notification event which can ' be either a paging change event (scenario 1) or a post back event ' (scenarios 2 or 3) ' ' The iPageCurrent argument indicates which page the user has requested. ' This is an integer value between iPageMin and iPageMax. ' ' 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sPageAction,iPageMin,iPageMax,iPageCurrent 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sPageAction,iPageMin,iPageMax,iPageCurrent 'Returns: Always returns TRUE 'Global Variables: Out:g_bPageChangeRequested,g_sPageAction,g_iPageMin,g_iPageMax ' g_iPageCurrent ' In:None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnPagingNotify(ByRef PageIn, _ ByRef EventArg, _ ByVal sPageAction, _ ByVal iPageMin, _ ByVal iPageMax, _ ByVal iPageCurrent ) OnPagingNotify = TRUE g_bPagingInitialized = TRUE
Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE:", "OnPagingNotify() Change Event FiredCurrentPage:" & iPageCurrent) ' User pressed either page next or page previous If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnPagingNotify() Change Event Fired") g_bPageChangeRequested = TRUE g_sPageAction = CStr(sPageAction) g_iPageMin = iPageMin g_iPageMax = iPageMax g_iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent
' User clicked a column sort OR the search GO button ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnPagingNotify() Postback Event Fired") g_bPageChangeRequested = FALSE g_sPageAction = CStr(sPageAction) g_iPageMin = iPageMin g_iPageMax = iPageMax g_iPageCurrent = iPageCurrent
' Unknown event source Else Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "Unrecognized Event in OnPagingNotify()") End IF End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: OnSortNotify() 'Description: Sorting notification event handler. This event is triggered in one of ' the following scenarios: ' ' 1) The user presses the search Go button. ' 2) The user presses either the page next or page previous buttons ' 3) The user requests a table column sort ' ' The EventArg indicates the source of this notification event which can ' be either a sorting change event (scenario 1) or a post back event ' (scenarios 2 or 3) ' ' The sortCol argument indicated which column the user would like to sort ' and the sortSeq argument indicates the desired sort sequence which can ' be either ascending or descending. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sortCol,sortSeq 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg,sortCol,sortSeq 'Returns: Always returns TRUE 'Global Variables: Out:g_bSearchChanged,g_iSortCol,g_sSortSequence ' In:None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSortNotify(ByRef PageIn, _ ByRef EventArg, _ ByVal sortCol, _ ByVal sortSeq ) OnSortNotify = TRUE ' User pressed column sort If SA_IsChangeEvent(EventArg) Then Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnSortNotify() Change Event Fired") g_bSearchChanged=TRUE g_iSortCol = Int(sortCol) g_sSortSequence = sortSeq ' User presed the search GO button OR clicked either the page next or page prev button ElseIf SA_IsPostBackEvent(EventArg) Then Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "OnSortNotify() Postback Event Fired") g_iSortCol = sortCol g_sSortSequence = sortSeq g_bSortRequested = TRUE ' Unknown event source Else Call SA_TraceOut("SOURCE_FILE", "Unrecognized Event in OnSearchNotify()") End IF
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "Sort col: " + CStr(sortCol) + " sequence: " + sortSeq) End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: AddColumnsToTable() ' Description: Add columns to table ' Input Variables: table object ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: True/False ' Global Variables: g_(*), L_(*) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function AddColumnsToTable(table) on error resume next Err.Clear Dim colFlags Dim nReturnValue AddColumnsToTable = false
colFlags = (OTS_COL_HIDDEN OR OTS_COL_KEY) nReturnValue = OTS_AddTableColumn(table, OTS_CreateColumn( L_COLUMN_NAME_TEXT, "left", colFlags )) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Exit Function End IF 'Name column colFlags = (OTS_COL_SORT OR OTS_COL_SEARCH) nReturnValue= OTS_AddTableColumn(table, OTS_CreateColumnEx( g_strFirstColText, "left", colFlags, 22 )) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Exit Function End IF 'Size/Modified column iColumnSize = 2 colFlags = (OTS_COL_SORT OR OTS_COL_SEARCH) nReturnValue= OTS_AddTableColumn(table, OTS_CreateColumnEx(g_strSecondColText, "left", colFlags, 16 )) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Exit Function End IF 'Space/Attribute column iColumnSpace = 3 colFlags = (OTS_COL_SORT OR OTS_COL_SEARCH) nReturnValue= OTS_AddTableColumn(table, OTS_CreateColumnEx(g_strThirdColText, "left", colFlags, 12 )) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Exit Function End IF 'Shared column iColumnShare = 4 colFlags = (OTS_COL_SEARCH) nReturnValue= OTS_AddTableColumn(table, OTS_CreateColumnEx(g_strFourthColText, "left", colFlags, 12)) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Exit Function End IF 'Shared column format colFlags = OTS_COL_HIDDEN nReturnValue= OTS_AddTableColumn(table, OTS_CreateColumnEx(g_strFifthColText, "left", colFlags, 6)) If nReturnValue <> OTS_ERR_SUCCESS or Err.number <> 0 Then Exit Function End IF AddColumnsToTable = true End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GoUpInit() ' Description: Initializes the F_parent_Folder ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: None ' Global Variables: Out:F_parent_Folder ' In: L_FILESYSTEMOBJECTNOTCREATED_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GoUpInit() On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objFolder Set objFolder = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FILESYSTEMOBJECTNOTCREATED_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" ) End If F_strParent = UnescapeChars(F_strParent) F_strParent=replace(F_strParent,"/","\") F_parent_Folder = F_strParent 'If the drive with ":" then add "\" If Right(Trim(F_parent_Folder),1) = ":" Then F_parent_Folder = F_parent_Folder & "\" End if 'Getting the parent folder F_parent_Folder = objFolder.GetParentFolderName(F_parent_Folder) Set objFolder=Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetDrives ' Description: Gets All Drives from input the system ' Input Variables: WMI Folder ClassName ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: Returns string with all Drives ' Global Variables: Out:None ' In: L_WMICONNECTIONFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE ' L_DISKCOLLECTION_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDrives On Error Resume Next Err.Clear
Dim objService 'Service object Dim objDriveCollection 'Drives collection Dim objInstance 'Instances Dim strLogicalDisks 'String holding all Drive letters Dim strVolName 'Volume name Dim L_LOCAL_DISK_TEXT Dim arrVolname(1) Dim strVol(1) Dim strQuery
strLogicalDisks = "" Set objService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) Set objDriveCollection = objService.InstancesOf("Win32_LogicalDisk", CONST_WMI_PERFORMANCE_FLAG)
If Err.Number <> 0 then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_DISKCOLLECTION_ERRORMESSAGE & " (" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")") End if For Each objInstance in objDriveCollection If objInstance.DriveType = 3 then strVolName = objInstance.VolumeName strVol(0) = Cstr(objInstance.DeviceId) if strVolName = "" then L_LOCAL_DISK_TEXT = SA_GetLocString("foldermsg.dll", "40430049", strVol) strVolName = L_LOCAL_DISK_TEXT else strVolName = strVolName & " (" & objInstance.DeviceId & ")" end if strLogicalDisks = strLogicalDisks & strVolName & chr(2) & objInstance.DeviceId & chr(2) & _ GEtUNITS(objInstance.size,ConvertToUNITS(objInstance.size)) & chr(2) & _ GEtUNITS(objInstance.freespace,ConvertToUNITS(objInstance.freespace)) & chr(1) End if Next GetDrives = strLogicalDisks Set objService = Nothing Set objDriveCollection = Nothing Set objInstance = Nothing End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetFolders ' Description: Gets the Folders ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: Returns string with all Folders ' Global Variables: Out: F_parent_Folder ' In:L_FILESYSTEMOBJECTNOTCREATED_ERRORMESSAGE ' Out:F_parent_Folder '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetFolders On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objFolder
Set objFolder = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage( L_FILESYSTEMOBJECTNOTCREATED_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" ) Exit Function End If If Right(Trim(F_parent_Folder),1) = ":" Then 'If the drive with ":" then add "\" F_parent_Folder = F_parent_Folder & "\" End if
GetFolders = SubFolds(objFolder) 'Getting the Subfolders Set objFolder = Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: SubFolds ' Description: Gets the Folders and Sub Folders ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: Returns string with all sub Folders ' Global Variables: Out: F_parent_Folder ' In:L_FAILEDTOGETTHEFOLDER_ERRORMESSAGE ' In:L_FAILEDTOGETTHESUBFOLDER_ERRORMESSAGE '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function SubFolds(objFolder) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear
Dim objSubFolder 'Object Sub Folder Dim objFolders Dim objSubFold 'Sub Folders Dim strFolder 'Folders string Dim strFoldType
strFolder = "" Set objFolders = objFolder.GetFolder(F_parent_Folder) 'Getting the Folder If Err.number <> 0 Then SetErrMsg L_FAILEDTOGETTHEFOLDER_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" SubFolds = "" Exit Function End If Set objSubFolder=objFolders.SubFolders 'Getting the Sub Folders For Each objSubFold in objSubFolder strFoldType="" 'Read only If (objSubFold.Attributes and 1)=1 Then strFoldType="R" & strFoldType End If 'Hidden If (objSubFold.Attributes and 2)=2 Then strFoldType="H" & strFoldType End If 'System folder If (objSubFold.Attributes and 4)=4 Then strFoldType="S" & strFoldType End If 'Compressed If (objSubFold.Attributes and 2048)=2048 Then strFoldType="C" & strFoldType End If If (objSubFold.Attributes and 32)=32 Then strFoldType="A" & strFoldType End If strFolder=strFolder&objSubFold.Name&chr(2)&objSubFold.path&chr(2)&objSubFold.DateLastModified&chr(2)&strFoldType&chr(1) Next SubFolds=strFolder
Set objSubFolder = Nothing Set objFolders = Nothing Set objSubFold = Nothing End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: ConvertToUNITS ' Description: serves in Converting the bytes in to KBs ' Input Variables: nSize ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: ConvertToUNITS ' Global Variables: Out: None ' In:none '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ConvertToUNITS(nSize) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim nCount Dim nTmp 'checking for the null or string value If nSize="" OR Not Isnumeric(nSize) Then nSize=0 'Initialize the value End If nTmp = nSize/1024
if clng(nTmp) > 1024 then nCount = 1 + ConvertToUNITS(nTmp) end if
ConvertToUNITS = nCount End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetUNITS ' Description: serves in Converting the bytes in to KB,MB,GB.. ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: nSize,nCount ' Return Values: GetUNITS ' Global Variables: Out:None ' In:none '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetUNITS(nSize,nCount) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim nTmp Select case nCount case 1: nTmp = nSize/1024 if nTmp > 999 then GetUNITS = formatNumber1(nTmp/1024) & " "+L_MB_TEXT else GetUNITS = formatNumber1(nTmp) & " "+L_KB_TEXT end if case 2: nTmp = nSize/(1024*1024) if nTmp > 999 then GetUNITS = formatNumber1(nTmp/1024) & " " + L_GB_TEXT else GetUNITS = formatNumber1(nTmp) & " "+L_MB_TEXT end if case 3: nTmp = nSize/(1024*1024*1024) if nTmp > 999 then GetUNITS = formatNumber1(nTmp/1024) & " "+L_TB_TEXT else GetUNITS = formatNumber1(nTmp) & " "+L_GB_TEXT end if case 4: nTmp = nSize/(1024*1024*1024*1024) GetUNITS = formatNumber1(nTmp) &" "+L_TB_TEXT case else Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "ISSUE: Folders.asp::GetUNITS() called with unexpected nCount parameter: " + CStr(nCount)) End select end Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: formatNumber1 ' Description: serves in formating the numbers ' Input Variables: nTmp ' Output Variables: none ' Return Values: formatNumber1 ' Global Variables: Out: none ' In:none '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function formatNumber1(nTmp) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strTemp strTemp = cstr(nTmp)
if instr(strTemp,".") > 3 then strTemp = Left(strTemp,3) else strTemp = Left(strTemp,4) end if
formatNumber1 = strTemp
End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: IsItemOnPage ' Description: Help to determine whether a particular row belongs the particular page or not ' Input Variables: iCurrentItem,iCurrentPage, iItemsPerPage ' Output Variables: none ' Return Values: True/False ' Global Variables: Out: none ' In:none '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function IsItemOnPage(ByVal iCurrentItem, iCurrentPage, iItemsPerPage) Dim iLowerLimit Dim iUpperLimit
iLowerLimit = ((iCurrentPage - 1) * iItemsPerPage ) iUpperLimit = iLowerLimit + iItemsPerPage + 1 If ( iCurrentItem > iLowerLimit AND iCurrentItem < iUpperLimit ) Then IsItemOnPage = TRUE Else IsItemOnPage = FALSE End If End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: InitializeVariables() ' Description: This is to initialize the variables ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: none ' Return Values: True/False ' Global Variables: Out: g_iPageCurrent,g_iSortCol,g_sSortSequence,F_parent_Folder ' F_strTaskType,F_strParent ' In:none '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub InitializeVariables() Err.Clear On error resume next
Dim intIndex Dim itemKey Dim arrPKey
g_iPageCurrent = 1 g_iSortCol = 1 g_sSortSequence = "A" F_parent_Folder = "" F_strTaskType = Request.QueryString("mytasks") F_strParent = UnescapeChars(Request.QueryString("parent")) If F_strNavigation <> "" then If ( OTS_GetTableSelection("SA_DEFAULT", 1, itemKey) ) Then arrPKey = split(itemKey, chr(1)) F_parent_Folder = UnescapeChars(arrPKey(0)) End If End if F_parent_Folder = replace(UnescapeChars(F_parent_Folder),"/","\")
Call SA_TraceOut("FOLDERS", "ParentAfterInit:" + F_parent_Folder) IF F_strTaskType = "CONST_GOUP" Then 'initializes the correct value to F_parent_Folder Call GoUpInit() End If End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetParentDirectory ' Description: Gets the parent dir to show in the title ' Input Variables: None ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: Parent directory ' Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetParentDirectory Dim strParent Dim arrPKEY Dim itemKey
strParent = "" Call SA_StoreTableParameters()
If ( OTS_GetTableSelection("SA_DEFAULT", 1, itemKey) ) Then arrPKey = split(itemKey, chr(1)) strParent = UnescapeChars(arrPKey(0)) End If
strParent = replace(UnescapeChars(strParent),"/","\")
Call SA_TraceOut("FOLDERS", "MyTask:" + Request.QueryString("mytasks")) Call SA_TraceOut("FOLDERS", "ParentBeforeInit:" + strParent) Call SA_TraceOut("FOLDERS", "Parent2:" + Request.QueryString("parent"))
if (Request.QueryString("mytasks") = "CONST_GOUP") then
Dim objFolder Set objFolder = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FILESYSTEMOBJECTNOTCREATED_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")" ) End If
strParent = UnescapeChars(Request.QueryString("parent")) strParent = UnescapeChars(strParent) strParent=replace(strParent,"/","\") 'If the drive with ":" then add "\" If Right(Trim(strParent),1) = ":" Then strParent = strParent & "\" End if 'Getting the parent folder strParent = objFolder.GetParentFolderName(strParent) Set objFolder=Nothing end if
GetParentDirectory = strParent
End Function
'--------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function: ServeCustomTaskFunction() ' ' Synopsis: Demonstrate how to emit client-side javascript code to dynamically ' enable OTS tasks. ' ' Arguments: [in] aTasks - Array of tasks added to the OTS table ' [in] aItems - Array of items added to the OTS table ' ' Returns: Nothing ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function ServeCustomTaskFunction(ByRef aTasks, ByRef aItems)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "ServeCustomTaskFunction") %> <script language='javascript'> //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: ShareObject // // Synopsis: Pseudo object constructor to create a DiskObject. // // Arguments: [in] ShareFormat string indicating the format of the disk // // Returns: Reference to ShareObject // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- function ShareObject(ShareFormat) { this.ShareFormat = ShareFormat; } <% Dim iX Dim aItem Dim sShareFormat Response.Write(""+vbCrLf) Response.Write("//"+vbCrLf) Response.Write("// Create ShareFormat array, one element for every row in the OTS Table."+vbCrLf) Response.Write("//"+vbCrLf) Response.Write("var oShareObjects = new Array();"+vbCrLf)
If ( IsArray(aItems)) Then For iX = 0 to (UBound(aItems)-1) aItem = aItems(iX) If ( IsArray(aItem)) Then sShareFormat = aItem(5) Response.Write("oShareObjects["+CStr(iX)+"] = new ShareObject('"+sShareFormat+"');"+vbCrLf) Else Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "Error: aItem is not an array") End If Next End If %>
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: ShareTask // // Synopsis: Demonstates how to write a TaskFn to handle automatically enabling // of tasks. This sample disables the Compress task if any FAT disk // has been selected // // Arguments: [in] sMessage // [in] iTaskNo number of task, this will always be the Compress task // since we only use it for that task. // [in] iItemNo index number of item that has been selected // // Returns: True to continue processing, False to stop. // var ShareTaskEnabled = false; var iNumSharesSelected = 0; function ShareTask(sMessage, iTaskNo, iItemNo) { var bRc = true;
try { if ( sMessage.toLowerCase() == OTS_MESSAGE_BEGIN ) { iNumSharesSelected = 0; ShareTaskEnabled = true; } else if ( sMessage.toLowerCase() == OTS_MESSAGE_ITEM ) { var ShareObject = oShareObjects[iItemNo]; iNumSharesSelected += 1; // Update hidden variable for use in Shares.asp document.getElementById("shareformat").value = ShareObject.ShareFormat
if ( ShareObject.ShareFormat == '<%=CONST_SHARE_MULTIPLE%>' ) { ShareTaskEnabled = false; }
} else if ( sMessage.toLowerCase() == OTS_MESSAGE_END ) { if ( iNumSharesSelected == 1 && ShareTaskEnabled == true ) { OTS_SetTaskEnabled(iTaskNo, true); } else { OTS_SetTaskEnabled(iTaskNo, false); } } } catch(oException) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { alert("CompressDiskTask function encountered exception\n\nError: " + oException.number + "\nDescription:"+oException.description); } }
return bRc; } </script> <% End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GenSharesPage ' Description: lists all shares ' Input Variables: strHostName -hostname ' strSharesSiteID -website ID ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: ' Global Variables: ' '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub GenSharesPage(strHostName,strSharesSiteID)
Err.Clear On Error Resume Next
Dim strSharesFolder
Dim oFileSystemObject Dim oSharesListFile
Set oFileSystemObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'strSharesFolder = oFileSystemObject.GetSpecialFolder(0).Drive & "\inetpub\shares" strSharesFolder = GetSharesFolder() Set oSharesListFile = oFileSystemObject.CreateTextFile( strSharesFolder + "\SharesList.txt", True, True)
Dim oWebVirtDir Dim oWebRoot Dim index Dim urlAdmin, i, urlHTTPSAdmin Dim nNumSites
nNumSites = 1000
Dim arrVroots() ReDim arrVroots(nNumSites, 1 ) Set oWebRoot = GetObject( "IIS://" & strHostName & "/" & strSharesSiteID & "/root") if (Err.Number) then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "GenSharesPage:GetObject Failed with Error:"+Hex(Err.Number)) exit sub end if index = -1
For Each oWebVirtDir in oWebRoot index = index + 1 if (index > nNumSites) then Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "GenSharesPage:Num Shares:"+nNumSites) nNumSites = nNumSites + 1000 ReDim Preserve arrVroots(nNumSites, 1 ) end if
arrVroots( index, 0 ) = oWebVirtDir.Name Next
Call SAQuickSort( arrVroots, 0, index, 1, 0 )
For i = 0 To index oSharesListFile.Writeline(arrVroots( i, 0 )) Next
End Sub
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function name: GetWebSiteID ' Description: Get web site name ' Input Variables: strWebSiteNamee ' Output Variables: None ' Returns: website name ' Global Variables: IN:G_objHTTPService '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWebSiteID( strWebSiteName ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strWMIpath 'hold query string for WMI Dim objSiteCollection 'hold Sites collection Dim objSite 'hold Site instance 'Build the query for WMI strWMIpath = "select * from " & GetIISWMIProviderClassName("IIs_WebServerSetting") & " where servercomment =" & chr(34) & strWebSiteName & chr(34) Set objSiteCollection = G_objHTTPService.ExecQuery(strWMIpath) for each objSite in objSiteCollection GetWebSiteID = objSite.Name Exit For Next 'Destroying dynamically created object Set objSiteCollection = Nothing
End Function