<% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' share_gennew.asp: Serves in creating a new share with general properties ' (name,path,description) ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 9 March 2001 Creation Date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <!--#include file="share_gennew.js" --> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dim F_strNewSharename 'Modified share name Dim F_strNewSharePath 'Modified share path Dim F_strSharesChecked 'Type of shares selected Dim F_strCreatePathChecked 'status for the checkbox to create path '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim G_objConnection 'gets the WMI connection Dim G_strErrorinShareType 'gets the type of share which is not created Dim G_blnFlag Dim G_ErrFlag Const CONST_WINDOWSSHARES="W" Const CONST_NFSSHARES="U" Const CONST_FTPSHARES="F" Const CONST_HTTPSHARES="H" Const CONST_APPLETALKSHARES="A" G_ErrFlag = 0 G_blnFlag = 0 G_strErrorinShareType ="" '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ServeGenPage 'Description: Serves in getting the general properties(tab) sheet ' for shares 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: G_strChecktheShareMsg,G_strErrorinShareType '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeGenPage() %> <table width="518" valign="middle" align="left" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" > <tr> <td class="TasksBody" nowrap> <%=L_SHARENAME_TEXT%> </td> <td class="TasksBody"> <input type="text" class="FormField" name="txtShareName" maxlength="80" size="20" onfocus="this.select()" onkeyup="makeDisable(this)" onMouseOut="makeDisable(this)" value="<%=server.HTMLEncode(F_strNewSharename)%>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> <%=L_SHAREDPATH_TEXT%> </td> <td class="TasksBody" nowrap> <input type="text" class="FormField" name="txtSharePath" size="20" onFocus="this.select()" value="<%=server.HTMLEncode(F_strNewSharePath)%>"> <%If lcase(F_strCreatePathChecked) = lcase("true") Then%> <input type="checkbox" class="FormCheckBox" name="chkCreatePath" checked> <%Else%> <input type="checkbox" class="FormCheckBox" name="chkCreatePath"> <%End If%> <%=L_CREATEPATH_TEXT%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="TasksBody"> <%=L_CLIENTSLIST_TEXT%> </td>
</tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="TasksBody"> <table border=0> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> <% 'checkbox selected/unselected If instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_WINDOWSSHARES) > 0 Then SelectCheckBox CONST_WINDOWSSHARES,true,false Else SelectCheckBox CONST_WINDOWSSHARES,false ,false End If 'to dispaly as error If instr(G_strErrorinShareType,CONST_WINDOWSSHARES) > 0 Then ShowErrorinRed L_CHK_WINDOWS_TEXT Else response.write L_CHK_WINDOWS_TEXT End If %> </td> </tr>
<%Set G_objConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) 'to make the checkbox disable if the service is not installed If isServiceInstalled(G_objConnection,"nfssvc") Then %> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> <% 'checkbox selected/unselected If instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_NFSSHARES) > 0 Then SelectCheckBox CONST_NFSSHARES,true,false Else SelectCheckBox CONST_NFSSHARES,false,false End If 'to dispaly as error If instr(G_strErrorinShareType,CONST_NFSSHARES) > 0 Then ShowErrorinRed L_CHK_UNIX_TEXT Else response.write L_CHK_UNIX_TEXT End If %> </td> </tr> <% End If %> <% 'to make the checkbox disable if the service is not installed If isServiceInstalled(G_objConnection,"msftpsvc") Then %> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> <%'checkbox selected/unselected If instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_FTPSHARES) > 0 Then SelectCheckBox CONST_FTPSHARES,true,false Else SelectCheckBox CONST_FTPSHARES,false ,false End If 'to dispaly as error If instr(G_strErrorinShareType,CONST_FTPSHARES) > 0 Then ShowErrorinRed L_CHK_FTP_TEXT Else response.write L_CHK_FTP_TEXT End If %> </td> </tr> <% End If %>
<tr> <td colspan="0" class="TasksBody"> <% 'checkbox selected/unselected If instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_HTTPSHARES) > 0 Then SelectCheckBox CONST_HTTPSHARES,true,false Else SelectCheckBox CONST_HTTPSHARES,false ,false End If 'to dispaly as error If instr(G_strErrorinShareType,CONST_HTTPSHARES) > 0 Then ShowErrorinRed L_CHK_HTTP_TEXT Else response.write L_CHK_HTTP_TEXT End If %> </td> </tr> <% If isServiceInstalled(G_objConnection,"MacFile") Then %> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> <% 'checkbox selected/unselected If instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_APPLETALKSHARES) > 0 Then SelectCheckBox CONST_APPLETALKSHARES,true,false Else SelectCheckBox CONST_APPLETALKSHARES,false ,false End If 'to dispaly as error If instr(G_strErrorinShareType,CONST_APPLETALKSHARES) > 0 Then ShowErrorinRed L_CHK_APPLETALK_TEXT Else response.write L_CHK_APPLETALK_TEXT End If %> </td> </tr> <%End if %> </table> </tr> </table> <% 'check for the error message of shares If G_strChecktheShareMsg <> "" Then SA_SetErrMsg G_strChecktheShareMsg End If ServeGenHiddenValues 'clean the object Set G_objConnection = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: CreatePath() 'Description: Creates the given Path 'Input Variables: strDirectoryPath 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function CreatePath(strCreatePath) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next CreatePath = false Dim objFsonew, strDir, strIndx, strDriveName, strDirStruct, strDirList, strMain Dim strCount, strEachDir, strCreateDir Set objFsonew = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx(L_FILESYSTEMOBJECTFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) Err.Clear Exit Function end if strDir = strCreatePath strIndx = instr(1,strDir,":\") strDriveName = left(strDir,strIndx) strDirStruct = mid(strDir,strIndx+1) strDirList = split(strDirStruct,"\") if objFsonew.DriveExists(ucase(strDriveName)) then for strCount = 0 to UBound(strDirList) if strCount>=UBound(strDirList) then exit for if strCount=0 then strMain = strDriveName & "\" & strDirList(strCount+1) if objFsonew.FolderExists(strMain)=false then objFsonew.CreateFolder(strMain) end if else strEachDir = strEachDir & "\" & strDirList(strCount+1) strCreateDir = strMain & strEachDir if objFsonew.FolderExists(strCreateDir)=false then objFsonew.CreateFolder(strCreateDir) end if end if next if Err.number <> 0 then Err.Clear Exit Function end if CreatePath = true else Exit Function end if 'clean the object Set objFsonew = nothing End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GenShareProperties 'Description: serves in doing share create,delete,update functions 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: G_objConnection ' in: L_* ' in: F_* '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GenShareProperties() Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim nReturnVar 'return var for the function Dim arrStrErrorNum(2) 'array to store the errors types
Dim oValidator Set oValidator = new CSAValidator If ( FALSE = oValidator.IsValidFileName(F_strNewSharename)) Then Call SA_SetErrMsg(L_INVALIDNAME_ERRORMESSAGE) Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "Invalid share name specified: " & F_strNewSharename) Exit Function End If Set oValidator = Nothing
GenShareProperties=true 'check for the existence of drive If isDriveExists(F_strNewSharePath) then 'check for the existence of the given path If not isPathExisting(F_strNewSharePath) Then 'check for the checkbox "create path if does not exits" checked/ 'unchecked. IF F_strCreatePathChecked = "true" then 'create path If NOT CreatePath(F_strNewSharePath) Then SA_SetErrMsg L_CREATEPATH_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & " (" & Hex(Err.Number) & ") " GenShareProperties=false Exit Function End if else SA_SetErrMsg L_DIR_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & " (" & Hex(Err.Number) & ") " G_blnFlag = 1 GenShareProperties=false Exit Function End if End if else SA_SetErrMsg L_DRIVENOTEXISTS_ERRORMESSAGE & " " & " (" & Hex(Err.Number) & ") " GenShareProperties=false Exit Function end if 'Creates the CIFS share if instr(F_strShareTypes,CONST_WINDOWSSHARES)= 0 and instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_WINDOWSSHARES) >0 then 'Get the WMI connection Set G_objConnection = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) 'Create the CIFS share nReturnVar = cifsnewshare(G_objConnection, F_strNewSharename,F_strNewSharePath,"") 'to frame the error messages with return variable if nReturnVar =0 then F_strShareTypes = F_strShareTypes& "W " else GenShareProperties=false FrameErrorMessage arrStrErrorNum,nReturnVar," "& L_CIFS_TEXT G_strErrorinShareType = G_strErrorinShareType & CONST_WINDOWSSHARES end if 'clean the object Set G_objConnection = nothing end if
'Creates the NFS share if instr(F_strShareTypes,CONST_NFSSHARES) =0 and instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_NFSSHARES) >0 then 'Create the NFS share nReturnVar =CreateNFSShare(F_strNewSharename,F_strNewSharePath, "") G_ErrFlag = nReturnVar 'To frame the error messages with return variable if G_ErrFlag = True then F_strShareTypes = F_strShareTypes & "U " else if not G_ErrFlag then FrameErrorMessage arrStrErrorNum,nReturnVar, " "&L_NFS_TEXT G_strErrorinShareType = G_strErrorinShareType & CONST_NFSSHARES GenShareProperties=false end if end if 'clean the object Set G_objConnection = nothing end if 'Creates the FTP share if instr(F_strShareTypes,CONST_FTPSHARES) =0 and instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_FTPSHARES) >0 then 'Get the WMI connection Set G_objConnection = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) 'Create the FTP share nReturnVar =ftpnewshare(G_objConnection, F_strNewSharename,F_strNewSharePath) 'to frame the error messages with return variable if nReturnVar =0 then F_strShareTypes = F_strShareTypes& "F " else GenShareProperties=false FrameErrorMessage arrStrErrorNum,nReturnVar," "&L_FTP_TEXT G_strErrorinShareType = G_strErrorinShareType & CONST_FTPSHARES end if 'clean the object Set G_objConnection = nothing end if 'Create the HTTP share if instr(F_strShareTypes,CONST_HTTPSHARES) =0 and instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_HTTPSHARES) >0 then 'Get the WMI connection Set G_objConnection = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) 'Create the HTTP share nReturnVar = httpnewshare(G_objConnection, F_strNewSharename,F_strNewSharePath) 'to frame the error messages with return variable if nReturnVar= 0 then F_strShareTypes = F_strShareTypes& "H " else GenShareProperties=false FrameErrorMessage arrStrErrorNum,nReturnVar," " &L_HTTP_TEXT G_strErrorinShareType = G_strErrorinShareType & CONST_HTTPSHARES end if 'clean the object Set G_objConnection = nothing end if
'Create the APPLETALK share if instr(F_strShareTypes,CONST_APPLETALKSHARES) =0 and instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_APPLETALKSHARES) >0 then Dim strQueryForCmd 'Query to create Apple Talk share strQueryForCmd = "VOLUME /ADD /NAME:" & chr(34) & F_strNewSharename & chr(34) & " /PATH:" & chr(34) & F_strNewSharePath & chr(34) nReturnVar = CreateAppleTalkShare(F_strNewSharename,F_strNewSharePath,strQueryForCmd) 'to frame the error messages with return variable if nReturnVar= True then F_strShareTypes = F_strShareTypes& "A " else GenShareProperties=false FrameErrorMessage arrStrErrorNum,nReturnVar," " & L_APPLETALK_TEXT G_strErrorinShareType = G_strErrorinShareType & CONST_APPLETALKSHARES end if end if 'check for error in creating shares,if there is any error delete all the shares created. if G_strErrorinShareType <> "" then 'windows share if created to be deleted if instr(F_strShareTypes,"W") > 0 then 'Get the WMI connection Set G_objConnection = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) if not deleteShareCIFS(G_objConnection, F_strSharename) then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx( L_UPDATION_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) else F_strShareTypes = replace(F_strShareTypes,"W","") end if 'clean the object Set G_objConnection = nothing end if 'unix share if created to be deleted if instr(F_strShareTypes,"U") > 0 then 'Get the WMI connection Set G_objConnection = RegConnection() if not deleteShareNFS(F_strShareName) then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx(L_UPDATION_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) else F_strShareTypes = replace(F_strShareTypes,"U","") end if 'clean the object Set G_objConnection = nothing end if 'FTP share if created to be deleted if instr(F_strShareTypes,"F") > 0 then 'Get the WMI connection Set G_objConnection = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) if not deleteShareFTP(G_objConnection, F_strSharename) then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx(L_UPDATION_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) else F_strShareTypes = replace(F_strShareTypes,"F","") end if 'clean the object Set G_objConnection = nothing end if 'HTTP share if created to be deleted if instr(F_strShareTypes,"H") > 0 then 'Get the WMI connection Set G_objConnection = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_IIS_NAMESPACE) 'Delete the HTTP share if not deleteShareHTTP(G_objConnection, F_strSharename) then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx (L_UPDATION_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE, mstrReturnURL) else F_strShareTypes = replace(F_strShareTypes,"H","") end if end if 'Delete the APPLETALK share if instr(F_strShareTypes,CONST_APPLETALKSHARES) >0 and instr(F_strSharesChecked,CONST_APPLETALKSHARES) =0 then if not deleteShareAppleTalk(F_strSharename) then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx(L_UPDATION_FAIL_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) else F_strShareTypes = replace(F_strShareTypes,"A","") end if end if G_strChecktheShareMsg = ShowErrorMessage(arrStrErrorNum) & " " &ShowUNIXError(G_ErrFlag)& " (" & Hex(Err.Number) & ") " GenShareProperties=false exit function end if End function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ShowUNIXError 'Description: to frame error messages to display error messages ' accordingly(either duplicate share name/share name not valid) 'Input Variables: strMsg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ShowUNIXError(nErrFlag) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim strError Select case nErrFlag case -4 strError = L_SUB_PATH_ALREADY_SHARED_ERRORMESSAGE& " <I>" &L_NFS_TEXT&"</I>" case -8 strError = L_PARENT_PATH_ALREADY_SHARED_ERRORMESSAGE& " <I>" &L_NFS_TEXT&"</I>" End Select ShowUNIXError = strError End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GeneralOnInitPage 'Description: Serves in Getting the varibales from the system 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None ' in: F_(*) '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GeneralOnInitPage Err.Clear On Error Resume Next F_strSharesChecked = F_strShareTypes End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GeneralOnPostBackPage 'Description: Serves in Getting the varibales from the Form 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None ' in: F_(*) '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GeneralOnPostBackPage Err.Clear On Error Resume Next F_strNewShareName = Request.Form("hidSharename") F_strNewSharePath = Request.Form("hidSharePath") F_strSharesChecked = Request.Form("hidSharesChecked") F_strCreatePathChecked = Request.Form("hidCreatePathChecked") F_strConfirmed = Request.Form("hidConfirmation") F_strShareTypes = Request.form("hidShareTypes") End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: isDriveExists 'Description: Checks for existence of the given path 'Input Variables: strDirectoryPath 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isDriveExists(strDirPath) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next isDriveExists=true Dim objFso, strDir, strIndx, strDriveName Set objFso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx(L_FILESYSTEMOBJECTFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) Exit Function end if
strDir = strDirPath strIndx = instr(1,strDir,":\") strDriveName = left(strDir,strIndx) if not objFso.DriveExists(ucase(strDriveName)) then isDriveExists=false Err.Clear Exit Function end if 'clean the object Set objFso = nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: isPathExisting 'Description: Checks for existence of the given path 'Input Variables: strDirectoryPath 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function isPathExisting(strDirectoryPath) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objFSO 'to create filesystemobject instance isPathExisting = true Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_ServeFailurepageEx(L_FILESYSTEMOBJECTFAIL_ERRORMESSAGE,mstrReturnURL) Exit Function end if 'Checks for existence of the given path If NOT objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectoryPath) Then isPathExisting = false Exit Function End If 'clean the object Set objFSO = nothing End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: ServeGenHiddenValues 'Description: footer function 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: (True / Flase ) 'Global Variables: None ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeGenHiddenValues %> <input type="hidden" name="hidSharename" value="<%=server.HTMLEncode(F_strNewSharename)%>"> <input type="hidden" name="hidSharePath" value="<%=server.HTMLEncode(F_strNewSharePath)%>"> <input type="hidden" name="hidCreatePathChecked" value="<%=server.HTMLEncode(F_strCreatePathChecked)%>"> <input type="hidden" name="hidSharesChecked" value ="<%=F_strSharesChecked%>" > <input type="hidden" name="hidErrFlag" value ="<%=G_blnFlag%>" > <input type="hidden" name="hidShareTypes" value ="<%=F_strShareTypes%>"> <% End Function %>