<SCRIPT Language=JavaScript> //========================================================================
// Module: shares_nfsprop.js
// Synopsis: Manage NFS Share Permissions
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
var blnFlag; var arrStrRights = new Array(5); var arrStrValues = new Array(5);
arrStrRights[0] = "<%=L_NOACESS_TEXT%>"; arrStrRights[1] = "<%=L_READONLY_TEXT%>"; arrStrRights[2] = "<%=L_READWRITE_TEXT%>"; arrStrRights[3] = "<%=L_READONLY_TEXT%>"+" + "+"<%=L_ROOT_TEXT%>"; arrStrRights[4] = "<%=L_READWRITE_TEXT%>"+" + "+"<%=L_ROOT_TEXT%>";
arrStrValues[0] = "1,17"; arrStrValues[1] = "2,18"; arrStrValues[2] = "4,19"; arrStrValues[3] = "10,20"; arrStrValues[4] = "12,21";
var memberArr = new Array(); // Used to store all Members
var groupArr = new Array(); // Used to store all Groups
var tempArr = new Array(); // Used for temporay swapings
function NFSInit() { document.frmTask.onkeydown = ClearErr; //checking for the length of the Permissions ListBox if empty make Remove button disable
if (document.frmTask.lstPermissions.length!=0) { //making the first element selected
document.frmTask.lstPermissions.options[0].selected=true; //Function call to select the particular right selected in the list item
selectAccess( document.frmTask.lstPermissions,document.frmTask.cboRights ) } document.frmTask.btnRemove.disabled=true; clgrps_Init(); }
function OnSelectClientGroup() { document.frmTask.lstPermissions.selectedIndex = -1; selectReadOnly(); selectAccess( document.frmTask.lstPermissions,document.frmTask.cboRights ); document.frmTask.cboRights.selectedIndex = 0; }
function OnSelectNameInput() { Deselect(); selectReadOnly(); selectAccess( document.frmTask.lstPermissions,document.frmTask.cboRights ); }
// function to select the read write every time
function selectReadOnly() { // making the readwrite selected every time
for ( var i=0; i<document.frmTask.cboRights.length ;i++) { if (document.frmTask.cboRights.options[i].text == "<%=L_READONLY_TEXT%>") { document.frmTask.cboRights.options[i].selected=true; return; } } }
// function to retrive Groups form "hidGroups" to groupArr
function clgrps_Init() { var strGroups; var groupArr; if(document.frmTask.hidGroups.value != "") { strGroups = document.frmTask.hidGroups.value; groupArr = strGroups.split("]"); if (groupArr.length == 0) { document.frmTask.btnAdd.disabled = false; document.frmTask.btnRemove.disabled = true; return false; } document.frmTask.scrollCliGrp.selectedIndex=-1; clgrps_onChange(document.frmTask.scrollCliGrp.selectedIndex); return true } else { document.frmTask.btnAdd.disabled = false; } }
//Function to Disable Button
function DisableBtn() { // No functionality for this function
//Function to deselect
function Deselect() { document.frmTask.lstPermissions.selectedIndex = -1; document.frmTask.scrollCliGrp.selectedIndex = -1; }
function DeselectPerm(objLst) { document.frmTask.objLst.selectedIndex = -1; }
//To disable Enter and escape key actions when the focus is in TextArea...Hosts file
function HandleKey(input) { if(input == "DISABLE") document.onkeypress = ""; else document.onkeypress = HandleKeyPress; }
//Function to get the list of computers & permission in the permission list box
function NFSSetData() {
var intEnd=document.frmTask.lstPermissions.length; var strSelectedusers; strSelectedusers = "";
//Going through the list of permissions and pack up in a string
for ( var i=0; i < intEnd;i++) { if (i==0) strSelectedusers=document.frmTask.lstPermissions.options[i].value + ";" ; else strSelectedusers+=document.frmTask.lstPermissions.options[i].value + ";"; }
document.frmTask.hidUserNames.value=strSelectedusers; // Updating the check box variables for EUCJP
if (document.frmTask.chkEUCJP.checked) document.frmTask.hidEUCJP.value="CHECKED"; else document.frmTask.hidEUCJP.value="";
// Update Allow Anon Access
if (document.frmTask.chkAllowAnnon.checked) document.frmTask.hidchkAllowAnnon.value="NO"; else document.frmTask.hidchkAllowAnnon.value="";
//To check for Invalid Characters
function checkKeyforValidCharacters(strName) { var nLength = strName.length; for(var i=0; i<nLength;i++) { charAtPos = strName.charCodeAt(i); if(charAtPos == 47 || charAtPos == 92 || charAtPos ==58 || charAtPos == 42 || charAtPos == 63 || charAtPos == 34 || charAtPos == 60 || charAtPos == 62 || charAtPos == 124 || charAtPos == 91 || charAtPos == 93 || charAtPos == 59 || charAtPos == 43 || charAtPos == 61 || charAtPos == 44 ) { return false; } } return true; }
//Function to submit the form
function getUsernames(objText,objListBox) { var strUser; strUserName=Trim(objText.value); if(document.frmTask.scrollCliGrp.selectedIndex != -1) { strUserName= document.frmTask.scrollCliGrp.options[document.frmTask.scrollCliGrp.selectedIndex].value; var myString = new String(strUserName) splitString = myString.split(",") Text=splitString[0]+addSpaces(24-splitString[0].length)+document.frmTask.cboRights.options[document.frmTask.cboRights.selectedIndex].text value="N"+","+strUserName+",0,"+document.frmTask.cboRights.options[document.frmTask.cboRights.selectedIndex].value addToListBox(document.frmTask.lstPermissions,"",Text,value); document.frmTask.btnRemove.disabled = false; } else { if(strUserName == "") return;
intErrorNumber = isValidIP(objText) if(isValidIP(objText)==0) { Text=strUserName+addSpaces(24-strUserName.length)+document.frmTask.cboRights.options[document.frmTask.cboRights.selectedIndex].text value="N"+","+strUserName+",0,"+document.frmTask.cboRights.options[document.frmTask.cboRights.selectedIndex].value addToListBox(document.frmTask.lstPermissions,"",Text,value) strUserName="" document.frmTask.btnRemove.disabled = false; } else { if(!checkKeyforValidCharacters(strUserName)) { DisplayErr('<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_INVALID_COMPUTERNAME_ERRORMESSAGE))%>'); objText.focus() objText.select() document.frmTask.onkeypress = ClearErr return false; } else { Text=strUserName+addSpaces(24-strUserName.length)+document.frmTask.cboRights.options[document.frmTask.cboRights.selectedIndex].text // SFU
value="N"+","+strUserName+",0,"+document.frmTask.cboRights.options[document.frmTask.cboRights.selectedIndex].value addToListBox(document.frmTask.lstPermissions,"",Text,value) strUserName="" } document.frmTask.btnRemove.disabled = false; } document.frmTask.txtCommName.value="" }
if (checkDuplicate(objListBox,strUserName)) { tmp = strUserName.replace("<","<") tmp = tmp.replace(">",">") DisplayErr(tmp + " "+"<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_DUPLICATE_ERRORMESSAGE))%>" ); return; }
//Changing the status of the value to TRUE
document.frmTask.hidAddBtn.value = "TRUE" ;
//Calling setData to pack up the values
NFSSetData(); //Submit's the Form
//function to check the duplicate values in text box
function chkDuplicate(arrNames) { var i,j for( i=0;i<arrNames.length;i++) { for(j=0; j<arrNames.length;j++) { if (arrNames[i]==arrNames[j] && i!=j ) return false; } } return true; }
function NFSValidatePermissionSelections() { var oPermissions = document.getElementById("lstPermissions");
if ( null != oPermissions) { //
// If ALL-MACHINES is the only Permission
if ( oPermissions.length <= 1 ) { var aPermissionValues = oPermissions.options.value.split(","); //alert(aPermissionValues);
if ( aPermissionValues.length > 4 ) { //
// ALL-MACHINES with No-Access (1) is an invalid combination.
if ( parseInt(aPermissionValues[3]) == 1 ) { DisplayErr("<%=Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_CANNOTCREATE_EMPTY_SHARE__ERRORMESSAGE))%>"); return false; } } else { alert("PANIC#1: Permissions array size invalid: " + aPermissionValues.length); } } else { //
// Verify that ALL-MACHINES permission is lower than any of the permissions specified for
// the clients and/or groups.
var aPermissionValues = oPermissions.options[0].value.split(","); //alert(aPermissionValues);
if ( aPermissionValues.length > 4 ) { var allMachinesAccess = parseInt(aPermissionValues[3]);
var x; for(x=1; x<oPermissions.length; ++x) { aPermissionValues = oPermissions.options[x].value.split(","); if ( aPermissionValues.length > 4 ) { //alert(aPermissionValues.length);
var permissionIndex = (aPermissionValues.length > 5)? 4:3; if ( allMachinesAccess >= parseInt(aPermissionValues[permissionIndex])) { //alert("allMachinesAccess >= aPermissionValues[3] " + allMachinesAccess + ">=" + aPermissionValues[permissionIndex])
//DisplayErr(Server.HTMLEncode(SA_EscapeQuotes(L_ERROR_ALL_MACHINES_MUST_BE_LOWER_THAN))" + oPermissions.options[x].text);
//alert("ALL-MACHINES: " + oPermissions.options[0].value + "\n" + "Current: " + aPermissionValues);
//return false;
} } else { alert("PANIC#2: Permissions array size invalid: " + aPermissionValues.length); } } } else { alert("PANIC#3: Permissions array size invalid: " + aPermissionValues.length); } } } return true; }
// validates user entry
function NFSValidatePage() {
if ( !NFSValidatePermissionSelections()) { return false; }
NFSSetData(); return true; }
//Function to check the dulicates in the list box
function checkDuplicate(objListBox,strUserName) { //checking for the items in the list box
for(var i=0; i<objListBox.length-1;i++) { var myString = new String(objListBox.options[i].value) var strTemp=myString.split(","); test=strTemp[1].toUpperCase() test1=strUserName.toUpperCase() if(strTemp[1].toUpperCase()==strUserName.toUpperCase()) return true; } return false; }
//function to change the rights of the selected user
function changeRights() { var strUserName,strCompuId,strClient; //Getting the selected values
var strNewAccessType=document.frmTask.cboRights.value; if (document.frmTask.lstPermissions.selectedIndex != -1) { var strPermString=document.frmTask.lstPermissions.options.value; var myString = new String(strPermString) //Separating the username and accessright
var strTemp= myString.split(",") //Assigning the username
strClient=strTemp[0]; //Assigning the username
//Assigning the username
strCompuId=strTemp[2]; //ReAssigning the same to the list box
document.frmTask.lstPermissions.options[document.frmTask.lstPermissions.selectedIndex].value=strClient+","+strUserName+","+strCompuId+","+strNewAccessType; document.frmTask.lstPermissions.options[document.frmTask.lstPermissions.selectedIndex].text=strUserName+addSpaces(24-strUserName.length)+document.frmTask.cboRights.options[document.frmTask.cboRights.selectedIndex].text; } }
//Function to add given number of spaces to the string
function addSpaces(intNumber) { var str,intIdx; str =""; for (intIdx = 0 ; intIdx < intNumber;intIdx++) { str = str +" "; } return str; } //function to make enable/disable Addbutton
function disableAdd(objText,objButton) { var strValue=objText.value; //Checking for null value
if( Trim(strValue)=="") objButton.disabled=true; else objButton.disabled=false;
//Removes the selected item from the list box.
function fnbRemove(arg_Lst,arg_Str) { var lidx = 0; var intEnd = arg_Lst.length; //getting the Remove button object
var ObjRemove = eval('document.frmTask.btnRemove'); //getting the access Permissions object
var ObjAccess = eval('document.frmTask.cboRights'); if ((intEnd ==1) && (arg_Lst.options[0].selected)) { ObjRemove.disabled = true; return ; }
for (lidx =0;lidx < arg_Lst.length;lidx++) { if ( arg_Lst.options[lidx].selected ) { arg_Lst.options[lidx]=null; if (lidx == arg_Lst.length) arg_Lst.options[lidx-1].selected = true; else arg_Lst.options[lidx].selected = true; // checking for the default all machines if so disable the remove button
if (arg_Lst.length==1) { // disabling the remove button
ObjRemove.disabled=true; //Call to load the correct Access rights
selectAccess(arg_Lst,ObjAccess) } break; } }
//Function to make select the same access as the user selectd in the permission ListBox
function selectAccess(objListBox,objComboBox) { var i;
var currentlySelectedAccess = objComboBox.selectedIndex; //
// Clear AccessType's list
while(objComboBox.length) { objComboBox.options[0] = null; } //
// If ALL_MACHINES is selected
if (objListBox.selectedIndex == 0) { var x, y, z; //
// If ALL-MACHINES is the only item in the list then we DO NOT include [No Access] because
// creating a share with only one access group (ALL MACHINES) with permission of [No Access]
// is nonsense. If they only have ALL-MACHINES in the list then they need to pick a valid
// access right.
// Otherwise, if there are other clients and/or groups, then we allow ALL-MACHINES to be set
// to [No Access].
x = 0; y = ((objListBox.length > 1)? 0:1); z = ((objListBox.length > 1)? 5:4);
for (x=0; x<z; x++, y++) { objComboBox.options[x] = new Option(arrStrRights[y],arrStrValues[y],false,false); } blnFlag = true; } else { //if (blnFlag == true)
for (i=1; i<5;i++) { objComboBox.options[i-1] = new Option(arrStrRights[i],arrStrValues[i],false,false); } blnFlag = false; //}
var strValue=objListBox.options.value; var arrTemp var myString = new String(objListBox.options.value) arrTemp = myString.split(",")
//checking for null and making the one selected as perm list menber
if (arrTemp[3]!="") { for(var i=0;i<objComboBox.length;i++) { var myString1 = new String(objComboBox.options[i].value) var strTemp= myString1.split(","); if( parseInt(strTemp[0])==arrTemp[3] || strTemp[1]==arrTemp[3] )//Checking for the match
{ objComboBox.options[i].selected=true; return; }// end of if
}// end of for i
}//if (arrTemp[1]!="")
}// end of function
//Function to clear the error messages
function ClearErr() { if (IsIE()) { document.getElementById("divErrMsg").innerHTML = ""; document.frmTask.onkeypress = null; } }
// function to handle the change event of client groups listbox
function clgrps_onChange(idScroll) { var strGroups; var groupArr; if(document.frmTask.hidGroups.value !="") { strGroups = new String(document.frmTask.hidGroups.value) groupArr=strGroups.split("]"); if (groupArr.length == 0) { document.frmTask.btnAdd.disabled = true } else { document.frmTask.btnAdd.disabled = false } } return true; }