<% @Language=VbScript%> <% Option Explicit %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Log_details.asp : This page displays the details of a selected log event ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <!-- #include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp"---> <!-- #include file="loc_event.asp"---> <!-- #include file="inc_log.asp"--> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim G_strLogName 'Logname in WMI Dim G_intRecordNumber 'Current record number of the event Dim G_intMaxRecords 'Maximum records in the log Dim G_strDescription 'Description of an Event Dim G_objService 'object to WMI service Dim G_btnClicked 'Flag to indicate Ok button not used Dim G_intLowestRec 'Lowest record for the log Dim page 'Variable that receives the output page object when 'creating a page Dim rc 'Return value for CreatePage '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Global Form Variables '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim F_strDate 'Start date of Event Dim F_strTime 'Start time of Event Dim F_strType 'Type of selected Event Dim F_strSource 'SourceName of Event Dim F_intEventid 'Event Identifier Dim F_strDescription 'Description of the Event Dim F_strPrev 'To capture Pkey of the previous page Dim F_strTitle 'To capture Log Title from previous page Dim arrTitle(1) F_strPrev = Request.QueryString("Pkey") F_strTitle = Request.QueryString("Title") G_intRecordNumber = Cint(F_strPrev) G_strLogName = F_strTitle 'Localisation of page title arrTitle(0) = GetLocalizationTitle(F_strTitle) 'Page title L_PAGETITLE_LOGDETAILS_TEXT = SA_GetLocString("event.dll", "403F006E", arrTitle) ' Create and show the page Call SA_CreatePage(L_PAGETITLE_LOGDETAILS_TEXT, "", PT_AREA, Page) Call SA_ShowPage(Page) '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnInitPage() 'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page. ' Use this method to do first time initialization tasks 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: G_btnClicked '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg) OnInitPage=TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnServePropertyPage() 'Description: Called when the page needs to be served.Use this ' method to serve content 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: Input: G_btnClicked,L_(*),F_strDate,G_intRecordNumber,G_intMaxRecords ' F_strTime,F_strType,F_strSource,F_intEventid,G_strLogName '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnServeAreaPage(ByRef PageIn,Byref EventArg) Dim sDisabled Dim oEncoder
Set oEncoder = new CSAEncoder OnServeAreaPage=True If ( Len(Request.Form("hdnRecordNum")) > 0 ) Then Call GetFormVariables() Else Call GetDefaultValues() End if %> <br> <div class='PageBodyInnerIndent'> <table border=0> <tr> <td nowrap class="TasksBody"><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(L_DATE_DETAILS_TEXT)%></td> <td nowrap class="TasksBody"><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(Cdate(F_strDate))%></td> <td> <% If trim(G_intRecordNumber) = trim(G_intMaxRecords) Then sDisabled = "DISABLED" Else sDisabled = "" End If Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_UPBUTTON_TEXT, "", "goNext()", 90, 0, sDisabled, "UpButton") %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap class="TasksBody"><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(L_TIME_DETAILS_TEXT)%></td> <td nowrap class="TasksBody"><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(Cdate(F_strTime))%></td> <td> <% If G_intRecordNumber = G_intLowestRec Then sDisabled = "DISABLED" Else sDisabled = "" End If Call SA_ServeOnClickButtonEx(L_DOWNBUTTON_TEXT, "", "goPrevious()", 90, 0, sDisabled, "DownButton") %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap class="TasksBody"><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(L_TYPE_LABEL_TEXT)%></td> <td class="TasksBody" nowrap><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(F_strType)%></td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap class="TasksBody"><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(L_SOURCE_DETAILS_TEXT)%></td> <td class="TasksBody" nowrap><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(F_strSource)%></td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap class="TasksBody"><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(L_EVENTID_TEXT)%></td> <td class="TasksBody" nowrap><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(F_intEventid)%></td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap class="TasksBody"> <%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(L_DESCRIPTION_TEXT)%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" colspan=3 nowrap class="TasksBody"> <textarea rows=5 cols=60 readonly id=textdescription name=textdescription><%=oEncoder.EncodeElement(F_strDescription)%></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <input type="hidden" name="hdnLogName" value="<%=G_strLogName%>"> <input id="hdnRecordNum" type="hidden" name="hdnRecordNum" value="<%=G_intRecordNumber%>"> <input id="hdnMaxRecords" type="hidden" name="hdnMaxRecords" value="<%=G_intMaxRecords%>"> <input type="hidden" name="hdnMinRecords" value="<%=G_intLowestRec%>">
<% Call ServeCommonJavaScript() End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: ServeCommonJavaScript 'Description: Serves in initialiging the values,setting the form ' data and validating the form values 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: None 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeCommonJavaScript() %> <script language="JavaScript" src ='<%=m_VirtualRoot%>inc_global.js'> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> // Set the initial form values function Init() { return true } //function to next consecutive event function goNext() { var oRecordNum; var oMaxRecords; oRecordNum = document.getElementById("hdnRecordNum"); oMaxRecords = document.getElementById("hdnMaxRecords"); if ( oRecordNum != null && oMaxRecords != null ) { var intRecordNum = parseInt(oRecordNum.value,10); var intMaxRecords = parseInt(oMaxRecords.value,10);
if (intRecordNum < intMaxRecords) { oRecordNum.value = intRecordNum + 1; document.TVData.submit(); } } else { if ( oRecordNum == null) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { alert("document.getElementById('hdnRecordNum') returned null"); } } if ( oMaxRecords == null) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { alert("document.getElementById('hdnMaxRecords') returned null"); } } } } //function to previous event function goPrevious() { var oRecordNum; oRecordNum = document.getElementById("hdnRecordNum"); if ( oRecordNum != null ) { var intRecordNum = parseInt(oRecordNum.value,10);
if (intRecordNum > 0 ) { oRecordNum.value = intRecordNum - 1; document.TVData.submit(); } } else { if ( oRecordNum == null) { if ( SA_IsDebugEnabled() ) { alert("document.getElementById('hdnRecordNum') returned null"); } } } }
</script> <% End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetFormVariables() 'Description: Fetches state variables from form fields 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True - If GetDefaultValues function returns true ' False - Else 'Global Variables: Input: None ' Output: G_strLogName - Log Name ' Output: G_intRecordNumber - Current record number in the log '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetFormVariables() G_strLogName = Request.Form("hdnLogName") G_intRecordNumber = CInt(Request.Form("hdnRecordNum")) G_intMaxRecords = CInt(Request.Form("hdnMaxRecords")) G_intLowestRec = CInt(Request.Form("hdnMinRecords")) If GetDefaultValues() then GetFormVariables=True Else GetFormVariables=False End if End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetDefaultValues 'Description: Serves in Getting the default values of the selected log 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: False - If error in retrieving values ' True - Else 'Global Variables: Out:G_objService - WMI connection object ' In:G_strLogName - Log Name ' In:G_intRecordNumber - Current record number in the log ' In:F_strDate - Date the Event was logged ' In:F_strTime - Time the log event was created ' In:F_strType - Type of event ' In:F_strSource - Source of the log event ' In:F_intEventId - Id of the log event ' In:F_strDescription - Description of the log event '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDefaultValues() Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objLognames 'To store the results of the query Dim strQuery 'To store the query Dim objLog 'To process the result of the query Dim intNoOfRecords 'Total records Dim strLogType 'Type of log Const CONST_wbemPrivilegeSecurity = 7 'Privilege constant Const CONST_strSecurityLog = "SECURITY" 'Constant for security log
Dim oValidator Set oValidator = new CSAValidator If ( FALSE = oValidator.IsValidIdentifier(G_strLogName)) Then Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "LogName is invalid: " & G_strLogName) Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_RETREIVEVALUES_ERRORMESSAGE) Set oValidator = Nothing Exit Function End If Set oValidator = Nothing Set G_objService = GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) If Ucase(G_strLogName) = CONST_strSecurityLog then 'G_objService.Security_.Privileges.Add CONST_wbemPrivilegeSecurity 'giving the req Privilege End if If Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "G_objService.Security_.Privileges.Add failed: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) + " " + Err.Description) Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOGETWMICONNECTION_ERRORMESSAGE) GetDefaultValues=False Exit Function End If strQuery ="SELECT * FROM Win32_NTlogEvent WHERE Logfile=" & chr(34) & G_strLogName & chr(34) & "AND RecordNumber =" & cint(G_intRecordNumber) Set objLognames = G_objService.ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",48,null) If Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "G_objService.ExecQuery(strQuery,WQL,48) failed: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) + " " + Err.Description) Call SA_TraceOut(SA_GetScriptFileName(), "Query was: " + strQuery) Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_RETREIVEVALUES_ERRORMESSAGE) GetDefaultValues=False Exit Function End If For each objLog in objLognames F_strDate = Mid(objLog.TimeGenerated,5,2)& "/" & Mid(objLog.TimeGenerated,7,2) & "/" & Mid(objLog.TimeGenerated,1,4) F_strTime = Mid(objLog.TimeGenerated,9,2)& ":" & Mid(objLog.TimeGenerated,11,2)& ":" & Mid(objLog.TimeGenerated,13,2) F_strType = objLog.Type F_strSource = objLog.SourceName F_intEventid= Cstr(objLog.EventCode) F_strDescription=objLog.Message Exit For Next 'Replace the carriagereturn string with null F_strDescription = Replace(F_strDescription,VBCrLf,"") Select Case F_strType case "information" : strLogType = L_INFORMATION_TYPE_TEXT case "error" : strLogType = L_ERROR_TYPE_TEXT case "warning" : strLogType = L_WARNING_TYPE_TEXT case "audit success" : strLogType = L_SUCCESSAUDIT_TYPE_TEXT case "audit failure" : strLogType = L_FAILUREAUDIT_TYPE_TEXT case else strLogType = "" End Select F_strType = strLogType 'Get max records If GetMaxRecords(G_strLogName,G_objService) then GetDefaultValues=True Else GetDefaultValues=False Exit function End if intNoOfRecords = getEventLogCount(G_strLogName,G_objService) 'Lowest record number G_intLowestRec = G_intMaxRecords - intNoOfRecords + 1 GetDefaultValues = true Set G_objService=Nothing Set objLognames=Nothing Set objLog = Nothing End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function name: GetMaxRecords 'Description: gets the maximum records available from WMI 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True - If Maxrecords retrieved properly ' False - If error in retrieval of Maxrecords 'Global Variables: Out:G_intMaxRecords - Maximum records in the log ' In:G_objService - WMI connection object ' In:G_strLogName - Log name '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetMaxRecords(strLogName,strObjService) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim strQuery 'To store the query Dim objLognames 'To store the results of the query Dim objLog 'To process the results of the query strQuery ="SELECT * FROM Win32_NTlogEvent WHERE Logfile=" & chr(34) & G_strLogName & chr(34) Set objLognames = strObjService.ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",48,null) If Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOGETMAXLOGCOUNT_ERRORMESSAGE) GetMaxRecords = false Exit Function End if For each objLog in objLognames G_intMaxRecords = objLog.RecordNumber Exit for Next If Err.number <> 0 then Call SA_SetErrMsg (L_RETREIVEVALUES_ERRORMESSAGE) GetMaxRecords=False Exit Function End If GetMaxRecords=True Set objLognames=nothing Set objLog = nothing End Function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------` ' Function name: getEventLogCount ' Description: returns Log Count ' Input Variables: strEventLogName - Log Name( Application,system,Security) ' Output Variables: None ' Return Values: Returns Log Count ' Global Variables: L_FAILEDTOGETCOUNT_ERRORMESSAGE,G_objConnection,G_strReturnURL ' Gets the instance of Logname and returns the count. '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function getEventLogCount(strEventLogName,objService) Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objLognames Dim objLogname Dim nRecordCount nRecordCount = 0 'Getting the instances of the Logfile Set objLognames = objService.InstancesOf("Win32_NTEventlogFile") 'Checking for recordcount if zero "No Events" If ( objLognames.count = 0 ) Then nRecordCount = 0 Else For each objLogname in objLognames 'checking for the selected logfilename if so get the record number for future use If LCase(objLogname.LogFileName)=LCase(strEventLogName) Then 'Assigning the no of records for the selected Log If IsNull(objLogname.NumberOfRecords) Then nRecordCount = 0 Else nRecordCount=CInt(objLogname.NumberOfRecords) End If Exit For End If Next End IF 'Set to nothing Set objLogname = Nothing Set objLognames =Nothing If Err.number <> 0 Then Call SA_ServeFailurepage(L_FAILEDTOGETCOUNT_ERRORMESSAGE) getEventLogCount = false Exit function End If getEventLogCount = nRecordCount End Function %>