<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' shutdown_scheduleProp.asp : Schedule shutdown/restart property page. ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ' ' Date Description ' 02-01-2001 Created Date ' 28-03-2001 Modified Date '------------------------------------------------------------------------- %> <!--#include virtual="/admin/inc_framework.asp"--> <!-- #include file="loc_Shutdown_msg.asp" --> <!-- #include file="inc_Shutdown.asp" --> <% '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Global Variables '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim page 'to hold the output page object when creating a page Dim rc 'to hold the return value for CreatePage Dim G_strScheduledTask 'to hold the action whether restart or shutdown Dim G_strScheduledTaskLoc 'to hold the localization copy of shutdown/restart Dim g_strWeekDay 'to hold the week day name Dim g_DaysofWeek 'to hold day of the week Dim g_intHours 'to hold Hours Dim g_intMins 'to hold Mins Dim g_intDays 'to hold Days Dim g_strTask 'to hold the Task scheduled Dim g_ScheduledShutdown 'to hold whether shutdown or restart is scheduled '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Form Variables '----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim F_strScheduleAction 'to hold Selected Schedule Dim F_strScheduledOption 'to hold Schedduled date Dim F_strMinutes 'to hold Minutes for shutdown/restart Dim F_strHours 'to hold hour selected for shutdown/restart Dim F_strDays 'to hold days selected for shutdown/restart Dim F_DayName 'to hold selected day name Dim F_chkSendMessage 'to hold checkbox status of send message Dim F_strScheduledTime 'to hold scheduled time Dim F_strSelectedWeekDay 'to hold selected week day Const CONST_RESTART_APPLIANCE = "Restart" Const CONST_SHUTDOWN_APPLIANCE = "Shutdown" Const CONST_ACTION_SCHEDULE_CANCEL = 1 Const CONST_ACTION_SCHEDULE_SHUTDOWN = 3 Const CONST_ACTION_SCHEDULE_RESTART = 2
Const CONST_RAISERESTARTALERT = 1 Const CONST_RAISESHUTDOWNALERT = 1 'Create a Property Page rc=SA_CreatePage(L_SCHEDULE_SHUTDOWN_TEXT,"",PT_PROPERTY,page) If (rc=0) Then 'Serve the page SA_ShowPage(page) End If '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnInitPage() 'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page. ' Use this method to do first time initialization tasks 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "OnInitPage") 'Check whether Shutdown or restart is scheduled if isScheduleShutdown then
g_ScheduledShutdown = true 'get the date and time Call GetDateAndTime() end if OnInitPage=true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnServePropertyPage() 'Description: Called when the page needs to be served.Use this ' method to serve content 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnServePropertyPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "OnServePropertyPage")
If ( FALSE = IsSchedulerRunning() ) Then Call SA_ServeFailurePage(L_ERROR_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING) Response.End OnServePropertyPage = FALSE Exit Function End If
'Serve client side script Call ServeCommonJavaScript() 'Serve the HTML content Call ServeUI() OnServePropertyPage=TRUE End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnPostBackPage() 'Description: Called to signal that the page has been posted-back. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg) Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "OnPostBackPage") F_strScheduleAction = trim(request("rdoschedule")) F_strScheduledOption = trim(request("rdoScheduleDate")) F_strMinutes = request("optMinutes") F_strHours = request("optHours") F_strDays = request("optDays") F_DayName = Request.Form("DayName") F_chkSendMessage = Request("chkSendMessage") F_strScheduledTime = Request("txtAtTime") F_strSelectedWeekDay = Request.Form("selWeekDay") OnPostBackPage=TRUE End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnSubmitPage() 'Description: Called when the page has been submitted for processing. ' Use this method to process the submit request. 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables/Constants:CONST_* '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg) Err.Clear on error resume next Dim scheduledDayTime 'holds scheduled day and time Dim strHour 'holds scheduled time Dim scheduledOption 'holds scheduled option selected Dim scheduledMinute 'holds scheduled minute Dim scheduledHour 'holds scheduled hour Dim scheduledDay 'holds scheduled day Dim objFso 'holds filesystemobject Dim Windirectory 'holds path of windows directory Dim strPathDay 'holds shutdown executable file path Dim strPathWeekday Dim retVal 'holds returnValue Dim strCommand 'to hold the command to run Dim arrReplacementString 'to hold replacement string as an array to be passed as argument to raisealert Dim ScheduleAction 'can be one of Cancel scheduled one, restart or shutdown Redim arrReplacementString(2) 'dimensioned to hold date and time strings
ScheduleAction = F_strScheduleAction if ScheduleAction = trim(CONST_ACTION_SCHEDULE_CANCEL) then 'user wants to delete all the scheduled shutdown or restarts 'Check whether to remove the pending shutdown /restart Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "User cancelled the schedule for the shutdown") if isScheduleShutdown then DeleteSchedule() end if OnSubmitPage = True Exit Function end if
'Get Filesystem object set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Windirectory = objFso.GetSpecialFolder(1) 'Release the object set objFso = nothing
' Use different case to distinguish whether a scheduled job is weekday based or day based ' For example, if the win32_scheduledJob object.Command contains "TASKSHUTDOWN.EXE", it's day ' based. The solution is because of the difficulty to At.exe to generate weekday based ' win32_scheduledJob in localizied environment. Type At.exe/? in cmd line for details. strPathDay = Windirectory & "\ServerAppliance\Web\admin\shutdown\support\TASKSHUTDOWN.EXE " strPathWeekday = Windirectory & "\ServerAppliance\Web\admin\shutdown\support\taskshutdown.exe " 'Check whether to Schedule a Restart if ScheduleAction = trim(CONST_ACTION_SCHEDULE_RESTART) then Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "User schedule for the restart") G_strScheduledTask=CONST_RESTART_APPLIANCE ' Assign the loc msg to G_strScheduledTaskLoc. We cannot directly assign the loc msg ' to G_strScheduledTask because it is used as a input for taskshutdown.exe, and ' taskshutdown.exe does not take shutdown|restart in English. G_strScheduledTaskLoc = L_RESTART_TEXT if isScheduleShutdown then DeleteSchedule() end if End if 'Check whether to Schedule a Shutdown if ScheduleAction = trim(CONST_ACTION_SCHEDULE_SHUTDOWN) then Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "User schedule for the shutdown") G_strScheduledTask=CONST_SHUTDOWN_APPLIANCE ' Assign the loc msg to G_strScheduledTaskLoc G_strScheduledTaskLoc = L_SHUTDOWN_TEXT if isScheduleShutdown then DeleteSchedule() end if End if 'Get Date scheduledOption= F_strScheduledOption 'Get Day,Hour,Minute If scheduledOption= trim(CONST_SCHEDULE_DAYS_OPTION) then scheduledMinute=Dateadd("N",F_strMinutes,now()) scheduledHour=Dateadd("H",F_strHours, scheduledMinute) scheduledDay=Dateadd("D",F_strDays, scheduledHour) scheduledDayTime=Day(scheduledDay) strHour= Hour(scheduledDay)&":"&Minute(scheduledDay)&":"&Second(scheduledDay) End if 'Form the message to schedule the task using AT command If scheduledOption=trim(CONST_SCHEDULE_DAYS_OPTION) then Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "User schedule for the days option") arrReplacementString = split(cstr(scheduledDay)," ") if trim(arrReplacementString(2)) <> "" then arrReplacementString(1) = arrReplacementString(1) & " " & arrReplacementString(2) end if strCommand = "cmd.exe /c AT.exe "& replace(FormatDateTime(strHour,vbShortTime)," ","") &" /next:"& int(scheduledDayTime)& " " & strPathDay & " " & G_strScheduledTask Elseif trim(scheduledOption)=trim(CONST_SCHEDULE_WEEKDAYS_OPTION) then Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "User schedule for the weedays option") arrReplacementString(0) = cstr(F_strSelectedWeekDay) arrReplacementString(1) = cstr(FormatDateTime(F_strScheduledTime,vbLongTime)) If Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT Exit Function End if ' Get the day for the selected weekday scheduledDayTime = CINT(GetDayForWeekday(F_strSelectedWeekDay)) strCommand ="cmd.exe /c AT.exe "& replace(FormatDateTime(F_strScheduledTime,vbShortTime)," ","") &" /next:"& int(scheduledDayTime) & " " & strPathWeekday & " " & G_strScheduledTask 'strCommand ="cmd.exe /c AT.exe "& replace(FormatDateTime(F_strScheduledTime,vbShortTime)," ","") &" /next:"& F_strSelectedWeekDay & " " & strPath & " " & G_strScheduledTask End if 'Schedule selected task and raise alert if TaskSchedule(trim(strCommand),arrReplacementString) = true then 'Check whether SendMessage Check box is checked if F_chkSendMessage = "on" then If scheduledOption=trim(CONST_SCHEDULE_DAYS_OPTION) then call SendMessage(scheduledDay,G_strScheduledTask) Elseif scheduledOption=trim(CONST_SCHEDULE_WEEKDAYS_OPTION) then call SendMessage(Dateadd("d",F_DayName,Date) & " " & FormatDateTime(F_strScheduledTime,vbLongTime),G_strScheduledTask) end if end if OnSubmitPage= true else OnSubmitPage= false end if End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: OnClosePage() 'Description: Called when the page is about to be closed.Use this method ' to perform clean-up processing 'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn,ByRef EventArg) OnClosePage=TRUE End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: ServeCommonJavaScript 'Description: Serves in initializing the values,setting the form ' data and validating the form values 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeCommonJavaScript() %> <script language="JavaScript" src="<%=m_VirtualRoot%>inc_global.js"> </script> <script language="JavaScript"> // // Microsoft Server Appliance Web Framework Support Functions // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Init Function // ----------- // This function is called by the Web Framework to allow the page // to perform first time initialization. // // This function must be included or a javascript runtime error will occur. // function Init() { // This code take care of retaining of state, if any error // reported in the execution of page var strScheduledTask = "<%= g_ScheduledShutdown %>";
var strRdoschedule = '<%= SA_EscapeQuotes(F_strScheduleAction) %>'; if (strRdoschedule != "" && strScheduledTask == "") { var optScheduledDate = '<%= SA_EscapeQuotes(F_strScheduledOption) %>'; document.frmTask.rdoschedule[strRdoschedule - 1].checked = true; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[optScheduledDate - 1].checked = true; // Check which date option is selected // if selected first date option if (optScheduledDate == 1) { var strDays = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_intDays)%>'; document.frmTask.optDays.selectedIndex=strDays; var strHours = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_intHours)%>'; document.frmTask.optHours.selectedIndex=strHours; var strMins = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_intMins)%>'; document.frmTask.optMinutes.selectedIndex=strMins -1; }
// if selected second date option if (optScheduledDate == 2) { document.frmTask.txtAtTime.value = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(F_strScheduledTime)%>'; var strSelectedDay = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(F_strSelectedWeekDay)%>'; var intDay = 0; switch (strSelectedDay) { case '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(L_MONDAYMSG_TEXT)%>': intDay = 0; break; case '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(L_TUESDAYMSG_TEXT)%>': intDay = 1; break; case '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(L_WEDNESDAYMSG_TEXT)%>': intDay = 2; break; case '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(L_THUSDAYMSG_TEXT)%>': intDay = 3; break; case '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(L_FRIDAYMSG_TEXT)%>': intDay = 4; break; case '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(L_SATURDAYMSG_TEXT)%>': intDay = 5; break; case '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(L_SUNDAYMSG_TEXT)%>': intDay = 6; break; default: intDay = 0; } document.frmTask.selWeekDay.selectedIndex = intDay; } // Check for send message option var strSendMessage = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(F_chkSendMessage)%>'; if (strSendMessage == "on") { document.frmTask.chkSendMessage.checked=true; } else { document.frmTask.chkSendMessage.checked=false; } return true; //exit function } // End of init function if (strScheduledTask == "True") { var WeekDay = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_strWeekDay) %>'; document.frmTask.selWeekDay.selectedIndex=WeekDay; var strScheduleOption = '<%= SA_EscapeQuotes(g_DaysofWeek) %>'; var strTask = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_strTask) %>'; if (strScheduleOption == "True") { var strTime = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_intHours)%>' + ':' + '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_intMins)%>'; document.frmTask.txtAtTime.value = strTime; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[1].checked = true; DisableSecondOption(); } else { var strDays = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_intDays)%>'; document.frmTask.optDays.selectedIndex=strDays; var strHours = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_intHours)%>';
document.frmTask.optHours.selectedIndex=strHours; var strMins = '<%=SA_EscapeQuotes(g_intMins)%>'; //strMins is set to 1 intentionally as the value in strMins is zero if (strMins == 0) strMins = 1; document.frmTask.optMinutes.selectedIndex=strMins -1; MakeDisable(); }
if (strTask == "Shutdown") { document.frmTask.rdoschedule[2].checked=true; } else if(strTask == "Restart") { document.frmTask.rdoschedule[1].checked=true; } else { document.frmTask.rdoschedule[0].checked=true; } } else { //function call to disable other controls document.frmTask.optDays.disabled=true; document.frmTask.optHours.disabled=true; document.frmTask.optMinutes.disabled=true; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[0].checked=false; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[1].checked=false; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[0].disabled=true; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[1].disabled=true; MakeDisable(); document.frmTask.chkSendMessage.disabled=true; } } function RemoveDisable() { document.frmTask.selWeekDay.disabled=false; document.frmTask.txtAtTime.disabled=false; } function MakeDisable() { document.frmTask.selWeekDay.disabled=true; document.frmTask.txtAtTime.disabled=true; } function DisableFirstOption() { document.frmTask.optDays.disabled=false; document.frmTask.optHours.disabled=false; document.frmTask.optMinutes.disabled=false; }
function DisableSecondOption() { document.frmTask.optDays.disabled=true; document.frmTask.optHours.disabled=true; document.frmTask.optMinutes.disabled=true; } // ValidatePage Function // ------------------ // This function is called by the Web Framework as part of the // submit processing. Use this function to validate user input. Returning // false will cause the submit to abort. // // This function must be included or a javascript runtime error will occur. // // Returns: True if the page is OK, false if error(s) exist. function ValidatePage() { document.frmTask.DayName.value = (document.frmTask.selWeekDay.selectedIndex) - 1; document.frmTask.hdnrdoschedule.value = document.frmTask.rdoschedule.checked; if (document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[0].checked == true) { document.frmTask.hdnrdoScheduleDate.value = document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[0].value; } else if (document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[1].checked == true) { //check whether time at scheduled day is entered if(document.frmTask.txtAtTime.value == "") { DisplayErr('<%= SA_EscapeQuotes(L_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT)%>'); document.frmTask.onkeypress = ClearErr; return false; } document.frmTask.hdnrdoScheduleDate.value = document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[1].value; } document.frmTask.hdnoptMinutes.value = document.frmTask.optMinutes.selectedIndex; document.frmTask.hdnoptHours.value = document.frmTask.optHours.selectedIndex; document.frmTask.hdnoptDays.value = document.frmTask.optDays.selectedIndex; document.frmTask.hdnchkSendMessage.value = document.frmTask.chkSendMessage.checked document.frmTask.hdntxtAtTime.value = document.frmTask.txtAtTime.value; document.frmTask.hdnselWeekDay.value = document.frmTask.selWeekDay.selectedIndex; return true; } // SetData Function // -------------- // This function is called by the Web Framework and is called // only if ValidatePage returned a success (true) code. Typically you would // modify hidden form fields at this point. // // This function must be included or a javascript runtime error will occur. // function SetData() { return true; } //Function to disable other controlls when default option is selected function enableControls() { var ScheduleDate = document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate; if(ScheduleDate[0].checked == false && ScheduleDate[1].checked == false || ScheduleDate[0].checked == true) { document.frmTask.optDays.disabled=false; document.frmTask.optHours.disabled=false; document.frmTask.optMinutes.disabled=false; document.frmTask.chkSendMessage.disabled=false; ScheduleDate[0].checked = true; ScheduleDate[0].disabled = false; ScheduleDate[1].disabled = false; return true; } if(ScheduleDate[1].checked == true) { document.frmTask.optDays.disabled=true; document.frmTask.optHours.disabled=true; document.frmTask.optMinutes.disabled=true; document.frmTask.chkSendMessage.disabled=false; document.frmTask.selWeekDay.disabled=false; document.frmTask.txtAtTime.disabled=false; ScheduleDate[1].checked = true; ScheduleDate[1].disabled = false; return true; } } function DisableControls() { document.frmTask.selWeekDay.disabled=true; document.frmTask.txtAtTime.disabled=true; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[1].checked=false; //document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[1].checked=false; document.frmTask.optDays.disabled=true; document.frmTask.optHours.disabled=true; document.frmTask.optMinutes.disabled=true; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[0].checked=false; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[0].disabled=true; document.frmTask.rdoScheduleDate[1].disabled=true; document.frmTask.chkSendMessage.disabled=true; } </script> <% End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: ServeUI() 'Description: Called to serve UI 'Input Variables: L_*; 'Output Variables: None 'Functions Used: GetListboxvalue() 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: L_*, F_* '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ServeUI() Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "ServeUI") %> <TABLE WIDTH=518 VALIGN=CENTER ALIGN=left BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2>
<tr> <td class="TasksBody" NOWRAP> <INPUT type="radio" id=rad name=rdoschedule value=1 checked onclick="DisableControls();"> <%=L_NOSCHEDULE_TEXT%> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td class="TasksBody" width=25% NOWRAP> <INPUT type="radio" id=rad name=rdoschedule value=2 onclick="enableControls();"> <%=L_RESTARTSCHEDULED_TEXT%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody" width=25% NOWRAP> <INPUT type="radio" id=rad name=rdoschedule value=3 onclick="enableControls();"> <%=L_SHUTDOWNSCHEDULED_TEXT%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody" width=25% NOWRAP> <hr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody" width=25% > <INPUT type="radio" name="rdoScheduleDate" value=1 checked OnClick="MakeDisable();DisableFirstOption()"> <SELECT name=optDays > <%=GetListboxvalue(0,27,"days")%> </SELECT> <%=L_DAYS_TEXT%> <SELECT name=optHours> <%=GetListboxvalue(0,24,"Hrs")%> </SELECT> <%=L_HOURS_TEXT%> <SELECT name=optMinutes> <%=GetListboxvalue(1,60,"Min")%> </SELECT> <%=L_MINUTESFROMNOW_TEXT%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap width=25% class="TasksBody"> <%=L_OR_TEXT%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width=25% nowrap class="TasksBody"> <INPUT type="radio" name="rdoScheduleDate" value=2 OnClick="RemoveDisable();DisableSecondOption()"><%=L_ONTHENEXT_TEXT%> <SELECT name=selWeekDay> <OPTION value="<%=L_MONDAYMSG_TEXT%>"><%=L_MONDAYMSG_TEXT%></OPTION > <OPTION value="<%=L_TUESDAYMSG_TEXT%>"><%=L_TUESDAYMSG_TEXT%></OPTION > <OPTION value="<%=L_WEDNESDAYMSG_TEXT%>"><%=L_WEDNESDAYMSG_TEXT%> </OPTION > <OPTION value="<%=L_THUSDAYMSG_TEXT%>"><%=L_THUSDAYMSG_TEXT%> </OPTION > <OPTION value="<%=L_FRIDAYMSG_TEXT%>"><%=L_FRIDAYMSG_TEXT%> </OPTION > <OPTION value="<%=L_SATURDAYMSG_TEXT%>"><%=L_SATURDAYMSG_TEXT%></OPTION> <OPTION value="<%=L_SUNDAYMSG_TEXT%>"><%=L_SUNDAYMSG_TEXT%></OPTION > </SELECT> <%=L_AT_TEXT%> <input type=text name=txtAtTime value="<%= F_strScheduledTime %>" maxlength=12 size=15> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TasksBody"> <input NAME="chkSendMessage" TYPE="Checkbox" > <%=L_NETSENDWARNING_TEXT%> </td> </tr> </TABLE> <input type = hidden name = "DayName" value="F_DayName"> <input type = hidden name = "hdnrdoschedule" value="<%=F_strScheduleAction%>"> <input type = hidden name = "hdnrdoScheduleDate" value="<%=F_strScheduledOption%>"> <input type = hidden name = "hdnoptMinutes" value="<%=F_strMinutes%>"> <input type = hidden name = "hdnoptHours" value="<%=F_strHours%>"> <input type = hidden name = "hdnoptDays" value="<%=F_strDays%>"> <input type = hidden name = "hdnchkSendMessage" value="<%=F_chkSendMessage%>"> <input type = hidden name = "hdntxtAtTime" value="<%=F_strScheduledTime%>"> <input type = hidden name = "hdnselWeekDay" value="<%=F_strSelectedWeekDay%>"> <% End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetListboxvalue() 'Description: Called to get list box value 'Input Variables: Min,Max 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetListboxvalue(Min,Max,Val) Dim nMaxLoopValue 'hold max value Dim nMinLoopValue 'hold min value
Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "GetListboxvalue") For nMaxLoopValue = Min to Max If nMaxLoopValue <= 9 then nMinLoopValue = "0" & nMaxLoopValue Else nMinLoopValue = nMaxLoopValue End if If (Val = "Min") Then %> <OPTION value=<%=nMinLoopValue%> ><%=nMinLoopValue%></OPTION> <% Else %> <OPTION value=<%=nMinLoopValue%> ><%=nMaxLoopValue%></OPTION> <% End if Next End function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: TaskSchedule() 'Description: Function to schedule shutdown /restart 'Input Variables: strCommand,ReplacementString 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables: G_*, L_* '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function TaskSchedule(strCommand,ReplacementString) Err.clear On Error Resume Next Dim strCurDir 'holds current directory Dim returnValue 'holds return value Dim objFso 'holds File System object Dim Windirectory 'holds Window directory path Dim Alertid 'holds the alert ID Dim arrRepStrings 'holds the replacement strings redim arrRepStrings(1)
' Assign a loc msg for output error msg arrRepStrings(0) = cstr(G_strScheduledTaskLoc) TaskSchedule=false Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "calling shutdownraise alert func " + G_strScheduledTask)
set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Windirectory = objFso.GetSpecialFolder(0) strCurDir=left(Windirectory,3) 'Release the object set objFso = nothing
returnValue = LaunchProcess(strCommand, strCurDir) If Err.number<> 0 then TaskSchedule=False L_UNABLETOLAUNCHPROCESS_ERRORMESSAGE = SA_GetLocString("sashutdown_msg.dll", "C040001F", arrRepStrings) SA_SetErrMsg L_UNABLETOLAUNCHPROCESS_ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Err.number & ")" Exit function End if
Alertid = 1 if returnValue = 0 then Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop.asp", "calling shutdownraise inside if ") 'Raise alert for the scheduled task if UCase(G_strScheduledTask) = ucase(CONST_RESTART_APPLIANCE) then Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop.asp","inside if RestartPending") retval = ShutdownRaiseAlert(Alertid,"RestartPending",ReplacementString) elseif UCase(G_strScheduledTask) = ucase(CONST_SHUTDOWN_APPLIANCE) then Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop.asp","inside if ShutdownPending") retval = ShutdownRaiseAlert(Alertid,"ShutdownPending",ReplacementString) end if Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop.asp",UCase(G_strScheduledTask) + ucase(CONST_RESTART_APPLIANCE) ) end if TaskSchedule = true End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: DeleteSchedule 'Description: Serves in deleting the scheduled task 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: True/False 'Global Variables/Constants:L_(*)-Localization Strings, CONST_* '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DeleteSchedule() Err.Clear On Error Resume Next Dim objWMIConnection 'To get WMI connection Dim objSchedule 'To get instance of wmi class Dim strSchedule 'To hold scheduled task instance Dim strVal 'To get the value of task run(shutdown or restart) Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "DeleteSchedule") 'getting wmi connection set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) 'taking the instance of wmi class responsible for scheduling set objSchedule=objWMIConnection.Instancesof("Win32_ScheduledJob") 'deleting a scheduled task for each strSchedule in objSchedule strVal = Ucase(right(strSchedule.Command,15)) 'Check for restart entry if instr(1,strVal,Ucase(CONST_RESTART_APPLIANCE),1) > 0 then strSchedule.Delete() if Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_UNABLETODELETE_SCHEDULEDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE Else 'Clear the Restart alert message DeleteAlert(CONST_RAISERESTARTALERT) ' the arg is alert ID End if 'Check for shutdown entry elseif instr(1,strVal,Ucase(CONST_SHUTDOWN_APPLIANCE),1) > 0 then strSchedule.Delete() if Err.number <> 0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_UNABLETODELETE_SCHEDULEDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE Else 'Clear the Shutdown alert message DeleteAlert(CONST_RAISESHUTDOWNALERT)' the arg is alert ID End if end if next If Err.number<>0 then SA_SetErrMsg L_UNABLETODELETE_SCHEDULEDTASK_ERRORMESSAGE DeleteSchedule=False Exit Function End If DeleteSchedule=True 'destroying dynamically created objects Set objWMIConnection=Nothing Set objSchedule=Nothing End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetDateAndTime 'Description: gets the date and time 'Input Variables: None 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Date and Time 'Global Variables/Constants:L_*, CONST_*, g_* '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDateAndTime() Err.Clear on error resume next Dim objWMIConnection 'To get WMI connection Dim objSchedule 'To get instance of wmi class Dim strScheduleType 'To get type of scheduled task Dim strSchedule 'To get scheduled task results Dim strHours 'To hold time in hours Dim strMins 'To hold time in mins Const CONST_RESTARTAPPLIANCE = "Restart" Const CONST_SHUTDOWNAPPLIANCE= "Shutdown" Const CONST_HOURSPERDAY = 24 Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "GetDateAndTime") 'getting wmi connection set objWMIConnection = getWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE) 'getting the instance of wmi class responsible for scheduling set objSchedule=objWMIConnection.Instancesof("Win32_ScheduledJob") If Err.number <>0 Then SA_SetErrMsg L_WMICLASSINSTANCEFAILED_ERRORMESSAGE Exit Function End If for each strSchedule in objSchedule 'getting the type of scheduled task strScheduleType=Ucase(right(strSchedule.Command,8))
'checking the scheduled task type If instr(strScheduleType,Ucase(CONST_RESTARTAPPLIANCE))>0 then g_strTask = CONST_RESTARTAPPLIANCE elseIf instr(strScheduleType,Ucase(CONST_SHUTDOWNAPPLIANCE))>0 then g_strTask = CONST_SHUTDOWNAPPLIANCE end if 'check whether shutdown or restart is scheduled already if g_strTask = CONST_RESTARTAPPLIANCE or g_strTask = CONST_SHUTDOWNAPPLIANCE then strHours = mid(strSchedule.StartTime,9,2) strMins = mid(strSchedule.StartTime,11,2)
if inStr(1, trim(strSchedule.Command), "TASKSHUTDOWN.EXE", 0) then 'find whether Days of Month is not null 'if not isnull(trim(strSchedule.DaysOfMonth)) then 'find whether Days of Month is not null
g_DaysofWeek = false 'get the date of schedule Call GetDate(strSchedule.DaysOfMonth,strHours,strMins) exit function elseif inStr( trim(strSchedule.Command), "taskshutdown") then
g_DaysofWeek = true g_intHours = mid(strSchedule.StartTime,9,2) g_intMins = mid(strSchedule.StartTime,11,2) 'get the date of schedule 'Call GetDateforWeek(strSchedule.DaysOfWeek) Call GetWeekdayForDate(strSchedule.DaysOfMonth) exit function end if end if Next 'Release the objects set objWMIConnection = nothing set objSchedule = nothing
End function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetDateforWeek 'Description: gets the date in terms of day 'Input Variables: intWeek 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Day of the week 'Global Variables: g_strWeekDay '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDateforWeek(intWeek) Dim count 'to hold count Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "GetDateforWeek") for count = 0 to 6 if 2 ^ count = intWeek then g_strWeekDay = count end if next End Function
'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetDate 'Description: gets the date in terms of day 'Input Variables: intDays, intHours, intMins 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Day of the week 'Global Variables: g_* '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDate(intDays,intHours,intMins)
Dim count 'hold the count Dim strdaysScheduledFor 'hold the days for the task scheduled Dim strCurrentDate 'hold the current date Dim strScheduledDate 'hold the scheduled date Dim strScheduledMonth 'hold the scheduled month Dim strScheduledYear 'hold the scheduled year Dim strHours 'hold the hours part Dim strMinute 'hold the minutes part CONST CONST_MINUTESPERDAY = 1440 CONST CONST_MAXDAYS = 27 CONST CONST_MAXHOURS = 24 CONST CONST_MINUTESPERHOUR = 60 Call SA_TraceOut("shutdown_scheduleprop", "GetDate") for count = 0 to 31 if 2 ^ count = intDays then strdaysScheduledFor = count + 1 end if next 'get the current date strCurrentDate = Date() if strdaysScheduledFor < day(date()) then strScheduledMonth = Month(DateAdd("m",1,Date())) strScheduledYear = year(Date()) else strScheduledMonth = Month(Date()) strScheduledYear = year(Date()) end if 'format the scheduled date using the universal format strScheduledDate = strScheduledYear & "-" & strScheduledMonth & "-" & strdaysScheduledFor Dim strDate strDate = strScheduledDate & " " & formatdatetime(intHours & ":" & intMins & ":00",vbLongTime) ' Format the date to the current localization setting strDate = formatdatetime(strDate, vbGeneralDate) 'get the difference in minutes between current date and scheduled date strMinute = datediff("n",now, strDate)
'if minutes are more than one day(1440 minutes) if strMinute > CONST_MINUTESPERDAY then
g_intDays = int(strMinute/CONST_MINUTESPERDAY) strMinute = strMinute - (g_intDays * CONST_MINUTESPERDAY)
g_intHours = int(strMinute/ CONST_MINUTESPERHOUR) g_intMins = strMinute mod CONST_MINUTESPERHOUR else g_intDays = 0 g_intHours = cint(strMinute) / CONST_MINUTESPERHOUR g_intMins = strMinute mod CONST_MINUTESPERHOUR
end if 'Check for the max days(last element in the days dropdown box) if g_intDays > CONST_MAXDAYS then g_intdays = CONST_MAXDAYS g_intHours = CONST_MAXHOURS g_intMins = strMinute end if End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetDayForWeekday 'Description: Get the day for a weekday. For example, if next ' Monday is 3/20/2002, it returns 20 'Input Variables: strWeekday 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: day 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetDayForWeekday( strWeekday )
Dim iToday Dim dayInterval Dim strDate Dim iWeekday iWeekday = GetWeekday(strWeekday)
' Get today's date iToday = Weekday(date) dayInterval = iWeekday - iToday If dayInterval < 1 Then dayInterval = dayInterval + 7 End If ' Get the date for the input weekday strDate = DateAdd("D", dayInterval, date) GetDayForWeekday = Day(strDate) End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetWeekDay 'Description: gets the weekday 'Input Variables: strWeekday 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: weekday 'Global Variables: None '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWeekday(strWeekday) if ( strWeekday = L_SUNDAYMSG_TEXT ) Then GetWeekday = vbSunday elseif ( strWeekday = L_MONDAYMSG_TEXT ) Then GetWeekday = vbMonday elseif ( strWeekday = L_TUESDAYMSG_TEXT ) Then GetWeekday = vbTuesday elseif ( strWeekday = L_WEDNESDAYMSG_TEXT ) Then GetWeekday = vbWednesday elseif ( strWeekday = L_THUSDAYMSG_TEXT ) Then GetWeekday = vbThursday elseif ( strWeekday = L_FRIDAYMSG_TEXT ) Then GetWeekday = vbFriday elseif ( strWeekday = L_SATURDAYMSG_TEXT ) Then GetWeekday = vbSaturday end if End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Function: GetWeekdayForDate 'Description: gets the date in terms of day 'Input Variables: intDay 'Output Variables: None 'Returns: Day of the week 'Global Variables: g_strWeekday '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetWeekdayForDate(intDays)
Dim count 'hold the count Dim strdaysScheduledFor 'hold the days for the task scheduled Dim strScheduledMonth 'hold the scheduled month Dim strScheduledYear 'hold the scheduled year Dim strScheduledWeekday 'hold the scheduled weekday for count = 0 to 31 if 2 ^ count = intDays then strdaysScheduledFor = count + 1 end if next if strdaysScheduledFor < day(date()) then strScheduledMonth = Month(DateAdd("m",1,Date())) strScheduledYear = year(Date()) else strScheduledMonth = Month(Date()) strScheduledYear = year(Date()) end if ' Get the weekday of the date g_strWeekDay = weekday( strScheduledYear & "-" & strScheduledMonth & "-" & strdaysScheduledFor) ' Convert it to the index number to select from the weekday list g_strWeekday = CInt((g_strWeekday + 7 - 2) mod 7) End function
Public Function IsSchedulerRunning() Dim oWMI Dim oService
IsSchedulerRunning = FALSE
Set oService = oWMI.Get("Win32_Service.Name='Schedule'") If ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then Exit Function End If
If ( oService.State = "Running" ) Then IsSchedulerRunning = TRUE End If
Set oService = Nothing Set oWMI = Nothing
End Function