// File: SASetupCA.cpp
// Synopsis: This is the implementation of the custom actions in Server Appliance
// setup.
// History: 03/29/2001 AlpOn Created
// Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// SASetupCA.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <winsvc.h>
const char REG_APPEND[]="append";
//private methods declared here
HRESULT StartNTService ( /*[in]*/ PSTR pwszServiceName );
HRESULT StopNTService ( /*[in]*/ PSTR pwszServiceName );
// Function: ChangeRegistry
// Synopsis: Function that gets called by SAkit setup to do custom operations
// on registry
// Arguments: szRegKeyName, - name of the regkey to be opened
// szRegValueName - name of the value to be operated on
// szRegAction - desired action on the registry (e.g. append)
// szKeyValue - new value to be used for the reg key value during the operation
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: AlpOn Created 03/29/01
// Called By; Server Appliance Kit setup
STDAPI ChangeRegistry(char *szRegKeyName, char *szRegValueName, char *szRegAction, char *szKeyValue) { HRESULT hReturn=S_OK; DWORD dwSize=0; CRegKey hKey; LONG lRes=0; char *szKeyValueRead=NULL; char *szRegKeyNewValue=NULL; SATracePrintf("ChangeRegistry called with: szRegKeyName:%s,szRegValueName:%s,szRegAction:%s,szKeyValue:%s", szRegKeyName,szRegValueName,szRegAction,szKeyValue);
do{ lRes=hKey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegKeyName, KEY_ALL_ACCESS );
if(lRes!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SATracePrintf("Regkey open - hKey.Open failed , lRes= %x Key=%s", lRes, szRegKeyName); hReturn=E_FAIL; break; }
//open registry key, get size and read the value
lRes=hKey.QueryValue(NULL,szRegValueName,&dwSize); szKeyValueRead=new char[dwSize]; lRes=hKey.QueryValue(szKeyValueRead,szRegValueName,&dwSize); if(lRes!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SATracePrintf("Unable to query regkey hKey.QueryValue failed lRes= %x valuename= %s",lRes, szKeyValueRead); hReturn=E_FAIL; break; }
if(0==strcmpi(szRegAction,REG_APPEND)) { SATracePrintf("ChangeRegistry called with append param"); int size=(strlen(szKeyValueRead) + strlen(szKeyValue))+2; szRegKeyNewValue=new char[size]; szRegKeyNewValue[0]='\0'; strcat(szRegKeyNewValue,szKeyValueRead); strcat(szRegKeyNewValue," "); strcat(szRegKeyNewValue,szKeyValue); lRes=hKey.SetValue(szRegKeyNewValue, szRegValueName);
if(lRes!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SATracePrintf("Unable set regkey hKey.SetValue failed lRes= %x",lRes); hReturn=E_FAIL; break; } }
if(hKey.m_hKey) { hKey.Close(); }
delete []szKeyValueRead; delete []szRegKeyNewValue; return hReturn; }
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { return TRUE; }
// Function: ConfigureService
// Synopsis: API that gets called by SAkit setup to configure an
// NT Service
// Arguments:
// [in] PSTR - Service Name (preferably short name)
// [in] DWORD - Config Type (start or stop supported)
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: MKarki Created 04/05/2001
// Called By; Server Appliance Kit setup
STDAPI ConfigureService ( /*[in]*/ PSTR pszServiceName, /*[in]*/ DWORD dwControlCode ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CSATraceFunc objTraceFunc ("ConfigureService");
try { if (NULL == pszServiceName) { SATraceString ("SASetup-ConfigureService passed in invalid argument"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; return (hr); }
// carry out the required action
switch (dwControlCode) { case 0: //
// stop NT Service
hr = StopNTService (pszServiceName); break; case 1: //
// start NT Service
hr = StartNTService (pszServiceName); break; default: //
// unknown control code passed in
SATracePrintf ( "SASetup-ConfigureService passed in incorrect control code:%d", dwControlCode ); hr = E_FAIL; break; } } catch (...) { SATraceString ("SASetup-ConfigureService caught unhandled exception"); hr = E_FAIL; } return (hr);
} // end of ConfigureService API
// Function: StartNTService
// Synopsis: Method that Starts an NT Service
// Arguments:
// [in] PSTR - Service Name (preferably short name)
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: MKarki Created 04/05/2001
// Called By; ConfigureService () API
HRESULT StartNTService ( /*[in]*/ PSTR pszServiceName ) { CSATraceFunc objTraceFunc ("StartNTService"); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
SC_HANDLE hServiceManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL;
do { if (NULL == pszServiceName) { SATraceString ("SASetup-StartNTService passed in invalid argument"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// open the Service Control Manager
hServiceManager = OpenSCManager ( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (NULL == hServiceManager) { SATraceFailure ("SASetup-StartNTService::OpenSCManager", GetLastError ()); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
// open the NT Service
hService = OpenService ( hServiceManager, pszServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); if (NULL == hService) { SATraceFailure ("SASetup-StartNTService::OpenService", GetLastError ()); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
// start the service now
BOOL bRetVal = StartService ( hService, 0, NULL ); if (FALSE == bRetVal) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError (); //
// its OK if the service is already running
if (ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING != dwError) { SATraceFailure ("SASetup-StartNTService::StartService", dwError); hr = E_FAIL; break; } } } while (false); //
// cleanup now
if (hService) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); }
if (hServiceManager) { CloseServiceHandle(hServiceManager); }
return (hr);
} // end of StartNTService method
// Function: StopNTService
// Synopsis: Method that stops an NT Service
// Arguments:
// [in] PWCHAR - Service Name (preferably short name)
// Returns: HRESULT - success/failure
// History: MKarki Created 04/05/2001
// Called By; ConfigureService () API
HRESULT StopNTService ( /*[in]*/ PSTR pszServiceName ) { CSATraceFunc objTraceFunc ("StopNTService");
SC_HANDLE hServiceManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE hService = NULL;
do { if (NULL == pszServiceName) { SATraceString ("SASetup-StopNTService passed in invalid argument"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// open the Service Control Manager
hServiceManager = OpenSCManager ( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ); if (NULL == hServiceManager) { SATraceFailure ("SASetup-StopNTService::OpenSCManager", GetLastError ()); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
// open the NT Service
hService = OpenService ( hServiceManager, pszServiceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS ); if (NULL == hService) { SATraceFailure ("SASetup-StopNTService::OpenService", GetLastError ()); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; //
// stop the service now
BOOL bRetVal = ControlService ( hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus ); if (FALSE == bRetVal) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError (); //
// its OK if the service is already stopped
if (ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE != dwError) { SATraceFailure ("SASetup-StopNTService::ControlService", dwError); hr = E_FAIL; break; } } } while (false); //
// cleanup now
if (hService) { CloseServiceHandle(hService); }
if (hServiceManager) { CloseServiceHandle(hServiceManager); }
return (hr);
} // end of StopNTService method