// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998
// File: margiter.cpp
// margiter.cpp: compiled marginals iterators
#include <basetsd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "basics.h"
#include "gmobj.h"
#include "marginals.h"
#include "margiter.h"
#include "algos.h"
#include "parmio.h"
// Construct a VMARGSUB from a marginals iterator
VMARGSUB :: VMARGSUB ( MARGINALS::Iterator & itMarg ) : _iSearchPass(0) { itMarg.Reset(); resize( itMarg.IEnd() ); for ( int i = 0; itMarg.BNext() ; i++) { int ix = itMarg.IndxUpd(); self[i] = ix; } LEAK_VAR_UPD(1) }
void VMARGSUB :: NoRef () { delete this; }
MARGSUBREF :: MARGSUBREF ( VMARGSUB * pvmsub, int cSize ) : _pvmsub( NULL ), _cSize( -1 ) { SetVmsub( pvmsub, cSize ); LEAK_VAR_UPD(1) }
MARGSUBREF :: MARGSUBREF ( const MARGSUBREF & msubr ) : _pvmsub( NULL ), _cSize( -1 ) { self = msubr; LEAK_VAR_UPD(1) }
MARGSUBREF & MARGSUBREF :: operator = ( const MARGSUBREF & msubr ) { SetVmsub( msubr._pvmsub, msubr.CSize() ); return self; }
void MARGSUBREF :: SetVmsub ( VMARGSUB * pvmsub, int cSize ) { if ( _pvmsub ) { _pvmsub->Unbind(); _pvmsub = NULL; } if ( pvmsub ) { _cSize = cSize > 0 ? cSize : pvmsub->size(); pvmsub->Bind(); _pvmsub = pvmsub; } else { _cSize = 0; } }
bool MARGSUBREF :: operator == ( const MARGSUBREF & msr ) const { return _pvmsub == msr._pvmsub && _cSize == msr._cSize; } bool MARGSUBREF :: operator != ( const MARGSUBREF & msr ) const { return !(self == msr); }
LTMARGSUBREF :: LTMARGSUBREF () : _iSearchPass(0), _cArrays(0), _cArrayTotalSize(0), _cSubRefs(0) { }
void LTMARGSUBREF :: Dump () { #ifdef DUMP
cout << "\n\nLTMARGSUBREF::~ LTMARGSUBREF: " << "\n\tTotal search passes to create marginals iterators = " << _iSearchPass << "\n\tTotal arrays = " << _cArrays << "\n\tTotal array size = " << _cArrayTotalSize << "\n\tTotal marg iterator references = " << _cSubRefs ; cout.flush(); #endif
// Iterate over the list looking for a match
MARGSUBREF * LTMARGSUBREF :: PmsubrAdd ( MARGINALS::Iterator & itMarg ) { // Bump the search pass
_iSearchPass++; // Get the minimum number of elements
int cMin = itMarg.IEnd();
MARGSUBREF * pmsubrBest = NULL; MARGSUBREF * pmsubrNew = NULL;
// Search the list for the longest matching subscript array
// in the pool.
for ( LTMSUBR::iterator itlt = _ltmsubr.begin(); itlt != _ltmsubr.end(); itlt++ ) { MARGSUBREF & msubr = (*itlt); VMARGSUB & vmsub = msubr.Vmsub(); if ( vmsub.ISearchPass() == _iSearchPass ) continue; // We've already looked at this one
// Mark this VMARGSUB as having been checked in this pass
vmsub.ISearchPass() = _iSearchPass;
// Prepare to search it
itMarg.Reset(); for ( int i = 0; itMarg.BNext() && i < vmsub.size() ; i++ ) { int ia = vmsub[i]; int ib = itMarg.IndxUpd();
if ( ia != ib ) break; } // If we made it to the end of the array, we found one.
if ( i != cMin ) continue; // Mismatch somewhere
// See if it's the best (longest) found so far
if ( pmsubrBest == NULL ) { pmsubrBest = & msubr; } else if ( pmsubrBest->Vmsub().size() < vmsub.size() || ( pmsubrBest->Vmsub().size() == vmsub.size() && pmsubrBest->CSize() == cMin ) ) { pmsubrBest = & msubr; } }
// If "pmsubrBest" != NULL, we found at least one matching array.
// Now see if we can find an exact match: a MARGSUBREF which has
// the same base array and the same length as what we want.
if ( pmsubrBest ) { // If the "best" one doesn't match our size, find one that does
if ( pmsubrBest->CSize() != cMin ) { for ( itlt = _ltmsubr.begin(); itlt != _ltmsubr.end(); itlt++ ) { MARGSUBREF & msubr = (*itlt); if ( msubr.Pvmsub() == pmsubrBest->Pvmsub() && msubr.CSize() == cMin ) { pmsubrBest = & msubr; break; } } } // See if now have and exact match
if ( pmsubrBest->CSize() == cMin ) { // Exact match: best array and same length
pmsubrNew = pmsubrBest; } else { // Well, we know which array to use, but we have
// to create a new MARGSUBREF for it
_ltmsubr.push_back( MARGSUBREF( pmsubrBest->Pvmsub(), cMin ) ); pmsubrNew = & _ltmsubr.back(); _cSubRefs++; } } else { // There does NOT appear to be a viable array in the ensemble,
// so we have to create a new one and a MARGSUBREF for it.
VMARGSUB * pvmsub = new VMARGSUB( itMarg ); _cArrays++; _cArrayTotalSize += cMin; _ltmsubr.push_back( MARGSUBREF( pvmsub, cMin ) ); pmsubrNew = & _ltmsubr.back(); _cSubRefs++;
// At this point we have a new array which may be a superset of
// some other array already in the pool. Walk through the list
// of MARGSUBREFs and change any references whose base arrays
// are subsets of this new one to point to the new array.
// Bump the search pass
for ( itlt = _ltmsubr.begin(); itlt != _ltmsubr.end(); itlt++ ) { MARGSUBREF & msubr = (*itlt); if ( & msubr == pmsubrNew ) continue; VMARGSUB & vmsub = msubr.Vmsub(); if ( vmsub.ISearchPass() == _iSearchPass ) continue; // We've already looked at this one
// Mark this VMARGSUB as having been checked in this pass
vmsub.ISearchPass() = _iSearchPass; if ( & vmsub == pvmsub || vmsub.size() > pvmsub->size() ) continue; // Old array is larger; not a subset
// See if the old array is a subset
for ( int i = 0; i < vmsub.size(); i++ ) { int ia = vmsub[i]; int ib = (*pvmsub)[i];
if ( ia != ib ) break; } if ( i == vmsub.size() ) { assert( vmsub.size() != pvmsub->size() ); // The subset is identical. Change all refs that point to it.
VMARGSUB * pvmsubDefunct = msubr.Pvmsub(); for ( LTMSUBR::iterator itlt2 = _ltmsubr.begin(); itlt2 != _ltmsubr.end(); itlt2++ ) { MARGSUBREF & msubr2 = (*itlt2); if ( msubr2.Pvmsub() == pvmsubDefunct ) { // If the array is about to disappear, do the bookkeepping
if ( pvmsubDefunct->CRef() <= 1 ) { _cArrays--; _cArrayTotalSize -= pvmsubDefunct->size(); } // Convert this reference to a reference to our new array
msubr2.SetVmsub( pvmsub, msubr2.CSize() ); } } } } } pmsubrNew->Bind(); return pmsubrNew; }
void LTMARGSUBREF :: Release ( MARGSUBREF * pmsubr ) { if ( pmsubr == NULL ) return; pmsubr->Unbind(); if ( pmsubr->CRef() > 0 ) return;
LTMSUBR::iterator itlt = find( _ltmsubr.begin(), _ltmsubr.end(), *pmsubr ); assert( itlt != _ltmsubr.end() ); _cSubRefs--; MARGSUBREF & msubr = (*itlt); if ( msubr.Vmsub().CRef() <= 1 ) { _cArrays--; _cArrayTotalSize -= msubr.Vmsub().size(); } _ltmsubr.erase(itlt); }
// The global subscript array reference list
MARGSUBITER :: MARGSUBITER () :_pmsubr( NULL ), _pmargSelf( NULL ) { }
MARGSUBITER :: ~ MARGSUBITER () { _ltmargsubr.Release( _pmsubr ); }
void MARGSUBITER :: Build ( MARGINALS & margSelf, MARGINALS & margSubset ) { assert( margSelf.size() >= margSubset.size() ); assert( _pmsubr == NULL && _pmargSelf == NULL );
_pmargSelf = & margSelf;
// Build the pseudo-dimension descriptor.
VSIMD vsimdMarg = margSelf.VsimdSubset( margSubset.Vpgnd() );
// Construct the slice which governs the missing dimensions
MDVSLICE mdvs( vsimdMarg ); MARGINALS::Iterator itSubset( margSubset, mdvs );
// Find or construct a MARGSUBITER to match
_pmsubr = _ltmargsubr.PmsubrAdd( itSubset ); }
// Build the iterator for a clique and a node
void MARGSUBITER :: Build ( MARGINALS & margSelf, GNODEMBND * pgndd ) { assert( _pmsubr == NULL && _pmargSelf == NULL ); _pmargSelf = & margSelf;
// Construct a dummy marginalization target
MDVCPD distd; MARGINALS::ResizeDistribution( pgndd, distd );
// Get the pseudo-dimension descriptor for this node
VSIMD vsimdMarg = margSelf.VsimdFromNode( pgndd ); // Construct the slice which governs the missing dimensions
MDVSLICE mdvs( vsimdMarg ); MARGINALS::Iterator itSelf( margSelf ); MARGINALS::Iterator itSubset( distd, mdvs ); // Find or construct a MARGSUBITER to match
_pmsubr = _ltmargsubr.PmsubrAdd( itSubset ); }
// Verify subscripts
void MARGSUBITER :: Test ( MARGINALS & margSubset ) { assert( _pmsubr && _pmargSelf ); assert( _pmargSelf->size() > margSubset.size() );
// Build the pseudo-dimension descriptor.
VSIMD vsimdMarg = _pmargSelf->VsimdSubset( margSubset.Vpgnd() );
// Construct the slice which governs the missing dimensions
MDVSLICE mdvs( vsimdMarg ); MARGINALS::Iterator itSubset( margSubset, mdvs ); MARGINALS::Iterator itSelf( *_pmargSelf ); int isub = 0; VINT & vintSub = _pmsubr->VintSub(); int cEnd = _pmsubr->CSize(); for ( int iself = 0; itSelf.BNext(); iself++ ) { int isubSelf = itSelf.IndxUpd(); int isubSubset = itSubset.IndxUpd(); assert( isubSelf == iself ); int isubTest = vintSub[iself]; assert( isubTest == isubSubset && iself < cEnd ); } }