// PURPOSE: Old commment says "Reads in ini file configuration" but that's not what this does
// >>> an up-to-date description would be nice.
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-633-4743 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Roman Mach
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-2-96
// 1. Based on Print Troubleshooter DLL
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - RM Original
// V0.2 6/4/97 RWM Local Version for Memphis
// V0.3 04/09/98 JM/OK+ Local Version for NT5
//#include "windows.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "apgts.h"
#include "ErrorEnums.h"
#include "bnts.h"
#include "BackupInfo.h"
#include "cachegen.h"
#include "apgtsinf.h"
#include "apgtscmd.h"
#include "apgtshtx.h"
#include "apgtscls.h"
#include "TSHOOT.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include "chmread.h"
CDBLoadConfiguration::CDBLoadConfiguration() { m_cfg.api.pAPI = NULL; m_cfg.api.pTemplate = NULL;
return; }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::ResetTemplate() { delete m_cfg.api.pTemplate; m_cfg.api.pTemplate = new CHTMLInputTemplate(m_cfg.api.szFilepath[BNOFF_HTI]); m_cfg.api.pTemplate->Initialize(m_cfg.api.szResPath, m_cfg.api.strFile[BNOFF_HTI]); return; } //
CDBLoadConfiguration::CDBLoadConfiguration(HMODULE hModule, LPCTSTR szValue) { Initialize(hModule, szValue); return; } //
void CDBLoadConfiguration::Initialize(HMODULE hModule, LPCTSTR szValue) { DWORD dwRErr; TCHAR temp[MAXBUF];
// do all setting of variables in constructor!
dwRErr = CreateApi(temp); if (dwRErr) { ReportWFEvent( _T("[apgtscfg]"), //Module Name
_T("[CDBLoadConfiguration]"), //event
_T("(A)"), temp, dwRErr ); } }
void CDBLoadConfiguration::SetValues(CHttpQuery &httpQ) { int value; BCache *pAPI = m_cfg.api.pAPI; if(pAPI) if (httpQ.GetValue1(value)) pAPI->AddValue(value); return; }
CDBLoadConfiguration::~CDBLoadConfiguration() { DWORD j; if (m_dwFilecount > 0) DestroyApi();
if (m_cfg.pHandles != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < m_cfg.dwHandleCnt; j++) if (m_cfg.pHandles[j] != NULL) CloseHandle(m_cfg.pHandles[j]); delete [] m_cfg.pHandles; } }
// Call in constructor only!
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::InitializeToDefaults() { m_dwErr = 0; m_bncfgsz = MAXBNCFG;
_tcscpy(m_szResourcePath, DEF_FULLRESOURCE);
ClearCfg(0); m_cfg.pHandles = NULL; m_cfg.dwHandleCnt = 0;
_tcscpy(m_nullstr, _T(""));
m_dwFilecount = 0; }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::InitializeSingleResourceData(LPCTSTR szValue) { LoadSingleTS(szValue); InitializeFileTimeList(); // I don't know that this is used.
return; }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::ProcessEventReg(HMODULE hModule) { HKEY hk; DWORD dwDisposition, dwType, dwValue, dwSize; TCHAR path[MAXBUF]; BOOL bFixit = FALSE;
// 1. check if have valid event info
// 2. if not, create it as appropriate
// check presence of event log info...
_stprintf(path, _T("%s\\%s"), REG_EVT_PATH, REG_EVT_ITEM_STR);
if (RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path, 0, TS_REG_CLASS, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDisposition) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwDisposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY) { // create entire registry layout for events
CreateEvtMF(hk, hModule); CreateEvtTS(hk); } else { // now make sure all registry elements present
dwSize = sizeof (path) - 1; if (RegQueryValueEx(hk, REG_EVT_MF, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) path, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CreateEvtMF(hk, hModule); } dwSize = sizeof (DWORD); if (RegQueryValueEx(hk, REG_EVT_TS, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CreateEvtTS(hk); } }
RegCloseKey(hk); } }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::CreateEvtMF(HKEY hk, HMODULE hModule) { TCHAR path[MAXBUF]; DWORD len;
if (hModule) { if ((len = GetModuleFileName(hModule, path, MAXBUF-1))!=0) { path[len] = _T('\0'); if (RegSetValueEx( hk, REG_EVT_MF, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE) path, len + sizeof(TCHAR)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { } } } }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::CreateEvtTS(HKEY hk) { DWORD dwData;
if (RegSetValueEx( hk, REG_EVT_TS, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwData, sizeof(DWORD)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { } }
// This may not actually be germane for Local Troubleshooter: probably
// rather blindly carried over from Online TS.
// m_dir (which gives us a list of desired files) must already be filled in with file names
// & paths before this is called. this finishes initializing it.
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::InitializeFileTimeList() { HANDLE hSearch; DWORD j;
// get a list of files we are interested in
for (j=0;j<MAXBNFILES;j++) { m_dir.file[j].bExist = TRUE; m_dir.file[j].bChanged = FALSE; // only hti is independent
if (j == BNOFF_HTI || j == BNOFF_BES) m_dir.file[j].bIndependent = TRUE; else m_dir.file[j].bIndependent = FALSE; hSearch = FindFirstFile(m_dir.file[j].szFilepath, &m_dir.file[j].FindData); if (hSearch == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // file not found usually
m_dir.file[j].bExist = FALSE; } else { FindClose(hSearch); } } }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::ClearCfg(DWORD off) { DWORD k;
m_cfg.api.pAPI = NULL; m_cfg.api.pTemplate = NULL; m_cfg.api.waitcount = 0;
for (k = 0; k < MAXBNFILES; k++) _tcscpy(m_cfg.api.szFilepath[k], _T("")); _tcscpy(m_cfg.api.type, _T("")); }
// Bring content of DSC/HTI files for one troubleshooter into internal memory structures
// OUTPUT *szErrInfo - info specific to error
// RETURN 0 on success
DWORD CDBLoadConfiguration::CreateApi(TCHAR *szErrInfo) { DWORD j; DWORD dwRErr = 0, dwIErr = 0, dwTErr = 0;
// get api count and create new objects
m_cfg.dwApiCnt = m_dwFilecount; // (The following comment sure looks like its carried over from Online TS and has little
// relevance to Local TS. This routine probably involves a lot of overkill JM 3/98)
// create new api and other files
// once these go live we can destroy the others
// provided there are no users using them
// copy over list file info
for (j = 0; j < MAXBNFILES; j++) { _tcscpy(m_cfg.api.szFilepath[j], m_dir.file[j].szFilepath); m_cfg.api.strFile[j] = m_dir.file[j].strFile; }
_tcscpy(m_cfg.api.szResPath, m_dir.szResPath); _tcscpy(m_cfg.api.type, m_dir.type);
if (NULL != m_cfg.api.pAPI) delete m_cfg.api.pAPI;
if ((m_cfg.api.pAPI = new BCache( m_cfg.api.szFilepath[BNOFF_DSC], m_cfg.api.type, m_szResourcePath, m_cfg.api.strFile[BNOFF_DSC])) == NULL) { dwRErr = EV_GTS_ERROR_INFENGINE; } //
dwTErr = m_cfg.api.pAPI->Initialize(/*m_cfg.pWordExcept*/); if (dwTErr) { dwIErr = dwTErr; _tcscpy(szErrInfo, m_cfg.api.szFilepath[BNOFF_DSC]); } if (NULL != m_cfg.api.pTemplate) delete m_cfg.api.pTemplate; if ((m_cfg.api.pTemplate = new CHTMLInputTemplate(m_cfg.api.szFilepath[BNOFF_HTI])) == NULL) { dwRErr = EV_GTS_ERROR_TEMPLATE_CREATE; }
dwTErr = m_cfg.api.pTemplate->Initialize(m_cfg.api.szResPath, m_cfg.api.strFile[BNOFF_HTI]); if (dwTErr) { dwIErr = dwTErr; _tcscpy(szErrInfo, m_cfg.api.szFilepath[BNOFF_HTI]); }
if (!dwRErr) if (dwIErr) dwRErr = dwIErr; return dwRErr; }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::DestroyApi() { DWORD i;
for (i=0;i<m_cfg.dwApiCnt;i++) {
if (m_cfg.api.pAPI) delete m_cfg.api.pAPI; m_cfg.api.pAPI = NULL; if (m_cfg.api.pTemplate) delete m_cfg.api.pTemplate; m_cfg.api.pTemplate = NULL;
} }
BNCTL *CDBLoadConfiguration::GetAPI() { return &m_cfg; }
BOOL CDBLoadConfiguration::FindAPIFromValue(BNCTL *currcfg, LPCTSTR type, CHTMLInputTemplate **pIT, /*CSearchForm **pBES,*/ BCache **pAPI, DWORD *dwOff) { *pIT = currcfg->api.pTemplate; *pAPI = currcfg->api.pAPI; *dwOff = 0; return TRUE; }
TCHAR *CDBLoadConfiguration::GetHtmFilePath(BNCTL *currcfg, DWORD i) { if (i >= currcfg->dwApiCnt) return m_nullstr; return currcfg->api.szFilepath[BNOFF_HTM]; }
TCHAR *CDBLoadConfiguration::GetBinFilePath(BNCTL *currcfg, DWORD i) { if (i >= currcfg->dwApiCnt) return m_nullstr; return currcfg->api.szFilepath[BNOFF_DSC]; }
TCHAR *CDBLoadConfiguration::GetHtiFilePath(BNCTL *currcfg, DWORD i) { if (i >= currcfg->dwApiCnt) return m_nullstr; return currcfg->api.szFilepath[BNOFF_HTI];
// RETURNS symbolic name of troubleshooter
TCHAR *CDBLoadConfiguration::GetTagStr(BNCTL *currcfg, DWORD i) { if (i >= currcfg->dwApiCnt) return m_nullstr; return currcfg->api.type; }
// RETURNS number of [instances of] troubleshooters. Probably a dubious inheritance from
// Online TS: Local TS should have only one troubleshooting belief network.
DWORD CDBLoadConfiguration::GetFileCount(BNCTL *currcfg) { return currcfg->dwApiCnt; }
// Look in the registry for whether we are using DSC files or DSZ files.
void CDBLoadConfiguration::GetDSCExtension(CString &strDSCExtension, LPCTSTR szValue) { HKEY hKey; CString strSubKey = TSREGKEY_TL; strSubKey += _T("\\"); strSubKey += szValue; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubKey, NULL, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { strDSCExtension = DSC_DEFAULT; // Default to DSZ
return; } DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; long lRes = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TSLCL_FMAINEXT, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) strDSCExtension.GetBufferSetLength(10), &dwSize); strDSCExtension.ReleaseBuffer(); if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == lRes) { lRes = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, TSLCL_FMAINEXT, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE *) strDSCExtension.GetBufferSetLength(dwSize + 2), &dwSize); strDSCExtension.ReleaseBuffer(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRes || strDSCExtension.GetLength() < 1) { RegCloseKey(hKey); strDSCExtension = DSC_DEFAULT; return; } } else // ERROR_SUCCESS is true or false
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRes || strDSCExtension.GetLength() < 1) { RegCloseKey(hKey); strDSCExtension = DSC_DEFAULT; return; } RegCloseKey(hKey); if (_T('.') != strDSCExtension.GetAt(0)) strDSCExtension = _T('.') + strDSCExtension; return; }
// LoadSingleTS replaces ProcessLstFile when apgts is used in an
// ActiveX or OLE control.
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::LoadSingleTS(LPCTSTR szValue) { CString strRefedDSCExtension = _T(""); ASSERT(1 == MAXBNCFG); if (m_dwFilecount >= m_bncfgsz) { // need to reallocate space
DWORD newdirsz = (m_bncfgsz + MAXBNCFG) * sizeof (BNDIRCFG); DWORD newcfgsz = (m_bncfgsz + MAXBNCFG) * sizeof (BNAPICFG);
ASSERT(0 == m_bncfgsz); ClearCfg(m_bncfgsz);
m_bncfgsz += MAXBNCFG; }
GetDSCExtension(strRefedDSCExtension, szValue);
// No matter if we are using CHM or not -
// this path will be "..\..\network.htm".
// We are not using it directly ANYWAY
_stprintf(m_dir.file[BNOFF_HTM].szFilepath, _T("%s%s.htm"), m_szResourcePath,szValue);
if (IsUsingCHM()) { m_dir.file[BNOFF_DSC].strFile = CString(szValue) + strRefedDSCExtension; _stprintf(m_dir.file[BNOFF_DSC].szFilepath, _T("%s%s"), m_szResourcePath,(LPCTSTR)m_strCHM); } else { _stprintf(m_dir.file[BNOFF_DSC].szFilepath, _T("%s%s"), m_szResourcePath,szValue); _tcscat(m_dir.file[BNOFF_DSC].szFilepath, (LPCTSTR) strRefedDSCExtension); } if (IsUsingCHM()) { m_dir.file[BNOFF_HTI].strFile = CString(szValue) + HTI_DEFAULT; _stprintf(m_dir.file[BNOFF_HTI].szFilepath, _T("%s%s"), m_szResourcePath,(LPCTSTR)m_strCHM); } else { _stprintf(m_dir.file[BNOFF_HTI].szFilepath, _T("%s%s.hti"), m_szResourcePath,szValue); }
_stprintf(m_dir.file[BNOFF_BES].szFilepath, _T("%s%s.bes"), m_szResourcePath,szValue);
_tcscpy(m_dir.szResPath, m_szResourcePath);
_tcscpy(m_dir.type, szValue); m_dwFilecount++; ASSERT(1 == m_dwFilecount); return; }
BOOL CDBLoadConfiguration::CreatePaths(LPCTSTR szNetwork) { int len; BOOL bDirChanged; // if reg entry not present, we need to add it
bDirChanged = GetResourceDirFromReg(szNetwork);
// a this point we are guaranteed to have len > 0 for each below
// do our own validation (add backshash if not present)
len = _tcslen(m_szResourcePath); if (len) { if (m_szResourcePath[len - 1] == _T('/')) m_szResourcePath[len - 1] = _T('\\'); else if (m_szResourcePath[len-1] != _T('\\')) { m_szResourcePath[len] = _T('\\'); m_szResourcePath[len+1] = _T('\0'); } }
return bDirChanged; }
TCHAR *CDBLoadConfiguration::GetFullResource() { return (m_szResourcePath); }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::GetVrootPath(TCHAR *tobuf) { _tcscpy(tobuf, _T("")); }
// Find (or if it doesn't exist, create) a registry key giving path to resource directory.
// if returns true, then directory is new or changed
// if returns false, directory entry is same as before
// Yet another case of something which maybe overkill, left over from Online TS.
BOOL CDBLoadConfiguration::GetResourceDirFromReg(LPCTSTR szNetwork) { HKEY hknew; DWORD dwType, dwSize, dwDisposition, len; TCHAR buf1[MAXBUF], buf2[MAXBUF]; BOOL bDirChanged = TRUE; LONG lErr; CString tmp;
// search for "Path" value in SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TShoot\TroubleshooterList\Network
if (::GetNetworkRelatedResourceDirFromReg(szNetwork, &tmp)) { if (::IsNetworkRelatedResourceDirCHM(tmp)) { m_strCHM = ::ExtractCHM(tmp); _tcscpy(m_szResourcePath, ::ExtractResourceDir(tmp)); } else { _tcscpy(m_szResourcePath, tmp); } } else { // create key if not present
if (RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TSREGKEY_MAIN, 0, TS_REG_CLASS, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hknew, &dwDisposition) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwDisposition == REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY) { // Get the current key value.
dwSize = MAXBUF - 1; dwType = REG_SZ; if ((lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hknew, FULLRESOURCE_STR, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) buf1, &dwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ || dwType == REG_SZ) { if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings(buf1, buf2, MAXBUF-1)) { len = _tcslen(buf2); if (len) { if (buf2[len-1] != _T('\\')) { buf2[len] = _T('\\'); buf2[len+1] = _T('\0'); } }
if (!_tcscmp(m_szResourcePath, buf2)) bDirChanged = FALSE; else _tcscpy(m_szResourcePath, buf2); } else { ReportWFEvent( _T("[apgtscfg]"), //Module Name
_T("[GetResourceDirFromReg]"), //event
_T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_CANT_GET_RES_PATH ); } } else { ReportWFEvent( _T("[apgtscfg]"), //Module Name
_T("[GetResourceDirFromReg]"), //event
_T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_CANT_GET_RES_PATH ); } } else { _stprintf(buf1, _T("%ld"),lErr); ReportWFEvent( _T("[apgtscfg]"), //Module Name
_T("[GetResourceDirFromReg]"), //event
buf1, _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_CANT_OPEN_SFT_3 ); } } else { // Created new key. Don't have any resources.
_stprintf(buf1, _T("%ld"),ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED); ReportWFEvent( _T("[apgtscfg]"), //Module Name
_T("[GetResourceDirFromReg]"), //event
buf1, _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_CANT_GET_RES_PATH); } RegCloseKey(hknew); } else { ReportWFEvent( _T("[apgtscfg]"), //Module Name
_T("[GetResourceDirFromReg]"), //event
_T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_CANT_OPEN_SFT_2 ); } } return bDirChanged; }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::BackslashIt(TCHAR *str) { while (*str) { if (*str==_T('/')) *str=_T('\\'); str = _tcsinc(str); } }
VOID CDBLoadConfiguration::ResetNodes() { m_cfg.api.pAPI->ResetNodes(); return; }
bool CDBLoadConfiguration::IsUsingCHM() { return 0 != m_strCHM.GetLength(); }