// PURPOSE: Inference Engine Interface
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-633-4743 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Roman Mach
// Modified By: Richard Meadows
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-2-96
// Modified Date: 6-3-97
// 1. Based on Print Troubleshooter DLL
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.1 - RM Original
// V0.2 6/4/97 RWM Local Version for Memphis
// V0.3 04/09/98 JM/OK+ Local Version for NT5
//#include "windows.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "apgts.h"
#include "ErrorEnums.h"
#include "bnts.h"
#include "BackupInfo.h"
#include "cachegen.h"
#include "apgtsinf.h"
#include "apgtscmd.h"
#include "apgtshtx.h"
#include "apgtscls.h"
#include "TSHOOT.h"
#define CelemArray(rgtype) (sizeof(rgtype) / sizeof(rgtype[0]))
CInfer::CInfer( CString *pCtxt) { m_bHttp = FALSE; m_pCtxt = pCtxt; m_bService = FALSE; m_nidPreloadCheck = 0;
m_pResult = new CString(); m_pCtmp = new CString(); m_pSearchStr = new CString();
m_ilineStat = 0; m_cnidSkip = 0; m_fDone = FALSE; m_ishowService = 0; m_idhQuestion = 0;
// m_cnid = CelemArray(m_rgnid);
m_problemAsk = FALSE; m_problem[0] = '\0';
m_cShooters = 0; m_iShooter = 0; m_aShooters.RemoveAll(); m_SkippedTwice.InitHashTable(7);
m_api = NULL; }
CInfer::~CInfer() { if (m_pResult) delete m_pResult; if (m_pCtmp) delete m_pCtmp; if (m_pSearchStr) delete m_pSearchStr; m_SkippedTwice.RemoveAll(); }
DWORD CInfer::Initialize(/*CSearchForm *pBESearch*/) { // m_pBESearch = pBESearch;
CString strTxt; if (m_pResult == NULL) return (EV_GTS_ERROR_INF_NO_MEM); m_max_rec = 0; return (0); }
VOID CInfer::SetBelief(BCache *pAPI) { m_api = pAPI; // m_api->ResetNodes();
// save count of nodes
m_acnid = m_api->CNode();
// reset preload check
m_nidPreloadCheck = 0; }
EC CInfer::GetExtendedError() { return m_uInfErr; } */
VOID CInfer::AssertFailed(TSZC szcFile, UINT iline, TSZC szcCond, BOOL fFatal) { CString strTxt; strTxt.LoadString(IDS_ER_ASSERT_FAILED); PrintString(_T("%s(%u): %s %s\n"), szcFile, iline, (LPCTSTR) strTxt, szcCond); //exit(1);
void CInfer::SetProblemAsk() { m_problemAsk = TRUE; }
void CInfer::ClearProblemAsk() { m_problemAsk = FALSE; }
* METHOD: EvalData * * PURPOSE: This is used by the template execution unit when it needs to evaluate * a variable within a template. Variables are usually evaluated by a * <! display ' tag. Returns a string with the text of the variable * evaluated * */ TCHAR *CInfer::EvalData(UINT var_index) { BOOL bSkipped; int val; *m_pCtmp = _T(""); //AfxDebugBreak();
switch (var_index) { case PROBLEM_ASK_INDEX: if (m_problemAsk) // we want to show first set of questions
return(NULL); else return(m_problem); break; case RECOMMENDATIONS_INDEX: FxGetNode(m_rgnid[m_cur_rec],FALSE, m_pCtmp); break; case STATE_INDEX: FxGetState(m_pCtmp); break; case QUESTIONS_INDEX: { UINT inid;
if ( GetForcedRecommendation() != SNIFF_INVALID_NODE_ID ) { // we already have a recommendation from a sniffer
GetIdhPage(GetForcedRecommendation() + idhFirst, m_pCtmp); } else { if (m_problemAsk) // show first page (radio-button list of possible problems)
{ GetIdhProblemPage(m_api->GetProblemAsk(), m_pCtmp); } else { int RecommendRes = Finish(m_pCtmp); if ( RECOMMEND_SUCCESS == RecommendRes ) // Normal
{ // The first node is the most likely.
// Skip 102 nodes.
for (inid=0; inid< m_cnid; inid++) { if (!(bSkipped = FSkip(m_question_rgnid[inid])) || (m_ishowService != 0)) { // Do not show skipped nodes more that once.
// Will end up in a endless loop.
if (!m_SkippedTwice.Lookup(m_question_rgnid[inid], val)) { if (bSkipped) m_SkippedTwice.SetAt(m_question_rgnid[inid], 1); if (!m_api->IsReverse()) // we're moving forward
{ //
// Check if this node is sniffed
int state = SNIFF_INVALID_STATE; int nid = m_question_rgnid[inid]; if (m_api->GetState(nid, &state)) // node that we're about to display turbed out to be sniffed
{ if (m_api->NodeSet(nid, state, false)) // set sniffed node current and set its state
{ m_api->SetAdditionalDataOnNodeSet(nid);
RecommendRes = m_api->GTSGetRecommendations(m_cnid, m_question_rgnid, true); if ( RECOMMEND_SUCCESS == RecommendRes ) { // re-execute loop again
inid = 0; continue; } else { goto NO_SUCCESS; } } } //
} GetIdhPage(m_question_rgnid[inid]+ idhFirst ,m_pCtmp); return(m_pCtmp->GetBuffer(m_pCtmp->GetLength())); } } } if (m_cnidSkip != 0) { /*
// Going to show the skipped nodes message only one time.
// Otherwise, they will get stuck on the skipped nodes message page.
if (m_cnidSkip > (unsigned) m_SkippedTwice.GetCount()) GetSkippedNodesMsg(_T("Skipped Node"), m_pCtmp); else GetIdhPage(nidService + idhFirst, m_pCtmp); */ // Leave them in a better loop.
m_SkippedTwice.RemoveAll(); GetSkippedNodesMsg(_T("Skipped Node"), m_pCtmp); } else { GetIdhPage(nidService + idhFirst, m_pCtmp); } } NO_SUCCESS: // recommendation error handling
if (RECOMMEND_IMPOSSIBLE == RecommendRes) GetImpossibleNodesMsg(_T("Impossible"), m_pCtmp);
if (RECOMMEND_NO_MORE_DATA == RecommendRes) GetIdhPage(IDH_FAIL, m_pCtmp); } } } break; case TROUBLE_SHOOTER_INDEX: GetTS(m_pCtmp); break; default: return(_T("")); } return(m_pCtmp->GetBuffer(m_pCtmp->GetLength()));
} /*
GetTS is used when all of the registered trouble shooters are displayed. */ void CInfer::GetTS(CString *pCtmp) { TShooter tShooter; tShooter = m_aShooters.GetAt(m_iShooter); if (m_iShooter < m_cShooters) AfxFormatString2(*pCtmp, IDS_FPA_TS_BUTTON, tShooter.m_szName, tShooter.m_szDisplayName); else *pCtmp = _T(""); m_iShooter++; }
* METHOD: InitVar * * PURPOSE: This is called to initialize a variable in the template. It * is mainly called by a 'forany' command. * * RETURNS - flag indicating if variable is initialized * */ BOOL CInfer::InitVar(UINT var_index) { switch( var_index) { case PROBLEM_ASK_INDEX: break; case RECOMMENDATIONS_INDEX: m_cur_rec = 0; if (m_max_rec == m_cur_rec) return FALSE; break; case STATE_INDEX: FxInitState(m_rgnid[m_cur_rec]); break; case QUESTIONS_INDEX: return m_api->GTSGetRecommendations(m_cnid,m_question_rgnid); break; case BACK_INDEX: return FALSE; case TROUBLE_SHOOTER_INDEX: m_iShooter = 0; return TRUE; break;
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*
* METHOD: NextVar * * PURPOSE: Used by the 'forany' command to increment to the next variable in a * variable list. Returns FALSE when their are no more variable * * */ BOOL CInfer::NextVar(UINT var_index) { switch (var_index) { case PROBLEM_ASK_INDEX: return FALSE;
case RECOMMENDATIONS_INDEX: m_cur_rec++; if (m_cur_rec < m_max_rec) return TRUE; else return FALSE; break;
case STATE_INDEX: m_cur_ist++; if (m_cur_ist <= m_cur_cst) return TRUE; else{ return FALSE; } break;
case QUESTIONS_INDEX: return FALSE; // only one set
case BACK_INDEX: return FALSE;
case TROUBLE_SHOOTER_INDEX: if (m_cShooters > m_iShooter) return TRUE; else return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
* METHOD: FxGetNode * * PURPOSE: This is used to get the '$Recommendation'. A Recommendation is * basically the name of the node in a belief network. * */ BOOL CInfer::FxGetNode(NID nid, BOOL fStatus, CString *cstr) const { BOOL bRet; CString strTemp; bRet = m_api->BNodeSetCurrent(nid); if (bRet) { m_api->NodeFullName(); strTemp = m_api->SzcResult(); *cstr += strTemp; } return bRet; }
* METHOD: FxGetState * * PURPOSE: This will print out the label of the state of a node. This label * corresponds to the possible choices of that node. NOTE: This * routine requires that an InitState be called sometime before to * setup some variables. * */ void CInfer::FxGetState(CString *cstr) { CString strTemp; if (m_cur_ist > m_cur_cst) return; if (FSkip(m_rgnid[m_cur_rec]) ) // a 102 was selected
m_cur_state_set = m_cur_cst; if (m_cur_ist == m_cur_cst) { WriteResult(m_rgnid[m_cur_rec] +idhFirst, 102, m_cur_ist == m_cur_state_set, _T("Unknown"), cstr); return; } ESTDLBL lbl; m_api->BNodeSetCurrent(m_rgnid[m_cur_rec]); lbl = m_api->ELblNode(); if (lbl == ESTDLBL_fixobs || lbl == ESTDLBL_fixunobs) { if (!FSkip(m_rgnid[m_cur_rec]) ) m_cur_state_set = 0; m_cur_ist = 0; m_api->NodeStateName(m_cur_ist); strTemp = m_api->SzcResult(); WriteResult(m_rgnid[m_cur_rec] +idhFirst, m_cur_ist, m_cur_ist == m_cur_state_set, (LPCTSTR) strTemp, cstr); m_cur_ist = m_cur_cst -1; return; } m_api->NodeStateName(m_cur_ist); strTemp = m_api->SzcResult(); WriteResult(m_rgnid[m_cur_rec] +idhFirst, m_cur_ist, m_cur_ist == m_cur_state_set, (LPCTSTR) strTemp, cstr); return; }
void CInfer::FxInitState(NID nid) { UINT cst; UINT istSet = -1;
m_api->BNodeSetCurrent(nid); cst = m_api->INodeCst(); m_api->BNodeSetCurrent(nid); m_cur_state_set = m_api->INodeState(); m_cur_cst = cst; m_cur_ist = 0; }
#define SZ_WORKED _T("101")
#define SZ_FAILED _T("0")
#define SZ_YES _T("0")
#define SZ_NO _T("1")
#define SZ_UNKNOWN _T("102")
#define SZ_ANY _T("103")
#define SZ_MICRO _T("104")
void inline CInfer::GetNextButton(CString &strNext) { if (m_api->BNetPropItemStr(HTK_NEXT_BTN, 0)) strNext = m_api->SzcResult(); else strNext = _T("Next"); return; }
void inline CInfer::GetBackButton(CString &strBack) { if (m_api->BNetPropItemStr(HTK_BACK_BTN, 0)) strBack = m_api->SzcResult(); else strBack = _T("Back"); return; }
void inline CInfer::GetStartButton(CString &strStart) { if (m_api->BNetPropItemStr(HTK_START_BTN, 0)) strStart = m_api->SzcResult(); else strStart = _T("Start Over"); return; }
void CInfer::GetStd3ButtonEnList(CString *cstr, bool bIncludeBackButton, bool bIncludeNextButton, bool bIncludeStartButton) { CString strBtnPart1 = "<INPUT class=\"standard\" "; CString strBack; CString strNext; CString strStart; GetBackButton(strBack); GetNextButton(strNext); GetStartButton(strStart);
#if 0
// just for debugging whether BACK button will show.
char buf[256]; *cstr += "<br>DEBUG bIncludeBackButton = "; *cstr += bIncludeBackButton ? "true. " : "false. "; *cstr += "<br>DEBUG m_api->StatesNowSet() = "; sprintf(buf, "%d", m_api->StatesNowSet()); *cstr += buf; *cstr += "<br>m_api->StatesFromServ() = "; sprintf(buf, "%d", m_api->StatesFromServ()); *cstr += buf; *cstr += "<br>m_cnidSkip = "; sprintf(buf, "%d", m_cnidSkip); *cstr += buf; *cstr += "<br>END DEBUG<br>"; #endif
*cstr += "</TABLE>\n<P><NOBR>";
if (bIncludeBackButton) { *cstr += strBtnPart1; *cstr += "TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="; *cstr += "\"< "; *cstr += strBack; *cstr += " \" onclick=\"previous()\">"; }
if (bIncludeNextButton) { *cstr += strBtnPart1; *cstr += "TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="; *cstr += "\" "; *cstr += strNext; *cstr += " > \">"; }
if (bIncludeStartButton) { *cstr += strBtnPart1; *cstr += "TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="; *cstr += "\""; *cstr += strStart; *cstr += "\" OnClick=\"starter()\"></NOBR><BR>\n"; }
return; }
bool CInfer::BelongsOnProblemPage(int index) { VERIFY(m_api->BNodeSetCurrent(index));
if (m_api->ELblNode() != ESTDLBL_problem) return false;
// It's a problem node. Belongs unless H_PROB_SPECIAL_STR property contains
// the string "hide"
if (m_api->BNodePropItemStr(H_PROB_SPECIAL_STR, 0)) return (_tcsstr(m_api->SzcResult(), _T("hide")) == NULL); else return true; // Doesn't even have an H_PROB_SPECIAL_STR
VOID CInfer::GetIdhProblemPage(IDH idh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; CString strIdh; CString strNext; strIdh.Format(_T("%d"), idhFirst + m_api->CNode()); AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_IDH1, (LPCTSTR) strIdh, _T("ProblemAsk")); *cstr += strTxt;
m_api->BNetPropItemStr(H_PROB_HD_STR, 0); AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_HEADER1, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt;
strTxt.LoadString(IDS_HTM_ST_LIST1); *cstr += strTxt; for(int index = 0; index < m_api->CNode(); index++) { VERIFY(m_api->BNodeSetCurrent(index)); if (BelongsOnProblemPage(index)) { m_api->NodeSymName(); AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO1A, (LPCTSTR) strIdh, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; // If going back and this state was selected, write "Checked"
if (m_Backup.Check(index)) *cstr += SZ_CHECKED; VERIFY(m_api->BNodePropItemStr(H_PROB_TXT_STR, 0)); AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO1B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; } } GetNextButton(strNext); AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_EN_LIST1, (LPCTSTR) strNext); *cstr += strTxt;
return; }
VOID CInfer::GetFixRadios(LPCTSTR szIdh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2A, szIdh, SZ_WORKED); if (m_api->BNodePropItemStr(H_ST_NORM_TXT_STR, 0)) { *cstr += strTxt; if (m_Backup.Check(1)) *cstr += SZ_CHECKED; AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; } AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2A, szIdh, SZ_FAILED); if (m_api->BNodePropItemStr(H_ST_AB_TXT_STR, 0)) { *cstr += strTxt; if (m_Backup.Check(0)) *cstr += SZ_CHECKED; AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; } AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2A, szIdh, SZ_UNKNOWN); if (m_api->BNodePropItemStr(H_ST_UKN_TXT_STR, 0)) { *cstr += strTxt; if (m_Backup.Check(102)) *cstr += SZ_CHECKED; AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; } return; }
VOID CInfer::GetInfoRadios(LPCTSTR szIdh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2A, szIdh, SZ_YES); if (m_api->BNodePropItemStr(H_ST_NORM_TXT_STR, 0)) { *cstr += strTxt; if (m_Backup.Check(0)) *cstr += SZ_CHECKED; AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; }
AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2A, szIdh, SZ_NO); if (m_api->BNodePropItemStr(H_ST_AB_TXT_STR, 0)) { *cstr += strTxt; if (m_Backup.Check(1)) *cstr += SZ_CHECKED; AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; }
AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2A, szIdh, SZ_UNKNOWN); if (m_api->BNodePropItemStr(H_ST_UKN_TXT_STR, 0)) { *cstr += strTxt; if (m_Backup.Check(102)) *cstr += SZ_CHECKED; AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; } return; }
// GetPropItemStrs can not be used with the radio buttons.
// GetPropItemStrs should be used every where.
bool CInfer::GetNetPropItemStrs(TSZC item, UINT Res, CString *cstr) { bool ret = false; CString strTxt; int x = 0; while (m_api->BNetPropItemStr(item, x)) { AfxFormatString1(strTxt, Res, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; ret = true; x++; } return ret; } bool CInfer::GetNodePropItemStrs(TSZC item, UINT Res, CString *cstr) { bool ret = false; CString strTxt; int x = 0; while (m_api->BNodePropItemStr(item, x)) { AfxFormatString1(strTxt, Res, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; ret = true; x++; } return ret; }
VOID CInfer::GetByeMsg(LPCTSTR szIdh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; CString strBack; CString strStart; AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_IDH3, szIdh, _T("IDH_BYE")); *cstr += strTxt; GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_BYE_HD_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER3, cstr); GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_BYE_TXT_STR, IDS_HTM_BODY1, cstr); GetBackButton(strBack); GetStartButton(strStart); AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_EN_BYE_MSG, (LPCTSTR) strBack, (LPCTSTR) strStart); *cstr += strTxt; return; }
VOID CInfer::GetFailMsg(LPCTSTR szIdh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; CString strBack; CString strStart;
bool bSniffedAOK = false; // set true in the case where we got here directly by
// sniffing (showing nothing but the problem page, or
// not even that). $BUG Unfortunately, we haven't yet got
// an algorithm to set this.
AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_IDH4, szIdh, _T("IDH_FAIL")); *cstr += strTxt;
if (bSniffedAOK) { if (!GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_SNIFF_AOK_HD_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER4, cstr)) GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_FAIL_HD_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER4, cstr); if (!GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_SNIFF_AOK_TXT_STR, IDS_HTM_BODY2, cstr)) GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_FAIL_TXT_STR, IDS_HTM_BODY2, cstr); } else { GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_FAIL_HD_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER4, cstr); GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_FAIL_TXT_STR, IDS_HTM_BODY2, cstr); }
GetBackButton(strBack); GetStartButton(strStart); AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_BACK_START, (LPCTSTR) strBack, (LPCTSTR) strStart); *cstr += strTxt; return; }
VOID CInfer::GetServiceMsg(LPCTSTR szIdh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; CString strBack; CString strNext; CString strStart; AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_IDH5, szIdh, _T("SERVICE")); *cstr += strTxt; GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_SER_HD_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER5, cstr); GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_SER_TXT_STR, IDS_HTM_BODY3, cstr); /*
strTxt.LoadString(IDS_HTM_ST_LIST2); *cstr += strTxt; AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2A, TRY_TS_AT_MICROSOFT_SZ, SZ_MICRO); if (m_api->BNetPropItemStr(HX_SER_MS_STR, 0)) { *cstr += strTxt; AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; } GetStd3ButtonEnList(cstr, true, true, true); */ GetBackButton(strBack); GetStartButton(strStart); AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_BACK_START, (LPCTSTR) strBack, (LPCTSTR) strStart); *cstr += strTxt; return; }
VOID CInfer::GetSkippedNodesMsg(LPCTSTR szIdh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_IDH5, szIdh, _T("SERVICE")); *cstr += strTxt; GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_SKIP_HD_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER5, cstr); GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_SKIP_TXT_STR, IDS_HTM_BODY3, cstr); strTxt.LoadString(IDS_HTM_ST_LIST2); *cstr += strTxt; AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2A, TRY_TS_AT_MICROSOFT_SZ, SZ_ANY); if (m_api->BNetPropItemStr(HX_SKIP_SK_STR, 0)) { // Did I skip something?
*cstr += strTxt; AfxFormatString1(strTxt, IDS_HTM_RADIO2B, m_api->SzcResult()); *cstr += strTxt; } GetStd3ButtonEnList(cstr, true, true, true); return; }
VOID CInfer::GetImpossibleNodesMsg(LPCTSTR szIdh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; CString strBack; CString strStart; AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_IDH5, szIdh, _T("SERVICE")); *cstr += strTxt; GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_IMP_HD_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER5, cstr); GetNetPropItemStrs(HX_IMP_TXT_STR, IDS_HTM_BODY3, cstr); GetBackButton(strBack); GetStartButton(strStart); AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_EN_IMP, (LPCTSTR) strBack, (LPCTSTR) strStart); *cstr += strTxt; return; }
VOID CInfer::GetIdhPage(IDH idh, CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; CString strIdh; CString str; str.Format(_T("%d"), idh); if (m_api->BNodeSetCurrent(idh - idhFirst)) { m_api->NodeSymName(); strIdh = m_api->SzcResult(); } else strIdh = _T(""); if (IDH_BYE == idh) { strIdh.Format(_T("%d"), idh); GetByeMsg((LPCTSTR) strIdh, cstr); } else if (IDH_FAIL == idh) { strIdh.Format(_T("%d"), idh); GetFailMsg((LPCTSTR) strIdh, cstr); } else if ((nidService + idhFirst)== idh) { strIdh.Format(_T("%d"), idh); GetServiceMsg((LPCTSTR) strIdh, cstr); } else { // normal node
AfxFormatString2(strTxt, IDS_HTM_IDH2, (LPCTSTR) strIdh, (LPCTSTR) str); *cstr += strTxt;
if (GetForcedRecommendation() + idhFirst == idh) GetNodePropItemStrs(H_NODE_DCT_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER2, cstr); else GetNodePropItemStrs(H_NODE_HD_STR, IDS_HTM_HEADER2, cstr);
GetNodePropItemStrs(H_NODE_TXT_STR, IDS_HTM_TEXT1, cstr); strTxt.LoadString(IDS_HTM_ST_LIST2); *cstr += strTxt;
if (GetForcedRecommendation() + idhFirst != idh) { ESTDLBL lbl = m_api->ELblNode(); if (ESTDLBL_fixobs == lbl || ESTDLBL_fixunobs == lbl || ESTDLBL_unfix == lbl) GetFixRadios((LPCTSTR) strIdh, cstr); else if (ESTDLBL_info == lbl) GetInfoRadios((LPCTSTR) strIdh, cstr); }
// We only want to show a BACK button if at least one node has been set or skipped.
// This does not include nodes initiallly set on instructions from TSLaunchServ:
// the whole point is to avoid stepping "back" into things that were set by
// the launch server rather than by the user.
int testNowSet = m_api->StatesNowSet(); int testStatesFromServ = m_api->StatesFromServ(); }
// Suppress back button if we launched to a network with a problem node and
// no further nodes have been set. It's not the problem page, but (as far as user
// is concerned) it's the first page.
bool bIncludeBackButton = m_api->StatesNowSet() > m_api->StatesFromServ() || m_cnidSkip > 0;
// We would like to suppress the back button in the similar scenario where
// sniffing takes us past the first recommendation. For example:
// Launcher specifies problem.
// First recommendation for that problem is sniffed as "normal" (state = 0)
// Now the first node we show is even deeper into the chain.
bIncludeBackButton = bIncludeBackButton && (m_api->IsRunWithKnownProblem() ? (m_api->GetCountRecommendedNodes() > m_api->GetCountSniffedRecommendedNodes() + 1/*this is for the problem we've started with*/) : 1);
// We supress back button ALWAYS when we have sniffed foxobs node that worked
// we can be either on the problem page where we do not need back button
// or on problem resolution page from where we never go back
bIncludeBackButton = bIncludeBackButton && m_api->GetSniffedFixobsThatWorked() == SNIFF_INVALID_NODE_ID; // We do not want to have a NEXT button when we are on the problem resolution page
bool bIncludeNextButton = (GetForcedRecommendation() + idhFirst) != idh;
GetStd3ButtonEnList(cstr, bIncludeBackButton, bIncludeNextButton, true); } return; }
BOOL CInfer::FSkip(NID nid) const { for (UINT inid = 0; inid < m_cnidSkip; inid++) { if (m_rgnidSkip[inid] == nid) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
void CInfer::BackUp(int nid, int state) { m_Backup.SetState(nid, state); // This sets the radio button.
// Is nid in the skip list?
for (UINT inid = 0; inid < m_cnidSkip; inid++) { if (m_rgnidSkip[inid] == (unsigned) nid) { // Remove nid from the skip list.
while(inid < (m_cnidSkip - 1)) { m_rgnidSkip[inid] = m_rgnidSkip[inid + 1]; inid++; } m_rgnidSkip[inid] = NULL; m_cnidSkip--; } } // if (m_cnidSkip < 0)
// m_cnidSkip = 0;
return; }
VOID CInfer::AddSkip(NID nid) { if (!FSkip(nid)) { if (m_cnidSkip < cnidMacSkip) { m_rgnidSkip[m_cnidSkip++] = nid; } } }
VOID CInfer::RemoveSkips() { for(UINT x = 0; x < m_cnidSkip; x++) m_rgnidSkip[x] = NULL; m_cnidSkip = 0; return; }
VOID CInfer::PrintMessage(TSZC szcFormat, ...) const { va_list ptr; TCHAR formatbuf[1024];
if (szcFormat) { _tcscpy(formatbuf,_T("<H4>"));
va_start(ptr,szcFormat); _vstprintf(&formatbuf[4],szcFormat,ptr); va_end(ptr); _tcscat(formatbuf,_T("</H4>"));
*m_pCtxt += formatbuf; } }
VOID CInfer::PrintString(TSZC szcFormat, ...) const { va_list ptr; TCHAR formatbuf[1024];
if (szcFormat) { va_start(ptr,szcFormat); _vstprintf(formatbuf,szcFormat,ptr); va_end(ptr);
*m_pCtxt += formatbuf; } }
// this data is now in CSniffedInfoContainer
// This allows a higher level to say "don't go to the belief network for a recommendation,
// I already know what to recommend." Used in conjunction with a sniffer.
VOID CInfer::ForceRecommendation(IDH idh) { m_idhSniffedRecommendation= idh; } */
// Associate a state with a node.
// INPUT idh - either (node ID + 1000) or one
// of the special values IDH_BYE, IDH_FAIL, (nidService + 1000)
// INPUT ist - index of a state for that node
// RETURNS >>> document?.
BOOL CInfer::FSetNodeOfIdh(IDH idh, IST ist) { if (ist == 101) { m_fDone = TRUE; return TRUE; }
if (ist == 103) { m_ishowService++; return TRUE; }
if (idh < idhFirst) return TRUE;
if (idh > m_acnid + idhFirst && idh != IDH_SERVICE) return TRUE;
if (ist == 102) { // "don't want to do this now"
AddSkip(idh - idhFirst); SaveNID(idh - idhFirst); return TRUE; }
if (idh == m_api->GetProblemAsk()) { // get data for problem
IDH *idarray = NULL; NID nidProblem = nidNil; UINT iproblem = 0; UINT inid;
UINT count = m_api->GetProblemArray(&idarray);
for (inid = 0; inid < count; inid++) { if (ist == idarray[inid]) { nidProblem = ist - idhFirst; iproblem = ist;
if (!m_api->NodeSet(idarray[inid] - idhFirst, ist == idarray[inid] ? 1 : 0, m_Backup.InReverse())) return FALSE; break; } }
if (nidProblem == nidNil) { m_idhQuestion = IDH_SERVICE; return TRUE; } m_api->BNodeSetCurrent(nidProblem); m_api->NodeFullName(); _stprintf(m_problem, _T("%s<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=%u VALUE=%u>"), m_api->SzcResult(), idh, iproblem); m_firstNid = idh - idhFirst; m_firstSet = iproblem; return TRUE; }
NID nid = idh - idhFirst;
if (nid != nidService) if (!m_api->NodeSet(nid, ist, m_Backup.InReverse())) return FALSE;
SaveNID(nid); // save this node id so we can print it at the end
return TRUE; }
void CInfer::SaveNID(UINT nid) { m_rgnid[m_max_rec] = nid; m_max_rec++; }
void CInfer::WriteResult(UINT name, UINT value, BOOL bSet, TSZC szctype, CString *cstr) const { TCHAR ctemp[1024]; TCHAR* szFmtInput = _T("<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=%u VALUE=%u%s>%-16s "); _stprintf(ctemp, szFmtInput, name, value, bSet ? _T(" CHECKED") : _T(""), szctype); *cstr += ctemp; }
int CInfer::Finish(CString *cstr) { CString strTxt; if (m_fDone) { GetIdhPage(IDH_BYE, cstr); // Reset the done flag so that the Previous button will work correctly.
m_fDone = FALSE; return FALSE; } if (m_idhQuestion != 0) { GetIdhPage(m_idhQuestion, cstr); return FALSE; } if (m_api->BImpossible()) { GetImpossibleNodesMsg(_T("Impossible"), cstr); return FALSE; } //
// we've come down to ask recommendations
int iRecommendRes = m_api->GTSGetRecommendations(m_cnid, m_question_rgnid);
return iRecommendRes; }
// ResetSevice is called when the start button is pressed. CTSHOOTCtrl::ProblemPage()
void CInfer::ResetService() { m_ishowService = 0; m_cnidSkip = 0; m_cnid = 0; return; } //
void CInfer::SetType(LPCTSTR type) { _stprintf(m_tstype, _T("%s"),type); }
void CInfer::LoadTShooters(HKEY hRegKey) { long lRet; int x; HKEY hkeyShooter; TShooter tShooter; TShooter tsTemp; CString strKeyName = _T(""); CString strKeyPath = _T(""); CString strTSPath = _T(""); CString strData = _T(""); DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwKeySize = MAXBUF; FILETIME fileTime; DWORD dwDataSize = MAXBUF; DWORD dwType = REG_SZ; m_cShooters = 0; m_iShooter = 0; strKeyPath.Format(_T("%s\\%s"), TSREGKEY_MAIN, REGSZ_TSTYPES); while (ERROR_SUCCESS == (lRet = RegEnumKeyEx(hRegKey, dwIndex, strKeyName.GetBufferSetLength(MAXBUF), &dwKeySize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &fileTime))) { strKeyName.ReleaseBuffer(); strTSPath.Format(_T("%s\\%s"),(LPCTSTR) strKeyPath, (LPCTSTR) strKeyName); if ((lRet = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPCTSTR) strTSPath, NULL, KEY_READ, &hkeyShooter)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((lRet = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyShooter, FRIENDLY_NAME, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) strData.GetBufferSetLength(MAXBUF), &dwDataSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strData.ReleaseBuffer(); m_cShooters++; _tcsncpy(tShooter.m_szName, (LPCTSTR) strKeyName, strKeyName.GetLength() + 1); _tcsncpy(tShooter.m_szDisplayName, (LPCTSTR) strData, strData.GetLength() + 1); x = (int)m_aShooters.GetSize(); while (x > 0) { x--; tsTemp = m_aShooters.GetAt(x); if (_tcscmp(tsTemp.m_szDisplayName, tShooter.m_szDisplayName) < 0) { x++; break; } } m_aShooters.InsertAt(x, tShooter); } RegCloseKey(hkeyShooter); } dwIndex++; dwKeySize = MAXBUF; dwDataSize = MAXBUF; dwType = REG_SZ; strKeyName = _T(""); strData = _T(""); } ASSERT(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lRet); return; }
int CInfer::GetForcedRecommendation() { return m_api->GetSniffedFixobsThatWorked(); }