// PURPOSE: Cache File CRC Calculator Class
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Richard Meadows
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8/7/97
// 1.
// Version Date By Comments
// V0.2 8/7/97 RM Local Version for Memphis
// V0.3 04/09/98 JM/OK+ Local Version for NT5
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "crc.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "ChmRead.h"
CCRC::CCRC() : POLYNOMIAL(0x04C11DB7) { dwCrcTable[0] = 0; BuildCrcTable(); return; }
DWORD CCRC::DscEncode(LPCTSTR szDsc) { DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwCRCValue; const int BUF_SIZE = 4096; char sznInputFileBuf[BUF_SIZE + 1]; if (NULL == szDsc) { CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = 0; pErr->m_strError = _T("The dsc file was not specified."); throw pErr; } // Read the source file.
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szDsc, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("Dsc file, %s was not opened.\nReason: %s"), szDsc, (LPCTSTR) strErr); throw pErr; } // Get the crc.
dwCRCValue = 0xFFFFFFFF; do { if (!ReadFile(hFile, (LPVOID) sznInputFileBuf, BUF_SIZE, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("The dsc file, %s could not be read.\nReason: %s"), szDsc, (LPCTSTR) strErr); CloseHandle(hFile); throw pErr; } sznInputFileBuf[dwBytesRead] = NULL; dwCRCValue = ComputeCRC(sznInputFileBuf, dwBytesRead, dwCRCValue); } while(BUF_SIZE == dwBytesRead); CloseHandle(hFile); return dwCRCValue; }
void CCRC::AppendCRC(LPCTSTR szCache, DWORD dwCRCValue) { DWORD dwBytesWritten; // Open the cache file.
HANDLE hDestFile = CreateFile(szCache, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // No Sharing.
NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDestFile) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("The cache file, %s could not be opened.\nReason: %s"), szCache, (LPCTSTR) strErr); throw pErr; } if (0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer(hDestFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END)) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("Seek to end of the cache file, %s failed.\nReason: %s"), szCache, (LPCTSTR) strErr); CloseHandle(hDestFile); throw pErr; } // Append crc value.
if (!WriteFile(hDestFile, (LPVOID) &dwCRCValue, 4, &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("The crc value was not appened to cache file %s.\nReason: %s"), szCache, (LPCTSTR) strErr); CloseHandle(hDestFile); throw pErr; } CloseHandle(hDestFile); if (4 != dwBytesWritten) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("%d bytes of the crc were not appended to the cache file %s.Reason: %s"), 4 - dwBytesWritten, szCache, (LPCTSTR) strErr); throw pErr; } return; }
bool CCRC::Decode(LPCTSTR szDsc, LPCTSTR szCache, const CString& strCacheFileWithinCHM) { DWORD dwDecodeFileCrc; DWORD dwComputedCrc; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwLen; char sznDecodeBytes[5] = {0}; bool bRet = true; bool bUseCHM = strCacheFileWithinCHM.GetLength() != 0;
if (NULL == szDsc) { CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = 0; pErr->m_strError = _T("The source file was not specified."); throw pErr; } if (NULL == szCache) { CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = 0; pErr->m_strError = _T("The destination file was not specified."); throw pErr; }
if (bUseCHM) { void* buf =NULL;
if (S_OK != ::ReadChmFile(szCache, strCacheFileWithinCHM, &buf, &dwBytesRead)) { CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = 0; pErr->m_strError = _T("Can not read cache from the CHM file."); throw pErr; } if (dwBytesRead < 5) return false;
memcpy(sznDecodeBytes, (char*)buf + dwBytesRead - 4, 4); } else { // Read the source file.
HANDLE hDecodeFile = CreateFile(szCache, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hDecodeFile) { // Should continue as if the check sums did not match.
return false; } // Return false if the file is shorter than 1 byte + crc length.
dwLen = GetFileSize(hDecodeFile, NULL); if (0xFFFFFFFF == dwLen) { CGenException *pExc = new CGenException; pExc->m_OsError = GetLastError(); pExc->m_strOsMsg = GlobFormatMessage(pExc->m_OsError); pExc->m_strError.Format( _T("Could not get the size of cache file %s.\nReason: %s"), szCache, (LPCTSTR) pExc->m_strOsMsg); CloseHandle(hDecodeFile); throw pExc; } if (dwLen < 5) { CloseHandle(hDecodeFile); return false; } // Seek to end and backup 4 bytes.
if (0xFFFFFFFF == SetFilePointer(hDecodeFile, -4, NULL, FILE_END)) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("Seek to end of the cache file, %s failed.\nReason: %s"), szCache, (LPCTSTR) strErr); CloseHandle(hDecodeFile); throw pErr; } if (!ReadFile(hDecodeFile, (LPVOID) sznDecodeBytes, 4, &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("The cache file, %s could not be read.\nReason: %s"), szDsc, (LPCTSTR) strErr); CloseHandle(hDecodeFile); throw pErr; } if (4 != dwBytesRead) { CString strErr; CGenException *pErr = new CGenException; pErr->m_OsError = GetLastError(); strErr = GlobFormatMessage(pErr->m_OsError); pErr->m_strError.Format(_T("%d bytes of the cache file were not read.\nReason: %s"), 4 - dwBytesRead, szDsc, (LPCTSTR) strErr); CloseHandle(hDecodeFile); throw pErr; } CloseHandle(hDecodeFile); } // Read the crc.
sznDecodeBytes[4] = NULL; DWORD byte; byte = (BYTE) sznDecodeBytes[0]; dwDecodeFileCrc = byte; byte = (BYTE) sznDecodeBytes[1]; byte <<= 8; dwDecodeFileCrc |= byte; byte = (BYTE) sznDecodeBytes[2]; byte <<= 16; dwDecodeFileCrc |= byte; byte = (BYTE) sznDecodeBytes[3]; byte <<= 24; dwDecodeFileCrc |= byte; // Get the crc value.
dwComputedCrc = DscEncode(szDsc); if (dwComputedCrc != dwDecodeFileCrc) bRet = false; return bRet; }