// PURPOSE: HTI template file reading classes
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Oleg Kalosha
// ORIGINAL DATE: 8-27-98
// 1. HTI is loosely modeled on a Microsoft format called HTX. It's a template for an
// HTML file. Most of it is HTML, but certain pseudo-comments of the form
// <!GTS whatever> are intended to be interpreted as conditionals, places to
// insert text, etc.
// Variables are limited to the values
// $ProblemAsk
// $Recommendations
// $States
// $Questions
// $Success (introduced 9/24/98)
// $StartForm
// See class CHTMLFragmentsTS for more details.
// Commands are if/else/endif, forany/endfor, display
// There is also a notion of a "resource", basically an include file.
// <!GTS forany $States >
// <!GTS display $States >
// <!GTS endfor>
// <!GTS if $ProblemAsk >
// lots of HTML or nested calls to more GTS stuff could go here
// <!GTS else >
// lots of other HTML or nested calls to other GTS stuff could go here
// <!GTS endif >
// each <!GTS...> command must fit on a single line.
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 08-04-98 OK
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "apgtshtiread.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "CharConv.h"
#include "apgtsMFC.h"
#include "htmlfraglocal.h"
namespace { CString k_strHTMLtag= _T("/HTML"); }
CAPGTSHTIReader::CAPGTSHTIReader(CPhysicalFileReader * pPhysicalFileReader, LPCTSTR szDefaultContents /* NULL */) : CTemplateReader(pPhysicalFileReader, szDefaultContents), m_pFragments(NULL) { }
// OVERVIEW: For the Local Troubleshooter, search for a <!GTS resource $Previous.script>
// token in the stream. If one is not found, then insert one for backwards
// compatibility.
try { // Load the stream into a vector while searching for a "Previous.script" token and also
// determining the position of the last closing HTML tag location in order to know where
// to insert the generated_previous() function.
CString str; vector<CString> str_arr; long indexLastHTML = -1;
// Place the content of m_StreamData, line by line, into str_arr
SetPos( m_StreamData, 0 ); while (GetLine( m_StreamData, str )) { // Determine whether or not this line contains the "Previous.script" token.
CString strCommand; if (GetCommand( str, strCommand)) { // Check if the command is the right type.
if (strCommand == COMMAND_RESOURCESTR) { CString strVariable; if (GetVariable( str, strVariable )) { // Check if the variable is the right type.
if (strVariable == VAR_PREVIOUS_SCRIPT) { // We found what we were looking for.
// Reset the stream position and exit function.
SetPos( m_StreamData, 0 ); return; } } } } // Add this line to the vector.
str_arr.push_back( str );
// Look for an HTML closing tag in this line.
if (str.Find( k_strHTMLtag ) != -1) { // Mark the location of the last \HTML tag found.
indexLastHTML= str_arr.size() - 1; } }
// Rebuild the input stream from the vector and insert the "Previous.script" token
// in the location determined above.
vector<CString>::iterator iLastElement = str_arr.end(); iLastElement--; m_StreamData.clear(); CString strResult;
long index = 0; for (vector<CString>::iterator i = str_arr.begin(); i < str_arr.end(); i++, index++) { if (index == indexLastHTML) { // Add the required token to the string.
strResult+= COMMAND_STARTSTR; strResult+= _T(" "); strResult+= COMMAND_RESOURCESTR; strResult+= _T(" "); strResult+= COMMAND_STARTVARSTR; strResult+= VAR_PREVIOUS_SCRIPT; strResult+= COMMAND_ENDSTR; strResult+= _T("\r\n"); } strResult += *i; if (i != iLastElement) strResult+= _T("\r\n"); } m_StreamData.str( (LPCTSTR) strResult ); SetPos( m_StreamData, 0 ); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } #endif
// JSM V3.2 adapted from CreatePage()
// builds list of all Network props in this HTI file which appear
// in lines like <!GTI property "fooprop">
// called by apgtscontext to find network properties to pass to CHTMLFragmentsTS
void CAPGTSHTIReader::ExtractNetProps(vector <CString> &arr_props) { LOCKOBJECT(); try { arr_props.clear(); // InitializeInterpreted populates m_arrInterpreted and
// performs cookie substitutions. This is correct behavior,
// because cookie substitution is supposed to happen
// before !GTS processing, and it is conceivable
// that a cookie's value could be "<!GTS property fooprop>"
InitializeInterpreted(); // we should not call Interpret(), which involves parsing <!GTS clauses
for (vector<CString>::iterator i = m_arrInterpreted.begin(); i < m_arrInterpreted.end(); i++) { CString command; if (GetCommand(*i, command)) { if (command == COMMAND_PROPERTY) { CString strProperty; if (GetVariable(*i,strProperty)) arr_props.push_back(strProperty); } } } } catch (...) { // Catch any other exception thrown.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_GEN_EXCEPTION ); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::CreatePage( const CHTMLFragments& fragments, CString& out, const map<CString,CString> & mapStrs, CString strHTTPcookies/*= _T("")*/ ) { LOCKOBJECT(); try { m_pFragments = &fragments;
// V3.2 Cookie related enhancement.
// Opted to use a member variable rather than modifying class interface by
// adding a parameter to virtual void method InitializeInterpreted().
m_strHTTPcookies= strHTTPcookies; m_mapCookies= mapStrs;
InitializeInterpreted(); Interpret(); #ifdef __DEBUG_CUSTOM
SetOutputToInterpreted(); FlushOutputStreamToFile("..\\Files\\interpreted.hti"); #endif
ParseInterpreted(); SetOutputToInterpreted(); #ifdef __DEBUG_CUSTOM
FlushOutputStreamToFile("..\\Files\\result.htm"); #endif
out = m_StreamOutput.rdbuf()->str().c_str(); } catch (...) { // Catch any other exception thrown.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_GEN_EXCEPTION ); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::InitializeInterpreted() { long savePos = 0; CString str; CString command; bool bOldFormat = true; // this is an old format (without $Success or $StartForm)
bool bFoundFirstBlock= false; savePos = GetPos(); bOldFormat = !Find(CString(COMMAND_STARTVARSTR)+VAR_SUCCESS) && !Find(CString(COMMAND_STARTVARSTR)+VAR_STARTFORM); SetPos(0); m_arrInterpreted.clear();
try { while (GetLine(str)) { if (bOldFormat && (!bFoundFirstBlock) && (-1 != str.Find( COMMAND_STARTSTR ))) { // Output the $StartForm block only if it is not a resource string command.
CString strCommand; if ((GetCommand( str, strCommand )) && (strCommand != COMMAND_RESOURCESTR)) { /*
<!GTS if $StartForm> <!GTS display $StartForm> <!GTS endif> */ ComposeCommand(COMMAND_IFSTR, VAR_STARTFORM, command); m_arrInterpreted.push_back(command); ComposeCommand(COMMAND_DISPLAYSTR, VAR_STARTFORM, command); m_arrInterpreted.push_back(command); ComposeCommand(COMMAND_ENDIFSTR, _T(""), command); m_arrInterpreted.push_back(command);
bFoundFirstBlock = true; } }
if (bOldFormat && (-1 != str.Find(_T("</FORM>")))) { /*
<!GTS if $StartForm> */ ComposeCommand(COMMAND_IFSTR, VAR_STARTFORM, command); m_arrInterpreted.push_back(command);
m_arrInterpreted.push_back(str); /*
<!GTS endif> */ ComposeCommand(COMMAND_ENDIFSTR, _T(""), command); m_arrInterpreted.push_back(command); } else { // Check if we need to populate any cookie clauses.
if (-1 != str.Find( COMMAND_COOKIE )) SubstituteCookieValues( str );
m_arrInterpreted.push_back(str); } } } catch (exception& x) { CString str2; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str2), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); }
SetPos(savePos); }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::Interpret() { long curr_index = 0; long lLastIndex= -1; // Used to detect a HTI file with incomplete clauses.
while(true) { vector<CString> clause_arr;
// tries to extract clause from m_arrInterpreted starting with curr_index
// and remove it from m_arrInterpreted
if (ExtractClause(m_arrInterpreted, &curr_index, // in - out
clause_arr)) { // Reset the infinite loop detection counter.
lLastIndex= -1;
// Now curr_index is pointing to next element
// of m_arrInterpreted (after removed clause)
// OR OUTSIDE boundary of m_arrInterpreted.
if (InterpretClause(clause_arr)) { vector<CString>::iterator i = m_arrInterpreted.begin(); { // create iterator that points to m_arrInterpreted[curr_index]
// or is m_arrInterpreted.end()
long tmp_index = curr_index; while(tmp_index--) i++; }
try { // insert interpreted clause there
for (vector<CString>::iterator j = clause_arr.begin(); j < clause_arr.end(); j++) { i = m_arrInterpreted.insert(i, *j); // inserts before "i"
i++; curr_index++; } } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } } } else { // If this condition is true, then we are in an infinite loop due to a bad HTI file.
if (lLastIndex == curr_index) { // Log that this HTI file does not parse correctly.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), GetPathName(), _T(""), EV_GTS_BAD_HTI_FILE ); break; }
// Update the infinite loop detection counter.
lLastIndex= curr_index;
if (curr_index) { // we finished current pass of m_arrInterpreted, start new one
curr_index = 0; continue; } else { // we can not extract clause though we start from beginning -
// m_arrInterpreted is interpreted now
break; } } } } // modified V3.2 JSM
void CAPGTSHTIReader::ParseInterpreted() { for (vector<CString>::iterator i = m_arrInterpreted.begin(); i < m_arrInterpreted.end(); i++) { CString command;
if (GetCommand(*i, command)) { if (command == COMMAND_DISPLAYSTR || command == COMMAND_RESOURCESTR || command == COMMAND_INFORMATION ) { CString variable;
if (GetVariable(*i, variable)) { CString substitution; FragmentIDVector arr_fragment;
ParseVariable(variable, arr_fragment); substitution = const_cast<CHTMLFragments*>(m_pFragments)->GetText(arr_fragment, (command == COMMAND_RESOURCESTR) ? CHTMLFragments::eResource : CHTMLFragments::eNotOfInterest ); SubstituteCommandBlockWith(substitution, *i); } else // obvious misbehaviour - "display" command should have variable
SubstituteCommandBlockWith(_T(""), *i); } else if (command == COMMAND_VALUE) { CString variable;
if (GetVariable(*i, variable)) const_cast<CHTMLFragments*>(m_pFragments)->SetValue(variable);
SubstituteCommandBlockWith(_T(""), *i); } // V3.2 JSM
else if (command == COMMAND_PROPERTY) { CString strProperty; if (GetVariable(*i,strProperty)) { CString substitution; substitution = const_cast<CHTMLFragments*>(m_pFragments)->GetNetProp(strProperty); SubstituteCommandBlockWith(substitution, *i); } else // obvious misbehaviour - "property" command should have variable
SubstituteCommandBlockWith(_T(""), *i); } // end V3.2 JSM
else // obvious misbehaviour - no other commands
SubstituteCommandBlockWith(_T(""), *i); } } }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::SetOutputToInterpreted() { vector<CString>::iterator j = m_arrInterpreted.end();
// Decrement to point to last element.
j--; m_StreamOutput.str(_T("")); for (vector<CString>::iterator i = m_arrInterpreted.begin(); i < m_arrInterpreted.end(); i++) { m_StreamOutput << (LPCTSTR)*i; if (i != j) // not last element
m_StreamOutput << _T('\r') << _T('\n'); } m_StreamOutput << ends; }
// INPUT: arr_text (with clause)
// IMPUT: *pstart_index - index in arr_text
// OUTPUT: arr_text without clause
// OUTPUT: *pstart_index points to element in arr_text next to where
// clause used to be or outside arr_text
// OUTPUT: arr_clause - extracted clause
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::ExtractClause(vector<CString>& arr_text, long* pstart_index, vector<CString>& arr_clause) { if (*pstart_index > arr_text.size() - 1) // quite possible
return false;
for (long i = *pstart_index; i < arr_text.size(); i++) { CString str_command;
if (GetCommand(arr_text[i], str_command)) { if (str_command == COMMAND_FORANYSTR) { if (ExtractClause(arr_text, &i, arr_clause, COMMAND_FORANYSTR, COMMAND_ENDFORSTR)) { *pstart_index = i; return true; } else { *pstart_index = i; return false; } } if (str_command == COMMAND_IFSTR) { if (ExtractClause(arr_text, &i, arr_clause, COMMAND_IFSTR, COMMAND_ENDIFSTR)) { *pstart_index = i; return true; } else { *pstart_index = i; return false; } } } } return false; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::ExtractClause(vector<CString>& arr_text, long* pstart_index, vector<CString>& arr_clause, const CString& str_start_command, const CString& str_end_command) { CString str_command; long start = *pstart_index, end = *pstart_index; long nest_level_counter = 1;
while (++end < arr_text.size()) { if (GetCommand(arr_text[end], str_command)) { if (str_command == str_start_command) { nest_level_counter++; } if (str_command == str_end_command) { nest_level_counter--; if (!nest_level_counter) { vector<CString>::iterator start_it = arr_text.begin(); vector<CString>::iterator end_it = arr_text.begin(); arr_clause.clear(); try { // copy clause to arr_clause
for (long j = start; j <= end; j++) arr_clause.push_back(arr_text[j]); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); }
// make iterators correspond indexes
while(start--) start_it++; while(end--) end_it++; // and, because we want to delete element pointed
// at this moment by end_it:
end_it++; // remove clause from arr_text
arr_text.erase(start_it, end_it); return true; } } } } *pstart_index = --end;; return false; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::InterpretClause(vector<CString>& arr_clause) { CString str_command;
if (arr_clause.size() && GetCommand(arr_clause[0], str_command)) { if (str_command == COMMAND_FORANYSTR) return InterpretForanyClause(arr_clause); if (str_command == COMMAND_IFSTR) return InterpretIfClause(arr_clause); return false; } return false; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::InterpretForanyClause(vector<CString>& arr_clause) { long count = 0; CString strVariable; // variable from 1-st line of arr_clause
vector<CString> arrUnfolded; FragmentIDVector arrVariable; // array from strVariable
if (arr_clause.size() < 2) // "forany" and "endfor" commands
return false;
if (!GetVariable(arr_clause[0], strVariable)) return false;
ParseVariable(strVariable, arrVariable); count = m_pFragments->GetCount(arrVariable);
try { for (long i = 0; i < count; i++) { for (long j = 1; j < arr_clause.size() - 1; j++) { CString command, variable;
if (GetCommand(arr_clause[j], command) && GetVariable(arr_clause[j], variable)) { if (command == COMMAND_FORANYSTR && variable == strVariable) { // if it is clause "forany" with the same variable,
// there should be neither prefixing nor postfixing
} else { CString line = arr_clause[j];
if (variable == strVariable) { PostfixVariable(i, variable); } else { FragmentIDVector parents, children; CString strVariable_postfixed = strVariable; PostfixVariable(i, strVariable_postfixed);
ParseVariable(strVariable_postfixed, parents); ParseVariable(variable, children); if (m_pFragments->IsValidSeqOfVars(parents, children)) PrefixVariable(strVariable_postfixed, variable); } CString command_block; ComposeCommandBlock(command, variable, command_block); SubstituteCommandBlockWith(command_block, line); arrUnfolded.push_back(line); continue; } } arrUnfolded.push_back(arr_clause[j]); } } } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); }
arr_clause = arrUnfolded; return true; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::InterpretIfClause(vector<CString>& arr_clause) { CString strVariable; // variable from a line of arr_clause
FragmentIDVector arrVariable;
if (arr_clause.size() < 2) // "if" and "endif" commands
return false;
if (!GetVariable( arr_clause[ 0 ], strVariable )) return false; ParseVariable( strVariable, arrVariable );
// Scan for "if", "elseif", "else", and "endif" commands
vector<int> arrElseIfIndices; int elseIndex = -1; // index of "else" inside arr_clause
int i = 0; int nDepthOfNesting; for (i= 1, nDepthOfNesting= 0; i < arr_clause.size() - 1; i++) { CString command; if (GetCommand(arr_clause[i], command)) { if (command == COMMAND_IFSTR) { nDepthOfNesting++; } else if (command == COMMAND_ENDIFSTR) { nDepthOfNesting--; } else if (command == COMMAND_ELSEIFSTR) { // V3.2 - Check if this elseif clause is at the level we are looking for.
if (nDepthOfNesting == 0) arrElseIfIndices.push_back( i ); } else if (command == COMMAND_ELSESTR) { // Check if this else clause is at the level we are looking for.
if (nDepthOfNesting == 0) { elseIndex = i; break; } } } }
vector<CString> arrBody; // intermediate array
try { CString strName; // name of strVariable associated through CHTMLFragments
strName = const_cast<CHTMLFragments*>(m_pFragments)->GetText(arrVariable); if (strName.GetLength()) { // Standard processing of what is inside if ... else (or endif)
int nEndOfClause= (arrElseIfIndices.size()) ? arrElseIfIndices[ 0 ] : elseIndex; for (i = 1; i < (nEndOfClause == -1 ? arr_clause.size() - 1 : nEndOfClause); i++) arrBody.push_back(arr_clause[i]); } else { // Process any elseif or else clauses.
bool bDoneProcessing= false; for (int nElseIf= 0; nElseIf < arrElseIfIndices.size(); nElseIf++) { if (!GetVariable( arr_clause[ arrElseIfIndices[ nElseIf ] ], strVariable )) return false; ParseVariable( strVariable, arrVariable );
strName = const_cast<CHTMLFragments*>(m_pFragments)->GetText(arrVariable); if (strName.GetLength()) { // Determine the ending point of this elseif clause and extract all clauses within.
int nEndOfClause= ((nElseIf + 1) < arrElseIfIndices.size()) ? arrElseIfIndices[ nElseIf + 1 ] : elseIndex; for (i= arrElseIfIndices[ nElseIf ] + 1; i < nEndOfClause; i++) arrBody.push_back( arr_clause[ i ] ); bDoneProcessing= true; break; } }
if ((!bDoneProcessing) && (elseIndex != -1)) { // All of the clauses failed, output all clauses following the "else".
for (i = elseIndex + 1; i < arr_clause.size() - 1; i++) arrBody.push_back(arr_clause[i]); } } } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } arr_clause = arrBody; return true; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::GetCommand(const CString& line, CString& command) { CString control_block; CString variable;
if (GetControlBlockFromLine(line, control_block)) if (GetCommandVariableFromControlBlock(control_block, command, variable)) return true; return false; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::ComposeCommand(const CString& oper, const CString& variable, CString& command) { command = _T(""); LPCTSTR ws = _T(" ");
command += COMMAND_STARTSTR; command += ws; command += oper; if (variable.GetLength()) { command += ws; command += COMMAND_STARTVARSTR; command += variable; } command += COMMAND_ENDSTR; return true; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::GetVariable(const CString& line, CString& arg_variable) { CString control_block; CString command, variable;
if (GetControlBlockFromLine(line, control_block)) if (GetCommandVariableFromControlBlock(control_block, command, variable)) if (variable.GetLength()) { arg_variable = variable; return true; } return false; }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::ParseVariable(const CString& variable, FragmentIDVector& out) { vector<CString> arrStr; int start_index = 0; int end_index = -1;
try { // arrStr contains strings between delimiter "_"
while(-1 != (end_index = CString((LPCTSTR)variable + start_index).Find(DELIMITER_PREFIX))) { // end_index here is from "(LPCTSTR)variable + start_index" string
// so we can use it as length (2nd argument) in CString::Mid function
arrStr.push_back(((CString&)variable).Mid(start_index, end_index)); start_index = start_index + end_index + _tcslen(DELIMITER_PREFIX); } // pull the "tail" - after last (if any) "_"
arrStr.push_back(((CString&)variable).Right(variable.GetLength() - start_index));
out.clear(); for (vector<CString>::iterator i = arrStr.begin(); i < arrStr.end(); i++) { FragmentID fragmentID; int curr = (*i).Find(DELIMITER_POSTFIX); if (-1 != curr) { fragmentID.VarName = (*i).Left(curr);
curr += _tcslen(DELIMITER_POSTFIX); // skip delimiter
CString strIndex = (LPCTSTR)(*i) + curr; strIndex.TrimLeft(); strIndex.TrimRight();
if (strIndex == _T("0")) fragmentID.Index = 0; else fragmentID.Index = _ttol((LPCTSTR)strIndex) == 0 ? fragmentID.Index // error occur
: _ttol((LPCTSTR)strIndex); } else fragmentID.VarName = *i;
out.push_back(fragmentID); } } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::ComposeVariable(const FragmentIDVector& arr_fragment, CString& variable) { variable = _T("");
for (FragmentIDVector::const_iterator i = arr_fragment.begin(); i < arr_fragment.end(); i++) { if (i != arr_fragment.begin()) variable += DELIMITER_PREFIX; variable += (*i).VarName;
if ((*i).Index != -1) { TCHAR buf[128] = {0};
variable += DELIMITER_POSTFIX; _stprintf(buf, _T("%d"), (*i).Index); variable += buf; } } }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::SubstituteCommandBlockWith(const CString& str_substitution, CString& line) { int start_index = -1; int end_index = -1;
if (-1 != (start_index = line.Find(COMMAND_STARTSTR))) { if (-1 != (end_index = CString((LPCTSTR)line + start_index).Find(COMMAND_ENDSTR))) { CString tmp; end_index += start_index; end_index += _tcslen(COMMAND_ENDSTR); // skip closing bracket
tmp += line.Left(start_index); tmp += str_substitution; tmp += line.Right(line.GetLength() - end_index);
line = tmp; return true; } } return false; }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::ComposeCommandBlock(const CString& command, const CString& variable, CString& command_block) { command_block = COMMAND_STARTSTR; command_block += _T(" "); command_block += command; command_block += _T(" "); command_block += COMMAND_STARTVARSTR; command_block += variable; command_block += _T(" "); command_block += COMMAND_ENDSTR; }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::PostfixVariable(const long postfix, CString& variable) { TCHAR buf[128] = {0}; _stprintf(buf, _T("%ld"), postfix); variable += DELIMITER_POSTFIX; variable += buf; }
void CAPGTSHTIReader::PrefixVariable(const CString& prefix, CString& variable) { CString tmp = variable;
variable = prefix; variable += DELIMITER_PREFIX; variable += tmp; } // JSM V3.2 --
// called by GetCommandVariableFromControlBlock to handle
// decoding the variable part of commands like <!GTS property "fooprop">
// finds the first string argument in strText, which is either:
// any text beginning w/ anything other than '"', ending w/ whitespace or COMMAND_ENDSTR
// all text between doublequote marks "...." where an escape char ('\') escapes the character following.
CString CAPGTSHTIReader::GetStringArg(const CString & strText) { CString strArg = strText;
// look for quoted text:
int iStartQuote = strArg.Find(COMMAND_DOUBLEQUOTE); if (iStartQuote != -1) { strArg = strArg.Mid(iStartQuote); return GetEscapedText(strArg); } // o/w, assume that we're dealing w/ ordinary text, which ends
// with first whitespace or with COMMAND_ENDSTR
int iWhiteSpace(0), iEndCmd(0); for(;(iWhiteSpace < strArg.GetLength()) && !(_istspace(strArg[iWhiteSpace])); iWhiteSpace++);
iEndCmd = strArg.Find(COMMAND_ENDSTR);
strArg = strArg.Left(min(iEndCmd,iWhiteSpace)); return strArg; }
// JSM V3.2
// Called by GetEscapedText
// recursive function which does the work of removing escapes (backslashes)
// also checks for non-escaped endquote, which terminates the process
CString CAPGTSHTIReader::RemoveEscapesFrom(const CString &strIn) { int iNextESC = strIn.Find(COMMAND_ESCAPECHAR); int iNextQuote = strIn.Find(COMMAND_DOUBLEQUOTE);
// (iNextQuote == -1) means a bad input, because the string
// we're looking at must terminate with quote.
// By default, however, we'll keep running to end of strIn.
if (iNextQuote == -1) iNextQuote = strIn.GetLength();
// no more escape chars
if (iNextESC == -1 || (iNextESC > iNextQuote)) return strIn.Left(iNextQuote);
CString strEscapedChar; strEscapedChar = strIn.GetAt(iNextESC + _tcslen(COMMAND_ESCAPECHAR)); return strIn.Left(iNextESC) + strEscapedChar + RemoveEscapesFrom(strIn.Mid(iNextESC + _tcslen(COMMAND_ESCAPECHAR) + 1)); }
// Converts a double-quoted string using backslash as an escape character to a correct CString
CString CAPGTSHTIReader::GetEscapedText(const CString &strText) { CString strEscaped;
// remove leading quote and anything preceding:
int iLeadQuote = strText.Find(COMMAND_DOUBLEQUOTE); if (iLeadQuote != -1) { strEscaped = RemoveEscapesFrom(strText.Mid(iLeadQuote + _tcslen(COMMAND_DOUBLEQUOTE))); } return strEscaped; }
// JSM V3.2 added ability to read string arguments into variable
// e.g. <!GTS property "FOO">
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::GetCommandVariableFromControlBlock(const CString& control_block, CString& command, CString& variable) { int start_command_index = -1; int end_command_index = -1; int start_variable_index = -1; int end_variable_index = -1;
variable.Empty(); command.Empty();
start_command_index = control_block.Find(COMMAND_STARTSTR); if (start_command_index == -1) // invalid control block
return false; start_command_index += _tcslen(COMMAND_STARTSTR); // skip prefix
// extract the variable block, which can look like:
// ... $variable_name ...
// ... "parameter_name\\\"" ... (text in quotes w/ backslash escape)
// parameter_name (plain text)
if (-1 != ( end_command_index = (control_block.Mid(start_command_index)).Find(COMMAND_STARTVARSTR) ) ) { // Variable prefixed with '$...'
end_command_index += start_command_index; // make end_command_index relative to start of control block
start_variable_index = end_command_index + _tcslen(COMMAND_STARTVARSTR); // skip "$"
end_variable_index = control_block.Find(COMMAND_ENDSTR);
// validation of indexes
if (-1 == min(start_command_index, end_command_index) || start_command_index > end_command_index) return false;
command = ((CString&)control_block).Mid(start_command_index, end_command_index - start_command_index); command.TrimLeft(); command.TrimRight();
if (start_variable_index > end_variable_index) return false; if (-1 != start_variable_index) { // extract variable from "..$varname>"
variable = ((CString&)control_block).Mid(start_variable_index, end_variable_index - start_variable_index); variable.TrimLeft(); variable.TrimRight(); } } else { // Not prefixed with $.
// we don't know whether we're looking for a "\"quoted\"" or
// non-quoted string, or no variable at all. Also, we need
// to handle special cases like:
// <!GTS parameter ">">
// <!GTS endfor >
// etc.
command = ((CString&)control_block).Mid(start_command_index); command.TrimLeft(); command.TrimRight(); // step through looking for whitespace at end of command:
int iWhiteSpace; for(iWhiteSpace = 0; (iWhiteSpace < command.GetLength()) && !(_istspace(command[iWhiteSpace])); iWhiteSpace++);
if (iWhiteSpace != command.GetLength()) { // found whitespace; the rest of the string may be a variable:
variable = GetStringArg(command.Mid(iWhiteSpace)); command = command.Left(iWhiteSpace); // truncate command where appropriate
} else { // If there wasn't a variable after the command, we
// may still need to truncate to remove the COMMAND_ENDSTR:
end_command_index = command.Find(COMMAND_ENDSTR); if (end_command_index != -1) command = command.Left(end_command_index); } }
return true; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::GetControlBlockFromLine(const CString& line, CString& control_block) { int start_index = -1; int end_index = -1;
if (-1 == (start_index = line.Find(COMMAND_STARTSTR))) return false; if (-1 == (end_index = CString((LPCTSTR)line + start_index).Find(COMMAND_ENDSTR))) return false;
end_index += _tcslen(COMMAND_ENDSTR); // points beyond closing bracket
end_index += start_index; // points in "line" string
control_block = ((CString&)line).Mid(start_index, end_index - start_index); control_block.TrimLeft(); control_block.TrimRight();
return true; }
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::HasHistoryTable() { bool bRet;
return( bRet ); }
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys\\stat.h>
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::FlushOutputStreamToFile(const CString& file_name) { int hf = 0; hf = _open( file_name, _O_CREAT | _O_TRUNC | /*_O_TEMPORARY |*/ _O_BINARY | _O_RDWR | _O_SEQUENTIAL , _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE ); if (hf != -1) { //tstringstream m_StreamOutput
basic_string<TCHAR> str = m_StreamOutput.rdbuf()->str(); long size = str.size(); LPCTSTR buf = str.c_str();
int ret = _write(hf, buf, size);
if (-1 != ret) return true; }
return false; } #endif
// V3.2 - Enhancement to support cookies.
// This function handles the substituting of "<!Cookie" clauses with the either
// values from cookies, "_CK" values passed in via Get/Post, or the default value.
void CAPGTSHTIReader::SubstituteCookieValues( CString& strText ) { CString strNewText; const CString kstr_CommaChar= _T(","); const CString kstr_DoubleQuote= _T("\"");
// Loop until we have processed all cookie clauses.
int nNumericCompareStart= strText.Find( kstrCond_NumericCompare ); int nCookieClauseStart= strText.Find( COMMAND_COOKIE ); while (CString::FIND_FAILED != nCookieClauseStart) { CString strCookieClause; CString strCookieName, strCookieAttr, strCookieValue; int nCookieClauseEnd, nScratchMarker; // Add any text preceding the cookie clause to the return string.
strNewText+= strText.Left( nCookieClauseStart );
// Remove all preceding text.
strText= strText.Mid( nCookieClauseStart + _tcslen( COMMAND_COOKIE ) ); // Look for the ending clause.
nCookieClauseEnd= strText.Find( COMMAND_ENDSTR ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED == nCookieClauseEnd) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), COMMAND_ENDSTR, _T(""), EV_GTS_COOKIE_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND ); break; }
// Pull out the current cookie clause and reset the working string.
strCookieClause= strText.Left( nCookieClauseEnd ); strText= strText.Mid( nCookieClauseEnd + 1 );
// Extract the cookie name.
nScratchMarker= strCookieClause.Find( kstr_CommaChar ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED == nScratchMarker) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), kstr_CommaChar, _T(""), EV_GTS_COOKIE_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND ); break; } strCookieName= strCookieClause.Left( nScratchMarker ); strCookieName.TrimLeft(); strCookieName.TrimRight();
// Extract the cookie setting.
strCookieClause= strCookieClause.Mid( nScratchMarker + 1 ); nScratchMarker= strCookieClause.Find( kstr_CommaChar ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED == nScratchMarker) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), kstr_CommaChar, _T(""), EV_GTS_COOKIE_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND ); break; } strCookieAttr= strCookieClause.Left( nScratchMarker ); strCookieAttr.TrimLeft(); strCookieAttr.TrimRight();
strCookieClause= strCookieClause.Mid( nScratchMarker + sizeof( TCHAR ) );
// Attempt to locate the appropriate attribute/value pair,
// first checking the command line CK_ values, and
// then checking the cookies passed in the HTTP header.
bool bCookieNotFound= true; if (!m_mapCookies.empty()) { // Search the command line CK_ values.
map<CString,CString>::const_iterator iterMap= m_mapCookies.find( strCookieAttr ); if (iterMap != m_mapCookies.end()) { strCookieValue= iterMap->second; bCookieNotFound= false; } } if (bCookieNotFound) { if (!m_strHTTPcookies.IsEmpty()) { // Attempt to locate the attribute in the HTTP header information.
if (LocateCookieValue( strCookieName, strCookieAttr, strCookieValue )) bCookieNotFound= false; } } if (bCookieNotFound) { // Extract the default value for this attribute, which should be surrounded
// by double quotes.
nScratchMarker= strCookieClause.Find( kstr_DoubleQuote ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED == nScratchMarker) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), kstr_DoubleQuote, _T(""), EV_GTS_COOKIE_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND ); break; } strCookieClause= strCookieClause.Mid( nScratchMarker + sizeof( TCHAR ) ); nScratchMarker= strCookieClause.Find( kstr_DoubleQuote ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED == nScratchMarker) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), kstr_DoubleQuote, _T(""), EV_GTS_COOKIE_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND ); break; } strCookieValue= strCookieClause.Left( nScratchMarker ); }
// Add the attribute value to the output string.
// >>> $MAINT - The determination of whether or not to output quotes should
// be improved. I currently have no suggestions. RAB-19990918.
if ((nNumericCompareStart == CString::FIND_FAILED) || (nNumericCompareStart > nCookieClauseStart)) strNewText+= _T("\""); strNewText+= strCookieValue; if ((nNumericCompareStart == CString::FIND_FAILED) || (nNumericCompareStart > nCookieClauseStart)) strNewText+= _T("\"");
// Look for another cookie clause.
nNumericCompareStart= strText.Find( kstrCond_NumericCompare ); nCookieClauseStart= strText.Find( COMMAND_COOKIE ); }
// Append any remaining text onto the end of the string.
// If a cookie clause did not contain an ending marker it will be appended as well.
strNewText+= strText;
// Reassign the return string.
strText= strNewText;
return; }
// V3.2 - Enhancement to support cookies.
// This function searches the HTTP cookies for a given cookie name and attribute. If
// found, this function returns a value of true and the located cookie value.
bool CAPGTSHTIReader::LocateCookieValue( const CString& strCookieName, const CString& strCookieAttr, CString& strCookieValue ) { bool bCookieFound= false; CString strTmpCookieName= strCookieName + _T("="); int nScratch;
// URL encode the cookie name to handle underscores.
APGTS_nmspace::CookieEncodeURL( strTmpCookieName );
nScratch= m_strHTTPcookies.Find( strTmpCookieName ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED != nScratch) { // Verify that we have not matched on a partial string for the cookie name.
if ((nScratch == 0) || (m_strHTTPcookies[ nScratch - 1 ] == _T(' ')) || (m_strHTTPcookies[ nScratch - 1 ] == _T(';'))) { // We have found the cookie that we are looking for, now look for the attribute name.
CString strTmpCookieAttr= strCookieAttr + _T("="); // URL encode the cookie name to handle underscores.
APGTS_nmspace::CookieEncodeURL( strTmpCookieAttr );
// Jump past the starting point and the original cookie name length.
CString strScratch = m_strHTTPcookies.Mid( nScratch + strCookieName.GetLength() ); nScratch= strScratch.Find( _T(";") ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED != nScratch) { // Truncate the string at the end of this particular cookie..
if (nScratch > 0) strScratch= strScratch.Left( nScratch ); } nScratch= strScratch.Find( strTmpCookieAttr ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED != nScratch) { if (nScratch > 0) { // Verify that we have not matched on a partial string for the cookie attribute.
if ((strScratch[ nScratch - 1 ] == _T('=')) || (strScratch[ nScratch - 1 ] == _T('&'))) { strCookieValue= strScratch.Mid( nScratch + strTmpCookieAttr.GetLength() ); // Look for and remove any delimiters.
nScratch= strCookieValue.Find( _T("&") ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED != nScratch) { // Truncate the string.
if (nScratch > 0) strCookieValue= strCookieValue.Left( nScratch ); } nScratch= strCookieValue.Find( _T(";") ); if (CString::FIND_FAILED != nScratch) { // Truncate the string.
if (nScratch > 0) strCookieValue= strCookieValue.Left( nScratch ); }
// Decode the cookie value.
if (!strCookieValue.IsEmpty()) APGTS_nmspace::CookieDecodeURL( strCookieValue ); bCookieFound= true; } } } } }
return( bCookieFound ); }