// MODULE: DirMonitor.cpp
// PURPOSE: Monitor changes to LST, DSC, HTI, BES files.
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 9-17-98
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 09-17-98 JM
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "DirMonitor.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "apiwraps.h"
#include "CharConv.h"
#include "LocalLSTReader.h"
#include "CHMFileReader.h"
#include "apgts.h" // Need for Local-Online macros.
const DWORD k_secsDefaultReloadDelay = 40; // In practice, this default should not matter,
// because SetReloadDelay() should be called before
// SetResourceDirectory(). However, 40 is a typical
// reasonable value for m_secsReloadDelay.
// CTopicFileTracker
CTopicFileTracker::CTopicFileTracker() : CFileTracker() { }
CTopicFileTracker::~CTopicFileTracker() { }
void CTopicFileTracker::AddTopicInfo(const CTopicInfo & topicinfo) { m_topicinfo = topicinfo;
// set CFileTracker member variables accordingly for files that are present.
// If they are not present i.e. empty strings then adding them here results in
// unnecessary event log entries.
CString strHTI = topicinfo.GetHtiFilePath(); if (!strHTI.IsEmpty()) AddFile(strHTI);
CString strBES = topicinfo.GetBesFilePath(); if (!strBES.IsEmpty()) AddFile(strBES); }
const CTopicInfo & CTopicFileTracker::GetTopicInfo() const { return m_topicinfo; }
// CTemplateFileTracker
CTemplateFileTracker::CTemplateFileTracker() : CFileTracker() { }
CTemplateFileTracker::~CTemplateFileTracker() { }
void CTemplateFileTracker::AddTemplateName( const CString& strTemplateName ) { m_strTemplateName= strTemplateName; AddFile( strTemplateName ); }
const CString& CTemplateFileTracker::GetTemplateName() const { return m_strTemplateName; }
// CDirectoryMonitor::ThreadStatus
/* static */ CString CDirectoryMonitor::ThreadStatusText(ThreadStatus ts) { switch(ts) { case eBeforeInit: return _T("Before Init"); case eFail: return _T("Fail"); case eWaitDirPath: return _T("Wait For Dir Path"); case eWaitChange: return _T("Wait for Change"); case eWaitSettle: return _T("Wait to Settle"); case eRun: return _T("Run"); case eBeforeWaitChange: return _T("Before Wait Change"); case eExiting: return _T("Exiting"); default: return _T(""); } }
// CDirectoryMonitor
// This class does the bulk of its work on a separate thread.
// The thread is created in the constructor by starting static function
// CDirectoryMonitor::DirectoryMonitorTask
// That function, in turn does its work by calling private members of this class that
// are specific to use on the DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
// When this goes out of scope, its own destructor calls ShutDown to stop the thread,
// waits for the thread to shut.
// The following methods are available for other threads communicating with that thread:
// CDirectoryMonitor::SetReloadDelay
// CDirectoryMonitor::SetResourceDirectory
CDirectoryMonitor::CDirectoryMonitor(CTopicShop & TopicShop, const CString& strTopicName) : m_strTopicName(strTopicName), m_TopicShop(TopicShop), m_pErrorTemplate(NULL), m_strDirPath(_T("")), // Essential that this starts blank. Getting a different
// value is how we start the DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
m_bDirPathChanged(false), m_bShuttingDown(false), m_secsReloadDelay(k_secsDefaultReloadDelay), m_pTrackLst( NULL ), m_pTrackErrorTemplate( NULL ), m_pLst( NULL ), m_dwErr(0), m_ThreadStatus(eBeforeInit), m_time(0) { enum {eHevMon, eHevShut, eThread, eOK} Progress = eHevMon; SetThreadStatus(eBeforeInit);
m_hevMonitorRequested = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // release one thread (the DirectoryMonitorTask) on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
NULL); if (m_hevMonitorRequested) { Progress = eHevShut; m_hevThreadIsShut = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // release one thread (this one) on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) { Progress = eThread; DWORD dwThreadID; // No need to hold onto dwThreadID in member variable.
// All Win32 functions take the handle m_hThread instead.
// The one reason you'd ever want to know this ID is for
// debugging
// Note that there is no corresponding ::CloseHandle(m_hThread).
// That is because the thread goes out of existence on the implicit
// ::ExitThread() when DirectoryMonitorTask returns. See documentation of
// ::CreateThread for further details JM 10/22/98
m_hThread = ::CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DirectoryMonitorTask, this, 0, &dwThreadID);
if (m_hThread) Progress = eOK; } }
if (Progress != eOK) { m_dwErr = GetLastError(); CString str; str.Format(_T("%d"), m_dwErr); CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), (Progress == eHevMon) ? _T("Can't create monitor event") : (Progress == eHevShut) ? _T("Can't create \"shut\" event") : _T("Can't create thread"), str, EV_GTS_ERROR_DIRMONITORTHREAD ); SetThreadStatus(eFail);
if (m_hevMonitorRequested) ::CloseHandle(m_hevMonitorRequested);
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) ::CloseHandle(m_hevThreadIsShut); } }
CDirectoryMonitor::~CDirectoryMonitor() { ShutDown(); if (m_hevMonitorRequested) ::CloseHandle(m_hevMonitorRequested);
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) ::CloseHandle(m_hevThreadIsShut);
if (m_pErrorTemplate) delete m_pErrorTemplate;
if (m_pTrackLst) delete m_pTrackLst;
if (m_pTrackErrorTemplate) delete m_pTrackErrorTemplate; }
void CDirectoryMonitor::SetThreadStatus(ThreadStatus ts) { LOCKOBJECT(); m_ThreadStatus = ts; time(&m_time); UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
DWORD CDirectoryMonitor::GetStatus(ThreadStatus &ts, DWORD & seconds) const { time_t timeNow; LOCKOBJECT(); ts = m_ThreadStatus; time(&timeNow); seconds = timeNow - m_time; UNLOCKOBJECT(); return m_dwErr; }
// Only for use by this class's own destructor.
void CDirectoryMonitor::ShutDown() { LOCKOBJECT(); m_bShuttingDown = true; if (m_hThread) { ::SetEvent(m_hevMonitorRequested); UNLOCKOBJECT();
// Wait for a set period, if failure then log error msg and wait infinite.
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hevThreadIsShut ); } else UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// For use by the DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
// Read LST file and add any topics that are not already in previously read LST file contents
void CDirectoryMonitor::LstFileDrivesTopics() { // previous LST file contents, saved for comparison.
CAPGTSLSTReader *pLstOld = m_pLst;
if (! m_strLstPath.IsEmpty() ) { try { #ifdef LOCAL_TROUBLESHOOTER
m_pLst = new CLocalLSTReader( CPhysicalFileReader::makeReader( m_strLstPath ), m_strTopicName); #else
m_pLst = new CAPGTSLSTReader( dynamic_cast<CPhysicalFileReader*>(new CNormalFileReader(m_strLstPath)) ); #endif
} catch (bad_alloc&) { // Restore old LST contents.
m_pLst = pLstOld;
// Rethrow exception, logging handled upstream.
throw; }
if (! m_pLst->Read()) { // Restore old LST contents and log error.
delete m_pLst; m_pLst = pLstOld; CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_LST_FILE_READ ); } else { CTopicInfoVector arrNewTopicInfo; m_pLst->GetDifference(pLstOld, arrNewTopicInfo); if (pLstOld) delete pLstOld;
for (CTopicInfoVector::iterator itNewTopicInfo = arrNewTopicInfo.begin(); itNewTopicInfo != arrNewTopicInfo.end(); itNewTopicInfo++ ) { // Let the Topic Shop know about the new topic
// add it to our list of files to track for changes
CTopicFileTracker TopicFileTracker; TopicFileTracker.AddTopicInfo(*itNewTopicInfo); LOCKOBJECT(); try { m_arrTrackTopic.push_back(TopicFileTracker); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); } } } // if topic shop not already open, open it
m_TopicShop.OpenShop(); }
// Called by the topic shop to add alternate templates to track.
void CDirectoryMonitor::AddTemplateToTrack( const CString& strTemplateName ) { LOCKOBJECT(); try { CTemplateFileTracker TemplateFileTracker; TemplateFileTracker.AddTemplateName( strTemplateName );
m_arrTrackTemplate.push_back( TemplateFileTracker ); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// For use by the DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
void CDirectoryMonitor::ReadErrorTemplate() { LOCKOBJECT();
if (m_pErrorTemplate) delete m_pErrorTemplate;
CString str = k_strDefaultErrorTemplateBefore; str += k_strErrorTemplateKey; str += k_strDefaultErrorTemplateAfter;
try { m_pErrorTemplate = new CSimpleTemplate( CPhysicalFileReader::makeReader( m_strErrorTemplatePath ), str ); } catch (bad_alloc&) { UNLOCKOBJECT();
// Rethrow the exception.
throw; }
// For use by any thread. In this class because CDirectoryMonitor needs to own
// ErrorTemplate, since it can change during run of system.
void CDirectoryMonitor::CreateErrorPage(const CString & strError, CString& out) const { LOCKOBJECT();
if (m_pErrorTemplate) { vector<CTemplateInfo> arrTemplateInfo; CTemplateInfo info(k_strErrorTemplateKey, strError); try { arrTemplateInfo.push_back(info); m_pErrorTemplate->CreatePage( arrTemplateInfo, out ); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION );
// Generate the default error page to be safe.
out = k_strDefaultErrorTemplateBefore + strError + k_strDefaultErrorTemplateAfter; } } else out = k_strDefaultErrorTemplateBefore + strError + k_strDefaultErrorTemplateAfter;
// Must be called on DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
// Handles all work of monitoring the directory. Loops till shutdown.
void CDirectoryMonitor::Monitor() { enum { #ifndef LOCAL_TROUBLESHOOTER
eDirChange, // file in directory changed
eHev, // shutdown or change what directory
eNumHandles };
// array of handles we use when waiting for multiple events.
// Initialize first entry to default bad value.
if (m_strDirPath.GetLength() == 0) { SetThreadStatus(eWaitDirPath);
// Block this thread until notification that the directory path has been set.
::WaitForSingleObject( m_hevMonitorRequested, INFINITE); }
try { if (RUNNING_ONLINE_TS()) { // The DirPathChanged flag should be set here, enforce it if not.
ASSERT( m_bDirPathChanged ); if (!m_bDirPathChanged) m_bDirPathChanged= true; }
// Wait for an explicit wakeup.
hList[eHev] = m_hevMonitorRequested;
while (true) { LOCKOBJECT(); if (m_bShuttingDown) { UNLOCKOBJECT(); break; }
if (m_bDirPathChanged) {
// Set the directory to be monitored.
if (hList[eDirChange] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::FindCloseChangeNotification( hList[eDirChange] ); while (true) { // handle to monitor for change in the resource directory
hList[eDirChange] = ::FindFirstChangeNotification(m_strDirPath, TRUE, // monitor subdirectories (for multilingual)
if (hList[eDirChange] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // resource directoty does not exist.
// Track creation of directories in upper directory
// - it might be resource directory
bool bFail = false; CString strUpperDir = m_strDirPath; // directory above resource directory (m_strDirPath)
if ( strUpperDir[strUpperDir.GetLength()-1] == _T('\\') || strUpperDir[strUpperDir.GetLength()-1] == _T('/')) { strUpperDir = strUpperDir.Left(strUpperDir.GetLength() ? strUpperDir.GetLength()-1 : 0); }
int slash_last = max(strUpperDir.ReverseFind(_T('\\')), strUpperDir.ReverseFind(_T('/'))); if (-1 != slash_last) { strUpperDir = strUpperDir.Left(slash_last);
hList[eDirChange] = ::FindFirstChangeNotification(strUpperDir, TRUE, // monitor subdirectories (for multilingual)
FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME ); if (hList[eDirChange] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) bFail = true; } else bFail = true; if (!bFail) { // We have a valid handle, exit this loop.
SetThreadStatus(eRun); break; } else { // typically would mean none of resource directory or its upper
// directory is valid, log this.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), m_strDirPath, _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_CANT_FILE_NOTIFY );
// Block this thread until notification that the directory path
// has been correctly set. Unlock the object so that the event
// can be set.
UNLOCKOBJECT(); ::WaitForSingleObject( m_hevMonitorRequested, INFINITE); LOCKOBJECT(); } } else { // We have a valid handle, exit this loop.
SetThreadStatus(eRun); break; } } #endif
m_bDirPathChanged = false; if (m_pTrackLst) delete m_pTrackLst; m_pTrackLst = new CFileTracker; if (RUNNING_ONLINE_TS()) m_pTrackLst->AddFile(m_strLstPath); if (m_pTrackErrorTemplate) delete m_pTrackErrorTemplate; m_pTrackErrorTemplate = new CFileTracker;
if (RUNNING_ONLINE_TS()) m_pTrackErrorTemplate->AddFile(m_strErrorTemplatePath);
UNLOCKOBJECT(); ReadErrorTemplate(); LstFileDrivesTopics(); } else { UNLOCKOBJECT();
if (m_pTrackLst && m_pTrackLst->Changed()) LstFileDrivesTopics();
if (m_pTrackErrorTemplate && m_pTrackErrorTemplate->Changed( false )) ReadErrorTemplate(); }
LOCKOBJECT(); for (vector<CTopicFileTracker>::iterator itTopicFiles = m_arrTrackTopic.begin(); itTopicFiles != m_arrTrackTopic.end(); itTopicFiles ++ ) { #ifdef LOCAL_TROUBLESHOOTER
if (m_bDirPathChanged) #else
if (itTopicFiles->Changed()) #endif
m_TopicShop.BuildTopic(itTopicFiles->GetTopicInfo().GetNetworkName()); if (m_bShuttingDown) break; }
if (RUNNING_ONLINE_TS()) { // Check if any of the alternate template files need to be reloaded.
for (vector<CTemplateFileTracker>::iterator itTemplateFiles = m_arrTrackTemplate.begin(); itTemplateFiles != m_arrTrackTemplate.end(); itTemplateFiles ++ ) { if (itTemplateFiles->Changed()) m_TopicShop.BuildTemplate( itTemplateFiles->GetTemplateName() ); if (m_bShuttingDown) break; } }
SetThreadStatus(eWaitChange); UNLOCKOBJECT();
DWORD dwNotifyObj = WaitForMultipleObjects ( eNumHandles, hList, FALSE, // only need one object, not all
// Ideally we would update files here.
// Unfortunately, we get a notification that someone has _started_
// writing to a file, not that they've finished, so we have to put in
// an artificial delay.
// We must let the system "settle down".
dwNotifyObj == WAIT_OBJECT_0+eDirChange && #endif
!m_bShuttingDown) { #ifndef LOCAL_TROUBLESHOOTER
// wait for the next change
if (FindNextChangeNotification( hList[eDirChange] ) == FALSE) { // 1) we don't believe this will ever occur
// 2) After a moderate amount of research, we have no idea how
// to recover from it if it does occur.
// SO: unless we ever actually see this, we're not going to waste
// more time researching a recovery strategy. Just throw an exception,
// effectively terminating this thread.
throw CGenSysException( __FILE__, __LINE__, m_strDirPath, EV_GTS_ERROR_WAIT_NEXT_NFT ); } #endif
dwNotifyObj = WaitForMultipleObjects ( eNumHandles, hList, FALSE, // only need one object, not all
m_secsReloadDelay * 1000); // convert to milliseconds
} if (dwNotifyObj == WAIT_FAILED) { // 1) we don't believe this will ever occur
// 2) After a moderate amount of research, we have no idea how
// to recover from it if it does occur.
// SO: unless we ever actually see this, we're not going to waste
// more time researching a recovery strategy. Just throw an exception,
// effectively terminating this thread.
throw CGenSysException( __FILE__, __LINE__, _T("Unexpected Return State"), EV_GTS_DEBUG ); } SetThreadStatus(eRun); } } catch (CGenSysException& x) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( x.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), x.GetErrorMsg(), x.GetSystemErrStr(), x.GetErrorCode() ); } catch (CGeneralException& x) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( x.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), x.GetErrorMsg(), _T("General exception"), x.GetErrorCode() ); } catch (bad_alloc&) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); } catch (exception& x) { // Catch any STL exceptions thrown so that Terminate() is not called.
CString str; CString ErrStr; // Attempt to pull any system error code.
ErrStr.Format( _T("%ld"), ::GetLastError() );
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), ErrStr, EV_GTS_GENERIC_PROBLEM ); } catch (...) { // Catch any other exception thrown.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_GEN_EXCEPTION ); } #ifndef LOCAL_TROUBLESHOOTER
if (hList[eDirChange] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::FindCloseChangeNotification( hList[eDirChange] ); #endif
SetThreadStatus(eExiting); }
// For general use (not part of DirectoryMonitorTask thread)
// Typically, first call to this comes _before_ first call to SetResourceDirectory;
// This allows caller to set reload delay before triggering any action on
// DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
void CDirectoryMonitor::SetReloadDelay(DWORD secsReloadDelay) { LOCKOBJECT(); m_secsReloadDelay = secsReloadDelay; UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// For general use (not part of DirectoryMonitorTask thread)
// Allows indicating that the resource directory has changed
// Until this is called, the DirectoryMonitorTask thread really won't do anything
void CDirectoryMonitor::SetResourceDirectory(const CString & strDirPath) { LOCKOBJECT(); if (strDirPath != m_strDirPath) { m_strDirPath = strDirPath; m_strLstPath = strDirPath + LSTFILENAME; m_strErrorTemplatePath = strDirPath + k_strErrorTemplateFileName; m_bDirPathChanged = true; ::SetEvent(m_hevMonitorRequested); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// Must be called on DirectoryMonitorTask thread.
void CDirectoryMonitor::AckShutDown() { LOCKOBJECT(); ::SetEvent(m_hevThreadIsShut); UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// Main routine of a thread responsible for monitoring the directory.
// INPUT lpParams
// Always returns 0.
/* static */ UINT WINAPI CDirectoryMonitor::DirectoryMonitorTask(LPVOID lpParams) { reinterpret_cast<CDirectoryMonitor*>(lpParams)->Monitor(); reinterpret_cast<CDirectoryMonitor*>(lpParams)->AckShutDown(); return 0; }