Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// MODULE: HTMLFrag.cpp
// PURPOSE: implementation of the CHTMLFragmentsLocal class.
// PROJECT: Generic Troubleshooter DLL for Microsoft AnswerPoint
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Oleg Kalosha
// ORIGINAL DATE: 1-19-1999
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.1 1-19-19 OK Original
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "HTMLFragLocal.h"
#include "fileread.h"
#include "CHMFileReader.h"
#include "apgtsinf.h"
#include "resource.h"
/*static*/ bool CHTMLFragmentsLocal::RemoveBackButton(CString& strCurrentNode) { int left = 0, right = 0;
if (-1 != (left = strCurrentNode.Find(SZ_INPUT_TAG_BACK))) { right = left; while (strCurrentNode[++right] && strCurrentNode[right] != _T('>')) ; if (strCurrentNode[right]) strCurrentNode = strCurrentNode.Left(left) + strCurrentNode.Right(strCurrentNode.GetLength() - right - 1); else return false; return true; } return false; }
// Construction/Destruction
CHTMLFragmentsLocal::CHTMLFragmentsLocal( const CString & strScriptPath, bool bIncludesHistoryTable) : CHTMLFragmentsTS( strScriptPath, bIncludesHistoryTable ) { }
CString CHTMLFragmentsLocal::GetText(const FragmentIDVector & fidvec, const FragCommand fragCmd ) { if (!fidvec.empty()) { const CString & strVariable0 = fidvec[0].VarName; // ref of convenience
int i0 = fidvec[0].Index;
if (fidvec.size() == 1) { if ((fragCmd == eResource) && (strVariable0 == VAR_PREVIOUS_SCRIPT)) { // Hard-coded server side include for backward compatibility.
CString strScriptContent; strScriptContent.LoadString(IDS_PREVSCRIPT); return strScriptContent; } else if (strVariable0 == VAR_NOBACKBUTTON_INFO) { CString strCurrentNode = GetCurrentNodeText(); RemoveBackButton(strCurrentNode); SetCurrentNodeText(strCurrentNode); return _T(""); } } } return CHTMLFragmentsTS::GetText( fidvec, fragCmd ); }