// PURPOSE: Provide a means of "publishing" troubleshooter topics. This is where a
// working thread goes to obtain a CTopic to use.
// COMPANY: Saltmine Creative, Inc. (206)-284-7511 [email protected]
// AUTHOR: Joe Mabel
// ORIGINAL DATE: 9-10-98
// Version Date By Comments
// V3.0 09-10-98 JM
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "TopicShop.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "apiwraps.h"
#include "CharConv.h"
#include "bn.h"
#include "propnames.h"
#include "CHMFileReader.h"
// CTopicInCatalog
CTopicInCatalog::CTopicInCatalog(const CTopicInfo & topicinfo) : m_topicinfo(topicinfo), m_bTopicInfoMayNotBeCurrent(false), m_bInited(false), m_countLoad(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicLoad, topicinfo.GetNetworkName()), m_countLoadOK(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicLoadOK, topicinfo.GetNetworkName()), m_countEvent(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicEvent, topicinfo.GetNetworkName()), m_countHit(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicHit, topicinfo.GetNetworkName()), m_countHitNewCookie(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicHitNewCookie, topicinfo.GetNetworkName()), m_countHitOldCookie(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicHitOldCookie, topicinfo.GetNetworkName()) {
::InitializeCriticalSection( &m_csTopicinfo); m_hev = ::CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, // any number of (working) threads may be released on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
NULL); if (! m_hev) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_EVENT );
// Simulate a bad alloc exception in this case.
// This exception will be caught by the caller if the new call has been
// properly wrapped in a try...catch() block. Only known caller is
// CTopicShop::AddTopic() which handles this properly.
throw bad_alloc(); }
m_countEvent.Increment(); }
CTopicInCatalog::~CTopicInCatalog() { if (m_hev) ::CloseHandle(m_hev); ::DeleteCriticalSection( &m_csTopicinfo); }
CTopicInfo CTopicInCatalog::GetTopicInfo() const { ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_csTopicinfo); CTopicInfo ret(m_topicinfo); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csTopicinfo); return ret; }
void CTopicInCatalog::SetTopicInfo(const CTopicInfo &topicinfo) { ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_csTopicinfo); m_topicinfo = topicinfo; m_bTopicInfoMayNotBeCurrent = true; ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csTopicinfo); }
// Just let this object know to increment the hit count
void CTopicInCatalog::CountHit(bool bNewCookie) { m_countHit.Increment(); if (bNewCookie) m_countHitNewCookie.Increment(); else m_countHitOldCookie.Increment(); }
// Obtain a CP_TOPIC as a pointer to the topic, if that topic is already built.
// As long as a CP_TOPIC remains undeleted, the associated CTopic is guaranteed to
// remain undeleted.
// Warning: this function will return with a null topic if topic is not yet built.
// Must test for null with CP_TOPIC::IsNull(). Can't test a smart pointer for null
// with ==.
CP_TOPIC & CTopicInCatalog::GetTopicNoWait(CP_TOPIC &cpTopic) const { cpTopic = m_cpTopic; return cpTopic; }
// Obtain a CP_TOPIC as a pointer to the topic.
// Wait as necessary for that topic to be built.
// Warning: this function will return with a null topic if topic cannot be built.
// As long as a CP_TOPIC remains undeleted, the associated CTopic is guaranteed to
// remain undeleted.
// Warning: this function may have to wait for TopicInCatalog.m_cpTopic to be built.
CP_TOPIC & CTopicInCatalog::GetTopic(CP_TOPIC &cpTopic) const { if (!m_bInited) { // Wait for a set period, if failure then log error msg and wait infinite.
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hev ); } return GetTopicNoWait(cpTopic); }
// to be called by the TopicBuilderTask thread
void CTopicInCatalog::Init(const CTopic* pTopic) { m_countLoad.Increment(); if(pTopic) { m_cpTopic = pTopic; m_countLoadOK.Increment(); } if(pTopic || m_cpTopic.IsNull()) m_bInited = true;
::SetEvent(m_hev); }
// Just let this object know to increment the count of changes detected.
void CTopicInCatalog::CountChange() { m_countEvent.Increment(); }
CTopicInCatalog::TopicStatus CTopicInCatalog::GetTopicStatus() const { if (!m_bInited) return eNotInited; else if(m_cpTopic.IsNull()) return eFail; else return eOK; }
bool CTopicInCatalog::GetTopicInfoMayNotBeCurrent() const { ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_csTopicinfo); bool bRet= m_bTopicInfoMayNotBeCurrent; ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csTopicinfo); return bRet; }
void CTopicInCatalog::TopicInfoIsCurrent() { ::EnterCriticalSection(&m_csTopicinfo); m_bTopicInfoMayNotBeCurrent = false; ::LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csTopicinfo); }
// CTemplateInCatalog
CTemplateInCatalog::CTemplateInCatalog( const CString & strTemplate ) : m_strTemplate( strTemplate ), m_countLoad(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicLoad, strTemplate), m_countLoadOK(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicLoadOK, strTemplate), m_countEvent(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicEvent, strTemplate), m_countHit(CCounterLocation::eIdTopicHit, strTemplate), m_bInited( false ) { m_hev = ::CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, // any number of (working) threads may be released on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
NULL); if (! m_hev) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_EVENT );
// Simulate a bad alloc exception in this case.
// This exception will be caught by the caller if the new call has been
// properly wrapped in a try...catch() block.
throw bad_alloc(); }
m_countEvent.Increment(); }
CTemplateInCatalog::~CTemplateInCatalog() { if (m_hev) ::CloseHandle(m_hev); }
const CString & CTemplateInCatalog::GetTemplateInfo() const { return m_strTemplate; }
// Just let this object know to increment the hit count
void CTemplateInCatalog::CountHit( bool bNewCookie ) { m_countHit.Increment(); }
// Obtain a CP_TEMPLATE as a pointer to the template, if that template is already built.
// As long as a CP_TEMPLATE remains undeleted, the associated CAPGTSHTIReader is guaranteed to
// remain undeleted.
// Warning: this function will return with a null template if template is not yet built.
// Must test for null with CP_TEMPLATE::IsNull(). Can't test a smart pointer for null
// with ==.
CP_TEMPLATE & CTemplateInCatalog::GetTemplateNoWait( CP_TEMPLATE &cpTemplate ) const { cpTemplate= m_cpTemplate; return cpTemplate; }
// Obtain a CP_TEMPLATE as a pointer to the template.
// Wait as necessary for that template to be built.
// Warning: this function will return with a null template if template cannot be built.
// As long as a CP_TEMPLATE remains undeleted, the associated CAPGTSHTIReader is guaranteed to
// remain undeleted.
// Warning: this function may have to wait for TopicInCatalog.m_cpTemplate to be built.
CP_TEMPLATE & CTemplateInCatalog::GetTemplate( CP_TEMPLATE &cpTemplate ) const { if (!m_bInited) { // Wait for a set period, if failure then log error msg and wait infinite.
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hev ); } return GetTemplateNoWait( cpTemplate ); }
// to be called by the TopicBuilderTask thread
void CTemplateInCatalog::Init( const CAPGTSHTIReader* pTemplate ) { m_countLoad.Increment(); if (pTemplate) { m_cpTemplate= pTemplate; m_countLoadOK.Increment(); } if (pTemplate || m_cpTemplate.IsNull()) m_bInited = true;
::SetEvent(m_hev); }
// Just let this object know to increment the count of changes detected.
void CTemplateInCatalog::CountChange() { m_countEvent.Increment(); }
// Just let this object know to increment the count of failures detected.
void CTemplateInCatalog::CountFailed() { // The load failed so increment the count of attempted loads.
m_countLoad.Increment(); }
CTemplateInCatalog::TemplateStatus CTemplateInCatalog::GetTemplateStatus() const { if (!m_bInited) return eNotInited; else if(m_cpTemplate.IsNull()) return eFail; else return eOK; }
DWORD CTemplateInCatalog::CountOfFailedLoads() const { return( m_countLoad.GetTotal() - m_countLoadOK.GetTotal() ); }
// CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue
// This class does the bulk of its work on a separate thread.
// The thread is created in the constructor by starting static function
// CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::TopicBuilderTask.
// That function, in turn does its work by calling private members of this class that
// are specific to use on the TopicBuilderTask thread.
// When this goes out of scope, its own destructor calls ShutDown to stop the thread,
// waits for the thread to shut.
// The following method is available for other threads communicating with that thread:
// CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::RequestBuild
CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::CTopicBuildQueue( CTopicCatalog & TopicCatalog, CTemplateCatalog & TemplateCatalog) : m_TopicCatalog (TopicCatalog), m_TemplateCatalog( TemplateCatalog ), m_eCurrentlyBuilding(eUnknown), m_bShuttingDown (false), m_dwErr(0), m_ThreadStatus(eBeforeInit), m_time(0) { enum {eHevBuildReq, eHevShut, eThread, eOK} Progress = eHevBuildReq;
m_hevBuildRequested = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // release one thread (the TopicBuilderTask) on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
if (m_hevBuildRequested) { Progress = eHevShut; m_hevThreadIsShut = ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, // release one thread (this one) on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) { Progress = eThread; DWORD dwThreadID; // No need to hold onto dwThreadID in member variable.
// All Win32 functions take the handle m_hThread instead.
// The one reason you'd ever want to know this ID is for
// debugging
// Note that there is no corresponding ::CloseHandle(m_hThread).
// That is because the thread goes out of existence on the implicit
// ::ExitThread() when TopicBuilderTask returns. See documentation of
// ::CreateThread for further details JM 10/22/98
m_hThread = ::CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)TopicBuilderTask, this, 0, &dwThreadID);
if (m_hThread) Progress = eOK; } }
if (Progress != eOK) { m_dwErr = GetLastError(); CString str; str.Format(_T("%d"), m_dwErr); CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), (Progress == eHevBuildReq) ?_T("Can't create \"request build\" event") : (Progress == eHevShut) ? _T("Can't create \"shut\" event") : _T("Can't create thread"), str, EV_GTS_ERROR_TOPICBUILDERTHREAD ); SetThreadStatus(eFail);
if (m_hevBuildRequested) ::CloseHandle(m_hevBuildRequested);
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) ::CloseHandle(m_hevThreadIsShut); } }
CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::~CTopicBuildQueue() { ShutDown();
if (m_hevBuildRequested) ::CloseHandle(m_hevBuildRequested);
if (m_hevThreadIsShut) ::CloseHandle(m_hevThreadIsShut); }
void CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::SetThreadStatus(ThreadStatus ts) { LOCKOBJECT(); m_ThreadStatus = ts; time(&m_time); UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
DWORD CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::GetStatus(ThreadStatus &ts, DWORD & seconds) const { time_t timeNow; LOCKOBJECT(); ts = m_ThreadStatus; time(&timeNow); seconds = timeNow - m_time; UNLOCKOBJECT(); return m_dwErr; }
// report status of topics in m_TopicCatalog
// OUTPUT Total: number of topics
// OUTPUT NoInit: number of uninitialized topics (never built)
// OUTPUT Fail: number of topics we tried to build, but could never build
// INPUT parrstrFail NULL == don't care to get this output
// OUTPUT *parrstrFail: names of the topics that couldn't be built
void CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::GetTopicsStatus( DWORD &Total, DWORD &NoInit, DWORD &Fail, vector<CString>*parrstrFail) const { LOCKOBJECT(); Total = m_TopicCatalog.size(); NoInit = 0; Fail = 0; if (parrstrFail) parrstrFail->clear(); for (CTopicCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TopicCatalog.begin(); it != m_TopicCatalog.end(); ++it) { CTopicInCatalog::TopicStatus status = it->second->GetTopicStatus(); switch (status) { case CTopicInCatalog::eNotInited: ++NoInit; break; case CTopicInCatalog::eFail: ++Fail; if (parrstrFail) { try { parrstrFail->push_back(it->second->GetTopicInfo().GetNetworkName()); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } } break; default: break; }
// report status of template in m_TemplateCatalog
// INPUT parrstrFail NULL == don't care to get this output
// OUTPUT *parrstrFail: names of the topics that couldn't be built
// INPUT parrcntFail NULL == don't care to get this output
// OUTPUT *parrcntFail: count of failures of the topics that couldn't be built.
// one to one correspondence with parrstrFail.
void CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::GetTemplatesStatus( vector<CString>*parrstrFail, vector<DWORD>*parrcntFail ) const { LOCKOBJECT(); if (parrstrFail) parrstrFail->clear(); if (parrcntFail) parrcntFail->clear();
for (CTemplateCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TemplateCatalog.begin(); it != m_TemplateCatalog.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->GetTemplateStatus() == CTemplateInCatalog::eFail) { if (parrstrFail) { // Currently we only care about failures and their related count.
try { parrstrFail->push_back(it->second->GetTemplateInfo()); if (parrcntFail) parrcntFail->push_back( it->second->CountOfFailedLoads() ); } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } } } } UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// For use by this class and derived classes destructors.
void CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::ShutDown() { LOCKOBJECT(); if (m_bShuttingDown) { // We have already shut down the topic builder thread, simply exit.
UNLOCKOBJECT(); return; }
m_bShuttingDown = true; if (m_hThread) { DWORD RetVal;
::SetEvent(m_hevBuildRequested); UNLOCKOBJECT();
// Wait for a set period, if failure then log error msg and wait infinite.
RetVal= WAIT_INFINITE( m_hevThreadIsShut ); } else UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// For general use (not part of TopicBuilderTask thread) code.
// Ask for a topic to be built (or rebuilt).
// INPUT strTopic - name of topic OR HTI TEMPLATE
// INPUT bPriority - If bPriority is true, move it ahead of any topics/templates
// for which this has not been called with bPriority true. At a gien priority level,
// toics always come before templates.
// INPUT eCat - indicates whether strTopic is a topic or an HTI template
// This is an asynchronous request that will eventually be fulfilled by TopicBuilderTask thread
void CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::RequestBuild(const CString &strTopic, bool bPriority, CatalogCategory eCat ) { // Verify that this is a valid category.
if (eCat != eTopic && eCat != eTemplate) return;
// Make a lower-case version of the topic name.
CString strTopicLC = strTopic; strTopicLC.MakeLower();
vector<CString> & Priority = (eCat == eTopic) ? m_PriorityBuild : m_PriorityBuildTemplates; vector<CString> & NonPriority = (eCat == eTopic) ? m_NonPriorityBuild : m_NonPriorityBuildTemplates;
if ((strTopicLC != m_CurrentlyBuilding) || (eCat != m_eCurrentlyBuilding)) { vector<CString>::iterator it = find(Priority.begin(), Priority.end(), strTopicLC); if (it == Priority.end()) { try { it = find(NonPriority.begin(), NonPriority.end(), strTopicLC); if (bPriority) { if (it != NonPriority.end()) { // it's in the non-priority list. Get it out of there.
NonPriority.erase(it); } // Add it to the priority list
Priority.push_back(strTopicLC); } else if (it == NonPriority.end()) { // Add it to the non-priority list
NonPriority.push_back(strTopicLC); } // else it's already listed
} catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); } } // else it's already a priority, we can't do more
} // else it's already building, we can't do more
::SetEvent(m_hevBuildRequested); UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// For use by the TopicBuilderTask thread. Should only be called when nothing is
// currently building. Caller is responsible to build only one at a time.
// OUTPUT strTopic - name of topic OR HTI TEMPLATE
// OUTPUT eCat - indicates whether strTopic is a topic or an HTI template
// false return indicates invalid request.
// non-empty string output strTopic indicates what is currently building
// empty string output should never happen
// true return indicates valid request:
// non-empty string output strTopic indicates what to build
// empty string output strTopic indicates nothing more to build
// Note that this function has the side effect of changing the _thread_ priority.
bool CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::GetNextToBuild( CString &strTopic, CatalogCategory &eCat ) { vector<CString>::iterator it;
LOCKOBJECT(); bool bOK = m_CurrentlyBuilding.IsEmpty(); if (bOK) { if (!m_PriorityBuild.empty()) { // We have priority topics to build.
it = m_PriorityBuild.begin(); m_CurrentlyBuilding = *it; m_eCurrentlyBuilding= eTopic; m_PriorityBuild.erase(it);
// If there are more priority builds waiting behind this, boost priority
// above normal so we get to them ASAP. Otherwise, normal priority.
::SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), m_PriorityBuild.empty() ? THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL : THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL); } else if (!m_PriorityBuildTemplates.empty()) { // We have priority alternate templates to build.
it = m_PriorityBuildTemplates.begin(); m_CurrentlyBuilding = *it; m_eCurrentlyBuilding= eTemplate; m_PriorityBuildTemplates.erase(it);
// If there are more priority builds waiting behind this, boost priority
// above normal so we get to them ASAP. Otherwise, normal priority.
::SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), m_PriorityBuildTemplates.empty() ? THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL : THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL); } else if (!m_NonPriorityBuild.empty()) { // We have non-priority topics to build.
it = m_NonPriorityBuild.begin(); m_CurrentlyBuilding = *it; m_eCurrentlyBuilding= eTopic; m_NonPriorityBuild.erase(it);
// This is initialization, no one is in a hurry for it,
// let's not burden the system unduly.
::SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(),THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL); } else if (!m_NonPriorityBuildTemplates.empty()) { // We have non-priority alternate templates to build.
it = m_NonPriorityBuildTemplates.begin(); m_CurrentlyBuilding = *it; m_eCurrentlyBuilding= eTemplate; m_NonPriorityBuildTemplates.erase(it);
// This is initialization, no one is in a hurry for it,
// let's not burden the system unduly.
::SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(),THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL); } else ::SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(),THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); } strTopic = m_CurrentlyBuilding; eCat= m_eCurrentlyBuilding; UNLOCKOBJECT(); return bOK; }
// Acknowledge that we have finished building the topic previously obtained with GetNextToBuild
// This should be called before GetNextToBuild is called again.
void CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::BuildComplete() { LOCKOBJECT(); m_CurrentlyBuilding = _T(""); m_eCurrentlyBuilding= eUnknown; UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// For use by the TopicBuilderTask thread.
// Must be called on TopicBuilderTask thread. Handles all work of building & publishing
// topics driven by the queue contents
void CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::Build() { CString strTopic; CatalogCategory eCat;
while (true) { LOCKOBJECT(); SetThreadStatus(eRun); if (m_bShuttingDown) { UNLOCKOBJECT(); break; } GetNextToBuild( strTopic, eCat ); if (strTopic.IsEmpty()) { ::ResetEvent(m_hevBuildRequested); UNLOCKOBJECT(); SetThreadStatus(eWait); ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hevBuildRequested, INFINITE); continue; } else UNLOCKOBJECT();
if (eCat == eTopic) { // at this point we have a topic name. Get access to topic info.
CTopicCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TopicCatalog.find(strTopic); if (it == m_TopicCatalog.end()) { // Asked to initialize a topic that doesn't have a catalog entry.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T("Asked to build"), strTopic, EV_GTS_UNRECOGNIZED_TOPIC ); } else { CTopicInCatalog & TopicInCatalog = *(it->second); const CTopicInfo topicinfo (TopicInCatalog.GetTopicInfo());
try { // must create this with new so we can manage it under a reference count regime
CTopic *ptopic = new CTopic (topicinfo.GetDscFilePath() ,topicinfo.GetHtiFilePath() ,topicinfo.GetBesFilePath() ,topicinfo.GetTscFilePath() ); if (ptopic->Read()) TopicInCatalog.Init(ptopic); else { // Release memory.
delete ptopic; TopicInCatalog.Init(NULL); }
TopicInCatalog.TopicInfoIsCurrent(); } catch (bad_alloc&) { // Note memory failure in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); } } } else if (eCat == eTemplate) { // Determine whether the passed in template is in the catalog.
CTemplateCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TemplateCatalog.find(strTopic); if (it == m_TemplateCatalog.end()) { // Asked to initialize a template that doesn't have a catalog entry.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T("Asked to build"), strTopic, EV_GTS_UNRECOGNIZED_TEMPLATE ); } else { CTemplateInCatalog & TemplateInCatalog = *(it->second); const CString & strTemplateName = TemplateInCatalog.GetTemplateInfo();
try { // must create this with new so we can manage it under a reference count regime
CAPGTSHTIReader *pTemplate;
pTemplate= new CAPGTSHTIReader( CPhysicalFileReader::makeReader( strTemplateName ) ); if (pTemplate->Read()) TemplateInCatalog.Init( pTemplate ); else { // Release memory.
delete pTemplate; TemplateInCatalog.Init( NULL ); } } catch (bad_alloc&) { // Note memory failure in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); } } } BuildComplete(); } SetThreadStatus(eExiting); }
// For use by the TopicBuilderTask thread.
void CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::AckShutDown() { LOCKOBJECT(); ::SetEvent(m_hevThreadIsShut); UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// Main routine of a thread responsible for building and publishing CTopic objects.
// INPUT lpParams
// Always returns 0.
/* static */ UINT WINAPI CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::TopicBuilderTask(LPVOID lpParams) { reinterpret_cast<CTopicBuildQueue*>(lpParams)->Build(); reinterpret_cast<CTopicBuildQueue*>(lpParams)->AckShutDown(); return 0; }
// CTopicShop::ThreadStatus
/* static */ CString CTopicShop::ThreadStatusText(ThreadStatus ts) { switch(ts) { case eBeforeInit: return _T("Before Init"); case eFail: return _T("Fail"); case eWait: return _T("Wait"); case eRun: return _T("Run"); case eExiting: return _T("Exiting"); default: return _T(""); } }
// CTopicShop
// The only functions which need to lock this class are those which modify TopicCatalog.
// TopicBuildQueue has its own protection.
CTopicShop::CTopicShop() : m_TopicBuildQueue( m_TopicCatalog, m_TemplateCatalog ), m_hevShopIsOpen(NULL) { m_hevShopIsOpen = ::CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, // any number of (working) threads may be released on signal
FALSE, // initially non-signalled
if (! m_hevShopIsOpen) { CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_ERROR_EVENT ); // Simulate a bad alloc exception in this case.
// This constructor is only called within the ctor of CDBLoadConfiguration
// and the allocation of that object is wrapped within a try...catch() block.
throw bad_alloc(); } }
CTopicShop::~CTopicShop() { // Terminate the topic builder thread prior to cleaning up the topics.
if (m_hevShopIsOpen) ::CloseHandle(m_hevShopIsOpen);
// Clean up the topics.
for (CTopicCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TopicCatalog.begin(); it != m_TopicCatalog.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; }
// Clean up the templates.
for (CTemplateCatalog::const_iterator itu = m_TemplateCatalog.begin(); itu != m_TemplateCatalog.end(); ++itu) { delete itu->second; } }
// Add a topic to the catalog. It must eventually be built by TopicBuilderTask thread.
// If topic is already in list identically, no effect.
void CTopicShop::AddTopic(const CTopicInfo & topicinfo) { // our keys into the catalog should be all lower case. This code is fine, because
// CTopicInfo::GetNetworkName() is guaranteed to return lower case.
CString strNetworkName = topicinfo.GetNetworkName();
LOCKOBJECT(); CTopicCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TopicCatalog.find(strNetworkName);
if (it == m_TopicCatalog.end()) { try { m_TopicCatalog[strNetworkName] = new CTopicInCatalog(topicinfo); } catch (bad_alloc&) { // Note memory failure in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); } } else if (! (topicinfo == it->second->GetTopicInfo())) { it->second->SetTopicInfo(topicinfo); m_TopicBuildQueue.RequestBuild(strNetworkName, false, CTopicBuildQueue::eTopic);
// Add a template to the catalog. It must eventually be built by TopicBuilderTask thread.
// If template is already in list, no effect.
void CTopicShop::AddTemplate( const CString & strTemplateName ) { LOCKOBJECT(); if (m_TemplateCatalog.find( strTemplateName ) == m_TemplateCatalog.end()) { try { m_TemplateCatalog[ strTemplateName ] = new CTemplateInCatalog( strTemplateName ); } catch (bad_alloc&) { // Note memory failure in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), _T(""), _T(""), EV_GTS_CANT_ALLOC ); } } UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// if shop is not already open, open it.
void CTopicShop::OpenShop() { ::SetEvent(m_hevShopIsOpen); }
// Request that a topic be built (or rebuilt)
// Typically called in response to either the system detecting a change to the topic
// files or from an operator saying "act as if a change has been detected".
// INPUT strTopic names the topic to build.
// if pbAlreadyInCatalog is input non-null, then *pbAlreadyInCatalog returns whether
// the topic was already known to the system.
void CTopicShop::BuildTopic(const CString & strTopic, bool *pbAlreadyInCatalog /*= NULL*/) { if (pbAlreadyInCatalog) *pbAlreadyInCatalog = false; // initialize
CTopicInCatalog * pTopic = GetCatalogEntryPtr(strTopic); if (pTopic) { pTopic->CountChange(); if (pbAlreadyInCatalog) *pbAlreadyInCatalog = true; } m_TopicBuildQueue.RequestBuild( strTopic, false, CTopicBuildQueue::eTopic ); }
// Request that a template be built (or rebuilt)
// Typically called in response to the system detecting a change to the template files.
void CTopicShop::BuildTemplate( const CString & strTemplate ) { CTemplateInCatalog * pTemplate = GetTemplateCatalogEntryPtr( strTemplate ); if (pTemplate) pTemplate->CountChange(); m_TopicBuildQueue.RequestBuild( strTemplate, false, CTopicBuildQueue::eTemplate ); }
CTopicInCatalog * CTopicShop::GetCatalogEntryPtr(const CString & strTopic) const { // Wait for a set period, if failure then log error msg and wait infinite.
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hevShopIsOpen ); CTopicCatalog::const_iterator it= m_TopicCatalog.find(strTopic); if (it == m_TopicCatalog.end()) return NULL; else return it->second; }
CTemplateInCatalog * CTopicShop::GetTemplateCatalogEntryPtr(const CString & strTemplate ) const { // Wait for a set period, if failure then log error msg and wait infinite.
WAIT_INFINITE( m_hevShopIsOpen ); CTemplateCatalog::const_iterator it= m_TemplateCatalog.find( strTemplate ); if (it == m_TemplateCatalog.end()) return NULL; else return it->second; }
// Call this function to obtain a CP_TOPIC as a pointer to the topic (identified by
// strTopic) that you want to operate on. As long as the CP_TOPIC remains undeleted,
// the associated CTopic is guaranteed to remain undeleted.
// this function must not lock CTopicShop, because it can wait a long time.
CP_TOPIC & CTopicShop::GetTopic(const CString & strTopic, CP_TOPIC &cpTopic, bool bNewCookie) { CTopicInCatalog *pTopicInCatalog = GetCatalogEntryPtr(strTopic); if (! pTopicInCatalog) cpTopic = NULL; else { pTopicInCatalog->CountHit(bNewCookie); pTopicInCatalog->GetTopicNoWait(cpTopic); if (cpTopic.IsNull()) { m_TopicBuildQueue.RequestBuild( strTopic, true, CTopicBuildQueue::eTopic ); pTopicInCatalog->GetTopic(cpTopic); } }
return cpTopic; }
// Call this function to obtain a CP_TEMPLATE as a pointer to the template (identified by
// strTemplate) that you want to operate on. As long as the CP_TEMPLATE remains undeleted,
// the associated CAPGTSHTIReader is guaranteed to remain undeleted.
// this function must not lock CTopicShop, because it can wait a long time.
CP_TEMPLATE & CTopicShop::GetTemplate(const CString & strTemplate, CP_TEMPLATE &cpTemplate, bool bNewCookie) { CTemplateInCatalog *pTemplateInCatalog = GetTemplateCatalogEntryPtr(strTemplate); if (! pTemplateInCatalog) cpTemplate = NULL; else { pTemplateInCatalog->CountHit(bNewCookie); pTemplateInCatalog->GetTemplateNoWait( cpTemplate ); if (cpTemplate.IsNull()) { m_TopicBuildQueue.RequestBuild( strTemplate, true, CTopicBuildQueue::eTemplate ); pTemplateInCatalog->GetTemplate( cpTemplate ); } }
return cpTemplate; }
void CTopicShop::GetListOfTopicNames(vector<CString>&arrstrTopic) const { arrstrTopic.clear();
try { for (CTopicCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TopicCatalog.begin(); it != m_TopicCatalog.end(); ++it) { arrstrTopic.push_back(it->second->GetTopicInfo().GetNetworkName()); } } catch (exception& x) { CString str; // Note STL exception in event log.
CBuildSrcFileLinenoStr SrcLoc( __FILE__, __LINE__ ); CEvent::ReportWFEvent( SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), SrcLoc.GetSrcFileLineStr(), CCharConversion::ConvertACharToString(x.what(), str), _T(""), EV_GTS_STL_EXCEPTION ); }
// Rebuild all topics from source files
void CTopicShop::RebuildAll() { LOCKOBJECT(); for (CTopicCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TopicCatalog.begin(); it != m_TopicCatalog.end(); ++it) { BuildTopic(it->second->GetTopicInfo().GetNetworkName()); } for (CTemplateCatalog::const_iterator itu = m_TemplateCatalog.begin(); itu != m_TemplateCatalog.end(); ++itu) { BuildTemplate( itu->first ); } UNLOCKOBJECT(); }
// Get status information on the topic builder thread
DWORD CTopicShop::GetThreadStatus(ThreadStatus &ts, DWORD & seconds) const { return m_TopicBuildQueue.GetStatus(ts, seconds); }
// see CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::GetTopicsStatus for documentation.
void CTopicShop::GetTopicsStatus( DWORD &Total, DWORD &NoInit, DWORD &Fail, vector<CString>*parrstrFail) const { m_TopicBuildQueue.GetTopicsStatus(Total, NoInit, Fail, parrstrFail); }
// see CTopicShop::CTopicBuildQueue::GetTemplatesStatus for documentation.
void CTopicShop::GetTemplatesStatus( vector<CString>*parrstrFail, vector<DWORD>*parrcntFail ) const { m_TopicBuildQueue.GetTemplatesStatus( parrstrFail, parrcntFail); }
CTopicInCatalog* CTopicShop::GetCatalogEntry(const CString& strTopic) const { CTopicInCatalog* ret = NULL; LOCKOBJECT(); CTopicCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TopicCatalog.find(strTopic); if (it != m_TopicCatalog.end()) ret = it->second; UNLOCKOBJECT(); return ret; }
bool CTopicShop::RetTemplateInCatalogStatus( const CString& strTemplate, bool& bValid ) const { bool bIsPresent= false;
bValid= false; LOCKOBJECT(); CTemplateCatalog::const_iterator it = m_TemplateCatalog.find( strTemplate ); if (it != m_TemplateCatalog.end()) { CTemplateInCatalog* pTmp;
bIsPresent= true; pTmp= it->second; switch (pTmp->GetTemplateStatus()) { case CTemplateInCatalog::eOK: bValid= true; break; case CTemplateInCatalog::eFail: // Template has failed to load so we will not try to reload it,
// but we need to increment the attempted load counter.
pTmp->CountFailed(); break; default: ; } } UNLOCKOBJECT(); return( bIsPresent ); }