Sends URL open command to IE using DDE
Copyright (C) 1995-96 Microsoft Corporation All right reserved
Authors: VetriV Vellore T. Vetrivelkumaran jmazner Jeremy Mazner
History: 8/29/96 jmazner created, with minor changes for 32 bit world, from VetriV's ie16dde.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "isignup.h"
#if defined(WIN16)
#include <windows.h>
#include <ddeml.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
static FARPROC lpfnDDEProc; static HCONV hConv = (HCONV) NULL; static HSZ hszMosaicService = (HSZ) NULL; static HSZ hszTopic = (HSZ) NULL; static HSZ hszItem = (HSZ) NULL; static DWORD g_dwInstance = 0;
// Function: Dprintf
// Synopsis: Prints the values contained in the variable number of
// arguments in the specified format
// Arguments: [pcsz - Format string]
// Returns: Nothing
// History: 8/9/96 VetriV Created
void Dprintf(LPCSTR pcsz, ...) { #ifdef DEBUG
va_list argp; char szBuf[1024]; va_start(argp, pcsz);
wvsprintf(szBuf, pcsz, argp);
OutputDebugString(szBuf); va_end(argp); #endif
// Function: DdeCallback
// Synopsis: Callback function used in DDEIntialize
// Arguments: [Please see DdeInitialize documentation]
// Returns: Nothing
// History: 8/9/96 VetriV Created
// 8/29/96 jmazner minor change in signature for 32 bit world
#if defined(WIN16)
extern "C" HDDEDATA CALLBACK _export DdeCallBack(UINT uType, // transaction type
HDDEDATA CALLBACK DdeCallBack(UINT uType, // transaction type
UINT uFmt, // clipboard data format
HCONV hconv, // handle of the conversation
HSZ hsz1, // handle of a string
HSZ hsz2, // handle of a string
HDDEDATA hdata, // handle of a global memory object
DWORD dwData1, // transaction-specific data
DWORD dwData2) // transaction-specific data
{ return 0; }
// Function: OpenURL
// Synopsis: Opens the given URL use DDE.
// Warning: This function uses global static variables and hence
// it is not re-entrant.
// Arguments: [lpsszURL - URL to be opened]
// Returns: Nothing
// History: 8/9/96 VetriV Created
// 9/3/96 jmazner Minor tweaks; moved string handle code in from DdeInit
int OpenURL(LPCTSTR lpcszURL) { TCHAR szOpenURL[] = TEXT("WWW_OpenURL"); TCHAR szRemainingParams[] = TEXT("\"\",-1,0,\"\",\"\",\"\""); TCHAR szArg[1024]; HDDEDATA trans_ret; long long_result;
if ((NULL == lpcszURL) || ('\0' == lpcszURL[0])) goto ErrorOpenURL; //
// Create String handle for the Operation WWW_OpenURL
if (hszTopic) DdeFreeStringHandle(g_dwInstance, hszTopic); hszTopic = DdeCreateStringHandle(g_dwInstance, szOpenURL, CP_WINANSI); if (!hszTopic) { Dprintf("DdeCreateStringHandle for %s failed with %u\r\n", szOpenURL, DdeGetLastError(g_dwInstance)); goto ErrorOpenURL; }
// Compose the argument string
if (lstrlen(lpcszURL) + lstrlen(szRemainingParams) > 1020) goto ErrorOpenURL; memset(szArg, 0, sizeof(szArg)); wsprintf(szArg, TEXT("\"%s\",%s"), lpcszURL, szRemainingParams);
// Create String Handle for the Arguments
if (hszItem) DdeFreeStringHandle(g_dwInstance, hszItem); hszItem = DdeCreateStringHandle(g_dwInstance, szArg, CP_WINANSI); if (!hszItem) { Dprintf("DdeCreateStringHandle for %s failed with %u\r\n", szArg, DdeGetLastError(g_dwInstance)); goto ErrorOpenURL; }
// Connect to DDE Server
hConv = DdeConnect(g_dwInstance, hszMosaicService, hszTopic, NULL); if (!hConv) { Dprintf("DdeConnect failed with %u\r\n", DdeGetLastError(g_dwInstance)); goto ErrorOpenURL; } //
// Request
trans_ret = DdeClientTransaction(NULL, 0, hConv, hszItem, CF_TEXT, XTYP_REQUEST, 60000, NULL); //
// long integer return value
if (trans_ret != DDE_FNOTPROCESSED) { DdeGetData(trans_ret, (LPBYTE) &long_result, sizeof(long_result), 0); DdeFreeDataHandle(trans_ret); return 0; // Successfully started opening the URL
} else { Dprintf("DdeClientTransaction failed with %u\r\n", DdeGetLastError(g_dwInstance)); goto ErrorOpenURL; }
ErrorOpenURL: if (hConv) { DdeDisconnect(hConv); hConv = (HCONV) NULL; } if (hszTopic) { DdeFreeStringHandle(g_dwInstance, hszTopic); hszTopic = NULL; } if (hszItem) { DdeFreeStringHandle(g_dwInstance, hszItem); hszItem = NULL; }
return -1; }
// Function: DDEClose
// Synopsis: Shutsdown DDE and releases string handles
// Warning: This function uses global static variables and hence
// it is not re-entrant.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: 8/9/96 VetriV Created
void DDEClose(void) { Dprintf("DDEClose called\r\n"); if (0 != g_dwInstance) { if (hConv) { DdeDisconnect(hConv); hConv = (HCONV) NULL; } if (hszTopic) { DdeFreeStringHandle(g_dwInstance, hszTopic); hszTopic = NULL; } if (hszItem) { DdeFreeStringHandle(g_dwInstance, hszItem); hszItem = NULL; } if (hszMosaicService) { DdeFreeStringHandle(g_dwInstance, hszMosaicService); hszMosaicService = NULL; }
DdeUninitialize(g_dwInstance); g_dwInstance = 0; }
return; }
// Function: DDEinit
// Synopsis: Intializes DDE, creates string handles for service
// and registers the names.
// Warning: This function uses global static variables and hence
// it is not re-entrant.
// Arguments: [hInst - Instance handle]
// Returns: 0 if successful
// Negative values, otherwise
// History: 8/9/96 VetriV Created
// 8/29/96 jmazner Removed calls to make us a DDE server,
// moved string handle code to openUrl
int DDEInit(HINSTANCE hInst) { UINT uiRetValue;
Dprintf("DDEInit called with %u\r\n", hInst);
if (g_dwInstance == 0) { lpfnDDEProc = MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) DdeCallBack, hInst); if (NULL == lpfnDDEProc) { Dprintf("MakeProcInstance failed"); return -1; }
uiRetValue = DdeInitialize(&g_dwInstance, (PFNCALLBACK) lpfnDDEProc, APPCLASS_STANDARD, 0); if (DMLERR_NO_ERROR != uiRetValue) { Dprintf("DdeInitialize failed with %u\r\n", uiRetValue); g_dwInstance = 0; return -2; } }
hszMosaicService = DdeCreateStringHandle(g_dwInstance, TEXT("IEXPLORE"), CP_WINANSI); if (NULL == hszMosaicService) { Dprintf("DdeCreateStringHandle for IEXPLORE failed with %u\r\n", DdeGetLastError(g_dwInstance)); }
return( TRUE ); }