/* Vertical ruby interfaces */ /* Contact: antons */
#include "lsimeth.h"
/* Only valid version number for Ruby initialization */
#define VRUBY_VERSION 0x300
/* Used for intialization to tell Ruby object which line comes first */
typedef enum vrubysyntax { VRubyPronunciationLineFirst, VRubyMainLineFirst } VRUBYSYNTAX;
* * Vertical Ruby Object callbacks to client application * */
typedef struct VRUBYCBK { LSERR (WINAPI *pfnFetchVRubyPosition) ( /* in */
POLS pols, LSCP cp, LSTFLOW lstflow, PLSRUN plsrun, PCHEIGHTS pcheightsRefMain, PCHEIGHTS pcheightsPresMain, long dvrRuby,
/* out */
PHEIGHTS pheightsPresRubyT, PHEIGHTS pheightsRefRubyT, LONG* pdurAdjust );
LSERR (WINAPI* pfnVRubyEnum) ( POLS pols, PLSRUN plsrun, PCLSCHP plschp, LSCP cp, LSDCP dcp, LSTFLOW lstflow, BOOL fReverse, BOOL fGeometryNeeded, const POINT* pt, PCHEIGHTS pcheights, long dupRun, const POINT *ptMain, PCHEIGHTS pcheightsMain, long dupMain, const POINT *ptRuby, PCHEIGHTS pcheightsRuby, long dupRuby, PLSSUBL plssublMain, PLSSUBL plssublRuby );
* * Ruby Object initialization data that the client application must return * when the Ruby object handler calls the GetObjectHandlerInfo callback. * */ typedef struct VRUBYINIT { DWORD dwVersion; /* Version of the structure (must be VRUBY_VERSION) */ VRUBYSYNTAX vrubysyntax; /* Used to determine order of lines during format */ WCHAR wchEscRuby; /* Escape char for end of Ruby pronunciation line */ WCHAR wchEscMain; /* Escape char for end of main text */ VRUBYCBK vrcbk; /* Ruby callbacks */
LSERR WINAPI LsGetVRubyLsimethods ( LSIMETHODS *plsim );
/* GetRubyLsimethods
* * plsim (OUT): Ruby object methods for Line Services. * */
#endif /* VRUBY_DEFINED */