// =====================================================================================
// Exchange Plus ! Main
// =====================================================================================
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "Imnapi.h"
#include "Exchrep.h"
#include "mapiconv.h"
// =====================================================================================
// Defines
// =====================================================================================
#define REGPATH "Software\\Microsoft\\Exchange Internet Mail Router"
#define MAILNEWS_PATH "MailNews Path"
#define ROUTE_TO_DISPLAY "Route To Display"
#define ROUTE_TO_ADDRESS "Route To Address"
#define ROUTER_DISPLAY "Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Router"
#define ROUTER_ADDRESS "exchrep"
// =====================================================================================
// Globals
// =====================================================================================
// =====================================================================================
// Prototypes
// =====================================================================================
VOID FreeImsg (LPIMSG lpImsg);
// =====================================================================================
// Dll entry point
// =====================================================================================
int APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_hInst = hInstance; return 1;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: return 1; }
// Not Handled
return 0; }
// =====================================================================================
// Exchange Interface entry point
// =====================================================================================
LPEXCHEXT CALLBACK ExchEntryPoint(void) { // Create and return Exchange Interface Object
return (IExchExt *)new CExchRep; }
// =====================================================================================
// Inst my exchange interface object
// =====================================================================================
CExchRep::CExchRep () { m_uRef = 1; m_lpSession = NULL; m_hwnd = NULL; m_hMailNews = NULL; m_lpfnHrImnRouteMessage = NULL; m_lpfnMailNewsDllInit = NULL; }
// =====================================================================================
// Inst my exchange interface object
// =====================================================================================
CExchRep::~CExchRep () { if (m_lpSession) m_lpSession->Release (); if (m_hMailNews) { if (m_lpfnMailNewsDllInit) (*m_lpfnMailNewsDllInit)(FALSE); FreeLibrary (m_hMailNews); } }
// =====================================================================================
// Add Ref
// =====================================================================================
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CExchRep::AddRef () { ++m_uRef; return m_uRef; }
// =====================================================================================
// Release
// =====================================================================================
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CExchRep::Release () { ULONG uCount = --m_uRef; if (!uCount) delete this; return uCount; }
// =====================================================================================
// IExchExt - tells exchange what interfaces I am supporting
// =====================================================================================
STDMETHODIMP CExchRep::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) { // Locals
*ppvObj = NULL;
// IUnknown or IExchExt interface, this is it dude
if ((IID_IUnknown == riid) || (IID_IExchExt == riid)) { *ppvObj = (LPUNKNOWN)(IExchExt *)this; } // IExchExtCommands interface ?
else if (IID_IExchExtSessionEvents == riid) { *ppvObj = (LPUNKNOWN)(IExchExtSessionEvents *)this; } // Else, interface is not supported
else hr = E_NOINTERFACE;
// Increment Reference Count
if (NULL != *ppvObj) ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppvObj)->AddRef();
// Done
return hr; }
// =====================================================================================
// Install is called
// =====================================================================================
STDMETHODIMP CExchRep::Install (LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpExchCallback, ULONG mecontext, ULONG ulFlags) { // Locals
// Only in session context
if (mecontext != EECONTEXT_SESSION) return S_OK;
// Get Window Handle
lpExchCallback->GetWindow (&m_hwnd);
// Get Session Object
hr = lpExchCallback->GetSession (&m_lpSession, NULL); if (FAILED (hr) || !m_lpSession) { MessageBox (m_hwnd, "IExchExtCallback::GetSession Failed", "ExchRep", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto exit; }
// Load Config
LoadConfig ();
exit: // Done
return S_OK; }
// =====================================================================================
// LoadConfig
// =====================================================================================
VOID CExchRep::LoadConfig (VOID) { // Locals
HKEY hReg = NULL; ULONG cbRegData; DWORD dwType;
// Open the Reg Key
if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGPATH, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hReg) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MessageBox (m_hwnd, "Exchange Internet Mail Router is not configured.", "ExchRep", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto exit; }
// Display To
cbRegData = sizeof (m_szDisplayTo); dwType = REG_SZ; if (RegQueryValueEx (hReg, ROUTE_TO_DISPLAY, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)m_szDisplayTo, &cbRegData) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MessageBox (m_hwnd, "Exchange Internet Mail Router is not configured.", "ExchRep", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto exit; }
// Address To
cbRegData = sizeof (m_szAddressTo); dwType = REG_SZ; if (RegQueryValueEx (hReg, ROUTE_TO_ADDRESS, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)m_szAddressTo, &cbRegData) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MessageBox (m_hwnd, "Exchange Internet Mail Router is not configured.", "ExchRep", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto exit; }
// Get mail news dll path
cbRegData = sizeof (m_szMailNewsPath); dwType = REG_SZ; if (RegQueryValueEx (hReg, MAILNEWS_PATH, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)m_szMailNewsPath, &cbRegData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Lets Load mailnews.dll
m_hMailNews = LoadLibrary ("c:\\thor\\build\\debug\\mailnews.dll"); if (m_hMailNews == NULL) { MessageBox (m_hwnd, "Unable to load mailnews.dll. Exchange Internet Mail Router is not configured.", "ExchRep", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto exit; }
// Fixup Procedure addresses
m_lpfnHrImnRouteMessage = (PFNHRIMNROUTEMESSAGE)GetProcAddress (m_hMailNews, "HrImnRouteMessage"); m_lpfnMailNewsDllInit = (PFNMAILNEWSDLLINIT)GetProcAddress (m_hMailNews, "MailNewsDllInit");;
// Could get proc addresses
if (!m_lpfnHrImnRouteMessage || !m_lpfnMailNewsDllInit) { FreeLibrary (m_hMailNews); m_hMailNews = NULL; goto exit; }
// Init the dll
(*m_lpfnMailNewsDllInit)(TRUE); }
exit: // Cleanup
if (hReg) RegCloseKey (hReg);
// Done
return; }
// =====================================================================================
// OnDeliver - This function never fail
// =====================================================================================
STDMETHODIMP CExchRep::OnDelivery (LPEXCHEXTCALLBACK lpExchCallback) { // Locals
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPMDB lpMdb = NULL; LPMESSAGE lpMessage = NULL; IMSG rImsg; IADDRINFO rIaddr[2];
// No mailnews.dll
if (!m_hMailNews || !m_lpfnHrImnRouteMessage || !m_lpfnMailNewsDllInit) goto exit;
// Get object (IMessage
hr = lpExchCallback->GetObject(&lpMdb, (LPMAPIPROP *)&lpMessage); if (FAILED (hr) || !lpMessage) { MessageBox (m_hwnd, "IExchExtCallback::GetObject failed", "ExchRep", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto exit; }
// Convert MAPI Message to mime message
hr = HrMapiToImsg (lpMessage, &rImsg); if (FAILED (hr)) { MessageBox (m_hwnd, "HrMapiToImsg failed", "ExchRep", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto exit; }
// Set the rout to address
rIaddr[0].dwType = IADDR_TO; rIaddr[0].lpszDisplay = m_szDisplayTo; rIaddr[0].lpszAddress = m_szAddressTo; rIaddr[1].dwType = IADDR_FROM; rIaddr[1].lpszDisplay = ROUTER_DISPLAY; rIaddr[1].lpszAddress = ROUTER_ADDRESS;
// Send the message
hr = (*m_lpfnHrImnRouteMessage)(rIaddr, 2, &rImsg); if (FAILED (hr)) { MessageBox (m_hwnd, "HrImnRouteMessage failed", "ExchRep", MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND); goto exit; }
exit: // Cleanup
if (lpMdb) lpMdb->Release (); if (lpMessage) lpMessage->Release (); FreeImsg (&rImsg);
// Done
return S_OK; }
// =====================================================================================
// FreeImsg
// =====================================================================================
VOID FreeImsg (LPIMSG lpImsg) { // Locals
// Nothing
if (lpImsg == NULL) return;
// Free Stuff
if (lpImsg->lpszSubject) free (lpImsg->lpszSubject); lpImsg->lpszSubject = NULL; if (lpImsg->lpszBody) free (lpImsg->lpszBody); lpImsg->lpszBody = NULL;
if (lpImsg->lpstmRtf) lpImsg->lpstmRtf->Release (); lpImsg->lpstmRtf = NULL;
// Walk Address list
for (i=0; i<lpImsg->cAddress; i++) { if (lpImsg->lpIaddr[i].lpszAddress) free (lpImsg->lpIaddr[i].lpszAddress); lpImsg->lpIaddr[i].lpszAddress = NULL;
if (lpImsg->lpIaddr[i].lpszDisplay) free (lpImsg->lpIaddr[i].lpszDisplay); lpImsg->lpIaddr[i].lpszDisplay = NULL; }
// Free Address list
if (lpImsg->lpIaddr) free (lpImsg->lpIaddr); lpImsg->lpIaddr = NULL;
// Walk Attachment list
for (i=0; i<lpImsg->cAttach; i++) { if (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszFileName) free (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszFileName); lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszFileName = NULL;
if (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszPathName) free (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszPathName); lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszPathName = NULL;
if (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszExt) free (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszExt); lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpszExt = NULL;
if (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpImsg) { FreeImsg (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpImsg); free (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpImsg); lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpImsg = NULL; }
if (lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpstmAtt) lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpstmAtt->Release (); lpImsg->lpIatt[i].lpstmAtt = NULL; }
// Free the att list
if (lpImsg->lpIatt) free (lpImsg->lpIatt); }