#include "pch.hxx"
#include "strings.h"
#include "util.h"
HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; LPMALLOC g_pMalloc = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
DWORD dwDOUTLevel = 0; DWORD dwDOUTLMod = 0; DWORD dwDOUTLModLevel = 0; #endif
NAME: GetTextToNextDelim
SYNOPSIS: Gets text up to next space, colon or end of string, places in output buffer
****************************************************************************/ LPSTR GetTextToNextDelim(LPSTR pszText, LPSTR pszOutBuf, UINT cbOutBuf) { Assert(pszText); Assert(pszOutBuf); Assert(*pszText);
StrCpyN(pszOutBuf, c_szEmpty, cbOutBuf); // advance past whitespace
while ((*pszText == ' ') || (*pszText == '\t') || (':' == *pszText)) pszText++;
// Copy parameter until we hit a delimiter
while (*pszText && ((*pszText != ' ') && (*pszText != '\t') && (*pszText != ':')) && cbOutBuf>1) { *pszOutBuf = *pszText; pszOutBuf ++; cbOutBuf --; pszText ++; }
if (cbOutBuf) *pszOutBuf = '\0'; // null-terminate
// advance past whitespace
while ((*pszText == ' ') || (*pszText == '\t')) pszText++;
return pszText; }
NAME: ParseCmdLine
********************************************************************/ void ParseCmdLine(LPSTR pszCmdLine) { LOG("Command Line:"); LOG2(pszCmdLine);
while (pszCmdLine && *pszCmdLine) { CHAR szCommand[64];
pszCmdLine = GetTextToNextDelim(pszCmdLine, szCommand, sizeof(szCommand));
if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szUninstallFlag)) { si.smMode = MODE_UNINSTALL; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szInstallFlag)) { si.smMode = MODE_INSTALL; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szUserFlag)) { si.stTime = TIME_USER; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szPromptFlag)) { si.fPrompt = TRUE; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szCallerFlag)) { pszCmdLine = GetTextToNextDelim(pszCmdLine, szCommand, sizeof(szCommand)); if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szWIN9X)) si.caller = CALLER_WIN9X; else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szWINNT)) si.caller = CALLER_WINNT; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szAppFlag)) { pszCmdLine = GetTextToNextDelim(pszCmdLine, szCommand, sizeof(szCommand)); if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szAppOE)) si.saApp = APP_OE; else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szAppWAB)) si.saApp = APP_WAB; } else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szINIFlag)) { pszCmdLine = GetTextToNextDelim(pszCmdLine, si.szINI, sizeof(si.szINI)); } else if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szIconsFlag)) { pszCmdLine = GetTextToNextDelim(pszCmdLine, szCommand, sizeof(szCommand)); si.smMode = MODE_ICONS;
if (!lstrcmpi(szCommand, c_szOFF)) si.fNoIcons = TRUE; } } }
void ParseINIFile() {
NAME: Initialize
********************************************************************/ HRESULT Initialize(LPSTR pszCmdLine) { UINT uLen, uAppID; HKEY hkey; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cb; // Needs to be static as it must outlive this func call
static TCHAR s_szAltINF[MAX_PATH];
si.osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (!GetVersionEx(&(si.osv))) { LOG("[ERROR] Couldn't get windows version info"); goto generror; }
// set up the win directory
// We need the true system Windows directory, not the user's version
if (!(uLen = GetSystemWindowsDirectoryWrap(si.szWinDir, ARRAYSIZE(si.szWinDir)))) { LOG("[ERROR] Couldn't get Windows Directory"); goto generror; }
// Slash terminate
if (*CharPrev(si.szWinDir, si.szWinDir+uLen) != '\\') { si.szWinDir[uLen++] = '\\'; si.szWinDir[uLen] = 0; }
// set up the inf directory
StrCpyN(si.szInfDir, si.szWinDir, ARRAYSIZE(si.szInfDir)); StrCpyN(&si.szInfDir[uLen], c_szINFSlash, ARRAYSIZE(si.szInfDir)-uLen);
// Figure out the current directory
if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, si.szCurrentDir, ARRAYSIZE(si.szCurrentDir)) || !PathRemoveFileSpec(si.szCurrentDir)) { LOG("[ERROR] Couldn't get module's file name"); goto generror; }
if (!(uLen = GetSystemDirectory(si.szSysDir, MAX_PATH))) { LOG("[ERROR] Couldn't get System Directory"); goto generror; }
// Slash terminate
if (*CharPrev(si.szSysDir, si.szSysDir+uLen) != '\\') { si.szSysDir[uLen++] = '\\'; si.szSysDir[uLen] = 0; }
// Load Advpack
if (!(si.hInstAdvPack = LoadLibrary(c_szAdvPackDll))) { MsgBox(NULL, IDS_ERR_ADVLOAD, MB_ICONSTOP, MB_OK); hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Thunk to short names on Win95 in case we use these paths in RepairBeta1
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS == si.osv.dwPlatformId) { GetShortPathName(si.szWinDir, si.szWinDir, ARRAYSIZE(si.szWinDir)); GetShortPathName(si.szSysDir, si.szSysDir, ARRAYSIZE(si.szSysDir)); GetShortPathName(si.szInfDir, si.szInfDir, ARRAYSIZE(si.szInfDir)); }
// Obtain Mandatory ADVPACK Entry points
si.pfnRunSetup = (RUNSETUPCOMMAND)GetProcAddress(si.hInstAdvPack, achRUNSETUPCOMMANDFUNCTION); si.pfnLaunchEx = (LAUNCHINFSECTIONEX)GetProcAddress(si.hInstAdvPack, achLAUNCHINFSECTIONEX); si.pfnCopyFile = (ADVINSTALLFILE)GetProcAddress(si.hInstAdvPack, achADVINSTALLFILE);
if (!si.pfnRunSetup || !si.pfnLaunchEx || !si.pfnCopyFile) { MsgBox(NULL, IDS_ERR_ADVCORR, MB_ICONSTOP, MB_OK); FreeLibrary(si.hInstAdvPack); hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Obtain Optional ADVPACK Entry points used for repairing a Beta1 Install
si.pfnAddDel = (ADDDELBACKUPENTRY)GetProcAddress(si.hInstAdvPack, "AddDelBackupEntry"); si.pfnRegRestore = (REGSAVERESTORE)GetProcAddress(si.hInstAdvPack, "RegSaveRestore"); // Get info from cmd line - like the app being installed
switch (si.saApp) { case APP_OE: si.pszInfFile = c_szMsimnInf; uAppID = IDS_APPNAME_OE; si.pszVerInfo = c_szRegVerInfo; break; case APP_WAB: si.pszInfFile = c_szWABInf; uAppID = IDS_APPNAME_WAB; si.pszVerInfo = c_szRegWABVerInfo; break; default: goto exit; } if (!LoadString(g_hInstance, uAppID, si.szAppName, ARRAYSIZE(si.szAppName))) { LOG("[ERROR] Setup50.exe is missing resources") goto generror; }
// Allow reg override on INF file for non-IE installs
// BUGBUG: Convert NT5 setup to Memphis methodology
if ((CALLER_WIN9X == si.caller) && (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, si.pszVerInfo, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey))) { cb = sizeof(s_szAltINF); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey, c_szLatestINF, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)s_szAltINF, &cb)) { si.pszInfFile = s_szAltINF; } RegCloseKey(hkey); } // Allow INI file to override
goto exit;
generror: MsgBox(NULL, IDS_ERR_INIT, MB_ICONSTOP, MB_OK); hr = E_FAIL; exit: return hr; }
NAME: Process
****************************************************************************/ HRESULT Process() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // If we weren't told which app, be helpful
if (APP_UNKNOWN == si.saApp) si.smMode = MODE_UNKNOWN;
LOG("MODE: "); switch (si.smMode) { case MODE_INSTALL: LOG2("Install TIME: "); if (TIME_MACHINE == si.stTime) { LOG2("Machine"); hr = InstallMachine(); } else { LOG2("User"); InstallUser(); } break;
case MODE_ICONS: LOG2("Icons"); //HandleIcons();
case MODE_UNINSTALL: LOG2("Uninstall TIME: "); if (TIME_MACHINE == si.stTime) { LOG2("Machine"); MsgBox(NULL, UnInstallMachine() ? IDS_UNINSTALL_COMPLETE : IDS_NO_UNINSTALL, MB_OK, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } else { LOG2("User"); UnInstallUser(); } break;
case MODE_UNKNOWN: LOG2("Options"); DisplayMenu(); break;
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Setup MODE is undefined!"); }
return hr;
NAME: Shutdown
****************************************************************************/ void Shutdown() { if (si.hInstAdvPack) FreeLibrary(si.hInstAdvPack); }
NAME: WinMain
SYNOPSIS: App entry point
********************************************************************/ int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(SETUPINFO));
g_hInstance = hInstance; // save instance handle away
// init global memory allocator
// We will use it to free some Shell memory, so use SHGetMalloc
SHGetMalloc(&g_pMalloc); if (NULL == g_pMalloc) { MsgBox(NULL, IDS_ERR_NOALLOC, MB_OK, MB_ICONSTOP); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = Initialize(lpCmdLine))) { hr = Process(); Shutdown(); }
// release the global memory allocator
exit: LOG_CLOSE; CoUninitialize(); return hr; }