// SETUP31.H
// Copyright (c) 1993-1996 - Microsoft Corp.
// All rights reserved.
// Microsoft Confidential
// Public include file for Windows 3.1 Setup services. (Based on
// Windows 95 SETUPX.DLL)
#ifndef SETUP31_INC
#define SETUP31_INC 1
// Need commctrl.h for some struct defines
#include <comctlie.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // Stuff including _MAX_PATH
Stuff that should be in Windows.h **********************************************************************/ #ifndef MAX_PATH
Manifest constants **********************************************************************/ #define MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN 256
#define LINE_LEN 256
#define MAX_SECT_NAME_LEN 32
Errors **********************************************************************/ typedef UINT RETERR; // Return Error code type.
#define OK 0 // success error code
#define DI_ERROR (500) // Device Installer
* AUTODOC * @doc EXTERNAL SETUP31 DEVICE_INSTALLER * * @typee _ERR_DEVICE_INSTALL | Error return codes for Device Installation * APIs. * * @emem ERR_DI_INVALID_DEVICE_ID | Incorrectly formed device ID. * * @emem ERR_DI_INVALID_COMPATIBLE_DEVICE_LIST | Invalid compatible device list. * * @emem ERR_DI_LOW_MEM | Insufficient memory to complete. * * @emem ERR_DI_BAD_DEV_INFO | A passed in DEVICE_INFO struct is invalid. * * @emem ERR_DI_DO_DEFAULT | Do the default action for the requested operation. * * @emem ERR_DI_USER_CANCEL | The user cancelled the operation. * * @emem ERR_DI_BAD_INF | An invalid INF file was encountered. * * @emem ERR_DI_NO_INF | No INF found on supplied OEM path. * * @emem ERR_DI_FAIL_QUERY | The queried action should not take place. * * @emem ERR_DI_API_ERROR | One of the Device installation APIs was called * incorrectly or with invalid parameters. * * @emem ERR_DI_BAD_PATH | An OEM path was specified incorrectly. * *******************************************************************************/ enum _ERR_DEVICE_INSTALL { ERR_DI_INVALID_DEVICE_ID = DI_ERROR, ERR_DI_INVALID_COMPATIBLE_DEVICE_LIST, ERR_DI_LOW_MEM, ERR_DI_BAD_DEV_INFO, ERR_DI_DO_DEFAULT, ERR_DI_USER_CANCEL, ERR_DI_BAD_INF, ERR_DI_NO_INF, ERR_DI_FAIL_QUERY, ERR_DI_API_ERROR, ERR_DI_BAD_PATH, ERR_DI_NO_SECTION, ERR_DI_NO_LINE, ERR_DI_NO_STRING, ERR_ID_NO_MORE_LINES, ERR_DI_INVALID_FIELD };
Structure Definitions **********************************************************************/
* AUTODOC * @doc EXTERNAL SETUP31 DEVICE_INSTALLER * * @types DRIVER_NODE | This strucure represents a driver which can be * installed for a specific device. * * @field struct _DRIVER_NODE FAR* | lpNextDN | Pointer to the next driver node * in a list. * * @field UINT | Rank | The Rank match of this driver. Ranks go from 0 to n, where 0 * is the most compatible. * * @field UINT | InfType | Type of INF this driver cam from. This will * be either INFTYPE_TEXT or INFTYPE_EXECUTABLE * * @field unsigned | InfDate | DOS date stamp of the INF file. * * @field LPSTR | lpszDescription | Pointer to a the descriptrion of the device being * supported by this driver. * * @field LPSTR | lpszSectionName | Pointer to the name of INF install section for * this driver. * * @field ATOM | atInfFileName | Global ATOM containing the name of the INF file. * * @field ATOM | atMfgName | Global ATOM containing the name of this driver's * manufacture. * * @field ATOM | atProviderName | Global ATOM containing the name of this driver's * provider. * * @field DWORD | Flags | Flags that control functions using this DRIVER_NODE * @flag DNF_DUPDESC | This driver has the same device description * from by more than one provider. * @flag DNF_OLDDRIVER | Driver node specifies old/current driver * @flag DNF_EXCLUDEFROMLIST | If set, this driver node will not be displayed * in any driver select dialogs. * @flag DNF_NODRIVER | Set if we want to install no driver e.g no mouse drv * @flag DNF_CONVERTEDLPINFO | Set if this Driver Node was converted from an Info Node. * Setting this flag will cause the cleanup functions to explicitly delete it. * * @field DWORD | dwPrivateData | Reserved * * @field LPSTR | lpszDrvDescription | Pointer to a driver description. * * @field LPSTR | lpszHardwareID | Pointer to a list of Plug-and-Play hardware IDs for * this driver. * * @field LPSTR | lpszCompatIDs | Pointer to a list of Plug-and-Play compatible IDs for * this driver. * *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _DRIVER_NODE { struct _DRIVER_NODE FAR* lpNextDN; UINT Rank; unsigned InfDate; LPSTR lpszDescription; LPSTR lpszSectionName; ATOM atInfFileName; ATOM atMfgName; ATOM atProviderName; DWORD Flags; LPSTR lpszHardwareID; } DRIVER_NODE, NEAR* PDRIVER_NODE, FAR* LPDRIVER_NODE, FAR* FAR* LPLPDRIVER_NODE;
#define DNF_DUPDESC 0x00000001 // Multiple providers have same desc
* AUTODOC * @doc EXTERNAL SETUP31 DEVICE_INSTALLER * * @types DEVICE_INFO | Device Information struct * * @field UINT | cbSize | Size of the DEVICE_INFO struct. * * @field struct _DEVICE_INFO FAR | *lpNextDi | Pointer to the next DEVICE_INFO struct * in a linked list. * * @field char | szDescription[LINE_LEN] | Buffer containing the description of the * device. * * @field char | szClassName[MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN] | Buffer containing the device's * class name. (Can be a GUID str) * * @field DWORD | Flags | Flags for controlling installation and U/I functions. Some * flags can be set prior to calling device installer APIs, and other are set * automatically during the processing of some APIs. * * @field HWND | hwndParent | Window handle that will own U/I dialogs related to this * device. * * @field LPDRIVER_NODE | lpCompatDrvList | Pointer to a linked list of DRIVER_NODES * representing the compatible drivers for this device. * * @field LPDRIVER_NODE | lpClassDrvList | Pointer to a linked list of DRIVER_NODES * representing all drivers of this device's class. * * @field LPDRIVER_NODE | lpSelectedDriver | Pointer to a single DRIVER_NODE that * has been selected as the driver for this device. * * @field ATOM | atDriverPath | Global ATOM containing the path to this device's INF * file. This is set only of the driver came from an OEM INF file. This will be * 0 if the INF is a standard Windows INF file. * *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _DEVICE_INFO { UINT cbSize; struct _DEVICE_INFO FAR *lpNextDi; char szDescription[LINE_LEN]; char szClassName[MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN]; DWORD Flags; HWND hwndParent; LPDRIVER_NODE lpCompatDrvList; LPDRIVER_NODE lpClassDrvList; LPDRIVER_NODE lpSelectedDriver; ATOM atDriverPath; } DEVICE_INFO, FAR * LPDEVICE_INFO, FAR * FAR * LPLPDEVICE_INFO;
// Flags for DEVICE_INFO
#define DI_SHOWOEM 0x00000001L // support Other... button
#define DI_SHOWCOMPAT 0x00000002L // show compatibility list
#define DI_SHOWCLASS 0x00000004L // show class list
#define DI_SHOWALL 0x00000007L
#define DI_DIDCOMPAT 0x00000010L // Searched for compatible devices
#define DI_DIDCLASS 0x00000020L // Searched for class devices
#define DI_MULTMFGS 0x00000400L // Set if multiple manufacturers in
#define ASSERT_DI_STRUC(lpdi) if (lpdi->cbSize != sizeof(DEVICE_INFO)) return (ERR_DI_BAD_DEV_INFO)
* AUTODOC * @doc EXTERNAL SETUP31 DEVICE_INSTALLER * * @types SUBSTR_DATA | Data structure used to manage substrings. * struct is used by class installers to extend the operation of the hardware * installation wizard by adding custom pages. * * @field LPSTR | lpFirstSubstr | Pointer to the first substring in the list. * * @field LPSTR | lpCurSubstr | Pointer to the current substring in the list. * * @field LPSTR | lpLastSubstr | Pointer to the last substring in the list. * * @xref InitSubstrData * @xref GetFirstSubstr * @xref GetNextSubstr * *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _SUBSTR_DATA { LPSTR lpFirstSubstr; LPSTR lpCurSubstr; LPSTR lpLastSubstr; } SUBSTR_DATA; typedef SUBSTR_DATA* PSUBSTR_DATA; typedef SUBSTR_DATA NEAR* NPSUBSTR_DATA; typedef SUBSTR_DATA FAR* LPSUBSTR_DATA;
* AUTODOC * @doc EXTERNAL SETUP31 DEVICE_INSTALLER * * @types INF | Handle to an opened INF file * * @field CHAR | szInfPath | Copy of the INF's path * *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _INF { WORD cbSize; char szInfPath[MAX_PATH]; HDPA hdpaStrings; HDPA hdpaSections; // Array of INF section structs
* AUTODOC * @doc EXTERNAL SETUP31 DEVICE_INSTALLER * * @types INFSECT | A section in an INF file * * @field WORD | cbSize | size of struct * *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct _INFSECT { WORD cbSize; char szSectionName[MAX_SECT_NAME_LEN]; WORD wCurrentLine; HDPA hdpaLines; }INFSECT, FAR * LPINFSECT, FAR * FAR * LPLPINFSECT;
Exported Function Prototypes constants **********************************************************************/ RETERR WINAPI DiBuildClassDrvList(LPDEVICE_INFO lpdi); RETERR WINAPI DiBuildCompatDrvList(LPDEVICE_INFO lpdi, LPCSTR lpcszDeviceID); RETERR WINAPI DiDestroyDriverNodeList(LPDRIVER_NODE lpDNList); RETERR WINAPI DiDestroyDeviceInfoList(LPDEVICE_INFO lpdi); RETERR WINAPI DiCreateDeviceInfo ( LPLPDEVICE_INFO lplpdi, LPCSTR lpszDescription, LPCSTR lpszClassName, HWND hwndParent );
RETERR WINAPI IpOpen ( LPCSTR lpcszFileSpec, LPLPINF lplpInf );
BOOL WINAPI InitSubstrData(LPSUBSTR_DATA lpSubstrData, LPSTR lpStr); BOOL WINAPI GetFirstSubstr(LPSUBSTR_DATA lpSubstrData); BOOL WINAPI GetNextSubstr(LPSUBSTR_DATA lpSubStrData); BOOL WINAPI InitSubstrDataEx(LPSUBSTR_DATA lpssd, LPSTR lpString, char chDelim); /* ;Internal */ BOOL WINAPI InitSubstrDataNulls(LPSUBSTR_DATA lpssd, LPSTR lpString);
int WINAPI _i_strnicmp ( LPCSTR lpOne, LPCSTR lpTwo, int n );
void WINAPI FormStrWithoutPlaceHolders(LPSTR lpszDest, LPSTR lpszSource, LPINF lpInf); RETERR WINAPI IpFindFirstLine ( LPINF lpInf, LPCSTR lpcszSection, LPCSTR lpcszEntry, LPLPINFSECT lplpInfSection ); RETERR WINAPI IpFindNextLine ( LPINF lpInf, LPINFSECT lpInfSect ); RETERR WINAPI IpGetStringField ( LPINF lpInf, LPINFSECT lpInfSect, WORD wField, LPSTR lpszBuffer, WORD cbBuffer, LPWORD lpwcbCopied ); RETERR WINAPI IpGetFieldCount ( LPINF lpInf, LPINFSECT lpInfSect, LPWORD lpwFields );
void WINAPI IpSaveRestorePosition ( LPINF lpInf, BOOL bSave );
// API that adds an icon into a Program Manager group. The group name can
// be gotten either from the INI file or from allowing the user to choose
// from the existing program manager groups.
BOOL CALLBACK __export AddProgmanIcon ( LPCSTR lpszExeFile, // executable file that goes with the icon
LPCSTR lpszCmdLine, // command line parameters for the exe file
LPCSTR lpszDescription, // description under the icon
LPCSTR lpszIconFile, // file that contains the icon
int nIconIndex, // index of the icon in the icon file
BOOL fVerbose // if TRUE and no name in the INI file, ask
// the user, else skip adding the icon
#endif // SETUP31_INC