Leaked source code of windows server 2003

28 lines
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  1. ;*** Diamond Directive file
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. ; scanning is not too slow
  5. .Set FolderSizeThreshold=200000 ; Aim for ~200K per folder
  6. .Set CompressionType=MSZIP ; Use the best compressor
  7. .Set CompressionLevel=7 ; Most intensive searching algorithm
  8. .Set CompressionMemory=800000 ; 4 times larger than folder limit,
  9. ; since this is an uncompressed size, ; whereas folder limit is a compressed,
  10. ; size, and we expect a compression
  11. ; ratio of 3:1 to 4:1.
  12. .Set InfFileHeader="[SourceDisksFiles]"
  13. .Set InfCabinetHeader="[SourceDisksNames]"
  14. .Set InfFileLineFormat='*file*=*disk#*,*Size*'
  15. .Set InfCabinetLineFormat='*cab#*="Custom Folder",*cabfile*,0'
  16. .Set MaxDiskSize=CDROM
  17. .Set DiskDirectory1=.\
  18. .Set MaxErrors=0
  19. ; Turn on cabinet mode, compression, and set the cab file name to build
  20. ; the precopy cabinet
  21. ;
  22. ; The remaing files should be compressed
  23. ;
  24. .Set Cabinet=on
  25. .Set Compress=on