#include <w95wraps.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "shlwapi.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "..\ieakutil\ieakutil.h"
#define NCATEGORY 0
#define NPOLICY 1
#define NPART 2
BOOL ReadAdmFile(LPADMFILE, LPCTSTR); void FreeAdmMemory(LPADMFILE); int g_nLine = 1;
#define MAX_NUMERIC 32767
#define ALLOCATE 100
#define REALLOCATE 101
// F I L E E X I S T S
// Checks to see if a file exists and returns true if it does
BOOL FileExists( LPCTSTR pcszFile ) { return (GetFileAttributes( pcszFile ) != -1 ); }
void FreeActionList(LPACTIONLIST pActionList, int nActions) { if (pActionList == NULL) return; for(int nActionListIndex = 0; nActionListIndex < nActions; nActionListIndex++) { if(pActionList[nActionListIndex].szName != NULL) LocalFree(pActionList[nActionListIndex].szName);
if(pActionList[nActionListIndex].szValue != NULL) LocalFree(pActionList[nActionListIndex].szValue); for(int nValueIndex = 0; nValueIndex < pActionList[nActionListIndex].nValues; nValueIndex++) { if(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szKeyname != NULL) LocalFree(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szKeyname); if(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szValueName != NULL) LocalFree(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szValueName); if(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szValue != NULL) LocalFree(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szValue); if(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szValueOn != NULL) LocalFree(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szValueOn); if(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szValueOff != NULL) LocalFree(pActionList[nActionListIndex].value[nValueIndex].szValueOff); }
if (pActionList[nActionListIndex].value != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pActionList[nActionListIndex].value); } }
// F R E E A D M M E M O R Y Exported Function
// Releases memory allocated by ReadAdmFile
void FreeAdmMemory( LPADMFILE pAdmFile ) { if (pAdmFile == NULL) return;
for(int nPartIndex = 0; nPartIndex < pAdmFile->nParts; nPartIndex++ ) { if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].szName != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].szName); if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].szCategory != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].szCategory); if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].szDefaultValue != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].szDefaultValue);
if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szKeyname != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szKeyname); if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szValueName != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szValueName); if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szValue != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szValue); if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szValueOn != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szValueOn); if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szValueOff != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].value.szValueOff);
FreeActionList(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].actionlist, pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].nActions); if (pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].actionlist != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].actionlist);
for(int nSuggestionIndex = 0; nSuggestionIndex < pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].nSuggestions; nSuggestionIndex++) { if(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].suggestions[nSuggestionIndex].szText != NULL) LocalFree(pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].suggestions[nSuggestionIndex].szText); } if (pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].suggestions != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pAdmFile->pParts[nPartIndex].suggestions); } if(pAdmFile->pParts != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pAdmFile->pParts); pAdmFile->pParts = NULL; }
pAdmFile->nParts = 0; *pAdmFile->szFilename = TEXT('\0'); }
void FreePartData( LPVOID* pPartData, int nParts ) { LPPARTDATA pData = NULL;
if (pData == NULL) return;
pData = (LPPARTDATA)*pPartData;
for(int nPartIndex = 0; nPartIndex < nParts; nPartIndex++ ) { if(pData != NULL && pData[nPartIndex].value.szValue != NULL) LocalFree(pData[nPartIndex].value.szValue);
FreeActionList(pData[nPartIndex].actionlist, pData[nPartIndex].nActions); if (pData[nPartIndex].actionlist != NULL) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pData[nPartIndex].actionlist); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pData); pData = NULL; }
// R E A D K E Y W O R D
// Reads the next word in the string pData and copyies it into szKeyWord
// Returns a pointer to the next character after the word
TCHAR *ReadKeyword( TCHAR *pData, TCHAR *szKeyWord, int cchLength ) { int i; int nIndex;
memset( szKeyWord, 0, cchLength*sizeof(TCHAR) );
// remove whitespace
i = StrSpn( pData, TEXT(" \n\t\x0d\x0a") ); if(i) { for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < i; nIndex++) { if(*(pData + nIndex) == TEXT('\x0a')) g_nLine++; } } pData += i;
i = StrCSpn( pData, TEXT(" \n\t\x0d\x0a") );
if( i > cchLength ) // make sure we dont overrun our buffer
i = cchLength - 1;
StrCpyN( szKeyWord, pData, i+1 );
pData += i; return pData; }
// G E T E O F
// Returns the number of bytes in pFile
//int GetEof( FILE *pFile )
// int i = 0;
// char cByte;
// while( !feof( pFile ))
// {
// fread( &cByte, 1, 1, pFile );
// i++;
// }
// rewind( pFile );
// return i;
// G E T K E Y N A M E
// Compares szKeyName to an array of available keynames and returns an
// index into that array
int GetKeyName( TCHAR *szKeyName ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pKeyNames ); i++ ) { if( StrCmpI( szKeyName, pKeyNames[i] ) == 0 ) return i; } return KEY_ERROR; }
// G E T P A R T N A M E
// compares szParyType to an array of available part types and return an
// index into that array
int GetPartName( TCHAR *szPartType ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( pPartTypes ); i++ ) { if( StrCmp( szPartType, pPartTypes[i] ) == 0 ) return i; } return PART_ERROR; }
// C H E C K S T R I N G S
// Checks to see if szString is localizable and replaces it if it is
void CheckStrings( TCHAR *szString, LPCTSTR pcszFileName ) { TCHAR szTemp[1024];
if( StrCmpN( szString, TEXT("!!"), 2 ) == 0 ) { szString += 2; //incrememt pointer
GetPrivateProfileString( TEXT("strings"), szString, TEXT(""), szTemp, ARRAYSIZE( szTemp ), pcszFileName );
szString -= 2; //decrement pointer
if( *szTemp ) { StrCpy( szString, szTemp ); } } }
// G E T Q U O T E D T E X T
// Checks to see if the current word is quoted and copies the entire
// series of quoted words into szKeyWord
TCHAR *GetQuotedText( TCHAR *pData, TCHAR *szKeyWord, int nLength ) { int i;
pData -= lstrlen( szKeyWord );
// if we are not quoted, return the current pointer
if( pData[0] != TEXT('\"') ) { pData += lstrlen( szKeyWord ); return pData; }
// skip over first quote
// search for another quote or a newline character
i = StrCSpn( pData, TEXT("\"\n") ); memset( szKeyWord, 0, nLength ); StrCpyN( szKeyWord, pData, i+1 ); pData += i; return ++pData; }
// R E A D V A L U E
TCHAR *ReadValue( TCHAR *pCurrent, LPVALUE value, int nValue, LPCTSTR pcszFileName ) { TCHAR szKeyWord[1024];
pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("VALUE") ) == 0 ) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); if(value[nValue].szValue != NULL) LocalFree(value[nValue].szValue); value[nValue].szValue = NULL; if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("NUMERIC") ) == 0 ) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); value[nValue].dwValue = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); value[nValue].fNumeric = TRUE; } else { if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("TEXT") ) == 0 ) pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord ));
if (pCurrent && (*pCurrent != TEXT('\0'))) pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName ); value[nValue].szValue = StrDup(szKeyWord); } }
return pCurrent; }
BOOL AllocateActions(LPACTIONLIST* actionlist, int nAllocate, int nAllocType) { LPVOID lpTemp = NULL; if(nAllocType == ALLOCATE) { *actionlist = (LPACTIONLIST) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(ACTIONLIST) * nAllocate); if(*actionlist == NULL) return FALSE; } else { lpTemp = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, *actionlist, sizeof(ACTIONLIST) * nAllocate); if(lpTemp == NULL) return FALSE; *actionlist = (LPACTIONLIST) lpTemp; } return TRUE; }
BOOL AllocateValues(LPVALUE* values, int nAllocate, int nAllocType) { LPVOID lpTemp = NULL;
if(nAllocType == ALLOCATE) { *values = (LPVALUE) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(VALUE) * nAllocate); if(*values == NULL) return FALSE; } else { lpTemp = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, *values, sizeof(VALUE) * nAllocate); if(lpTemp == NULL) return FALSE; *values = (LPVALUE) lpTemp; } return TRUE; }
BOOL AllocateSuggestions(LPSUGGESTIONS* suggestions, int nAllocate, int nAllocType) { LPVOID lpTemp = NULL;
if(nAllocType == ALLOCATE) { *suggestions = (LPSUGGESTIONS) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(SUGGESTIONS) * nAllocate); if(*suggestions == NULL) return FALSE; } else { lpTemp = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, *suggestions, sizeof(SUGGESTIONS) * nAllocate); if(lpTemp == NULL) return FALSE; *suggestions = (LPSUGGESTIONS) lpTemp; } return TRUE; }
// R E A D A D M F I L E Exported Function
// Parses a global policy template into an array of PARTs.
BOOL ReadAdmFile( LPADMFILE admfile, LPCTSTR pcszFileName) { HANDLE hFile; TCHAR *pData; TCHAR *pCurrent; TCHAR szKeyWord[1024]; int nFileSize; int nParts = 0; int nValues = 0; int nSuggestions = 0; LPPART part = NULL; LPVALUE value = NULL; LPSUGGESTIONS suggestions = NULL; HGLOBAL hFileMem; int nPartsAlloc = 100; int nValuesAlloc = 0; int nSuggestionsAlloc = 0;
HKEY hkCurrentClass = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; TCHAR szCurrentCategory[1024]; BOOL fInPart = FALSE, fInPolicy = FALSE, fInCategory = FALSE; BOOL fInActionList = FALSE; TCHAR szRegKey[4][1024]; TCHAR szValueName[1024]; BOOL bContinue = TRUE;
int nActionsAlloc = 0; int nActions = 0; LPACTIONLIST actionlist = NULL; LPVOID lpTemp = NULL; int nPolicyPart = -1; int nKeyValue = 0; TCHAR szValueOn[1024]; TCHAR szValueOff[1024]; int nValueOn = 1; int nValueOff = 0; BOOL fInItemList = FALSE; int nActionListType = -1; BOOL fSkip = FALSE;
if( !FileExists( pcszFileName )) { SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); return FALSE; }
// allocate memory
part = (LPPART) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PART) * nPartsAlloc);
// set up pointers and structures
admfile->pParts = part; admfile->nParts = 0;
if(part == NULL) { FreeAdmMemory( admfile ); SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
memset( szRegKey, 0, sizeof( szRegKey ));
nFileSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL );
hFileMem = LocalAlloc( LPTR, (nFileSize + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if( hFileMem == NULL ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); FreeAdmMemory( admfile ); SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
pData = (LPTSTR) hFileMem;
// read all of the data available
ReadStringFromFile( hFile, pData, (DWORD) nFileSize); CloseHandle( hFile );
// set the current pointer to the beginning of the data
pCurrent = pData; g_nLine = 1;
// main loop
do { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); if( pCurrent >= pData + nFileSize ) break; nKeyValue = GetKeyName(szKeyWord);
if (nKeyValue != KEY_ENDIF && fSkip == TRUE) continue; switch((nKeyValue)) { case KEY_CLASS: pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("MACHINE") ) == 0 ) hkCurrentClass = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("USER") ) == 0 ) hkCurrentClass = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; break;
case KEY_CATEGORY: fInCategory = TRUE; pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName ); StrCpy( szCurrentCategory, szKeyWord ); // patch for displaying the icon
part[nParts].hkClass = hkCurrentClass; if(part[nParts].szCategory != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].szCategory); part[nParts].szCategory = NULL; part[nParts].szCategory = StrDup(szCurrentCategory); part[nParts].nType = PART_ERROR; break;
case KEY_END: pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); switch( GetKeyName( szKeyWord )) { case KEY_PART: if(fInPart) { if(part[nParts].nType != PART_TEXT && part[nParts].nType != PART_ERROR) { if(part[nParts].value.szKeyname != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].value.szKeyname); part[nParts].value.szKeyname = NULL; if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NPART] )) { part[nParts].value.szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NPART]); memset( szRegKey[NPART], 0, sizeof( szRegKey[NPART] )); } else if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NPOLICY] )) part[nParts].value.szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NPOLICY]);
else if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NCATEGORY] )) part[nParts].value.szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NCATEGORY]);
if(part[nParts].value.szValueName != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].value.szValueName); part[nParts].value.szValueName = NULL; part[nParts].value.szValueName = StrDup(szValueName);
// using szDefaultValue variable as the storage for holding the policy key for
// part as a listbox only
if((lstrlen(szRegKey[NPOLICY]) || lstrlen(szRegKey[NCATEGORY])) && part[nParts].nType == PART_LISTBOX) { if(part[nParts].szDefaultValue != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].szDefaultValue); part[nParts].szDefaultValue = NULL; if(ISNONNULL(szRegKey[NPOLICY])) part[nParts].szDefaultValue = StrDup(szRegKey[NPOLICY]); else part[nParts].szDefaultValue = StrDup(szRegKey[NCATEGORY]); } }
if(nActions) { if(!AllocateActions(&actionlist, nActions, REALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].actionlist = &actionlist[0]; } if(nSuggestions) { if(!AllocateSuggestions(&suggestions, nSuggestions, REALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].suggestions = &suggestions[0]; } nParts++; if(nParts >= nPartsAlloc) { nPartsAlloc += 50; lpTemp = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, part, sizeof(PART) * nPartsAlloc); if(lpTemp == NULL) bContinue = FALSE; else part = (LPPART) lpTemp; } memset(szRegKey[NACTIONLIST], 0, sizeof( szRegKey[NACTIONLIST])); fInPart = FALSE; } break;
case KEY_POLICY: if(fInPolicy) { if(part[nPolicyPart].fRequired == TRUE) { if(part[nPolicyPart].value.szKeyname != NULL) LocalFree(part[nPolicyPart].value.szKeyname); part[nPolicyPart].value.szKeyname = NULL;
if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NPOLICY] )) part[nPolicyPart].value.szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NPOLICY]); else if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NCATEGORY] )) part[nPolicyPart].value.szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NCATEGORY]);
if(part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueName != NULL) LocalFree(part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueName); part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueName = NULL; part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueName = StrDup(szValueName);
part[nPolicyPart].value.nValueOn = nValueOn; part[nPolicyPart].value.nValueOff = nValueOff; if(*szValueOn != TEXT('\0')) { if(part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueOn != NULL) LocalFree(part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueOn); part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueOn = NULL; part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueOn = StrDup(szValueOn); } if(*szValueOff != TEXT('\0')) { if(part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueOff != NULL) LocalFree(part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueOff); part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueOff = NULL; part[nPolicyPart].value.szValueOff = StrDup(szValueOff); } }
memset(szRegKey[NACTIONLIST], 0, sizeof(szRegKey[NACTIONLIST])); memset( szRegKey[NPART], 0, sizeof( szRegKey[NPART] )); memset( szRegKey[NPOLICY], 0, sizeof( szRegKey[NPOLICY] )); nPolicyPart = -1; fInPolicy = FALSE; } break;
case KEY_CATEGORY: if(fInCategory) { memset(szRegKey[NACTIONLIST], 0, sizeof(szRegKey[NACTIONLIST])); memset( szRegKey[NPART], 0, sizeof( szRegKey[NPART] )); memset( szRegKey[NPOLICY], 0, sizeof( szRegKey[NPOLICY] )); memset( szRegKey[NCATEGORY], 0, sizeof( szRegKey[NCATEGORY] )); fInCategory = FALSE; } break;
case KEY_ACTIONLIST: case KEY_ACTIONLISTOFF: case KEY_ACTIONLISTON: if(fInActionList) { if(nValues) { if(!AllocateValues(&value, nValues, REALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else { part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions - 1].value = &value[0]; nValuesAlloc = nValues; } } memset(szRegKey[NACTIONLIST], 0, sizeof(szRegKey[NACTIONLIST])); fInActionList = FALSE; } break;
case KEY_ITEMLIST: fInItemList = FALSE; } break; case KEY_ACTIONLISTON: case KEY_ACTIONLISTOFF: if (part[nParts].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) { fInActionList = TRUE; nActionListType = (nKeyValue == KEY_ACTIONLISTOFF) ? 0 : 1;
if(part[nParts].nActions == 0) { nActionsAlloc = 1; if(!AllocateActions(&actionlist, nActionsAlloc, ALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].actionlist = &actionlist[0];
part[nParts].nActions++; nActions++; nValues = 0; nValuesAlloc = 0; value = NULL; } } break;
case KEY_ACTIONLIST: if (fInItemList) fInActionList = TRUE; break;
case KEY_ITEMLIST: if (fInPart) fInItemList = TRUE; break;
case KEY_MAXLEN: if(part[nParts].nType == PART_EDITTEXT) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); part[nParts].nMax = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); if (part[nParts].nMax > MAX_EDITTEXTLEN) part[nParts].nMax = MAX_EDITTEXTLEN; } break;
case KEY_MIN: if(part[nParts].nType == PART_NUMERIC) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); part[nParts].nMin = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); } break;
case KEY_MAX: if(part[nParts].nType == PART_NUMERIC) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); part[nParts].nMax = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); } break;
case KEY_SPIN: if(part[nParts].nType == PART_NUMERIC) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); part[nParts].nSpin = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); } break;
case KEY_DEFCHECKED: if(part[nParts].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) part[nParts].nDefault = 1; else if(!fInPart && fInPolicy) part[nParts - 1].nDefault = 1; break; case KEY_DEFAULT: if( part[nParts].nType == PART_NUMERIC) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); part[nParts].nDefault = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); } else if( part[nParts].nType == PART_EDITTEXT || part[nParts].nType == PART_COMBOBOX) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName ); if(part[nParts].szDefaultValue != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].szDefaultValue); part[nParts].szDefaultValue = NULL; part[nParts].szDefaultValue = StrDup(szKeyWord); } else if(part[nParts].nType == PART_DROPDOWNLIST) { if(part[nParts].szDefaultValue != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].szDefaultValue); part[nParts].szDefaultValue = NULL; if(part[nParts].nActions != 0 && part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions - 1].szName != NULL) part[nParts].szDefaultValue = StrDup(part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions - 1].szName); } break;
case KEY_PART: if(fInPolicy) { fInPart = TRUE; // read the name of the part
pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName ); if(part[nParts].szName != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].szName); part[nParts].szName = NULL; part[nParts].szName = StrDup(szKeyWord); // read the type of the part
pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); part[nParts].nType = GetPartName( szKeyWord ); if(part[nParts].nType != PART_TEXT && part[nParts].nType != PART_ERROR && nPolicyPart != -1) part[nPolicyPart].fRequired = FALSE; part[nParts].hkClass = hkCurrentClass; if(part[nParts].szCategory != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].szCategory); part[nParts].szCategory = NULL; part[nParts].szCategory = StrDup(szCurrentCategory); part[nParts].nLine = g_nLine; part[nParts].nMax = MAX_NUMERIC; if (part[nParts].nType == PART_EDITTEXT) part[nParts].nMax = MAX_PATH; if(part[nParts].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) { part[nParts].value.nValueOn = nValueOn; part[nParts].value.nValueOff = nValueOff; if(*szValueOn != 0) { if(part[nParts].value.szValueOn != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].value.szValueOn); part[nParts].value.szValueOn = NULL; part[nParts].value.szValueOn = StrDup(szValueOn); } if(*szValueOff != 0) { if(part[nParts].value.szValueOff != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].value.szValueOff); part[nParts].value.szValueOff = NULL; part[nParts].value.szValueOff = StrDup(szValueOff); } } nActionsAlloc = 0; nActions = 0; actionlist = NULL; nSuggestions = 0; nSuggestionsAlloc = 0; suggestions = NULL; } break;
case KEY_POLICY: if(fInCategory) { fInPolicy = TRUE; nPolicyPart = nParts; part[nParts].fRequired = TRUE; memset(szValueOn, 0, sizeof(szValueOn)); memset(szValueOff, 0, sizeof(szValueOff)); nValueOn = 1; nValueOff = 0; pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName ); // to display policy name, add as a text
if(part[nParts].szName != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].szName); part[nParts].szName = NULL; part[nParts].szName = StrDup(szKeyWord); part[nParts].nType = GetPartName( TEXT("POLICY") ); part[nParts].hkClass = hkCurrentClass; if(part[nParts].szCategory != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].szCategory); part[nParts].szCategory = NULL; part[nParts].szCategory = StrDup(szCurrentCategory); part[nParts].nLine = g_nLine; nParts++; if(nParts >= nPartsAlloc) { nPartsAlloc += 50; lpTemp = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, part, sizeof(PART) * nPartsAlloc); if(lpTemp == NULL) bContinue = FALSE; else part = (LPPART) lpTemp; } } break;
case KEY_NAME: if(fInItemList) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName ); if(part[nParts].nActions == 0) { nActionsAlloc = 10; if(!AllocateActions(&actionlist, nActionsAlloc, ALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].actionlist = &actionlist[0]; } if(part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions].szName != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions].szName); part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions].szName = NULL; part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions].szName = StrDup(szKeyWord); part[nParts].nActions++; nActions++; if(nActions >= nActionsAlloc) { nActionsAlloc += 10; if(!AllocateActions(&actionlist, nActionsAlloc, REALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].actionlist = &actionlist[0]; } nValues = 0; nValuesAlloc = 0; value = NULL; } break;
case KEY_KEYNAME: pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); if( fInActionList ) { StrCpy( szRegKey[NACTIONLIST], szKeyWord ); break; } if( fInPart ) { StrCpy( szRegKey[NPART], szKeyWord ); break; } if( fInPolicy ) { StrCpy( szRegKey[NPOLICY], szKeyWord ); break; } if( fInCategory ) { StrCpy( szRegKey[NCATEGORY], szKeyWord ); break; } break;
case KEY_VALUENAME: if( fInActionList ) { if(part[nParts].nActions == 0) break; pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); // put the pointer to the current value into the actionlist
if( part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions - 1].nValues == 0) { nValuesAlloc = 10; if(!AllocateValues(&value, nValuesAlloc, ALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions - 1].value = &value[0]; } else if (nValues >= nValuesAlloc) { nValuesAlloc += 10; if(!AllocateValues(&value, nValuesAlloc, REALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions - 1].value = &value[0]; }
if(value[nValues].szValueName != NULL) LocalFree(value[nValues].szValueName); value[nValues].szValueName = NULL; value[nValues].szValueName = StrDup(szKeyWord);
if(value[nValues].szKeyname != NULL) LocalFree(value[nValues].szKeyname); value[nValues].szKeyname = NULL;
if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NACTIONLIST] )) value[nValues].szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NACTIONLIST]); else if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NPART] )) value[nValues].szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NPART]); else if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NPOLICY] )) value[nValues].szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NPOLICY]); else if( ISNONNULL( szRegKey[NCATEGORY] )) value[nValues].szKeyname = StrDup(szRegKey[NCATEGORY]);
part[nParts].actionlist[part[nParts].nActions - 1].nValues++;
pCurrent = ReadValue( pCurrent, &value[0], nValues, pcszFileName );
if (part[nParts].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) value[nValues].nValueOn = nActionListType; // nValueOn is used as a buffer to hold the ACTIONLISTOFF/ON type.
nValues++; break; } if( fInPolicy || fInPart ) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); StrCpy( szValueName, szKeyWord ); break; } break;
case KEY_SUGGESTIONS: if(fInPart) { while( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("END") ) != 0 && bContinue == TRUE) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName ); if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("END") ) != 0 ) { if(part[nParts].nSuggestions == 0) { nSuggestionsAlloc = 10; if(!AllocateSuggestions(&suggestions, nSuggestionsAlloc, ALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].suggestions = &suggestions[0]; } if(suggestions[nSuggestions].szText != NULL) LocalFree(suggestions[nSuggestions].szText); suggestions[nSuggestions].szText = NULL; suggestions[nSuggestions].szText = StrDup(szKeyWord); part[nParts].nSuggestions++; nSuggestions++; if(nSuggestions >= nSuggestionsAlloc) { nSuggestionsAlloc += 10; if(!AllocateSuggestions(&suggestions, nSuggestionsAlloc, REALLOCATE)) bContinue = FALSE; else part[nParts].suggestions = &suggestions[0]; } } }
// throw out the word "suggestions"
pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); } break;
case KEY_VALUEON: case KEY_VALUEOFF: if(fInPolicy || fInPart) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); //pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord ));
//CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName );
if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("NUMERIC") ) == 0 ) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); if(nKeyValue == KEY_VALUEON) { if(!fInPart) nValueOn = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); else if(fInPart && part[nParts].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) { part[nParts].value.nValueOn = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); if(part[nParts].value.szValueOn != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].value.szValueOn); part[nParts].value.szValueOn = NULL; } } else { if(!fInPart) nValueOff = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); else if(fInPart && part[nParts].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) { part[nParts].value.nValueOff = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); if(part[nParts].value.szValueOff != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].value.szValueOff); part[nParts].value.szValueOff = NULL; } } } else { if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("TEXT") ) == 0 ) pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord ));
pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName );
if(nKeyValue == KEY_VALUEON) { if(!fInPart) StrCpy(szValueOn, szKeyWord); else if(fInPart && part[nParts].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) { if(part[nParts].value.szValueOn != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].value.szValueOn); part[nParts].value.szValueOn = NULL; part[nParts].value.szValueOn = StrDup(szKeyWord); } } else { if (!fInPart) StrCpy(szValueOff, szKeyWord); else if (fInPart && part[nParts].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) { if(part[nParts].value.szValueOff != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].value.szValueOff); part[nParts].value.szValueOff = NULL; part[nParts].value.szValueOff = StrDup(szKeyWord); } } } } break;
case KEY_VALUE: if(fInItemList) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); //pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord ));
//CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName );
part[nParts].actionlist[(part[nParts].nActions) - 1].dwValue = 0; if(part[nParts].actionlist[(part[nParts].nActions) - 1].szValue != NULL) LocalFree(part[nParts].actionlist[(part[nParts].nActions) - 1].szValue); part[nParts].actionlist[(part[nParts].nActions) - 1].szValue = NULL; if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("NUMERIC") ) == 0 ) { pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); part[nParts].actionlist[(part[nParts].nActions) - 1].dwValue = StrToInt( szKeyWord ); } else { if( StrCmp( szKeyWord, TEXT("TEXT") ) == 0 ) pCurrent = ReadKeyword( pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE( szKeyWord )); pCurrent = GetQuotedText( pCurrent, szKeyWord, sizeof( szKeyWord )); CheckStrings( szKeyWord, pcszFileName );
part[nParts].actionlist[(part[nParts].nActions) - 1].szValue = StrDup( szKeyWord ); } } break;
case KEY_IF: pCurrent = ReadKeyword(pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE(szKeyWord));
if (KEY_VERSION == GetKeyName(szKeyWord)) { int nVersion = 0;
fSkip = FALSE;
// get the operator keyword
pCurrent = ReadKeyword(pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE(szKeyWord)); nKeyValue = GetKeyName(szKeyWord);
// get the version number
pCurrent = ReadKeyword(pCurrent, szKeyWord, ARRAYSIZE(szKeyWord)); nVersion = StrToInt(szKeyWord);
switch (nKeyValue) { case KEY_LT: case KEY_LTE: break;
case KEY_GT: if (ADM_VERSION <= nVersion) fSkip = TRUE; break;
case KEY_GTE: if (ADM_VERSION < nVersion) fSkip = TRUE; break; } } break;
case KEY_ENDIF: fSkip = FALSE; break;
} } while( lstrlen( pCurrent ) && bContinue);
if (bContinue == FALSE) { FreeAdmMemory( admfile ); SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } else { admfile->pParts = part; admfile->nParts = nParts;
StrCpy(admfile->szFilename, pcszFileName); }
// clean up
LocalFree( hFileMem ); return bContinue; }
#define MAX_REGLINE 1024
BOOL CopyData(LPTSTR pData, int* pnData, int* pnCopyIndex, LPTSTR szTmpData) { LPVOID lpTemp = NULL;
if ((*pnCopyIndex + lstrlen(szTmpData) + 1) > ((*pnData) - 1)) { (*pnData) += MAX_REGLINE; lpTemp = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pData, StrCbFromCch(*pnData)); if (lpTemp == NULL) return FALSE; else pData = (LPTSTR) lpTemp; }
CopyMemory(pData + *pnCopyIndex, szTmpData, StrCbFromSz(szTmpData)); (*pnCopyIndex) += lstrlen(szTmpData); // skip over one byte so our list is 0 separated
(*pnCopyIndex)++; return TRUE; }
// W R I T E I N F F I L E Exported Function
// Creates an .inf file from a PART array.
void WriteInfFile( LPADMFILE admfile, LPCTSTR pcszFileName, LPPARTDATA pData ) { LPPART part; int nParts; TCHAR szClassString[5]; TCHAR szTmpData[MAX_REGLINE]; int i, j; BOOL bContinue = TRUE; TCHAR szValueText[1024]; DWORD dwValue; TCHAR szKeyName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fWrite = FALSE; LPTSTR pHKLMData, pHKCUData; int nHKLMCopyIndex = 0, nHKCUCopyIndex = 0, nHKLMData = ((admfile->nParts + 1) * MAX_REGLINE), nHKCUData = ((admfile->nParts + 1) * MAX_REGLINE);
// allocate memory for the .inf section
pHKLMData = (LPTSTR) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, StrCbFromCch(nHKLMData)); pHKCUData = (LPTSTR) HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, StrCbFromCch(nHKCUData));
if (pHKLMData == NULL || pHKCUData == NULL) return;
part = (LPPART) admfile->pParts; nParts = admfile->nParts;
// loop through parts, adding each one to the inf section
for( i = 0; (i < nParts) && bContinue; i++ ) { if (!pData[i].fSave) continue;
fWrite = TRUE;
if( (pData[i].value.szValue != NULL && lstrlen( pData[i].value.szValue ) > 0) || (pData[i].value.fNumeric == TRUE) ) { // get the class
if( part[i].hkClass == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) StrCpy( szClassString, TEXT("HKLM") ); else StrCpy( szClassString, TEXT("HKCU") );
ZeroMemory(szTmpData, sizeof(szTmpData)); if( !pData[i].value.fNumeric ) // value is a string
{ ZeroMemory(szValueText, sizeof(szValueText)); if(part[i].nType == PART_DROPDOWNLIST) { if(pData[i].nSelectedAction != NO_ACTION && part[i].nActions > 0) { LPACTIONLIST action = &part[i].actionlist[pData[i].nSelectedAction]; if(action->szValue != NULL) StrCpy(szValueText, action->szValue); else { if(part[i].value.szKeyname != NULL && part[i].value.szValueName != NULL) { if ((lstrlen(szClassString) + lstrlen(part[i].value.szKeyname) + lstrlen(part[i].value.szValueName) + 27) < MAX_REGLINE) wnsprintf(szTmpData, ARRAYSIZE(szTmpData), TEXT("%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x10001,%x,%x,%x,%x"), szClassString, part[i].value.szKeyname, part[i].value.szValueName, LOBYTE(LOWORD(action->dwValue)), HIBYTE(LOWORD(action->dwValue)), LOBYTE(HIWORD(action->dwValue)), HIBYTE(HIWORD(action->dwValue))); } } } } else StrCpy(szValueText, pData[i].value.szValue);
if(part[i].value.szKeyname != NULL && part[i].value.szValueName != NULL && ISNONNULL(szValueText)) { if ((lstrlen(szClassString) + lstrlen(part[i].value.szKeyname) + lstrlen(part[i].value.szValueName) + lstrlen(szValueText) + 12) < MAX_REGLINE) wnsprintf(szTmpData, ARRAYSIZE(szTmpData), TEXT("%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0,\"%s\""), szClassString, part[i].value.szKeyname, part[i].value.szValueName, szValueText); } } else // value is a dword
{ if(((part[i].nType == PART_POLICY && part->fRequired) || part[i].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) && (part[i].value.szValueOn != NULL)) { if(pData[i].value.dwValue != 0) StrCpy(szValueText, part[i].value.szValueOn); else StrCpy(szValueText, part[i].value.szValueOff); if(part[i].value.szKeyname != NULL && part[i].value.szValueName != NULL) { if ((lstrlen(szClassString) + lstrlen(part[i].value.szKeyname) + lstrlen(part[i].value.szValueName) + lstrlen(szValueText) + 12) < MAX_REGLINE) wnsprintf(szTmpData, ARRAYSIZE(szTmpData), TEXT("%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0,\"%s\""), szClassString, part[i].value.szKeyname, part[i].value.szValueName, szValueText); } } else { if((part[i].nType == PART_POLICY && part->fRequired) || part[i].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) { if(pData[i].value.dwValue != 0) dwValue = part[i].value.nValueOn; else dwValue = part[i].value.nValueOff; } else dwValue = pData[i].value.dwValue;
memset(szKeyName, 0, sizeof(szKeyName)); if(part[i].nType == PART_LISTBOX) StrCpy(szKeyName, part[i].szDefaultValue); else StrCpy(szKeyName, part[i].value.szKeyname);
if(ISNONNULL(szKeyName) && part[i].value.szValueName != NULL) { if ((lstrlen(szClassString) + lstrlen(szKeyName) + lstrlen(part[i].value.szValueName) + 27) < MAX_REGLINE) wnsprintf(szTmpData, ARRAYSIZE(szTmpData), TEXT("%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x10001,%x,%x,%x,%x"), szClassString, szKeyName, part[i].value.szValueName, LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwValue)), HIBYTE(LOWORD(dwValue)), LOBYTE(HIWORD(dwValue)), HIBYTE(HIWORD(dwValue))); } } }
if(ISNONNULL(szTmpData)) { if (part[i].hkClass == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) bContinue = CopyData(pHKLMData, &nHKLMData, &nHKLMCopyIndex, szTmpData); else bContinue = CopyData(pHKCUData, &nHKCUData, &nHKCUCopyIndex, szTmpData); } }
// check to see if there is an item in an actionlist selected
if( pData[i].nSelectedAction != NO_ACTION && (part[i].nActions > 0 || pData[i].nActions > 0)) { LPACTIONLIST action = NULL;
if(part[i].nType == PART_LISTBOX) action = &pData[i].actionlist[pData[i].nSelectedAction]; else action = &part[i].actionlist[pData[i].nSelectedAction];
// get the class
if( part[i].hkClass == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) { StrCpy( szClassString, TEXT("HKLM") ); } else { StrCpy( szClassString, TEXT("HKCU") ); }
for( j = 0; j < action->nValues; j++ ) { if (part[i].nType == PART_CHECKBOX && ((int)pData[i].value.dwValue) != action->value[j].nValueOn) continue;
ZeroMemory(szTmpData, sizeof(szTmpData)); if( !action->value[j].fNumeric ) { if(action->value[j].szKeyname != NULL && action->value[j].szValueName != NULL && action->value[j].szValue != NULL) { if ((lstrlen(szClassString) + lstrlen(action->value[j].szKeyname) + lstrlen(action->value[j].szValueName) + lstrlen(action->value[j].szValue) + 12) < MAX_REGLINE) wnsprintf(szTmpData, ARRAYSIZE(szTmpData), TEXT("%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0,\"%s\""), szClassString, action->value[j].szKeyname, action->value[j].szValueName, action->value[j].szValue); } } else // value is a dword
{ if(action->value[j].szKeyname != NULL && action->value[j].szValueName != NULL) { if ((lstrlen(szClassString) + lstrlen(action->value[j].szKeyname) + lstrlen(action->value[j].szValueName) + 27) < MAX_REGLINE) wnsprintf(szTmpData, ARRAYSIZE(szTmpData), TEXT("%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x10001,%x,%x,%x,%x"), szClassString, action->value[j].szKeyname, action->value[j].szValueName, LOBYTE(LOWORD(action->value[j].dwValue)), HIBYTE(LOWORD(action->value[j].dwValue)), LOBYTE(HIWORD(action->value[j].dwValue)), HIBYTE(HIWORD(action->value[j].dwValue))); } }
if(ISNONNULL(szTmpData)) { if (part[i].hkClass == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) bContinue = CopyData(pHKLMData, &nHKLMData, &nHKLMCopyIndex, szTmpData); else bContinue = CopyData(pHKCUData, &nHKCUData, &nHKCUCopyIndex, szTmpData); } } } }
if (fWrite) { // write default headers into the .inf file
InsWriteString( TEXT("Version"), TEXT("Signature"), TEXT("$CHICAGO$"), pcszFileName ); InsWriteString( TEXT("Version"), TEXT("SetupClass"), TEXT("Base"), pcszFileName ); InsWriteString( TEXT("DefaultInstall"), TEXT("AddReg"), TEXT("AddRegSection.HKLM,AddRegSection.HKCU"), pcszFileName ); InsWriteString( TEXT("DefaultInstall"), TEXT("RequiredEngine"), TEXT("Setupapi,\"missing setupapi.dll\""), pcszFileName );
InsWriteString( TEXT("DefaultInstall.HKLM"), TEXT("AddReg"), TEXT("AddRegSection.HKLM"), pcszFileName ); InsWriteString( TEXT("DefaultInstall.HKLM"), TEXT("RequiredEngine"), TEXT("Setupapi,\"missing setupapi.dll\""), pcszFileName ); InsWriteString( TEXT("IEAKInstall.HKLM"), TEXT("AddReg"), TEXT("AddRegSection.HKLM"), pcszFileName ); InsWriteString( TEXT("IEAKInstall.HKLM"), TEXT("RequiredEngine"), TEXT("Setupapi,\"missing setupapi.dll\""), pcszFileName );
InsWriteString( TEXT("DefaultInstall.HKCU"), TEXT("AddReg"), TEXT("AddRegSection.HKCU"), pcszFileName ); InsWriteString( TEXT("DefaultInstall.HKCU"), TEXT("RequiredEngine"), TEXT("Setupapi,\"missing setupapi.dll\""), pcszFileName );
InsWriteString( TEXT("IEAKInstall.HKCU"), TEXT("AddReg"), TEXT("AddRegSection.HKCU"), pcszFileName ); InsWriteString( TEXT("IEAKInstall.HKCU"), TEXT("RequiredEngine"), TEXT("Setupapi,\"missing setupapi.dll\""), pcszFileName );
InsDeleteSection( TEXT("AddRegSection"), pcszFileName ); InsDeleteSection( TEXT("AddRegSection.HKLM"), pcszFileName ); InsDeleteSection( TEXT("AddRegSection.HKCU"), pcszFileName );
WritePrivateProfileSection( TEXT("AddRegSection.HKLM"), pHKLMData, pcszFileName ); WritePrivateProfileSection( TEXT("AddRegSection.HKCU"), pHKCUData, pcszFileName );
InsFlushChanges(pcszFileName); }
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pHKLMData); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pHKCUData); }
// R E M O V E Q U O T E S
// Removes and quotes surrounding a string
void RemoveQuotes( LPTSTR pText ) { if( pText[0] == TEXT('\"') && pText[lstrlen(pText)-1] == TEXT('\"') ) { memcpy( pText, &pText[1], (lstrlen( pText ) - 2) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); pText[lstrlen( pText ) - 2] = TEXT('\0'); } }
// R E A D H E X S T R
// Reads in a hex number from a string and converts it to an int
int ReadHexStr( LPTSTR szStr ) { int i,j; // counter
int n = 1; // multiplier
int num = 0; // return value
int tmp = 0; // temporary value
int nLen = lstrlen( szStr );
for( i = 0; i < nLen; i++ ) { n = 1;
for( j = 0; j < (nLen - i - 1); j++ ) n *= 0x10;
if( szStr[i] >= TEXT('0') && szStr[i] <= TEXT('9') ) tmp = szStr[i] - TEXT('0');
if( szStr[i] >= TEXT('a') && szStr[i] <= TEXT('f') ) tmp = szStr[i] - TEXT('a') + 10;
if( szStr[i] >= TEXT('A') && szStr[i] <= TEXT('F') ) tmp = szStr[i] - TEXT('A') + 10;
tmp *= n; num += tmp; } return num; }
// R E A D I N F F I L E Exported Function
// Reads an .inf file into a PART array
void ReadInfFile( LPADMFILE admfile, LPCTSTR pcszFileName, LPPARTDATA pPartData ) { LPPART part; LPTSTR pData; LPTSTR pCurrent; VALUE value; HKEY hkClass; TCHAR szClass[10]; TCHAR szType[10]; TCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH + 1]; int i; int nSize; int nIndex; if( !FileExists( pcszFileName )) return; // bug bug
part = admfile->pParts;
// allocate 32KB for GetPrivateProfileSection
pData = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, (MAX_NUMERIC + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (pData == NULL) return;
nSize = GetPrivateProfileSection( TEXT("AddRegSection"), pData, MAX_NUMERIC, pcszFileName ); if( nSize == 0 ) { nSize = GetPrivateProfileSection( TEXT("AddRegSection.HKLM"), pData, MAX_NUMERIC, pcszFileName ); nSize += GetPrivateProfileSection( TEXT("AddRegSection.HKCU"), pData + nSize, MAX_NUMERIC - nSize, pcszFileName ); if (nSize == 0) { LocalFree((HGLOBAL)pData); return; // bug bug
} }
// convert all zeros to newlines
for( i = 0; i < nSize; i++ ) { if( pData[i] == TEXT('\0') ) { pData[i] = TEXT('\n'); } }
pCurrent = pData;
while( pCurrent < pData + nSize - 2 ) { memset( &value, 0, sizeof( value ));
// read one line from the section
i = StrCSpn( pCurrent, TEXT(",\n") ); StrCpyN( szClass, pCurrent, i+1 ); pCurrent += i+1; i = StrCSpn( pCurrent, TEXT(",\n") ); value.szKeyname = (TCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR) * (i+2)); StrCpyN( value.szKeyname, pCurrent, i+1 ); pCurrent += i+1; i = StrCSpn( pCurrent, TEXT(",\n") ); value.szValueName = (TCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR) * (i+2)); StrCpyN( value.szValueName, pCurrent, i+1 ); pCurrent += i+1; i = StrCSpn( pCurrent, TEXT(",\n") ); StrCpyN( szType, pCurrent, i+1 ); pCurrent += i+1; i = StrCSpn( pCurrent, TEXT("\n") ); StrCpyN( szValue, pCurrent, i+1 ); pCurrent += i+1;
RemoveQuotes( value.szKeyname ); RemoveQuotes( value.szValueName ); RemoveQuotes( szValue );
if( StrCmpI( szClass, TEXT("HKLM") ) == 0 ) hkClass = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; else hkClass = HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
if( StrCmp(szType, TEXT("0") ) == 0 ) value.fNumeric = FALSE; else value.fNumeric = TRUE;
if( value.fNumeric ) { int a[4]={0,0,0,0},j=0; TCHAR *p1, *p2; p1 = p2 = szValue;
while( *p1 ) { if( *p1 == TEXT(',') ) { *p1 = TEXT('\0'); a[j] = ReadHexStr( p2 ); j++; p2 = p1 + 1; } p1++; }
a[j] = ReadHexStr( p2 );
value.dwValue = MAKELONG(MAKEWORD(a[0],a[1]),MAKEWORD(a[2],a[3])); } else value.szValue = StrDup(szValue);
for( i = 0; i < admfile->nParts; i++ ) { if( hkClass == part[i].hkClass ) { if( part[i].value.szKeyname != NULL && StrCmpI( value.szKeyname, part[i].value.szKeyname ) == 0 ) { // special case out LISTBOX because there is no valuenames specified for
// individual list items.
if( part[i].nType == PART_LISTBOX || part[i].value.szValueName != NULL && StrCmpI( value.szValueName, part[i].value.szValueName) == 0 ) { if(pPartData[i].value.szValue != NULL) LocalFree(pPartData[i].value.szValue); pPartData[i].value.szValue = NULL; if((part[i].nType == PART_POLICY && part->fRequired) || part[i].nType == PART_CHECKBOX) { if(value.fNumeric) { if(value.dwValue == (DWORD) part[i].value.nValueOn) pPartData[i].value.dwValue = 1; else pPartData[i].value.dwValue = 0; if (value.szValue != NULL) pPartData[i].value.szValue = StrDup(value.szValue); pPartData[i].value.fNumeric = value.fNumeric; } else { if(part[i].value.szValueOn != NULL && value.szValue != NULL && StrCmp(part[i].value.szValueOn, value.szValue) == 0) pPartData[i].value.dwValue = 1; else pPartData[i].value.dwValue = 0; if (value.szValue != NULL) pPartData[i].value.szValue = StrDup(value.szValue); pPartData[i].value.fNumeric = TRUE; } pPartData[i].fSave = TRUE; } else if(part[i].nType == PART_DROPDOWNLIST) { if(part[i].nSelectedAction != NO_ACTION && part[i].nActions > 0) { for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < part[i].nActions; nIndex++) { if(value.fNumeric) { if(part[i].actionlist[nIndex].dwValue == value.dwValue && part[i].actionlist[nIndex].szName) { pPartData[i].value.szValue = StrDup(part[i].actionlist[nIndex].szName); pPartData[i].nSelectedAction = nIndex; } } else { if(part[i].actionlist[nIndex].szValue != NULL && value.szValue != NULL && StrCmp(part[i].actionlist[nIndex].szValue, value.szValue) == 0 && part[i].actionlist[nIndex].szName != NULL) { pPartData[i].value.szValue = StrDup(part[i].actionlist[nIndex].szName); pPartData[i].nSelectedAction = nIndex; } } } pPartData[i].fSave = TRUE; } pPartData[i].value.fNumeric = FALSE; } else if(part[i].nType == PART_LISTBOX && !value.fNumeric) { // Allocate memory
if(pPartData[i].nActions == 0) pPartData[i].actionlist = (LPACTIONLIST) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(ACTIONLIST)); if(pPartData[i].actionlist != NULL) { if(pPartData[i].nActions == 0) { pPartData[i].nActions = 1; pPartData[i].actionlist[0].value = (LPVALUE) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(VALUE)); } if(pPartData[i].actionlist[0].value != NULL) { TCHAR szValueName[10]; int nItems = pPartData[i].actionlist[0].nValues;
if(nItems != 0) { LPVOID lpTemp;
lpTemp = (LPVALUE) HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pPartData[i].actionlist[0].value, sizeof(VALUE) * (nItems + 1)); if (lpTemp != NULL) pPartData[i].actionlist[0].value = (LPVALUE)lpTemp; else continue; } if (part[i].value.szKeyname != NULL) pPartData[i].actionlist[0].value[nItems].szKeyname = StrDup(part[i].value.szKeyname); wnsprintf(szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValueName), TEXT("%d"), nItems + 1); pPartData[i].actionlist[0].value[nItems].szValueName = StrDup(szValueName); if (value.szValue != NULL) pPartData[i].actionlist[0].value[nItems].szValue = StrDup(value.szValue); pPartData[i].actionlist[0].nValues++; pPartData[i].value.fNumeric = TRUE; pPartData[i].value.dwValue = 1; pPartData[i].fSave = TRUE; } } } else { if (value.szValue != NULL) pPartData[i].value.szValue = StrDup(value.szValue); pPartData[i].value.dwValue = value.dwValue; pPartData[i].value.fNumeric = value.fNumeric; pPartData[i].fSave = TRUE; } } } } }
if(value.szKeyname != NULL) LocalFree(value.szKeyname); value.szKeyname = NULL; if(value.szValueName != NULL) LocalFree(value.szValueName); value.szValueName = NULL; if(value.szValue != NULL) LocalFree(value.szValue); value.szValue = NULL; }
LocalFree( (HGLOBAL) pData ); }
// B A S E F I L E N A M E
// Returns a pointer to the filename stripping directory path if any
LPCTSTR BaseFileName(LPCTSTR pcszFileName) { TCHAR* ptr = StrRChr(pcszFileName, NULL, TEXT('\\')); if(ptr == NULL) return pcszFileName; else return (LPCTSTR) ++ptr; }