#include "util.h"
#include "patchdownload.h"
#include "sdsutils.h"
extern "C" { #include "crc32.h"
#define CR 13
HANDLE g_hLogFile = NULL; extern HINF g_hInf; extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
struct LangID { DWORD dwLangID; char szLanguage[3]; };
const LangID g_LangID [] = { {0x404, "TW"}, {0x804, "CN"}, {0x405, "CS"}, {0x406, "DA"}, {0x413, "NL"}, {0x409, "EN"}, {0x40B, "FI"}, {0x40C, "FR"}, {0x407, "DE"}, {0x408, "EL"}, {0x40E, "HU"}, {0x410, "IT"}, {0x411, "JA"}, {0x412, "KO"}, {0x414, "NO"}, {0x415, "PL"}, {0x416, "BR"}, {0x816, "PT"}, {0x419, "RU"}, {0x424, "SL"}, {0xC0A, "ES"}, {0x41D, "SV"}, {0x41E, "TH"}, {0x41F, "TR"}, {0x42A, "VI"}, {0x41B, "SK"}, {0x401, "AR"}, {0x403, "CA"}, {0x42D, "EU"}, {0x40D, "HE"}, {0x40F, "IS"}, {-1, NULL} };
extern PFSetupFindFirstLine pfSetupFindFirstLine; extern PFSetupGetStringField pfSetupGetStringField; extern PFSetupDecompressOrCopyFile pfSetupDecompressOrCopyFile;
PVOID __fastcall MyVirtualAlloc(ULONG Size) { return VirtualAlloc( NULL, Size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); }
VOID __fastcall MyVirtualFree(PVOID Allocation) { VirtualFree( Allocation, 0, MEM_RELEASE ); }
extern "C" HANDLE CreateSubAllocator(IN ULONG InitialCommitSize, IN ULONG GrowthCommitSize) { PSUBALLOCATOR SubAllocator; ULONG InitialSize; ULONG GrowthSize;
InitialSize = ROUNDUP2( InitialCommitSize, MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION ); GrowthSize = ROUNDUP2( GrowthCommitSize, MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION );
SubAllocator = (PSUBALLOCATOR)MyVirtualAlloc( InitialSize );
// If can't allocate entire initial size, back off to minimum size.
// Very large initial requests sometimes cannot be allocated simply
// because there is not enough contiguous address space.
if ( SubAllocator == NULL ) { SubAllocator = (PSUBALLOCATOR)MyVirtualAlloc( GrowthSize ); }
if ( SubAllocator == NULL ) { SubAllocator = (PSUBALLOCATOR)MyVirtualAlloc( MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION ); }
if ( SubAllocator != NULL ) { SubAllocator->NextAvailable = (PCHAR)SubAllocator + ROUNDUP2( sizeof( SUBALLOCATOR ), SUBALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT ); SubAllocator->LastAvailable = (PCHAR)SubAllocator + InitialSize; SubAllocator->VirtualList = (PVOID*)SubAllocator; SubAllocator->GrowSize = GrowthSize; }
return (HANDLE) SubAllocator; }
extern "C" PVOID __fastcall SubAllocate(IN HANDLE hAllocator, IN ULONG Size) { PSUBALLOCATOR SubAllocator = (PSUBALLOCATOR) hAllocator; PCHAR NewVirtual; PCHAR Allocation; ULONG AllocSize; ULONG Available; ULONG GrowSize;
AllocSize = ROUNDUP2( Size, SUBALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT ); Available = SubAllocator->LastAvailable - SubAllocator->NextAvailable;
if ( AllocSize <= Available ) { Allocation = SubAllocator->NextAvailable; SubAllocator->NextAvailable = Allocation + AllocSize; return Allocation; }
// Insufficient VM, so grow it. Make sure we grow it enough to satisfy
// the allocation request in case the request is larger than the grow
// size specified in CreateSubAllocator.
GrowSize = SubAllocator->GrowSize;
NewVirtual = (PCHAR)MyVirtualAlloc( GrowSize );
// If failed to alloc GrowSize VM, and the allocation could be satisfied
// with a minimum VM allocation, try allocating minimum VM to satisfy
// this request.
if (( NewVirtual == NULL ) && ( AllocSize <= ( MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION - SUBALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT ))) { GrowSize = MINIMUM_VM_ALLOCATION; NewVirtual = (PCHAR)MyVirtualAlloc( GrowSize ); }
if ( NewVirtual != NULL ) {
// Set LastAvailable to end of new VM block.
SubAllocator->LastAvailable = NewVirtual + GrowSize;
// Link new VM into list of VM allocations.
*(PVOID*)NewVirtual = SubAllocator->VirtualList; SubAllocator->VirtualList = (PVOID*)NewVirtual;
// Requested allocation comes next.
Allocation = NewVirtual + SUBALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT;
// Then set the NextAvailable for what's remaining.
SubAllocator->NextAvailable = Allocation + AllocSize;
// And return the allocation.
return Allocation; }
// Could not allocate enough VM to satisfy request.
return NULL; }
extern "C" VOID DestroySubAllocator(IN HANDLE hAllocator) { PSUBALLOCATOR SubAllocator = (PSUBALLOCATOR) hAllocator; PVOID VirtualBlock = SubAllocator->VirtualList; PVOID NextVirtualBlock;
do { NextVirtualBlock = *(PVOID*)VirtualBlock; MyVirtualFree( VirtualBlock ); VirtualBlock = NextVirtualBlock;
}while (VirtualBlock != NULL); }
HLOCAL ResizeBuffer(IN HLOCAL BufferHandle, IN DWORD Size, IN BOOL Moveable) { if (BufferHandle == NULL) { if (Size != 0) { BufferHandle = LocalAlloc(Moveable ? LMEM_MOVEABLE : LMEM_FIXED, Size); }
} else if (Size == 0) { BufferHandle = LocalFree(BufferHandle); BufferHandle=NULL;
} else { HLOCAL TempBufferHandle = LocalReAlloc(BufferHandle, Size, LMEM_MOVEABLE); if ( TempBufferHandle ) { BufferHandle = TempBufferHandle; } else { LocalFree(BufferHandle); BufferHandle = NULL; } }
return BufferHandle; }
VOID MyLowercase(IN OUT LPSTR String) { LPSTR p;
for ( p = String; *p; p++ ) { if (( *p >= 'A' ) && ( *p <= 'Z' )) { *p |= 0x20; } } }
void InitLogFile() { char szLogFileName[MAX_PATH], szTmp[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; BYTE cbData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(cbData);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Advanced INF Setup", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey)) { return; }
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "AdvpextLog", 0, 0, cbData, &dwSize) || lstrcmpi((char*)cbData, "yes")) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); if (GetWindowsDirectory(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp))) { wsprintf(szLogFileName, "%s\\%s", szTmp, LOGFILENAME); if (GetFileAttributes(szLogFileName) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // Make a backup of the current log file
lstrcpyn(szTmp, szLogFileName, lstrlen(szLogFileName) - 2 ); // don't copy extension
lstrcat(szTmp, "BAK"); SetFileAttributes(szTmp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(szTmp); MoveFile(szLogFileName, szTmp); }
void WriteToLog(char *pszFormatString, ...) { va_list args; char *pszFullErrMsg = NULL; DWORD dwBytesWritten;
if (g_hLogFile && g_hLogFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { va_start(args, pszFormatString); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER|FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, (LPCVOID) pszFormatString, 0, 0, (LPTSTR) &pszFullErrMsg, 0, &args); if (pszFullErrMsg) { WriteFile(g_hLogFile, pszFullErrMsg, lstrlen(pszFullErrMsg), &dwBytesWritten, NULL); LocalFree(pszFullErrMsg); } } }
DWORD GenerateUniqueClientId() { CHAR MachineName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; DWORD MachineNameLength; DWORD UniqueId;
MachineNameLength = sizeof( MachineName ); GetComputerName( MachineName, &MachineNameLength );
do { UniqueId = GetTickCount(); UniqueId = Crc32( UniqueId, MachineName, MachineNameLength ); UniqueId = UniqueId & 0xFFFFFFF0;
}while ( UniqueId == 0 );
return UniqueId; }
BOOL MySetupDecompressOrCopyFile(IN LPCSTR SourceFile, IN LPCSTR TargetFile) { DWORD ErrorCode = pfSetupDecompressOrCopyFile( SourceFile, TargetFile, 0 );
if ( ErrorCode != NO_ERROR ) { SetLastError( ErrorCode ); return FALSE; } else { SetFileAttributes( TargetFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); return TRUE; } }
ULONG __fastcall TextToUnsignedNum(IN LPCSTR Text) { LPCSTR p = Text; ULONG n = 0;
// Very simplistic conversion stops at first non digit character, does
// not require null-terminated string, and does not skip any whitespace
// or commas.
while (( *p >= '0' ) && ( *p <= '9' )) { n = ( n * 10 ) + ( *p++ - '0' ); }
return n; }
LPSTR CombinePaths( IN LPCSTR ParentPath, IN LPCSTR ChildPath, OUT LPSTR TargetPath // can be same as ParentPath if want to append
) { ULONG ParentLength = strlen( ParentPath ); LPSTR p;
if ( ParentPath != TargetPath ) { memcpy( TargetPath, ParentPath, ParentLength ); }
p = TargetPath + ParentLength;
if (( ParentLength > 0 ) && ( *( p - 1 ) != '\\' ) && ( *( p - 1 ) != '/' )) { *p++ = '\\'; }
strcpy( p, ChildPath );
return TargetPath; }
BOOL FixTimeStampOnCompressedFile(IN LPCSTR FileName) {
// NT4 setupapi uses timestamp on compressed file to set on
// the target decompressed file. With streaming download, we
// lose the timestamp on the file. But, the correct timestamp
// lives inside the compressed file, so we'll open the file
// to see if it is a diamond compressed file and if so,
// extract the timestamp and set it on the compressed file.
// Then, when setupapi expands the compressed file, it will
// use that timestamp on the expanded file.
// A better fix is probably to tunnel the timestamp in the
// pstream protocol, but too late to change that at this
// point.
FILETIME LocalFileTime; FILETIME UtcFileTime; BOOL TimeSuccess; BOOL MapSuccess; HANDLE hSourceFile; PUCHAR pSourceFileMapped; DWORD dwSourceFileSize; DWORD dwOffset; USHORT DosDate; USHORT DosTime; PUCHAR p;
TimeSuccess = FALSE;
MapSuccess = MyMapViewOfFile(FileName, &dwSourceFileSize, &hSourceFile, (void**)&pSourceFileMapped);
if ( MapSuccess ) {
__try {
p = pSourceFileMapped;
if (( *(DWORD*)( p ) == 'FCSM' ) && // "MSCF"
( *(BYTE *)( p + 24 ) == 3 ) && // minor version
( *(BYTE *)( p + 25 ) == 1 ) && // major version
( *(WORD *)( p + 26 ) == 1 ) && // 1 folder
( *(WORD *)( p + 28 ) == 1 )) { // 1 file
dwOffset = *(DWORD*)( p + 16 );
if (( dwOffset + 16 ) < dwSourceFileSize ) {
DosDate = *(UNALIGNED WORD*)( p + dwOffset + 10 ); DosTime = *(UNALIGNED WORD*)( p + dwOffset + 12 );
if ( DosDateTimeToFileTime( DosDate, DosTime, &LocalFileTime ) && LocalFileTimeToFileTime( &LocalFileTime, &UtcFileTime )) {
TimeSuccess = TRUE; } } } }
MyUnmapViewOfFile( hSourceFile, pSourceFileMapped ); }
if ( TimeSuccess ) {
if ( hSourceFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( ! SetFileTime( hSourceFile, &UtcFileTime, &UtcFileTime, &UtcFileTime )) { TimeSuccess = FALSE; }
CloseHandle( hSourceFile ); } }
return TimeSuccess; }
BOOL Assert(LPCSTR szText, LPCSTR szFile, DWORD dwLine) { CHAR Buffer[ 256 ]; wsprintf( Buffer, "ASSERT( %s ) FAILED, %s (%d)\n", szText, szFile, dwLine ); OutputDebugString( Buffer ); DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
BOOL MyMapViewOfFileByHandle(IN HANDLE FileHandle, OUT ULONG *FileSize, OUT PVOID *MapBase) { ULONG InternalFileSize; ULONG InternalFileSizeHigh; HANDLE InternalMapHandle; PVOID InternalMapBase;
InternalFileSize = GetFileSize( FileHandle, &InternalFileSizeHigh );
if ( InternalFileSizeHigh != 0 ) { SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); return FALSE; }
if ( InternalFileSize == 0 ) { *MapBase = NULL; *FileSize = 0; return TRUE; }
if ( InternalFileSize != 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
InternalMapHandle = CreateFileMapping( FileHandle, NULL, PAGE_WRITECOPY, 0, 0, NULL );
if ( InternalMapHandle != NULL ) {
InternalMapBase = MapViewOfFile(InternalMapHandle, FILE_MAP_COPY, 0, 0, 0); CloseHandle( InternalMapHandle );
if ( InternalMapBase != NULL ) { DWORD dw = ROUNDUP2(InternalFileSize, 64);
if(dw != InternalFileSize) { ZeroMemory((PBYTE)InternalMapBase + InternalFileSize, dw - InternalFileSize); }
*MapBase = InternalMapBase; *FileSize = InternalFileSize;
return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL MyMapViewOfFile(IN LPCSTR FileName, OUT ULONG *FileSize, OUT HANDLE *FileHandle, OUT PVOID *MapBase) { HANDLE InternalFileHandle; BOOL Success;
if ( InternalFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Success = MyMapViewOfFileByHandle(InternalFileHandle, FileSize, MapBase);
if ( Success ) {
*FileHandle = InternalFileHandle; return TRUE; }
CloseHandle( InternalFileHandle ); }
return FALSE; }
VOID MyUnmapViewOfFile(IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN PVOID MapBase ) { ULONG LastError = GetLastError(); UnmapViewOfFile( MapBase ); CloseHandle( FileHandle ); SetLastError( LastError ); }
VOID __fastcall ConvertToCompressedFileName(IN OUT LPSTR FileName) { ULONG NameLength = strlen( FileName ); ULONG DotIndex = NameLength;
while (( DotIndex > 0 ) && ( FileName[ --DotIndex ] != '.' )) { if ( FileName[ DotIndex ] == '\\' ) { // end of filename part of path
DotIndex = 0; // name has no extension
break; } }
if ( DotIndex > 0 ) { // name has an extension
if (( NameLength - DotIndex ) <= 3 ) { // extension less than 3 chars
FileName[ NameLength++ ] = '_'; // append '_' to extension
FileName[ NameLength ] = 0; // terminate
} else { // extension more than 3 chars
FileName[ NameLength - 1 ] = '_'; // replace last char with '_'
} } else { // name has no extension
FileName[ NameLength++ ] = '.'; // append '.'
FileName[ NameLength++ ] = '_'; // append '_'
FileName[ NameLength ] = 0; // terminate
} }
LPTSTR __fastcall MySubAllocStrDup(IN HANDLE SubAllocator, IN LPCSTR String) { ULONG Length = lstrlen( String ); LPTSTR Buffer = (LPTSTR)SubAllocate( SubAllocator, Length + 1 );
if ( Buffer ) { memcpy( Buffer, String, Length ); // no need to copy NULL terminator
return Buffer; }
// Copied from Windows 95 unistal.exe cfg.c function CfgGetField
BOOL GetFieldString(LPSTR lpszLine, int iField, LPSTR lpszField, int cbSize) { int cbField; LPSTR lpszChar, lpszEnd; // Find the field we are looking for
lpszChar = lpszLine;
// Each time we see a separator, decrement iField
while (iField > 0 && (BYTE)*lpszChar > CR) {
if (*lpszChar == '=' || *lpszChar == ',' || *lpszChar == ' ' ) { iField--; while (*lpszChar == '=' || *lpszChar== ',' || *lpszChar == ' ' && (BYTE)*lpszChar > 13) lpszChar++; } else lpszChar++; }
// If we still have fields remaining then something went wrong
if (iField) return FALSE;
// Now find the end of this field
lpszEnd = lpszChar; while (*lpszEnd != '=' && *lpszEnd != ',' && *lpszEnd != ' ' && (BYTE)*lpszEnd > CR) lpszEnd++;
// Find the length of this field - make sure it'll fit in the buffer
cbField = (int)((lpszEnd - lpszChar) + 1);
if (cbField > cbSize) { // I return an error if the requested
//cbField = cbSize; // data won't fit, rather than truncating
return FALSE; // it at some random point! -JTP
// Note that the C runtime treats cbField as the number of characters
// to copy from the source, and if that doesn't happen to transfer a NULL,
// too bad. The Windows implementation of _lstrcpyn treats cbField as
// the number of characters that can be stored in the destination, and
// always copies a NULL (even if it means copying only cbField-1 characters
// from the source).
// The C runtime also pads the destination with NULLs if a NULL in the
// source is found before cbField is exhausted. _lstrcpyn essentially quits
// after copying a NULL.
lstrcpyn(lpszField, lpszChar, cbField);
return TRUE; }
void ConvertVersionStrToDwords(LPSTR pszVer, LPDWORD pdwVer, LPDWORD pdwBuild) { WORD rwVer[NUM_VERSION_NUM];
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_VERSION_NUM; i++) rwVer[i] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < NUM_VERSION_NUM && pszVer; i++) { rwVer[i] = (WORD) StrToInt(pszVer); pszVer = ScanForChar(pszVer, '.', lstrlen(pszVer)); if (pszVer) pszVer++; }
*pdwVer = (rwVer[0]<< 16) + rwVer[1]; *pdwBuild = (rwVer[2] << 16) + rwVer[3];
LPSTR FindChar(LPSTR pszStr, char ch) { while( *pszStr != 0 && *pszStr != ch ) pszStr++; return pszStr; }
DWORD GetStringField(LPSTR szStr, UINT uField, LPSTR szBuf, UINT cBufSize) { LPSTR pszBegin = szStr; LPSTR pszEnd; UINT i = 0; DWORD dwToCopy;
if(cBufSize == 0) return 0;
szBuf[0] = 0;
if(szStr == NULL) return 0;
while(*pszBegin != 0 && i < uField) { pszBegin = FindChar(pszBegin, ','); if(*pszBegin != 0) pszBegin++; i++; }
// we reached end of string, no field
if(*pszBegin == 0) { return 0; }
pszEnd = FindChar(pszBegin, ','); while(pszBegin <= pszEnd && *pszBegin == ' ') pszBegin++;
while(pszEnd > pszBegin && *(pszEnd - 1) == ' ') pszEnd--; if(pszEnd > (pszBegin + 1) && *pszBegin == '"' && *(pszEnd-1) == '"') { pszBegin++; pszEnd--; }
dwToCopy = pszEnd - pszBegin + 1; if(dwToCopy > cBufSize) dwToCopy = cBufSize;
lstrcpynA(szBuf, pszBegin, dwToCopy); return dwToCopy - 1; }
BOOL GetHashidFromINF(LPCTSTR lpFileName, LPTSTR lpszHash, DWORD dwSize) { INFCONTEXT InfContext;
if (pfSetupFindFirstLine(g_hInf, "SourceDisksFiles", lpFileName, &InfContext )) { if (pfSetupGetStringField(&InfContext, 5, lpszHash, dwSize, NULL )) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
#ifdef _M_IX86
// Stupid x86 compiler doesn't have an intrinsic memchr, so we'll do our own.
#pragma warning( disable: 4035 ) // no return value
LPSTR ScanForChar( IN LPSTR Buffer, IN CHAR SearchFor, IN ULONG MaxLength ) { __asm {
mov edi, Buffer // pointer for scasb in edi
mov al, SearchFor // looking for this char
mov ecx, MaxLength // don't scan past this
repne scasb // find the char
lea eax, [edi-1] // edi points one past the found char
jz RETURNIT // if didn't find it,
xor eax, eax // return NULL
} }
#pragma warning( default: 4035 ) // no return value
#else // ! _M_IX86
LPSTR ScanForChar(IN LPSTR Buffer, IN CHAR SearchFor, IN ULONG MaxLength) { return memchr( Buffer, SearchFor, MaxLength ); }
#endif // ! _M_IX86
PCHAR ScanForSequence(IN PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN PCHAR Sequence, IN ULONG SequenceLength) { if ( BufferLength >= SequenceLength ) {
PCHAR ScanEnd = Buffer + ( BufferLength - SequenceLength ) + 1; PCHAR ScanPtr = Buffer;
while ( ScanPtr < ScanEnd ) {
ScanPtr = ScanForChar( ScanPtr, *Sequence, ScanEnd - ScanPtr );
if ( ScanPtr == NULL ) { return NULL; }
if ( memcmp( ScanPtr, Sequence, SequenceLength ) == 0 ) { return ScanPtr; }
++ScanPtr; } }
return NULL; }
//From shlwapi....
#define FAST_CharNext(p) CharNext(p)
LPTSTR PathFindFileName(LPCTSTR pPath) { LPCTSTR pT = pPath; if (pPath) { for ( ; *pPath; pPath = FAST_CharNext(pPath)) { if ((pPath[0] == TEXT('\\') || pPath[0] == TEXT(':') || pPath[0] == TEXT('/')) && pPath[1] && pPath[1] != TEXT('\\') && pPath[1] != TEXT('/')) pT = pPath + 1; } }
return (LPTSTR)pT; // const -> non const
LPTSTR PathFindExtension(LPCTSTR pszPath) { LPCTSTR pszDot = NULL;
if (pszPath) { for (; *pszPath; pszPath = FAST_CharNext(pszPath)) { switch (*pszPath) { case TEXT('.'): pszDot = pszPath; // remember the last dot
break; case CH_WHACK: case TEXT(' '): // extensions can't have spaces
pszDot = NULL; // forget last dot, it was in a directory
break; } } }
// if we found the extension, return ptr to the dot, else
// ptr to end of the string (NULL extension) (cast->non const)
return pszDot ? (LPTSTR)pszDot : (LPTSTR)pszPath; }
LPSTR StrDup(LPCSTR psz) { LPSTR pszRet = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (lstrlenA(psz) + 1) * sizeof(*pszRet)); if (pszRet) { lstrcpyA(pszRet, psz); } return pszRet; }
DWORD MyFileSize( PCSTR pszFile ) { HFILE hFile; OFSTRUCT ofStru; DWORD dwSize = 0;
if ( *pszFile == 0 ) return 0;
hFile = OpenFile( pszFile, &ofStru, OF_READ ); if ( hFile != HFILE_ERROR ) { dwSize = GetFileSize( (HANDLE)hFile, NULL ); _lclose( hFile ); }
return dwSize; }
void GetLanguageString(LPTSTR lpszLang) { char szTmp[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLang, dwCharSet;
//default to EN
lstrcpy(lpszLang, "EN"); GetModuleFileName( g_hInstance, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp) ); MyGetVersionFromFile(szTmp, &dwLang, &dwCharSet, FALSE);
for(int i = 0; g_LangID[i].dwLangID != -1; i++) { if(g_LangID[i].dwLangID == dwLang) { lstrcpy(lpszLang, g_LangID[i].szLanguage); break; } }
BOOL CenterWindow (HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent) { RECT rChild, rParent; int wChild, hChild, wParent, hParent; int wScreen, hScreen, xNew, yNew; HDC hdc;
// Get the Height and Width of the child window
GetWindowRect (hwndChild, &rChild); wChild = rChild.right - rChild.left; hChild = rChild.bottom - rChild.top;
// Get the Height and Width of the parent window
GetWindowRect (hwndParent, &rParent); wParent = rParent.right - rParent.left; hParent = rParent.bottom - rParent.top;
// Get the display limits
hdc = GetDC (hwndChild); wScreen = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, HORZRES); hScreen = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, VERTRES); ReleaseDC (hwndChild, hdc);
// Calculate new X position, then adjust for screen
xNew = rParent.left + ((wParent - wChild) /2); if (xNew < 0) { xNew = 0; } else if ((xNew+wChild) > wScreen) { xNew = wScreen - wChild; }
// Calculate new Y position, then adjust for screen
yNew = rParent.top + ((hParent - hChild) /2); if (yNew < 0) { yNew = 0; } else if ((yNew+hChild) > hScreen) { yNew = hScreen - hChild; }
// Set it, and return
return SetWindowPos (hwndChild, NULL, xNew, yNew, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER); }