* EXTRACT.C borrowed from TWEX\wextract.c * * Has the CAB extraction capabilty for Code Downloader; uses FDI.LIB */
#include <urlmon.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "cdl.h"
#ifdef unix
#include "unixfile.h"
#endif /* unix */
// single theaded access to the FDI lib
static BOOL fCritCreated = FALSE; CRITICAL_SECTION g_mxsFDI;
* W i n 3 2 O p e n ( ) * * Routine: Win32Open() * * Purpose: Translate a C-Runtime _open() call into appropriate Win32 * CreateFile() * * Returns: Handle to file on success * INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on failure * * * BUGBUG: Doesn't fully implement C-Runtime _open() capability but it * BUGBUG: currently supports all callbacks that FDI will give us */
HANDLE Win32Open(char *pszFile, int oflag, int pmode ) { HANDLE FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL fExists = FALSE; DWORD fAccess; DWORD fCreate;
ASSERT( pszFile );
// BUGBUG: No Append Mode Support
if (oflag & _O_APPEND) return( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE );
// Set Read-Write Access
if ((oflag & _O_RDWR) || (oflag & _O_WRONLY)) fAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; else fAccess = GENERIC_READ;
// Set Create Flags
if (oflag & _O_CREAT) { if (oflag & _O_EXCL) fCreate = CREATE_NEW; else if (oflag & _O_TRUNC) fCreate = CREATE_ALWAYS; else fCreate = OPEN_ALWAYS; } else { if (oflag & _O_TRUNC) fCreate = TRUNCATE_EXISTING; else fCreate = OPEN_EXISTING; }
#ifdef unix
UnixEnsureDir(pszFile); #endif /* unix */
//BUGBUG: seterrormode to no crit errors and then catch sharing violations
// and access denied
// Call Win32
if (FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && SetFileAttributes(pszFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) FileHandle = CreateFile( pszFile, fAccess, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, fCreate, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ); return( FileHandle ); }
* O p e n F u n c ( ) * * Routine: OpenFunc() * * Purpose: Open File Callback from FDI * * Returns: File Handle (small integer index into file table) * -1 on failure * */
int FAR DIAMONDAPI openfunc(char FAR *pszFile, int oflag, int pmode ) { int rc; HANDLE hf;
ASSERT( pszFile );
//BUGBUG Spill File Support for Quantum?
if ((*pszFile == '*') && (*(pszFile+1) != 'M')) { DEBUGTRAP("Spill File Support for Quantum Not Supported"); }
hf = Win32Open(pszFile, oflag, pmode ); if (hf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // SUNDOWN: typecast problem
rc = PtrToLong(hf); } else { rc = -1; }
return( rc ); }
* R E A D F U N C ( ) * * Routine: readfunc() * * Purpose: FDI read() callback * */
UINT FAR DIAMONDAPI readfunc(INT_PTR hf, void FAR *pv, UINT cb) { int rc;
ASSERT( pv ); if (! ReadFile((HANDLE)hf, pv, cb, (DWORD *) &cb, NULL)) rc = -1; else rc = cb;
return( rc ); }
* W r i t e F u n c ( ) * * Routine: WriteFunc() * * Purpose: FDI Write() callback * */
UINT FAR DIAMONDAPI writefunc(INT_PTR hf, void FAR *pv, UINT cb) { int rc;
ASSERT( pv ); if (! WriteFile((HANDLE)hf, pv, cb, (DWORD *) &cb, NULL)) rc = -1; else rc = cb;
// BUGBUG: implement OnProgress notification
return( rc ); }
* C l o s e F u n c ( ) * * Routine: CloseFunc() * * Purpose: FDI Close File Callback * */
int FAR DIAMONDAPI closefunc( INT_PTR hf ) { int rc;
if (CloseHandle( (HANDLE)hf )) { rc = 0; } else { rc = -1; }
return( rc ); }
* S e e k F u n c ( ) * * Routine: seekfunc() * * Purpose: FDI Seek Callback */ long FAR DIAMONDAPI seekfunc( INT_PTR hf, long dist, int seektype ) { long rc; DWORD W32seektype;
switch (seektype) { case SEEK_SET: W32seektype = FILE_BEGIN; break; case SEEK_CUR: W32seektype = FILE_CURRENT; break; case SEEK_END: W32seektype = FILE_END; break; }
rc = SetFilePointer((HANDLE)hf, dist, NULL, W32seektype); if (rc == 0xffffffff) rc = -1;
return( rc ); }
* A d j u s t F i l e T i m e ( ) * * Routine: AdjustFileTime() * * Purpose: Change the time info for a file */
BOOL AdjustFileTime(INT_PTR hf, USHORT date, USHORT time ) { FILETIME ft; FILETIME ftUTC;
if (! DosDateTimeToFileTime( date, time, &ft )) return( FALSE );
if (! LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&ft, &ftUTC)) return( FALSE );
if (! SetFileTime((HANDLE)hf,&ftUTC,&ftUTC,&ftUTC)) return( FALSE );
return( TRUE ); }
* A t t r 3 2 F r o m A t t r F A T ( ) * * Translate FAT attributes to Win32 Attributes */ DWORD Attr32FromAttrFAT(WORD attrMSDOS) { //** Quick out for normal file special case
//** Otherwise, mask off read-only, hidden, system, and archive bits
// NOTE: These bits are in the same places in MS-DOS and Win32!
return attrMSDOS & ~(_A_RDONLY | _A_HIDDEN | _A_SYSTEM | _A_ARCH); }
* A l l o c F u n c ( ) * * FDI Memory Allocation Callback */ FNALLOC(allocfunc) { void *pv;
pv = (void *) CoTaskMemAlloc( cb ); DEBUGMSG("%d = ALLOC( %d )", (DWORD_PTR) pv, cb ); return( pv ); }
* F r e e F u n c ( ) * * FDI Memory Deallocation Callback * XXX Return Value? */ FNFREE(freefunc) { ASSERT(pv);
DEBUGMSG("FREE( %d )", pv ); CoTaskMemFree( pv ); }
* D O G E T N E X T C A B ( ) * * Routine: doGetNextCab() * * Purpose: Get Next Cabinet in chain * * Returns: -1 * * BUGBUG: CLEANUP: STUB THIS OUT * BUGBUG: STUBBED OUT IN WEXTRACT - CHAINED CABINETS NOT SUPPORTED */
FNFDINOTIFY(doGetNextCab) { return( -1 ); }
/*** updateCabinetInfo - update history of cabinets seen
* * Entry: * psess - Session * pfdin - FDI info structurue * * Exit: * Returns 0; */
int updateCabinetInfo(PSESSION psess, PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin) {
// Don't need any of this!
//** Save cabinet info
//lstrcpy(psess->acab.achCabPath ,pfdin->psz3);
//lstrcpy(psess->acab.achCabFilename ,pfdin->psz1);
//lstrcpy(psess->acab.achDiskName ,pfdin->psz2);
//psess->acab.setID = pfdin->setID;
//psess->acab.iCabinet = pfdin->iCabinet;
return 0; }
* A P P E N D P A T H S E P A R A T O R ( ) * * Routine: appendPathSeparator() * * Purpose: Append a path separator only if necessary * * Returns: TRUE - Path Separator Added * FALSE No Path Separator added */
BOOL appendPathSeparator(char *pszPathEnd) { //** Add path separator if necessary
if ((*pszPathEnd != '\0') && // Path is not empty
(*pszPathEnd != chPATH_SEP1) && // Not a path separator
(*pszPathEnd != chPATH_SEP2) && // Not a path separator
(*pszPathEnd != chDRIVE_SEP) ) { // Not a drive separator
#ifdef unix
*(++pszPathEnd) = chPATH_SEP2; // Add Unix path separator
*(++pszPathEnd) = chPATH_SEP1; // Add path separator
#endif /* !unix */
*(++pszPathEnd) = '\0'; // Terminate path
return TRUE; // Account for path separator
} //** No separator added
return FALSE; }
* C A T D I R A N D F I L E ( ) * * Routine: catDirAndFile() * * Purpose: Concatenate a directory with a filename! * */
BOOL catDirAndFile( char *pszResult, int cbResult, char *pszDir, char *pszFile ) { int cch = 0;
//** Handle directory
if (!cbResult) return FALSE; pszResult[0] = '\0'; // No filespec, yet
if (pszDir) cch = lstrlen(pszDir); // Get length of dir
if (cch != 0) { // Have to concatenate path
cbResult -= cch; // Account for dir
if (cbResult <= 1) { //this check also accounts for the next one byte that could be added.
return FALSE; } lstrcpy(pszResult,pszDir); // Copy destination dir to buffer
//** Add path separator if necessary, adjust remaining size
cbResult -= appendPathSeparator(&(pszResult[cch-1])); if (cbResult <= 0) { return FALSE; } }
//** Append file name, using default if primary one not supplied
if (*pszFile == '\0') { return( FALSE ); } cbResult -= lstrlen(pszFile); // Update remaining size
if (cbResult <= 0) { return FALSE; } lstrcat(pszResult,pszFile); // Append file name
//** Success
return TRUE; }
* IsExtracted * * Look for pszName in psess->pFileList and see if extracted * * Returns: * Success: TRUE, failure: FALSE */
static BOOL IsExtracted( PSESSION ps, LPCSTR pszName) { PFNAME CurName = ps->pFileList;
ASSERT(pszName); ASSERT(CurName); // atleast one file needed
// search for filename in list of files in this CAB
do { if (lstrcmpi(pszName, CurName->pszFilename) == 0) { if (CurName->status == SFNAME_EXTRACTED) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
} while (CurName = CurName->pNextName);
ASSERT(TRUE); // if here not found in list!
return FALSE; }
* NeedFile * * search for pszName in psess->pFilesToExtract (list of PFNAMEs) * Returns: * TRUE - need file, extract it * FALSE - don't need file, skip it * */ static BOOL NeedFile( PSESSION ps, LPCSTR pszName) { PFNAME CurName;
if (IsExtracted(ps, pszName) ) return FALSE;
if ( ps->flags & SESSION_FLAG_EXTRACT_ALL ) return TRUE;
// search for filename in list of files needed
for (CurName = ps->pFilesToExtract; CurName; CurName = CurName->pNextName){
if (lstrcmpi(CurName->pszFilename, pszName) == 0) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
* MarkExtracted * * Look for pszName in psess->pFileList and mark status = status_passed_in * really can be use to mark status as anything else as well (not just * extracted.) * * Returns: * Success: TRUE, failure: FALSE */
static BOOL MarkExtracted( PSESSION ps, LPCSTR pszName , DWORD status) { PFNAME CurName = ps->pFileList;
ASSERT(pszName); ASSERT(CurName); // atleast one file needed
// search for filename in list of files in this CAB
do { if (lstrcmpi(pszName, CurName->pszFilename) == 0) { CurName->status = status; return TRUE; }
} while (CurName = CurName->pNextName);
ASSERT(TRUE); // if here not found in list!
return FALSE; }
* A d d F i l e ( ) * * Add a file to the list of files we have in the CAB file * * Singly linked list - items added at front */
static BOOL AddFile( PSESSION ps, LPCSTR pszName , long cb) { PFNAME NewName;
if (!(ps->flags & SESSION_FLAG_ENUMERATE)) return TRUE;
// Allocate Node
NewName = (PFNAME) CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(FNAME) ); if (NewName == NULL) { DEBUGMSG("AddFile(): Memory Allocation of structure failed"); return( FALSE ); }
// Allocate String Space
NewName->pszFilename = (LPSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(lstrlen(pszName) + 1); if (NewName->pszFilename == NULL) { DEBUGMSG("AddFile(): Memory Allocation of name failed"); CoTaskMemFree(NewName); return( FALSE ); } NewName->status = SFNAME_INIT;
// Copy Filename
lstrcpy( (char *)NewName->pszFilename, pszName );
// Link into list
NewName->pNextName = ps->pFileList; ps->pFileList = NewName;
ps->cbCabSize += cb;
return( TRUE ); }
* f d i N o t i f y E x t r a c t() * * Routine: fdiNotifyExtract() * * Purpose: Principle FDI Callback in file extraction * * */
FNFDINOTIFY(fdiNotifyExtract) { int fh; PSESSION psess;
psess = (PSESSION) pfdin->pv;
switch (fdint) { case fdintCABINET_INFO: return updateCabinetInfo(psess,pfdin);
case fdintCOPY_FILE: // BUGBUG: implement OnProgress?
#ifdef unix
UnixifyFileName(pfdin->psz1); #endif /* unix */
if (!catDirAndFile(psess->achFile, // Buffer for output filespec
sizeof(psess->achFile), // Size of output buffer
psess->achLocation, // Output directory
pfdin->psz1)) { return -1; // Abort with error;
// always add the file (enumeration)
if (! AddFile(psess, pfdin->psz1, pfdin->cb)) return( -1 );
// check if this is the file we are looking for if any
if (!NeedFile(psess, pfdin->psz1)) return( 0 );
if (StrStrA(pfdin->psz1, "\\")) { // cab contains dir struct for this file
// create struct on dest dir as well.
char *pBaseFileName = NULL; char szDir[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR pchStart; LPSTR pchSlash = NULL;
lstrcpy(szDir, psess->achFile); pchStart = szDir + lstrlen(psess->achLocation) + 1;
while (*pchStart && (pchSlash = StrStrA(pchStart, "\\"))) {
*pchSlash = '\0';
// don't care if this fails. may even already exist!
CreateDirectory(szDir, NULL);
*pchSlash = '\\';
pchStart = pchSlash +1; }
//** Do overwrite processing
fh = openfunc( psess->achFile, _O_BINARY | _O_TRUNC | _O_RDWR | _O_CREAT, 0 );
return(fh); // -1 if error on open
case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO:
if (!catDirAndFile(psess->achFile, // Buffer for output filespec
sizeof(psess->achFile), // Size of output buffer
psess->achLocation, // Output directory
pfdin->psz1)) { return -1; // Abort with error;
} if (! AdjustFileTime( pfdin->hf, pfdin->date, pfdin->time )) { return( -1 ); } closefunc( (int) pfdin->hf ); if (! SetFileAttributes(psess->achFile, Attr32FromAttrFAT(pfdin->attribs))) return( -1 );
MarkExtracted(psess, pfdin->psz1, SFNAME_EXTRACTED); return(TRUE);
case fdintPARTIAL_FILE: return( 0 );
case fdintNEXT_CABINET: return doGetNextCab(fdint,pfdin);
default: DEBUGTRAP("fdiNotifyExtract(): Unknown Callback Type"); break; } return( 0 ); }
#ifdef DEBUG
* V E R I F Y C A B I N E T ( ) * * Routine: VerifyCabinet() * * Purpose: Check that cabinet is properly formed * * Returns: TRUE - Cabinet OK * FALSE - Cabinet invalid */
BOOL VerifyCabinet( PSESSION psess, LPCSTR lpCabName ) { HFDI hfdi; ERF erf; FDICABINETINFO cabinfo; INT fh;
hfdi = FDICreate(allocfunc,freefunc,openfunc,readfunc,writefunc,closefunc,seekfunc,cpu80386,&erf); if (hfdi == NULL) { DEBUGMSG("VerifyCabinet(): FDICreate() Failed"); //BUGBUG Error Handling?
return( FALSE ); }
fh = openfunc((char FAR *)lpCabName, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY, 0 ); if (fh == -1) { DEBUGMSG("VerifyCabinet(): Open of Memory File Failed"); return( FALSE ); }
if (FDIIsCabinet(hfdi, fh, &cabinfo ) == FALSE) { DEBUGMSG("VerifyCabinet(): FDIIsCabinet() Returned FALSE"); return( FALSE ); } if (cabinfo.cbCabinet != (long) psess->cbCabSize) { DEBUGMSG("VerifyCabinet(): cabinfo.cbCabinet != cbCabSize"); return( FALSE ); }
if (cabinfo.hasprev || cabinfo.hasnext) { DEBUGMSG("VerifyCabinet(): Cabinet is chained"); return( FALSE ); } if (closefunc( fh ) == -1) { DEBUGMSG("VerifyCabinet(): Closefunc() Failed"); return( FALSE ); } if (FDIDestroy(hfdi) == FALSE) { DEBUGMSG("VerifyCabinet(): FDIDestroy() Failed"); return( FALSE ); }
return( TRUE ); } #endif /* DEBUG */
* E X T R A C T ( ) * * Routine: Extract() * * Parameters: * * PSESSION ps = session information tied to this extract session * * IN params * ps->pFilesToExtract = linked list of PFNAMEs that point to * upper case filenames that need extraction * * ps->flags SESSION_FLAG_ENUMERATE = whether need to enumerate * files in CAB (ie. create a pFileList * ps->flags SESSION_FLAG_EXTRACTALL = all * * OUT params * ps->pFileList = global alloced list of files in CAB * caller needs to call DeleteExtractedFiles * to free memory and temp files * * * LPCSTR lpCabName = name of cab file * * * Returns: * S_OK: sucesss * * */ HRESULT Extract(PSESSION ps, LPCSTR lpCabName ) { HFDI hfdi; BOOL fExtractResult = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (ps->flags & SESSION_FLAG_EXTRACTED_ALL) { // already extracted all files in this CAB
// nothing to do!
return S_OK; }
memset(&(ps->erf), 0, sizeof(ERF));
if (ps->flags & SESSION_FLAG_ENUMERATE) { ps->cbCabSize = 0; }
// don't enumerate when pFileList already pre-populated
ASSERT( (!(ps->flags & SESSION_FLAG_ENUMERATE)) || (!ps->pFileList));
if (fCritCreated == FALSE) { fCritCreated = TRUE; InitializeCriticalSection(&g_mxsFDI); } EnterCriticalSection(&g_mxsFDI); // Extract the files
hfdi = FDICreate(allocfunc,freefunc,openfunc,readfunc,writefunc,closefunc,seekfunc,cpu80386, &(ps->erf)); if (hfdi == NULL) { // Error value will be retrieved from ps->erf
hrOut = STG_E_UNKNOWN; goto done; }
fExtractResult = FDICopy(hfdi, (char FAR *)lpCabName, "", 0, fdiNotifyExtract, NULL, (void *) ps ); if (FDIDestroy(hfdi) == FALSE) { // Error value will be retrieved from ps->erf
hrOut = STG_E_UNKNOWN; } done: LeaveCriticalSection(&g_mxsFDI); // leave now if this failed!
if (hrOut != NOERROR) { return hrOut; } }
if (fExtractResult && (!ps->erf.fError)) return S_OK;
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // not a win32 failure but a cabinet failure
// convert CABINET failure to disk full or STG_E_UNKNOWN.
// On win95 writefile failing with disk full is not
// setting the last error correctly
if (ps->erf.fError && (ps->erf.erfOper == FDIERROR_TARGET_FILE)) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DISK_FULL); else hr = STG_E_UNKNOWN; }
return hr; }
* D E L E T E E X T R A C T E D F I L E S ( ) * * Routine: DeleteExtractedFiles() * * Purpose: Delete the files that were extracted * into the temporary directory * FREE all the memory in pFileList * make pFileList = NULL. * * Paramaters: * psess - Pointer to Session Structure containing * all state about this extraction session * * Returns: None */
VOID DeleteExtractedFiles(PSESSION psess) { PFNAME rover = psess->pFileList; PFNAME roverprev; char szBuf[MAX_PATH];
ASSERT(psess); DEBUGMSG("Deleting Extracted Files");
while (rover != NULL) {
// skip if this is not a tmp file
if ( rover->status == SFNAME_EXTRACTED) {
// Get full filename
if (catDirAndFile(szBuf, MAX_PATH, psess->achLocation, rover->pszFilename)) {
if (SetFileAttributes(szBuf, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) DeleteFile(szBuf); } }
roverprev = rover; // save for free'ing current rover below
rover = rover->pNextName;
psess->pFileList = NULL; // prevent use after deletion!