// ===========================================================================
// Channel Software Distribution Unit Tag handler
#include <cdlpch.h>
#include <winineti.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
#include <msxml.h>
LPCSTR szWinNT = "WinNT"; LPCSTR szWin95 = "Win95";
LPCSTR szPlatform = "Win32";
LPCOLESTR szMSInstallProgID = L"MSInstall.SoftDistExt";
const TCHAR c_szTrayUI[] = TEXT("MS_WebcheckMonitor"); // Do not change this string. LoadWC relies on it.
const TCHAR c_szTrayMenu[] = TEXT("TrayMenu");
const LPTSTR szControlSetup = _T("Status"); const DWORD dwStatusOK = 0; const DWORD dwStatusSuspend = 1; const DWORD dwStatusResume = 2; const DWORD dwStatusAbort = 3;
extern char *g_szProcessorTypes[]; extern char g_szBrowserLang[]; extern int g_lenBrowserLang; extern char g_szBrowserPrimaryLang[]; extern int g_lenBrowserPrimaryLang; extern LCID g_lcidBrowser;
#define ERROR_EXIT(cond) if (!(cond)) { \
goto Exit;}
extern COleAutDll g_OleAutDll;
//REVIEW: This is located in cdl.cxx for page swapping reasons. (OSD's are processed
// more than CDF/<SoftDist>'s?
HRESULT ProcessImplementation(IXMLElement *pConfig, CList<CCodeBaseHold *, CCodeBaseHold *> *pcbhList, LCID lcidOverride, #ifdef WX86
CMultiArch *MultiArch, #endif
HRESULT GetAbstract(HKEY hkeyAv, LPSTR *ppszAbstract) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "GetAbstract", "%#x, %#x", hkeyAv, ppszAbstract )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD Size,dwType; LONG lResult;
if (ppszAbstract) {
*ppszAbstract = NULL;
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyAv, REGVAL_ABSTRACT_AVAILABLE, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
*ppszAbstract = new char[Size];
if (!*ppszAbstract) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } if ((lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyAv, REGVAL_ABSTRACT_AVAILABLE, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)*ppszAbstract, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); }
} }
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
BOOL IsAbstractDifferent(HKEY hkeyAv, LPSTR szNewAbstract) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Bool, "IsAbstractDifferent", "%#x, %.80q", hkeyAv, szNewAbstract )); LPSTR pszOldAbstract = NULL; BOOL bDifferent = TRUE;
if ((GetAbstract(hkeyAv, &pszOldAbstract) == S_OK) && pszOldAbstract) {
if (szNewAbstract) bDifferent = lstrcmp(pszOldAbstract, szNewAbstract) != 0;
delete pszOldAbstract;
} DEBUG_LEAVE(bDifferent); return bDifferent; }
Constructor, Destructor and helper methods ******************************************************************************/
CSoftDist::CSoftDist() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, None, "CSoftDist::CSoftDist", "this=%#x", this )); DllAddRef(); m_cRef = 1; m_szDistUnit = NULL;
m_szTitle = NULL; m_szAbstract = NULL; m_szHREF = NULL;
m_szLanguages = NULL;
m_dwVersionMS = m_dwVersionLS = 0;
m_dwVersionAdvertisedMS = m_dwVersionAdvertisedLS = 0; m_dwAdState = SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_NONE;
m_Style = STYLE_MSICD; m_sdMSInstall = NULL; m_pClientBSC = NULL; m_szBaseURL = NULL;
memset(&m_distunitinst, 0, sizeof(DISTUNITINST));
DetermineOSAndCPUVersion(); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); }
CSoftDist::~CSoftDist() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, None, "CSoftDist::~CSoftDist", "this=%#x", this )); Assert(m_cRef == 0);
IUnknown Methods ******************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CSoftDist::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, void** ppvObject) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IUnknown::QueryInterface", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, &iid, ppvObject )); *ppvObject = NULL;
if (iid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppvObject = (void*)this; } else if (iid == IID_ISoftDistExt) { *ppvObject = (void*)(ISoftDistExt*)this; }
if (*ppvObject) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppvObject)->AddRef(); DEBUG_LEAVE(S_OK); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSoftDist::AddRef() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Dword, "CSoftDist::IUnknown::AddRef", "this=%#x", this )); ULONG ulRet = ++m_cRef;
DEBUG_LEAVE(ulRet); return ulRet; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSoftDist::Release() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Dword, "CSoftDist::IUnknown::Release", "this=%#x", this )); if (--m_cRef) { DEBUG_LEAVE(m_cRef); return m_cRef; } delete this;
DEBUG_LEAVE(0); return 0; }
ISoftDistExt Methods ******************************************************************************/ /*
* return values: * All success codes indicate user should be notified through channel UI. * * S_OK: Locally not available, Send Email (Show in channel UI) * S_FALSE: Locally not available. Don't send Email. (But show in channel UI) * * ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS:Locally already installed. Don't send email/advertise. * ERROR: Processing error, fail. * * For additional information on usage flags, set dwReserved to a valid pointer * and it will set appropriate bit fields * */ STDMETHODIMP CSoftDist::ProcessSoftDist(LPCWSTR szCDFURL, IXMLElement *pSoftDist, LPSOFTDISTINFO psdi) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::ProcessSoftDist", "this=%#x, %.80wq, %#x, %#x", this, szCDFURL, pSoftDist, psdi )); HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; // default: send email, no precache
char szVersion[MAX_PATH]; char szStyle[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR szThisOS = NULL; LPWSTR szTitle = NULL; IXMLElement *pTitle = NULL, *pConfig = NULL, *pLang = NULL, *pAbstract = NULL, *pUsage = NULL, *pDeleteOnInstall = NULL; IXMLElement *pParent = NULL; BOOL bPrecache = FALSE, bChannelUIOnly = FALSE, bAutoInstall = FALSE, bIsPrecached = FALSE, bDeleteOnInstall = FALSE; BOOL fFoundConfig = FALSE; LPDWORD lpFlags = NULL; BOOL bIsValidCDF = FALSE;
if (psdi) { if (psdi->cbSize < sizeof(SOFTDISTINFO)) { DEBUG_LEAVE(E_INVALIDARG); return E_INVALIDARG; } psdi->dwFlags = 0; }
if (szCDFURL && FAILED((hr=::Unicode2Ansi(szCDFURL, &m_szCDFURL)))) { goto Exit; }
// Try to use the BASE tag from the channel.
// BUGBUG: This is a really convoluted way to get at the channel
// BASE URL, but there is no way for webcheck to pass this
// information to us w/o changing the ISoftDistExt interface.
pSoftDist->get_parent(&pParent); if (pParent) { DupAttribute(pParent, CHANNEL_ATTRIB_BASE, &m_szBaseURL); SAFERELEASE(pParent); }
hr = DupAttribute(pSoftDist, DU_ATTRIB_NAME, &m_szDistUnit); ERROR_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// code around assumes that MAX_PATH is MAX size of dist unit
// we try to make a key name with the distunit and that limit is
// now MAX_PATH. Hence the reasoning to limit this to MAX_PATH
if (lstrlenW(m_szDistUnit) >= MAX_PATH) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); goto Exit; }
hr = DupAttributeA(pSoftDist, DU_ATTRIB_HREF, &m_szHREF); ERROR_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (psdi) { hr = Ansi2Unicode( m_szHREF, &psdi->szHREF ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit; }
hr = GetAttributeA(pSoftDist, DU_ATTRIB_VERSION, szVersion, MAX_PATH); ERROR_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if ( FAILED(GetVersionFromString(szVersion, &m_dwVersionMS, &m_dwVersionLS))){ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
if (!(m_dwVersionMS | m_dwVersionLS)) { // zero is invalid advt version
hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
if (psdi) {
CHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; psdi->dwFlags = 0;
psdi->dwUpdateVersionMS = m_dwVersionMS; psdi->dwUpdateVersionLS = m_dwVersionLS;
psdi->dwAdvertisedVersionMS = m_dwVersionAdvertisedMS; psdi->dwAdvertisedVersionLS = m_dwVersionAdvertisedLS;
if (GetFirstChildTag(pSoftDist, DU_TAG_USAGE, &pUsage) == S_OK) {
VARIANT vtVal; VariantInit(&vtVal); if (SUCCEEDED(pUsage->getAttribute(DU_ATTRIB_VALUE, &vtVal)) && (vtVal.vt == VT_BSTR)) {
if (!StrCmpIW(vtVal.bstrVal, DU_ATTRIB_EMAIL)) psdi->dwFlags |= SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_EMAIL;
} VariantClear(&vtVal); SAFERELEASE(pUsage); }
if (SUCCEEDED(GetAttributeA(pSoftDist, DU_ATTRIB_PRECACHE, szTemp, MAX_PATH))) { if (szTemp[0] == 'Y' || szTemp[0] == 'y') { psdi->dwFlags |= SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_PRECACHE; bPrecache = TRUE; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(GetAttributeA(pSoftDist, DU_ATTRIB_AUTOINSTALL, szTemp, MAX_PATH))) { if (szTemp[0] == 'Y' || szTemp[0] == 'y') { psdi->dwFlags |= SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_AUTOINSTALL; bPrecache = TRUE; bAutoInstall = TRUE; } } }
// get abstract
if(GetFirstChildTag(pSoftDist,DU_TAG_ABSTRACT, &pAbstract) == S_OK) { BSTR bstrAbstract = NULL; hr = pAbstract->get_text(&bstrAbstract); ERROR_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (FAILED(Unicode2Ansi(bstrAbstract, &m_szAbstract))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFESYSFREESTRING(bstrAbstract); goto Exit; }
if (psdi) { psdi->szAbstract = new WCHAR[lstrlenW(bstrAbstract)+1]; if (!psdi->szAbstract) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFESYSFREESTRING(bstrAbstract); goto Exit; } else { StrCpyW(psdi->szAbstract, bstrAbstract); } }
// get title
if(GetFirstChildTag(pSoftDist,DU_TAG_TITLE, &pTitle) == S_OK) { BSTR bstrTitle = NULL; hr = pTitle->get_text(&bstrTitle); ERROR_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (FAILED(Unicode2Ansi(bstrTitle, &m_szTitle))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFESYSFREESTRING(bstrTitle); goto Exit; }
if (psdi) { psdi->szTitle = new WCHAR[lstrlenW(bstrTitle)+1]; if (!psdi->szTitle) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFESYSFREESTRING(bstrTitle); goto Exit; } else { StrCpyW(psdi->szTitle, bstrTitle); } } SAFESYSFREESTRING(bstrTitle); }
// get langs available
if(GetFirstChildTag(pSoftDist,DU_TAG_LANG, &pLang) == S_OK) { BSTR bstrLang = NULL; hr = pLang->get_text(&bstrLang); ERROR_EXIT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
DWORD len = lstrlenW(bstrLang); m_szLanguages = new char [len+1]; if (!m_szLanguages) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFESYSFREESTRING(bstrLang); goto Exit; } WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstrLang , -1, m_szLanguages, len, NULL, NULL);
// <deleteoninstall />
if (GetFirstChildTag(pSoftDist, DU_TAG_DELETEONINSTALL, &pDeleteOnInstall) == S_OK) { SAFERELEASE(pDeleteOnInstall); bDeleteOnInstall = TRUE; }
// style tells us who to ask
// accomodate Darwin here
if(SUCCEEDED(GetAttributeA(pSoftDist, DU_ATTRIB_STYLE, szStyle, MAX_PATH))){
(void) GetStyleFromString(szStyle, &m_Style);
if (m_Style == STYLE_UNKNOWN) {
if (m_sdMSInstall == NULL) {
CLSID clsidOther; LPWSTR wszStyle = NULL;
if (FAILED(DupAttribute(pSoftDist, DU_ATTRIB_STYLE, &wszStyle))) goto Exit;
if (SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromProgID(wszStyle, &clsidOther))) { if (FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance(clsidOther, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISoftDistExt, (void **)&m_sdMSInstall))) goto Exit;
m_Style = STYLE_OTHER;
} // If failed, continue as normal.
} }
if (m_Style == STYLE_MSINSTALL) { if (m_sdMSInstall == NULL) {
CLSID clsidMSInstall;
if (FAILED(hr = CLSIDFromProgID(szMSInstallProgID, &clsidMSInstall))) goto Exit; if (FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance(clsidMSInstall, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISoftDistExt, (void **)&m_sdMSInstall))) goto Exit;
} }
if (m_sdMSInstall != NULL) { hr = m_sdMSInstall->ProcessSoftDist(szCDFURL, pSoftDist, psdi); goto Exit; }
// get list of available languages here
hr = InitBrowserLangStrings(); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
// check if software already locally installed
hr = IsLocallyInstalled(m_szDistUnit, m_dwVersionMS, m_dwVersionLS, m_szLanguages, m_Style);
if ( psdi != NULL ) { if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { psdi->dwInstalledVersionMS = m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionMS; psdi->dwInstalledVersionLS = m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionLS; } else { // No version.
psdi->dwInstalledVersionMS = 0xFFFFFFFF; psdi->dwInstalledVersionLS = 0xFFFFFFFF; } }
if (hr != S_FALSE) { if (hr == S_OK) { if (psdi && bDeleteOnInstall) { psdi->dwFlags |= SOFTDIST_FLAG_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION; }
// check here to see if Advertised already to avoid
// processing filters?
if (FAILED(hr = IsAdvertised(&bIsPrecached, &bIsValidCDF))) goto Exit;
// If already advertised then only precache once.
if (hr == S_OK) { if ((!bPrecache) || (!bAutoInstall && bPrecache && bIsPrecached)) { bChannelUIOnly = TRUE; } }
// version doesn't already exist
// process filters to see if we can Advertise this
// look for dependency & config filters. If either fails, then we don't do Channel UI or
// email notification.
if (FAILED(hr = CheckDependency(pSoftDist))) goto Exit;
if (FAILED(hr = CheckConfig(pSoftDist))) goto Exit;
if (bChannelUIOnly) { // we record advertise again to stomp the title & abstract
if (bIsValidCDF) { hr = Advertise(/*bFullAdvt*/FALSE); }
// We are already advertised, we want Channel UI but not email notification.
hr = S_FALSE; } else { if (bIsValidCDF) {
// Advertise software, mark as Advertised
hr = Advertise(/*bFullAdvt*/TRUE);
// We advertise in Channel UI and email notification.
hr = S_OK; } else { // if not an authorized CDF then we can't trigger email notification or download
hr = S_FALSE; }
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSoftDist::GetFirstCodeBase(LPWSTR *szCodeBase, LPDWORD lpdwSize) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::GetFirstCodeBase", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, szCodeBase, lpdwSize )); HRESULT hr; if (m_sdMSInstall != NULL) { hr = m_sdMSInstall->GetFirstCodeBase(szCodeBase, lpdwSize);
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } m_curPos = m_cbh.GetHeadPosition(); hr = GetNextCodeBase(szCodeBase, lpdwSize);
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSoftDist::GetNextCodeBase(LPWSTR *szCodeBase, LPDWORD lpdwSize) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::GetNextCodeBase", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, szCodeBase, lpdwSize )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CCodeBaseHold *cbh = NULL;
if (m_sdMSInstall != NULL) { hr = m_sdMSInstall->GetNextCodeBase(szCodeBase, lpdwSize);
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } if (szCodeBase == NULL || lpdwSize == NULL) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
*szCodeBase = NULL; *lpdwSize = 0;
if (m_curPos == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
cbh = m_cbh.GetNext(m_curPos);
hr = CDLDupWStr( szCodeBase, cbh->wszCodeBase ); *lpdwSize = cbh->dwSize; Exit:
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSoftDist::AsyncInstallDistributionUnit(IBindCtx *pbc, LPVOID pvReserved, DWORD dwFlags, LPCODEBASEHOLD lpcbh) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::AsyncInstallDistributionUnit", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x", this, pbc, pvReserved, dwFlags, lpcbh )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR szCodeBase = NULL; DWORD dwSize;
if ((lpcbh) && (lpcbh->cbSize == sizeof(CODEBASEHOLD))) { hr = ::AsyncInstallDistributionUnit( lpcbh->szDistUnit, NULL, NULL, lpcbh->dwVersionMS, lpcbh->dwVersionLS, lpcbh->szCodeBase, // URL of code base
pbc, NULL, 0);
} else if (m_Style == STYLE_MSICD) {
if (SUCCEEDED(GetFirstCodeBase(&szCodeBase, &dwSize))) { CCodeBaseHold *pcbh;
pcbh = m_cbh.GetHead(); pcbh->dwFlags |= CBH_FLAGS_DOWNLOADED; hr = ::AsyncInstallDistributionUnit( m_szDistUnit, NULL, NULL, m_dwVersionMS, m_dwVersionLS, szCodeBase, // URL of code base
pbc, NULL, 0);
// NOTE: EAX should be MK_S_ASYNC (0x401E8)
} else hr = E_FAIL;
// Return successful no matter what
} else if (m_Style == STYLE_MSINSTALL || m_Style == STYLE_OTHER) {
if (m_sdMSInstall == NULL) {
hr = E_FAIL; // Interfaces should be here but aren't.
} else { hr = m_sdMSInstall->AsyncInstallDistributionUnit(pbc, pvReserved, dwFlags, lpcbh);
} else if (m_Style == STYLE_ACTIVE_SETUP) {
if (SUCCEEDED(GetFirstCodeBase(&szCodeBase, &dwSize))) {
CActiveSetupBinding *pasb = NULL; IBindStatusCallback *pbsc = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(pbc->GetObjectParam(REG_BSCB_HOLDER, (IUnknown **)&pbsc))) {
pasb = new CActiveSetupBinding(pbc, pbsc, szCodeBase, m_szDistUnit, &hr); if (pasb && FAILED(hr)) { SAFERELEASE(pasb); // deletes itself
// NOTE: This is not a memory leak, the object will clean itself up when it
// is done the binding operation.
} else hr = E_FAIL; } else hr = E_FAIL;
} else if (m_Style == STYLE_LOGO3) { CCodeBaseHold *pcbhCur = NULL;
m_curPos = m_cbh.GetHeadPosition(); if (m_curPos == 0) { goto Exit; } pcbhCur = m_cbh.GetAt(m_curPos); if (pcbhCur == NULL) { goto Exit; }
CDLDupWStr(&szCodeBase, pcbhCur->wszCodeBase); dwSize = pcbhCur->dwSize; pcbhCur->dwFlags |= CBH_FLAGS_DOWNLOADED;
if (pbc != NULL) { pbc->GetObjectParam(REG_BSCB_HOLDER, (IUnknown **)&m_pClientBSC); } hr = Logo3Download(szCodeBase);
} else {
} Exit:
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
CheckDependency ******************************************************************************/ /* This checks for filter criteria in <Config> tags.
* * <!ELEMENT Dependency (SoftDist)* | Language | Processor | Platform> * * Returns: E_ERROR code if Dependency check fails or badly formatted. * */ HRESULT CSoftDist::CheckDependency(IXMLElement *pSoftDist) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::CheckDependency", "this=%#x, %#x", this, pSoftDist )); int nLastChildTag = -1; LPSTR szLanguages = NULL; LPWSTR szCoreDist = NULL; IXMLElement *pDepend = NULL, *pCoreDist = NULL; IXMLElement *pProcessor = NULL, *pPlatform = NULL, *pLang = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD style;
while (GetNextChildTag(pSoftDist, DU_TAG_DEPENDENCY, &pDepend, nLastChildTag) == S_OK) {
LPWSTR szCoreDist = NULL; union { char szVersion[MAX_PATH]; char szStyle[MAX_PATH]; char szProcessor[MAX_PATH]; char szPlatformAttr[MAX_PATH]; };
// check for 'softdist' tag and version info.
int nLastSoftDist = -1; while (GetNextChildTag(pDepend, DU_TAG_SOFTDIST, &pCoreDist, nLastSoftDist) == S_OK) {
// default values if attributes are not specified.
DWORD dwVersionMS = 0, dwVersionLS = 0, style = m_Style;
// look for language tag (if present), otherwise NULL.
SAFEDELETE(szLanguages); if (GetFirstChildTag(pCoreDist, DU_TAG_LANG, &pLang) == S_OK) { BSTR bstrLang = NULL; pLang->get_text(&bstrLang);
DWORD len = lstrlenW(bstrLang); szLanguages = new char[len+1]; if (!szLanguages) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFESYSFREESTRING(bstrLang); goto Exit; } WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bstrLang , -1, szLanguages, len, NULL, NULL);
if (FAILED(hr = DupAttribute(pCoreDist, DU_ATTRIB_NAME, &szCoreDist))) goto Exit;
if (SUCCEEDED(GetAttributeA(pCoreDist, DU_ATTRIB_VERSION, szVersion, MAX_PATH))) { if (FAILED(GetVersionFromString(szVersion, &dwVersionMS, &dwVersionLS))) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(GetAttributeA(pCoreDist, DU_ATTRIB_STYLE, szStyle, MAX_PATH))) {
// return is not required
(void) GetStyleFromString(szStyle, &style);
hr = IsLocallyInstalled(szCoreDist, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, szLanguages != NULL ? szLanguages : m_szLanguages, style); SAFEDELETE(szCoreDist);
// core product doesn't exist, or version is lower than required.
if (hr != S_OK) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND); goto Exit; } SAFERELEASE(pCoreDist);
} // while for softdist
// check processor
if (GetFirstChildTag(pDepend, DU_TAG_PROCESSOR, &pProcessor) == S_OK) {
if (FAILED(hr = GetAttributeA(pProcessor, DU_ATTRIB_VALUE, szProcessor, MAX_PATH))) goto Exit;
#ifdef WX86
char *szPreferredArch; char *szAlternateArch; HRESULT hrArch;
GetMultiArch()->SelectArchitecturePreferences( g_szProcessorTypes[g_CPUType], g_szProcessorTypes[PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL], &szPreferredArch, &szAlternateArch);
if (lstrcmpi(szPreferredArch, szProcessor) == 0) { hrArch = GetMultiArch()->RequirePrimaryArch(); Assert(SUCCEEDED(hrArch)); } else if (szAlternateArch && lstrcmpi(szAlternateArch, szProcessor) == 0) { hrArch = GetMultiArch()->RequireAlternateArch(); Assert(SUCCEEDED(hrArch)); } else { //
// Processor type is neither perferred nor alternate.
if (lstrcmpi(g_szProcessorTypes[g_CPUType],szProcessor) != 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_EXE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH); goto Exit; } #endif
// check platform
if (GetFirstChildTag(pDepend, DU_TAG_PLATFORM, &pPlatform) == S_OK) {
if (FAILED(hr = GetAttributeA(pPlatform, DU_ATTRIB_VALUE, szPlatformAttr, MAX_PATH))) goto Exit;
if (lstrcmpi(szPlatform, szPlatformAttr) != 0) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_EXE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH); goto Exit; }
} // dependency check loop
SAFEDELETE(szLanguages); SAFEDELETE(szCoreDist);
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
CheckConfig ******************************************************************************/ /* This checks for filter criteria in <Config> tags.
* * <!ELEMENT Config (CodeBase)*> * <!ATTLIST Config Language CDATA #IMPLIED> * <!ATTLIST Config (OS OSVersion) CDATA #IMPLIED> * <!ATTLIST Config Processor CDATA #IMPLIED> */ HRESULT CSoftDist::CheckConfig(IXMLElement *pSoftDist) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::CheckConfig", "this=%#x, %#x", this, pSoftDist )); IXMLElement *pConfig = NULL; IXMLElement *pCodeBase = NULL; BOOL fFoundMatchingConfig = FALSE; BOOL fFoundAnyConfig = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; int nLastChildTag = -1; int nLastChildCodeBase = -1; WCHAR szResult[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; DWORD dwSize = 0;
// Process CONFIG tags
while (GetNextChildTag(pSoftDist, DU_TAG_CONFIG, &pConfig, nLastChildTag) == S_OK) {
fFoundAnyConfig = TRUE;
if (ProcessImplementation(pConfig, &m_cbh, GetThreadLocale(), #ifdef WX86
GetMultiArch(), #endif
m_szBaseURL) == S_OK) { fFoundMatchingConfig = TRUE; break; }
// if at least one config and none match, return with error.
if (fFoundAnyConfig && !fFoundMatchingConfig) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND); goto Exit; }
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT GetLangStringMod(HMODULE hMod, LCID localeID, char *szThisLang, int iLen) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "GetLangStringMod", "%#x, %#x, %.80q", hMod, localeID, szThisLang )); PFNLCIDTORFC1766 pfnLCIDToRFC1766 = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
#ifdef UNICODE
pfnLCIDToRFC1766 = (PFNLCIDTORFC1766)GetProcAddress(hMod, "LcidToRfc1766W"); #else
pfnLCIDToRFC1766 = (PFNLCIDTORFC1766)GetProcAddress(hMod, "LcidToRfc1766A"); #endif
if (pfnLCIDToRFC1766) {
hr = pfnLCIDToRFC1766(localeID, szThisLang, iLen);
} else { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT GetLangString(LCID localeID, char *szThisLang, int iLen) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "GetLangString", "%#x, %.80q", localeID, szThisLang )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; HMODULE hMod = 0; LCID lcidPrimaryBrowser = PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(g_lcidBrowser));
// use cached copies of browser lang string
if ( (localeID == g_lcidBrowser) && g_szBrowserLang[0] ) {
StrNCpy(szThisLang, g_szBrowserLang, iLen); goto Exit;
if ( (localeID == lcidPrimaryBrowser) && g_szBrowserPrimaryLang[0] ) {
StrNCpy(szThisLang, g_szBrowserPrimaryLang, iLen); goto Exit;
hMod = LoadLibrary("mlang.dll");
if (!hMod) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
hr = GetLangStringMod(hMod, localeID, szThisLang, iLen);
if (hMod) FreeLibrary(hMod);
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
// globals for code downloader
extern CMutexSem g_mxsCodeDownloadGlobals; BOOL g_bLangInit = FALSE;
HRESULT InitBrowserLangStrings() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "InitBrowserLangStrings", NULL )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CLock lck(g_mxsCodeDownloadGlobals); static const char *cszSHDOCVW = "\\shdocvw.dll";
if (g_bLangInit) { DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; } g_bLangInit = TRUE;
CLocalComponentInfo lci; DWORD dwVerMS, dwVerLS;
GetSystemDirectory(lci.szExistingFileName, MAX_PATH);
StrCatBuff(lci.szExistingFileName, cszSHDOCVW, sizeof(lci.szExistingFileName)); if (SUCCEEDED(GetFileVersion(&lci, &dwVerMS, &dwVerLS))) { if (lci.lcid) {
g_lcidBrowser = lci.lcid;
} }
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary("mlang.dll"); LCID lcidPrimaryBrowser = PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(g_lcidBrowser));
if (hMod) {
hr = GetLangStringMod(hMod, g_lcidBrowser, g_szBrowserLang, g_lenBrowserLang); hr = GetLangStringMod(hMod, lcidPrimaryBrowser, g_szBrowserPrimaryLang, g_lenBrowserPrimaryLang); FreeLibrary(hMod); } else {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
CheckLanguage ******************************************************************************/ /* The languages string is of the form,
* lang1;lang2;lang3;... * * OR = '*' (the first character is an asterick). * * This routine will scan the LocaleID string (as saved from registry, GetLocaleInfo) * for an occurrence in the szLanguage string. If found, it returns true. If '*' * is specified, the result is always true. Regular expressions are otherwise * not supported. * */ HRESULT CheckLanguage(LCID localeID, LPTSTR szLanguage) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CheckLanguage", "%#x, %.80q", localeID, szLanguage )); LCID lcidPrimaryBrowser = PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(g_lcidBrowser)); CHAR szThisLang[MAX_PATH]; int i; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (szLanguage == NULL) { DEBUG_LEAVE(S_OK); return S_OK; } if (*szLanguage == '*') { DEBUG_LEAVE(S_OK); return S_OK; } hr = GetLangString(localeID, (char *)szThisLang, sizeof(szThisLang));
if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
if (AreAllLanguagesPresent((char *)szThisLang, szLanguage)) { DEBUG_LEAVE(S_OK); return S_OK; } // check with primary language
hr = GetLangString(localeID, (char *)szThisLang, sizeof(szThisLang));
if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
if (AreAllLanguagesPresent((char *)szThisLang, szLanguage)) { DEBUG_LEAVE(S_OK); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::IsLocallyInstalled(LPCWSTR szDistUnit, DWORD dwVersionMS, DWORD dwVersionLS, LPCSTR szLanguages, DWORD Style) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IsLocallyInstalled", "this=%#x, %.80wq, %#x, %#x, %.80q, %#x", this, szDistUnit, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, szLanguages, Style )); Assert(szDistUnit); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (Style == STYLE_MSICD) hr = IsICDLocallyInstalled(szDistUnit, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, szLanguages); else if (Style == STYLE_ACTIVE_SETUP) hr = IsActSetupLocallyInstalled(szDistUnit, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, szLanguages); else if (Style == STYLE_LOGO3) hr = IsLogo3LocallyInstalled(szDistUnit, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, szLanguages); else hr = E_UNEXPECTED; DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::IsLogo3LocallyInstalled(LPCWSTR szDistUnit, DWORD dwVersionMS, DWORD dwVersionLS, LPCSTR szLanguages) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IsLogo3LocallyInstalled", "this=%#x, %.80wq, %#x, %#x, %.80q", this, szDistUnit, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, szLanguages )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwInstVersionMS = 0; DWORD dwInstVersionLS = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwLen = 0; LPSTR szDU = NULL; HKEY hkeyLogo3 = 0; HKEY hkeyDist = 0;
// No LOGO3 language information is stored, so language checking is not
// possible yet.
Assert(szDistUnit); if (!szDistUnit) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
dwLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0, szDistUnit, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); szDU = new char [dwLen]; if (szDU == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szDistUnit , -1, szDU, dwLen, NULL, NULL);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyLogo3, szDU, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyDist) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
dwLen = sizeof(DWORD); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDist, REGVAL_LOGO3_MAJORVERSION, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwInstVersionMS, &dwLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
dwLen = sizeof(DWORD); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDist, REGVAL_LOGO3_MINORVERSION, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwInstVersionLS, &dwLen) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionMS = dwInstVersionMS; m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionLS = dwInstVersionLS;
if (dwInstVersionMS > dwVersionMS || (dwInstVersionMS == dwVersionMS && dwInstVersionLS >= dwVersionLS)) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
if (hkeyLogo3) { RegCloseKey(hkeyLogo3); }
if (hkeyDist) { RegCloseKey(hkeyDist); }
if (szDU) { delete [] szDU; } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::IsICDLocallyInstalled(LPCWSTR szDistUnit, DWORD dwVersionMS, DWORD dwVersionLS, LPCSTR szLanguages) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IsICDLocallyInstalled", "this=%#x, %.80wq, %#x, %#x, %.80q", this, szDistUnit, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, szLanguages )); Assert(szDistUnit); CLSID inclsid = CLSID_NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CLocalComponentInfo* plci = NULL;
plci = new CLocalComponentInfo(); if(!plci) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
// if fails szDistUnit is not clsid
CLSIDFromString((LPOLESTR)szDistUnit, &inclsid);
// check to see if locally installed.
if ((hr = IsControlLocallyInstalled(NULL, (LPCLSID)&inclsid, szDistUnit, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, plci, NULL)) != S_FALSE) {
// S_OK if local version OK
// ERROR, fail
goto Exit;
// check for other hooks like Active Setup, Add/Remove Programs here
Exit: if (plci) { m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionMS = plci->dwLocFVMS; m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionLS = plci->dwLocFVLS; }
SAFEDELETE(plci); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::IsAdvertised(LPBOOL lpfIsPrecached, LPBOOL lpfIsAuthorizedCDF) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IsAdvertised", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, lpfIsPrecached, lpfIsAuthorizedCDF )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_Style == STYLE_MSICD) hr = IsICDAdvertised(lpfIsPrecached, lpfIsAuthorizedCDF); else if (m_Style == STYLE_ACTIVE_SETUP) hr = IsActSetupAdvertised(lpfIsPrecached, lpfIsAuthorizedCDF); else if (m_Style == STYLE_LOGO3) hr = IsLogo3Advertised(lpfIsPrecached, lpfIsAuthorizedCDF); else hr = E_UNEXPECTED; DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::IsLogo3Advertised(LPBOOL lpfIsPrecached, LPBOOL lpfIsAuthorizedCDF) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IsLogo3Advertised", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, lpfIsPrecached, lpfIsAuthorizedCDF )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; HKEY hkeyDistInfo = 0; HKEY hkeyAdvertisedVersion = 0; HKEY hkeyAuthCDF = 0; HKEY hkeyLogo3 = 0; DWORD lResult = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwType; LPSTR szDU = NULL; DWORD dwLen = 0; DWORD dwCurAdvMS = 0; DWORD dwCurAdvLS = 0; char szBuffer[MAX_REGSTR_LEN]; char szVersionBuf[MAX_PATH]; static const char *szPrecache = "Precache"; static const char *szAbstract = "Abstract"; static const char *szAuthorizedCDF = "AuthorizedCDFPrefix"; static const char *szHREF = "HREF"; static const char *szTITLE = "TITLE";
ASSERT(lpfIsPrecached && lpfIsAuthorizedCDF);
if (!lpfIsPrecached || !lpfIsAuthorizedCDF) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
*lpfIsPrecached = FALSE; *lpfIsAuthorizedCDF = FALSE;
if (m_szDistUnit) { if (FAILED(Unicode2Ansi(m_szDistUnit, &szDU))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
wnsprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)-1, "%s\\%s", REGSTR_PATH_LOGO3_SETTINGS, szDU);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szBuffer, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyLogo3) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
*lpfIsAuthorizedCDF = IsAuthorizedCDF(hkeyLogo3);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyLogo3, "AvailableVersion", 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyDistInfo) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, szPrecache, 0, &dwType, (unsigned char *)&lResult, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Precached value was the code download HR
*lpfIsPrecached = (SUCCEEDED(lResult)) ? (TRUE) : (FALSE); }
// This key is optionally present.
dwSize = MAX_PATH; if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, REGSTR_LOGO3_ADVERTISED_VERSION, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)szVersionBuf, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { GetVersionFromString(szVersionBuf, &m_dwVersionAdvertisedMS, &m_dwVersionAdvertisedLS); }
// Get the AdState, if any
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&m_dwAdState, &dwSize);
if (!m_szAbstract) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, szAbstract, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szAbstract = new char[dwSize]; if (!m_szAbstract) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, szAbstract, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szAbstract, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} }
if (!m_szHREF) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, szHREF, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szHREF = new char[dwSize]; if (!m_szHREF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, szHREF, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szHREF, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} }
if (!m_szTitle) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, szTITLE, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szTitle = new char[dwSize]; if (!m_szHREF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, szTITLE, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szTitle, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} }
dwSize = MAX_PATH; if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyDistInfo, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)szVersionBuf, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
if ( FAILED(GetVersionFromString(szVersionBuf, &dwCurAdvMS, &dwCurAdvLS))){ hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
if (!(m_dwVersionMS|m_dwVersionLS)) { m_dwVersionMS = dwCurAdvMS; m_dwVersionLS = dwCurAdvLS; }
if (IsCDFNewerVersion(dwCurAdvMS, dwCurAdvLS)) { hr = S_FALSE; } else { hr = S_OK; }
if (hkeyDistInfo) { RegCloseKey(hkeyDistInfo); }
if (hkeyAdvertisedVersion) { RegCloseKey(hkeyAdvertisedVersion); }
if (hkeyLogo3) { RegCloseKey(hkeyLogo3); }
if (hkeyAuthCDF) { RegCloseKey(hkeyAuthCDF); }
SAFEDELETE(szDU); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
// **** IsICDAdvertised ****
// returns: S_FALSE for not advertised (or newest version not advertised)
// S_OK for advertised
HRESULT CSoftDist::IsICDAdvertised(LPBOOL lpfIsPrecached, LPBOOL lpfIsAuthorizedCDF) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IsICDAdvertised", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, lpfIsPrecached, lpfIsAuthorizedCDF )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkeyDist =0; HKEY hkeyThisDist = 0; HKEY hkeyVersion = 0; HKEY hkeyAdvertisedVersion = 0; DWORD Size = MAX_PATH; DWORD SizeDword = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwCurAdvMS = 0; DWORD dwCurAdvLS = 0;
const static char * szAvailableVersion = "AvailableVersion"; const static char * szHREF = "HREF"; const static char * szABSTRACT = "Abstract"; const static char * szPrecache = "Precache"; const static char * szAuthorizedCDF = "AuthorizedCDFPrefix";
LPSTR pszDist = NULL;
char szVersionBuf[MAX_PATH];
ASSERT(lpfIsPrecached && lpfIsAuthorizedCDF); if (!lpfIsPrecached || !lpfIsAuthorizedCDF) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
*lpfIsPrecached = FALSE; *lpfIsAuthorizedCDF = TRUE;
hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
if (FAILED((hr=::Unicode2Ansi(m_szDistUnit, &pszDist)))) { goto Exit; }
// open the dist unit key for this dist unit.
if (RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyDist, pszDist, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyThisDist) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
*lpfIsAuthorizedCDF = IsAuthorizedCDF(hkeyThisDist, /*bOptional*/TRUE);
if (RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyThisDist, szAvailableVersion, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyVersion) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyVersion, szPrecache, 0, &dwType, (unsigned char *)&lResult, &SizeDword) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// check for success or common error conditions which indicate we have bits.
if (SUCCEEDED(lResult)) { *lpfIsPrecached = TRUE; } else { *lpfIsPrecached = FALSE; } }
// This key is optionally present.
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyThisDist, REGKEY_MSICD_ADVERTISED_VERSION, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyAdvertisedVersion) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Size = MAX_PATH;
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyAdvertisedVersion, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)szVersionBuf, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) GetVersionFromString(szVersionBuf, &m_dwVersionAdvertisedMS, &m_dwVersionAdvertisedLS); // Get the AdState, if any
SizeDword = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx( hkeyAdvertisedVersion, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&m_dwAdState, &SizeDword); }
// save away the advt info like Title, href, abstract
// if called from GetDistributionUnitAdvt()
if (!m_szTitle) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyThisDist, NULL, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szTitle = new char[Size];
if (!m_szTitle) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyThisDist, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szTitle, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} }
if (!m_szAbstract) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyVersion, szABSTRACT, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szAbstract = new char[Size];
if (!m_szAbstract) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyVersion, szABSTRACT, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szAbstract, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} }
if (!m_szHREF) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyVersion, szHREF, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szHREF = new char[Size];
if (!m_szHREF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyVersion, szHREF, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szHREF, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} }
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkeyVersion, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)szVersionBuf, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
if ( FAILED(GetVersionFromString(szVersionBuf, &dwCurAdvMS, &dwCurAdvLS))){ hr = S_FALSE; goto Exit; }
if (!(m_dwVersionMS|m_dwVersionLS)) { m_dwVersionMS = dwCurAdvMS; m_dwVersionLS = dwCurAdvLS; }
if (IsCDFNewerVersion(dwCurAdvMS, dwCurAdvLS)) hr = S_FALSE; else hr = S_OK;
Exit: SAFEDELETE(pszDist);
SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyVersion); SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyAdvertisedVersion); SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyDist); SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyThisDist); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::Advertise(BOOL bFullAdvt) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::Advertise", "this=%#x, %B", this, bFullAdvt )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_Style == STYLE_MSICD) hr = ICDAdvertise(bFullAdvt); else if (m_Style == STYLE_ACTIVE_SETUP) hr = ActSetupAdvertise(bFullAdvt); else if (m_Style == STYLE_LOGO3) hr = Logo3Advertise(bFullAdvt); else hr = E_UNEXPECTED; DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::Logo3Advertise(BOOL bFullAdvt) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::Logo3Advertise", "this=%#x, %B", this, bFullAdvt )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwLen = 0; DWORD lResult = 0; LPSTR szDU = NULL; HKEY hkeyLogo3 = 0; HKEY hkeyDist = 0; HKEY hkeyAvailVersion = 0; DWORD dwAdState; static const char *szAvailableVersion = "AvailableVersion"; static const char *szPrecache = "Precache"; static const char *szHREF = "HREF"; static const char *szTitle = "Title"; char szVersionBuf[MAX_PATH];
dwLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0, m_szDistUnit, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); szDU = new char [dwLen]; if (szDU == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, m_szDistUnit , -1, szDU, dwLen, NULL, NULL);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyLogo3, szDU, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyDist) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Create key if it doesn't exist
if ((lResult = RegCreateKey(hkeyLogo3, szDU, &hkeyDist)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; } }
if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyDist, szAvailableVersion, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyAvailVersion) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((lResult = RegCreateKey(hkeyDist, szAvailableVersion, &hkeyAvailVersion)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; } }
wsprintf(szVersionBuf, "%d,%d,%d,%d", (m_dwVersionMS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (m_dwVersionMS & 0xffff), (m_dwVersionLS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (m_dwVersionLS & 0xffff));
lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAvailVersion, NULL, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)szVersionBuf, lstrlen(szVersionBuf) + 1);
if (bFullAdvt || IsAbstractDifferent(hkeyAvailVersion, m_szAbstract)) { // Clear previous AdState, if any
dwAdState = SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_NONE; // Don't panic if this fails
lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAvailVersion, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)&dwAdState, sizeof(DWORD));
// save HREF
if ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && m_szHREF) { lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAvailVersion, szHREF, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szHREF, lstrlen(m_szHREF) + 1); }
// save Abstract
if ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && m_szAbstract) { lResult = RegSetValueEx(hkeyAvailVersion, REGVAL_ABSTRACT_AVAILABLE, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szAbstract, lstrlen(m_szAbstract) + 1); }
// save Title
if ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && m_szTitle) { lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAvailVersion, szTitle, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szTitle, lstrlen(m_szTitle) + 1);
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; }
// new advertisement, remove old precache
if (bFullAdvt) ::RegDeleteValue(hkeyAvailVersion, szPrecache);
if (hkeyLogo3) { RegCloseKey(hkeyLogo3); }
if (hkeyDist) { RegCloseKey(hkeyDist); }
if (hkeyAvailVersion) { RegCloseKey(hkeyAvailVersion); }
if (szDU) { delete [] szDU; }
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::ICDAdvertise(BOOL bFullAdvt) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::ICDAdvertise", "this=%#x, %B", this, bFullAdvt )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkeyDist =0; HKEY hkeyThisDist = 0; HKEY hkeyDownloadInfo = 0;
HKEY hkeyVersion = 0; HKEY hkeyAdvertisedVersion = 0;
const static char * szAvailableVersion = "AvailableVersion"; const static char * szDownloadInfo = "DownloadInformation"; const static char * szCODEBASE = "CODEBASE"; const static char * szLOCALCDF = "CDF"; const static char * szINSTALLER = "Installer"; const static char * szMSICD = "MSICD"; const static char * szHREF = "HREF"; const static char * szPrecache = "Precache"; char szTmpCodeBase[MAX_PATH+sizeof(szCODEBASE)+5]; LPSTR pszCodeBase = NULL; int numCodeBase; POSITION pos;
LPSTR pszDist = NULL;
char szVersionBuf[MAX_PATH];
if ((lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_DIST_UNITS, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyDist)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((lResult = RegCreateKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_DIST_UNITS, &hkeyDist)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; } }
if (FAILED((hr=::Unicode2Ansi(m_szDistUnit, &pszDist)))) { goto Exit; }
// open/create the dist unit key for this dist unit.
if (RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyDist, pszDist, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyThisDist) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((lResult = RegCreateKey( hkeyDist, pszDist, &hkeyThisDist)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; } }
if (m_szTitle && ((lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyThisDist, NULL, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szTitle, lstrlen(m_szTitle)+1)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)){
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; }
lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyThisDist, szINSTALLER, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)szMSICD, sizeof(szMSICD)+1);
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; }
// open/create the download info key for this dist unit.
if (RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyThisDist, szDownloadInfo, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyDownloadInfo) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((lResult = RegCreateKey( hkeyThisDist, szDownloadInfo, &hkeyDownloadInfo)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; } }
// set download info params
if (GetCDF() && (lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyDownloadInfo, szLOCALCDF, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)GetCDF(), lstrlen(GetCDF())+1)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; }
pos = m_cbh.GetHeadPosition(); numCodeBase = 1; while (pos != NULL) {
CCodeBaseHold *cbh = m_cbh.GetNext(pos); if (numCodeBase <= 1) lstrcpy((char *)szTmpCodeBase, szCODEBASE); else wsprintf(szTmpCodeBase, "%s%d", szCODEBASE, numCodeBase);
if (FAILED(::Unicode2Ansi(cbh->wszCodeBase,&pszCodeBase))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
if ((lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyDownloadInfo, szTmpCodeBase, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)pszCodeBase, strlen(pszCodeBase))) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SAFEDELETE(pszCodeBase); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; }
SAFEDELETE(pszCodeBase); numCodeBase ++; }
// Note Version
wsprintf(szVersionBuf, "%d,%d,%d,%d", (m_dwVersionMS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (m_dwVersionMS & 0xffff), (m_dwVersionLS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (m_dwVersionLS & 0xffff));
if (RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyThisDist, szAvailableVersion, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyVersion) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((lResult = RegCreateKey( hkeyThisDist, szAvailableVersion, &hkeyVersion)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; } }
if (bFullAdvt || IsAbstractDifferent(hkeyVersion, m_szAbstract)) {
// Clear previous AdState, if any
if (RegOpenKey(hkeyThisDist, REGKEY_MSICD_ADVERTISED_VERSION, &hkeyAdvertisedVersion) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwAdState = SOFTDIST_ADSTATE_NONE;
// Don't panic if this fails
lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAdvertisedVersion, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)&dwAdState, sizeof(DWORD) ); } }
// new advertisement, remove old precache
if (bFullAdvt) ::RegDeleteValue(hkeyVersion, szPrecache); lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyVersion, NULL, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)szVersionBuf, lstrlen(szVersionBuf)+1); // save HREF
if ( (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && m_szHREF) lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyVersion, szHREF, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szHREF, lstrlen(m_szHREF)+1); // save Abstract
if ( (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && m_szAbstract) lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyVersion, REGVAL_ABSTRACT_AVAILABLE, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szAbstract, lstrlen(m_szAbstract)+1);
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); goto Exit; }
Exit: SAFEDELETE(pszDist); SAFEDELETE(pszCodeBase); SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyDownloadInfo); SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyVersion); SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyDist); SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyThisDist); SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hkeyAdvertisedVersion); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
BOOL CSoftDist::IsAuthorizedCDF(HKEY hkeyRootDU, BOOL bOptional) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Bool, "CSoftDist::IsAuthorizedCDF", "this=%#x, %#x, %B", this, hkeyRootDU, bOptional )); const static char *szAuthorizedCDF="AuthorizedCDFPrefix"; BOOL fResult = FALSE; HRESULT hr; int iValue = 0; CHAR szEnumCDF[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwValueSize = MAX_PATH; LPWSTR wzCDFURL = 0; IInternetSecurityManager *pism = 0; DWORD dwZone = 0, dwType = 0; HKEY hkeyAuthCDF = 0; DWORD dwPolicy = 0; DWORD dwContext = 0;
if (!hkeyRootDU) { goto Exit; }
if (!m_szCDFURL) { goto Exit; }
if (FAILED(CoInternetCreateSecurityManager(NULL, &pism, 0)) || !pism) { goto Exit; }
if (FAILED(Ansi2Unicode(m_szCDFURL, &wzCDFURL))) { goto Exit; }
pism->ProcessUrlAction(wzCDFURL, URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_PERMISSIONS, (BYTE *)&dwPolicy, sizeof(dwPolicy), (BYTE *)&dwContext, sizeof(dwContext), PUAF_NOUI, 0);
if (dwPolicy == URLPOLICY_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_AUTOINSTALL) { fResult = TRUE; goto Exit; }
// if no "AuthorizedCDF" key exists we don't do any prefix checking
if (RegOpenKeyEx( hkeyRootDU, szAuthorizedCDF, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyAuthCDF) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (bOptional) fResult = TRUE; goto Exit; }
iValue = 0; while (RegEnumValue(hkeyAuthCDF, iValue++, szEnumCDF, &dwValueSize, 0, &dwType, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwValueSize = MAX_PATH; // reset
// check for partial match, if found return true.
if (StrCmpNI(szEnumCDF, m_szCDFURL, min(lstrlenA(szEnumCDF), lstrlenA(m_szCDFURL))) == 0) { fResult = TRUE; goto Exit; } }
if (hkeyAuthCDF) RegCloseKey(hkeyAuthCDF);
DEBUG_LEAVE(fResult); return fResult; }
BOOL CSoftDist::IsCDFNewerVersion(DWORD dwLocFVMS, DWORD dwLocFVLS) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Bool, "CSoftDist::IsCDFNewerVersion", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, dwLocFVMS, dwLocFVLS )); BOOL fRet = ((m_dwVersionMS > dwLocFVMS) || ((m_dwVersionMS == dwLocFVMS) && (m_dwVersionLS > dwLocFVLS)));
DEBUG_LEAVE(fRet); return fRet; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::IsActSetupLocallyInstalled(LPCWSTR szDistUnit, DWORD dwVersionMS, DWORD dwVersionLS, LPCSTR szLanguages) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IsActSetupLocallyInstalled", "this=%#x, %.80wq, %#x, %#x, %.80q", this, szDistUnit, dwVersionMS, dwVersionLS, szLanguages )); Assert(szDistUnit); HRESULT hr = S_FALSE, hr2; // Not installed by active setup.
LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPSTR pszKey = NULL; BOOL bAllocedKey = FALSE; int nKey;
//we've done this at THREE other places in the code, so let's raise this from 1 to 2 *MAX_PATH
char szKey[2*MAX_PATH]; char szVersion[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwType; BOOL fIsInstalled = FALSE; WORD wVersion[4]; LPSTR pszDist = NULL; DWORD dwCurMS = 0; DWORD dwCurLS = 0;
const static char * szLocale = "Locale"; const static char * szIsInstalled = "IsInstalled"; const static char * szActVersion = "Version";
if (FAILED((hr2=::Unicode2Ansi(szDistUnit, &pszDist)))) { hr = hr2; goto Exit; }
ULONG ulenDist = lstrlenA(pszDist); //sizeof counts terminating NULL also, so subtract 2, and add 1 for the final NULL
ULONG ulenConst = sizeof(REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS)/sizeof(CHAR) + sizeof("\\")/sizeof(CHAR) - 2 + 1; if ((ulenDist+ulenConst) > sizeof(szKey)) { pszKey = new CHAR[ulenDist+ulenConst]; }
if (pszKey) { bAllocedKey = TRUE; nKey = ulenDist+ulenConst; } else { pszKey = szKey; nKey = sizeof(szKey); }
StrNCpy(pszKey, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS, nKey); StrCatBuff(pszKey, "\\", nKey); StrCatBuff(pszKey, pszDist, nKey);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Check for the installed language. And see if it fits the availabel szLanguages
dwSize = sizeof(szVersion); if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szLocale, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szVersion, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (szLanguages && !AreAllLanguagesPresent(szVersion, szLanguages)) goto Exit; }
dwSize = sizeof(dwValue); // Old format of the Installed components did not have the IsInstalled value.
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szIsInstalled, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwValue = 0; } fIsInstalled = (dwValue != 0); if (fIsInstalled) { dwSize = sizeof(szVersion); if ( (lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szActVersion, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szVersion, &dwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if (dwType == REG_SZ) { if ( SUCCEEDED(GetVersionFromString(szVersion, &dwCurMS, &dwCurLS))) { m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionMS = dwCurMS; m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionLS = dwCurLS;
if (dwCurMS > dwVersionMS || (dwCurMS == dwVersionMS && dwCurLS >= dwVersionLS)) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
} } else { dwSize = 4 * sizeof(WORD); if ( (lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szActVersion, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)wVersion, &dwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // The registry version number is saved hi-word MS lo-word MS hi-word LS lo-word LS
// therefore we need to put the data manualy into the DWORDs
dwCurMS = (DWORD)wVersion[0] << 16; // Make hi word of MS version
dwCurMS += (DWORD)wVersion[1]; // Make lo word of MS version
dwCurLS = (DWORD)wVersion[2] << 16; // Make hi word of LS version
dwCurLS += (DWORD)wVersion[3]; // Make lo word of LS version
if (dwCurMS > dwVersionMS || (dwCurMS == dwVersionMS && dwCurLS >= dwVersionLS)) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
} else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); } } // If "Version" doesn't exist we assume its been advertised
// but not locally installed.
} }
if (bAllocedKey) { delete [] pszKey; } SAFEREGCLOSEKEY(hKey); SAFEDELETE(pszDist); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::ActSetupAdvertise(BOOL bFullAdvt) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::ActSetupAdvertise", "this=%#x, %B", this, bFullAdvt ));
LPSTR pszKey = NULL; BOOL bAllocedKey = FALSE; int nKey;
char szKey[2*MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPSTR pszDist = NULL; LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; static const char *szPrecache = "Precache";
if (FAILED((hr=::Unicode2Ansi(m_szDistUnit, &pszDist)))) { goto Exit; }
ULONG ulenDist = lstrlenA(pszDist); //sizeof counts terminating NULL also, so subtract 2, and add 1 for the final NULL
ULONG ulenConst = sizeof(REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS)/sizeof(CHAR) + sizeof("\\")/sizeof(CHAR) - 2 + 1; if ((ulenDist+ulenConst) > sizeof(szKey)) { pszKey = new CHAR[ulenDist+ulenConst]; }
if (pszKey) { bAllocedKey = TRUE; nKey = ulenDist + ulenConst; } else { pszKey = szKey; nKey = sizeof(szKey); }
StrNCpy(pszKey, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS, nKey); StrCatBuff(pszKey, "\\", nKey); StrCatBuff(pszKey, pszDist, nKey);
// Note Version
wsprintf(pszKey, "%d,%d,%d,%d", (m_dwVersionMS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (m_dwVersionMS & 0xffff), (m_dwVersionLS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (m_dwVersionLS & 0xffff)); lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_VERSION_AVAILABLE, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)pszKey, lstrlen(pszKey)+1);
if (bFullAdvt || IsAbstractDifferent(hKey, m_szAbstract)) { // (re)set the ad state
lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)&dwAdStateInit, sizeof(DWORD) );
if( (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && m_szTitle) lResult=RegSetValueEx(hKey,REGVAL_TITLE_AVAILABLE, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szTitle, lstrlen(m_szTitle)+1);
if( (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && m_szAbstract) lResult=RegSetValueEx(hKey,REGVAL_ABSTRACT_AVAILABLE, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szAbstract, lstrlen(m_szAbstract)+1);
if( (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && m_szHREF) { //
// Check if this is the IE4 GUID. If so, change IE's
// First Home Page to point to this HREF.
// This is no longer being used because we pop up a dialog instead
if (lstrcmpi(pszDist, DISTUNIT_NAME_IE4) == 0) { HKEY hKeyIE = 0; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_IE_MAIN, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKeyIE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
RegSetValueEx(hKeyIE,REGVAL_FIRST_HOME_PAGE, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szHREF, lstrlen(m_szHREF)+1); RegCloseKey(hKeyIE); } } */
lResult =RegSetValueEx(hKey,REGVAL_HREF_AVAILABLE, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)m_szHREF, lstrlen(m_szHREF)+1); }
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lResult); }
// new advertisement, remove old precache
if (bFullAdvt) ::RegDeleteValue(hKey, szPrecache);
if (bAllocedKey) { delete [] pszKey; }
SAFEDELETE(pszDist); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::IsActSetupAdvertised(LPBOOL lpfIsPrecached, LPBOOL lpfIsAuthorized) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::IsActSetupAdvertised", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, lpfIsPrecached, lpfIsAuthorized )); HKEY hKey;
LPSTR pszTmp = NULL; BOOL bAllocedTmp = FALSE; int nTmp; char szTmp[2*MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwCurAdvMS = 0; DWORD dwCurAdvLS = 0; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE, hr2; LPSTR pszDist = NULL; LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; const static char * szPrecache = "Precache";
ASSERT(lpfIsPrecached && lpfIsAuthorized); if (!lpfIsPrecached || !lpfIsAuthorized) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
*lpfIsPrecached = FALSE; *lpfIsAuthorized = TRUE;
if (FAILED((hr2=::Unicode2Ansi(m_szDistUnit, &pszDist)))) { hr = hr2; goto Exit; }
hr = S_FALSE; // reset: assume not advertised
ULONG ulenDist = lstrlenA(pszDist); //sizeof counts terminating NULL also, so subtract 2, and add 1 for the final NULL
ULONG ulenConst = sizeof(REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS)/sizeof(CHAR) + sizeof("\\")/sizeof(CHAR) - 2 + 1; if ((ulenDist+ulenConst) > sizeof(szTmp)) { pszTmp = new CHAR[ulenDist+ulenConst]; }
if (pszTmp) { bAllocedTmp = TRUE; nTmp = ulenDist + ulenConst; } else { pszTmp = szTmp; nTmp = sizeof(szTmp); }
StrNCpy(pszTmp, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS, nTmp); StrCatBuff(pszTmp, "\\", nTmp); StrCatBuff(pszTmp, pszDist, nTmp);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszTmp, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *lpfIsAuthorized = IsAuthorizedCDF(hKey);
dwSize = sizeof(szTmp); if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGVAL_VERSION_AVAILABLE, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szTmp, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD Size; DWORD dwType; char szVersionAdvertised[MAX_PATH]; DWORD SizeDword = sizeof(DWORD);
// check for precache registry key
if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szPrecache, 0, &dwType, (unsigned char *)&lResult, &SizeDword) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// check for success or common error conditions which indicate we have bits.
if (SUCCEEDED(lResult)) { *lpfIsPrecached = TRUE; } else { *lpfIsPrecached = FALSE; }
} dwSize = sizeof(szVersionAdvertised); m_dwVersionAdvertisedMS = 0; m_dwVersionAdvertisedLS = 0; // read in the advertised version, if any
if (RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGVAL_VERSION_ADVERTISED, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szVersionAdvertised, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( SUCCEEDED(GetVersionFromString(szTmp, &dwCurAdvMS, &dwCurAdvLS))) { m_dwVersionAdvertisedMS = dwCurAdvMS; m_dwVersionAdvertisedLS = dwCurAdvLS; } SizeDword = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&m_dwAdState, &SizeDword); }
dwCurAdvMS = 0; dwCurAdvLS = 0;
// save away the advt info like Title, href, abstract
// if called from GetDistributionUnitAdvt()
if (!m_szHREF) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_HREF_AVAILABLE, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szHREF = new char[Size];
if (!m_szHREF) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_HREF_AVAILABLE, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szHREF, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} } if (!m_szTitle) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_TITLE_AVAILABLE, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szTitle = new char[Size];
if (!m_szTitle) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_TITLE_AVAILABLE, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szTitle, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} } if (!m_szAbstract) { if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_ABSTRACT_AVAILABLE, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &Size) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
m_szAbstract = new char[Size];
if (!m_szAbstract) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_ABSTRACT_AVAILABLE, NULL, &dwType, (unsigned char *)m_szAbstract, &Size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Exit; }
} } // If we have a Version available, we are done.
if ( SUCCEEDED(GetVersionFromString(szTmp, &dwCurAdvMS, &dwCurAdvLS))) { if (!(m_dwVersionMS|m_dwVersionLS)) { m_dwVersionMS = dwCurAdvMS; m_dwVersionLS = dwCurAdvLS; }
if (IsCDFNewerVersion(dwCurAdvMS, dwCurAdvLS)) { hr = S_FALSE; } else { hr = S_OK; } } } } Exit:
if (bAllocedTmp) { delete [] pszTmp; } SAFEDELETE(pszDist); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::GetSoftwareUpdateInfo( LPCWSTR szDistUnit, LPSOFTDISTINFO psdi ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::GetSoftwareUpdateInfo", "this=%#x, %.80wq, %#x", this, szDistUnit, psdi )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwStyle = STYLE_MSICD; BOOL bIsPrecached = FALSE; BOOL bIsAuthorized = FALSE;
if ( psdi != NULL ) { psdi->szTitle = NULL; psdi->szAbstract = NULL; psdi->szHREF = NULL; }
hr = PrepSoftwareUpdate( szDistUnit, &dwStyle ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
if (dwStyle == STYLE_MSICD) { hr = IsICDAdvertised(&bIsPrecached, &bIsAuthorized); } else if (dwStyle == STYLE_LOGO3) { hr = IsLogo3Advertised(&bIsPrecached, &bIsAuthorized); } else { hr = IsActSetupAdvertised(&bIsPrecached, &bIsAuthorized); }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { BOOL bUpdateIsNewer = IsCDFNewerVersion(m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionMS, m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionLS); if ( psdi != NULL ) { psdi->dwFlags = 0; psdi->dwInstalledVersionMS = m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionMS; psdi->dwInstalledVersionLS = m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionLS; psdi->dwUpdateVersionMS = m_dwVersionMS; psdi->dwUpdateVersionLS = m_dwVersionLS; psdi->dwAdvertisedVersionMS = m_dwVersionAdvertisedMS; psdi->dwAdvertisedVersionLS = m_dwVersionAdvertisedLS; psdi->dwAdState = m_dwAdState; // conjure up the flags
// Note: we never set the e-mail flag.
if ( bIsPrecached ) psdi->dwFlags |= SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_PRECACHE;
// REVIEW: Is this true?
// If we're precached and the update version matches the installed version,
// then we've already auto-installed, or close enough for the purposes of
// advertisement.
if ( psdi->dwInstalledVersionMS == psdi->dwUpdateVersionMS && psdi->dwInstalledVersionLS == psdi->dwUpdateVersionLS ) psdi->dwFlags |= SOFTDIST_FLAG_USAGE_AUTOINSTALL;
if (m_szTitle) { hr = Ansi2Unicode( m_szTitle, &psdi->szTitle ); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; } if (m_szAbstract) { hr = Ansi2Unicode( m_szAbstract, &psdi->szAbstract ); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; } if (m_szHREF) { hr = Ansi2Unicode( m_szHREF, &psdi->szHREF ); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; } } // if caller wants SOFTDISTINFO
if ( bUpdateIsNewer ) hr = S_OK; else hr = S_FALSE; } else { // return at least the current version in this situation
if ( psdi != NULL ) { psdi->dwFlags = 0; psdi->dwInstalledVersionMS = m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionMS; psdi->dwInstalledVersionLS = m_distunitinst.dwInstalledVersionLS; psdi->dwUpdateVersionMS = 0; psdi->dwUpdateVersionLS = 0; psdi->dwAdvertisedVersionMS = 0; psdi->dwAdvertisedVersionLS = 0; psdi->dwAdState = 0; }
hr = E_INVALIDARG; // szDistUnit has no advertising data, not subscribed?
// BUGBUG: we want to be able to populate the SOFTDISTINFO before the first
// advertised update, but this class won't scoop up the necessary goo
// prior.
if ( FAILED(hr) && psdi != NULL ) { SAFEDELETE(psdi->szTitle); SAFEDELETE(psdi->szAbstract); SAFEDELETE(psdi->szHREF); } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState( LPCWSTR szDistUnit, DWORD dwAdState, DWORD dwAdvertisedVersionMS, DWORD dwAdvertisedVersionLS ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState", "this=%#x, %.80wq, %#x, %#x, %#x", this, szDistUnit, dwAdState, dwAdvertisedVersionMS, dwAdvertisedVersionLS )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwStyle; TCHAR *pszDU = NULL;
hr = Unicode2Ansi( szDistUnit, &pszDU );
// code around assumes that MAX_PATH is MAX size of dist unit
// we try to make a key name with the distunit and that limit is
// now MAX_PATH. Hence the reasoning to limit this to MAX_PATH
if (FAILED(hr) || (lstrlenW(szDistUnit) > MAX_PATH)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); } goto Exit; }
// BUFFER OVERRUN : limit size in of distunit
hr = PrepSoftwareUpdate( szDistUnit, &dwStyle );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if (dwStyle == STYLE_MSICD) { LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkeyDist =0; HKEY hkeyThisDist = 0; HKEY hkeyAdvertisedVersion = 0;
char szTmp[2*MAX_PATH]; wnsprintf( szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)-1, "%s\\%s\\%s", REGSTR_PATH_DIST_UNITS, pszDU, REGKEY_MSICD_ADVERTISED_VERSION );
if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szTmp, &hkeyAdvertisedVersion) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Note Version
wsprintf(szTmp, "%d,%d,%d,%d", (dwAdvertisedVersionMS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (dwAdvertisedVersionMS & 0xffff), (dwAdvertisedVersionLS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (dwAdvertisedVersionLS & 0xffff)); lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAdvertisedVersion, NULL, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp)+1); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAdvertisedVersion, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)&dwAdState, sizeof(DWORD) ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lResult ); } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lResult );
RegCloseKey( hkeyAdvertisedVersion ); } } else if (dwStyle == STYLE_LOGO3) { LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkeyDist =0; HKEY hkeyThisDist = 0; HKEY hkeyAvailableVersion = 0;
char szTmp[2*MAX_PATH]; wnsprintf( szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)-1, "%s\\%s\\%s", REGSTR_PATH_LOGO3_SETTINGS, pszDU, REGKEY_LOGO3_AVAILABLE_VERSION );
if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szTmp, &hkeyAvailableVersion) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Note Version
wsprintf(szTmp, "%d,%d,%d,%d", (dwAdvertisedVersionMS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (dwAdvertisedVersionMS & 0xffff), (dwAdvertisedVersionLS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (dwAdvertisedVersionLS & 0xffff)); lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAvailableVersion, REGSTR_LOGO3_ADVERTISED_VERSION, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp)+1); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hkeyAvailableVersion, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)&dwAdState, sizeof(DWORD) ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lResult ); } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lResult );
RegCloseKey( hkeyAvailableVersion ); } } else { LPSTR pszKey = NULL; BOOL bAllocedKey = FALSE; int nKey; CHAR szKey[2*MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;
ULONG ulenDist = lstrlenA(pszDU); //sizeof counts terminating NULL also, so subtract 2, and add 1 for the final NULL
ULONG ulenConst = sizeof(REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS)/sizeof(CHAR) + sizeof("\\")/sizeof(CHAR) - 2 + 1; if ((ulenDist+ulenConst) > sizeof(szKey)) { pszKey = new CHAR[ulenDist+ulenConst]; }
if (pszKey) { bAllocedKey = TRUE; nKey = ulenDist + ulenConst; } else { pszKey = szKey; nKey = sizeof(szKey); }
StrNCpy(pszKey, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS, nKey); StrCatBuff(pszKey, "\\", nKey); StrCatBuff(pszKey, pszDU, nKey); if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszKey, 0, KEY_WRITE , &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Note Version
wsprintf(pszKey, "%d,%d,%d,%d", (dwAdvertisedVersionMS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (dwAdvertisedVersionMS & 0xffff), (dwAdvertisedVersionLS & 0xffff0000)>>16, (dwAdvertisedVersionLS & 0xffff)); lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_VERSION_ADVERTISED, NULL, REG_SZ, (unsigned char *)pszKey, lstrlen(pszKey)+1); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_ADSTATE, NULL, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)&dwAdState, sizeof(DWORD) ); if ( lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lResult ); } else hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( lResult );
RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
if (bAllocedKey) { delete [] pszKey; } } }
DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftDist::PrepSoftwareUpdate( LPCWSTR szDistUnit, DWORD *pdwStyle ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::PrepSoftwareUpdate", "this=%#x, %.80wq, %#x", this, szDistUnit, pdwStyle )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; *pdwStyle = STYLE_MSICD;
hr = CDLDupWStr( &m_szDistUnit, szDistUnit ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto Exit;
hr = IsICDLocallyInstalled(m_szDistUnit, m_dwVersionMS, m_dwVersionLS, m_szLanguages); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
if (!IsAnyInstalled()) {
hr = IsActSetupLocallyInstalled(m_szDistUnit, m_dwVersionMS, m_dwVersionLS, m_szLanguages); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } else if (hr == S_OK) { *pdwStyle = STYLE_ACTIVE_SETUP; goto Exit; }
if (!IsAnyInstalled()) { hr = IsLogo3LocallyInstalled(m_szDistUnit, m_dwVersionMS, m_dwVersionLS, m_szLanguages);
if (FAILED(hr)) { if (!IsAnyInstalled()) { // some prev version must be installed for this to succeed
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND); goto Exit; } } else if (hr == S_OK) { *pdwStyle = STYLE_LOGO3; } }
Exit: DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSoftDist::Logo3DownloadNext() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::Logo3DownloadNext", "this=%#x", this )); HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; FILETIME ftExpireTime; FILETIME ftTime; LPWSTR wszCodeBase = NULL; LPSTR szDownloadedCodeBase = NULL; LPSTR szMainCodeBase = NULL; LPSTR szDownloadedFile = NULL; LPSTR pszExtn = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwBytes; CCodeBaseHold *pcbhPrev = NULL; CCodeBaseHold *pcbhCur = NULL; LISTPOSITION lpos = 0, lposOld = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; BOOL bFakeCacheEntry; TCHAR achFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO lpCacheEntryInfo = NULL; char achBuffer[MAX_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_SIZE]; pcbhPrev = m_cbh.GetAt(m_curPos); Assert(pcbhPrev);
if (FAILED(hr = Unicode2Ansi(pcbhPrev->wszCodeBase, &szDownloadedCodeBase))) { goto Exit; }
lpCacheEntryInfo = (LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO)achBuffer; dwSize = MAX_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_SIZE; if (!GetUrlCacheEntryInfo(szDownloadedCodeBase, lpCacheEntryInfo, &dwSize)) { // this should never happen
hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
szDownloadedFile = new char[lstrlen(lpCacheEntryInfo->lpszLocalFileName) + 1]; if (szDownloadedFile == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } lstrcpy(szDownloadedFile, lpCacheEntryInfo->lpszLocalFileName);
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftTime); ftExpireTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)0; ftExpireTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)0;
// Mark all CCodeBaseHold's with same group as downloaded and find
// main codebase
bFakeCacheEntry = TRUE; szMainCodeBase = NULL; lpos = m_cbh.GetHeadPosition(); while (lpos) { pcbhCur = m_cbh.GetNext(lpos);
if (pcbhCur->dwFlags & CBH_FLAGS_MAIN_CODEBASE) { Assert(szMainCodeBase == NULL); // we should only get here once
if (FAILED(Unicode2Ansi(pcbhCur->wszCodeBase, &szMainCodeBase))) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; } if (pcbhCur == pcbhPrev || StrCmpW(pcbhCur->wszDLGroup, pcbhPrev->wszDLGroup)) { bFakeCacheEntry = FALSE; } } if (pcbhCur == pcbhPrev) { continue; } if (!StrCmpW(pcbhPrev->wszDLGroup, pcbhCur->wszDLGroup)) { pcbhCur->dwFlags |= CBH_FLAGS_DOWNLOADED; } }
// Fake a cache entry for this
if (bFakeCacheEntry) { Assert(szMainCodeBase != NULL);
lpCacheEntryInfo = (LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO)achBuffer; dwSize = MAX_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_SIZE; if (!GetUrlCacheEntryInfo(szMainCodeBase, lpCacheEntryInfo, &dwSize)) { pszExtn = PathFindExtension(szMainCodeBase) + 1; if (CreateUrlCacheEntry((LPCSTR)szMainCodeBase, 0, pszExtn, achFileName, 0)) { CopyFile(szDownloadedFile, achFileName, FALSE); CommitUrlCacheEntry(szMainCodeBase, achFileName, ftExpireTime, ftTime, NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY, NULL, 0, pszExtn, szDownloadedCodeBase); } } }
// Iterate list until we get a new group
pcbhCur = NULL; lpos = m_cbh.GetHeadPosition(); while (lpos) { lposOld = lpos; pcbhCur = m_cbh.GetNext(lpos);
if (!(pcbhCur->dwFlags & CBH_FLAGS_DOWNLOADED)) { m_curPos = lposOld; bFound = TRUE; pcbhCur->dwFlags |= CBH_FLAGS_DOWNLOADED; hr = CDLDupWStr(&wszCodeBase, pcbhCur->wszCodeBase); break; } }
hr = (bFound) ? (Logo3Download(wszCodeBase)) : (S_FALSE);
SAFEDELETE(szDownloadedCodeBase); SAFEDELETE(szDownloadedFile); SAFEDELETE(szMainCodeBase); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSoftDist::Logo3DownloadRedundant() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::Logo3DownloadRedundant", "this=%#x", this )); HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; LPWSTR szCodeBase = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; CCodeBaseHold *pcbhPrev = NULL; CCodeBaseHold *pcbhCur = NULL; LISTPOSITION lpos = 0, lposOld = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; pcbhPrev = m_cbh.GetAt(m_curPos); Assert(pcbhPrev);
// Find first undownloaded codebase of the same group
lpos = m_cbh.GetHeadPosition(); while (lpos) { lposOld = lpos; pcbhCur = m_cbh.GetNext(lpos); if (!(pcbhCur->dwFlags & CBH_FLAGS_DOWNLOADED) && !StrCmpW(pcbhCur->wszDLGroup, pcbhPrev->wszDLGroup)) { bFound = TRUE; m_curPos = lposOld; pcbhCur->dwFlags |= CBH_FLAGS_DOWNLOADED; hr = CDLDupWStr(&szCodeBase, pcbhCur->wszCodeBase); dwSize = pcbhCur->dwSize; break; } }
hr = (bFound) ? (Logo3Download(szCodeBase)) : (S_FALSE); DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSoftDist::Logo3Download(LPWSTR szCodeBase) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CSoftDist::Logo3Download", "this=%#x, %.80wq", szCodeBase )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwLen = 0; char achCodeBase[INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; IMoniker *pmk = NULL; Logo3CodeDLBSC *pCDLBSC = NULL; IBindCtx *pabc = NULL; IBindStatusCallback *pbscOld = NULL; IUnknown *pUnk = NULL;
hr = CreateURLMoniker(NULL, szCodeBase, &pmk); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dwLen = INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szCodeBase , -1, achCodeBase, dwLen, NULL, NULL);
pCDLBSC = new Logo3CodeDLBSC(this, m_pClientBSC, achCodeBase, m_szDistUnit); if (pCDLBSC == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFERELEASE(pmk); m_pClientBSC->Release(); goto Exit; }
hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pabc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = RegisterBindStatusCallback(pabc, pCDLBSC, &pbscOld, 0); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pCDLBSC->SetBindCtx(pabc); hr = pmk->BindToStorage(pabc, NULL, IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pUnk); if (FAILED(hr) && hr != E_PENDING) { RevokeBindStatusCallback(pabc, pCDLBSC); } }
if (pUnk) { pUnk->Release(); } } Exit:
// Replace the ';' separator with '\0' and count the number of languages in the string.
void PrepareLanguage(LPSTR lpLang) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, None, "PrepareLanguage", "%.80q", lpLang )); LPSTR lpTmp; int index = 0;
if (lpLang) { index = 1; lpTmp = lpLang; while (*lpTmp) { if (*lpTmp == ';') { *lpTmp = '\0'; index++; } lpTmp = CharNext(lpTmp); } } DEBUG_LEAVE(0); return; }
// Checks if all languages in the semicolon separated list of lpszLang1 are also in lpszLang2
BOOL AreAllLanguagesPresent(LPCSTR lpszLang1, LPCSTR lpszLang2) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Bool, "AreAllLanguagesPresent", "%.80q, %.80q", lpszLang1, lpszLang2 )); LPSTR lpLang1 = NULL; LPSTR lpLang2 = NULL; LPSTR lpTmp1; // Pointer into lpLang1
LPSTR lpTmp2; // pointer into lpLang2
BOOL bAllPresent = FALSE; BOOL bFoundOne = TRUE;
if (lpszLang2 == NULL) // No language in the CDF, assume all languages are OK
{ DEBUG_LEAVE(TRUE); return TRUE; } // Make a copy of the language strings
lpLang1 = new char[lstrlen(lpszLang1) + 2]; lpLang2 = new char[lstrlen(lpszLang2) + 2];
if ((lpLang1) && (lpLang2)) { strcpy(lpLang1, lpszLang1); strcpy(lpLang2, lpszLang2); PrepareLanguage(lpLang1); PrepareLanguage(lpLang2); lpTmp1 = lpLang1; while ((*lpTmp1) && (bFoundOne)) { lpTmp2 = lpLang2; bFoundOne = FALSE; while ((*lpTmp2) && !bFoundOne) { bFoundOne = (lstrcmpi(lpTmp1, lpTmp2) == 0); lpTmp2 += lstrlen(lpTmp2) + 1; } lpTmp1 += lstrlen(lpTmp1) + 1; } bAllPresent = bFoundOne; }
SAFEDELETE(lpLang1); SAFEDELETE(lpLang2); DEBUG_LEAVE(bAllPresent); return bAllPresent; }
STDAPI GetSoftwareUpdateInfo( LPCWSTR szDistUnit, LPSOFTDISTINFO psdi ) { DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "GetSoftwareUpdateInfo", "%.80wq, %#x", szDistUnit, psdi ));
if ( psdi == NULL || (psdi->cbSize == sizeof(SOFTDISTINFO) && psdi->dwReserved == 0) ) { CSoftDist *pSoftDist = new CSoftDist();
if (!pSoftDist) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
hr = pSoftDist->GetSoftwareUpdateInfo(szDistUnit, psdi);
} else hr = E_INVALIDARG;
Exit: DEBUG_LEAVE_API(hr); return hr; }
STDAPI SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState( LPCWSTR szDistUnit, DWORD dwAdState, DWORD dwAdvertisedVersionMS, DWORD dwAdvertisedVersionLS ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState", "%.80wq, %#x, %#x, %#x", szDistUnit, dwAdState, dwAdvertisedVersionMS, dwAdvertisedVersionLS ));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSoftDist *pSoftDist = new CSoftDist();
if (!pSoftDist) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
hr = pSoftDist->SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState( szDistUnit, dwAdState, dwAdvertisedVersionMS, dwAdvertisedVersionLS ); SAFERELEASE(pSoftDist);
Exit: DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT GetStyleFromString(LPSTR szStyle, LPDWORD lpdwStyle) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "GetStyleFromString", "%.80q, %#x", szStyle, lpdwStyle )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (szStyle == NULL || lpdwStyle == NULL) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if (lstrcmpi(szStyle,DU_STYLE_MSICD) == 0) { *lpdwStyle = STYLE_MSICD; } else if (lstrcmpi(szStyle,DU_STYLE_ACTIVE_SETUP) == 0) { *lpdwStyle = STYLE_ACTIVE_SETUP; } else if (lstrcmpi(szStyle,DU_STYLE_MSINSTALL) == 0) { *lpdwStyle = STYLE_MSINSTALL; } else if (lstrcmpi(szStyle,DU_STYLE_LOGO3) == 0 ) { *lpdwStyle = STYLE_LOGO3; } else { *lpdwStyle = STYLE_UNKNOWN; hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
// CActiveSetupBinding : Wrapper class to simulate control over client binding operation when
// we are actually dealing with an EXE.
DWORD WINAPI StartActiveSetup(void *dwArg) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Dword, "StartActiveSetup", "%#x", dwArg )); CActiveSetupBinding *pasb = (CActiveSetupBinding *)dwArg; ASSERT(pasb); pasb->StartActiveSetup();
// Should never return.
ASSERT(FALSE); DEBUG_LEAVE(-1); return -1; }
CActiveSetupBinding::CActiveSetupBinding(IBindCtx *pbc, IBindStatusCallback *pbsc, LPWSTR szCodeBase, LPWSTR szDistUnit, HRESULT *phr) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, None, "CActiveSetupBinding::CActiveSetupBinding", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x, %.80wq, %.80wq, %#x", this, pbc, pbsc, szCodeBase, szDistUnit, phr )); HKEY hkAppPath = NULL;
ASSERT(pbc); ASSERT(pbsc); ASSERT(phr);
*phr = S_OK; fSilent = FALSE; m_pbc = pbc; m_pbc->AddRef(); m_pbsc = pbsc; m_pbsc->AddRef();
m_dwRef = 1; m_hWaitThread = NULL; memset(&m_piChild, 0, sizeof(m_piChild));
if (FAILED(Unicode2Ansi(szCodeBase, &m_szCodeBase))) goto Exit; if (FAILED(Unicode2Ansi(szDistUnit, &m_szDistUnit))) goto Exit;
ASSERT(m_szCodeBase); // Get actsetup.exe path.
if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\IEXPLORE.EXE", 0, KEY_READ, &hkAppPath) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { long dwSize = MAX_PATH; m_szActSetupPath[0] = '\0';
if (RegQueryValueA(hkAppPath, NULL, (LPSTR)m_szActSetupPath, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((dwSize <= 1) || (m_szActSetupPath[0] == '\0')) goto Exit; LPSTR szCur = &m_szActSetupPath[dwSize-2]; // points to last character
while (szCur>m_szActSetupPath) { if (*szCur == '\\') break; szCur--; }
*(++szCur) = '\0'; // Prematurely truncate string (chop off IEXPLORE.EXE)
} else goto Exit; } else goto Exit; // Create thread to monitor status of Active Setup executable.
m_hWaitThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &(::StartActiveSetup), (LPVOID)this, 0, &dwThreadID);
Exit: *phr = (m_hWaitThread != NULL) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
CActiveSetupBinding::~CActiveSetupBinding() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, None, "CActiveSetupBinding::~CActiveSetupBinding", "this=%#x", this )); ASSERT(m_dwRef == 0);
SAFERELEASE(m_pbsc); SAFERELEASE(m_pbc); SAFEDELETE(m_szCodeBase); SAFEDELETE(m_szDistUnit);
if (m_hWaitThread) CloseHandle(m_hWaitThread);
if (m_piChild.hProcess) CloseHandle(m_piChild.hProcess); if (m_piChild.hThread) CloseHandle(m_piChild.hThread);
void CActiveSetupBinding::StartActiveSetup(void) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, None, "CActiveSetupBinding::StartActiveSetup", "this=%#x", this )); CHAR szCmdLine[2*MAX_PATH]; STARTUPINFO si; DWORD dwResult; LPSTR szSite;
//REVIEW: Change to some other suitable value?
const DWORD dwTimeOut = 100*60*5; // every 5 minutes
memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); // ActSetup.Exe can take care of itself.
BINDINFO bi; DWORD dwBindf = 0; memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(BINDINFO)); bi.cbSize = sizeof(BINDINFO);
m_pbsc->GetBindInfo(&dwBindf, &bi); fSilent = (dwBindf & BINDF_SILENTOPERATION) ? TRUE : FALSE;
szSite = StrChr(m_szCodeBase, ';'); if (szSite) { *szSite = '\0'; szSite++; SetDefaultDownloadSite(szSite); }
// compose the pathname for actsetup.exe and then check for
// file existence before spawning process
wnsprintfA(szCmdLine, sizeof(szCmdLine)-1, "%sactsetup.exe", m_szActSetupPath);
if (GetFileAttributes(szCmdLine) == -1) { DoCleanUp(E_NOTIMPL); // auto install or pre download not impl
delete this; goto Exit; }
// Create proper command line
// /r:n - no reboot
// /d - download only
// /q - silent mode (does not require user input)
wnsprintfA(szCmdLine, sizeof(szCmdLine)-1, "\"%sactsetup.exe\" /J:job.ie4 /r:n /q %s /s:\"%s\" ", m_szActSetupPath, fSilent ? "/d" : "", m_szCodeBase);
// Use ansi version since Win95 doesn't support unicode version.
if (!CreateProcessA(NULL, // lpApplicationName
szCmdLine, // lpCommandLine
NULL, // lpProcessAttributes
NULL, // lpThreadAttributes
FALSE, // Inherit Handles
0, // dwCreationFlags
NULL, // Environment block (inherit callers)
NULL, // Current directory
&si, // STARTUPINFO record
&m_piChild)) { // PROCESSINFOMRATION record
delete this; goto Exit; }
// REVIEW: Localize status messages? Messages aren't currently used for anything useful.
if (FAILED(m_pbsc->OnStartBinding(0,(IBinding *)this))) goto Exit;
while ((dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(m_piChild.hProcess, dwTimeOut)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
(void) m_pbsc->OnProgress(0,0,BINDSTATUS_DOWNLOADINGDATA, L"ActiveSetup Running");
} ASSERT(dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_O);
if (GetExitCodeProcess(m_piChild.hProcess, &dwResult)) {
//REVIEW: Check for partial return codes.
if (SUCCEEDED(dwResult)) {
(void) m_pbsc->OnStopBinding(S_OK, NULL); } else {
DoCleanUp(dwResult); goto Exit;
} } else {
// Install failed, abort process.
DoCleanUp(E_FAIL); goto Exit; }
delete this;
Exit: // BINDINFO_FIX(LaszloG) 8/15/96
DEBUG_LEAVE(0); ExitThread(-1); }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveSetupBinding::QueryInterface(REFIID riid,void ** ppv) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::IUnknown::QueryInterface", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x", this, &riid, ppv )); if ((riid == IID_IUnknown) || (riid == IID_IBinding)) { *ppv = (IBinding *) this; AddRef(); DEBUG_LEAVE(S_OK); return S_OK; } else { DEBUG_LEAVE(E_NOINTERFACE); return E_NOINTERFACE; } }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CActiveSetupBinding::AddRef() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Dword, "CActiveSetupBinding::IUnknown::AddRef", "this=%#x", this )); ULONG ulRet = m_dwRef++; DEBUG_LEAVE(ulRet); return ulRet; }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CActiveSetupBinding::Release() { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Dword, "CActiveSetupBinding::IUnknown::Release", "this=%#x", this )); if (--m_dwRef == 0) { delete this; DEBUG_LEAVE(0); return 0; }
DEBUG_LEAVE(m_dwRef); return m_dwRef; }
HRESULT CActiveSetupBinding::SetDefaultDownloadSite(LPSTR szSite) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::SetDefaultDownloadSite", "this=%#x, %.80q", this, szSite )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; const static char * szRegion = "DownloadSiteRegion"; CHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize = 0, dwType = REG_SZ, dwResult; HKEY hKey = 0;
//static known sizes of buffers.
lstrcpy(szTmp, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP); lstrcat(szTmp, "\\Jobs\\Job.IE4");
if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, szRegion, 0, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey, szRegion, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szSite, strlen(szSite)); }
::RegCloseKey(hKey); } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveSetupBinding::Abort(void) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::IBinding::Abort", "this=%#x", this )); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwSize, dwResult; HKEY hKey = 0;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey, szControlSetup, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwStatusAbort, sizeof(DWORD)); ::RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_hWaitThread) { // The child thread will terminate when Active Setup finishes and post message
// to tray agent to terminate.
} else { // terminate waiting thread
TerminateThread(m_hWaitThread, E_ABORT);
// terminate active setup process
TerminateProcess(m_piChild.hProcess, E_ABORT);
DoCleanUp(E_ABORT); } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CActiveSetupBinding::SaveHresult(HRESULT hrResult) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::SaveHresult", "this=%#x, %#x", this, hrResult )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; const static char * szPrecache = "Precache"; HKEY hKey = 0; LPSTR pszTmp = NULL; BOOL bAllocedTmp = FALSE; int nTmp; CHAR szTmp[2*MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwSize; HWND hwnd = 0;
ULONG ulenDist = lstrlenA(m_szDistUnit); //sizeof counts terminating NULL also, so subtract 2, and add 1 for the final NULL
ULONG ulenConst = sizeof(REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS)/sizeof(CHAR) + sizeof("\\")/sizeof(CHAR) - 2 + 1; if ((ulenDist+ulenConst) > sizeof(szTmp)) { pszTmp = new CHAR[ulenDist+ulenConst]; }
if (pszTmp) { bAllocedTmp = TRUE; nTmp = ulenDist + ulenConst; } else { pszTmp = szTmp; nTmp = sizeof(szTmp); }
StrNCpy(pszTmp, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP_COMPONENTS, nTmp); StrCatBuff(pszTmp, "\\", nTmp); StrCatBuff(pszTmp, m_szDistUnit, nTmp);
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // if silent mode or autoinstall / failed then record as precache attempt
if (fSilent || (!fSilent && FAILED(hrResult))) { // for silent (download only), record precache result
hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey, szPrecache, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&hrResult, sizeof(HRESULT)); } else { // for non-silent (autoinstall), kill the precache key
hr = RegDeleteValue(hKey, szPrecache); }
::RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// if reboot required, post a message to tray agent message pump if we can find it.
if (hrResult == ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED) { hwnd = FindWindow(c_szTrayUI, NULL); if (hwnd) { (void) SendNotifyMessage(hwnd, WM_USER, 0, UM_NEEDREBOOT); } }
if (bAllocedTmp) { delete [] pszTmp; } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
void CActiveSetupBinding::DoCleanUp(DWORD dwExitCode) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, None, "CActiveSetupBinding::DoCleanUp", "this=%#x, %#x", this, dwExitCode )); m_pbsc->OnStopBinding(dwExitCode, NULL);
// at this point, BindCtx loses all references, deletes itself and
// its reference to BindStatusCallback. BSC loses all references are
// deletes its reference to us, so we have no more references &
// this invokes our destructor which cleans up by closing handles,
// then do returns on stack to calling point.
// we should be implicitly history at this point.
STDMETHODIMP CActiveSetupBinding::Suspend(void) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::IBinding::Suspend", "this=%#x", this )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwSize; HKEY hKey = 0;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey, szControlSetup, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwStatusSuspend, sizeof(DWORD));
::RegCloseKey(hKey); } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveSetupBinding::Resume(void) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::IBinding::Resume", "this=%#x", this )); HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwSize; HKEY hKey = 0;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_ACTIVESETUP, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey, szControlSetup, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&dwStatusResume, sizeof(DWORD));
::RegCloseKey(hKey); } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveSetupBinding::SetPriority(LONG nPriority) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::IBinding::SetPriority", "this=%#x, %#x", this, nPriority )); DEBUG_LEAVE(E_NOTIMPL); return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CActiveSetupBinding::GetPriority(LONG *pnPriority) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::IBinding::GetPriority", "this=%#x, %#x", this, pnPriority ));
STDMETHODIMP CActiveSetupBinding::GetBindResult(CLSID *pclsidProtocol, DWORD *pdwResult, LPWSTR *pszResult,DWORD *pdwReserved) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_DOWNLOAD, Hresult, "CActiveSetupBinding::IBinding::GetBindResult", "this=%#x, %#x, %#x, %#x, %#x", this, pclsidProtocol, pdwResult, pszResult, pdwReserved )); HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
if (!pdwResult || !pszResult || pdwReserved) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { *pdwResult = NOERROR; *pszResult = NULL; } DEBUG_LEAVE(hr); return hr; }