// File: util.cxx
// Contents: Utility classes.
// Classes: CRefCount, CRegKey
// Functions://
// History:
#include "zonepch.h"
#include "advpub.h"
#ifdef UNIX
#include <platform.h>
#endif /* UNIX */
#include "shfolder.h"
// Misc utility functions and declarations.
#define DRIVE_UNINIT 0xFFFF // Indicates that we haven't called GetDriveType yet.
DWORD rgdwDriveTypeCache[26]; // one for each drive letter.
BOOL g_bInit = FALSE; BOOL g_bUseHKLMOnly = FALSE;
static LPWSTR s_pwzCacheDir; static HRESULT GetCacheDirectory( ); static LPWSTR s_pwzCookieDir = NULL;
static CHAR *s_szMarkPrefix = "<!-- saved from url=(%04d)"; static CHAR *s_szMarkSuffix = " -->\r\n";
CSharedMem g_SharedMem;
static CRITICAL_SECTION g_csect_GetCacheDir;
BOOL IsZonesInitialized( ) { return g_bInit; }
BOOL ZonesInit( ) { if (!g_bInit) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwDefault = FALSE ; // If no entry found default is use HKCU.
g_bInit = TRUE;
// Call the shlwapi wrapper function that directly reads in a value for us.
// Note that if the call fails we have the right value in g_bHKLMOnly already.
SHRegGetUSValue(SZPOLICIES, SZHKLMONLY, &dwType, &g_bUseHKLMOnly, &dwSize, TRUE, &dwDefault, sizeof(dwDefault));
InitializeCriticalSection(&CUrlZoneManager::s_csect); CUrlZoneManager::s_bcsectInit = TRUE;
// Initialize the drive type cache.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgdwDriveTypeCache) ; i++ ) rgdwDriveTypeCache[i] = DRIVE_UNINIT;
//initialize critical section for GetCacheDirectory()
InitializeCriticalSection(&g_csect_GetCacheDir); }
return TRUE; }
VOID ZonesUnInit ( ) { CUrlZoneManager::Cleanup( ); CSecurityManager::GlobalCleanup( ); g_SharedMem.Release();
// Free any memory allocated for the cache directory.
delete [] s_pwzCacheDir;
if(s_pwzCookieDir) delete [] s_pwzCookieDir;
// Destroy the GetCacheDirectory() critsec.
DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csect_GetCacheDir); }
// IEAK calls this function so force us to re-read the global settings for
// HKLM vs HKCU.
STDAPI ZonesReInit(DWORD /* dwReserved */) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwDefault = g_bUseHKLMOnly; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
DWORD dwError = SHRegGetUSValue(SZPOLICIES, SZHKLMONLY, &dwType, &g_bUseHKLMOnly, &dwSize, TRUE, &dwDefault, sizeof(dwDefault));
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); }
// SHDOCVW calls this during Thicket save to get the comment to flag the
// saved file as
STDAPI GetMarkOfTheWeb(LPCSTR pszURL, LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD dwFlags, LPSTR *ppszMark) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; int cchURL = lstrlenA(pszURL);
// Note - the code assumes that lstrlen(IDS_MARK_PREFIX)
// equals wsprintf(IDS_MARK_PREFIX, lstrlen(url)
*ppszMark = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, (lstrlenA(s_szMarkPrefix) + cchURL + lstrlenA(s_szMarkSuffix) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR) ); if ( *ppszMark ) { wsprintfA( *ppszMark, s_szMarkPrefix, cchURL ); lstrcatA( *ppszMark, pszURL ); lstrcatA( *ppszMark, s_szMarkSuffix ); } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return hr; }
// The security manager calls this to sniff a file: URL for the Mark of the Web
BOOL FileBearsMarkOfTheWeb(LPCTSTR pszFile, LPWSTR *ppszURLMark) { BOOL fMarked = FALSE; HANDLE hFile; CHAR szMarkPrefix[MARK_PREFIX_SIZE]; CHAR szMarkSuffix[MARK_SUFFIX_SIZE]; WCHAR wzMarkPrefix[MARK_PREFIX_SIZE]; WCHAR wzMarkSuffix[MARK_SUFFIX_SIZE]; BOOL fIsInUnicode = FALSE; DWORD cchReadBufLen = 0; DWORD cchURL; CHAR *szMarkHead = NULL; WCHAR *wzMarkHead = NULL; CHAR *szMarkSuf = NULL; WCHAR *wzMarkSuf = NULL; CHAR *pszURLMark = NULL; DWORD cchReadLen = 0; char *pszTmp = NULL; char *szReadBuf = NULL; int iIteration = 1;
lstrcpyA(szMarkPrefix, s_szMarkPrefix); lstrcpyA(szMarkSuffix, s_szMarkSuffix);
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD cchPrefix = lstrlenA(szMarkPrefix); DWORD dwRead; CHAR szHeader[UNICODE_HEADER_SIZE]; DWORD cchHeader = UNICODE_HEADER_SIZE;
if (ReadFile(hFile, szHeader, cchHeader, &dwRead, NULL) && cchHeader == dwRead) { if ((BYTE)szHeader[0] == (BYTE)0xFF && (BYTE)szHeader[1] == (BYTE)0xFE) { fIsInUnicode = TRUE; } else { fIsInUnicode = FALSE; SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); TransAssert(GetLastError() == NO_ERROR); } } else { // Unable to sniff for header
goto Exit; }
// File pointer is not at "real" beginning of file, regardless of
// whether we are reading a UNICODE or ANSI file.
szReadBuf = NULL; cchReadBufLen = 0; iIteration = 1;
// Anchor NULL to make szMarkPrefix: <!-- saved from url=
szMarkPrefix[cchPrefix-6] = '\0';
if (fIsInUnicode) { if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szMarkPrefix, -1, wzMarkPrefix, MARK_PREFIX_SIZE)) { goto Exit; }
if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szMarkSuffix, -1, wzMarkSuffix, MARK_SUFFIX_SIZE)) { goto Exit; } }
for (;;) { cchReadBufLen = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + EXTRA_BUFFER_SIZE * iIteration + 1;
if (fIsInUnicode) { cchReadBufLen *= 2; } szReadBuf = new char[cchReadBufLen];
if (!szReadBuf) { goto Exit; }
cchReadLen = (fIsInUnicode) ? (cchReadBufLen - 2) : (cchReadBufLen - 1); if (ReadFile(hFile, szReadBuf, cchReadLen, &dwRead, NULL)) { // look for mark of the web
if (fIsInUnicode) { szReadBuf[dwRead] = L'\0'; wzMarkHead = StrStrW((WCHAR *)szReadBuf, wzMarkPrefix);
if (wzMarkHead) { // Look for mark of the web suffix. If we don't
// have it, that means that we didn't have enough
// space for the buffer, and we need to try again
// with more space.
wzMarkSuf = StrStrW(wzMarkHead, wzMarkSuffix);
if (wzMarkSuf) { // Found suffix. We're done.
break; } else { if (dwRead < cchReadLen) { // We've already read everything, and
// we didn't find the suffix!
goto Exit; }
// Didn't find suffix because buffer was too
// small. Try it again
delete [] szReadBuf; szReadBuf = NULL; iIteration++;
SetFilePointer(hFile, 2, 0, FILE_BEGIN); TransAssert(GetLastError() == NO_ERROR);
continue; } } else { // Can't find the mark head! Must find it on
// first iteration, or we give up.
goto Exit; } } else { // We are dealing with ANSI
szReadBuf[dwRead] = '\0'; szMarkHead = StrStrA(szReadBuf, szMarkPrefix);
if (szMarkHead) { // Look for mark of the web suffix. If we don't
// have it, that means that we didn't have enough
// space for the buffer, and we need to try again
// with more space.
szMarkSuf = StrStrA(szMarkHead, szMarkSuffix);
if (szMarkSuf) { // Found suffix. We're done.
break; } else { if (dwRead < cchReadLen) { // We've already read everything, and
// we didn't find the suffix!
goto Exit; }
// Didn't find suffix because buffer was too
// small. Try it again
delete [] szReadBuf; szReadBuf = NULL; iIteration++;
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN); TransAssert(GetLastError() == NO_ERROR);
continue; } } else { // Can't find the mark head! Must find it on
// first iteration, or we give up.
goto Exit; } } } else { // Read failure!
TransAssert(0); } }
// now wzMarkHead or szMarkHead points to beginning of the mark
// of the web, and wzMarkSuf or szMarkSuf point to the mark suffix
if (fIsInUnicode) { DWORD cchURL = 0; LPWSTR wzPtr = StrStrW(wzMarkHead, L"=(");
if (!wzPtr) goto Exit;
wzPtr += 2; // skip to beginning of length
TransAssert((wzMarkSuf >= wzPtr)); wzPtr[4] = L'\0'; // anchor NULL
//the string length of the url should be greater than or equal to cchURL.
//else abort the allocation.
if ((wzMarkSuf-(wzPtr+5)) < (INT)cchURL) goto Exit; *ppszURLMark = (WCHAR*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (cchURL+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!*ppszURLMark) { goto Exit; }
// StrCpyN length includes NULL terminator
StrCpyNW(*ppszURLMark, wzPtr + 5, cchURL + 1); } else { DWORD cchURL = 0; LPSTR szPtr = StrStrA(szMarkHead, "=(");
if (!szPtr) goto Exit;
szPtr += 2; // skip to beginning of length
TransAssert((szMarkSuf >= szPtr)); szPtr[4] = '\0'; // anchor NULL
//the string length of the url should be greater than or equal to cchURL.
//else abort the allocation.
if ((szMarkSuf-(szPtr+5)) < (INT)cchURL) goto Exit; pszTmp = new char[cchURL + 1];
if (!pszTmp) { goto Exit; }
*ppszURLMark = (WCHAR*)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (cchURL+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!*ppszURLMark) { goto Exit; }
// StrCpyN length includes NULL terminator
StrCpyNA(pszTmp, szPtr + 5, cchURL + 1); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszTmp, -1, *ppszURLMark, cchURL); (*ppszURLMark)[cchURL] = '\0';
if (szReadBuf) { delete [] szReadBuf; szReadBuf = NULL; } } else { // CreateFile failure
goto Exit; }
fMarked = TRUE;
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); }
if (szReadBuf) { delete [] szReadBuf; }
if (pszURLMark) { delete [] pszURLMark; }
if (pszTmp) { delete [] pszTmp; }
return fMarked; }
//This function may now be called by one or more threads from IsFileInCacheDir() ( since we've moved invocation out of
//ZonesInit ( to prevent LoadLibrary() being called during DllMain execution ) ).
//Hence, we need a critsec for mutual exclusion..
//This also means that if for some reason, this function fails the first time, it may be called mutliple times by different
//threads, whereas earlier if it failed during ZonesInit(), it was never tried again.
HRESULT GetCacheDirectory( ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; HMODULE hModShell=NULL; HMODULE hModShfolder=NULL; PFNSHGETFOLDERPATH pfnGetFolderPath;
// If another thread managed to get this while this thread was waiting, bail out with success.
// Optionally, if we want this code to execute only once, we can use a static boolean check.
if (s_pwzCacheDir != NULL && s_pwzCookieDir != NULL) { hr = S_OK; goto Cleanup; }
hModShell = LoadLibrary(TEXT("shell32.dll")); if (NULL == hModShell) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; }
#ifdef UNICODE
pfnGetFolderPath = (PFNSHGETFOLDERPATHW)GetProcAddress(hModShell, "SHGetFolderPathW"); #else
pfnGetFolderPath = (PFNSHGETFOLDERPATHA)GetProcAddress(hModShell, "SHGetFolderPathA"); #endif
if (pfnGetFolderPath == NULL) { hModShfolder = LoadLibrary(TEXT("shfolder.dll")); if (hModShfolder == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto Cleanup; } #ifdef UNICODE
pfnGetFolderPath = (PFNSHGETFOLDERPATHW)GetProcAddress(hModShfolder, "SHGetFolderPathW"); #else
pfnGetFolderPath = (PFNSHGETFOLDERPATHA)GetProcAddress(hModShfolder, "SHGetFolderPathA"); #endif
if (pfnGetFolderPath == NULL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else { TCHAR rgchCachePath[MAX_PATH];
hr = pfnGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE, NULL, 0, rgchCachePath);
if (rgchCachePath[0] == TEXT('\0')) hr = E_FAIL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (s_pwzCacheDir != NULL) { delete [] s_pwzCacheDir; s_pwzCacheDir = NULL; } // Allocate memory for the new location.
s_pwzCacheDir = new TCHAR[lstrlen(rgchCachePath) + 1]; if (s_pwzCacheDir != NULL) { StrCpy(s_pwzCacheDir, rgchCachePath); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; } }
hr = pfnGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_COOKIES, NULL, 0, rgchCachePath);
if (rgchCachePath[0] == TEXT('\0')) hr = E_FAIL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (s_pwzCookieDir != NULL) { delete [] s_pwzCookieDir; s_pwzCookieDir = NULL; } // Allocate memory for the new location.
s_pwzCookieDir = new TCHAR[lstrlen(rgchCachePath) + 1]; if (s_pwzCookieDir != NULL) { StrCpy(s_pwzCookieDir, rgchCachePath); hr = S_OK; } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
Cleanup: if (hModShfolder) FreeLibrary(hModShfolder);
if (hModShell) FreeLibrary(hModShell);
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csect_GetCacheDir); return hr; }
#if NOTUSED // Keep this code around in the unlikely event that we resurrect the Unix port.
// This function gets the location of the cache directory.
HRESULT GetCacheDirectory( ) { DWORD dwType;
// First figure out if we are using per-user cache or per-machine cache.
// This decides which registry key to look at for the cache value.
BOOL fPerUserCache = TRUE; #ifndef UNIX
OSVERSIONINFOA osvi = {0}; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA);
GetVersionExA(&osvi); if (osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { fPerUserCache = TRUE; } else { DWORD dwUserProfile = 0; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwUserProfile);
// Determine if user profiles are enabled.
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZLOGON, SZUSERPROFILES, &dwType, &dwUserProfile, &dwSize)) && (dwUserProfile != 0 )) { fPerUserCache = TRUE; // Look for the exceptional case where User Profiles are enabled but the cache is still
// global.
dwSize = sizeof(dwUserProfile);
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZCACHE, SZUSERPROFILES, &dwType, &dwUserProfile, &dwSize)) && (dwUserProfile == 0)) { fPerUserCache = FALSE; } } else { fPerUserCache = FALSE; } } #endif /* !UNIX */
HRESULT hr = S_OK; #ifdef UNIX
WCHAR wszIE5Dir[] = L"ie5/"; DWORD cchPath = MAX_PATH + sizeof(wszIE5Dir)/sizeof(WCHAR); #else
DWORD cchPath = MAX_PATH; #endif /* !UNIX */
s_pwzCacheDir = new WCHAR[cchPath]; DWORD dwError = NOERROR;
// First figure out if we are using per-user cache or per-machine cache.
// This decides which registry key to look at for the cache value.
dwError = SHGetValueW(hKey, pwzKey, pwzValue, &dwType, s_pwzCacheDir, &cchPath); } else { dwError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
if (dwError != NOERROR) { delete [] s_pwzCacheDir; s_pwzCacheDir = NULL; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } else { TransAssert(s_pwzCacheDir != NULL); PathRemoveBackslashW(s_pwzCacheDir); #ifdef UNIX
{ int ccPath, index; int lenIE5Dir = lstrlen(wszIE5Dir);
ccPath = lstrlen(s_pwzCacheDir); index = ccPath - 1;
while(index >= 0 && s_pwzCacheDir[index] != FILENAME_SEPARATOR_W) index--;
index++; memmove(&s_pwzCacheDir[index+lenIE5Dir],&s_pwzCacheDir[index],(ccPath-index+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); memcpy(&s_pwzCacheDir[index], wszIE5Dir, lenIE5Dir*sizeof(TCHAR)); } #endif /* UNIX */
hr = S_OK; } return hr; } #endif // NOTUSED
BOOL IsFileInCacheDir(LPCWSTR pwzFile) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; TCHAR szLongPath[MAX_PATH];
if(!GetLongPathNameWrapW(pwzFile, szLongPath, sizeof(szLongPath)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { goto exit; }
if (s_pwzCacheDir == NULL || s_pwzCookieDir == NULL) { if (! (SUCCEEDED(GetCacheDirectory())) ) goto exit; }
if(PathIsPrefixW(s_pwzCacheDir, szLongPath)) { bReturn = TRUE; }
exit: return bReturn; }
BOOL IsFileInCookieDir(LPCWSTR pwzFile) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; TCHAR szLongPath[MAX_PATH];
if(!GetLongPathNameWrapW(pwzFile, szLongPath, sizeof(szLongPath)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { goto exit; }
if (s_pwzCacheDir == NULL || s_pwzCookieDir == NULL) { if (! (SUCCEEDED(GetCacheDirectory())) ) goto exit; }
if(PathIsPrefixW(s_pwzCookieDir, szLongPath)) { bReturn = TRUE; }
exit: return bReturn; }
// This function takes a DWORD and returns a wide char string
// in hex. There is no leading 0x and the leading 0's are stripped off
// This is to avoid pulling in the general wsprintfW into wininet which is
// pretty big. You have to pass in enough memory to write the resulting string
// into ( i.e >= 9 chars)
BOOL DwToWchar(DWORD dw, LPWSTR pwz, int radix) { char sz[9]; LPSTR psz = sz; LPSTR pszTemp = (LPSTR)pwz; char rgFormatHex[] = "%lX"; char rgFormatDecimal[] = "%ld"; char *pszFormat; if (radix == 16) pszFormat = rgFormatHex; else if (radix == 10) pszFormat = rgFormatDecimal; else { TransAssert(FALSE); return FALSE; } if (wsprintfA(sz, pszFormat, dw) == 0) { return FALSE; } #ifndef unix
// Everything in the string sz is ANSI.
while (*psz != 0) { *pszTemp++ = *psz++; *pszTemp++ = '\0'; }
// Put the trailing NULL to the wide-char string.
*pszTemp++ = '\0'; *pszTemp++ = '\0'; #else
while(*psz != 0) *pwz++ = (WCHAR)(DWORD)*psz++; *pwz++ = 0; #endif /* unix */
return TRUE; }
// Drive type caching function.
DWORD GetDriveTypeFromCacheA(LPCSTR lpsz) { // NOTE: The retail version doesn't do any paramater validation to determine if this path is
// a valid one. So something like CTHISISGARBAGE will return the drive type for C:.
// This is just meant to be used inside the security manager so we can bypass these
// checks.
TransAssert(lstrlenA(lpsz) >= 3); // c:\ for example
TransAssert(lpsz[1] == ':' && lpsz[2] == '\\'); #ifndef unix
CHAR ch = (CHAR)CharLowerA((LPSTR)lpsz[0]); #else
CHAR *pch = CharLowerA((LPSTR)lpsz); CHAR ch = *pch; #endif /* unix */
#ifndef UNIX
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { // First check the cache to see if the entry already exists.
int index = ch - 'a'; if (rgdwDriveTypeCache[index] == DRIVE_UNINIT) { rgdwDriveTypeCache[index] = GetDriveTypeA(lpsz); }
TransAssert(rgdwDriveTypeCache[index] != DRIVE_UNINIT); return rgdwDriveTypeCache[index]; } #else
if (ch == '/') { // IEUNIX - On unix we have only one drive "/" which is of type fixed
// This was causing a wrong zone to be calculated for unix paths.
return DRIVE_FIXED; } #endif
else { return DRIVE_UNKNOWN; } }
// Helper to determine if we're currently loaded during GUI mode setup
BOOL IsInGUIModeSetup() { static DWORD s_dwSystemSetupInProgress = 42;
if (42 == s_dwSystemSetupInProgress) { // Rule is that this value will exist and be equal to 1 if in GUI mode setup.
// Default to NO, and only do this for upgrades because this is potentially
// needed for unattended clean installs.
s_dwSystemSetupInProgress = 0;
HKEY hKeySetup = NULL;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("System\\Setup"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKeySetup)) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(s_dwSystemSetupInProgress);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx (hKeySetup, TEXT("SystemSetupInProgress"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &s_dwSystemSetupInProgress, &dwSize)) { s_dwSystemSetupInProgress = 0; } else { dwSize = sizeof(s_dwSystemSetupInProgress); if (s_dwSystemSetupInProgress && ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx (hKeySetup, TEXT("UpgradeInProgress"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &s_dwSystemSetupInProgress, &dwSize)) { s_dwSystemSetupInProgress = 0; } }
RegCloseKey(hKeySetup); } } return s_dwSystemSetupInProgress ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// CRegKey
LONG CRegKey::Close() { LONG lRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_hKey != NULL) { lRes = SHRegCloseUSKey(m_hKey); m_hKey = NULL; } return lRes; }
LONG CRegKey::Create(HUSKEY hKeyParent, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, REGSAM samDesired) { HUSKEY hKey = NULL; // BUGBUG : Is this the correct flag to call this function with?
LONG lRes = SHRegCreateUSKey(lpszKeyName, samDesired, hKeyParent, &hKey, dwFlags);
if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRes = Close(); m_hKey = hKey; } return lRes; }
LONG CRegKey::Open(HUSKEY hKeyParent, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, REGSAM samDesired) { HUSKEY hKey = NULL;
LONG lRes = SHRegOpenUSKey(lpszKeyName, samDesired, hKeyParent, &hKey, m_bHKLMOnly);
if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lRes = Close(); TransAssert(lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS); m_hKey = hKey; } return lRes; }
LONG CRegKey::QueryValue(DWORD* pdwValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName) { DWORD dwType = NULL; DWORD dwCount = sizeof(DWORD); LONG lRes = SHRegQueryUSValue(m_hKey, lpszValueName, &dwType, pdwValue, &dwCount, m_bHKLMOnly, NULL, 0); TransAssert((lRes!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType == REG_DWORD)); TransAssert((lRes!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwCount == sizeof(DWORD))); return lRes; }
LONG CRegKey::QueryValue(LPTSTR szValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD* pdwCount) { TransAssert(pdwCount != NULL); DWORD dwType = 0; LONG lRes = SHRegQueryUSValue(m_hKey, lpszValueName, &dwType, szValue, pdwCount, m_bHKLMOnly, NULL, 0); TransAssert((lRes!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType == REG_SZ) || (dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ) || (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ)); return lRes; }
LONG CRegKey::QueryBinaryValue(LPBYTE pb, LPCTSTR lpszValueName, DWORD* pdwCount) { TransAssert(pdwCount != NULL); DWORD dwType = NULL; LONG lRes = SHRegQueryUSValue(m_hKey, lpszValueName, &dwType, pb, pdwCount, m_bHKLMOnly, NULL, 0); TransAssert((lRes!=ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwType == REG_BINARY)); return lRes; }
LONG WINAPI CRegKey::SetValue(HUSKEY hKeyParent, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName, BOOL bHKLMOnly) { TransAssert(lpszValue != NULL); CRegKey key(bHKLMOnly); LONG lRes = key.Create(hKeyParent, lpszKeyName, KEY_WRITE); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) lRes = key.SetValue(lpszValue, lpszValueName); return lRes; }
LONG CRegKey::SetKeyValue(LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, LPCTSTR lpszValue, LPCTSTR lpszValueName) { TransAssert(lpszValue != NULL); CRegKey key(m_bHKLMOnly); LONG lRes = key.Create(m_hKey, lpszKeyName, KEY_WRITE); if (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) lRes = key.SetValue(lpszValue, lpszValueName); return lRes; }
// Autoregistration entry points
HRESULT CallRegInstall(LPSTR szSection) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; HINSTANCE hinstAdvPack = LoadLibraryA("ADVPACK.DLL");
if (hinstAdvPack) { REGINSTALL pfnri = (REGINSTALL)GetProcAddress(hinstAdvPack, achREGINSTALL);
if (pfnri) { hr = pfnri(g_hInst, szSection, NULL); }
FreeLibrary(hinstAdvPack); }
return hr; }
* We want to show the inetcpl settings as "Custom" in case of an upgrade only. * * We detect an upgrade using an HKCU key which only urlmon selfreg. code can set * Earlier we used the "Zones" key. * * In Whistler, the problem is some other module ( Office maybe ) registers this key, * so that even on a fresh install, we assume it's Custom. * Fix is to change the key we check for. * * On Millenium, there was a problem with double registration - in this case, the fix * would be to also put in the version key and check both for existence of a known key * and to match version to avoid slamming "Custom" in if there's a version match. */ BOOL ShouldSetCustom() {
#define SZPATH_ZONES_LOCAL_A "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\Zones\\0\\"
BOOL fUpgrade = FALSE; HKEY hKeyZones;
if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //key exists, not an upgrade
RegCloseKey(hKeyZones); fUpgrade = TRUE; } return fUpgrade; }
STDAPI ZonesDllInstall ( IN BOOL bInstall, // Install or Uninstall
IN LPCWSTR pwStr ) { TransAssert(pwStr != NULL);
if (pwStr && (0 == StrCmpIW(pwStr, L"HKCU"))) { // Don't write to HKCU during GUI mode setup. Otherwise,
// the values may get slammed into all profiles during an upgrade.
if (IsInGUIModeSetup()) return hr;
if (bInstall && pwStr) { if(!StrCmpIW(pwStr, L"HKCUSoft")) { return CallRegInstall("RegSoften.HKCU"); } else if(!StrCmpIW(pwStr, L"HKCUHard")) { return CallRegInstall("RegHarden.HKCU"); } else if(!StrCmpIW(pwStr, L"HKLMHard")) { return CallRegInstall("RegHarden.HKLM"); } else if(!StrCmpIW(pwStr, L"HKLMSoft")) { return CallRegInstall("RegSoften.HKLM"); } }
if ( bInstall ) { BOOL fSetHKCUToCustom = FALSE; //Default to no-upgrade to avoid overwriting default zone settings.
if (!bUseHKLM) { fSetHKCUToCustom = ShouldSetCustom(); }
// Backup IE3 user agent string, but don't do ever do these during
// GUI mode setup
if (!IsInGUIModeSetup()) { CallRegInstall("BackupUserAgent"); CallRegInstall("BackupConnectionSettings"); } CallRegInstall(bUseHKLM ? "Backup.HKLM" : "Backup.HKCU"); hr = CallRegInstall(bUseHKLM ? "Reg.HKLM" : "Reg.HKCU");
if (!bUseHKLM) { // Bug # 19514: To appease the press, we need to change the default for scripting unsafe activex
// controls to "disable" instead of "prompt". But at install time we can't blindly overwrite
// the existing value. We have to check if the users Intranet/Internet zones are at medium
// security from the previous install. To avoid instantiating the zone manager at registration
// time we also hardcode the registry values here.
TransAssert(URLZONE_INTRANET == 1); TransAssert(URLZONE_TRUSTED == 2); TransAssert(URLZONE_INTERNET == 3); TransAssert(URLZONE_UNTRUSTED == 4);
DWORD dwCurrentLevel ;
CRegKey regKeyIntranet(FALSE); if ((regKeyIntranet.Open(NULL, SZINTRANET, KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (regKeyIntranet.QueryValue(&dwCurrentLevel, SZCURRLEVEL) == NOERROR) && (dwCurrentLevel == URLTEMPLATE_MEDIUM) ) { CallRegInstall("Intranet.HackActiveX"); }
CRegKey regKeyInternet(FALSE); if ((regKeyInternet.Open(NULL, SZINTERNET, KEY_READ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (regKeyInternet.QueryValue(&dwCurrentLevel, SZCURRLEVEL) == NOERROR) && (dwCurrentLevel == URLTEMPLATE_MEDIUM) ) { CallRegInstall("Internet.HackActiveX"); }
if (fSetHKCUToCustom) { //108298/104506 We want to preserve the settings prior to an upgrade, but at
// the same time, we dont want to show a security level inconsistent with the
// actual policies ( which is what will happen if templates change or default
// policy values change. So set all templates to CUSTOM on install.
CRegKey regKeyIntranet(FALSE); if(regKeyIntranet.Open(NULL, SZINTRANET, KEY_WRITE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) regKeyIntranet.SetValue(URLTEMPLATE_CUSTOM, SZCURRLEVEL);
CRegKey regKeyInternet(FALSE); if(regKeyInternet.Open(NULL, SZINTERNET, KEY_WRITE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) regKeyInternet.SetValue(URLTEMPLATE_CUSTOM, SZCURRLEVEL);
CRegKey regKeyUntrusted(FALSE); if(regKeyUntrusted.Open(NULL, SZUNTRUSTED, KEY_WRITE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) regKeyUntrusted.SetValue(URLTEMPLATE_CUSTOM, SZCURRLEVEL); } } } else { // Restore IE3 user agent string.
CallRegInstall("RestoreUserAgent"); CallRegInstall("RestoreConnectionSettings"); hr = CallRegInstall(bUseHKLM ? "Unreg.HKLM" : "UnReg.HKCU");
if (bUseHKLM) hr = CallRegInstall("Restore.HKLM");
return hr; }
// CSharedMem member functions.
BOOL CSharedMem::Init(LPCSTR pszNamePrefix, DWORD dwSize) { // Note that this function is in ANSI, because we don't have Unicode wrappers
// for the file-mapping functions on Win9x and these need to work on Win9x.
// Create the name for the file mapping object.
// We want this name to be unique per logged in user.
// We will choose a name of the form ZonesSM_"UserName" for systems prior to NT5
// BUGBUG: On Terminal server should we use Global\ in the name. If a user is logged on in multiple
// sessions this seems desirable, but not sure if registry changes get reflected in the other
// session anyway.
DWORD cchPrefix = lstrlenA(pszNamePrefix); LPSTR pszHandleName = (LPSTR) _alloca(cchPrefix + MAX_PATH); if (pszHandleName == NULL) return FALSE;
memcpy(pszHandleName, pszNamePrefix, cchPrefix);
// Move pointer to after the fixed part of the string.
LPSTR psz = pszHandleName + cchPrefix;
// Technically the max username possible is UNLEN which is less than MAX_PATH.
// We use MAX_PATH to not pull in another random header into the build.
DWORD dwMaxNameSize = MAX_PATH;
if (GetUserNameA(psz, &dwMaxNameSize)) { // If succeeded, rgchHandleName now contains the exact same thing.
} else { TransAssert(GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); // if it fails, we will assume no logged on user and just use a global shared memory
// section of the base name
m_dwSize = dwSize ;
// First try to see if the shared memory section already exists.
m_hFileMapping = CreateFileMappingA(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, m_dwSize, pszHandleName) ; if (m_hFileMapping != NULL) { m_lpVoidShared = MapViewOfFile(m_hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); }
return (m_hFileMapping != NULL && m_lpVoidShared != NULL); }
VOID CSharedMem::Release() { if (m_lpVoidShared != NULL) { UnmapViewOfFile(m_lpVoidShared); m_lpVoidShared = NULL; }
if (m_hFileMapping != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_hFileMapping); m_hFileMapping = NULL; }
m_dwSize = 0;
// This function will return NULL if either we couldn not initialize the shared memory
// for some reason or the offset specified is not in range. The offset should be specified
// in number of bytes.
LPVOID CSharedMem::GetPtr(DWORD dwOffset) { if (m_lpVoidShared == NULL) return NULL;
if (dwOffset >= m_dwSize) return NULL;
return (BYTE *)m_lpVoidShared + dwOffset; }