Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Interface definitions for the w3spoof object model. Author:
Paul M Midgen (pmidge) 11-July-2000
Revision History:
11-July-2000 pmidge Created
#include "..\inc\dispids.h"
// // forward declarations //
interface IW3SpoofClientSupport; interface ISession; interface ISocket; interface IRequest; interface IResponse; interface IEntity; interface IHeaders; interface IUrl;
// // library block //
[ uuid(a455dd41-5bae-4539-8b5a-2ad6bea97d9d), helpstring("W3Spoof 1.0 Type Library"), lcid(0x0000), version(1.0) ] library W3Spoof { import "ocidl.idl"; importlib("stdole2.tlb");
[ uuid(c75f2c74-75c4-4fac-8c49-0b98e36ac04b), appobject, helpstring("W3Spoof class.") ] coclass W3Spoof { [default] interface IW3SpoofClientSupport; };
[ uuid(d75ebe11-94f9-401e-898d-e904a0dbc7c6), helpstring("Session class.") ] coclass Session { [default] interface ISession; };
[ uuid(d68ab483-5bdb-423c-bd22-6d12cd5e2865), helpstring("Socket class.") ] coclass Socket { [default] interface ISocket; };
[ uuid(b77522f4-d78f-47a2-a993-9cf739d0c83d), helpstring("Headers class.") ] coclass Headers { [default] interface IHeaders; };
[ uuid(0b427701-2ef8-4d84-a32c-4251d9f0942b), helpstring("Entity class.") ] coclass Entity { [default] interface IEntity; };
[ uuid(21a6a4f0-4be9-4479-acc2-95dde32b80cd), helpstring("Url class.") ] coclass Url { [default] interface IUrl; };
[ uuid(452bde60-1ba4-4182-b312-c912ff7168a1), helpstring("Request class.") ] coclass Request { [default] interface IRequest; };
[ uuid(fc82c331-051f-44c6-bc09-06dd301ee6c9), helpstring("Response class.") ] coclass Response { [default] interface IResponse; }; }
// // interface definitions //
//======================== W3SPOOF ======================== [ object, uuid(d9bfddc0-1b08-4363-befa-cd8bd3fefbcd), dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("IW3SpoofClientSupport interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IW3SpoofClientSupport : IDispatch { [ id(DISPID_W3SPOOF_REGISTERCLIENT), helpstring("Create a client to script mapping.") ] HRESULT RegisterClient( [in] BSTR Client, [in] BSTR ScriptPath );
[ id(DISPID_W3SPOOF_REVOKECLIENT), helpstring("Revokes a client to script mapping.") ] HRESULT RevokeClient( [in] BSTR Client ); }; //=========================================================
//======================= ISESSION ======================== [ object, uuid(b1ba6a09-e7f5-4c7a-bef8-b9d8bb0d2253), dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("ISession interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISession : IDispatch { [ propget, id(DISPID_SESSION_SOCKET), helpstring("Accesses the session socket object.") ] HRESULT Socket([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_SESSION_REQUEST), helpstring("Accesses the session request object.") ] HRESULT Request([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_SESSION_RESPONSE), helpstring("Accesses the session response object.") ] HRESULT Response([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ id(DISPID_SESSION_GETPROPERTYBAG), helpstring("Gets or creates a property bag associated with the current client.") ] HRESULT GetPropertyBag( [in, optional] VARIANT Name, [out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp );
[ propget, id(DISPID_SESSION_KEEPALIVE), helpstring("Gets the keep-alive status of the session.") ] HRESULT KeepAlive( [out, retval] VARIANT* IsKA ); }; //=========================================================
//======================== ISocket ======================== [ object, uuid(5abe466a-fbc7-40fe-9372-cd5c6e901ff8), odl, dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("ISocket interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface ISocket : IDispatch { [ propget, id(DISPID_SOCKET_PARENT), helpstring("Accesses the socket parent object.") ] HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ id(DISPID_SOCKET_SEND), helpstring("Raw data send method.") ] HRESULT Send([in] VARIANT Data);
[ id(DISPID_SOCKET_RECV), helpstring("Raw data receive method.") ] HRESULT Recv([out, retval] VARIANT* Data);
[ propget, id(DISPID_SOCKET_OPTION), helpstring("Gets the value of a send option.") ] HRESULT Option( [in] BSTR Option, [out, retval] VARIANT* Value );
[ propput, id(DISPID_SOCKET_OPTION), helpstring("Sets the value of a send option.") ] HRESULT Option( [in] BSTR Option, [in] VARIANT Value );
[ id(DISPID_SOCKET_CLOSE), helpstring("Closes the connection.") ] HRESULT Close([in, optional] VARIANT Method);
[ id(DISPID_SOCKET_RESOLVE), helpstring("Resolves a host name to an IP address.") ] HRESULT Resolve( [in] BSTR Host, [out, retval] BSTR* Address );
[ propget, id(DISPID_SOCKET_LOCALNAME), helpstring("Gets the name of the machine running W3Spoof.") ] HRESULT LocalName([out, retval] BSTR* Name);
[ propget, id(DISPID_SOCKET_LOCALADDRESS), helpstring("Gets the address of the machine running W3Spoof.") ] HRESULT LocalAddress([out, retval] BSTR* Address);
[ propget, id(DISPID_SOCKET_LOCALPORT), helpstring("Gets the local port number of the connection.") ] HRESULT LocalPort([out, retval] VARIANT* Port);
[ propget, id(DISPID_SOCKET_REMOTENAME), helpstring("Gets the name of the machine connected to W3Spoof.") ] HRESULT RemoteName([out, retval] BSTR* Name);
[ propget, id(DISPID_SOCKET_REMOTEADDRESS), helpstring("Gets the address of the machine connected to W3Spoof.") ] HRESULT RemoteAddress([out, retval] BSTR* Address);
[ propget, id(DISPID_SOCKET_REMOTEPORT), helpstring("Gets the remote port number of the connection.") ] HRESULT RemotePort([out, retval] VARIANT* Port); }; //=========================================================
//======================== IHeaders ======================= [ object, uuid(ba3a1bb8-b785-4486-8d68-be7ee8cb14dc), odl, dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("IHeaders interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IHeaders : IDispatch { [ propget, id(DISPID_HEADERS_PARENT), helpstring("Accesses the headers parent object.") ] HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ id(DISPID_HEADERS_GET), helpstring("Returns the raw header blob.") ] HRESULT Get([out, retval] BSTR* Headers);
[ id(DISPID_HEADERS_SET), helpstring("Sets a raw header blob.") ] HRESULT Set([in, optional] VARIANT* Headers);
[ id(DISPID_HEADERS_GETHEADER), helpstring("Gets a specific header value.") ] HRESULT GetHeader( [in] BSTR Header, [out, retval] VARIANT* Value );
[ id(DISPID_HEADERS_SETHEADER), helpstring("Sets a specific header value.") ] HRESULT SetHeader( [in] BSTR Header, [in, optional] VARIANT* Value ); }; //=========================================================
//======================== IEntity ======================== [ object, uuid(16359321-5182-4cf8-8d98-e90880722a23), odl, dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("IEntity interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEntity : IDispatch { [ propget, id(DISPID_ENTITY_PARENT), helpstring("Accesses the entity parent object.") ] HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_ENTITY_LENGTH), helpstring("Retrieves the length of the entity body.") ] HRESULT Length([out, retval] VARIANT* Length);
[ id(DISPID_ENTITY_GET), helpstring("Gets the entity body data.") ] HRESULT Get([out, retval] VARIANT* Entity);
[ id(DISPID_ENTITY_SET), helpstring("Sets the entity body data.") ] HRESULT Set([in] VARIANT Entity);
[ id(DISPID_ENTITY_COMPRESS), helpstring("Compresses the entity body.") ] HRESULT Compress([in] BSTR Method);
[ id(DISPID_ENTITY_DECOMPRESS), helpstring("Decompresses the entity body.") ] HRESULT Decompress([in, optional] VARIANT Method); }; //=========================================================
//========================== IUrl ========================= [ object, uuid(bec9b392-d24d-4d40-b6bf-4af3dc6d1a74), odl, dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("IUrl interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IUrl : IDispatch { [ propget, id(DISPID_URL_PARENT), helpstring("Accesses the url parent object.") ] HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_URL_ENCODING), helpstring("Gets the url encoding.") ] HRESULT Encoding([out, retval] BSTR* Encoding);
[ propget, id(DISPID_URL_SCHEME), helpstring("Gets the url scheme.") ] HRESULT Scheme([out, retval] BSTR* Scheme);
[ propput, id(DISPID_URL_SCHEME), helpstring("Sets the url scheme.") ] HRESULT Scheme([in] BSTR Scheme);
[ propget, id(DISPID_URL_SERVER), helpstring("Gets the origin server name.") ] HRESULT Server([out, retval] BSTR* Server);
[ propput, id(DISPID_URL_SERVER), helpstring("Sets the origin server name.") ] HRESULT Server([in] BSTR Server);
[ propget, id(DISPID_URL_PORT), helpstring("Gets the origin server port number.") ] HRESULT Port([out, retval] VARIANT* Port);
[ propput, id(DISPID_URL_PORT), helpstring("Sets the origin server port number.") ] HRESULT Port([in] VARIANT Port);
[ propget, id(DISPID_URL_PATH), helpstring("Gets the url path.") ] HRESULT Path([out, retval] BSTR* Path);
[ propput, id(DISPID_URL_PATH), helpstring("Sets the url path.") ] HRESULT Path([in] BSTR Path);
[ propget, id(DISPID_URL_RESOURCE), helpstring("Gets the resource name.") ] HRESULT Resource([out, retval] BSTR* Resource);
[ propput, id(DISPID_URL_RESOURCE), helpstring("Sets the resource name.") ] HRESULT Resource([in] BSTR Resource);
[ propget, id(DISPID_URL_QUERY), helpstring("Gets the query portion of the url.") ] HRESULT Query([out, retval] BSTR* Query);
[ propput, id(DISPID_URL_QUERY), helpstring("Sets the query portion of the url.") ] HRESULT Query([in] BSTR Query);
[ propget, id(DISPID_URL_FRAGMENT), helpstring("Gets the fragment portion of the url.") ] HRESULT Fragment([out, retval] BSTR* Fragment);
[ propput, id(DISPID_URL_FRAGMENT), helpstring("Sets the fragment portion of the url.") ] HRESULT Fragment([in] BSTR Fragment);
[ id(DISPID_URL_ESCAPE), helpstring("Returns an escaped version of the url.") ] HRESULT Escape([out, retval] BSTR* Url);
[ id(DISPID_URL_UNESCAPE), helpstring("Returns an unescaped version of the url.") ] HRESULT Unescape([out, retval] BSTR* Url);
[ id(DISPID_URL_SET), helpstring("Overwrites the url string.") ] HRESULT Set([in] BSTR Url);
[ id(DISPID_URL_GET), helpstring("Retrieves the raw url string.") ] HRESULT Get([out, retval] BSTR* Url);
}; //=========================================================
//======================== IRequest ======================= [ object, uuid(94cbb886-d25b-49e3-848b-da5e54967502), odl, dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("IRequest interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IRequest : IDispatch { [ propget, id(DISPID_REQUEST_PARENT), helpstring("Accesses the request parent object.") ] HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_REQUEST_HEADERS), helpstring("Returns the headers object.") ] HRESULT Headers([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_REQUEST_ENTITY), helpstring("Returns the entity object.") ] HRESULT Entity([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_REQUEST_URL), helpstring("Returns the url object.") ] HRESULT Url([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_REQUEST_VERB), helpstring("Returns the request verb.") ] HRESULT Verb([out, retval] BSTR* Verb);
[ propget, id(DISPID_REQUEST_HTTPVERSION), helpstring("Returns the request HTTP version.") ] HRESULT HttpVersion([out, retval] BSTR* HttpVersion); }; //=========================================================
//======================= IResponse ======================= [ object, uuid(2acf58df-8009-4499-b399-0800075a5c8a), odl, dual, oleautomation, nonextensible, helpstring("IResponse interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IResponse : IDispatch { [ propget, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_PARENT), helpstring("Accesses the response object parent.") ] HRESULT Parent([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_HEADERS), helpstring("Gets the headers object.") ] HRESULT Headers([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propputref, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_HEADERS), helpstring("Sets the headers object.") ] HRESULT Headers([in] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_ENTITY), helpstring("Gets the entity object.") ] HRESULT Entity([out, retval] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propputref, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_ENTITY), helpstring("Sets the entity object.") ] HRESULT Entity([in] IDispatch** ppdisp);
[ propget, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_STATUSCODE), helpstring("Gets the response status code.") ] HRESULT StatusCode([out, retval] VARIANT* Code);
[ propput, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_STATUSCODE), helpstring("Sets the response status code.") ] HRESULT StatusCode([in] VARIANT StatusCode);
[ propget, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_STATUSTEXT), helpstring("Gets the response status text.") ] HRESULT StatusText([out, retval] BSTR* StatusText);
[ propput, id(DISPID_RESPONSE_STATUSTEXT), helpstring("Sets the response status text.") ] HRESULT StatusText([in] BSTR StatusText); }; //=========================================================