#include "stdafx.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "windns.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#define new DEBUG_NEW
extern HINSTANCE hDLLInstance;
// NOTE: this function only handles limited cases, e.g., no ip address
BOOL IsLocalComputer(IN LPCTSTR lpszComputer) { if (!lpszComputer || !*lpszComputer) { return TRUE; }
if ( _tcslen(lpszComputer) > 2 && *lpszComputer == _T('\\') && *(lpszComputer + 1) == _T('\\') ) { lpszComputer += 2; }
// 1st: compare against local Netbios computer name
if ( !GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameNetBIOS, szBuffer, &dwSize) ) { dwErr = GetLastError(); } else { bReturn = (0 == lstrcmpi(szBuffer, lpszComputer)); if (!bReturn) { // 2nd: compare against local Dns computer name
dwSize = DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH; if (GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified, szBuffer, &dwSize)) { bReturn = (0 == lstrcmpi(szBuffer, lpszComputer)); } else { dwErr = GetLastError(); } } }
if (dwErr) { TRACE(_T("IsLocalComputer dwErr = %x\n"), dwErr); }
return bReturn; }
void GetFullPathLocalOrRemote( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, IN LPCTSTR lpszDir, OUT CString& cstrPath ) { ASSERT(lpszDir && *lpszDir);
if (IsLocalComputer(lpszServer)) { cstrPath = lpszDir; } else { // Check if it's already pointing to a share...
if (*lpszDir == _T('\\') || *(lpszDir + 1) == _T('\\')) { cstrPath = lpszDir; } else { if (*lpszServer != _T('\\') || *(lpszServer + 1) != _T('\\')) { cstrPath = _T("\\\\"); cstrPath += lpszServer; } else { cstrPath = lpszServer; }
cstrPath += _T("\\"); cstrPath += lpszDir; int i = cstrPath.Find(_T(':')); ASSERT(-1 != i); cstrPath.SetAt(i, _T('$')); } } }
BOOL SupportsSecurityACLs(LPCTSTR path) { const UINT BUFF_LEN = 32; // Should be large enough to hold the volume and the file system type
// set to true by default, since most likely it will be
// and if this function fails, then no big deal...
BOOL bReturn = TRUE; TCHAR root[MAX_PATH]; DWORD len = 0; DWORD flg = 0; TCHAR fs[BUFF_LEN];
StrCpyN(root, path, MAX_PATH); if (PathIsUNC(root)) { LPTSTR p = NULL; while (!PathIsUNCServerShare(root)) { p = StrRChr(root, p, _T('\\')); if (p != NULL) *p = 0; } StrCat(root, _T("\\")); // NET_API_STATUS rc = NetShareGetInfo(server, share,
if (GetVolumeInformation(root, NULL, 0, NULL, &len, &flg, fs, BUFF_LEN)) { bReturn = 0 != (flg & FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS); } else { DWORD err = GetLastError(); } } else { if (PathStripToRoot(root)) { if (GetVolumeInformation(root, NULL, 0, NULL, &len, &flg, fs, BUFF_LEN)) { bReturn = 0 != (flg & FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS); } } } return bReturn; }