**************************************************************************** | Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation | | Component / Subcomponent | IIS 6.0 / IIS Migration Wizard | | Based on: | http://iis6/Specs/IIS%20Migration6.0_Final.doc
| | Abstract: | Utility helpers for migration | | Author: | ivelinj | | Revision History: | V1.00 March 2002 | **************************************************************************** */ #pragma once
#include "Wrappers.h"
#include "resource.h"
// Directory utilities
class CDirTools { private: CDirTools(); // Do not instantiate
public: static void PathAppendLocal ( LPWSTR wszBuffer, LPCWSTR wszPath, LPCWSTR wszPathToAppend ); static void CleanupDir ( LPCWSTR wszDir, bool bRemoveRoot = true, bool bReportErrors = false ); static DWORD FileCount ( LPCWSTR wszDir, WORD wOptions ); static DWORDLONG FilesSize ( LPCWSTR wszDir, WORD wOptions ); static int DoPathsNest ( LPCWSTR wszPath1, LPCWSTR wszPath2 ); };
// CTempDir - used to create, store and autoclean tempdirs
class CTempDir { public: CTempDir ( LPCWSTR wszTemplate = L"Migr" ); ~CTempDir ( void );
public: void CleanUp ( bool bReportErrors = false ); operator LPCWSTR ( void )const { return m_strDir.c_str(); }
private: std::wstring m_strDir; };
// Class for any additional tool procs
class CTools { private: CTools();
public: static bool IsAdmin ( void ); static bool IsIISRunning ( void ); static HRESULT CopyBSTR ( const _bstr_t& bstrSource, BSTR* pVal ); static WORD GetOSVer ( void ); static bool IsNTFS ( void ); static void SetErrorInfo ( LPCWSTR wszError ); static void SetErrorInfoFromRes ( UINT nResID ); static bool IsSelfSignedCert ( PCCERT_CONTEXT pContext ); static bool IsValidCert ( PCCERT_CONTEXT hCert, DWORD& rdwError ); static std::wstring GetMachineName ( void ); static void WriteFile ( HANDLE hFile, LPCVOID pvData, DWORD dwSize ); static ULONGLONG GetFilePtrPos ( HANDLE hFile ); static void SetFilePtrPos ( HANDLE hFile, DWORDLONG nOffset ); static const TCertContextHandle AddCertToSysStore( PCCERT_CONTEXT pContext, LPCWSTR wszStore, bool bReuseCert ); static const TCryptKeyHandle GetCryptKeyFromPwd( HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv, LPCWSTR wszPassword ); static int __cdecl BadAllocHandler ( size_t ) { // Installed at startup time for handling mem alloc failures
throw CBaseException( IDS_E_OUTOFMEM, ERROR_SUCCESS ); } };
// CTools inline implementation
inline HRESULT CTools::CopyBSTR( const _bstr_t& bstrSource , BSTR* pVal ) { _ASSERT( pVal != NULL );
*pVal = ::SysAllocString( bstrSource );
return ( (*pVal) != NULL ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY ); }
inline void CTools::WriteFile( HANDLE hFile, LPCVOID pvData, DWORD dwSize ) { _ASSERT( ( hFile != NULL ) && ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) ); _ASSERT( pvData != NULL );
DWORD dwUnused = 0;
// dwSize can be 0
IF_FAILED_BOOL_THROW( ::WriteFile( hFile, pvData, dwSize, &dwUnused, NULL ), CBaseException( IDS_E_WRITE_OUTPUT ) ); }
// CFindFile - class that behaves like FindFirstFile with the only difference
// that it works all the way down the tree ( all files from subdirs are retruned as well
// No file mask currently implemented - if needed - store the mask and pass it on every FindFirstFile API
class CFindFile { // Data types
public: // Use this options to refine the search criteria
enum SearchOptions { ffRecursive = 0x0001, // If set - subdirs are searched for matches. Else - only the root dir is searched
ffGetFiles = 0x0002, // If set - file objects are considered a match
ffGetDirs = 0x0004, // If set - directory objects are considered a match
ffAbsolutePaths = 0x0008, // If set - the dir names, returned from FindFirst and Next will be absolute.
ffAddFilename = 0x0010, // If set - the dir names, returned from FindFirst and Next will include the name of the object.
// Construction / Destruction
public: CFindFile ( void ); ~CFindFile ( void );
// Interface
public: bool FindFirst ( LPCWSTR wszDirToScan, WORD wOptions, LPWSTR wszDir, WIN32_FIND_DATAW* pData ); bool Next ( bool* pbDirChanged, LPWSTR wszDir, WIN32_FIND_DATAW* pData ); void Close ( void );
// Implementation
private: bool CheckFile ( LPCWSTR wszRelativeDir, const WIN32_FIND_DATAW& fd ); bool ScanDir ( LPCWSTR wszDirToScan, LPCWSTR wszRelative, WIN32_FIND_DATAW& FileData ); bool ContinueCurrent ( WIN32_FIND_DATAW& FilepData ); // Data members
private: WORD m_wOptions; // Search options ( bitmask with SearchOptions enum values )
TStringList m_DirsToScan; // Dirs that will be scaned after the current one
TSearchHandle m_shSearch; // Search Handle
std::wstring m_strRootDir; // Dir that is searched ( search root )
std::wstring m_strCurrentDir; // Dir where m_hSearch is opened
// CXMLTools - class for XML input/output support
// You may need the Convert class for easier handling different types of in/out XML data
class CXMLTools { private: CXMLTools();
public: static IXMLDOMElementPtr AddTextNode( const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spEl, LPCWSTR wszName, LPCWSTR wszValue ); static const std::wstring GetAttrib ( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spEl, LPCWSTR wszName ); static void SetAttrib ( const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spEl, LPCWSTR wszName, LPCWSTR wszData );
static void LoadXMLFile ( LPCWSTR wszFile, IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& rspDoc );
static IXMLDOMElementPtr CreateSubNode( const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spParent, LPCWSTR wszName );
static void RemoveNodes ( const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spContext, LPCWSTR wszXPath );
static const std::wstring GetDataValue( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spRoot, LPCWSTR wszQuery, LPCWSTR wszAttrib, LPCWSTR wszDefaut ); static const std::wstring GetDataValueAbs( const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spRoot, LPCWSTR wszQuery, LPCWSTR wszAttrib, LPCWSTR wszDefaut );
static const IXMLDOMNodePtr SetDataValue( const IXMLDOMNodePtr& spRoot, LPCWSTR wszQuery, LPCWSTR wszAttrib, LPCWSTR wszNewValue, LPCWSTR wszNewElName = NULL ); };
// CXMLTols inline implementation
inline void CXMLTools::SetAttrib( const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spEl, LPCWSTR wszName, LPCWSTR wszData ) { _ASSERT( spEl != NULL ); _ASSERT( wszName != NULL ); _ASSERT( wszData != NULL );
IF_FAILED_HR_THROW( spEl->setAttribute( _bstr_t( wszName ), _variant_t( wszData ) ), CBaseException( IDS_E_XML_GENERATE ) ); }
inline IXMLDOMElementPtr CXMLTools::CreateSubNode( const IXMLDOMDocumentPtr& spDoc, const IXMLDOMElementPtr& spParent, LPCWSTR wszName ) { _ASSERT( spDoc != NULL ); _ASSERT( spParent != NULL );
IXMLDOMElementPtr spResult;
IF_FAILED_HR_THROW( spDoc->createElement( _bstr_t( wszName ), &spResult ), CBaseException( IDS_E_XML_GENERATE ) ); IF_FAILED_HR_THROW( spParent->appendChild( spResult, NULL ), CBaseException( IDS_E_XML_GENERATE ) );
return spResult; }
// Convert class - simple class for providing basic type conversions.
class Convert { private: Convert();
public: static const std::wstring ToString ( BYTE btVal ); static const std::wstring ToString ( DWORD dwVal ); static const std::wstring ToString ( DWORDLONG dwVal ); static const std::wstring ToString ( bool bVal ); static const std::wstring ToString ( const BYTE* pvData, DWORD dwSize );
static void ToBLOB ( LPCWSTR wszData, TByteAutoPtr& rspData, DWORD&dwSize );
static bool ToBool ( LPCWSTR wszData );
private: static WCHAR ByteToWChar( BYTE b ); static BYTE WCharsToByte( WCHAR chLow, WCHAR chHigh ); };
// Convert class inline implementation
inline const std::wstring Convert::ToString( DWORD dwVal ) { WCHAR wszBuff[ 16 ]; ::swprintf( wszBuff, L"%u", dwVal ); return std::wstring( wszBuff ); }
inline const std::wstring Convert::ToString( DWORDLONG dwVal ) { WCHAR wszBuff[ 32 ]; ::_ui64tow( dwVal, wszBuff, 10 ); return std::wstring( wszBuff ); }
inline const std::wstring Convert::ToString( bool bVal ) { return std::wstring( bVal ? L"True" : L"False" ); }
inline WCHAR Convert::ByteToWChar( BYTE b ) { _ASSERT( b < 17 ); return static_cast<WCHAR>( b >= 10 ? L'a' + b - 10 : L'0' + b ); }
inline BYTE Convert::WCharsToByte( WCHAR chLow, WCHAR chHigh ) { _ASSERT( ( ( chLow >= L'0' ) && ( chLow <= L'9' ) ) || ( ( chLow >= L'a' ) && ( chLow <= 'f' ) ) ); _ASSERT( ( ( chHigh >= L'0' ) && ( chHigh <= L'9' ) ) || ( ( chHigh >= L'a' ) && ( chHigh <= 'f' ) ) );
BYTE bt = static_cast<BYTE>( ( chHigh >= L'a' ? chHigh - L'a' + 10 : chHigh - L'0' ) << 4 );
bt = static_cast<BYTE>( bt + ( chLow >= L'a' ? chLow - L'a' + 10 : chLow - L'0' ) );
return bt; }
inline DWORDLONG Convert::ToDWORDLONG( LPCWSTR wszData ) { return static_cast<DWORDLONG>( ::_wtoi64( wszData ) ); }
inline const std::wstring Convert::ToString( BYTE btVal ) { return ToString( static_cast<DWORD>( btVal ) ); }
inline bool Convert::ToBool( LPCWSTR wszData ) { return ::_wcsicmp( wszData, L"true" ) == 0; }