Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of: CInstanceHelper
Mohit Srivastava 22-Mar-2001
Revision History:
// for metabase.h
extern "C" { #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include "iisfiles.h"
#include "instancehelper.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "iiswmimsg.h"
#include "globalconstants.h"
#include "adminacl.h"
#include "ipsecurity.h"
#include "metabase.h"
#include "SmartPointer.h"
#include "schemadynamic.h"
extern CDynSchema* g_pDynSch;
CInstanceHelper::CInstanceHelper( ParsedObjectPath* i_pParsedObjPath, CWbemServices* i_pNamespace) : m_PathParser(e_ParserAcceptRelativeNamespace) /*++
Synopsis: Use this constructor when you have already parsed the object path. Caller owns the ParsedObjectPath.
Arguments: [i_pParsedObjPath] - [i_pNamespace] - --*/ { Init(i_pParsedObjPath, i_pNamespace); }
CInstanceHelper::CInstanceHelper( BSTR i_bstrObjPath, CWbemServices* i_pNamespace) : m_PathParser(e_ParserAcceptRelativeNamespace) /*++
Synopsis: Use this constructor when have not already parsed the object path.
Arguments: [i_bstrObjPath] - [i_pNamespace] - --*/ { DBG_ASSERT(i_bstrObjPath != NULL); DBG_ASSERT(i_pNamespace != NULL);
TSmartPointer<ParsedObjectPath> spParsedObject;
HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; hr = CUtils::ParserErrToHR( m_PathParser.Parse(i_bstrObjPath, &spParsedObject) ); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr);
Init(spParsedObject, i_pNamespace);
m_pParsedObjPath = spParsedObject; spParsedObject = NULL;
m_bOwnObjPath = true; }
void CInstanceHelper::Init( ParsedObjectPath* i_pParsedObjPath, CWbemServices* i_pNamespace) /*++
Synopsis: Called by constructors.
Arguments: [i_pParsedObjPath] - [i_pNamespace] - --*/ { m_pWmiClass = NULL; m_pWmiAssoc = NULL;
DBG_ASSERT(i_pParsedObjPath != NULL); DBG_ASSERT(i_pNamespace != NULL);
if(CUtils::GetClass(i_pParsedObjPath->m_pClass,&m_pWmiClass)) { } else if(CUtils::GetAssociation(i_pParsedObjPath->m_pClass,&m_pWmiAssoc)) { } else { THROW_ON_ERROR(WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS); }
m_pParsedObjPath = i_pParsedObjPath; m_bOwnObjPath = false; m_pNamespace = i_pNamespace;
void CInstanceHelper::GetAssociation( IWbemClassObject** o_ppObj, bool i_bVerifyLeft, //default(true)
bool i_bVerifyRight) //default(true)
Synopsis: Specifying i_bVerifyLeft or i_bVerifyRight can be expensive, especially during enumeration. If you have already verified prior to calling this function that the left and/or right parts exist, then set these params to false.
Arguments: [o_ppObj] - The WMI association that you "indicate" to WMI. [i_bVerifyLeft] - Verify left part of the association is valid. [i_bVerifyRight] - Verify right part of association is valid. --*/ { DBG_ASSERT(o_ppObj != NULL);
CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> spObj; // This is the obj that the client gets back
if(m_pParsedObjPath->m_dwNumKeys < 2) { THROW_ON_ERROR(WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS); }
KeyRef* pkrLeft = NULL; KeyRef* pkrRight = NULL; for(ULONG i = 0; i < m_pParsedObjPath->m_dwNumKeys; i++) { KeyRef* pkr = m_pParsedObjPath->m_paKeys[i]; if(pkr->m_pName) { if( !pkrLeft && _wcsicmp(pkr->m_pName, m_pWmiAssoc->pType->pszLeft) == 0 ) { pkrLeft = pkr; } if( !pkrRight && _wcsicmp(pkr->m_pName, m_pWmiAssoc->pType->pszRight) == 0 ) { pkrRight = pkr; } } }
if( !pkrLeft || !pkrRight || pkrLeft->m_vValue.vt != VT_BSTR || pkrRight->m_vValue.vt != VT_BSTR || pkrLeft->m_vValue.bstrVal == NULL || pkrRight->m_vValue.bstrVal == NULL ) { THROW_ON_ERROR(WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT_PATH); }
// Now verify the two object paths are valid
bool abVerify[2]; abVerify[0] = i_bVerifyLeft; abVerify[1] = i_bVerifyRight; KeyRef* apKr[2]; apKr[0] = pkrLeft; apKr[1] = pkrRight; if(abVerify[0] || abVerify[1]) { CMetabase metabase; CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> spObjTemp; for(ULONG i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(abVerify[i]) { spObjTemp = NULL; CInstanceHelper InstanceHelper(apKr[i]->m_vValue.bstrVal, m_pNamespace); if(InstanceHelper.IsAssoc()) { THROW_ON_ERROR(WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND); } InstanceHelper.GetInstance( false, &metabase, &spObjTemp); } } }
hr = CUtils::CreateEmptyInstance(m_pParsedObjPath->m_pClass, m_pNamespace, &spObj); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr);
hr = spObj->Put(pkrLeft->m_pName, 0, &pkrLeft->m_vValue, 0); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr);
hr = spObj->Put(pkrRight->m_pName, 0, &pkrRight->m_vValue, 0); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr);
// Set out parameters on success
*o_ppObj = spObj; (*o_ppObj)->AddRef(); }
void CInstanceHelper::GetInstance( bool i_bCreateKeyIfNotExist, CMetabase* io_pMetabase, IWbemClassObject** o_ppObj, SQL_LEVEL_1_RPN_EXPRESSION_EXT* i_pExp) // default(NULL)
Synopsis: Will throw an exception on failure (generallly instance not found in mb). If GetInstance finds the instance in the metabase, but i_pExp was specified, it is possible *o_ppObj will not be populated with an instance. This is a SUCCESS case.
Arguments: [i_bCreateKeyIfNotExist] - [io_pMetabase] - [o_ppObj] - The only success case where *o_ppObj will be NULL is if it the instance is found in the metabase but i_pExp (i.e. a query) is specified and the query doesn't match. [i_pExp] - An optional query. --*/ { DBG_ASSERT(o_ppObj != NULL); DBG_ASSERT(io_pMetabase != NULL);
*o_ppObj = NULL; CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> spObj;
VARIANT vtTrue; vtTrue.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; vtTrue.vt = VT_BOOL;
hr = CUtils::CreateEmptyInstance(m_pParsedObjPath->m_pClass, m_pNamespace, &spObj); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr);
CUtils::GetMetabasePath(spObj, m_pParsedObjPath, m_pWmiClass, bstrMbPath);
// if AdminACL
if( m_pWmiClass->pkt == &METABASE_KEYTYPE_DATA::s_TYPE_AdminACL || m_pWmiClass->pkt == &METABASE_KEYTYPE_DATA::s_TYPE_AdminACE ) { CAdminACL objACL; hr = objACL.OpenSD(bstrMbPath, *io_pMetabase); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = objACL.GetObjectAsync(spObj, m_pParsedObjPath, m_pWmiClass); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr); *o_ppObj = spObj; (*o_ppObj)->AddRef(); return; } //
// if IPSecurity
else if( m_pWmiClass->pkt == &METABASE_KEYTYPE_DATA::s_TYPE_IPSecurity ) { CIPSecurity IPSecurity; hr = IPSecurity.OpenSD(bstrMbPath, *io_pMetabase); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = IPSecurity.GetObjectAsync(spObj); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr); *o_ppObj = spObj; (*o_ppObj)->AddRef(); return; }
if(!i_bCreateKeyIfNotExist) { hKey = io_pMetabase->OpenKey(bstrMbPath, false); } else { hKey = io_pMetabase->CreateKey(bstrMbPath); }
_variant_t vt;
// If anything throws, CacheFree and then CloseKey is called automatically
// Make sure requested keytype matches the keytype set at the node
if(!i_bCreateKeyIfNotExist) { io_pMetabase->Get(hKey, &METABASE_PROPERTY_DATA::s_KeyType, m_pNamespace, vt, NULL, NULL); if( vt.vt != VT_BSTR || vt.bstrVal == NULL || !CUtils::CompareKeyType(vt.bstrVal, m_pWmiClass->pkt) ) { CIIsProvException e; e.SetMC(WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND, IISWMI_INVALID_KEYTYPE, NULL); throw e; } vt.Clear(); }
// User wants to filter number of instances returned
// Walk thru all filters, and try and get these first.
if(i_pExp && !i_pExp->GetContainsOrOrNot()) { SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN* pToken = i_pExp->m_pSqlExpr->pArrayOfTokens; METABASE_PROPERTY* pMbpQuery = NULL; for(int i = 0; i < i_pExp->m_pSqlExpr->nNumTokens; i++, pToken++) { BOOL bInherited = false; BOOL bDefault = false; if( pToken->nTokenType == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EXPRESSION ) { hr = g_pDynSch->GetHashProps()->Wmi_GetByKey( pToken->pPropertyName, &pMbpQuery); if(FAILED(hr)) { if(_wcsicmp(pToken->pPropertyName, m_pWmiClass->pszKeyName) == 0) { //
// User requested the name property which is not in the schema by
// design.
hr = spObj->Get(m_pWmiClass->pszKeyName, 0, &vt, NULL, NULL); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr); } else { //
// User requested a property that is not in the schema
DBGPRINTF( (DBG_CONTEXT, "Property %ws not in schema\n", pToken->pPropertyName) ); THROW_ON_ERROR(WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY); } } else { io_pMetabase->Get(hKey, pMbpQuery, m_pNamespace, vt, &bInherited, &bDefault); }
if(!CheckForQueryMatch(pToken, &vt)) { //
// We don't need to return this instance.
// value from metabase is not what user wanted.
io_pMetabase->CacheFree(); io_pMetabase->CloseKey(hKey); return; }
PutProperty(spObj, pToken->pPropertyName, &vt, bInherited, bDefault);
vt.Clear(); } } }
// Walk thru all the properties in the class and put them in an instance
// we will return back to WMI
for (ppmbp=m_pWmiClass->ppmbp;*ppmbp; ppmbp++) { BOOL bInherited = false; BOOL bDefault = false;
BOOL bSkipProp = false; if(i_pExp) { if(!i_pExp->FindRequestedProperty((*ppmbp)->pszPropName)) { //
// User did not request this property
bSkipProp = true; } else if(!i_pExp->GetContainsOrOrNot() && i_pExp->GetFilter((*ppmbp)->pszPropName)) { //
// Right above for loop, we handled all filters already.
bSkipProp = true; } }
if( !bSkipProp ) { io_pMetabase->Get(hKey, *ppmbp, m_pNamespace, vt, &bInherited, &bDefault);
_bstr_t bstrPropName = (*ppmbp)->pszPropName; PutProperty(spObj, bstrPropName, &vt, bInherited, bDefault);
vt.Clear(); } }
io_pMetabase->CacheFree(); io_pMetabase->CloseKey(hKey); hKey = NULL;
// Set qualifiers
LPCWSTR awszNames[2] = { g_wszInstanceName, g_wszInstanceExists }; VARIANT apvValues[2]; apvValues[0].bstrVal = bstrMbPath; apvValues[0].vt = VT_BSTR; apvValues[1].boolVal = vtTrue.boolVal; apvValues[1].vt = vtTrue.vt;
hr = CUtils::SetQualifiers(spObj, awszNames, apvValues, 2, WBEM_FLAVOR_FLAG_PROPAGATE_TO_INSTANCE); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr);
// Set out parameters on success
*o_ppObj = spObj; (*o_ppObj)->AddRef(); }
void CInstanceHelper::PutProperty( IWbemClassObject* i_pInstance, const BSTR i_bstrPropName, VARIANT* i_vtPropValue, BOOL i_bIsInherited, BOOL i_bIsDefault) { DBG_ASSERT(i_pInstance); DBG_ASSERT(i_bstrPropName); DBG_ASSERT(i_vtPropValue);
VARIANT vtTrue; vtTrue.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE; vtTrue.vt = VT_BOOL;
// TODO: Log error if Put fails.
hr = i_pInstance->Put(i_bstrPropName, 0, i_vtPropValue, 0); if(FAILED(hr)) { DBGPRINTF(( DBG_CONTEXT, "The property %ws in class %ws is not in repository\n", i_bstrPropName, m_pWmiClass->pszClassName)); }
if(i_bIsInherited && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CUtils::SetPropertyQualifiers( i_pInstance, i_bstrPropName, &g_wszIsInherit, &vtTrue, 1); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr); } else if(i_bIsDefault && SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CUtils::SetPropertyQualifiers( i_pInstance, i_bstrPropName, &g_wszIsDefault, &vtTrue, 1); THROW_ON_ERROR(hr); } }
bool CInstanceHelper::CheckForQueryMatch( const SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN* i_pToken, const VARIANT* i_pvtMatch) /*++
Synopsis: It's okay to return true even if there is not a match, but we should never do the opposite.
Arguments: [i_pToken] - [i_pvtMatch] - Return Value:
--*/{ DBG_ASSERT(i_pToken); DBG_ASSERT(i_pvtMatch); DBG_ASSERT(i_pToken->nTokenType == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EXPRESSION);
bool bTypesMatch = false;
// Used only for VT_BOOL and VT_I4
ULONG ulToken = 0; ULONG ulMatch = 0; if( i_pvtMatch->vt == i_pToken->vConstValue.vt ) { bTypesMatch = true; }
if(bTypesMatch) { switch(i_pvtMatch->vt) { case VT_BOOL: ulMatch = i_pvtMatch->boolVal ? 1 : 0; ulToken = i_pToken->vConstValue.boolVal ? 1 : 0; //
// deliberate fall thru
case VT_I4: if(i_pvtMatch->vt == VT_I4) { ulMatch = i_pvtMatch->lVal; ulToken = i_pToken->vConstValue.lVal; } switch(i_pToken->nOperator) { case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL: if(ulMatch != ulToken) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_NOT_EQUAL: if(ulMatch == ulToken) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUALorGREATERTHAN: if(ulMatch < ulToken) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUALorLESSTHAN: if(ulMatch > ulToken) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_LESSTHAN: if(ulMatch >= ulToken) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_GREATERTHAN: if(ulMatch <= ulToken) { return false; } break; } break; case VT_BSTR: if(i_pToken->vConstValue.bstrVal && i_pvtMatch->bstrVal) { int iWcsCmp = _wcsicmp(i_pvtMatch->bstrVal, i_pToken->vConstValue.bstrVal); switch(i_pToken->nOperator) { case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL: if(iWcsCmp != 0) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_NOT_EQUAL: if(iWcsCmp == 0) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUALorGREATERTHAN: if(iWcsCmp < 0) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUALorLESSTHAN: if(iWcsCmp > 0) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_LESSTHAN: if(iWcsCmp >= 0) { return false; } break; case SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_GREATERTHAN: if(iWcsCmp <= 0) { return false; } break; } } break; default: break; } }
return true; }