Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This include file contains the definition for the CMofGen class
Mohit Srivastava 28-Nov-00
Revision History:
#ifndef _mofgen_h_
#define _mofgen_h_
extern LPCWSTR g_wszIIsProvider; // defined in iisprov.h
#include <wbemcli.h>
struct CimTypeStringMapping { CIMTYPE cimtype; LPCWSTR wszString; LPCWSTR wszFormatString; };
static CimTypeStringMapping CimTypeStringMappingData[] = { { CIM_SINT8, L"sint8" , L"%d" }, { CIM_UINT8, L"uint8" , L"%d" }, { CIM_SINT16, L"sint16" , L"%hd" }, { CIM_UINT16, L"uint16" , L"%hu" }, { CIM_SINT32, L"sint32" , L"%d" }, { CIM_UINT32, L"uint32" , L"%u" }, { CIM_SINT64, L"sint64" , L"%I64d" }, { CIM_UINT64, L"uint64" , L"%I64u" }, { CIM_REAL32, L"real32" , L"%f" }, { CIM_REAL64, L"real64" , L"%f" }, { CIM_BOOLEAN, L"boolean" , NULL }, { CIM_STRING, L"string" , L"\"%s\"" }, { CIM_DATETIME, L"datetime" , NULL }, { CIM_REFERENCE, L"reference", NULL }, { CIM_CHAR16, L"char16" , NULL }, { CIM_OBJECT, L"object" , NULL }, { 0, NULL , NULL } };
class CMofGenUtils { public: static CimTypeStringMapping* LookupCimType( CIMTYPE cimtype) { for(ULONG i = 0; CimTypeStringMappingData[i].wszString != NULL; i++) { if(cimtype == CimTypeStringMappingData[i].cimtype) { return &CimTypeStringMappingData[i]; } }
return NULL; } };
class CMofGen { public: CMofGen() : m_pFile(NULL), m_wszHeaderFileName(NULL), m_wszFooterFileName(NULL), m_wszOutFileName(NULL), m_wszTemp(NULL), m_cchTemp(0) { } virtual ~CMofGen() { if(m_pFile != NULL) { fclose(m_pFile); } delete [] m_wszTemp; } bool ParseCmdLine (int argc, wchar_t **argv); void PrintUsage (wchar_t **argv);
HRESULT Push(); LPWSTR GetOutFileName() { return m_wszOutFileName; }
private: //
// File handle to output file
FILE* m_pFile;
LPWSTR m_wszHeaderFileName; LPWSTR m_wszFooterFileName; LPWSTR m_wszOutFileName;
LPWSTR m_wszTemp; ULONG m_cchTemp;
HRESULT GenerateEscapedString(LPCWSTR i_wsz);
HRESULT PushProperties( WMI_CLASS* i_pElement);
HRESULT PushMethods( WMI_CLASS* i_pElement);
HRESULT PushAssociationComponent( LPWSTR i_wszComp, LPWSTR i_wszClass);
HRESULT PushFormattedMultiSz();
HRESULT PushFile( LPWSTR i_wszFile);
template <class T> HRESULT PushClasses(CHashTable<T>* i_phashTable, bool bAssoc) { DBG_ASSERT(i_phashTable != NULL); DBG_ASSERT(m_pFile != NULL);
// Vars needed for iteration
CHashTable<T>::Record* pRec = NULL;
LPWSTR wszParentClass = NULL; LPWSTR wszDescription = NULL;
int iError = 0;
// Walk thru classes
ULONG iShipped; CHashTable<T>::iterator iter; CHashTable<T>::iterator iterEnd = i_phashTable->end(); for (iter = i_phashTable->begin(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) { pRec = iter.Record(); iShipped = bAssoc ? ((WMI_ASSOCIATION*)(pRec->m_data))->dwExtended : ((WMI_CLASS*)(pRec->m_data))->dwExtended; if(iShipped == SHIPPED_TO_MOF) { if(!bAssoc) { wszParentClass = ((WMI_CLASS*)(pRec->m_data))->pszParentClass; wszDescription = ((WMI_CLASS*)(pRec->m_data))->pszDescription; } else { wszParentClass = ((WMI_ASSOCIATION*)(pRec->m_data))->pszParentClass; // wszDescription = ((WMI_ASSOCIATION*)(pRec->m_data))->pszDescription;
iError = fwprintf(m_pFile, L"[dynamic : ToInstance,provider(\"%s\"),Locale(1033)", g_wszIIsProvider); if(iError < 0) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } if(wszDescription != NULL) { iError = fwprintf(m_pFile, L",Description(\"%s\")", wszDescription); if(iError < 0) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } } iError = fwprintf(m_pFile, L"]\n"); if(iError < 0) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } iError = fwprintf(m_pFile, L"class %s : %s\n", pRec->m_wszKey, wszParentClass); if(iError < 0) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } iError = fwprintf(m_pFile, L"{\n"); if(iError < 0) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
if(!bAssoc) { bool bPutNameProperty = true; for(ULONG j = 0; g_awszParentClassWithNamePK[j] != NULL; j++) { //
// Deliberate ==
if(g_awszParentClassWithNamePK[j] == ((WMI_CLASS *)(pRec->m_data))->pszParentClass) { bPutNameProperty = false; } } if( bPutNameProperty ) { iError = fwprintf(m_pFile, L"\t[Key] string Name;\n"); if(iError < 0) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } } hr = PushProperties((WMI_CLASS *)(pRec->m_data)); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = PushMethods((WMI_CLASS *)(pRec->m_data)); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { hr = PushAssociationComponent( ((WMI_ASSOCIATION *)(pRec->m_data))->pType->pszLeft, ((WMI_ASSOCIATION *)(pRec->m_data))->pcLeft->pszClassName); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = PushAssociationComponent( ((WMI_ASSOCIATION *)(pRec->m_data))->pType->pszRight, ((WMI_ASSOCIATION *)(pRec->m_data))->pcRight->pszClassName); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } }
iError = fwprintf(m_pFile, L"};\n\n"); if(iError < 0) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } } }
exit: return hr; } };
#endif // _mofgen_h_