#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "ACShim.h"
#include <secconlib.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include "reg.hxx"
// Undef PathAppend, or TSTR::PathAppend will not work
#undef PathAppend
// ProcessIISShims
// Open the app compat database and process all the IIS
// entries
BOOL ProcessIISShims() { PDB hCompatDB = NULL; BOOL bRet = TRUE; TSTR_PATH strCompatDB;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Processeing AppCompat DB.\n") ) );
if ( !strCompatDB.RetrieveWindowsDir() || !strCompatDB.PathAppend( APPCOMPAT_DBNAME ) ) { // Failed to create path
return FALSE; }
hCompatDB = SdbOpenDatabase( strCompatDB.QueryStr(), DOS_PATH );
if ( hCompatDB == NULL ) { // Failed to open DB
return FALSE; }
bRet = ProcessAppCompatDB( hCompatDB );
SdbCloseDatabase( hCompatDB );
return bRet; }
// ProcessAppCompatDB
// Loop through all of the App Compat entries, and process
// the ones that are IIS's
BOOL ProcessAppCompatDB( PDB hCompatDB ) { TAGID tagDB; TAGID tagExe; BOOL bRet = TRUE; HRESULT hrCoInit;
tagDB = SdbFindFirstTag( hCompatDB, TAGID_ROOT, TAG_DATABASE );
if ( tagDB == NULL ) { // Failed to open DB
return FALSE; }
hrCoInit = CoInitialize( NULL );
if ( FAILED( hrCoInit ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Failed to CoInitialize to process AppCompat tag's, hr=0x%8x.\n"), hrCoInit)); return FALSE; }
tagExe = SdbFindFirstTag( hCompatDB, tagDB, TAG_EXE );
while( tagExe != NULL ) { if ( !ProcessExeTag( hCompatDB, tagExe ) ) { // Failed to process tag
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Failed to process AppCompat EXE tag.\n"))); bRet = FALSE; }
// Get the next one
tagExe = SdbFindNextTag( hCompatDB, tagDB, tagExe ); }
return bRet; }
// ProcessExeTag
// Process All of the Exe Tags that we have
BOOL ProcessExeTag( PDB hCompatDB, TAGID tagExe ) { TAGID tagExeInfo; BOOL bRet = TRUE;
tagExeInfo = SdbGetFirstChild( hCompatDB, tagExe );
while ( tagExeInfo != NULL ) { if ( IsIISShim( hCompatDB, tagExeInfo ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Processing IIS Exe AppCompat Info tag.\n")));
if ( !ProcessShimTag( hCompatDB, tagExeInfo ) ) { iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_WARN, _T("Failed to process AppCompat EXE Info tag.\n"))); bRet = FALSE; } }
// Get next tag
tagExeInfo = SdbGetNextChild( hCompatDB, tagExe, tagExeInfo ); }
return bRet; }
// ProcessShimTag
// Process the Shim Tag
BOOL ProcessShimTag( PDB hCompatDB, TAGID tagShim ) { TSTR_PATH strBasePath; CExtensionList ExtenstionList;
if ( !GetBasePath( &strBasePath, hCompatDB, tagShim ) ) { // This entry does not have a base path, so ignore
return TRUE; }
if ( !PathIsDirectory( strBasePath.QueryStr() ) ) { // The directory does not exist, so it must not be installed
return TRUE; }
if ( !BuildExtensionList( hCompatDB, tagShim, strBasePath.QueryStr(), &ExtenstionList ) ) { // Failed to construct List
return FALSE; }
if ( ExtenstionList.DoesAnItemExist() ) { if ( !InstallAppInMB( hCompatDB, tagShim, ExtenstionList ) ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// GetBasePath
// Get the Base Path for the Shim Tag we are talking about.
// This is either going to be a physical path or a registry entry with
// the path
BOOL GetBasePath( TSTR_PATH *pstrBasePath, PDB hCompatDB, TAGID tagShim ) { TSTR strDBPath; TSTR strType;
ASSERT( hCompatDB != NULL ); ASSERT( tagShim != NULL );
if ( !GetValueFromName( &strDBPath, hCompatDB, tagShim, APPCOMPAT_TAG_BASEPATH ) || !GetValueFromName( &strType, hCompatDB, tagShim, APPCOMPAT_TAG_PATHTYPE ) ) { // Failed to get Base Path
return FALSE; }
if ( strType.IsEqual( APPCOMPAT_TYPE_PHYSICALPATH ) ) { // This is a phsycial path, so expand environment variables and return
if ( !pstrBasePath->Copy( strDBPath ) || !pstrBasePath->ExpandEnvironmentVariables() ) { // Failed
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// It is a registry key instead, so lets retrieve it
return GetBasePathFromRegistry( pstrBasePath, strDBPath ); }
// GetBasePathFromRegistry
// Retrieve the Base Path for an entry, by reading the registry key
// that contains it
// Parameters
// pstrBasePath - [out] The path from the registry
// strFullRegPath - [in] The registry path to check
BOOL GetBasePathFromRegistry( TSTR_PATH *pstrBasePath, TSTR &strFullRegPath ) { TSTR strRegBase; TSTR strRegPath; TSTR strRegName; LPTSTR szFirstSlash; LPTSTR szLastSlash;
szFirstSlash = _tcschr( strFullRegPath.QueryStr(), _T('\\') ); szLastSlash = _tcsrchr( strFullRegPath.QueryStr(), _T('\\') );
if ( ( szFirstSlash == NULL ) || ( szLastSlash == NULL ) || ( szLastSlash == szFirstSlash ) ) { // If there are not atleast 2 '\'s then it is not a correct registry path
return FALSE; }
// Temporarily Null terminate strings
*szFirstSlash = _T('\0'); *szLastSlash = _T('\0');
if ( !strRegBase.Copy( strFullRegPath.QueryStr() ) || !strRegPath.Copy( szFirstSlash + 1 ) || !strRegName.Copy( szLastSlash + 1 ) ) { // Failed to copy path's
*szFirstSlash = _T('\\'); *szLastSlash = _T('\\'); return FALSE; }
// Insert back the slashes
*szFirstSlash = _T('\\'); *szLastSlash = _T('\\');
return RetrieveRegistryString( pstrBasePath, strRegBase, strRegPath, strRegName ); }
// RetrieveRegistryString
// Retrieve a string from the registry
// Parameters:
// pstrValue - [out] The value retrieved from the registry
// strRegBase - [in] The base path, ie HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
// strRegPath - [in] The path to the registry key
// strRegName - [in] The name of the registry value
BOOL RetrieveRegistryString( TSTR_PATH *pstrValue, TSTR &strRegBase, TSTR &strRegPath, TSTR &strRegName ) { CRegistry Reg; HKEY hRoot;
if ( strRegBase.IsEqual( APPCOMPAT_REG_HKLM, FALSE ) ) { hRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; } else if ( strRegBase.IsEqual( APPCOMPAT_REG_HKCU, FALSE ) ) { hRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } else if ( strRegBase.IsEqual( APPCOMPAT_REG_HKCR, FALSE ) ) { hRoot = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; } else if ( strRegBase.IsEqual( APPCOMPAT_REG_HKU, FALSE ) ) { hRoot = HKEY_USERS; } else if ( strRegBase.IsEqual( APPCOMPAT_REG_HKCC, FALSE ) ) { hRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; } else { return FALSE; }
if ( !Reg.OpenRegistry( hRoot, strRegPath.QueryStr(), KEY_READ ) ) { // Failed to open registry
return FALSE; }
if ( !Reg.ReadValueString( strRegName.QueryStr(), pstrValue ) ) { // Failed to read string from registry
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// BuildExtensionList
// Build the extension list from the Compat DB for this tag
// Parameters:
// hCompatDB - [in] Pointer to compat DB
// tagShim - [in] Tag to process
// szBasePath - [in] Base path for these extensions
// pExtensions - [out] Extensions class to add them too
BOOL BuildExtensionList( PDB hCompatDB, TAGID tagShim, LPTSTR szBasePath, CExtensionList *pExtensions ) { TSTR_PATH strExtFullPath; TSTR strExtensions; TSTR strIndicatorFile; LPTSTR szExtensions; LPTSTR szNext;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Building extension list.\n") ) );
if ( GetValueFromName( &strIndicatorFile, hCompatDB, tagShim, APPCOMPAT_TAG_SETUPINDICATOR ) ) { // SetupIndicator File is Set
if ( !strExtFullPath.Copy( szBasePath ) || !strExtFullPath.PathAppend( strIndicatorFile ) || !pExtensions->SetIndicatorFile( strExtFullPath.QueryStr() ) ) { // Failed to set indicator file
return FALSE; }
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Indicator File found, it is '%s'.\n"), strExtFullPath.QueryStr() ) ); }
if ( !GetValueFromName( &strExtensions, hCompatDB, tagShim, APPCOMPAT_TAG_WEBSVCEXT ) ) { // No WebSvcExtension to retrieve
return TRUE; }
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Building extension list with '%s'.\n"), strExtensions.QueryStr() ) );
// Get pointer to begining of list
szExtensions = strExtensions.QueryStr();
while ( szExtensions && *szExtensions ) { szNext = _tcschr( szExtensions, _T(',') );
if ( szNext ) { *szNext = _T('\0'); szNext++; }
if ( !strExtFullPath.Copy( szBasePath ) || !strExtFullPath.PathAppend( szExtensions ) ) { // Failed to construct path
return FALSE; }
if ( !pExtensions->AddItem( strExtFullPath.QueryStr(), PathFileExists( strExtFullPath.QueryStr() ) ) ) { // Failed to add item to list
return FALSE; }
szExtensions = szNext; }
return TRUE; }
// InstallAppInMB
// Installs the Application Extensions and dependencies into the metabase
// tagShim points to the Shim entry in the AppCompat DB where all App settings reside
BOOL InstallAppInMB( PDB hCompatDB, TAGID tagShim, CExtensionList &ExtensionList ) { TSTR strGroupId; TSTR strGroupDesc; TSTR strAppName; TSTR strExtGroups; TSTR strPath; BOOL bExists; CSecConLib Helper; DWORD i; BOOL bRet; HRESULT hr;
// Ignore if we can not get this value, since it is not necessary
GetValueFromName( &strExtGroups, hCompatDB, tagShim, APPCOMPAT_DB_ENABLE_EXT_GROUPS );
if ( !GetValueFromName( &strGroupId, hCompatDB, tagShim, APPCOMPAT_DB_GROUPID ) || !GetValueFromName( &strGroupDesc, hCompatDB, tagShim, APPCOMPAT_DB_GROUPDESC ) || !GetValueFromName( &strAppName, hCompatDB, tagShim, APPCOMPAT_DB_APPNAME ) ) { iisDebugOut( ( LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Could not retrieve all values for App from DB, so will not add to RestrictionList. ('%s','%s','%s','%s')\n"), strGroupId.QueryStr() ? strGroupId.QueryStr() : _T("<Unknown>"), strGroupDesc.QueryStr() ? strGroupDesc.QueryStr() : _T("<Unknown>"), strAppName.QueryStr() ? strAppName.QueryStr() : _T("<Unknown>"), strExtGroups.QueryStr() ? strExtGroups.QueryStr() : _T("<Unknown>")) );
// Failed to retrieve value
return TRUE; }
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Adding '%s' group to WebSvcRestriction List from AppCompat DB.\n"), strGroupId.QueryStr() ) );
// Add Extensions
for ( i = 0; i < ExtensionList.QueryNumberofItems(); i++ ) { if ( !ExtensionList.QueryItem( i, &strPath, &bExists ) ) { // Failed to retrieve
return FALSE; }
hr = Helper.AddExtensionFile( strPath.QueryStr(), // Path
g_pTheApp->IsUpgrade() ? true : false, // Image should be enabled
strGroupId.QueryStr(), // GroupID
FALSE, // Not UI deletable
strGroupDesc.QueryStr(),// Group description
if ( FAILED( hr ) && ( hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DUP_NAME) ) ) { bRet = FALSE; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to add extension %s to group %s, hr=0x%8x\n"), strPath.QueryStr(), strGroupId.QueryStr(), hr )); } }
// Add Dependencies
if ( *(strGroupId.QueryStr()) != _T('\0') ) { hr = Helper.AddDependency( strAppName.QueryStr(), strGroupId.QueryStr(), METABASEPATH_WWW_ROOT );
if ( FAILED( hr ) && ( hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DUP_NAME) ) ) { bRet = FALSE; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to add dependence ( App: %s on GroupID %s ), hr=0x%8x\n"), strAppName.QueryStr(), strGroupId.QueryStr(), hr )); } }
// Add all the other "external" groups it depends on
if ( ( *strExtGroups.QueryStr() ) != _T('\0') ) { LPTSTR szCurrentGroup = strExtGroups.QueryStr(); LPTSTR szNextGroup;
while ( szCurrentGroup && *szCurrentGroup ) { szNextGroup = _tcschr( szCurrentGroup, _T(',') );
if ( szNextGroup ) { *szNextGroup = _T('\0'); szNextGroup++; }
hr = Helper.AddDependency( strAppName.QueryStr(), szCurrentGroup, METABASEPATH_WWW_ROOT );
if ( FAILED( hr ) && ( hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DUP_NAME) ) ) { bRet = FALSE; iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_ERROR, _T("Failed to add dependence ( App: %s on Group %s ), hr = %8x\n"), strAppName.QueryStr(), szCurrentGroup, hr )); }
szCurrentGroup = szNextGroup; } }
return bRet; }
// IsIISShim
// Is the Tag an IIS Shim Tag
BOOL IsIISShim( PDB hCompatDB, TAGID tagCurrentTag ) { TAG tagType; TAGID tagShimName; TSTR strTagName;
tagType = SdbGetTagFromTagID( hCompatDB, tagCurrentTag );
if ( tagType != TAG_SHIM_REF ) { // We handle only <SHIM> tags
return FALSE; }
if ( !strTagName.Resize( MAX_PATH ) ) { // Failed to widen buffer
return FALSE; }
tagShimName = SdbFindFirstTag( hCompatDB, tagCurrentTag, TAG_NAME );
if ( tagShimName == NULL ) { // There is not tag name, so this is not an IIS one.
return FALSE; }
if ( !SdbReadStringTag( hCompatDB, tagShimName, strTagName.QueryStr(), strTagName.QuerySize() ) ) { // Failed to read string tag
return FALSE; }
return strTagName.IsEqual( APPCOMPAT_TAG_SHIM_IIS, FALSE ); }
// GetValueFromName
// Frab a value out of the Database with the Name we have given
// Parameters:
// pstrValue - [out] The value that was in the database
// hCompatDB - [in] Handle to DB
// tagData - [in] The tag to retrieve it from
// szTagName - [in] The name of the tag to retrieve
BOOL GetValueFromName( TSTR *pstrValue, PDB hCompatDB, TAGID tagData, LPCTSTR szTagName ) { TAGID tagChild; TAGID tagValue; LPTSTR szValue;
tagChild = SdbFindFirstNamedTag( hCompatDB, tagData, TAG_DATA, TAG_NAME, szTagName );
if ( tagChild == NULL ) { // Failed to find tag
return FALSE; }
tagValue = SdbFindFirstTag( hCompatDB, tagChild, TAG_DATA_STRING );
if ( tagValue == NULL ) { // Failed to retrieve tag
return FALSE; }
szValue = SdbGetStringTagPtr( hCompatDB, tagValue );
if ( szValue == NULL ) { // Not value found, so lets just set to an empty string
szValue = _T(""); }
return pstrValue->Copy( szValue ); }
// Constructor
CExtensionList::CExtensionList() { m_dwNumberofItems = 0; m_pRoot = NULL; m_bUseIndicatorFile = FALSE; m_bIndicatorFileExists = FALSE; }
// Destructor
CExtensionList::~CExtensionList() { sExtensionItem *pCurrent; sExtensionItem *pTemp;
pCurrent = m_pRoot;
while ( pCurrent ) { pTemp = pCurrent; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
delete pTemp; }
m_pRoot = NULL; m_dwNumberofItems = 0; }
// AddItem
// Add an Item to the list
// Parameters:
// szPath - Data for item
// bExists - Data for Item
BOOL CExtensionList::AddItem( LPTSTR szPath, BOOL bExists ) { sExtensionItem *pNewItem; sExtensionItem *pLastItem = NULL;
iisDebugOut((LOG_TYPE_PROGRAM_FLOW, _T("Adding item '%s',0x%8x.\n"), szPath, bExists ) );
if ( QueryNumberofItems() != 0 ) { pLastItem = RetrieveItem( QueryNumberofItems() - 1 );
if ( pLastItem == NULL ) { // For some read we can not get the nth item, which should exist
ASSERT( FALSE ); return FALSE; } }
pNewItem = new sExtensionItem;
if ( pNewItem == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
if ( !pNewItem->strName.Copy( szPath ) ) { delete pNewItem; return FALSE; }
pNewItem->bExists = bExists; pNewItem->pNext = NULL; m_dwNumberofItems++;
if ( pLastItem ) { pLastItem->pNext = pNewItem; } else { m_pRoot = pNewItem; }
return TRUE; }
// QueryItem
// Query the Data on a particular item
BOOL CExtensionList::QueryItem( DWORD dwIndex, TSTR *pstrPath, LPBOOL pbExists) { sExtensionItem *pCurrent;
pCurrent = RetrieveItem( dwIndex );
if ( pCurrent == NULL ) { // That item does not exist
return FALSE; }
if ( !pstrPath->Copy( pCurrent->strName ) ) { // Could not copy name
return FALSE; }
*pbExists = pCurrent->bExists;
return TRUE; }
// QueryNumberofItems
// Query the number of items in the list
DWORD CExtensionList::QueryNumberofItems() { return m_dwNumberofItems; }
// RetrieveItem
// Retrieve a specific item by its index
sExtensionItem * CExtensionList::RetrieveItem( DWORD dwIndex ) { sExtensionItem *pCurrent = m_pRoot;
while ( ( pCurrent ) && ( dwIndex != 0 ) ) { pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; dwIndex--; }
return pCurrent; }
// DoesAnItemExist
// Go through all of the items in our list,
// and determine if any of them have the bExists flag
// set
BOOL CExtensionList::DoesAnItemExist() { sExtensionItem *pCurrent = m_pRoot;
if ( m_bUseIndicatorFile ) { // If an indicator file is used, then just use this
return m_bIndicatorFileExists; }
while ( pCurrent ) { if ( pCurrent->bExists ) { // Found one that exists
return TRUE; }
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; }
// None existed
return FALSE; }
// SetIndicatorFile
// If an indicator file is set, then use the fact that this is installed
// instead of checking all the other files
BOOL CExtensionList::SetIndicatorFile( LPTSTR szIndicatorFile ) { m_bUseIndicatorFile = TRUE;
m_bIndicatorFileExists = PathFileExists( szIndicatorFile );
return TRUE; }