Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Repository for the constants that are used throughout the project
Christopher Achille (cachille)
Internet Services Setup
Revision History: April 2002: Created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
// This struct, and the enum below it must mach up
struct sComponentList g_ComponentList[] = // Component ID Product Name Sel by Incl. in
// Default GrpPol Deny
{ { _T("iis"), 0, TRUE, FALSE }, { _T("iis_common"), 0, TRUE, TRUE }, { _T("iis_inetmgr"), 0, TRUE, TRUE }, { _T("iis_pwmgr"), 0, FALSE, TRUE }, { _T("iis_www_parent"), 0, TRUE, TRUE }, { _T("iis_www"), 0, TRUE, TRUE }, { _T("iis_www_vdir_scripts"), 0, FALSE, TRUE }, { _T("iis_doc"), 0, FALSE, TRUE }, { _T("iis_ftp"), 0, FALSE, TRUE }, { _T("sakit_web"), 0, FALSE, TRUE }, { _T("appsrv"), 0, FALSE, FALSE }, { _T("appsrv_console"), 0, TRUE, FALSE }, { _T("complusnetwork"), 0, FALSE, FALSE }, { _T("dtcnetwork"), 0, FALSE, FALSE }, { _T("IIS_ASP"), IDS_PRODUCT_ASP, FALSE, TRUE }, { _T("IIS_InternetDataConnector"), IDS_PRODUCT_HTTPODBC, FALSE, TRUE }, { _T("IIS_ServerSideIncludes"), IDS_PRODUCT_SSINC, FALSE, TRUE }, { _T("IIS_WebDav"), IDS_PRODUCT_WEBDAV, FALSE, TRUE }, { NULL }, };
// This struct enumerates all of the extensions that IIS installs
struct sOurDefaultExtensions g_OurExtensions[] = { { _T("asp.dll"), _T("ASP"), g_ComponentList[ COMPONENT_IIS_WWW_ASP ].dwProductName, g_ComponentList[ COMPONENT_IIS_WWW_ASP ].szComponentName, FALSE, FALSE, { _T(".asp"), _T(".asa"), _T(".cer"), _T(".cdx"), NULL } }, { _T("httpodbc.dll"), _T("HTTPODBC"), g_ComponentList[ COMPONENT_IIS_WWW_HTTPODBC ].dwProductName, g_ComponentList[ COMPONENT_IIS_WWW_HTTPODBC ].szComponentName, FALSE, FALSE, { _T(".idc"), NULL } }, { _T("ssinc.dll"), _T("SSINC"), g_ComponentList[ COMPONENT_IIS_WWW_SSINC ].dwProductName, g_ComponentList[ COMPONENT_IIS_WWW_SSINC ].szComponentName, FALSE, FALSE, { _T(".stm"), _T(".shtm"), _T(".shtml"), NULL } }, { _T("httpext.dll"), _T("WEBDAV"), g_ComponentList[ COMPONENT_IIS_WWW_WEBDAV ].dwProductName, g_ComponentList[ COMPONENT_IIS_WWW_WEBDAV ].szComponentName, FALSE, FALSE, { NULL } } };
// This is the structure that OCM give us