#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "other.h"
// FList - a file list munger
// Written by: AaronL
// prototypes...
int __cdecl wmain(int ,wchar_t *argv[]); void ShowHelp(void); BOOL DoStuff(void); int ProcessFor_A(void); int ProcessFor_B(void); int ProcessFor_C(void); int ProcessFor_D(void); int ProcessFor_E(void); int ProcessFor_F(void); int MyLoadString(int nID, TCHAR *szResult);
// Globals
HINSTANCE g_hModuleHandle = NULL;
int g_Flag_a = FALSE; int g_Flag_b = FALSE; int g_Flag_c = FALSE; int g_Flag_d = FALSE; int g_Flag_e = FALSE; int g_Flag_f = FALSE; TCHAR g_Flag_f_Data[_MAX_PATH];
int g_Flag_g = FALSE; int g_Flag_z = FALSE; TCHAR g_Flag_z_Data[_MAX_PATH];
TCHAR g_szFileList1[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR g_szFileList2[_MAX_PATH];
// purpose: wmain
int __cdecl wmain(int argc,wchar_t *argv[]) { LPWSTR pArg = NULL; int argno = 0; int nflags = 0;
g_hModuleHandle = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
_tcscpy(g_Flag_z_Data, _T("")); _tcscpy(g_szFileList1, _T("")); _tcscpy(g_szFileList2, _T(""));
// process command line arguments
for (argno=1; argno<argc; argno++) { if ( argv[argno][0] == L'-' || argv[argno][0] == L'/' ) { nflags++; switch (argv[argno][1]) { case L'a': case L'A': g_Flag_a = TRUE; break; case L'b': case L'B': g_Flag_b = TRUE; break; case L'c': case L'C': g_Flag_c = TRUE; break; case L'd': case L'D': g_Flag_d = TRUE; break; case L'e': case L'E': g_Flag_e = TRUE; break; case L'f': case L'F': g_Flag_f = TRUE; // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNext(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNext(pArg); if (*pArg == L':') { LPWSTR pCmdStart = NULL;
pArg = CharNext(pArg); // Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNext(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != L'\"')) {pArg = CharNext(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; // while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '/') && (*pArg != '-')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);}
while (*pArg) {pArg = CharNext(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpy(g_Flag_f_Data, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart)); } break; case 'g': case 'G': g_Flag_g = TRUE; break; case 'z': case 'Z': g_Flag_z = TRUE; // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNext(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNext(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { LPWSTR pCmdStart = NULL;
pArg = CharNext(pArg); // Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNext(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')) {pArg = CharNext(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; // while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '/') && (*pArg != '-')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);}
while (*pArg) {pArg = CharNext(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpy(g_Flag_z_Data, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart)); } break; case '?': goto main_exit_with_help; break; } // end of switch
} // if switch character found
else { if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList1, _T("")) == 0) { int iLen = min((_MAX_PATH-1), wcslen(argv[argno])); wcsncpy(g_szFileList1, argv[argno], iLen); } else { if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList2, _T("")) == 0) { lstrcpy(g_szFileList2, argv[argno]); } }
} // non-switch char found
} // for all arguments
if (_tcscmp(g_Flag_z_Data, _T("")) == 0) {g_Flag_z = FALSE;}
if (FALSE == DoStuff()) {goto main_exit_with_help;}
goto main_exit_gracefully;
main_exit_gracefully: exit(0); return TRUE;
main_exit_with_help: ShowHelp(); exit(1); return FALSE; }
void ShowHelp() { TCHAR szModuleName_Full[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szModuleName_Fname[_MAX_FNAME]; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szModuleName_Full, _MAX_PATH);
// Trim off the filename only.
_tsplitpath(szModuleName_Full, NULL, NULL, szModuleName_Fname, NULL);
TCHAR szMyBigString[255];
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING1, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szModuleName_Fname);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING2, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szModuleName_Fname);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING3, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING4, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szModuleName_Fname);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING5, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING6, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szModuleName_Fname);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING7, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING8, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szModuleName_Fname);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING9, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING10, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szModuleName_Fname);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING11, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING15, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szModuleName_Fname);}
if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING16, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString);}
return; }
BOOL DoStuff(void) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; if (TRUE == ProcessFor_A()) {bReturn = TRUE; goto DoStuff_Exit;} if (TRUE == ProcessFor_B()) {bReturn = TRUE; goto DoStuff_Exit;} if (TRUE == ProcessFor_C()) {bReturn = TRUE; goto DoStuff_Exit;} if (TRUE == ProcessFor_D()) {bReturn = TRUE; goto DoStuff_Exit;} if (TRUE == ProcessFor_E()) {bReturn = TRUE; goto DoStuff_Exit;} if (TRUE == ProcessFor_F()) {bReturn = TRUE; goto DoStuff_Exit;} goto DoStuff_Exit;
DoStuff_Exit: return bReturn; }
void MissingFileListEntry1(TCHAR * szMySwitch) { TCHAR szMyBigString[255]; if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING12, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szMySwitch);} return; } void MissingFileListEntry2(TCHAR * szMySwitch) { TCHAR szMyBigString[255]; if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING13, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szMySwitch);} return; } void MissingFile(TCHAR * szMissingFileName) { TCHAR szMyBigString[255]; if (MyLoadString(IDS_STRING14, szMyBigString)) {OutputToConsole(szMyBigString,szMissingFileName);} return; }
// Flist -a FileList1.txt FileList2.Txt
// [Prints out common entries between FileList1.txt and FileList2.txt]
int ProcessFor_A(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; TCHAR szMySwitch[] = _T("-a");
MyFileList FileList1 = {0}; MyFileList FileList2 = {0};
if (TRUE != g_Flag_a) {goto ProcessFor_A_Exit;} if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList1, _T("")) == 0) { MissingFileListEntry1(szMySwitch); goto ProcessFor_A_Exit; } if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList2, _T("")) == 0) { MissingFileListEntry2(szMySwitch); goto ProcessFor_A_Exit; }
// Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(g_szFileList1)) { MissingFile(g_szFileList1); goto ProcessFor_A_Exit; } // Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(g_szFileList2)) { MissingFile(g_szFileList2); goto ProcessFor_A_Exit; }
// we've got everything we need.
FileList1.next = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
FileList1.prev = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
ReadFileIntoList(g_szFileList1, &FileList1);
FileList2.next = &FileList2; // make it a sentinel
FileList2.prev = &FileList2; // make it a sentinel
ReadFileIntoList(g_szFileList2, &FileList2);
// Do the actual work
DumpOutCommonEntries(&FileList1, &FileList2);
FreeLinkedFileList(&FileList1); FreeLinkedFileList(&FileList2);
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessFor_A_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessFor_B(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; TCHAR szMySwitch[] = _T("-b");
MyFileList FileList1 = {0}; MyFileList FileList2 = {0};
if (TRUE != g_Flag_b) {goto ProcessFor_B_Exit;} if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList1, _T("")) == 0) { MissingFileListEntry1(szMySwitch); goto ProcessFor_B_Exit; } if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList2, _T("")) == 0) { MissingFileListEntry2(szMySwitch); goto ProcessFor_B_Exit; }
// Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(g_szFileList1)) { MissingFile(g_szFileList1); goto ProcessFor_B_Exit; } // Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(g_szFileList2)) { MissingFile(g_szFileList2); goto ProcessFor_B_Exit; }
// we've got everything we need.
FileList1.next = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
FileList1.prev = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
ReadFileIntoList(g_szFileList1, &FileList1);
FileList2.next = &FileList2; // make it a sentinel
FileList2.prev = &FileList2; // make it a sentinel
ReadFileIntoList(g_szFileList2, &FileList2);
// Do the actual work
DumpOutDifferences(&FileList1, &FileList2);
FreeLinkedFileList(&FileList1); FreeLinkedFileList(&FileList2);
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessFor_B_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessFor_C(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; TCHAR szMySwitch[] = _T("-c");
MyFileList FileList1 = {0};
if (TRUE != g_Flag_c) {goto ProcessFor_C_Exit;} if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList1, _T("")) == 0) { MissingFileListEntry1(szMySwitch); goto ProcessFor_C_Exit; }
// Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(g_szFileList1)) { MissingFile(g_szFileList1); goto ProcessFor_C_Exit; }
// we've got everything we need.
FileList1.next = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
FileList1.prev = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
ReadFileIntoList(g_szFileList1, &FileList1);
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessFor_C_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessFor_D(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; TCHAR szMySwitch[] = _T("-d");
MyFileList FileList1 = {0};
if (TRUE != g_Flag_d) {goto ProcessFor_D_Exit;} if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList1, _T("")) == 0) { MissingFileListEntry1(szMySwitch); goto ProcessFor_D_Exit; }
// Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(g_szFileList1)) { MissingFile(g_szFileList1); goto ProcessFor_D_Exit; }
// we've got everything we need.
FileList1.next = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
FileList1.prev = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
ReadFileIntoList(g_szFileList1, &FileList1);
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessFor_D_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessFor_E(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; TCHAR szMySwitch[] = _T("-e");
MyFileList FileList1 = {0};
if (TRUE != g_Flag_e) {goto ProcessFor_E_Exit;} if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList1, _T("")) == 0) { MissingFileListEntry1(szMySwitch); goto ProcessFor_E_Exit; }
// Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(g_szFileList1)) { MissingFile(g_szFileList1); goto ProcessFor_E_Exit; }
// we've got everything we need.
FileList1.next = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
FileList1.prev = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
ReadFileIntoList(g_szFileList1, &FileList1);
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessFor_E_Exit: return iReturn; }
int ProcessFor_F(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; TCHAR szMySwitch[] = _T("-f");
MyFileList FileList1 = {0};
if (TRUE != g_Flag_f) {goto ProcessFor_F_Exit;} if (_tcscmp(g_szFileList1, _T("")) == 0) { MissingFileListEntry1(szMySwitch); goto ProcessFor_F_Exit; }
// Check if the file exists
if (TRUE != IsFileExist(g_szFileList1)) { MissingFile(g_szFileList1); goto ProcessFor_F_Exit; }
// we've got everything we need.
FileList1.next = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
FileList1.prev = &FileList1; // make it a sentinel
ReadFileIntoList(g_szFileList1, &FileList1);
iReturn = TRUE;
ProcessFor_F_Exit: return iReturn; }
#define BUFFER_MAX 1024
int MyLoadString(int nID, TCHAR *szResult) { TCHAR buf[BUFFER_MAX]; int iReturn = FALSE;
if (g_hModuleHandle == NULL) {return iReturn;}
if (LoadString(g_hModuleHandle, nID, buf, BUFFER_MAX)) { iReturn = TRUE; _tcscpy(szResult, buf); }
return iReturn; }