#include <stdio.h>
#define INITGUID // must be before iadmw.h
#include <iadmw.h> // Interface header
//#include <iiscnfg.h> // MD_ & IIS_MD_ defines
#include <iiscnfgp.h> // MD_ & IIS_MD_ defines
void ShowHelp(void); LPSTR StripWhitespace(LPSTR pszString); BOOL OpenMetabaseAndDoStuff(WCHAR * wszVDir, WCHAR * wszDir, int iTrans); BOOL GetVdirPhysicalPath(IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase,WCHAR * wszVDir,WCHAR *wszStringPathToFill); BOOL AddVirtualDir(IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase, WCHAR * wszVDir, WCHAR * wszDir); BOOL RemoveVirtualDir(IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase, WCHAR * wszVDir); HRESULT LoadAllData(IMSAdminBase * pmb, METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase,WCHAR *subdir, BYTE **buf, DWORD *size,DWORD *count); HRESULT AddVirtualServer(UINT iServerNum, UINT iServerPort, WCHAR * wszDefaultVDirDir); HRESULT DelVirtualServer(UINT iServerNum); HRESULT AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry(WCHAR * wszFilePath,BOOL bBinaryIsISAPI,BOOL bEnableThisBinary); HRESULT AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry(WCHAR * wszFilePathInput,WCHAR * wszDescription,BOOL bCannotBeRemovedByUser, BOOL bAddToList); BOOL OpenMetabaseAndDoExport(void); BOOL OpenMetabaseAndDoImport(void); BOOL OpenMetabaseAndGetVersion(void); HRESULT RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport( const WCHAR *pcszMachineName, const WCHAR *pcszUserName, const WCHAR *pcszDomain, const WCHAR *pcszPassword );
inline HRESULT SetBlanket(LPUNKNOWN pIUnk) { return CoSetProxyBlanket( pIUnk, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, // NTLM authentication service
RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, // default authorization service...
NULL, // no mutual authentication
RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, // authentication level
RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, // impersonation level
NULL, // use current token
EOAC_NONE ); // no special capabilities
#define TRANS_ADD 0
#define TRANS_DEL 1
#define TRANS_GET_VERSION 2048
int __cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[]) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; int argno; char * pArg = NULL; char * pCmdStart = NULL; WCHAR wszPrintString[MAX_PATH]; char szTempString[MAX_PATH];
int iGotParamC = FALSE; int iGotParamI = FALSE; int iGotParamS = FALSE; int iGotParamL = FALSE; int iGotParamM = FALSE; int iGotParamN = FALSE; int iGotParamP = FALSE; int iGotParamV = FALSE;
int iDoDelete = FALSE; int iDoWebPath = FALSE; int iDoExport = FALSE; int iDoImport = FALSE; int iDoVersion = FALSE;
int iTrans = 0;
WCHAR wszDirPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszVDirName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszTempString_C[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszTempString_I[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszTempString_S[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszTempString_L[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszTempString_M[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszTempString_N[MAX_PATH];
WCHAR wszTempString_P[MAX_PATH];
wszDirPath[0] = '\0'; wszVDirName[0] = '\0'; wszTempString_C[0] = '\0'; wszTempString_I[0] = '\0'; wszTempString_S[0] = '\0'; wszTempString_L[0] = '\0'; wszTempString_M[0] = '\0'; wszTempString_N[0] = '\0'; wszTempString_P[0] = '\0';
for(argno=1; argno<argc; argno++) { if ( argv[argno][0] == '-' || argv[argno][0] == '/' ) { switch (argv[argno][1]) { case 'd': case 'D': iDoDelete = TRUE; break; case 'o': case 'O': iDoWebPath = TRUE; break; case 'x': case 'X': iDoExport = TRUE; break; case 'y': case 'Y': iDoImport = TRUE; break; case 'z': case 'Z': iDoVersion = TRUE; break; case 'c': case 'C': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) wszTempString_C, 50);
iGotParamC = TRUE; } break; case 'i': case 'I': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) wszTempString_I, 50);
iGotParamI = TRUE; } break; case 's': case 'S': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) wszTempString_S, 50);
iGotParamS = TRUE; } break; case 'm': case 'M': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) wszTempString_M, _MAX_PATH);
iGotParamM = TRUE; } break; case 'n': case 'N': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) wszTempString_N, 50);
iGotParamN = TRUE; } break; case 'l': case 'L': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) wszTempString_L, 50);
iGotParamL = TRUE; } break; case 'p': case 'P': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) wszTempString_P, 50);
iGotParamP = TRUE; } break; case 'v': case 'V': // Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]); pArg = CharNextA(pArg); if (*pArg == ':') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"') { pArg = CharNextA(pArg); pCmdStart = pArg; while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } else { pCmdStart = pArg; while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);} } *pArg = '\0'; lstrcpyA(szTempString, StripWhitespace(pCmdStart));
// Convert to unicode
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)szTempString, -1, (LPWSTR) wszVDirName, 50);
iGotParamV = TRUE; } break; case '?': goto main_exit_with_help; break; } //switch
} // if
else { if ( *wszDirPath == '\0' ) { // if no arguments, then get the filename portion
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, argv[argno], -1, (LPWSTR) wszDirPath, MAX_PATH); } } }
if (iDoExport) { OpenMetabaseAndDoExport();
RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport( L"\\\\remotemachine", // pcszMachineName
L"administrator", //pcszUserName
L"domain1", //pcszDomain
L"thepasword" //pcszPassword
); */
goto main_exit_gracefully; }
if (iDoImport) { OpenMetabaseAndDoImport(); }
if (iDoVersion) { OpenMetabaseAndGetVersion(); }
// Check for custom description list being set.
if (iGotParamN) { // we need the filename too
if (*wszDirPath == '\0') { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (*wszTempString_N == '\0') { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; }
iTrans = TRANS_ADD_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION; if (_wcsicmp(wszTempString_N, L"del") == 0) { iTrans = TRANS_DEL_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION; } else if (_wcsicmp(wszTempString_N, L"add") == 0) { iTrans = TRANS_ADD_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION;
if (!iGotParamM) { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; }
// make sure we've got one of these entries
if (*wszTempString_M == '\0') { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (!iGotParamL) { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; } // make sure we've got one of these entries
if (*wszTempString_L == '\0') { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; } } else { goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (TRANS_ADD_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION == iTrans) { BOOL bCannotBeRemovedByUser = FALSE; if (_wcsicmp(wszTempString_L, L"1") == 0) { bCannotBeRemovedByUser = TRUE; } AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry(wszDirPath,wszTempString_M,bCannotBeRemovedByUser,TRUE); } else { AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry(wszDirPath,NULL,TRUE,FALSE); }
goto main_exit_gracefully; }
// Check for cgi restriction list being set.
if (iGotParamC) { // we need the filename too
if (*wszDirPath == '\0') { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (*wszTempString_C == '\0') { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; }
iTrans = TRANS_ADD_CGI_RESTRICT; if (_wcsicmp(wszTempString_C, L"del") == 0) { iTrans = TRANS_DEL_CGI_RESTRICT; } else if (_wcsicmp(wszTempString_C, L"add") == 0) { iTrans = TRANS_ADD_CGI_RESTRICT; } else { goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (TRANS_ADD_CGI_RESTRICT == iTrans) { AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry(wszDirPath,FALSE,TRUE); } else { AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry(wszDirPath,FALSE,FALSE); }
goto main_exit_gracefully; }
// Check for isapi restriction list being set.
if (iGotParamI) { // we need the filename too
if (*wszDirPath == '\0') { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (*wszTempString_I == '\0') { // sorry, we need parameter
goto main_exit_with_help; }
iTrans = TRANS_ADD_ISAPI_RESTRICT; if (_wcsicmp(wszTempString_I, L"del") == 0) { iTrans = TRANS_DEL_ISAPI_RESTRICT; } else if (_wcsicmp(wszTempString_I, L"add") == 0) { iTrans = TRANS_ADD_ISAPI_RESTRICT; } else { goto main_exit_with_help; }
if (TRANS_ADD_ISAPI_RESTRICT == iTrans) { AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry(wszDirPath,TRUE,TRUE); } else { AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry(wszDirPath,TRUE,FALSE); }
goto main_exit_gracefully; }
iTrans = TRANS_ADD_VIRTUAL_SERVER; if (TRUE == iGotParamS) { HRESULT hr; UINT iServerNum = 100;
if (iDoDelete) { iTrans = TRANS_DEL_VIRTUAL_SERVER;
if (*wszTempString_S == '\0') { // sorry, we need something in here
goto main_exit_with_help; }
iServerNum = _wtoi(wszTempString_S);
hr = DelVirtualServer(iServerNum); if (FAILED(hr)) { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"FAILED to remove virtual server: W3SVC/%d\n", iServerNum); wprintf(wszPrintString); fRet = TRUE; } else { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"SUCCESS:removed virtual server: W3SVC/%d\n", iServerNum); wprintf(wszPrintString); fRet = FALSE; } goto main_exit_gracefully; } else { if (TRUE == iGotParamP) { UINT iServerPort = 81;
// we need the filename too
if (*wszDirPath == '\0') { // sorry, we need all 3 parameters
goto main_exit_with_help; } if (*wszTempString_S == '\0') { // sorry, we need all 3 parameters
goto main_exit_with_help; } if (*wszTempString_P == '\0') { // sorry, we need all 3 parameters
goto main_exit_with_help; }
iServerNum = _wtoi(wszTempString_S); iServerPort = _wtoi(wszTempString_P);
hr = AddVirtualServer(iServerNum, iServerPort, wszDirPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"FAILED to create virtual server: W3SVC/%d=%s, port=%d. err=0x%x\n", iServerNum, wszDirPath, iServerPort,hr); wprintf(wszPrintString); fRet = TRUE; } else { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"SUCCESS:created virtual server: W3SVC/%d=%s, port=%d\n", iServerNum, wszDirPath, iServerPort); wprintf(wszPrintString); fRet = FALSE; } goto main_exit_gracefully; } } }
iTrans = TRANS_ADD; if (iDoWebPath) { iTrans = TRANS_PRINT_PATH; } else { if (iDoDelete) { iTrans = TRANS_DEL; if (FALSE == iGotParamV) { // sorry, we need at parameter -v
goto main_exit_with_help; } } else if (FALSE == iGotParamV || *wszDirPath == '\0') { // sorry, we need both parameters
goto main_exit_with_help; } }
fRet = OpenMetabaseAndDoStuff(wszVDirName, wszDirPath, iTrans);
main_exit_gracefully: exit(fRet);
main_exit_with_help: ShowHelp(); exit(fRet); }
void ShowHelp() { wprintf(L"Creates/Removes an IIS virtual directory to default web site\n\n"); wprintf(L"IISVDIR [FullPath] [-v:VDirName] [-d] [-o] [-c:add or del] [-i:add or del] [-m:description] [-n:add or del] [-l:1 or 0] [-x]\n\n"); wprintf(L"Instructions for add\\delete virtual directory:\n"); wprintf(L" FullPath DOS path where vdir will point to (required for add)\n"); wprintf(L" -v:vdirname The virtual dir name (required for both add\\delete)\n"); wprintf(L" -d If set will delete vdir. if not set will add\n"); wprintf(L" -o If set will printout web root path\n\n"); wprintf(L"Instructions for add\\delete virtual server:\n"); wprintf(L" FullPath DOS path where default vdir will point to in the virtual server (required for add)\n"); wprintf(L" -s:sitenum For adding virtual server: The virtual server site number (required for both add\\delete)\n"); wprintf(L" -p:portnum For adding virtual server: The virtual server port number (required for add)\n"); wprintf(L" -d If set will delete virtual server. if not set will add\n"); wprintf(L"Instructions for add\\delete entry from isapi/cgi restriction list:\n"); wprintf(L" FullPath Full and filename path to binary which will be either add or deleted from isapi/cgi restrict list\n"); wprintf(L" -c:add Ensures that the Fullpath will be enabled in the CGI restriction list\n"); wprintf(L" -c:del Ensures that the Fullpath will be disabled in the CGI restriction list\n"); wprintf(L" -i:add Ensures that the Fullpath will be enabled in the ISAPI restriction list\n"); wprintf(L" -i:del Ensures that the Fullpath will be disabled in the ISAPI restriction list\n"); wprintf(L"Instructions for add\\delete entry from custom description list (for isapi/cgi restriction list):\n"); wprintf(L" FullPath Full and filename path to binary which will be either add or deleted from custom description list\n"); wprintf(L" -m:Description Friendly description of FullPath\n"); wprintf(L" -n:add Ensures that the Fullpath will be in the custom description list with the specified desciption\n"); wprintf(L" -n:del Ensures that the Fullpath will not be in the custom description list\n"); wprintf(L" -l:1 or 0 Specifies weather this entry can be removed by the user\n"); wprintf(L"Instructions for exporting metabase config to a file:\n"); wprintf(L" -x: Ensures export will happen\n"); wprintf(L"\n"); wprintf(L"Add Example: IISVDIR c:\\MyGroup\\MyStuff -v:Stuff\n"); wprintf(L"Del Example: IISVDIR -v:Stuff -d\n"); wprintf(L"Get Example: IISVDIR -o\n"); wprintf(L"Add Virtual Server Example: IISVDIR c:\\MyGroup\\MyStuff -s:200 -p:81\n"); wprintf(L"Del Virtual Server Example: IISVDIR -s:200 -d\n"); wprintf(L"Add ISAPI restriction list Example: IISVDIR c:\\MyGroup\\MyStuff\\myisapi.dll -i:add\n"); wprintf(L"Del ISAPI restriction list Example: IISVDIR c:\\MyGroup\\MyStuff\\myisapi.dll -i:del\n"); wprintf(L"Add CGI restriction list Example: IISVDIR c:\\MyGroup\\MyStuff\\myCgi.exe -c:add\n"); wprintf(L"Del CGI restriction list Example: IISVDIR c:\\MyGroup\\MyStuff\\myCgi.exe -c:del\n"); wprintf(L"Add Custom Description list Example: IISVDIR c:\\MyGroup\\MyStuff\\myisapi.dll -m:MyDescription -n:add -l:0\n"); wprintf(L"Del Custom Description list Example: IISVDIR c:\\MyGroup\\MyStuff\\myisapi.dll -n:del\n"); wprintf(L"Export Example: IISVDIR -x\n"); return; }
LPSTR StripWhitespace( LPSTR pszString ) { LPSTR pszTemp = NULL;
if ( pszString == NULL ) { return NULL; }
while ( *pszString == ' ' || *pszString == '\t' ) { pszString += 1; }
// Catch case where string consists entirely of whitespace or empty string.
if ( *pszString == '\0' ) { return pszString; }
pszTemp = pszString; pszString += lstrlenA(pszString) - 1;
while ( *pszString == ' ' || *pszString == '\t' ) { *pszString = '\0'; pszString -= 1; }
return pszTemp; }
// Calculate the size of a Multi-String in WCHAR, including the ending 2 '\0's.
int GetMultiStrSize(LPWSTR p) { int c = 0;
while (1) { if (*p) { p++; c++; } else { c++; if (*(p+1)) { p++; } else { c++; break; } } } return c; }
// This walks the multi-sz and returns a pointer between
// the last string of a multi-sz and the second terminating NULL
LPCWSTR GetEndOfMultiSz(LPCWSTR szMultiSz) { LPCWSTR lpTemp = szMultiSz;
do { lpTemp += wcslen(lpTemp); lpTemp++;
} while (*lpTemp != L'\0');
return(lpTemp); }
void DumpWstrInMultiStr(LPWSTR pMultiStr) { LPWSTR pTempMultiStr = pMultiStr;
while (1) { if (pTempMultiStr) { // display value
wprintf(L" %s\r\n",pTempMultiStr);
// then increment until we hit another null.
while (*pTempMultiStr) { pTempMultiStr++; }
// check for the ending \0\0
if ( *(pTempMultiStr+1) == NULL) { break; } else { pTempMultiStr++; } } } return; }
BOOL OpenMetabaseAndDoStuff(WCHAR * wszVDir,WCHAR * wszDir,int iTrans) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
WCHAR wszPrintString[MAX_PATH + MAX_PATH];
if( FAILED (CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED )) || FAILED (::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **)&pIMSAdminBase))) { return FALSE; }
switch (iTrans) { case TRANS_DEL: if( RemoveVirtualDir( pIMSAdminBase, wszVDir)) { hr = pIMSAdminBase->SaveData(); if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { fRet = TRUE; } } if (TRUE == fRet) { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"SUCCESS:removed vdir=%s\n", wszVDir); wprintf(wszPrintString); } else { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"FAILED to remove vdir=%s, err=0x%x\n", wszVDir, hr); wprintf(wszPrintString); } break;
case TRANS_ADD: if( AddVirtualDir( pIMSAdminBase, wszVDir, wszDir)) { hr = pIMSAdminBase->SaveData(); if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { fRet = TRUE; } }
if (TRUE == fRet) { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"SUCCESS: %s=%s", wszVDir, wszDir); wprintf(wszPrintString); } else { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"FAILED to set: %s=%s, err=0x%x", wszVDir, wszDir, hr); wprintf(wszPrintString); } break;
default: WCHAR wszRootPath[MAX_PATH]; if (TRUE == GetVdirPhysicalPath(pIMSAdminBase,wszVDir,(WCHAR *) wszRootPath)) { fRet = TRUE; if (_wcsicmp(wszVDir, L"") == 0) { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"/=%s", wszRootPath); } else { wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"%s=%s", wszVDir, wszRootPath); } wprintf(wszPrintString); } else { wprintf(L"FAILED to get root path"); } break; }
if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; }
CoUninitialize(); return fRet; }
BOOL GetVdirPhysicalPath(IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase,WCHAR * wszVDir,WCHAR *wszStringPathToFill) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fRet = FALSE; METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; // handle to metabase
// open key to ROOT on website #1 (default)
// Get the physical path for the WWWROOT
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_VR_PATH; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof( szTmpData ); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(szTmpData);
// if nothing specified get the root.
if (_wcsicmp(wszVDir, L"") == 0) { WCHAR wszTempDir[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(wszTempDir,L"/ROOT/%s", wszVDir); hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData( hMetabase, wszTempDir, &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen ); } else { hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData( hMetabase, L"/ROOT", &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen ); } pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey( hMetabase );
if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { wcscpy(wszStringPathToFill,szTmpData); fRet = TRUE; }
pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey( hMetabase ); return fRet; }
BOOL AddVirtualDir(IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase,WCHAR * wszVDir,WCHAR * wszDir) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fRet = FALSE; METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; // handle to metabase
WCHAR wszTempPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwMDRequiredDataLen = 0; DWORD dwAccessPerm = 0; METADATA_RECORD mr;
// Attempt to open the virtual dir set on Web server #1 (default server)
// Create the key if it does not exist.
if( FAILED( hr )) { return FALSE; }
fRet = TRUE;
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_VR_PATH; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof( wszTempPath ); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszTempPath);
// see if MD_VR_PATH exists.
hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData( hMetabase, wszVDir, &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen );
if( FAILED( hr )) { fRet = FALSE; if( hr == MD_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND || HRESULT_CODE(hr) == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) { // Write both the key and the values if GetData() failed with any of the two errors.
pIMSAdminBase->AddKey( hMetabase, wszVDir );
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_VR_PATH; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen(wszDir) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszDir);
// Write MD_VR_PATH value
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszVDir, &mr ); fRet = SUCCEEDED( hr );
// Set the default authentication method
if( fRet ) { DWORD dwAuthorization = MD_AUTH_NT; // NTLM only.
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_AUTHORIZATION; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; // need to inherit so that all subdirs are also protected.
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(DWORD); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&dwAuthorization);
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszVDir, &mr ); fRet = SUCCEEDED( hr ); } } }
// In the following, do the stuff that we always want to do to the virtual dir, regardless of Admin's setting.
if( fRet ) { dwAccessPerm = MD_ACCESS_READ | MD_ACCESS_SCRIPT;
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_ACCESS_PERM; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; // Make it inheritable so all subdirectories will have the same rights.
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(DWORD); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&dwAccessPerm);
// Write MD_ACCESS_PERM value
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszVDir, &mr ); fRet = SUCCEEDED( hr ); }
if( fRet ) { PWCHAR szDefLoadFile = L"Default.htm,Default.asp";
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_DEFAULT_LOAD_FILE; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen(szDefLoadFile) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(szDefLoadFile);
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszVDir, &mr ); fRet = SUCCEEDED( hr ); }
if( fRet ) { PWCHAR wszKeyType = IIS_CLASS_WEB_VDIR_W;
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_KEY_TYPE; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen(wszKeyType) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszKeyType);
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszVDir, &mr ); fRet = SUCCEEDED( hr ); }
pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey( hMetabase );
return fRet; }
BOOL RemoveVirtualDir(IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase,WCHAR * wszVDir) { METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; // handle to metabase
// Attempt to open the virtual dir set on Web server #1 (default server)
if( FAILED( hr )) { return FALSE; }
// We don't check the return value since the key may already
// not exist and we could get an error for that reason.
pIMSAdminBase->DeleteKey( hMetabase, wszVDir );
pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey( hMetabase );
return TRUE; }
HRESULT LoadAllData(IMSAdminBase * pmb, METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase, WCHAR *subdir, BYTE **buf, DWORD *size, DWORD *count) { DWORD dataSet; DWORD neededSize; HRESULT hr; //
// Try to get the property names.
hr = pmb->GetAllData(hMetabase, subdir, METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES, ALL_METADATA, ALL_METADATA, count, &dataSet, *size, *buf, &neededSize); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD code = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
if (hr == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)) { delete *buf; *buf = 0; *size = neededSize; *buf = new BYTE[neededSize];
hr = pmb->GetAllData(hMetabase, subdir, METADATA_NO_ATTRIBUTES, ALL_METADATA, ALL_METADATA, count, &dataSet, *size, *buf, &neededSize);
} } return hr; }
const DWORD getAllBufSize = 4096*2; HRESULT OpenMetabaseAndGetAllData(void) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
WCHAR wszPrintString[MAX_PATH + MAX_PATH]; METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; // handle to metabase
DWORD bufSize = getAllBufSize; BYTE *buf = new BYTE[bufSize]; DWORD count=0; DWORD linesize =0;
if( FAILED (CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED )) || FAILED (::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **)&pIMSAdminBase))) { wprintf(L"CoCreateInstance. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); return hr; }
// Attempt to open the virtual dir set on Web server #1 (default server)
if( FAILED( hr )) { wprintf(L"pIMSAdminBase->OpenKey. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); goto OpenMetabaseAndGetAllData_Exit; } hr = LoadAllData(pIMSAdminBase, hMetabase, L"Names", &buf, &bufSize, &count); if( FAILED( hr )) { wprintf(L"LoadAllData: FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); goto OpenMetabaseAndGetAllData_Exit; }
wprintf(L"LoadAllData: Succeeded. bufSize=0x%x, count=0x%x, buf=%p, end of buf=%p\n",bufSize,count,buf,buf+bufSize); wprintf(L"Here is the last 1000 bytes, that the client received.\n");
linesize = 0; pBuf1 = buf+bufSize - 1000; for (int i=0;pBuf1<buf+bufSize;pBuf1++,i++) { if (NULL == *pBuf1) { wprintf(L"."); } else { wprintf(L"%c",*pBuf1); } linesize++;
if (linesize >= 16) { linesize=0; wprintf(L"\n"); } }
hr = S_OK;
OpenMetabaseAndGetAllData_Exit: if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; }
CoUninitialize(); return hr; }
HRESULT DelVirtualServer(UINT iServerNum) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; return hr; }
// iServerNum the virtual server number
// iServerPort the virtual server port (port 80 is the default site's port,so you can't use this and you can't use one that is already in use)
// wszDir the physical directory where the default site is located
HRESULT AddVirtualServer(UINT iServerNum, UINT iServerPort, WCHAR * wszDefaultVDirDir) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; // handle to metabase
WCHAR wszMetabasePath[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszMetabasePathRoot[10]; WCHAR wszData[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwData = 0;
if( FAILED (CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED )) || FAILED (::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **)&pIMSAdminBase))) { wprintf(L"CoCreateInstance. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); return hr; }
// Create the new node
// try to open the specified metabase node, it might already exist
hr = pIMSAdminBase->OpenKey(hKeyBase, wszMetabasePath, METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, REASONABLE_TIMEOUT, &hMetabase); if (hr == RETURNCODETOHRESULT(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) { hr = pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey(hMetabase);
// open the metabase root handle
hr = pIMSAdminBase->OpenKey(hKeyBase, L"", METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE | METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, REASONABLE_TIMEOUT,&hMetabase); if( FAILED( hr )) { // if we can't even open the root handle, then we're pretty hosed
wprintf(L"1OpenKey. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); goto AddVirtualServer_Exit; }
// and add our node
hr = pIMSAdminBase->AddKey(hMetabase, wszMetabasePath); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"AddKey. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey(hMetabase); goto AddVirtualServer_Exit; } else { hr = pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey(hMetabase); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto AddVirtualServer_Exit; } else { // open it again
hr = pIMSAdminBase->OpenKey(hKeyBase, wszMetabasePath, METADATA_PERMISSION_WRITE | METADATA_PERMISSION_READ, REASONABLE_TIMEOUT, &hMetabase); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"2OpenKey. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey(hMetabase); goto AddVirtualServer_Exit; } } } } else { if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"3OpenKey. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); goto AddVirtualServer_Exit; } else { // we were able to open the path, so it must already exist!
hr = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey(hMetabase); goto AddVirtualServer_Exit; } }
// We should have a brand new Key now...
// Create stuff in the node of this path!
// /LM/W3SVC/1/KeyType
memset( (PVOID)wszData, 0, sizeof(wszData)); wcscpy(wszData,IIS_CLASS_WEB_SERVER_W);
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_KEY_TYPE; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen(wszData) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszData); hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, L"", &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_KEY_TYPE]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); }
// /W3SVC/1/ServerBindings
memset( (PVOID)wszData, 0, sizeof(wszData)); wsprintf(wszData, L":%d:", iServerPort);
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_SERVER_BINDINGS; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = GetMultiStrSize(wszData) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszData);
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, L"", &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_SERVER_BINDINGS]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); }
// /W3SVC/1/SecureBindings
memset( (PVOID)wszData, 0, sizeof(wszData)); wcscpy(wszData, L" ");
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_SECURE_BINDINGS; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = GetMultiStrSize(wszData) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszData);
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, L"", &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_SECURE_BINDINGS]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); }
// Create stuff in the /Root node of this path!
wcscpy(wszMetabasePathRoot, L"/Root"); wcscpy(wszData,IIS_CLASS_WEB_VDIR_W);
// W3SVC/3/Root/KeyType
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_KEY_TYPE; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen(wszData) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszData); hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszMetabasePathRoot, &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_KEY_TYPE]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); }
// W3SVC/3/Root/VrPath
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_VR_PATH; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen(wszDefaultVDirDir) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszDefaultVDirDir); hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszMetabasePathRoot, &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_VR_PATH]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); }
// W3SVC/3/Root/Authorizaton
dwData = MD_AUTH_ANONYMOUS | MD_AUTH_NT; mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_AUTHORIZATION; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(DWORD); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&dwData); hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszMetabasePathRoot, &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_AUTHORIZATION]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); }
// W3SVC/3/Root/AccessPerm
dwData = MD_ACCESS_SCRIPT | MD_ACCESS_READ; mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_ACCESS_PERM; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(DWORD); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&dwData); hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszMetabasePathRoot, &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_ACCESS_PERM]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); }
// W3SVC/3/Root/DirectoryBrowsing
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_DIRECTORY_BROWSING; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(DWORD); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&dwData); hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszMetabasePathRoot, &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_DIRECTORY_BROWSING]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); }
dwData = 0; mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_SERVER_AUTOSTART; mr.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(DWORD); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&dwData); hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData( hMetabase, wszMetabasePathRoot, &mr ); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"SetData[MD_SERVER_AUTOSTART]. FAILED. code=0x%x\n",hr); } */
AddVirtualServer_Exit: if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; }
CoUninitialize(); return hr; }
// returns 0 if not found
// returns 1 if StrToFind is found but StrToFind2 is not found
// returns 2 if StrToFind is found and StrToFind2 is found
INT FindWstrInMultiStrSpecial(LPWSTR pMultiStr, LPWSTR StrToFind, LPWSTR StrToFind2) { INT iReturn = 0; LPWSTR pTempMultiStr = pMultiStr; DWORD dwCharCount = 0;
while (1) { if (pTempMultiStr) { // The 1st entry should be
// the type. so it will be either 1 or a number.
// so let's skip till the next null.
// then increment until we hit another null.
while (*pTempMultiStr) { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// check for the ending \0\0
if ( *(pTempMultiStr+1) == NULL) { break; } else { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// compare this value to the imput value
if (0 == _wcsicmp((const wchar_t *) pTempMultiStr,StrToFind)) { iReturn = 1; }
// so let's skip till the next null.
// then increment until we hit another null.
while (*pTempMultiStr) { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// check for the ending \0\0
if ( *(pTempMultiStr+1) == NULL) { break; } else { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// check for an exact match.
if (0 != iReturn) { // compare this value to the imput value
if (StrToFind2 != NULL) { if (0 == _wcsicmp((const wchar_t *) pTempMultiStr,StrToFind2)) { iReturn = 2; break; } } break; }
// so let's skip till the next null.
// then increment until we hit another null.
while (*pTempMultiStr) { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// check for the ending \0\0
if ( *(pTempMultiStr+1) == NULL) { break; } else { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// Check if we screwed up somehow and are in an infinite loop.
// could happen if we don't find an ending \0\0
if (dwCharCount > 32000) { break; } } }
return iReturn; }
BOOL FindWstrInMultiStr(LPWSTR pMultiStr, LPWSTR StrToFind) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; LPWSTR pTempMultiStr = pMultiStr; DWORD dwCharCount = 0;
while (1) { if (pTempMultiStr) { // compare this value to the imput value
if (0 == _wcsicmp((const wchar_t *) pTempMultiStr,StrToFind)) { bFound = TRUE; break; }
// then increment until we hit another null.
while (*pTempMultiStr) { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// check for the ending \0\0
if ( *(pTempMultiStr+1) == NULL) { break; } else { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// Check if we screwed up somehow and are in an infinite loop.
// could happen if we don't find an ending \0\0
if (dwCharCount > 32000) { break; } } } return bFound; }
BOOL RemoveWstrInMultiStr(LPWSTR pMultiStr, LPWSTR StrToFind) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; LPWSTR pTempMultiStr = pMultiStr; DWORD dwCharCount = 0;
while (1) { if (pTempMultiStr) { // compare this value to the imput value
if (0 == _wcsicmp((const wchar_t *) pTempMultiStr,StrToFind)) { LPWSTR pLastDoubleNull = NULL; LPWSTR pBeginPath = pTempMultiStr; bFound = TRUE;
// then increment until we hit another null.
while (*pTempMultiStr) { pTempMultiStr++; } pTempMultiStr++;
// Find the last double null.
pLastDoubleNull = pTempMultiStr; if (*pLastDoubleNull) { while (1) { if (NULL == *pLastDoubleNull && NULL == *(pLastDoubleNull+1)) { break; } pLastDoubleNull++; } pLastDoubleNull++; }
// check if we are the last entry.
if (pLastDoubleNull == pTempMultiStr) { // set everything to nulls
memset(pBeginPath,0,(pLastDoubleNull-pBeginPath) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { // move everything behind it to where we are.
memmove(pBeginPath,pTempMultiStr, (pLastDoubleNull - pTempMultiStr) * sizeof(WCHAR)); // and set everything behind that to nulls
memset(pBeginPath + (pLastDoubleNull - pTempMultiStr),0,(pTempMultiStr-pBeginPath) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } break; }
// then increment until we hit another null.
while (*pTempMultiStr) { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// check for the ending \0\0
if ( *(pTempMultiStr+1) == NULL) { break; } else { pTempMultiStr++; dwCharCount++; }
// Check if we screwed up somehow and are in an infinite loop.
// could happen if we don't find an ending \0\0
if (dwCharCount > 32000) { break; } } } return bFound; }
BOOL IsAllowAllByDefault(LPWSTR pMultiStr) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; if (pMultiStr) { if (0 == _wcsicmp((const wchar_t *) pMultiStr,L"1")) { bFound = TRUE; } } return bFound; }
// returns TRUE if we need to write to metabase
// returns bAddToList = true if we need to add to the list
// returns bAddToList = false if we need to remove from the list
// returns FALSE if we don't need to write to metabase
BOOL IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing(LPWSTR pMultiStr,LPWSTR wszFilePath,BOOL bEnableThisBinary,BOOL * bAddToList) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bAllowAllByDefault = FALSE; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
if (!bAddToList || !pMultiStr || !wszFilePath) { return FALSE; }
// set flag to see if we are in deny all by default
// or if we are in enable all by default..
if (TRUE == IsAllowAllByDefault((WCHAR *) pMultiStr)) { bAllowAllByDefault = TRUE; }
// Loop thru the data to see if we are already present...
// data looks like this:
// 0 or 1\0
// fileentry1\0
// filenetry2\0
// last fileentry\0\0
bFound = FindWstrInMultiStr((WCHAR *) pMultiStr,wszFilePath);
// Make some decisions
if (bEnableThisBinary) { if (bFound) { if (bAllowAllByDefault) { // trying to enable
// the list is allow by default
// it's in the list, so that means it's currently not enabled..
// We need to remove it from the list!
*bAddToList = FALSE; bReturn = TRUE; goto IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit; } else { // trying to enable
// the list is deny by default
// it's in the list. so that means it's currently already enabled!
// do nothing! get out, things are groovy.
bReturn = FALSE; goto IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit; } } else { if (bAllowAllByDefault) { // trying to enable
// the list is allow by default
// it's not in the list
// so that means it's currently already enabled!
// do nothing! get out. things are groovy.
bReturn = FALSE; goto IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit; } else { // trying to enable
// the list is deny by default
// it's not in the list
// so that means we need to add it to the list
*bAddToList = TRUE; bReturn = TRUE; goto IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit; } } } else { if (bFound) { if (bAllowAllByDefault) { // trying to disable
// the list is allow by default
// it's in the list, so that means it's currently disabled already
// do nothing! get out. things are groovy.
bReturn = FALSE; goto IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit; } else { // trying to disable
// the list is deny by default
// it's in the list. so that means currently it is enabled, so
// we want to make sure to remove it from the list
// so that it will be denied.
*bAddToList = FALSE; bReturn = TRUE; goto IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit; } } else { if (bAllowAllByDefault) { // trying to disable
// the list is allow by default
// it's not in the list
// so that means it's currently being allowed
// we need to add it to the list so that it will be denied
*bAddToList = TRUE; bReturn = TRUE; goto IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit; } else { // trying to disable
// the list is deny by default
// it's in the list, so that means it's currently disabled already
// do nothing! get out. things are groovy.
bReturn = FALSE; goto IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit; } } }
IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing_Exit: return bReturn; }
// wszFilePath = is the fully qualified path to the binary which will be enabled or disabled
// bBinaryIsISAPI = is the flag which determines which metabase setting to set
// when set to TRUE it will perform action on the ISAPI restriction list
// when set to FALSE it will perform action on the CGI restriction list
// bEnableThisBinary = is the flag which determines weather the binary should be allowed to run or not.
// when set to TRUE it will ensure that the specified binary will be allowed to run
// when set to FALSE it will ensure that the specified binary will not be allowed to run
// will figure out what is the right thing to do from what current metabase settings is
HRESULT AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry(WCHAR * wszFilePathInput,BOOL bBinaryIsISAPI,BOOL bEnableThisBinary) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; // handle to metabase
METADATA_RECORD mr; BYTE * pbDataOld = NULL; BYTE * pbDataNew = NULL; DWORD dwMDRequiredDataLen = 0; DWORD dwNewEntryLength = 0; DWORD dwNewTotalLength = 0; DWORD dwOldByteLength = 0; BOOL bAddToList = FALSE; WCHAR * wszFilePath = NULL;
// Convert any env vars to hard coded paths
LPWSTR pch = wcschr( (LPWSTR) wszFilePathInput, L'%'); if (pch) { // determine the length of the expanded string
DWORD len = ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(wszFilePathInput, 0, 0); if (!len) { return hr; }
wszFilePath = (WCHAR *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); DWORD len1 = ExpandEnvironmentStrings((LPWSTR) wszFilePathInput,const_cast<wchar_t*>(wszFilePath),len); if (len1 != len) { if (wszFilePath) { GlobalFree(wszFilePath);wszFilePath = NULL; } return hr; } } else { wszFilePath = wszFilePathInput; }
hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (hr == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) { // fine. try again
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_IMSAdminBase,(void **)&pIMSAdminBase); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; }
// open the specified metabase node
if (bBinaryIsISAPI) { mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_ISAPI_RESTRICTION_LIST; } else { mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_CGI_RESTRICTION_LIST; } mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = 0; mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pbDataOld);
// first we need to figure out how much space we need
hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen); if(FAILED(hr)) { // if there isn't a value there that we need to update
// then create one
// set to "allow all by default"
memset( (PVOID)wszDefaultData, 0, sizeof(wszDefaultData)); wcscpy(wszDefaultData, L"1");
if (bBinaryIsISAPI) { mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_ISAPI_RESTRICTION_LIST; } else { mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_CGI_RESTRICTION_LIST; } mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = GetMultiStrSize(wszDefaultData) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(wszDefaultData);
// Write value
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr);
// find out how much space we need.
mr.dwMDDataLen = 0; mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pbDataOld);
hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; } } else { goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; } }
pbDataOld = (BYTE *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwMDRequiredDataLen); if (!pbDataOld) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; }
// do the real call to get the data from the metabase
mr.dwMDDataLen = dwMDRequiredDataLen; mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pbDataOld); hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; }
if (FALSE == IsAddRemoveOrDoNothing((WCHAR *) pbDataOld, wszFilePath, bEnableThisBinary, &bAddToList)) { hr = S_OK; goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; }
if (bAddToList) { // Recalc the amount of space we'll need to add this entry into the list
dwOldByteLength = GetMultiStrSize( (WCHAR*) pbDataOld) * sizeof(WCHAR); dwNewEntryLength = wcslen(wszFilePath) * sizeof(WCHAR); dwNewTotalLength = dwOldByteLength + dwNewEntryLength + 2;
// Alloc enough space for the old data and the new data.
// Don't use realloc here, because for somereason it would fail in
// certain test runs.
pbDataNew = (BYTE *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwNewTotalLength); if (!pbDataNew) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; }
// copy the old data...
memcpy(pbDataNew,pbDataOld,dwOldByteLength); // append on the new data
memcpy((pbDataNew + dwOldByteLength) - 2,wszFilePath,dwNewEntryLength); memset((pbDataNew + dwOldByteLength + dwNewEntryLength) - 2,0,4);
// free the old data
if (pbDataOld) { GlobalFree(pbDataOld); pbDataOld = NULL; } } else { dwOldByteLength = GetMultiStrSize( (WCHAR*) pbDataOld) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Don't use realloc here, because for somereason it would fail in
// certain test runs.
pbDataNew = (BYTE *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwOldByteLength); if (!pbDataNew) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; } // copy the old data...
memcpy(pbDataNew,pbDataOld,dwOldByteLength); // free the old data
if (pbDataOld) { GlobalFree(pbDataOld); pbDataOld = NULL; } // remove an entry from the list
if (FALSE == RemoveWstrInMultiStr((WCHAR *) pbDataNew,wszFilePath)) { // we were not able to find the value in the string
hr = S_OK; goto AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit; } else { // keep removing till it's all gone
BOOL bRet = TRUE; do { bRet = RemoveWstrInMultiStr((WCHAR *) pbDataNew,wszFilePath); } while (bRet); }
// other wise pbDataOld is updated with the new data
// proceed to write the new data out
// Write the new data out
if (bBinaryIsISAPI) { mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_ISAPI_RESTRICTION_LIST; } else { mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_CGI_RESTRICTION_LIST; } mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = GetMultiStrSize((WCHAR*)pbDataNew) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *> (pbDataNew);
//DumpWstrInMultiStr((WCHAR *) pbDataNew);
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr);
AddRemoveIISRestrictionListEntry_Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Failed to %s '%s' to/from %s\r\n", bEnableThisBinary ? L"Enable" : L"Disable", wszFilePath, bBinaryIsISAPI ? L"MD_ISAPI_RESTRICTION_LIST" : L"MD_CGI_RESTRICTION_LIST" ); } else { wprintf(L"Succeeded to %s '%s' to/from %s\r\n", bEnableThisBinary ? L"Enable" : L"Disable", wszFilePath, bBinaryIsISAPI ? L"MD_ISAPI_RESTRICTION_LIST" : L"MD_CGI_RESTRICTION_LIST" ); } if (hMetabase) { pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey(hMetabase); hMetabase = NULL; } if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; } if (pbDataOld) { GlobalFree(pbDataOld); pbDataOld = NULL; } if (pbDataNew) { GlobalFree(pbDataNew); pbDataNew = NULL; } CoUninitialize(); return hr; }
BOOL DeleteEntryFromMultiSZ3Pair( LPCWSTR ptstrMultiSZ, LPCWSTR ptstrKey )
Routine Description:
Search for the specified key in MultiSZ key-value 3 string pairs looks like: 1,c:\mydir\myfilename.dll,mydescription 1,c:\mydir\myfilename.dll,mydescription 1,c:\mydir\myfilename.dll,mydescription
Arguments: ptstrMultiSZ - Points to the data to be searched ptstrKey - Specifies the key string
Return Value: Pointer to the value string corresponding to the specified key string; NULL if the specified key string is not found --*/ { LPWSTR pPointer1 = NULL; LPWSTR pPointer2 = NULL; LPWSTR pPointer3 = NULL; LPWSTR pPointer4 = NULL; LPCWSTR pPointerEnd = NULL;
pPointerEnd = GetEndOfMultiSz((LPCWSTR) ptstrMultiSZ);
// Advanced past beginning nulls if any.
while (*ptstrMultiSZ == NULL) { ptstrMultiSZ++; }
// make sure 1st entry is at least a single digit
// if not, then let's skip until we find one
while (*ptstrMultiSZ != NULL) { if (wcslen(ptstrMultiSZ) < 2) { break; } ptstrMultiSZ += wcslen(ptstrMultiSZ) + 1; }
while (*ptstrMultiSZ != NULL) { // Assign pointer to the 1st entry
pPointer1 = (LPWSTR) ptstrMultiSZ;
// Advance to the first key...
ptstrMultiSZ += wcslen(ptstrMultiSZ) + 1; pPointer2 = (LPWSTR) ptstrMultiSZ; if (ptstrMultiSZ && *ptstrMultiSZ) { ptstrMultiSZ += wcslen(ptstrMultiSZ) + 1; pPointer3 = (LPWSTR) ptstrMultiSZ;
// If the current string matches the specified key string,
// then return the corresponding value string
if (_wcsicmp(pPointer2, ptstrKey) == 0) { // we found our entry, delete it and get out
// Get the beginning of the next entry..
ptstrMultiSZ += wcslen(ptstrMultiSZ) + 1;
if (*ptstrMultiSZ != NULL) { ULONG_PTR dwTotalSizeOfDeletion = dwTotalSizeOfDeletion = (ULONG_PTR) ptstrMultiSZ - (ULONG_PTR)pPointer1;
// erase this memory
memset(pPointer1, 0, dwTotalSizeOfDeletion);
// move trailing memory over erased memory (overwritting it)
memmove(pPointer1, ptstrMultiSZ, ((ULONG_PTR) pPointerEnd - (ULONG_PTR) ptstrMultiSZ));
// erase stuff behind it.
memset((void*) ((ULONG_PTR) pPointerEnd - (ULONG_PTR) dwTotalSizeOfDeletion), 0, dwTotalSizeOfDeletion); } else { *pPointer1 = NULL; *pPointer1++ = NULL; } return TRUE; }
// Otherwise, advance to the next 3 string pair
ptstrMultiSZ += wcslen(ptstrMultiSZ) + 1; } }
return FALSE; }
// wszFilePath =
// wszDescription =
HRESULT AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry(WCHAR * wszFilePathInput,WCHAR * wszDescription,BOOL bCannotBeRemovedByUser,BOOL bAddToList) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; // handle to metabase
METADATA_RECORD mr; BYTE * pbDataOld = NULL; BYTE * pbDataNew = NULL; DWORD dwMDRequiredDataLen = 0; DWORD dwNewEntryLength = 0; DWORD dwNewTotalLength = 0; DWORD dwOldByteLength = 0; WCHAR * wszFilePath = NULL; INT iFound = 0;
// Convert any env vars to hard coded paths
LPWSTR pch = wcschr( (LPWSTR) wszFilePathInput, L'%'); if (pch) { // determine the length of the expanded string
DWORD len = ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(wszFilePathInput, 0, 0); if (!len) { return hr; }
wszFilePath = (WCHAR *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); DWORD len1 = ExpandEnvironmentStrings((LPWSTR) wszFilePathInput,const_cast<wchar_t*>(wszFilePath),len); if (len1 != len) { if (wszFilePath) { GlobalFree(wszFilePath);wszFilePath = NULL; } return hr; } } else { wszFilePath = wszFilePathInput; }
hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (hr == RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) { // fine. try again
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_IMSAdminBase,(void **)&pIMSAdminBase); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; }
// open the specified metabase node
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_RESTRICTION_LIST_CUSTOM_DESC; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = 0; mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pbDataOld);
// first we need to figure out how much space we need
hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen); if(FAILED(hr)) { // if there isn't a value there that we need to update
// then create one
if( hr == MD_ERROR_DATA_NOT_FOUND || HRESULT_CODE(hr) == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) { if (bAddToList) { // make enough room for the new entry...
dwNewTotalLength = 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); // char + 1null
dwNewTotalLength = dwNewTotalLength + ((wcslen(wszFilePathInput) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); // string + 1 null
dwNewTotalLength = dwNewTotalLength + ((wcslen(wszDescription) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); // string + 1 null and 1 ending null
pbDataNew = (BYTE *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwNewTotalLength); if (!pbDataNew) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; }
// set to empty
memset(pbDataNew, 0, dwNewTotalLength);
// create the entry
if (bCannotBeRemovedByUser) { memcpy(pbDataNew,L"1",sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { memcpy(pbDataNew,L"0",sizeof(WCHAR)); }
// append on the new data
dwNewEntryLength = ((wcslen(wszFilePathInput) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
memcpy((pbDataNew + (sizeof(WCHAR) * 2)),wszFilePath, dwNewEntryLength); memcpy((pbDataNew + (sizeof(WCHAR) * 2) + dwNewEntryLength),wszDescription,((wcslen(wszDescription) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))); memset((pbDataNew + (sizeof(WCHAR) * 2) + dwNewEntryLength + ((wcslen(wszDescription) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))),0,2);
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_RESTRICTION_LIST_CUSTOM_DESC; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = GetMultiStrSize((WCHAR*) pbDataNew) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pbDataNew);
// Write value
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr); goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; } else { // we don't need to do anything else
// there are no entries, so there is nothing to remove
hr = S_OK; goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; } } else { goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; } }
pbDataOld = (BYTE *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwMDRequiredDataLen); if (!pbDataOld) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; }
// do the real call to get the data from the metabase
mr.dwMDDataLen = dwMDRequiredDataLen; mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(pbDataOld); hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; }
iFound = FindWstrInMultiStrSpecial((WCHAR *) pbDataOld,wszFilePath,NULL); if (0 == iFound) { if (!bAddToList) { // the entry doesn't exist
// so we don't have to remove it
hr = S_OK; //wprintf(L"found = 0, skip remove!!\r\n");
goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; }
// otherwise, proceed to add the entry....
} else if (2 == iFound) { if (bAddToList) { // there already is an entry there
// so we can exit and don't have to do anything
//wprintf(L"found = 2, skip adding!!\r\n");
hr = S_OK; goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; } // otherwise, proceed to remove the entry....
} else { // we must have a 1
// which means we found the filename but the description is different...
//wprintf(L"%s found only filename!!! pbDataOld=%p\n",wszFilePath,pbDataOld);
// proceed to update the entry
// Write some code to update the description...
if (bAddToList) { //wprintf(L"doing add!\r\n");
DWORD dwTempLen = 0; // Recalc the amount of space we'll need to add this entry into the list
dwOldByteLength = GetMultiStrSize( (WCHAR*) pbDataOld) * sizeof(WCHAR); dwNewEntryLength = ( (sizeof(WCHAR) * 2) + ((wcslen(wszFilePath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) + ((wcslen(wszDescription) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)) ); dwNewTotalLength = dwOldByteLength + dwNewEntryLength + (sizeof(WCHAR)); // string + 1 null and 1 ending null
// Alloc enough space for the old data and the new data.
// Don't use realloc here, because for somereason it would fail in
// certain test runs.
pbDataNew = (BYTE *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwNewTotalLength); if (!pbDataNew) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; }
// set to empty
memset(pbDataNew, 0, dwNewTotalLength);
// copy the old data...
// append entry #1 on to the new data -- backup over the double nulls
dwTempLen = dwOldByteLength - 2; if (bCannotBeRemovedByUser) {memcpy((pbDataNew + dwTempLen),L"1",sizeof(WCHAR));} else {memcpy((pbDataNew + dwTempLen),L"0",sizeof(WCHAR));} memset((pbDataNew + dwTempLen + sizeof(WCHAR)),0,2); dwTempLen = dwTempLen + sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
// append entry #2
dwNewEntryLength = ((wcslen(wszFilePath) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy((pbDataNew + dwTempLen),wszFilePath,dwNewEntryLength); dwTempLen = dwTempLen + dwNewEntryLength;
// append entry #3
dwNewEntryLength = ((wcslen(wszDescription) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy((pbDataNew + dwTempLen),wszDescription,dwNewEntryLength); dwTempLen = dwTempLen + dwNewEntryLength;
// make sure it ends with double nulls
memset((pbDataNew + dwTempLen),0,4);
// free the old data
if (pbDataOld) { GlobalFree(pbDataOld); pbDataOld = NULL; } } else { dwOldByteLength = GetMultiStrSize( (WCHAR*) pbDataOld) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Don't use realloc here, because for somereason it would fail in
// certain test runs.
pbDataNew = (BYTE *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwOldByteLength); if (!pbDataNew) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit; } // copy the old data...
memcpy(pbDataNew,pbDataOld,dwOldByteLength); // free the old data
if (pbDataOld) { GlobalFree(pbDataOld); pbDataOld = NULL; }
BOOL bDeletedSomething = FALSE; do { bDeletedSomething = DeleteEntryFromMultiSZ3Pair((LPCWSTR) pbDataNew,wszFilePath); } while (bDeletedSomething);
// other wise pbDataOld is updated with the new data
// proceed to write the new data out
// Write the new data out
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_RESTRICTION_LIST_CUSTOM_DESC; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; // no need for inheritence
mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = MULTISZ_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = GetMultiStrSize((WCHAR*)pbDataNew) * sizeof(WCHAR); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *> (pbDataNew);
DumpWstrInMultiStr((WCHAR *) pbDataNew);
hr = pIMSAdminBase->SetData(hMetabase, L"", &mr);
AddRemoveIISCustomDescriptionEntry_Exit: if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Failed to %s '%s'\r\n", bAddToList ? L"Add" : L"Remove", wszFilePath ); } else { wprintf(L"Succeeded to %s '%s'\r\n", bAddToList ? L"Add" : L"Remove", wszFilePath ); } if (hMetabase) { pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey(hMetabase); hMetabase = NULL; } if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; } if (pbDataOld) { GlobalFree(pbDataOld); pbDataOld = NULL; } if (pbDataNew) { GlobalFree(pbDataNew); pbDataNew = NULL; } CoUninitialize(); return hr; }
BOOL OpenMetabaseAndDoExport(void) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
IMSAdminBase2 *pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
WCHAR wszExportPassword[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszExportFileName[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszMetabaseNodeToExport[_MAX_PATH]; wcscpy(wszExportFileName,L"c:\\TestExport.xml"); wcscpy(wszExportPassword,L"TestPassword"); wcscpy(wszMetabaseNodeToExport,L"/LM/W3SVC/1");
if (FAILED (hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ))) { if (FAILED (hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ))) { return FALSE; } } if (FAILED (hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_IMSAdminBase,(void **)&pIMSAdminBase))) { goto OpenMetabaseAndDoExport_Exit; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pIMSAdminBase->QueryInterface(IID_IMSAdminBase2, (void **)&pIMSAdminBase2))) { SetBlanket(pIMSAdminBase2); hr = pIMSAdminBase2->Export(wszExportPassword,wszExportFileName,wszMetabaseNodeToExport,MD_EXPORT_INHERITED); pIMSAdminBase2->Release(); pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Failed to Export to file:%s,err=0x%x\r\n",wszExportFileName,hr); } else { wprintf(L"Succeeded to Export to file:%s\r\n",wszExportFileName); fRet = TRUE; }
OpenMetabaseAndDoExport_Exit: if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; }
CoUninitialize(); return fRet; }
BOOL OpenMetabaseAndDoImport(void) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
IMSAdminBase2 *pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
WCHAR wszExportPassword[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszImportFileName[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszMetabaseNode1[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszMetabaseNode2[_MAX_PATH]; wcscpy(wszImportFileName,L"c:\\TestExport.xml"); wcscpy(wszExportPassword,L"TestPassword"); wcscpy(wszMetabaseNode1,L"/LM/W3SVC/1"); wcscpy(wszMetabaseNode2,L"/LM/W3SVC/100");
if (FAILED (hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED ))) { if (FAILED (hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ))) { return FALSE; } } if (FAILED (hr = ::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_IMSAdminBase,(void **)&pIMSAdminBase))) { goto OpenMetabaseAndDoExport_Exit; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pIMSAdminBase->QueryInterface(IID_IMSAdminBase2, (void **)&pIMSAdminBase2))) { SetBlanket(pIMSAdminBase2); hr = pIMSAdminBase2->Import(wszExportPassword,wszImportFileName,wszMetabaseNode1,wszMetabaseNode2,MD_IMPORT_NODE_ONLY); pIMSAdminBase2->Release(); pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL; }
if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"Failed to Export to file:%s,err=0x%x\r\n",wszImportFileName,hr); } else { wprintf(L"Succeeded to Export to file:%s\r\n",wszImportFileName); fRet = TRUE; }
OpenMetabaseAndDoExport_Exit: if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; }
CoUninitialize(); return fRet; }
BOOL GetIISVersion_Internal_iiscnfgp(IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase,DWORD * dwReturnedMajorVersion,DWORD * dwReturnedMinorVersion) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fRet = FALSE; METADATA_HANDLE hMetabase = NULL; // handle to metabase
// open key
DWORD pdwValue = 0; mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_SERVER_VERSION_MAJOR; mr.dwMDAttributes = 0; mr.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_SERVER; mr.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; mr.dwMDDataLen = sizeof(pdwValue); mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&pdwValue);
pdwValue = 0; dwMDRequiredDataLen = 0; *dwReturnedMajorVersion = 0; hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData( hMetabase, L"", &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { *dwReturnedMajorVersion = pdwValue; }
mr.dwMDIdentifier = MD_SERVER_VERSION_MINOR; mr.pbMDData = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(&pdwValue);
pdwValue = 0; dwMDRequiredDataLen = 0; *dwReturnedMinorVersion = 0; hr = pIMSAdminBase->GetData( hMetabase, L"", &mr, &dwMDRequiredDataLen ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { *dwReturnedMinorVersion = pdwValue; }
WCHAR wszPrintString[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(wszPrintString,L"MajorVer=%d,MinorVer=%d\n", *dwReturnedMajorVersion, *dwReturnedMinorVersion); wprintf(wszPrintString);
pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey( hMetabase ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) { fRet = TRUE; }
pIMSAdminBase->CloseKey( hMetabase ); return fRet; }
BOOL OpenMetabaseAndGetVersion() { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; // Metabase interface pointer
if( FAILED (CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED )) || FAILED (::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MSAdminBase, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **)&pIMSAdminBase))) { return FALSE; }
DWORD dwMajorVersion,dwMinorVersion=0; GetIISVersion_Internal_iiscnfgp(pIMSAdminBase,&dwMajorVersion,&dwMinorVersion);
if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; }
CoUninitialize(); return fRet; }
HRESULT RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport( const WCHAR *pcszMachineName, const WCHAR *pcszUserName, const WCHAR *pcszDomain, const WCHAR *pcszPassword ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IMSAdminBase *pIMSAdminBase = NULL; IMSAdminBase2 *pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL;
ZeroMemory(&svrInfo, sizeof(COSERVERINFO)); ZeroMemory(&AuthInfo, sizeof(COAUTHINFO)); ZeroMemory(&AuthId, sizeof(COAUTHIDENTITY));
AuthId.User = (USHORT*) pcszUserName; AuthId.UserLength = wcslen (pcszUserName); AuthId.Domain = (USHORT*)pcszDomain; AuthId.DomainLength = wcslen (pcszDomain); AuthId.Password = (USHORT*)pcszPassword; AuthId.PasswordLength = wcslen (pcszPassword); AuthId.Flags = SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_UNICODE;
AuthInfo.dwAuthnSvc = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT; AuthInfo.dwAuthzSvc = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE; AuthInfo.pwszServerPrincName = NULL;
//AuthInfo.dwAuthnLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY;
AuthInfo.dwAuthnLevel = RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT; AuthInfo.dwImpersonationLevel = RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE; AuthInfo.pAuthIdentityData = &AuthId; AuthInfo.dwCapabilities = EOAC_NONE;
svrInfo.dwReserved1 = 0; svrInfo.dwReserved2 = 0; svrInfo.pwszName = (LPWSTR) pcszMachineName; svrInfo.pAuthInfo = &AuthInfo;
if(FAILED(hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED))) { if(FAILED(hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED))) { wprintf(L"CoInitializeEx failed:hr=0x%x\r\n",hr); return hr; } }
MULTI_QI res[1] = { {&IID_IMSAdminBase, NULL, 0} };
if (FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstanceEx(CLSID_MSAdminBase,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,&svrInfo,1,res))) { wprintf(L"CoCreateInstanceEx failed:hr=0x%x\r\n",hr); goto RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport_Exit; }
pIMSAdminBase = (IMSAdminBase *)res[0].pItf;
{ hr = ::CoSetProxyBlanket( pIMSAdminBase, AuthInfo.dwAuthnSvc, AuthInfo.dwAuthzSvc, AuthInfo.pwszServerPrincName, AuthInfo.dwAuthnLevel, AuthInfo.dwImpersonationLevel, AuthInfo.pAuthIdentityData, AuthInfo.dwCapabilities );
if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"CoSetProxyBlanket failed:hr=0x%x\r\n",hr); goto RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport_Exit; }
// There is a remote IUnknown interface that lurks behind IUnknown.
// If that is not set, then the Release call can return access denied.
IUnknown * pUnk = NULL; hr = pIMSAdminBase->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pUnk); if(FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"QueryInterface failed:hr=0x%x\r\n",hr); return hr; } hr = ::CoSetProxyBlanket( pUnk, AuthInfo.dwAuthnSvc, AuthInfo.dwAuthzSvc, AuthInfo.pwszServerPrincName, AuthInfo.dwAuthnLevel, AuthInfo.dwImpersonationLevel, AuthInfo.pAuthIdentityData, AuthInfo.dwCapabilities );
if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"CoSetProxyBlanket2 failed:hr=0x%x\r\n",hr); goto RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport_Exit; } pUnk->Release();pUnk = NULL; }
if (FAILED(hr = pIMSAdminBase->QueryInterface(IID_IMSAdminBase2, (void **)&pIMSAdminBase2))) { wprintf(L"QueryInterface2 failed:hr=0x%x\r\n",hr); goto RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport_Exit; }
hr = ::CoSetProxyBlanket( pIMSAdminBase2, AuthInfo.dwAuthnSvc, AuthInfo.dwAuthzSvc, AuthInfo.pwszServerPrincName, AuthInfo.dwAuthnLevel, AuthInfo.dwImpersonationLevel, AuthInfo.pAuthIdentityData, AuthInfo.dwCapabilities );
if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"CoSetProxyBlanket3 failed:hr=0x%x\r\n",hr); goto RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport_Exit; }
hr = pIMSAdminBase2->Export(L"testing",L"c:\\testing.xml333",L"LM/W3SVC/1",0); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf(L"pIMSAdminBase2->Export failed:ret=0x%x\r\n",hr); }
RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport_Exit: if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wprintf(L"RemoteOpenMetabaseAndCallExport:SUCCEEDED!!!! :hr=0x%x\r\n",hr); }
if (pIMSAdminBase2) { pIMSAdminBase2->Release(); pIMSAdminBase2 = NULL; } if (pIMSAdminBase) { pIMSAdminBase->Release(); pIMSAdminBase = NULL; } CoUninitialize(); return hr; }