* X E M I T . C P P * * XML emitter processing * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#include "_xml.h"
#include <szsrc.h>
// class CXNode - Emitting ---------------------------------------------------
// Our own version of WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, ...)
// UTF-8 multi-byte encoding. See Appendix A.2 of the Unicode book for
// more info.
// Unicode value 1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte
// 000000000xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx
// 00000yyyyyxxxxxx 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx
// zzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
inline VOID WideCharToUTF8Chars (WCHAR wch, BYTE * pb, UINT * pib) { Assert (pb); Assert (pib);
UINT ib = *pib;
// single-byte: 0xxxxxxx
if (wch < 0x80) { pb[ib] = static_cast<BYTE>(wch); } //
// two-byte: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
else if (wch < 0x800) { // Because we alloc'd two extra-bytes,
// we know there is room at the tail of
// the buffer for the overflow...
pb[ib++] = static_cast<BYTE>((wch >> 6) | 0xC0); pb[ib] = static_cast<BYTE>((wch & 0x3F) | 0x80); } //
// three-byte: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
else { // Because we alloc'd two extra-bytes,
// we know there is room at the tail of
// the buffer for the overflow...
pb[ib++] = static_cast<BYTE>((wch >> 12) | 0xE0); pb[ib++] = static_cast<BYTE>(((wch >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80); pb[ib] = static_cast<BYTE>((wch & 0x3F) | 0x80); }
*pib = ib; }
// CXMLEmitter helper functions ----------------------------------------------
SCODE ScGetPropNode ( /* [in] */ CEmitterNode& enItem, /* [in] */ ULONG hsc, /* [out] */ CEmitterNode& enPropStat, /* [out] */ CEmitterNode& enProp) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// <DAV:propstat> node
sc = enItem.ScAddNode (gc_wszPropstat, enPropStat); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// <DAV:status> node
sc = ScAddStatus (&enPropStat, hsc); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// <DAV:prop> node
sc = enPropStat.ScAddNode (gc_wszProp, enProp); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
// CXNode helper functions ---------------------------------------------------
SCODE ScSetEscapedValue (CXNode* pxn, LPCWSTR pcwsz, UINT cch, BOOL fHandleStoragePathEscaping) { SCODE sc = S_OK; CStackBuffer<WCHAR> lpwsz;
// Argh! We need to have a buffer to fill that is
// at least 3 bytes long for the odd occurrence of a
// single unicode char with significant bits above
// 0x7f.
UINT cb = min (cch + 2, CB_XMLBODYPART_SIZE);
// Make sure there is always room to terminate and allocate
// an extra byte.
// NOTE: cb is not an actual count of bytes
// because of this. it does not include the NULL termination.
// We really can handle zero bytes being sloughed into
// the buffer.
UINT ib; UINT iwch; CStackBuffer<BYTE> pb; if (NULL == pb.resize (cb+1)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (fHandleStoragePathEscaping) { // $REVIEW: this might cause a stack overflow for exceptionally
// large values of cch! but this branch should only be executed
// on the case for urls, so perhaps it's not possible...
if (NULL == lpwsz.resize((cch + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
CopyMemory(lpwsz.get(), pcwsz, (cch * sizeof(WCHAR))); lpwsz[cch] = L'\0';
cch = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(lpwsz.get())); pcwsz = lpwsz.get(); }
for (iwch = 0; iwch < cch; ) { auto_heap_ptr<CHAR> pszEscaped;
// While there are more characters to convert
// and we have enough buffer space left for one UTF8 character
// (max of 3 bytes). the NULL termination is not included in
// cb, so it is already accounted for.
for (ib = 0; (ib < cb - 2) && (iwch < cch); ib++, iwch++) { WideCharToUTF8Chars (pcwsz[iwch], pb.get(), &ib); }
// Terminate
pb[ib] = 0;
// Escape the bytes
HttpUriEscape (reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(pb.get()), pszEscaped); sc = pxn->ScSetUTF8Value (pszEscaped, static_cast<UINT>(strlen(pszEscaped))); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
ret: return sc; }
SCODE ScEmitRawStoragePathValue (CXNode* pxn, LPCWSTR pcwsz, UINT cch) { return pxn->ScSetValue (pcwsz, cch); }
// CEmitterNode helper functions ---------------------------------------------
VOID __fastcall FormatStatus (ULONG hsc, LPSTR sz, UINT cb) { UINT cch = CchConstString(gc_szHTTP_1_1);
// Construct a status line from the HSC
memcpy (sz, gc_szHTTP_1_1, cch);
// Add in a space
*(sz + cch++) = ' ';
// Add in the HSC
_itoa (hsc, sz + cch, 10); Assert (cch + 3 == strlen (sz)); cch += 3;
// Add in a space
*(sz + cch++) = ' ';
// Add the description text
// Note, status line is not localized
//$REVIEW: Now that status line is not localized, do we still need to go through
//$REVIEW: CResourceStringCache ?
LpszLoadString (hsc, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), sz + cch, cb - cch); }
SCODE __fastcall ScAddStatus (CEmitterNode* pen, ULONG hsc) { CHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; CEmitterNode enStatus;
FormatStatus (hsc, sz, sizeof(sz)); return pen->ScAddMultiByteNode (gc_wszStatus, enStatus, sz); }
SCODE __fastcall ScAddError (CEmitterNode* pen, LPCWSTR pwszErrMsg) { CEmitterNode en; return pen->ScAddNode (gc_wszErrorMessage, en, gc_wszErrorMessage); }
// class CStatusCache ------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CStatusCache::EmitStatusNodeOp::operator()( const CHsc& key, const auto_ref_ptr<CPropNameArray>& pna ) { SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT iProp; CEmitterNode enPropStat; CEmitterNode enProp;
sc = ScGetPropNode (m_enParent, key.m_hsc, enPropStat, enProp); // Add prop names
for (iProp = 0; iProp < pna->CProps(); iProp++) { CEmitterNode en;
// Add one prop
sc = enProp.ScAddNode (pna->PwszProp(iProp), en); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
ret: return sc == S_OK; }
SCODE CStatusCache::ScAddErrorStatus (ULONG hsc, LPCWSTR pwszProp) { SCODE sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; auto_ref_ptr<CPropNameArray> pna; auto_ref_ptr<CPropNameArray> * ppna = NULL;
// Lookup in the cache for the array for the specific hsc
ppna = m_cache.Lookup (hsc);
// Add a new propname array if not exist
if (!ppna) { // Create new propname array object
pna.take_ownership (new CPropNameArray()); if (!pna.get()) goto ret;
// Add it to the cache
if (!m_cache.FAdd (hsc, pna)) goto ret; } else pna = *ppna;
// Persist the prop name string
pwszProp = m_csbPropNames.AppendWithNull (pwszProp); if (!pwszProp) goto ret;
// Add it to prop name array
sc = pna->ScAddPropName (pwszProp); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CStatusCache::ScEmitErrorStatus (CEmitterNode& enParent) { EmitStatusNodeOp op (enParent);
//$REVIEW: Currently, ForEach does not return an error code
//$REVIEW: even when it stops in the middle. we may want to
//$REVIEW: have it return at least a boolean to allow caller
//$REVIEW: to tell whether to continue
return S_OK; }
// Property name escaping ----------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST char gc_szEscape[] = "_xnnnn";
__inline WCHAR WchFromEscape (const LPCWSTR wsz) { WCHAR wch = 0;
if ((L'x' == *(wsz + 1)) || (L'X' == *(wsz + 1))) { // Convert the hex value into a wchar
LPWSTR wszEnd; wch = static_cast<WCHAR>(wcstoul(wsz + 2, &wszEnd, 16 /* hexidecimal */));
// If the length of the sequence is not correct,
// or the terminating character was not an underscore,
// then we there was no escape sequence.
if (((wszEnd - wsz) != CchConstString(gc_szEscape)) || (L'_' != *wszEnd)) wch = 0; } return wch; }
__inline BOOL FIsXmlAllowedChar (WCHAR wch, BOOL fFirstChar) { if (fFirstChar) return isStartNameChar (wch); else return isNameChar (wch); }
SCODE ScEscapePropertyName (LPCWSTR wszProp, UINT cchProp, LPWSTR wszEscaped, UINT* pcch, BOOL fRestrictFirstCharacter) { Assert (wszProp); Assert (wszEscaped); Assert (pcch);
LPCWSTR wszStart = wszProp; SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT cch = 0; UINT cchLeft = cchProp;
// The first character of an xml prop tag has different rules
// regarding what is allowable (only characters and underscores
// are allowed).
BOOL fFirstCharOfTag = TRUE;
// However, if the caller doesn't want us to impose the additional
// restrictions on the first character, treat the first character
// as no different from any other.
if (!fRestrictFirstCharacter) fFirstCharOfTag = FALSE;
while (wszProp < (wszStart + cchProp)) { // If this is a supported character in a XML tag name,
// copy it over now...
if (FIsXmlAllowedChar(*wszProp, fFirstCharOfTag)) { // If there is room, copy it over.
if (cch < *pcch) *wszEscaped = *wszProp; } //
// ... or if the chararacter is an underscore that does not
// look like it preceeds an escape sequence, copy it over
// now...
else if ((L'_' == *wszProp) && ((cchLeft <= CchConstString(gc_szEscape)) || (0 == WchFromEscape(wszProp)))) { // If there is room, copy it over.
if (cch < *pcch) *wszEscaped = *wszProp; } //
// ... and everything else gets escaped.
else { // Adjust the byte count as if there were room for all
// but one of the characters in the escape sequence.
cch += CchConstString(gc_szEscape);
// If there is room, insert the escape
// sequence.
if (cch < *pcch) { wsprintfW (wszEscaped, L"_x%04x_", *wszProp); wszEscaped += CchConstString(gc_szEscape); } }
// Account for the last character copied over
wszEscaped += 1; wszProp += 1; cch += 1; cchLeft--; fFirstCharOfTag = FALSE; }
// If there was not room to escape the whole thing, then
// pass back S_FALSE.
if (cch > *pcch) sc = S_FALSE;
// Tell the caller how long the result is, and return
*pcch = cch; return sc; }