* C N V T . C P P * * Data conversion routines * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#include "_xmllib.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Month names ---------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST LPCWSTR c_rgwszMonthNames[] = { L"Jan", L"Feb", L"Mar", L"Apr", L"May", L"Jun", L"Jul", L"Aug", L"Sep", L"Oct", L"Nov", L"Dec", }; DEC_CONST ULONG c_cMonthNames = CElems(c_rgwszMonthNames); DEC_CONST ULONG c_cchMonthName = 3;
DEC_CONST LPCWSTR c_rgwszDayNames[] = { L"Sun", L"Mon", L"Tue", L"Wed", L"Thu", L"Fri", L"Sat", }; DEC_CONST UINT c_cDayNames = CElems(c_rgwszDayNames); DEC_CONST UINT c_cchDayName = 3;
// Date formats --------------------------------------------------------------
DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszIso8601_min[] = L"yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ"; DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchIso8601_min = CchConstString(gc_wszIso8601_min); DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszIso8601_scanfmt[] = L"%04hu-%02hu-%02huT%02hu:%02hu:%02hu"; DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszIso8601_tz_scanfmt[] = L"%02hu:%02hu"; DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszIso8601_fmt[] = L"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ"; DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszRfc1123_min[] = L"www, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss GMT"; DEC_CONST UINT gc_cchRfc1123_min = CchConstString (gc_wszRfc1123_min); DEC_CONST WCHAR gc_wszRfc1123_fmt[] = L"%ls, %02d %ls %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT";
enum { tf_year, tf_month, tf_day, tf_hour, tf_minute, tf_second, cTimeFields,
tz_hour = 0, tz_minute, cTzDeltaFields,
RADIX_BASE = 10, };
// Conversion functions ------------------------------------------------------
* CchFindChar * * Look for the given char, obeying the cbMax limit. * If the char is not found, return INVALID_INDEX. */ UINT __fastcall CchFindChar(WCHAR wch, LPCWSTR pwszData, UINT cchMax) { UINT cchParsed = 0; while (cchParsed < cchMax && wch != *pwszData) { cchParsed++; pwszData++; }
if (cchParsed == cchMax) cchParsed = INVALID_INDEX; return cchParsed; }
* CchSkipWhitespace * * Skips whitespace, obeying the cbMax limit. * Returns the number of bytes parsed. */ UINT __fastcall CchSkipWhitespace(LPCWSTR pwszData, UINT cchMax) { UINT cchParsed = 0; while (cchParsed < cchMax && (L' ' == *pwszData || L'\t' == *pwszData || L'\n' == *pwszData || L'\r' == *pwszData)) { cchParsed++; pwszData++; } return cchParsed; }
LONG __fastcall LNumberFromParam(LPCWSTR pwszData, UINT cchMax) { LONG lReturn = 0; UINT cchCurrent = 0; BOOL fNegative = FALSE;
if (0 < cchMax) { // Get any sign char.
if (L'-' == *pwszData) { // Set the negative flag to true.
fNegative = TRUE;
// Skip this valid character.
// Skip any whitespace.
cchCurrent += CchSkipWhitespace(&pwszData[1], cchMax - 1); } else if (L'+' == *pwszData) { // Skip any whitespace.
cchCurrent += CchSkipWhitespace(&pwszData[1], cchMax - 1); } }
// From here, any non-number chars are invalid & mean we
// should stop parsing.
// Get the magnitude of the number.
while (cchCurrent < cchMax) { if (L'0' <= static_cast<USHORT>(pwszData[cchCurrent]) && L'9' >= static_cast<USHORT>(pwszData[cchCurrent])) { lReturn *= 10; lReturn += (pwszData[cchCurrent] - L'0'); } else { // Not a number char. Time to quit parsing.
break; }
// Move to the next char.
cchCurrent++; }
// Apply the negative sign, if any.
if (fNegative) lReturn = (0 - lReturn);
return lReturn; }
HRESULT __fastcall HrHTTPDateToFileTime(LPCWSTR pwszDate, FILETIME * pft) { HRESULT hr; SYSTEMTIME systime; UINT cchDate;
// Make sure we were passed something as a date string.
Assert(pwszDate); Assert(pft);
// Zero out the structure.
memset(&systime, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
// Get the length of the date string.
cchDate = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszDate));
// Get the date and time pieces. If either fails, return its
// error code. Otherwise, convert to a file time at the end,
// return E_FAIL if the conversion fails, S_OK otherwise.
hr = GetFileDateFromParam(pwszDate, cchDate, &systime); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = GetFileTimeFromParam(pwszDate, cchDate, &systime);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&systime, pft)) return E_FAIL;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT __fastcall GetFileDateFromParam (LPCWSTR pwszData, UINT cchTotal, SYSTEMTIME * psystime) { LPCWSTR pwszCurrent; UINT cchLeft; UINT cchTemp;
Assert(pwszData); Assert(psystime);
// Skip leading whitespace.
cchTemp = CchSkipWhitespace(pwszData, cchTotal); pwszCurrent = pwszData + cchTemp; cchLeft = cchTotal - cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid date
// string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// If the first char's of the date are ddd, then the day of the
// week is a part of the date, and we really do not care.
if (L'9' < static_cast<USHORT>(*pwszCurrent)) { // Find the day
UINT uiDay; for (uiDay = 0; uiDay < c_cDayNames; uiDay++) { // Compare the month names.
if (*pwszCurrent == *(c_rgwszDayNames[uiDay]) && (c_cchDayName <= cchLeft) && !_wcsnicmp(pwszCurrent, c_rgwszDayNames[uiDay], c_cchDayName)) { // Found the right month. This index tells us the month number.
psystime->wDayOfWeek = static_cast<WORD>(uiDay); // Sunday is 0
break; } } if (uiDay == c_cDayNames) return E_FAIL;
// Look for our space delimiter.
cchTemp = CchFindChar(L' ', pwszCurrent, cchLeft); if (INVALID_INDEX == cchTemp) { // Invalid format to this data. Fail here.
return E_FAIL; } pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // CchFindChar will return INVALID_INDEX if we hit the end of the
// string, so we can assert that we have more space in the string.
Assert(0 < cchLeft);
// Again, skip whitespace.
cchTemp = CchSkipWhitespace(pwszCurrent, cchLeft); pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL; }
// The date format is dd month yyyy. Anything else is invalid.
// Get the day-of-the-month number.
psystime->wDay = static_cast<WORD>(LNumberFromParam(pwszCurrent, cchLeft));
// Look for our space delimiter.
cchTemp = CchFindChar(L' ', pwszCurrent, cchLeft); if (INVALID_INDEX == cchTemp) { // Invalid format to this data. Fail here.
return E_FAIL; } pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // CchFindChar will return INVALID_INDEX if we hit the end of the
// string, so we can assert that we have more space in the string.
Assert(0 < cchLeft);
// Again, skip whitespace.
cchTemp = CchSkipWhitespace(pwszCurrent, cchLeft); pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// Find the month number.
for (UINT uiMonth = 0; uiMonth < c_cMonthNames; uiMonth++) { // Compare the month names.
if (*pwszCurrent == *(c_rgwszMonthNames[uiMonth]) && (c_cchMonthName <= cchLeft) && !_wcsnicmp(pwszCurrent, c_rgwszMonthNames[uiMonth], c_cchMonthName)) { // Found the right month. This index tells us the month number.
psystime->wMonth = static_cast<WORD>(uiMonth + 1); // January is 1.
break; } }
// Look for our space delimiter.
cchTemp = CchFindChar(L' ', pwszCurrent, cchLeft); if (INVALID_INDEX == cchTemp) { // Invalid format to this data. Fail here.
return E_FAIL; } pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // CchFindChar will return INVALID_INDEX if we hit the end of the
// string, so we can assert that we have more space in the string.
Assert(0 < cchLeft);
// Again, skip whitespace.
cchTemp = CchSkipWhitespace(pwszCurrent, cchLeft); pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// Now get the year.
psystime->wYear = static_cast<WORD>(LNumberFromParam(pwszCurrent, cchLeft));
return S_OK; }
HRESULT __fastcall GetFileTimeFromParam (LPCWSTR pwszData, UINT cchTotal, SYSTEMTIME * psystime) { LPCWSTR pwszCurrent; UINT cchLeft; UINT cchTemp;
Assert(pwszData); Assert(psystime);
// Skip leading whitespace.
cchTemp = CchSkipWhitespace(pwszData, cchTotal); pwszCurrent = pwszData + cchTemp; cchLeft = cchTotal - cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// Skip any date information. This could get called for date-time params!
// Look for the first colon delimiter. Yes, we assume no colons in date info!
cchTemp = CchFindChar(L':', pwszCurrent, cchLeft); if (INVALID_INDEX == cchTemp) { // No time info available. Fail here.
return E_FAIL; } // Make sure we've got room to back up
if (2 > cchTemp) { return E_FAIL; } cchTemp--; // Back up to get the hours digits.
cchTemp--; pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // CchFindChar will return INVALID_INDEX if we hit the end of the
// string, so we can assert that we have at least two digits plus a
// ':' still in the string.
Assert(2 < cchLeft);
// Skip whitespace (in case the parm is h:mm:ss).
cchTemp = CchSkipWhitespace(pwszCurrent, cchLeft); pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// Time format is hh:mm:ss UT, GMT, +- hh:mm, anything else is invalid.
// (Actually, we allow [h]h:mm[:ss], and whitespace around the colons.)
// Get the hours.
psystime->wHour = static_cast<WORD>(LNumberFromParam(pwszCurrent, cchLeft));
// Look for our colon delimiter.
cchTemp = CchFindChar(L':', pwszCurrent, cchLeft); if (INVALID_INDEX == cchTemp) { // No minutes specified. This is not allowed. Fail here.
return E_FAIL; } cchTemp++; // Skip the found character also.
pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// Again, skip whitespace.
cchTemp = CchSkipWhitespace(pwszCurrent, cchLeft); pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// Get the minutes.
psystime->wMinute = static_cast<WORD>(LNumberFromParam(pwszCurrent, cchLeft));
// NOTE: The seconds are optional. Don't fail here!
// Look for our colon delimiter.
cchTemp = CchFindChar(L':', pwszCurrent, cchLeft); if (INVALID_INDEX == cchTemp) { // No seconds specified. This is allowed. Return success.
return S_OK; } cchTemp++; // Skip the found character also.
pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// Again, skip whitespace.
cchTemp = CchSkipWhitespace(pwszCurrent, cchLeft); pwszCurrent += cchTemp; cchLeft -= cchTemp; // If we've hit the end of our buffer already, this was an invalid
// date string.
if (0 == cchLeft) return E_FAIL;
// Get the seconds, if any.
psystime->wSecond = static_cast<WORD>(LNumberFromParam(pwszCurrent, cchLeft));
// LATER: Get the timezone spec from the line and shift this data into our timezone...
return S_OK; }
BOOL __fastcall FGetSystimeFromDateIso8601(LPCWSTR pwszDate, SYSTEMTIME * psystime) { UINT i;
// Iso8601 is a fixed digit format: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ"
// we require the date strings has at least the required
// chars (we allow for the ommission of the fractional
// seconds, and the time delta), otherwise it is an error.
if (gc_cchIso8601_min > static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszDate))) { DebugTrace ("Dav: date length < than minimal\n"); return FALSE; }
// Scan the first bit of date information up to the
// optional bits
psystime->wMilliseconds = 0; if (cTimeFields != swscanf (pwszDate, gc_wszIso8601_scanfmt, &psystime->wYear, &psystime->wMonth, &psystime->wDay, &psystime->wHour, &psystime->wMinute, &psystime->wSecond)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: minimal scan failed\n"); return FALSE; }
// Take a look at what is next and process accordingly.
// ('Z'), ('.'), ('+') and ('-').
// The ('Z') element signifies ZULU time and completes
// the time string. The ('.') element signifies that a
// fractional second value follows. And either a ('+')
// or ('-') element indicates that a timezone delta will
// follow.
i = gc_cchIso8601_min - 1; if (pwszDate[i] == L'Z') goto ret; else if (pwszDate[i] == L'.') goto frac_sec; else if ((pwszDate[i] == L'+') || (pwszDate[i] == L'+')) goto tz_delta;
DebugTrace ("Dav: minimal date not terminated properly\n"); return FALSE;
Assert (pwszDate[i] == L'.'); { UINT iFrac;
for (iFrac = ++i; pwszDate[i]; i++) { // Any non-digit terminates the fractional seconds time
if ((pwszDate[i] > L'9') || (pwszDate[i] < L'0')) { // At this point, we are expecting ('Z') or a timezone
// delta ('+') or ('-')
if (pwszDate[i] == L'Z') goto ret; else if ((pwszDate[i] == L'+') || (pwszDate[i] == L'-')) goto tz_delta;
break; }
// It turns out, our granularity is only milliseconds, so
// we cannot keep any better precision than that. However,
// we can round the last digit, so at best we will process
// the next four digits
if (i - iFrac < 3) { // As many digits remain, comprise the fractional
psystime->wMilliseconds = static_cast<WORD>( psystime->wMilliseconds * RADIX_BASE + (pwszDate[i]-L'0')); } else if (i - iFrac < 4) { // Our granularity is only milliseconds, so we cannot keep
// any better precision than that. However, we can round this
// digit.
psystime->wMilliseconds = static_cast<WORD>( psystime->wMilliseconds + (((pwszDate[i]-L'0')>4)?1:0)); } }
// We ran out of string before the time was terminated
return FALSE; }
Assert ((pwszDate[i] == L'+') || (pwszDate[i] == L'-')); { WORD wHr; WORD wMin; __int64 tm; __int64 tzDelta; static const __int64 sc_i64Min = 600000000; static const __int64 sc_i64Hr = 36000000000; FILETIME ft;
// Find the time delta in terms of FILETIME units
if (cTzDeltaFields != swscanf (pwszDate + i + 1, gc_wszIso8601_tz_scanfmt, &wHr, &wMin)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: tz delta scan failed\n"); return FALSE; } tzDelta = (sc_i64Hr * wHr) + (sc_i64Min * wMin);
// Convert the time into a FILETIME, and stuff it into
// a 64bit integer
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime (psystime, &ft)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: invalid time specified\n"); return FALSE; } tm = FileTimeCastToI64(ft);
// Apply the delta
if (pwszDate[i] == L'+') tm = tm + tzDelta; else { Assert (pwszDate[i] == L'-'); tm = tm - tzDelta; }
// Return the value converted back into a SYSTEMTIME
ft = I64CastToFileTime(tm); if (!FileTimeToSystemTime (&ft, psystime)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: delta invalidated time\n"); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL __fastcall FGetDateIso8601FromSystime(SYSTEMTIME * psystime, LPWSTR pwszDate, UINT cchSize) { // If there is not enough space...
if (gc_cchIso8601_min >= cchSize) return FALSE;
// Format it and return...
return (!!wsprintfW (pwszDate, gc_wszIso8601_fmt, psystime->wYear, psystime->wMonth, psystime->wDay, psystime->wHour, psystime->wMinute, psystime->wSecond, psystime->wMilliseconds)); }
BOOL __fastcall FGetDateRfc1123FromSystime (SYSTEMTIME * psystime, LPWSTR pwszDate, UINT cchSize) { // If there is not enough space...
if (gc_cchRfc1123_min >= cchSize) return FALSE;
// If wDayOfWeek (Sun-Sat: 0-7) or wMonth (Jan-Dec: 1-12) is out of range,
// we'll fail here (to protect our const array lookups below).
// Note: psystime->wMonth is unsigned, so if there's an invalid value
// of 0, then we'll still catch it.
if (c_cDayNames <= psystime->wDayOfWeek) return FALSE; if (c_cMonthNames <= (psystime->wMonth - 1)) return FALSE;
// Format it and return...
return (!!wsprintfW (pwszDate, gc_wszRfc1123_fmt, c_rgwszDayNames[psystime->wDayOfWeek], psystime->wDay, c_rgwszMonthNames[psystime->wMonth - 1], psystime->wYear, psystime->wHour, psystime->wMinute, psystime->wSecond)); }
// BCharToHalfByte -----------------------------------------------------------
// Switches a wide char to a half-byte hex value. The incoming char
// MUST be in the "ASCII-encoded hex digit" range: 0-9, A-F, a-f.
DEC_CONST BYTE gc_mpbchCharToHalfByte[] = {
0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x5,0x6,0x7, 0x8,0x9,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0xa,0xb,0xc,0xd,0xe,0xf,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, // Caps here.
0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0xa,0xb,0xc,0xd,0xe,0xf,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, // Lowercase here.
0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0, };
inline BYTE BCharToHalfByte(WCHAR ch) { // gc_mpbchCharToHalfByte - map a ASCII-encoded char representing a single hex
// digit to a half-byte value. Used to convert hex represented strings into a
// binary representation.
// Reference values:
// '0' = 49, 0x31;
// 'A' = 65, 0x41;
// 'a' = 97, 0x61;
AssertSz (!(ch & 0xFF00), "BCharToHalfByte: char upper bits non-zero"); AssertSz (iswxdigit(ch), "Char out of hex digit range.");
return gc_mpbchCharToHalfByte[ch]; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// c_mpwchbStringize - map a half-byte (low nibble) value to
// the correspoding ASCII-encoded wide char.
// Used to convert binary data into Unicode URL strings.
DEC_CONST WCHAR c_mpwchhbStringize[] = { L'0', L'1', L'2', L'3', L'4', L'5', L'6', L'7', L'8', L'9', L'a', L'b', L'c', L'd', L'e', L'f', };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WchHalfByteToWideChar
// Switches a half-byte to an ACSII-encoded wide char.
// NOTE: The caller must mask out the "other half" of the byte!
inline WCHAR WchHalfByteToWideChar(BYTE b) { AssertSz(!(b & 0xF0), "Garbage in upper nibble."); return c_mpwchhbStringize[b]; };
// ==========================================================================
// Used in building some props -- like getetag, resourcetag and flat url.
// This code has been moved from calcprops.cpp to exprops.cpp and now to
// cnvt.cpp. The Flat URL code lives in this file because it is needed
// by _storext, exdav and davex. _props is the other component which is
// shared by all of them. But _cnvt seemed like a better place to put
// it. The other utility functions are needed by the flat url generation
// code and by davex in processing parameterized URLs.
// ==========================================================================
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Un-stringiz-ing support functions
// (Stringize = dump a binary blob to a string.
// Unstringize = make it a binary blob again.)
inline void AssertCharInHexRange (char ch) { Assert ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')); }
inline BYTE NibbleFromChar (char ch) { // Assumes data is already in range....
return static_cast<BYTE>((ch <= '9') ? ch - '0' : ((ch >= 'a') ? ch - 'W' // 'W' = 'a' - 0xa
: ch - '7')); // '7' = 'A' - 0xa
inline BYTE ByteFromTwoChars (char chLow, char chHigh) { BYTE nibbleLow; BYTE nibbleHigh;
nibbleLow = NibbleFromChar(chLow); nibbleHigh = NibbleFromChar(chHigh);
return static_cast<BYTE>(nibbleLow | (nibbleHigh << 4)); }
//$REVIEW: The following two functions really does not belong to any common libraries
//$REVIEW: that are shared by davex, exdav and exoledb. (other options are _prop, _sql)
//$REVIEW: On the other hand, we definitely don't want add a new lib for this. so just
//$REVIEW: add it here. Feel free to move them to a better location if you find one
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ScDupPsid()
// Copies a SID properly (using CopySid()) into a heap-allocated buffer
// that is returned to the caller. The caller must free the buffer when
// it is done using it.
SCODE ScDupPsid (PSID psidSrc, DWORD dwcbSID, PSID * ppsidDst) { PSID psidDst;
Assert (psidSrc); Assert (IsValidSid(psidSrc)); Assert (GetLengthSid(psidSrc) == dwcbSID);
psidDst = static_cast<PSID>(ExAlloc(dwcbSID)); if (!psidDst) { DebugTrace ("ScDupPsid() - OOM allocating memory for dup'd SID\n"); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// "Right way" -- since MSDN says not to touch the SID directly.
if (!CopySid (dwcbSID, psidDst, psidSrc)) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
DebugTrace ("ScDupPsid() - CopySid() failed %d\n", dwLastError); ExFree (psidDst); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); }
*ppsidDst = psidDst;
return S_OK; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ScGetTokenInfo()
// Extracts a user's security ID (SID) from a security token. Returns the SID
// in a heap-allocated buffer which the caller must free.
SCODE ScGetTokenInfo (HANDLE hTokenUser, DWORD * pdwcbSIDUser, PSID * ppsidUser) { CStackBuffer<TOKEN_USER> pTokenUser; DWORD dwcbTokenUser = pTokenUser.size(); //$OPT What is a good initial guess?
Assert (pdwcbSIDUser); Assert (ppsidUser);
// Fetch the token info into local memory. GetTokenInformation()
// returns the size of the buffer needed if the one passed in is
// not large enough so this loop should execute no more than twice.
#ifdef DBG
for ( UINT iPass = 0; (Assert (iPass < 2), TRUE); ++iPass ) #else
for ( ;; ) #endif
{ if (NULL == pTokenUser.resize(dwcbTokenUser)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (GetTokenInformation (hTokenUser, TokenUser, pTokenUser.get(), dwcbTokenUser, &dwcbTokenUser)) { break; } else if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } }
// Dup and return the SID from the token info.
*pdwcbSIDUser = GetLengthSid(pTokenUser->User.Sid); return ScDupPsid (pTokenUser->User.Sid, *pdwcbSIDUser, ppsidUser); }
// Our own version of WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, ...)
// It returns similarly to the system call WideCharToMultiByte:
// If the function succeeds, and cbDest is nonzero, the return value is
// the number of bytes written to the buffer pointed to by psz.
// If the function succeeds, and cbDest is zero, the return value is
// the required size, in bytes, for a buffer that can receive the translated
// string.
// If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error
// information, call GetLastError. GetLastError may return one of the
// following error codes:
// See the WideCharToMultiByte MSDN pages to find out more about
// this function and its use.
UINT WideCharToUTF8(/* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszSrc, /* [in] */ UINT cchSrc, /* [out] */ LPSTR pszDest, /* [in] */ UINT cbDest) { // UTF-8 multi-byte encoding. See Appendix A.2 of the Unicode book for
// more info.
// Unicode value 1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte
// 000000000xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx
// 00000yyyyyxxxxxx 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx
// zzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
// If cbDest == 0 is passed in then we should only calculate the length
// needed, not use the "pszDest" parameter.
BOOL fCalculateOnly = FALSE;
// (comment from nt\private\windows\winnls\mbcs.c, corrected for accuracy):
// Invalid Parameter Check:
// - length of WC string is 0
// - multibyte buffer size is negative
// - WC string is NULL
// - length of MB string is NOT zero AND
// (MB string is NULL OR src and dest pointers equal)
if ( (cchSrc == 0) || (pwszSrc == NULL) || ((cbDest != 0) && ((pszDest == NULL) || (reinterpret_cast<VOID *>(pszDest) == reinterpret_cast<VOID *>(const_cast<LPWSTR>(pwszSrc))))) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return 0; }
#ifdef DBG
// Check our parameters. We must be given a non-NULL pwszSrc.
// Make sure we have a valid string.
Assert(!IsBadStringPtrW(pwszSrc, (INVALID_INDEX == cchSrc) ? INFINITE : cchSrc));
// If the user says that the length of the multi-byte string is non-Zero,
// we must be given a non-NULL pszDest. We'll also check it with IsBadWritePtr().
if (cbDest) { Assert(pszDest); Assert(!IsBadWritePtr(pszDest, cbDest)); } #endif
// If -1 is passed in as the length of the string, then we calculate the
// length of the string on the fly, and include the NULL terminator.
if (INVALID_INDEX == cchSrc) cchSrc = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszSrc) + 1);
// If 0 is passed in as cbDest, then we calculate the length of the
// buffer that would be needed to convert the string. We ignore the
// pszDest parameter in this case.
if (0 == cbDest) fCalculateOnly = TRUE;
UINT ich = 0; UINT iwch = 0; for (; iwch < cchSrc; iwch++) { WCHAR wch = pwszSrc[iwch]; //
// Single-Byte Case:
// Unicode value 1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte
// 000000000xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx
if (wch < 0x80) { if (!fCalculateOnly) { if (ich >= cbDest) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return 0; }
pszDest[ich] = static_cast<BYTE>(wch); } ich++; } //
// Double-Byte Case:
// Unicode value 1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte
// 00000yyyyyxxxxxx 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx
else if (wch < 0x800) { if (!fCalculateOnly) { if ((ich + 1) >= cbDest) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return 0; }
pszDest[ich] = static_cast<BYTE>((wch >> 6) | 0xC0); pszDest[ich + 1] = static_cast<BYTE>((wch & 0x3F) | 0x80); } ich += 2; } //
// Triple-Byte Case:
// Unicode value 1st byte 2nd byte 3rd byte
// zzzzyyyyyyxxxxxx 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
else { if (!fCalculateOnly) { if ((ich + 2) >= cbDest) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return 0; }
pszDest[ich] = static_cast<BYTE>((wch >> 12) | 0xE0); pszDest[ich + 1] = static_cast<BYTE>(((wch >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80); pszDest[ich + 2] = static_cast<BYTE>((wch & 0x3F) | 0x80); } ich += 3; } }
return ich; }