* F S G E T . C P P * * Sources file system implementation of DAV-Base * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#include "_davfs.h"
#include <htmlmap.h>
#include <ex\rgiter.h>
* ScEmitFile() * * Purpose: * * Helper function used to open and transmit a given * file from the local dav namespace. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method util obj * pwszFile [in] name of file to emit * pwszContent [in] content type of the file, we need it if it is a multipart response * * Returns: * * SCODE. * S_OK (0) indicates success, and the WHOLE file was sent. * W_DAV_PARTIAL_CONTENT indicates success, but only PARTIAL content was * sent because of a Content-Range header. * An error (FAILED(sc)) means that the file was not setn. */ SCODE ScEmitFile (LPMETHUTIL pmu, LPCWSTR pwszFile, LPCWSTR pwszContent) { auto_ref_handle hf; BOOL fMap = FALSE; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi; CRangeParser riByteRange; LPCWSTR pwsz; SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT cch;
// Check validity of input
Assert (pwszFile); Assert (pwszContent);
// Check to see if we have a map file
cch = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen (pwszFile)); if ((cch >= 4) && !_wcsicmp (L".map", pwszFile + cch - 4)) fMap = TRUE;
// If we have a locktoken, try to get the lock handle from the cache.
// If this fails, fall through and do the normal processing.
// DO NOT put LOCK handles into an auto-object!! The CACHE still owns it!!!
pwsz = pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szLockToken, TRUE); if (!pwsz || !FGetLockHandle (pmu, pmu->LpwszPathTranslated(), GENERIC_READ, pwsz, &hf)) { // Open the file and go to it
if (!hf.FCreate( DavCreateFile (pwszFile, // filename
GENERIC_READ, // dwAccess
OPEN_EXISTING, // creation flags
NULL))) // template
{ DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr);
// Special work for 416 Locked responses -- fetch the
// comment & set that as the response body.
if (FLockViolation (pmu, dwErr, pwszFile, GENERIC_READ)) { sc = E_DAV_LOCKED; }
DebugTrace ("Dav: failed to open the file for retrieval\n"); goto ret; } }
// We better have a valid handle.
Assert (hf.get() != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
// We are going to need the file size for both map files and
// ordinary files. For map files, we read the entire file into
// memory. For ordinary files, we need the file size to do
// byte range validation.
if (!GetFileInformationByHandle(hf.get(), &fi)) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto ret; }
// Again, if it is a mapfile, we need to parse the map and
// find the right URL to redirect to, otherwise, we can just
// emit the file back to the client.
if (fMap && pmu->FTranslated()) { auto_handle<HANDLE> hevt(CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL)); auto_heap_ptr<CHAR> pszBuf; BOOL fRedirect = FALSE; LPCSTR pszPrefix; CHAR pszRedirect[MAX_PATH]; OVERLAPPED ov; ULONG cb;
// The common case is that these map files are not very large.
// We may want to put a physical upper bound on the size of the
// file, but I don't see that as an imperitive thing at this
// point.
// Since we are going to need to parse the whole thing, we are
// going to read the whole thing into memory at once. Read the file
// in, and then parse it out.
// Allocate space for the file.
// Lets put an uper bound of 64K on it.
if ((fi.nFileSizeHigh != 0) || (fi.nFileSizeLow > (128 * 1024))) { // Mapping is too large for our tastes
DavTrace ("Dav: mapping file too large\n"); sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_MORE_DATA); goto ret; } pszBuf = (CHAR *)g_heap.Alloc (fi.nFileSizeLow + 1);
// Read it in
ov.hEvent = hevt; ov.Offset = 0; ov.OffsetHigh = 0; if (!ReadFromOverlapped (hf.get(), pszBuf, fi.nFileSizeLow, &cb, &ov)) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto ret; } Assert (cb == fi.nFileSizeLow);
// Ensure the file data is NULL terminated
*(pszBuf + cb) = 0;
// Check the map...
pmu->CchUrlPrefix(&pszPrefix); if (FIsMapProcessed (pmu->LpszQueryString(), pszPrefix, pmu->LpszServerName(), pszBuf.get(), &fRedirect, pszRedirect, MAX_PATH)) { // Redirect the request
if (fRedirect) { sc = pmu->ScRedirect (pszRedirect); goto ret; } }
// if not redirect, we should rewind the file pointer
// back to the beginning.
if (INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == SetFilePointer (hf.get(), 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto ret; } }
// Do any byte range (206 Partial Content) processing. The function will fail out if the
// we are trying to do byte ranges on the file larger than 4GB.
sc = ScProcessByteRanges (pmu, pwszFile, fi.nFileSizeLow, fi.nFileSizeHigh, &riByteRange);
// Tell the parser to transmit the file
// We need to transmit the entire file
if (S_OK == sc) { // Just add the file
pmu->AddResponseFile (hf); } else if (W_DAV_PARTIAL_CONTENT == sc) { // It is a byte range transmission. Tranmsit the ranges.
Assert(0 == fi.nFileSizeHigh); TransmitFileRanges(pmu, hf, fi.nFileSizeLow, &riByteRange, pwszContent); }
return sc; }
* TransmitFileRanges() * * Purpose: * * Helper function used to transmit a byte range * file from the local dav namespace. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method util obj * hf [in] handle of file to emit * dwSize [in] size of file * priRanges [in] the ranges * pszContent [in] content type of the file, we need it if it is a multipart response * */ VOID TransmitFileRanges (LPMETHUTIL pmu, const auto_ref_handle& hf, DWORD dwSize, CRangeBase * priRanges, LPCWSTR pwszContent) { auto_heap_ptr<WCHAR> pwszPreamble; WCHAR rgwchBoundary[75]; const RGITEM * prgi = NULL; DWORD dwTotalRanges;
// Create a buffer for the preamble we tramsit before each part
// of the response.
pwszPreamble = static_cast<LPWSTR>(g_heap.Alloc ((2 + CElems(rgwchBoundary) + 2 + gc_cchContent_Type + 2 + wcslen(pwszContent) + 2 + gc_cchContent_Range + 2 + gc_cchBytes + 40) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
// Assert that we have a at least one range to transmit
Assert (priRanges); dwTotalRanges = priRanges->UlTotalRanges(); Assert (dwTotalRanges > 0);
// Assert that we have a content type.
Assert (pwszContent);
// Rewind to the first range. This is only a precautionary measure.
priRanges->Rewind(); prgi = priRanges->PrgiNextRange();
// Is it a singlepart response
if ((1 == dwTotalRanges) && prgi && (RANGE_ROW == prgi->uRT)) { // Set the content range header
wsprintfW(pwszPreamble, L"%ls %u-%u/%u", gc_wszBytes, prgi->dwrgi.dwFirst, prgi->dwrgi.dwLast, dwSize);
pmu->SetResponseHeader (gc_szContent_Range, pwszPreamble);
// Add the file
pmu->AddResponseFile (hf, prgi->dwrgi.dwFirst, prgi->dwrgi.dwLast - prgi->dwrgi.dwFirst + 1); } else { // We have multiple byte ranges, then we need to generate a
// boundary and set the Content-Type header with the multipart
// content type and boundary.
// Generate a boundary
GenerateBoundary (rgwchBoundary, CElems(rgwchBoundary));
// Create the content type header with the boundary generated
wsprintfW(pwszPreamble, L"%ls; %ls=\"%ls\"", gc_wszMultipart_Byterange, gc_wszBoundary, rgwchBoundary);
// Reset the content type header with the new content type
pmu->SetResponseHeader (gc_szContent_Type, pwszPreamble);
do {
if (RANGE_ROW == prgi->uRT) { // Create preamble.
wsprintfW(pwszPreamble, L"--%ls%ls%ls: %ls%ls%ls: %ls %u-%u/%u%ls%ls", rgwchBoundary, gc_wszCRLF, gc_wszContent_Type, pwszContent, gc_wszCRLF, gc_wszContent_Range, gc_wszBytes, prgi->dwrgi.dwFirst, prgi->dwrgi.dwLast, dwSize, gc_wszCRLF, gc_wszCRLF);
pmu->AddResponseText (static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszPreamble)), pwszPreamble); pmu->AddResponseFile (hf, prgi->dwrgi.dwFirst, prgi->dwrgi.dwLast - prgi->dwrgi.dwFirst + 1);
// Add the CRLF
pmu->AddResponseText (gc_cchCRLF, gc_szCRLF); } prgi = priRanges->PrgiNextRange();
} while (prgi);
// Add the last end of response text
wsprintfW(pwszPreamble, L"--%ls--", rgwchBoundary); pmu->AddResponseText (static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszPreamble)), pwszPreamble); } }
// Get the Content-Type of the file
UINT cchContent = CElems(rgwszContent); if (!pmu->FGetContentType(pwszURI, rgwszContent, &cchContent)) { sc = E_FAIL; goto ret; }
// This method is gated by If-xxx headers
sc = ScCheckIfHeaders (pmu, pwszFile, TRUE); if (FAILED (sc)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: If-xxx failed their check\n"); goto ret; }
sc = HrCheckStateHeaders (pmu, // methutil
pwszFile, // path
TRUE); // fGetMeth
if (FAILED (sc)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: If-State checking failed.\n"); // 304 returns from get should really have an ETag....
//SideAssert(FGetLastModTime (pmu, pwszFile, &ft));
//hsc = HscEmitHeader (pmu, pszContent, &ft);
goto ret; }
// Emit the headers for the file
if (FGetLastModTime (pmu, pwszFile, &ft)) { sc = pmu->ScEmitHeader (rgwszContent, pwszURI, &ft); if (sc != S_OK) { DebugTrace ("Dav: failed to emit headers\n"); goto ret; } }
// Emit the file
sc = ScEmitFile (pmu, pwszFile, rgwszContent); if ( (sc != S_OK) && (sc != W_DAV_PARTIAL_CONTENT) ) { DebugTrace ("Dav: failed to emit file\n"); goto ret; }
return sc; }
void GetDirectory (LPMETHUTIL pmu, LPCWSTR pwszUrl) { auto_ref_ptr<IMDData> pMDData; ULONG ulDirBrowsing = 0; LPCWSTR pwszDftDocList = NULL; SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT cchUrl = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszUrl));
// Before we decide to do anything, we need to check to see what
// kind of default behavior is expected for a directory. Values
// for this level of access are cached from the metabase. Look
// them up and see what to do.
// Get the metabase doc attributes
if (FAILED(pmu->HrMDGetData (pwszUrl, pMDData.load()))) { //
//$REVIEW HrMDGetData() can fail for timeout reasons,
//$REVIEW shouldn't we just pass back the hr that it returns?
sc = E_DAV_NO_IIS_READ_ACCESS; goto ret; }
ulDirBrowsing = pMDData->DwDirBrowsing(); pwszDftDocList = pMDData->PwszDefaultDocList();
// Try to load default file if allowed, do this only when translate: t
if ((ulDirBrowsing & MD_DIRBROW_LOADDEFAULT) && pwszDftDocList && pmu->FTranslated()) { HDRITER_W hit(pwszDftDocList); LPCWSTR pwszDoc;
while (NULL != (pwszDoc = hit.PszNext())) { auto_com_ptr<IStream> pstm; CStackBuffer<WCHAR> pwszDocUrl; CStackBuffer<WCHAR> pwszDocUrlNormalized; CStackBuffer<WCHAR,MAX_PATH> pwszDocPath; UINT cchDocUrlNormalized; UINT cchDoc;
// What happens here is that for EVERY possible default
// document, we are going to see if this document is something
// we can legitimately process.
// So first, we need to extend our url and normalize it
// in such a way that we can pin-point the document it uses.
cchDoc = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszDoc)); pwszDocUrl.resize(CbSizeWsz(cchUrl + cchDoc)); memcpy (pwszDocUrl.get(), pwszUrl, cchUrl * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy (pwszDocUrl.get() + cchUrl, pwszDoc, (cchDoc + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
// Now, someone could have been evil and stuffed path modifiers
// or escaped characters in the default document name. So we
// need to parse those out here -- do both in place. You can't
// do this per-say in the MMC snap in, but MDUTIL does (maybe
// ASDUTIL too).
cchDocUrlNormalized = cchUrl + cchDoc + 1; pwszDocUrlNormalized.resize(cchDocUrlNormalized * sizeof(WCHAR));
sc = ScNormalizeUrl (pwszDocUrl.get(), &cchDocUrlNormalized, pwszDocUrlNormalized.get(), NULL); if (S_FALSE == sc) { pwszDocUrlNormalized.resize(cchDocUrlNormalized * sizeof(WCHAR)); sc = ScNormalizeUrl (pwszDocUrl.get(), &cchDocUrlNormalized, pwszDocUrlNormalized.get(), NULL);
// Since we've given ScNormalizeUrl() the space it asked for,
// we should never get S_FALSE again. Assert this!
Assert(S_FALSE != sc); }
if (FAILED (sc)) continue;
// Translate this into a local path. We should be able to
// At most we should go through the processing below twice, as the byte
// count required is an out param.
do {
pwszDocPath.resize(cchDocUrlNormalized * sizeof(WCHAR)); sc = pmu->ScStoragePathFromUrl (pwszDocUrlNormalized.get(), pwszDocPath.get(), &cchDocUrlNormalized);
} while (sc == S_FALSE); if (FAILED (sc) || (W_DAV_SPANS_VIRTUAL_ROOTS == sc)) continue;
// Check to see if the destination is really a short
// filename.
sc = ScCheckIfShortFileName (pwszDocPath.get(), pmu->HitUser()); if (FAILED (sc)) continue;
// Check to see if the destination is really the default
// data stream via alternate file access.
sc = ScCheckForAltFileStream (pwszDocPath.get()); if (FAILED (sc)) continue;
if (static_cast<DWORD>(-1) != GetFileAttributesW (pwszDocPath.get())) { DWORD dwAcc = 0;
// See if we have the right access...
(void) pmu->ScIISAccess (pwszDocUrlNormalized.get(), MD_ACCESS_READ, &dwAcc);
// Found the default doc, if a child ISAPI doesn't want it,
// then we will handle it.
// NOTE: Pass in TRUE for fCheckISAPIAccess to tell this
// function to do all the special access checking.
// NOTE: Also pass in FALSE to fKeepQueryString 'cause
// we're re-routing this request to a whole new URI.
sc = pmu->ScApplyChildISAPI (pwszDocUrlNormalized.get(), dwAcc, TRUE, FALSE); if (FAILED(sc)) { // Either the request has been forwarded, or some bad error occurred.
// In either case, quit here and map the error!
goto ret; }
// Emit the location of the default document
pmu->EmitLocation (gc_szContent_Location, pwszDocUrlNormalized.get(), FALSE);
// If we don't have any read access, then there
// is no point in continuing the request.
if (0 == (dwAcc & MD_ACCESS_READ)) { sc = E_DAV_NO_IIS_READ_ACCESS; goto ret; }
// Get the file
// NOTE: This function can give a WARNING that needs to be mapped
// to get our 207 Partial Content in some cases.
sc = ScGetFile (pmu, pwszDocPath.get(), pwszDocUrlNormalized.get()); goto ret; } } }
// If we haven't emitted any other way, see if HTML
// is allowed...
if (ulDirBrowsing & MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED) { // At one point in time we would generate our own HTML rendering
// of the directories, but at the beginning of NT beta3, the change
// was made to behave the same in HTTPExt as in DavEX, etc.
sc = W_DAV_NO_CONTENT; } else { // Otherwise, report forbidden
// We weren't allowed to browse the dir and there was no
// default doc. IIS maps this scenario to a specific
// suberror (403.2).
pmu->SetResponseCode (HscFromHresult(sc), NULL, 0, CSEFromHresult(sc)); }
* GetInt() * * Purpose: * * Win32 file system implementation of the DAV GET method. The * GET method returns a file from the DAV name space and populates * the headers with the info found in the file and its meta data. The * response created indicates the success of the call and contains * the data from the file. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method utility object */ void GetInt (LPMETHUTIL pmu) { CResourceInfo cri; LPCWSTR pwszUrl = pmu->LpwszRequestUrl(); LPCWSTR pwszPath = pmu->LpwszPathTranslated(); SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Do ISAPI application and IIS access bits checking
sc = pmu->ScIISCheck (pwszUrl, MD_ACCESS_READ, TRUE); if (FAILED(sc)) { // Either the request has been forwarded, or some bad error occurred.
// In either case, quit here and map the error!
goto ret; }
// If we have a directory, we are going to return
// HTML, otherwise the extenstion of the file gives
// us what we need.
sc = cri.ScGetResourceInfo (pwszPath); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// If this is a hidden object, fail with 404 Resource Not Found. This is to be
// consistent with IIS (See NTRAID #247218). They do not allow GET on resources that
// have the HIDDEN bit set.
if (cri.FHidden()) { sc = E_DAV_HIDDEN_OBJECT; goto ret; }
// If this is a directory, process it as such, otherwise
// handle the request as if the resource was a file
if (cri.FCollection()) { // GET allows for request url's that end in a trailing slash
// when getting data from a directory. Otherwise it is a bad
// request. If it does not have a trailing slash and refers
// to a directory, then we want to redirect.
sc = ScCheckForLocationCorrectness (pmu, cri, REDIRECT); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// A return of S_FALSE from above means that a redirect happened
// so we can forego trying to do a GET on the directory.
if (S_FALSE == sc) return;
GetDirectory (pmu, pwszUrl); return; }
// GET allows for request url's that end in a trailing slash
// when getting data from a directory. Otherwise it is not found.
// This matches IIS's behavior as of 9/28/98.
if (FTrailingSlash (pwszUrl)) { // Trailing slash on a non-directory just doesn't work
// Emit the file
sc = ScGetFile (pmu, const_cast<LPWSTR>(pwszPath), pwszUrl);
pmu->SetResponseCode (HscFromHresult(sc), NULL, 0, CSEFromHresult(sc)); }
* DAVGet() * * Purpose: * * Win32 file system implementation of the DAV GET method. The * GET method returns a file from the DAV name space and populates * the headers with the info found in the file and its meta data. The * response created indicates the success of the call and contains * the data from the file. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method utility object */ void DAVGet (LPMETHUTIL pmu) { GetInt (pmu); }
* DAVHead() * * Purpose: * * Win32 file system implementation of the DAV HEAD method. The * HEAD method returns a file from the DAV name space and populates * the headers with the info found in the file and its meta data. * The response created indicates the success of the call and contains * the data from the file. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method utility object */ void DAVHead (LPMETHUTIL pmu) { // The HEAD method should never return any body what so ever...
// Otherwise, it is just the same as a GET
GetInt (pmu); }