* F S L O C K . C P P * * Sources file system implementation of DAV-Lock * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#include "_davfs.h"
#include "_shlkmgr.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <statetok.h>
#include <xlock.h>
// Lock prop support ---------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DwGetSupportedLockType
// Return the supported locktype flags for the resource type.
//$LATER: If/when we have more types than just coll/non-coll, change
//$LATER: the boolean parameter to an enum.
DWORD __fastcall DwGetSupportedLockType (RESOURCE_TYPE rt) { // DAVFS doesn't support locks on collections.
// On files, DAVFS supports write locks and all lockscope flags.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ScSendLockComment
// Set lock comment information from the lock object into the
// response.
SCODE ScSendLockComment(LPMETHUTIL pmu, SNewLockData * pnld, UINT cchLockToken, LPCWSTR pwszLockToken) { auto_ref_ptr<CXMLEmitter> pemitter; auto_ref_ptr<CXMLBody> pxb; SCODE sc = S_OK;
Assert(pmu); Assert(pnld); Assert(cchLockToken); Assert(pwszLockToken);
// Emit the Content-Type: header
pmu->SetResponseHeader(gc_szContent_Type, gc_szText_XML);
// Construct the root ('DAV:prop') for the lock response, not chunked
pxb.take_ownership (new CXMLBody(pmu, FALSE)); pemitter.take_ownership (new CXMLEmitter(pxb.get())); sc = pemitter->ScSetRoot (gc_wszProp); if (FAILED (sc)) { goto ret; }
{ CEmitterNode enLockDiscovery; // Construct the 'DAV:lockdiscovery' node
sc = enLockDiscovery.ScConstructNode (*pemitter, pemitter->PxnRoot(), gc_wszLockDiscovery); if (FAILED (sc)) { goto ret; }
// Add the 'DAV:activelock' node for this CLock
sc = ScLockDiscoveryFromSNewLockData (pmu, *pemitter, enLockDiscovery, pnld, pwszLockToken); if (FAILED (sc)) { goto ret; } } // Emit the XML body
return sc; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LOCK helper functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HrProcessLockRefresh
// pmu -- MethUtil access
// pszLockToken -- header containing the locktoken to refresh
// puiErrorDetail -- error detail string id, passed out on error
// pnld -- pass back the lock attributes
// cchBufferLen -- buffer length for the lock token
// rgwszLockToken -- buffer for the lock token
// pcchLockToken -- pointer that will receive the count of characters written
// for the lock token
// NOTE: This function still only can handle refreshing ONE locktoken.
//$REVIEW: Do we need to fix this?
HRESULT HrProcessLockRefresh (LPMETHUTIL pmu, LPCWSTR pwszLockToken, UINT * puiErrorDetail, SNewLockData * pnld, UINT cchBufferLen, LPWSTR rgwszLockToken, UINT * pcchLockToken) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwTimeout = 0; LARGE_INTEGER liLockID; LPCWSTR pwszPath = pmu->LpwszPathTranslated();
SLockHandleData lhd;
Assert(pmu); Assert(pwszLockToken); Assert(puiErrorDetail); Assert(pnld); Assert(rgwszLockToken); Assert(pcchLockToken);
// Get a lock timeout, if they specified one.
if (!FGetLockTimeout (pmu, &dwTimeout)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: LOCK fails with improper Timeout header\n"); hr = E_DAV_INVALID_HEADER; //HSC_BAD_REQUEST;
*puiErrorDetail = IDS_BR_TIMEOUT_SYNTAX; goto ret; }
// Here's the real work.
// Get the lock from the cache. If this object is not in our cache,
// or the lockid doesn't match, don't let them refresh the lock.
//$REVIEW: Should this be two distinct error codes?
// Feed the Lock-Token header string into a parser object.
// Then get the lockid from the parser object.
{ CParseLockTokenHeader lth(pmu, pwszLockToken);
// If there is more than one token, bad request.
*puiErrorDetail = IDS_BR_MULTIPLE_LOCKTOKENS; goto ret; }
lth.SetPaths (pwszPath, NULL);
// 0 means match all access.
hr = lth.HrGetLockIdForPath (pwszPath, 0, &liLockID); if (FAILED (hr)) { DavTrace ("DavFS: HrGetLockIdForPath could not find the path.\n"); goto ret; } }
// Fetch the lock from the cache. (This call updates the timestamp.)
hr = CSharedLockMgr::Instance().HrGetLockData(liLockID, pmu->HitUser(), pwszPath, dwTimeout, pnld, &lhd, cchBufferLen, rgwszLockToken, pcchLockToken); if (FAILED(hr)) { DavTrace ("DavFS: Refreshing a non-locked resource constitutes an unsatisfiable request.\n"); // If it's an access check failed, leave the return code unchanged.
// If the buffer was not sufficient, leave the return code unchanged.
// Otherwise, give "can't satisfy request" (412 Precondition Failed).
return hr; }
// ========================================================================
// CLockRequest
// Used by ProcessLockRequest() below to manage possible asynchronous
// processing of a lock request in light of the fact that one cannot
// determine whether a request body is so large that read operations
// on it execute asynchronously.
class CLockRequest : public CMTRefCounted, private IAsyncIStreamObserver { // Reference to the CMethUtil
auto_ref_ptr<CMethUtil> m_pmu;
// Cached translated path
LPCWSTR m_pwszPath;
// File backing the lock we create
auto_ref_handle m_hfile;
// The lock XML node factory
auto_ref_ptr<CNFLock> m_pnfl;
// The request body stream
auto_ref_ptr<IStream> m_pstmRequest;
// The XML parser used to parse the request body using
// the node factory above.
auto_ref_ptr<IXMLParser> m_pxprs;
// Flag set to TRUE if we created the file as a result of creating
// the lock. Used to indicate the status code to return as well
// as to know whether to delete the file on error.
BOOL m_fCreatedFile;
// IAsyncIStreamObserver
VOID AsyncIOComplete();
// State functions
VOID ParseBody(); VOID DoLock(); VOID SendResponse( SCODE sc, UINT uiErrorDetail = 0 );
CLockRequest& operator= (const CLockRequest&); CLockRequest (const CLockRequest&);
public: // CREATORS
CLockRequest (CMethUtil * pmu) : m_pmu(pmu), m_pwszPath(m_pmu->LpwszPathTranslated()), m_fCreatedFile(FALSE) { } ~CLockRequest();
VOID Execute(); };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLockRequest::~CLockRequest
CLockRequest::~CLockRequest() { // We have cleaned up the old handle in CLockRequest::SendResponse()
// The following path could be executed only in exception stack rewinding
if ( m_hfile.get() && m_fCreatedFile ) { // WARNING: the safe_revert class should only be
// used in very selective situations. It is not
// a "quick way to get around" impersonation.
safe_revert sr(m_pmu->HitUser());
//$REVIEW Note if exception happened after the lock handle is duplicated,
//$REVIEW then we won't be able to delete the file, but this is very
//$REVIEW rare. not sure if we ever want to handle this.
DavDeleteFile (m_pwszPath); DebugTrace ("Dav: deleting partial lock (%ld)\n", GetLastError()); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLockRequest::Execute
VOID CLockRequest::Execute() { //
// First off, tell the pmu that we want to defer the response.
// Even if we send it synchronously (i.e. due to an error in
// this function), we still want to use the same mechanism that
// we would use for async.
// The client must not submit a depth header with any value
// but 0 or Infinity.
// NOTE: Currently, DAVFS cannot lock collections, so the
// depth header doesn't change anything. So, we don't change
// our processing at all for the Depth: infinity case.
//$LATER: If we do want to support locking collections,
//$LATER: need to set DAV_RECURSIVE_LOCK on depth infinity.
LONG lDepth = m_pmu->LDepth(DEPTH_ZERO); if ((DEPTH_ZERO != lDepth) && (DEPTH_INFINITY != lDepth)) { // If the header is anything besides 0 or infinity, bad request.
SendResponse(E_DAV_INVALID_HEADER); return; }
// Instantiate the XML parser
m_pnfl.take_ownership(new CNFLock); m_pstmRequest.take_ownership(m_pmu->GetRequestBodyIStream(*this));
SCODE sc = ScNewXMLParser( m_pnfl.get(), m_pstmRequest.get(), m_pxprs.load() );
if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace( "CLockRequest::Execute() - ScNewXMLParser() failed (0x%08lX)\n", sc ); SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Parse the body
ParseBody(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLockRequest::ParseBody()
VOID CLockRequest::ParseBody() { SCODE sc;
Assert( m_pxprs.get() ); Assert( m_pnfl.get() ); Assert( m_pstmRequest.get() );
// Parse XML from the request body stream.
// Add a ref for the following async operation.
// Use auto_ref_ptr rather than AddRef() for exception safety.
auto_ref_ptr<CLockRequest> pRef(this);
sc = ScParseXML (m_pxprs.get(), m_pnfl.get());
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { Assert( S_OK == sc || S_FALSE == sc );
DoLock(); } else if ( E_PENDING == sc ) { //
// The operation is pending -- AsyncIOComplete() will take ownership
// ownership of the reference when it is called.
pRef.relinquish(); } else { DebugTrace( "CLockRequest::ParseBody() - ScParseXML() failed (0x%08lX)\n", sc ); SendResponse( sc ); return; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLockRequest::AsyncIOComplete()
// Called on completion of an async operation on our stream to
// resume parsing XML from that stream.
VOID CLockRequest::AsyncIOComplete() { // Take ownership of the reference added above in ParseBody()
auto_ref_ptr<CLockRequest> pRef; pRef.take_ownership(this);
// Resume parsing
ParseBody(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLockRequest::DoLock()
VOID CLockRequest::DoLock() { DWORD dw; DWORD dwAccess = 0; DWORD dwLockType; DWORD dwLockScope; DWORD dwSharing; DWORD dwSecondsTimeout; LPCWSTR pwszURI = m_pmu->LpwszRequestUrl(); SNewLockData nld; WCHAR rgwszLockToken[MAX_LOCKTOKEN_LENGTH]; UINT cchLockToken = CElems(rgwszLockToken); SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Pull lock flags out of the xml parser.
// NOTE: I'm doing special stuff here, rather than inside the xml parser.
// Our write locks get read access also -- I'm relying on all methods
// that USE a lock handle to check the metabase flags!!!
// Rollback is not supported here.
// If we see this, fail explicitly.
dwLockType = m_pnfl->DwGetLockRollback(); if (dwLockType) { SendResponse(E_DAV_CANT_SATISFY_LOCK_REQUEST); //HSC_PRECONDITION_FAILED;
return; }
// If the parser gives us a non-supported locktype (like rollback!)
// tell the user it's not supported.
dwLockType = m_pnfl->DwGetLockType(); if (GENERIC_WRITE != dwLockType && GENERIC_READ != dwLockType) { SendResponse(E_DAV_CANT_SATISFY_LOCK_REQUEST); //HSC_PRECONDITION_FAILED;
return; }
Assert (GENERIC_WRITE == dwLockType || GENERIC_READ == dwLockType);
// Since we KNOW (see above assumption) that our locktype is WRITE,
// we also KNOW that our access should be read+write.
// This is needed for BeckyAn to test that our infrastructure still
// handles setting a read-lock. DBG ONLY.
// Get our lockscope from the parser.
dwLockScope = m_pnfl->DwGetLockScope(); if (DAV_SHARED_LOCK != dwLockScope && DAV_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK != dwLockScope) { SendResponse(E_DAV_CANT_SATISFY_LOCK_REQUEST); //HSC_PRECONDITION_FAILED;
return; }
if (DAV_SHARED_LOCK == dwLockScope) { // Shared lock -- turn on all sharing flags.
dwSharing = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } else { // Our lock type is write (see above assumption). Set the sharing
// flags correctly.
//$LATER: If we have a different lock type later, fix these flags!
dwSharing = FILE_SHARE_READ;
#ifdef DBG
// This is needed for BeckyAn to test that our infrastructure still
// handles setting a read-lock. DBG ONLY.
dwSharing = 0; if (!(dwLockType & GENERIC_READ)) { dwSharing |= FILE_SHARE_READ; } if (!(dwLockType & GENERIC_WRITE)) { dwSharing |= FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } #endif // DBG
Assert(S_OK == sc);
AssertSz (dwAccess, "Strange. Lock requested with NO access (no locktypes?).");
// Check our LOCKTYPE against the metabase access rights.
// NOTE: I'm not checking our ACCESS flags against the metabase
// because our access flags don't come directly from the caller's requested
// access. This check just makes sure that the caller hasn't asked for
// anything he can't have.
// NOTE: I don't listen for metabase changes, so if I get a lock with
// more/less access than the user, I don't/can't change it for a
// metabase update.
// NOTE: This works IF we assiduously check the metabase flags on
// ALL other methds (which we currenly do). If that checking ever
// goes missing, and we grab a lock handle that has more access than
// the caller rightfully is allowed, we have a security hole.
// (So keep checking metabase flags on all methods!)
dw = (dwLockType & GENERIC_READ) ? MD_ACCESS_READ : 0; dw |= (dwLockType & GENERIC_WRITE) ? MD_ACCESS_WRITE : 0; sc = m_pmu->ScIISAccess (pwszURI, dw); if (FAILED (sc)) { DebugTrace( "CLockRequest::DoLock() - IMethUtil::ScIISAccess failed (0x%08lX)\n", sc ); SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Check for user-specified timeout header.
// (The timeout header is optional, so it's okay to have no timeout
// header, but syntax errors in the timeout header are NOT okay.)
// If no timeout header is present, dw will come back ZERO.
if (!FGetLockTimeout (m_pmu.get(), &dwSecondsTimeout)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: LOCK fails with improper Time-Out header\n"); SendResponse(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_BAD_FORMAT), //HSC_BAD_REQUEST;
// And now lock the resource.
// NOTE: On WRITE operations, if the file doesn't exist, CREATE it here
// (OPEN_ALWAYS, not OPEN_EXISTING) and change the hsc below!
// NOTE: We NEVER allow delete access (no FILE_SHARE_DELETE).
// NOTE: All our reads/writes will be async, so open the file overlapped.
// NOTE: We will be reading/writing the whole file usually, so use SEQUENTIAL_SCAN.
if (!m_hfile.FCreate( DavCreateFile (m_pwszPath, dwAccess, dwSharing, NULL, (dwAccess & GENERIC_WRITE) ? OPEN_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL))) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError());
// Special check for NEW-STYLE write locks.
// We are asking for rw access when we get a write lock.
// IF we don't have read access (in the ACLs) for the resource,
// we will fail here with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
// Catch this case and try again with just w access!
if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == GetLastError() && dwAccess == (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE) && dwLockType == GENERIC_WRITE) { // Try again.
dwAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; goto try_open_resource; }
// Special work for 416 Locked responses -- fetch the
// comment & set that as the response body.
// (You'll hit here if someone else already has this file locked!)
if (FLockViolation (m_pmu.get(), sc, m_pwszPath, dwLockType)) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION); //HSC_LOCKED;
DavTrace ("Dav: unable to lock resource on LOCK method\n"); SendResponse(sc); return; }
// If we created the file (only for write locks),
// change the default error code to say so.
if (dwAccess & GENERIC_WRITE && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // Emit the location
m_pmu->EmitLocation (gc_szLocation, pwszURI, FALSE); m_fCreatedFile = TRUE; }
// Ask the shared lock manager to create a new shared lock token
nld.m_dwAccess = dwAccess; nld.m_dwLockType = dwLockType; nld.m_dwLockScope = dwLockScope; nld.m_dwSecondsTimeout = dwSecondsTimeout; nld.m_pwszResourceString = const_cast<LPWSTR>(m_pwszPath); nld.m_pwszOwnerComment = const_cast<LPWSTR>(m_pnfl->PwszLockOwner()); sc = CSharedLockMgr::Instance().HrGetNewLockData(m_hfile.get(), m_pmu->HitUser(), &nld, cchLockToken, rgwszLockToken, &cchLockToken); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: CLockRequest::DoLock() - CSharedLockMgr::Instance().HrGetNewLockData() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc);
return; }
// Emit the Lock-Token: header
Assert(cchLockToken); Assert(L'\0' == rgwszLockToken[cchLockToken - 1]); m_pmu->SetResponseHeader (gc_szLockTokenHeader, rgwszLockToken);
// Generate a valid lock response
sc = ScSendLockComment(m_pmu.get(), &nld, cchLockToken, rgwszLockToken); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: CLockRequest::DoLock() ScSendLockComment () failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); SendResponse(E_ABORT); return; }
Assert(S_OK == sc);
SendResponse(m_fCreatedFile ? W_DAV_CREATED : S_OK); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLockRequest::SendResponse()
// Set the response code and send the response.
VOID CLockRequest::SendResponse( SCODE sc, UINT uiErrorDetail ) { PutTrace( "DAV: TID %3d: 0x%08lX: CLockRequest::SendResponse() called\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), this );
// We must close the file handle before we send any respose back
// to client. Otherwise, if the lcok failed, client may send another
// request immediately and expect the resource is not locked.
// Even in the case the lock succeeded, it's still cleaner we release
// the file handle here. Think about the following sequence:
// LOCK f1, UNLOCK f1, PUT f1;
// the last PUT could fail if the first LOCK reqeust hangs a little longer
// after it sends the response.
// Keep in mind that if locked succeeded, the handle is already duplicated
// in davcdata.exe. so releasing the file handle here doesn't really 'unlock'
// file. the file is still locked.
if (FAILED(sc) && m_fCreatedFile) { // WARNING: the safe_revert class should only be
// used in very selective situations. It is not
// a "quick way to get around" impersonation.
safe_revert sr(m_pmu->HitUser());
// If we created the new file, we much delete it. Note that
// DoLock() would never fail after it duplicate the filehandle
// to davcdata, so we should be able to delete the file successfully
DavDeleteFile (m_pwszPath); DebugTrace ("Dav: deleting partial lock (%ld)\n", GetLastError());
// Now that we have cleaned up. reset m_fCreateFile so that we can
// skip the exception-safe code in ~CLockRequest()
m_fCreatedFile = FALSE; } // Set the response code and go
m_pmu->SetResponseCode (HscFromHresult(sc), NULL, uiErrorDetail); m_pmu->SendCompleteResponse(); }
// ProcessLockRequest
// pmu -- MethUtil access
VOID ProcessLockRequest (LPMETHUTIL pmu) { auto_ref_ptr<CLockRequest> pRequest(new CLockRequest (pmu));
pRequest->Execute(); }
// DAV-Lock Implementation ---------------------------------------------------
* DAVLock() * * Purpose: * * Win32 file system implementation of the DAV LOCK method. The * LOCK method results in the locking of a resource for a specific * type of access. The response tells whether the lock was granted * or not. If the lock was granted, it provides a lockid to be used * in future methods (including UNLOCK) on the resource. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method utility object * * Notes: * * In the file system implementation, the LOCK method maps directly * to the Win32 CreateFile() method with special access flags. */ void DAVLock (LPMETHUTIL pmu) { SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT uiErrorDetail = 0; LPCWSTR pwszLockToken; CResourceInfo cri;
// Do ISAPI application and IIS access bits checking
sc = pmu->ScIISCheck (pmu->LpwszRequestUrl()); if (FAILED(sc)) { // Either the request has been forwarded, or some bad error occurred.
// In either case, quit here and map the error!
goto ret; }
// Process based on resource info
sc = cri.ScGetResourceInfo (pmu->LpwszPathTranslated()); if (!FAILED (sc)) { // Check to see if the resource is a DIRECTORY.
// DAVFS can lock non-existant resources, but can't lock directories.
if (cri.FCollection()) { // The resource is a directory.
DavTrace ("Dav: directory resource specified for LOCK\n"); sc = E_DAV_PROTECTED_ENTITY; uiErrorDetail = IDS_BR_NO_COLL_LOCK; goto ret; }
// Ensure the URI and resource match
sc = ScCheckForLocationCorrectness (pmu, cri, NO_REDIRECT); if (FAILED(sc)) { goto ret; }
// Check against the "if-xxx" headers
sc = ScCheckIfHeaders (pmu, cri.PftLastModified(), FALSE); } else { sc = ScCheckIfHeaders (pmu, pmu->LpwszPathTranslated(), FALSE); }
if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: If-xxx checking failed.\n"); goto ret; }
// Check If-State-Match headers.
sc = HrCheckStateHeaders (pmu, pmu->LpwszPathTranslated(), FALSE); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: If-State checking failed.\n"); goto ret; }
// If they pass in a lock token *AND* a lockinfo header, it's a
// bad request. (Lock upgrading is NOT allowed.)
// Just the lock token (no lockinfo) is a lock refresh request.
pwszLockToken = pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szLockToken, TRUE); if (pwszLockToken) { // Lock-Token header present -- REFRESH request.
auto_co_task_mem<WCHAR> a_pwszResourceString; auto_co_task_mem<WCHAR> a_pwszOwnerComment; SNewLockData nld; WCHAR rgwszLockToken[MAX_LOCKTOKEN_LENGTH]; UINT cchLockToken = CElems(rgwszLockToken);
// If we have a content-type, it better be text/xml.
pwsz = pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szContent_Type, FALSE); if (pwsz) { // If it's not text/xml....
if (_wcsicmp(pwsz, gc_wszText_XML) && _wcsicmp(pwsz, gc_wszApplication_XML)) { // Invalid request -- has some other kind of request body
DebugTrace ("DavFS: Invalid body found on LOCK refresh method.\n"); sc = E_DAV_UNKNOWN_CONTENT; uiErrorDetail = IDS_BR_LOCK_BODY_TYPE; goto ret; } }
// If we have a content length at all, it had better be zero.
// (Lock refreshes can't have a body!)
pwsz = pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szContent_Length, FALSE); if (pwsz) { // If the Content-Length is anything other than zero, bad request.
if (_wcsicmp(pwsz, gc_wsz0)) { // Invalid request -- has some other kind of request body
DebugTrace ("DavFS: Invalid body found on LOCK refresh method.\n"); sc = E_DAV_INVALID_HEADER; //HSC_BAD_REQUEST;
uiErrorDetail = IDS_BR_LOCK_BODY_SYNTAX; goto ret; } }
// Process the refresh.
sc = HrProcessLockRefresh (pmu, pwszLockToken, &uiErrorDetail, &nld, cchLockToken, rgwszLockToken, &cchLockToken); if (FAILED(sc)) { // Make sure we did not get insufficient buffer errors as the
// buffer we passed was sufficient.
// Take ownership of the memory allocated
a_pwszResourceString.take_ownership(nld.m_pwszResourceString); a_pwszOwnerComment.take_ownership(nld.m_pwszOwnerComment);
// Send back the lock comment.
// Tell the lock to generate XML lockdiscovery prop data
// and emit it to the response body.
sc = ScSendLockComment(pmu, &nld, cchLockToken, rgwszLockToken); if (FAILED(sc)) { goto ret; } } else { // No Lock-Token header present -- LOCK request.
// Go get this lock. All error handling and response
// generation is done inside ProcessLockRequest()
// so there's nothing more to do here once we call it.
ProcessLockRequest (pmu); return; } ret: pmu->SetResponseCode (HscFromHresult(sc), NULL, uiErrorDetail, CSEFromHresult(sc)); }
* DAVUnlock() * * Purpose: * * Win32 file system implementation of the DAV UNLOCK method. The * UNLOCK method results in the moving of a resource from one location * to another. The response is used to indicate the success of the * call. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method utility object * * Notes: * * In the file system implementation, the UNLOCK method maps directly * to the Win32 CloseHandle() method. */ void DAVUnlock (LPMETHUTIL pmu) { LPCWSTR pwszPath = pmu->LpwszPathTranslated();
LPCWSTR pwsz; LARGE_INTEGER liLockID; UINT uiErrorDetail = 0; HRESULT hr; CResourceInfo cri;
// Do ISAPI application and IIS access bits checking
hr = pmu->ScIISCheck (pmu->LpwszRequestUrl()); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Either the request has been forwarded, or some bad error occurred.
// In either case, quit here and map the error!
goto ret; }
// Check what kind of lock is requested.
// (No lock-info header means this request is invalid.)
pwsz = pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szLockTokenHeader, FALSE); if (!pwsz) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: UNLOCK fails without Lock-Token.\n"); hr = E_INVALIDARG; uiErrorDetail = IDS_BR_LOCKTOKEN_MISSING; goto ret; }
hr = HrCheckStateHeaders (pmu, // methutil
pwszPath, // path
FALSE); // fGetMeth
if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: If-State checking failed.\n"); goto ret; }
#ifdef NEVER
// Old code -- the common functions use here have changed to expect
// If: header syntax. We can't use this anymore. It gives errors because
// the Lock-Token header doesn't have parens around the locktokens.
//$NEVER: Remove this after Joel has a chance to test stuff!
// Feed the Lock-Token header string into a parser object.
// Then get the lockid from the parser object.
{ CParseLockTokenHeader lth(pmu, pwsz);
// If there is more than one token, bad request.
if (!lth.FOneToken()) { DavTrace ("DavFS: More than one token in DAVUnlock.\n"); hr = E_DAV_INVALID_HEADER; uiErrorDetail = IDS_BR_MULTIPLE_LOCKTOKENS; goto ret; }
lth.SetPaths (pwszPath, NULL);
hr = lth.HrGetLockIdForPath (pwszPath, 0, &i64LockId); if (FAILED(hr)) { DavTrace ("Dav: Failure in DAVUnlock on davfs.\n"); uiErrorDetail = IDS_BR_LOCKTOKEN_SYNTAX; goto ret; } } #endif // NEVER
// Call to fetch the lockid from the Lock-Token header.
hr = HrLockIdFromString(pmu, pwsz, &liLockID); if (FAILED(hr)) { DavTrace ("DavFS: Failed to fetch locktoken in UNLOCK.\n");
// They have a well-formed request, but their locktoken is not right.
// Tell the caller we can't satisfy this (un)lock request. (412 Precondition Failed)
// Fetch the lock from the cache. (This call updates the timestamp.)
// Get the lock from the cache. If this object is not in our cache,
// or the lockid doesn't match, don't let them unlock the resource.
//$REVIEW: Should this be two distinct error codes?
hr = CSharedLockMgr::Instance().HrCheckLockID(liLockID, pmu->HitUser(), pwszPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { DavTrace ("DavFS: Unlocking a non-locked resource constitutes an unsatisfiable request.\n");
// If it's an access violation, leave the return code unchanged.
// Otherwise, give "can't satisfy request" (412 Precondition Failed).
// This method is gated by the "if-xxx" headers
hr = cri.ScGetResourceInfo (pwszPath); if (FAILED (hr)) { goto ret; } hr = ScCheckIfHeaders (pmu, cri.PftLastModified(), FALSE); if (FAILED (hr)) { goto ret; }
// Ensure the URI and resource match
(void) ScCheckForLocationCorrectness (pmu, cri, NO_REDIRECT);
// Delete the lock from the cache.
hr = CSharedLockMgr::Instance().HrDeleteLock(pmu->HitUser(), liLockID); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ret; } ret:
if (!FAILED (hr)) { hr = W_DAV_NO_CONTENT; }
// Setup the response
pmu->SetResponseCode (HscFromHresult(hr), NULL, uiErrorDetail, CSEFromHresult(hr)); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility functions for other FS methods to use when accessing locks.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FGetLockHandleFromId
BOOL FGetLockHandleFromId (LPMETHUTIL pmu, LARGE_INTEGER liLockID, LPCWSTR pwszPath, DWORD dwAccess, auto_ref_handle * phandle) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
auto_co_task_mem<WCHAR> a_pwszResourceString; auto_co_task_mem<WCHAR> a_pwszOwnerComment; SNewLockData nld; SLockHandleData lhd;
HANDLE hTemp = NULL; // These are unused. Oplimize the interface not to ask for them later
WCHAR rgwszLockToken[MAX_LOCKTOKEN_LENGTH]; UINT cchLockToken = CElems(rgwszLockToken);
Assert (pmu); Assert (pwszPath); Assert (!IsBadWritePtr(phandle, sizeof(auto_ref_handle)));
// Fetch the lock from the cache. (This call updates the timestamp.)
hr = CSharedLockMgr::Instance().HrGetLockData(liLockID, pmu->HitUser(), pwszPath, 0, &nld, &lhd, cchLockToken, rgwszLockToken, &cchLockToken); if (FAILED(hr)) { DavTrace ("Dav: Failure in FGetLockHandle on davfs.\n"); return FALSE; }
// Take ownership of the memory allocated
a_pwszResourceString.take_ownership(nld.m_pwszResourceString); a_pwszOwnerComment.take_ownership(nld.m_pwszOwnerComment);
// Check the access type required.
// (If the lock is missing any single flag requested, fail.)
if ( (dwAccess & nld.m_dwAccess) != dwAccess ) { DavTrace ("FGetLockHandleFromId: Access did not match -- bad request.\n"); return FALSE; }
hr = HrGetUsableHandle(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(lhd.h), lhd.dwProcessID, &hTemp); if (FAILED(hr)) { DavTrace("HrGetUsableHandle failed with %x \r\n", hr); return FALSE; }
if (!phandle->FCreate(hTemp)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; DavTrace("FCreate on autohandler failed \r\n"); return FALSE; }
// HACK: Rewind the handle here -- until we get a better solution!
//$LATER: Need a real way to handle multiple access to the same lock handle.
SetFilePointer ((*phandle).get(), 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
return TRUE; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FGetLockHandle
// Main routine for all other methods to get a handle from the cache.
BOOL FGetLockHandle (LPMETHUTIL pmu, LPCWSTR pwszPath, DWORD dwAccess, LPCWSTR pwszLockTokenHeader, auto_ref_handle * phandle) { LARGE_INTEGER liLockID; HRESULT hr;
Assert (pmu); Assert (pwszPath); Assert (pwszLockTokenHeader); Assert (!IsBadWritePtr(phandle, sizeof(auto_ref_handle)));
// Feed the Lock-Token header string into a parser object.
// And feed in the one path we're interested in.
// Then get the lockid from the parser object.
{ CParseLockTokenHeader lth (pmu, pwszLockTokenHeader);
lth.SetPaths (pwszPath, NULL);
hr = lth.HrGetLockIdForPath (pwszPath, dwAccess, &liLockID); if (FAILED(hr)) { DavTrace ("Dav: Failure in FGetLockHandle on davfs.\n"); return FALSE; } }
return FGetLockHandleFromId (pmu, liLockID, pwszPath, dwAccess, phandle); }
// ========================================================================
// Helper functions for locked MOVE and COPY
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ScDoOverlappedCopy
// Takes two file handles that have been opened for overlapped (async)
// processing, and copies data from the source to the dest.
// The provided hevt is used in the async read/write operations.
SCODE ScDoOverlappedCopy (HANDLE hfSource, HANDLE hfDest, HANDLE hevtOverlapped) { SCODE sc = S_OK; OVERLAPPED ov; BYTE rgbBuffer[1024]; ULONG cbToWrite; ULONG cbActual;
Assert (hfSource); Assert (hfDest); Assert (hevtOverlapped);
ov.hEvent = hevtOverlapped; ov.Offset = 0; ov.OffsetHigh = 0;
// Big loop. Read from one file, and write to the other.
while (1) { // Read from the source file.
if (!ReadFromOverlapped (hfSource, rgbBuffer, sizeof(rgbBuffer), &cbToWrite, &ov)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: failed to write to file\n"); sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto ret; }
// If no bytes were read (and no error), we're done!
if (!cbToWrite) break;
// Write the data to the destination file.
if (!WriteToOverlapped (hfDest, rgbBuffer, cbToWrite, &cbActual, &ov)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: failed to write to file\n"); sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto ret; }
// Adjust the starting read position.
ov.Offset += cbActual; }
// That's it. Set the destination file's size (set EOF) and we're done.
SetFilePointer (hfDest, ov.Offset, reinterpret_cast<LONG *>(&ov.OffsetHigh), FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile (hfDest);
ret: return sc; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ScDoLockedCopy
// Given the Lock-Token header and the source & destination paths,
// handle copying from one file to another, with locks in the way.
// The general flow is this:
// First check the lock tokens for validity & fetch any valid lock handles.
// We must have read access on the source and write access on the dest.
// If any lock token is invalid, or doesn't have the correct access, fail.
// We need two handles (source & dest) to do the copy, so
// manually fetch handles that didn't have lock tokens.
// Once we have both handles, call ScDoOverlappedCopy to copy the file data.
// Then, copy the DAV property stream from the source to the dest.
// Any questions?
// NOTE: This routine should ONLY be called if we already tried to copy
// the files and we hit a sharing violation.
SCODE ScDoLockedCopy (LPMETHUTIL pmu, CParseLockTokenHeader * plth, LPCWSTR pwszSrc, LPCWSTR pwszDst) { auto_handle<HANDLE> hfCreated; auto_handle<HANDLE> hevt; BOOL fSourceLock = FALSE; BOOL fDestLock = FALSE; LARGE_INTEGER liSource; LARGE_INTEGER liDest; auto_ref_handle hfLockedSource; auto_ref_handle hfLockedDest; HANDLE hfSource = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hfDest = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SCODE sc;
Assert (pmu); Assert (plth); Assert (pwszSrc); Assert (pwszDst);
// Get any lockids for these paths.
sc = plth->HrGetLockIdForPath (pwszSrc, GENERIC_READ, &liSource); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { fSourceLock = TRUE; } sc = plth->HrGetLockIdForPath (pwszDst, GENERIC_WRITE, &liDest); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { fDestLock = TRUE; }
// If they didn't even pass in tokens for these paths, quit here.
// Return & tell them that there's still a sharing violation.
if (!fSourceLock && !fDestLock) { DebugTrace ("DwDoLockedCopy -- No locks apply to these paths!"); return E_DAV_LOCKED; }
if (fSourceLock) { if (FGetLockHandleFromId (pmu, liSource, pwszSrc, GENERIC_READ, &hfLockedSource)) { hfSource = hfLockedSource.get(); } else { // Clear our flag -- they passed in an invalid/expired token.
fSourceLock = FALSE; } }
if (fDestLock) { if (FGetLockHandleFromId (pmu, liDest, pwszDst, GENERIC_WRITE, &hfLockedDest)) { hfDest = hfLockedDest.get(); } else { // Clear our flag -- they passed in an invalid/expired token.
fDestLock = FALSE; } }
// Okay, now we either have NO lockhandles (they passed in locktokens
// but they were all expired) or one handle, or two handles.
// NO lockhandles (all their locks were expired) -- kick 'em out.
// And tell 'em there's still a sharing violation to deal with.
//$REVIEW: Or should we try the copy again???
if (!fSourceLock && !fDestLock) { DebugTrace ("DwDoLockedCopy -- No locks apply to these paths!"); return E_DAV_LOCKED; }
// One handle -- open up the other file manually & shove the data across.
// Two handles -- shove the data across.
// If we don't have one of these handles, open the missing one manually.
if (!fSourceLock) { // Open up the source file manually.
hfCreated = DavCreateFile (pwszSrc, // filename
GENERIC_READ, // dwAccess
FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, // don't clash with OTHER locks
NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes
OPEN_ALWAYS, // creation flags
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hfCreated.get()) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: DwDoLockedCopy failed to open source file\n"); sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto ret; } hfSource = hfCreated.get(); } else if (!fDestLock) { // Open up the destination file manually.
// This guy is CREATE_NEW becuase we should have already deleted
// any files that would have conflicted!
hfCreated = DavCreateFile (pwszDst, // filename
GENERIC_WRITE, // dwAccess
0, //FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, // DO clash with OTHER locks -- just like PUT
NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes
CREATE_NEW, // creation flags
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hfCreated) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: DwDoLockedCopy failed to open destination file\n"); sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto ret; } hfDest = hfCreated.get(); }
// Now we should have two handles.
Assert ((hfSource != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (hfDest != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE));
// Setup the overlapped structure so we can read/write to async files.
hevt = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (!hevt.get()) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: DwDoLockedCopy failed to create event for overlapped read.\n"); sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError()); goto ret; }
// Copy the file data.
sc = ScDoOverlappedCopy (hfSource, hfDest, hevt.get()); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// Copy over any property data.
if (FAILED (ScCopyProps (pmu, pwszSrc, pwszDst, FALSE, hfSource, hfDest))) sc = E_DAV_LOCKED;
return sc; }