* F S M E T A . C P P * * Sources file system implementation of DAV-Meta * * Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved */
#include "_davfs.h"
// CFSFind -------------------------------------------------------------------
SCODE CFSFind::ScAddProp (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR pwszProp, BOOL) { enum { cProps = 8 };
// If this is our first time in, we will need to allocate
// space for all of the properties we are expecting to get
// added over the coarse of this operation.
if (m_ft == FIND_NONE) { // Note that we have started requesting specific properties
m_ft = FIND_SPECIFIC; } else if (m_ft != FIND_SPECIFIC) { // If we are not finding specfic properties and somebody asked
// for one, then bts (by the spec) this should consititute an
// error.
// See if there is room at the in...
if (m_cMaxProps == m_cProps) { UINT cb;
// Allocate enough space for the next block of properties
m_cMaxProps = m_cProps + cProps; cb = m_cMaxProps * sizeof(PROPVARIANT); m_rgwszProps.realloc (cb); }
// If this is the getcontenttype property, then we need to remember
// its location for use when providing default values...
if (!wcscmp (pwszProp, gc_wszProp_iana_getcontenttype)) m_ip_getcontenttype = m_cProps;
// Set the property up as one to process.
Assert (m_cProps < m_cMaxProps); m_rgwszProps[m_cProps++] = AppendChainedSz (m_csb, pwszProp); return S_OK; }
SCODE CFSFind::ScFind (CXMLEmitter& msr, IMethUtil * pmu, CFSProp& fpt) { SCODE scFind; SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Setup the emitting of the response. This will construct
// an XML node that looks like:
// <multistatus>
// <response>
// <href>http:/www....</>
CEmitterNode enItem; CEmitterNode en;
sc = msr.ScSetRoot (gc_wszMultiResponse); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
sc = enItem.ScConstructNode (msr, msr.PxnRoot(), gc_wszResponse); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// If they havent asked for anything, then we should return an
// error
if (m_ft == FIND_NONE) { //$REVIEW: is it really correct to NOT add the HREF node here? --BeckyAn 6July1999
return E_DAV_EMPTY_FIND_REQUEST; } // If the request is an for a specific set of properties, then
// this is pretty easy...
else if (m_ft == FIND_SPECIFIC) { Assert (m_cProps); Assert (m_rgwszProps);
sc = ScAddHref (enItem, pmu, fpt.PwszPath(), fpt.FCollection(), fpt.PcvrTranslation()); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// Get all the properties by name
scFind = fpt.ScGetSpecificProps (msr, enItem, m_cProps, (LPCWSTR*)m_rgwszProps.get(), m_ip_getcontenttype); if (FAILED (scFind)) { (void) ScAddStatus (&enItem, HscFromHresult(scFind)); goto ret; } } // If the request is an for all properties or all names, then again,
// this is pretty easy...
else { Assert ((m_ft == FIND_ALL) || (m_ft == FIND_NAMES));
// Get all props or all names
scFind = fpt.ScGetAllProps (msr, enItem, m_ft == FIND_ALL); if (FAILED (scFind) && (scFind != E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR)) { (void) ScAddStatus (&enItem, HscFromHresult(scFind)); goto ret; } }
ret: return sc; }
// IPreloadNamespaces
SCODE CFSFind::ScLoadNamespaces(CXMLEmitter * pmsr) { SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT iProp;
// Load common namespaces
sc = pmsr->ScPreloadNamespace (gc_wszDav); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; sc = pmsr->ScPreloadNamespace (gc_wszLexType); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; sc = pmsr->ScPreloadNamespace (gc_wszXml_V); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Add more namespaces
switch (m_ft) { case FIND_SPECIFIC: for (iProp = 0; iProp < m_cProps; iProp++) { sc = pmsr->ScPreloadNamespace (m_rgwszProps[iProp]); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; } break;
case FIND_ALL: case FIND_NAMES: // Now that we don't have a way to predict what namespaces to
// be used.
// Per resource level namespaces will be added on <DAV:response>
// node later
default: AssertSz (FALSE, "Unknown propfind type"); // fall through
case FIND_NONE: sc = E_DAV_EMPTY_FIND_REQUEST; goto ret; }
ret: return sc; }
// CFSPatch ------------------------------------------------------------------
SCODE CFSPatch::ScDeleteProp (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR pwszProp) { enum { cProps = 8 }; UINT irp;
// We cannot delete any reserved properties, so let's
// just shortcut this here and now...
if (CFSProp::FReservedProperty (pwszProp, CFSProp::RESERVED_SET, &irp)) { // Take ownership of the bstr as well
return m_csn.ScAddErrorStatus (HSC_FORBIDDEN, pwszProp); }
// Make sure there is room at the inn...
if (m_cMaxDeleteProps == m_cDeleteProps) { UINT cb;
// Allocate enough space for all the properties names
// we want to delete.
m_cMaxDeleteProps = m_cDeleteProps + cProps; cb = m_cMaxDeleteProps * sizeof(BSTR); m_rgwszDeleteProps.realloc (cb); }
// Set the property up as one to process.
Assert (m_cDeleteProps < m_cMaxDeleteProps); m_rgwszDeleteProps[m_cDeleteProps++] = AppendChainedSz(m_csb, pwszProp); return S_OK; }
SCODE CFSPatch::ScSetProp (LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR pwszProp, auto_ref_ptr<CPropContext>& pPropCtx) { enum { cProps = 8 }; UINT irp;
// We cannot set any reserved properties, so let's
// just shortcut this here and now...
if (CFSProp::FReservedProperty (pwszProp, CFSProp::RESERVED_SET, &irp)) { // Take ownership of the bstr as well
return m_csn.ScAddErrorStatus (HSC_FORBIDDEN, pwszProp); }
// Make sure there is room at the inn...
if (m_cMaxSetProps == m_cSetProps) { UINT cb;
// Allocate enough space for all the properties we
// might want to set
m_cMaxSetProps = m_cSetProps + cProps; cb = m_cMaxSetProps * sizeof(PROPVARIANT); m_rgvSetProps.realloc (cb);
// Make sure the VARIANT are properly initialized
// (only initialize the newly added space).
ZeroMemory (&m_rgvSetProps[m_cSetProps], sizeof(PROPVARIANT) * cProps);
// ... and their names.
cb = m_cMaxSetProps * sizeof(LPCWSTR); m_rgwszSetProps.realloc (cb); }
// Set the property up as one to process.
Assert (m_cSetProps < m_cMaxSetProps); m_rgwszSetProps[m_cSetProps] = AppendChainedSz(m_csb, pwszProp); pPropCtx = new CFSPropContext(&m_rgvSetProps[m_cSetProps]); m_cSetProps++;
return S_OK; }
SCODE CFSPatch::ScPatch (CXMLEmitter& msr, IMethUtil * pmu, CFSProp& fpt) { SCODE sc = S_OK; SCODE scSet = S_OK; SCODE scDelete = S_OK;
CEmitterNode enItem;
// If there are no properties at all, reserved or otherwise,
// we want to fail the call with BAD_REQUEST
if ((m_cSetProps == 0) && (m_cDeleteProps == 0) && m_csn.FEmpty()) { return E_DAV_EMPTY_PATCH_REQUEST; }
// Setup the emitting of the response. This will construct
// an XML node that looks like:
// <multistatus>
// <response>
// <href>http:/www....</>
sc = msr.ScSetRoot (gc_wszMultiResponse); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
sc = enItem.ScConstructNode (msr, msr.PxnRoot(), gc_wszResponse); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
sc = ScAddHref (enItem, pmu, fpt.PwszPath(), fpt.FCollection(), fpt.PcvrTranslation()); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// If the client requested any of the reserved properties, we know
// that they will fail and we also know that everything else will fail
// as well, so we might as well handle that here...
if (!m_csn.FEmpty()) { //$ REVIEW:
// If the possibly successful properties need to be
// marked as a failure as well (HSC_METHOD_FAILURE),
// then that would happen here.
//NT242086: Now that we've got a reponse node, we should
//added to the response.
sc = m_csn.ScEmitErrorStatus (enItem); goto ret; }
// If there are no reserved properties we have a pretty good bet
// at setting these props...
scSet = fpt.ScSetProps (m_csn, m_cSetProps, m_rgwszSetProps.get(), m_rgvSetProps); if (FAILED (scSet)) { sc = scSet; goto ret; }
// ... and deleting these props.
scDelete = fpt.ScDeleteProps (m_csn, m_cDeleteProps, m_rgwszDeleteProps.get()); if (FAILED (scDelete)) { sc = scDelete; goto ret; }
// If the possibly successful properties need to be
// marked as a failure as well (HSC_METHOD_FAILURE),
// then that would happen here. Either way, if there
// is a failure, then we do not want to commit the
// changes.
if ((scSet == S_FALSE) || (scDelete == S_FALSE)) goto ret;
// Commit the changes to the property container
sc = fpt.ScPersist(); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// Emit the response,
sc = m_csn.ScEmitErrorStatus (enItem); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
CFSPatch::~CFSPatch() { // Make sure all the propvariants are cleaned up...
for (UINT i = 0; i < m_cSetProps; i++) PropVariantClear (&m_rgvSetProps[i]); }
SCODE CFSPatch::ScLoadNamespaces (CXMLEmitter * pmsr) { SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT iProp;
// Load common namespaces
sc = pmsr->ScPreloadNamespace (gc_wszDav); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Add namespaces for set props
for (iProp = 0; iProp < m_cSetProps; iProp++) { sc = pmsr->ScPreloadNamespace (m_rgwszSetProps[iProp]); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
// And delete props
for (iProp = 0; iProp < m_cDeleteProps; iProp++) { sc = pmsr->ScPreloadNamespace (m_rgwszDeleteProps[iProp]); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
ret: return sc; }
// CFSProp -------------------------------------------------------------------
SCODE CFSProp::ScGetPropsInternal (ULONG cProps, LPCWSTR* rgwszPropNames, PROPVARIANT* rgvar, LONG ip_getcontenttype) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
// There really should only be one scenario where this could happen
// -- and it is a cheap test, so it is worth doing. The case where
// we might see an invalid pbag is when the document extisted, but
// there was no existing property set to impose the pbag on. Other
// than that, OLE is always giving us a property bag, regardless of
// whether the target drive can support it.
if (FInvalidPbag()) return sc;
// We better be good to go...
sc = m_pbag->ReadMultiple (cProps, rgwszPropNames, rgvar, NULL);
// If we succeeded, and the getcontenttype property was requested,
// we may need to do some special processing
if (SUCCEEDED (sc) && (ip_getcontenttype != -1)) { // We want to make sure that getcontenttype gets filled in
if (rgvar[ip_getcontenttype].vt == VT_EMPTY) { CStackBuffer<WCHAR> pwszT; LPWSTR pwszContentType; UINT cch = 40;
// No content type was explicitly set in the props.
// Fetch the default based on the file extension
// (fetching from our metabase-content-type-cache).
do {
if (NULL == pwszT.resize(CbSizeWsz(cch))) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; }
} while (!m_pmu->FGetContentType (m_pwszURI, pwszT.get(), &cch));
// Return the mapped content type
rgvar[ip_getcontenttype].vt = VT_LPWSTR;
// Must use task memory, as it will be freed by PropVariantClear
pwszContentType = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc (cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == pwszContentType) { MCDTrace ("Dav: MCD: CFSProp::ScGetPropsInternal() - CoTaskMemAlloc() failed to allocate %d bytes\n", cch * sizeof(WCHAR));
rgvar[ip_getcontenttype].pwszVal = pwszContentType; memcpy(pwszContentType, pwszT.get(), cch * sizeof(WCHAR));
// In the case where this was the only property requested, make
// sure that our return code it correct.
if (cProps == 1) { Assert (ip_getcontenttype == 0); Assert (sc == S_FALSE); sc = S_OK; } } } else { // This is the common path for when we are trying to access
// something over an SMB, but the host cannot support the
// request (it is not an NT5 NTFS machine).
return sc; }
BOOL CFSProp::FReservedProperty (LPCWSTR pwszProp, RESERVED_TYPE rt, UINT* prp) { UINT irp; CRCWsz wsz(pwszProp);
// Search for the property in the list of local
// properties.
Assert (CElems(sc_rp) == sc_crp_set_reserved); for (irp = 0; irp < sc_crp_set_reserved; irp++) { // If the crc and the strings match...
if ((wsz.m_dwCRC == sc_rp[irp].dwCRC) && !wcscmp (wsz.m_pwsz, sc_rp[irp].pwsz)) { break; } }
// Setup the return
Assert (sc_crp_set_reserved != iana_rp_content_type); *prp = irp;
return (irp < static_cast<UINT>((rt == RESERVED_GET) ? sc_crp_get_reserved : sc_crp_set_reserved)); }
SCODE CFSProp::ScGetReservedProp (CXMLEmitter& xml, CEmitterNode& enParent, UINT irp, BOOL fGetValues) { CEmitterNode en; CStackBuffer<WCHAR> wszBuf; LARGE_INTEGER li; LPCWSTR pwszType = NULL; LPWSTR pwsz = NULL; SCODE sc = S_OK; SYSTEMTIME st;
Assert (irp <= sc_crp_get_reserved); Assert (sc_crp_get_reserved == iana_rp_content_type); Assert (CElems(sc_rp) == sc_crp_set_reserved);
// Only generate values if the caller wants them
if (fGetValues) { // Switch across the reserved properties generating
// a value for the property
switch (irp) { case iana_rp_etag:
Assert(m_pmu); if (FETagFromFiletime (m_cri.PftLastModified(), wszBuf.get(), m_pmu->GetEcb())) { pwsz = wszBuf.get(); } break;
case iana_rp_displayname:
// The filename/displayname is simply the name of the file
// and we should be able to pick it off from the path with
// little and/or no trouble at all. However, we will use
// the URI instead. We do this such that the displayname
// for a vroot is the name of the vroot and not the name of
// the physical disk directory.
pwsz = wcsrchr (m_pwszURI, L'/'); if (NULL == pwsz) { // Arrgh. If there was no path separator in the filename
// I don't know that we can really give a reasonable value
// for this file.
TrapSz ("resource path has no slashes...."); return S_FALSE; }
// One more check. If this is a directory path,
// they might have a trailing slash. If that is what we're
// pointing to right now (next char is NULL), back up to the
// next delimiter to get the real item name.
if (L'\0' == pwsz[1]) { // This better be a collection. Although it may not
// be if the client mis-terminated his/her url
// There is a special case that we need to check for
// here. It is possible that the URI was strictly "/"
// which means that if we continue this processing, the
// displayname and/or the filename would be empty or
// non-existant. In this case only, return "/" as the
// display name.
if (m_pwszURI == pwsz) { pwsz = L"/"; } else { // Now we have to copy the string, to rip off that
// trailing slash we found in the step above.
// We want to remove the final slash because this is the
// displayname, not a URI.
LPCWSTR pwszEnd; UINT cchNew;
for (pwszEnd = pwsz--; pwsz > m_pwszURI; pwsz--) if (L'/' == *pwsz) break;
if (L'/' != *pwsz) { // Arrgh. If there was no path separator in the
// filename I don't know that we can really give
// a reasonable value for this file.
TrapSz ("resource path has no slashes (redux)...."); return S_FALSE; }
// At this point, the segment defined by (pwsz + 1, pwszEnd)
// names the resource.
cchNew = static_cast<UINT>(pwszEnd - ++pwsz); if (NULL == wszBuf.resize(CbSizeWsz(cchNew))) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; } memcpy(wszBuf.get(), pwsz, cchNew * sizeof(WCHAR)); wszBuf[cchNew] = L'\0'; pwsz = wszBuf.get(); } } else { // At this point, the segment defined by (pwsz + 1, '\0'] names
// the resource.
pwsz++; } break;
case iana_rp_resourcetype:
// Create the element to pass back
sc = en.ScConstructNode (xml, enParent.Pxn(), sc_rp[irp].pwsz); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
if (m_cri.FCollection()) { CEmitterNode enSub; sc = en.ScAddNode (gc_wszCollection, enSub); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; } goto ret;
case iana_rp_content_length:
m_cri.FileSize(li); pwszType = gc_wszDavType_Int;
//$ REVIEW: negative values of _int64 seem to have problems in
// the __i64tow() API. Handle those cases ourselves.
// In this instance, we shouldn't have to worry about it because
// the content-length *shouldn't* ever be negative. We'll assert
// that this is the case.
Assert (li.QuadPart >= 0); _i64tow (li.QuadPart, wszBuf.get(), 10); pwsz = wszBuf.get(); break;
case iana_rp_creation_date:
FileTimeToSystemTime (m_cri.PftCreation(), &st); if (FGetDateIso8601FromSystime (&st, wszBuf.get(), wszBuf.size())) { pwszType = gc_wszDavType_Date_ISO8601; pwsz = wszBuf.get(); } break;
case iana_rp_last_modified:
FileTimeToSystemTime (m_cri.PftLastModified(), &st); if (FGetDateRfc1123FromSystime (&st, wszBuf.get(), wszBuf.size())) { pwszType = gc_wszDavType_Date_Rfc1123; pwsz = wszBuf.get(); } break;
case iana_rp_supportedlock: case iana_rp_lockdiscovery:
// Get the prop from the lock cache (and related subsystem calls).
sc = HrGetLockProp (m_pmu, sc_rp[irp].pwsz, m_pwszPath, m_cri.FCollection() ? RT_COLLECTION : RT_DOCUMENT, xml, enParent);
// Regardless of error or success, we are done here. If we
// succeeded, then the pel has already been constructed and
// is ready to pass back. Otherwise, we just want to report
// the error.
goto ret;
case iana_rp_ishidden:
pwszType = gc_wszDavType_Boolean; _itow (!!m_cri.FHidden(), wszBuf.get(), 10); pwsz = wszBuf.get(); break;
case iana_rp_iscollection:
pwszType = gc_wszDavType_Boolean; _itow (!!m_cri.FCollection(), wszBuf.get(), 10); pwsz = wszBuf.get(); break;
// Special case: getcontenttype should really be stored, but there
// are some cases where the file may live in such a place as there
// would be no property stream available to store the value in.
case iana_rp_content_type:
// Get the content-type if it was not stored in the property
// stream.
for (UINT cch = wszBuf.celems();;) { if (NULL == wszBuf.resize(CbSizeWsz(cch))) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ret; } if (m_pmu->FGetContentType(m_pwszURI, wszBuf.get(), &cch)) break; } } }
// Create the element to pass back
sc = en.ScConstructNode (xml, enParent.Pxn(), sc_rp[irp].pwsz, pwsz, pwszType); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CFSProp::ScGetSpecificProps (CXMLEmitter& msr, CEmitterNode& enItem, ULONG cProps, LPCWSTR* rgwszPropNames, LONG ip_getcontenttype) { // safe_propvariant_array ----------------------------------------------------
// Used to make sure the array of VARIANT can always be safely freed
class safe_propvariant_array { PROPVARIANT * m_rgv; ULONG m_cv;
safe_propvariant_array (PROPVARIANT* rgv, ULONG cv) : m_rgv(rgv), m_cv(cv) { memset (rgv, 0, sizeof(PROPVARIANT) * cv); }
~safe_propvariant_array () { ULONG i;
for (i = 0; i < m_cv; i++) PropVariantClear(&m_rgv[i]); } };
SCODE sc = S_OK; CStackBuffer<PROPVARIANT> rgv; UINT iv; CStatusCache csn; CEmitterNode enPropStat; CEmitterNode enPropOK;
// allocate space to hold an array of variants and stuff it into
// a safe_variant_array to ensure cleanup
rgv.resize(sizeof(PROPVARIANT) * cProps); safe_propvariant_array sva(rgv.get(), cProps);
sc = csn.ScInit(); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Get the properties
sc = ScGetPropsInternal (cProps, rgwszPropNames, rgv.get(), ip_getcontenttype); if (FAILED(sc)) { // When getting properties, it is perfectly OK to ignore SMB errors
// and treat the file as if it were hosted on a FAT drive
if (sc == E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR) sc = S_OK;
// What this means is that the default not-found processing should
// kick in.
// Rip through the returned properties, adding to the response as we go
for (iv = 0; iv < cProps; iv++) { // If there is a value to the property, write the variant as
// an XML element and add it to the response
if (rgv[iv].vt != VT_EMPTY) { if (!enPropOK.Pxn()) { // Get the insert point for props
sc = ScGetPropNode (enItem, HSC_OK, enPropStat, enPropOK); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
// Write the variant as an XML element
sc = ScEmitFromVariant (msr, enPropOK, rgwszPropNames[iv], rgv[iv]); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; } else { UINT irp;
// Check if it's a reserved property
if (FReservedProperty (rgwszPropNames[iv], RESERVED_GET, &irp) || (irp == iana_rp_content_type)) { if (!enPropOK.Pxn()) { // Get the insert point for props
sc = ScGetPropNode (enItem, HSC_OK, enPropStat, enPropOK); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
// If the property was reserved, then extract it from
// the property class directly
sc = ScGetReservedProp (msr, enPropOK, irp); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
continue; }
// Now, if we got here, then for CFSProp, the property
// must not have existed.
sc = csn.ScAddErrorStatus (HSC_NOT_FOUND, rgwszPropNames[iv]); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; } }
// Need to close the previous prop stat before more status node to be emitted
if (!csn.FEmpty()) { // The order is important, inner node must be closed first
sc = enPropOK.ScDone(); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
sc = enPropStat.ScDone(); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
sc = csn.ScEmitErrorStatus (enItem); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CFSProp::ScGetAllProps (CXMLEmitter& msr, CEmitterNode& enItem, BOOL fFindValues) { auto_com_ptr<IEnumSTATPROPBAG> penum; BOOL fContentType = FALSE; BOOL fHrefAdded = FALSE; SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT irp; CEmitterNode enPropStat; CEmitterNode enProp;
// There really should only be one scenario where this could happen
// -- and it is a cheap test, so it is worth doing. The case where
// we might see an invalid pbag is when the document extisted, but
// there was no existing property set to impose the pbag on. Other
// than that, OLE is always giving us a property bag, regardless of
// whether the target drive can support it.
if (!FInvalidPbag()) { sc = m_pbag->Enum (NULL, 0, &penum); if (FAILED(sc)) { // AddHref was delayed to be done after local namespace is loaded
// but in this case, we know there'll be no local namespaces at all.
// so add href now
(void) ScAddHref (enItem, m_pmu, PwszPath(), FCollection(), PcvrTranslation()); if ((sc == STG_E_INVALIDNAME) || !FIsVolumeNTFS()) { // This is the common path for when we are trying to access
// something over an SMB, but the host cannot support the
// request (it is not an NT5 NTFS machine). We want to treat
// this as if the operation was against a FAT drive
sc = E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR; goto get_reserved; } goto ret; }
// We must preload all the potential namespaces in the <response> node,
// Note that the namespace for all reserved properties is "DAV:", which
// has been added already in CFSFind::ScLoadNamespace()
do { safe_statpropbag ssp[PROP_CHUNK_SIZE]; ULONG csp = 0; UINT isp;
// Get next chunk of props
sc = penum->Next (PROP_CHUNK_SIZE, ssp[0].load(), &csp); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// At this point, we either want to call the underlying
// property container to retrieve all the property data
// or we just want to emit the names.
for (isp = 0; isp < csp; isp++) { Assert (ssp[isp].get().lpwstrName);
sc = msr.ScPreloadLocalNamespace (enItem.Pxn(), ssp[isp].get().lpwstrName); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
} while (sc != S_FALSE);
// Addhref must be done after all the local nmespaces has been emitted
sc = ScAddHref (enItem, m_pmu, PwszPath(), FCollection(), PcvrTranslation()); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; fHrefAdded = TRUE;
// Reset the enumerator back to the beginning
sc = penum->Reset(); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Get the insert point for props
sc = ScGetPropNode (enItem, HSC_OK, enPropStat, enProp); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Enumerate the props and emit
do { safe_statpropbag ssp[PROP_CHUNK_SIZE]; safe_propvariant propvar[PROP_CHUNK_SIZE]; LPWSTR rglpwstr[PROP_CHUNK_SIZE] = {0}; ULONG csp = 0; UINT isp;
// Get next chunk of props
sc = penum->Next (PROP_CHUNK_SIZE, ssp[0].load(), &csp); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// At this point, we either want to call the underlying
// property container to retrieve all the property data
// or we just want to emit the names.
for (isp = 0; isp < csp; isp++) { Assert (ssp[isp].get().lpwstrName);
// We need to track whether or not the getcontenttype
// property was actually stored or not. If it wasn't,
// then, we will want to default it at a later time.
if (!fContentType) { if (!wcscmp (ssp[isp].get().lpwstrName, gc_wszProp_iana_getcontenttype)) { // Note that content-type is included
fContentType = TRUE; } }
// If we are just asking for names, then add the
// name to the list now...
if (!fFindValues) { CEmitterNode en;
// Add the result to the response
sc = enProp.ScAddNode (ssp[isp].get().lpwstrName, en); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; } else rglpwstr[isp] = ssp[isp].get().lpwstrName; }
// If we are just asking about names, then we really
// are done with this group of properties, otherwise
// we need to generate the values and emit them.
if (!fFindValues) continue;
// Read properties in chunk
if (csp) { sc = m_pbag->ReadMultiple (csp, rglpwstr, propvar[0].addressof(), NULL); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
// Emit properties
for (isp = 0; isp < csp; isp++) { // Contstruct the pel from the variant
sc = ScEmitFromVariant (msr, enProp, ssp[isp].get().lpwstrName, const_cast<PROPVARIANT&>(propvar[isp].get())); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
} while (sc != S_FALSE); }
// Render all the reserved properties, this relies on the fact that
// the first non-GET reserved property is "DAV:getcontenttype".
Assert (iana_rp_content_type == sc_crp_get_reserved);
if (!fHrefAdded) { // Need to build the HREF node because it wasn't built above.
// This can happen when we don't have a pbag (like on FAT16).
sc = ScAddHref (enItem, m_pmu, PwszPath(), FCollection(), PcvrTranslation()); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
if (!enProp.Pxn()) { // Get the insert point for props
sc = ScGetPropNode (enItem, HSC_OK, enPropStat, enProp); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
for (irp = 0; irp <= sc_crp_get_reserved; irp++) { // If the content-type has already been processed, then
// don't do it here.
if ((irp == sc_crp_get_reserved) && fContentType) break;
// Construct the pel from the reserved property
sc = ScGetReservedProp (msr, enProp, irp, fFindValues); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
// We are done with all the local namespaces
ret: return sc; }
SCODE CFSProp::ScSetProps (CStatusCache& csn, ULONG cProps, LPCWSTR* rgwszProps, PROPVARIANT* rgvProps) { UINT ip; SCODE sc = S_OK; ULONG hsc;
// Zero props is a no-op
if (!cProps) return S_OK;
Assert (!FInvalidPbag()); sc = m_pbag->WriteMultiple (cProps, rgwszProps, rgvProps); if (FAILED(sc)) { // This is the common path for when we are trying to access
// something over an SMB, but the host cannot support the
// request (it is not an NT5 NTFS machine).
if ((sc == STG_E_INVALIDNAME) || !FIsVolumeNTFS()) return E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR; }
// we don't know exactly which prop failed,
// return same error for all props
hsc = HscFromHresult(sc); for (ip = 0; ip < cProps; ip++) { sc = csn.ScAddErrorStatus (hsc, rgwszProps[ip]); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
ret: return FAILED(sc) ? S_FALSE : S_OK; }
SCODE CFSProp::ScDeleteProps (CStatusCache& csn, ULONG cProps, LPCWSTR* rgwszProps) { UINT ip; SCODE sc = S_OK; ULONG hsc;
// Zero props is a no-op
if (!cProps) return S_OK;
Assert (!FInvalidPbag()); sc = m_pbag->DeleteMultiple (cProps, rgwszProps, 0); if (FAILED(sc)) { // This is the common path for when we are trying to access
// something over an SMB, but the host cannot support the
// request (it is not an NT5 NTFS machine).
if ((sc == STG_E_INVALIDNAME) || !FIsVolumeNTFS()) return E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR; }
// we don't know exactly which prop failed,
// return same error for all props
hsc = HscFromHresult(sc); for (ip = 0; ip < cProps; ip++) { sc = csn.ScAddErrorStatus (hsc, rgwszProps[ip]); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
ret: return FAILED(sc) ? S_FALSE : S_OK; }
SCODE CFSProp::ScPersist () { // We are not transacted now, just
return S_OK; }
// Content properties --------------------------------------------------------
SCODE ScSetContentProperties (IMethUtil * pmu, LPCWSTR pwszPath, HANDLE hFile) { LPCWSTR pwszContentType; LPCWSTR pwszContentLanguage; LPCWSTR pwszContentEncoding;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Figure out which content properties we have
pwszContentType = pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szContent_Type, FALSE); pwszContentLanguage = pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szContent_Language, FALSE); pwszContentEncoding = pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szContent_Encoding, FALSE);
// Content-Type is special -- it is always set in the metabase.
// It should be set *before* setting any properties in the property bag
// since it's OK for the property bag stuff to fail.
if (NULL != pwszContentType) { // Setting the content-type will not work if the metabase is read only,
// which is exactly what is happening in .NET server. So we need to
// ignore the error -- if any.
(void) pmu->ScSetContentType (pmu->LpwszRequestUrl(), pwszContentType); }
// Set any content properties we have in the property bag
if (pwszContentLanguage || pwszContentEncoding) { auto_com_ptr<IPropertyBagEx> pbe; CStackBuffer<WCHAR> pwsz;
// Try to open the property bag. If this fails because we're not
// on an NTFS filesystem, that's OK. We just won't set the properties
// there.
// We need to open propertybag by handle as it the main stream might
// be locked.
sc = ScGetPropertyBag (pwszPath, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &pbe, FALSE, // not a collection
hFile); if (FAILED(sc)) { //$ REVIEW:
// We did our best here. For DocFiles this will fail because
// of how we have to open the files. What this means is that we
// could potentially lose the content-encoding and content-language
// which would put us on par with IIS (they don't store these either).
sc = S_OK; goto ret; }
CResourceInfo cri; CFSProp xpt(pmu, pbe, pmu->LpwszRequestUrl(), pwszPath, NULL, cri);
// Content-Type
if (NULL != pwszContentType) { sc = xpt.ScSetStringProp (sc_rp[iana_rp_content_type].pwsz, pwszContentType); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
// Content-Language
if (NULL != pwszContentLanguage) { sc = xpt.ScSetStringProp (sc_rp[iana_rp_content_language].pwsz, pwszContentLanguage); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
// Content-Encoding
if (NULL != pwszContentEncoding) { sc = xpt.ScSetStringProp (sc_rp[iana_rp_content_encoding].pwsz, pwszContentEncoding); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret; }
// Persist the changes
sc = xpt.ScPersist(); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
// It is perfectly OK to ignore SMB errors when setting content properties.
if (sc == E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR) sc = S_OK;
return sc; }
// ScFindFileProps -----------------------------------------------------------
SCODE ScFindFileProps (IMethUtil* pmu, CFSFind& cfc, CXMLEmitter& msr, LPCWSTR pwszUri, LPCWSTR pwszPath, CVRoot* pcvrTranslation, CResourceInfo& cri, BOOL fEmbedErrorsInResponse) { auto_com_ptr<IPropertyBagEx> pbag; CFSProp fsp(pmu, pbag, pwszUri, pwszPath, pcvrTranslation, cri); SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Check access permission
sc = pmu->ScCheckMoveCopyDeleteAccess (pwszUri, pcvrTranslation, cri.FCollection(), FALSE, // do not check against scriptmaps
MD_ACCESS_READ); if (FAILED (sc)) { // No permission to read, we certainly do not want
// to try and traverse down into the directory (if
// it was one), we do this by returning S_FALSE.
if (fEmbedErrorsInResponse) { sc = cfc.ScErrorAllProps (msr, pmu, pwszPath, cri.FCollection(), pcvrTranslation, sc); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// Pass back S_FALSE so that no further traversal of
// this resource is performed
sc = S_FALSE; } if (S_OK != sc) goto ret; }
// Don't get pbag for remote files. This would cause the files to
// be recalled, etc.
if (!cri.FRemote()) { // Get the IPropertyBagEx interface
// Before call into this function, we've checked we have read access to
// this file. so we should always be able to read the proerties however,
// if the file is write locked, there may be some problems from the OLE
// properties code.
sc = ScGetPropertyBag (pwszPath, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, &pbag, cri.FCollection()); if (FAILED (sc)) { // We need to check the volume of the file we are trying
// to read.
if (VOLTYPE_NTFS == VolumeType (pwszPath, pmu->HitUser())) { // Report the errors for this file and come on back...
if (fEmbedErrorsInResponse) { sc = cfc.ScErrorAllProps (msr, pmu, pwszPath, cri.FCollection(), pcvrTranslation, sc); } goto ret; } } }
// Find the properties
sc = cfc.ScFind (msr, pmu, fsp); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
return sc; }
SCODE ScFindFilePropsDeep (IMethUtil* pmu, CFSFind& cfc, CXMLEmitter& msr, LPCWSTR pwszUri, LPCWSTR pwszPath, CVRoot* pcvrTranslation, LONG lDepth) { BOOL fSubDirectoryAccess = TRUE; SCODE sc = S_OK;
// Query subdirs when do deep query
Assert ((lDepth == DEPTH_ONE) || (lDepth == DEPTH_ONE_NOROOT) || (lDepth == DEPTH_INFINITY));
CDirIter di(pwszUri, pwszPath, NULL, // no destination url
NULL, // no destination path
NULL, // no destination translation
while (S_OK == (sc = di.ScGetNext (fSubDirectoryAccess))) { CResourceInfo cri;
// If we found another directory, then iterate on it
fSubDirectoryAccess = FALSE; if (di.FDirectory()) { auto_ref_ptr<CVRoot> arp;
// Skip the special and/or hidden directories
if (di.FSpecial()) continue;
// If we happen to traverse into a directory
// that happens to be a vroot (as identified
// by url), then there is another entry in
// the list of child vroots that will refer
// to this directory. Let that processing
// handle this directory instead of the
// doing it here.
// This means that the file hierarchy is not
// strictly preserved, but I think that this
// is OK.
if (pmu->FFindVRootFromUrl (di.PwszUri(), arp)) continue;
// Check the directory browsing bit and see
// if it is enabled. And only progess down
// if it is set.
{ auto_ref_ptr<IMDData> pMDData; if (SUCCEEDED(pmu->HrMDGetData (di.PwszUri(), pMDData.load())) && (pMDData->DwDirBrowsing() & MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED)) { // Prepare to go into the subdir
fSubDirectoryAccess = TRUE; } } }
// Find the properties for the resource
*cri.PfdLoad() = di.FindData(); sc = ScFindFileProps (pmu, cfc, msr, di.PwszUri(), di.PwszSource(), pcvrTranslation, cri, TRUE /*fEmbedErrorsInResponse*/); if (FAILED (sc)) goto ret;
// S_FALSE is a special return code that
// means we did not have access to read the
// resource...
if (sc == S_FALSE) { // ... and since we really didn't have access,
// we don't want to delve into the children of
// the resource.
fSubDirectoryAccess = FALSE; } }
return sc; }
// ScCopyProps ---------------------------------------------------------------
* ScCopyProps() * * Purpose: * * Copies the properties from one resource to another. This is * really only useful for copying full directories. Standard file * copies do the dirty work for us, but for directories, we need to * do it ourselves. * If we don't find any propstream on the source, we DELETE * any propstream on the destination. */ SCODE ScCopyProps (IMethUtil* pmu, LPCWSTR pwszSrc, LPCWSTR pwszDst, BOOL fCollection, HANDLE hSource, HANDLE hDest) { enum { CHUNK_SIZE = 16 };
auto_com_ptr<IPropertyBagEx> pbeSrc; auto_com_ptr<IPropertyBagEx> pbeDst; auto_com_ptr<IEnumSTATPROPBAG> penumSrc; auto_com_ptr<IEnumSTATPROPBAG> penumDst;
SCODE sc; SCODE scEnum; ULONG cProp;
MCDTrace ("Dav: MCD: copying props manually: %ws -> %ws\n", pwszSrc, pwszDst);
// Get the IPropertyBagEx on the source
sc = ScGetPropertyBag (pwszSrc, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, &pbeSrc, fCollection, hSource); if (sc != S_OK) goto ret;
MCDTrace ("Dav: MCD: opened source property bag: %ws\n", pwszSrc);
// Get the IPropertyBagEx on the destination
sc = ScGetPropertyBag (pwszDst, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &pbeDst, fCollection, hDest); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
MCDTrace ("Dav: MCD: opened destination property bag: %ws\n", pwszDst);
// Get the IEnumSTATPROPBAG interface on source
sc = pbeSrc->Enum (NULL, 0, &penumSrc); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Get the IEnumSTATPROPBAG interface on destination
sc = pbeDst->Enum (NULL, 0, &penumDst); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Delete all props from destination if there's any
//$ Instead of delete props one by one, we can just delete the
// prop stream.
for (;;) { safe_statpropbag ssp[CHUNK_SIZE]; safe_propvariant propvar[CHUNK_SIZE]; ULONG csp = 0;
// Get next chunk of props
Assert (sizeof(safe_statpropbag) == sizeof(STATPROPBAG)); scEnum = penumDst->Next(CHUNK_SIZE, reinterpret_cast<STATPROPBAG *>(&ssp[0]), &csp); if (FAILED(scEnum)) { sc = scEnum; goto ret; }
MCDTrace ("Dav: MCD: copying %ld props\n", csp);
// Delete one by one
for (cProp = 0; cProp < csp; cProp++) { Assert (ssp[cProp].get().lpwstrName);
// Write to the destination
LPCWSTR pwsz = ssp[cProp].get().lpwstrName; sc = pbeDst->DeleteMultiple (1, &pwsz, 0); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
if (scEnum == S_FALSE) break; }
// Enumerate the props and emit
for (;;) { safe_statpropbag ssp[CHUNK_SIZE]; safe_propvariant propvar[CHUNK_SIZE]; LPWSTR rglpwstr[CHUNK_SIZE] = {0}; ULONG csp = 0;
// Get next chunk of props
Assert (sizeof(safe_statpropbag) == sizeof(STATPROPBAG)); scEnum = penumSrc->Next (CHUNK_SIZE, reinterpret_cast<STATPROPBAG *>(&ssp[0]), &csp); if (FAILED(scEnum)) { sc = scEnum; goto ret; }
// Prepare to call read multiple props
for (cProp=0; cProp<csp; cProp++) { Assert (ssp[cProp].get().lpwstrName); rglpwstr[cProp] = ssp[cProp].get().lpwstrName; }
if (csp) { // Read properties in chunk from source
sc = pbeSrc->ReadMultiple (csp, rglpwstr, &propvar[0], NULL); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret;
// Write to the destination
sc = pbeDst->WriteMultiple (csp, rglpwstr, propvar[0].addressof()); if (FAILED(sc)) goto ret; }
if (scEnum == S_FALSE) break; }
// Copying properties is a harmless failure that
// we should feel free to ignore if we are not on
// an NFTS volume
if (FAILED(sc)) { if ((sc == STG_E_INVALIDNAME) || VOLTYPE_NTFS != VolumeType (pwszSrc, pmu->HitUser()) || VOLTYPE_NTFS != VolumeType (pwszDst, pmu->HitUser())) { // This is the common path for when we are trying to access
// something over an SMB, but the host cannot support the
// request (it is not an NT5 NTFS machine).
sc = S_OK; } } return sc; }
// OLE 32 IPropertyBagEx Access ----------------------------------------------
// StgOpenStorageOnHandle() and StgCreateStorageOnHandle() are implemented
// in OLE32.DLL but not exported. We must load the library and get the proc
// instances ourselves. We wrap the calls to these functions with this small
// wrapper such that we can catch when the API changes.
STDAPI StgOpenStorageOnHandle ( IN HANDLE hStream, IN DWORD grfMode, IN void *reserved1, IN void *reserved2, IN REFIID riid, OUT void **ppObjectOpen ) { Assert (g_pfnStgOpenStorageOnHandle);
// Yes, we've asserted.
// However, if it does happen, we don't want to fail and we can
// just treat this like we are on a FAT. (i.e. no property support)
if (!g_pfnStgOpenStorageOnHandle) return E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR;
return (*g_pfnStgOpenStorageOnHandle) (hStream, grfMode, reserved1, reserved2, riid, ppObjectOpen); }
// ScGetPropertyBag() --------------------------------------------------------
// Helper function used to get IPropertyBagEx interface. The important
// thing to know about this function is that there are three interesting
// return values:
// S_OK means everything was OK, and there should be a
// propertybag associated with the file in the out param.
// S_FALSE means that the file did not exist. There will
// not be an associated property bag in that scenario.
// FAILED(sc) means that there was a failure of some sort,
// not all of which are fatal. In many cases, we will simply
// treat the file as if it was hosted on a FAT file system.
SCODE ScGetPropertyBag (LPCWSTR pwszPath, DWORD dwAccessDesired, IPropertyBagEx** ppbe, BOOL fCollection, HANDLE hLockFile) { SCODE sc = S_OK; auto_handle<HANDLE> hAlt;
// READ!!
// The storage of property bag is different between docfile and flat file,
// In a flat file, the property bag is stored in an alternative file stream,
// (currently, ":Docf_\005Bagaaqy23kudbhchAaq5u2chNd"), in a docfile, the
// property bag is stored as a substream under the root storage.
// We should not be concerned with where the pbag is stored. The API with
// which we implement our IPropertyBagEx access is designed to have the
// behavior of...
// We pass in a handle to the file that we want to get a property bag
// on. If the file is a docfile, then OLE32 will dup the file handle
// and impose a IPropertyBagEx on the appropriate substorage. If the
// file is a flat file -- directories included -- then OLE32 opens up
// a handle on the alternate file stream relative to the handle given
// in the call.
// These are the only two combinations allowed, and we rely on this in the
// following flag checks.
Assert ((dwAccessDesired == (STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE)) || (dwAccessDesired == (STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE)));
if (hLockFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ULONG dwShare = 0; ULONG dwAccess; ULONG dwOpen; ULONG dwFile;
//$ REVIEW: Directories are special critters and we need to
// open the directory with special access as not to conflict
// with IIS and/or ASP and their directory change notification
// stuff
if (fCollection) { dwAccess = 1; // FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY
// The FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS is used to open a directory handle
dwFile = FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS|FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED; } else { // Adjust access/open mode based on desired operation
dwAccess = GENERIC_READ; dwFile = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; if (dwAccessDesired & STGM_READWRITE) { dwAccess |= GENERIC_WRITE; dwOpen = OPEN_ALWAYS; } else dwOpen = OPEN_EXISTING;
// Adjust the sharing modes as well
if (dwAccessDesired & STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE) dwShare = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE|FILE_SHARE_DELETE; } hAlt = DavCreateFile (pwszPath, dwAccess, dwShare, NULL, dwOpen, dwFile, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hAlt.get()) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
// When open the property bag for read (PROPFIND), ERROR_FILE/PATH_NOT_FOUND
// could be returned if the file does not exists.
// When open the property bag for write (PROPPATCH), ERROR_FILE/PATH_NOT_FOUND
// Could still be returned if the parent of the path does not exists
// (Such as c:\x\y\z and \x\y does not exist).
// We need to differenciate the above two cases, when reading a file,
// it's not a fatal error as you could still try to read reserved
// properties, when write, we should treat this as a fatal error.
if ((dwErr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (dwErr == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) { // It's not a fatal error when read
if (dwAccessDesired == (STGM_READ|STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE)) sc = S_FALSE; else { // This is consistent with Mkcol, it will be mapped to 409
goto ret; }
// Setup the handle to use
hLockFile = hAlt.get(); }
// Try to open the propertybag.
Assert (hLockFile != 0); Assert (hLockFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); sc = StgOpenStorageOnHandle (hLockFile, dwAccessDesired, NULL, NULL, IID_IPropertyBagEx, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID *>(ppbe)); if (FAILED (sc)) { goto ret; }
// Argh! The current implementation of OLE32 returns a non-failure
// with a NULL property bag!
if (*ppbe == NULL) { DebugTrace ("WARNING! OLE32 returned success w/NULL object!\n"); sc = E_DAV_SMB_PROPERTY_ERROR; }
ret: return sc; }
// DAV-Properties Implementation ---------------------------------------------------
// CPropFindRequest ----------------------------------------------------------------
class CPropFindRequest : public CMTRefCounted, private IAsyncIStreamObserver { //
// Reference to the CMethUtil
auto_ref_ptr<CMethUtil> m_pmu;
// Translated URI path
LPCWSTR m_pwszPath;
// Resource info
CResourceInfo m_cri;
// Depth
LONG m_lDepth;
// Contexts
CFSFind m_cfc; auto_ref_ptr<CNFFind> m_pcpf;
// Request body as an IStream. This stream is async -- it can
// return E_PENDING from Read() calls.
auto_ref_ptr<IStream> m_pstmRequest;
// The XML parser used to parse the request body using
// the node factory above.
auto_ref_ptr<IXMLParser> m_pxprs;
// IAsyncIStreamObserver
VOID AsyncIOComplete();
// State functions
VOID ParseBody(); VOID DoFind(); VOID SendResponse( SCODE sc );
CPropFindRequest (const CPropFindRequest&); CPropFindRequest& operator= (const CPropFindRequest&);
public: // CREATORS
CPropFindRequest(LPMETHUTIL pmu) : m_pmu(pmu), m_pwszPath(m_pmu->LpwszPathTranslated()), m_lDepth(DEPTH_INFINITY) { }
VOID Execute(); };
VOID CPropFindRequest::Execute() { auto_ref_handle hf; LPCWSTR pwsz; SCODE sc = S_OK;
// First off, tell the pmu that we want to defer the response.
// Even if we send it synchronously (i.e. due to an error in
// this function), we still want to use the same mechanism that
// we would use for async.
// Do ISAPI application and IIS access bits checking
sc = m_pmu->ScIISCheck (m_pmu->LpwszRequestUrl(), MD_ACCESS_READ); if (FAILED(sc)) { // Either the request has been forwarded, or some bad error occurred.
// In either case, quit here and map the error!
SendResponse(sc); return; }
// For PropFind, content-length is required
if (NULL == m_pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szContent_Length, FALSE)) { pwsz = m_pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szTransfer_Encoding, FALSE); if (!pwsz || _wcsicmp (pwsz, gc_wszChunked)) { DavTrace ("Dav: PUT: missing content-length in request\n"); SendResponse(E_DAV_MISSING_LENGTH); return; } }
// Ensure the resource exists
sc = m_cri.ScGetResourceInfo (m_pwszPath); if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Depth header only applies on directories
if (m_cri.FCollection()) { // Check the depth header only on collections
if (!FGetDepth (m_pmu.get(), &m_lDepth)) { // If Depth header is wrong, fail the operation
SendResponse(E_INVALIDARG); return; } }
// This method is gated by If-xxx headers
sc = ScCheckIfHeaders (m_pmu.get(), m_cri.PftLastModified(), FALSE); if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Ensure the URI and resource match
(void) ScCheckForLocationCorrectness (m_pmu.get(), m_cri, NO_REDIRECT);
// Check state headers here.
// For PROPFIND, when we check the state headers,
// we want to treat the request as if it were a
// GET-type request.
sc = HrCheckStateHeaders (m_pmu.get(), m_pwszPath, TRUE); if (FAILED (sc)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: If-State checking failed.\n"); SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Handle locktokens and check for locks on this resource.
// Our locks don't lock the "secondary file stream" where we keep
// the properties, so we have to check manually before we do anything else.
//$REVIEW: Joels, will this change when we switch to NT5 properties?
//$REVIEW: If so, we need to change this code!
// If we have a locktoken, try to get the lock handle from the cache.
// If this fails, fall through and do the normal processing.
pwsz = m_pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szLockToken, TRUE); if (!pwsz || !FGetLockHandle (m_pmu.get(), m_pwszPath, GENERIC_READ, pwsz, &hf)) { // Manually check for locks on this resource.
// (see if someone ELSE has it locked...)
// If a read lock exists, tell the caller that it's locked.
if (FLockViolation (m_pmu.get(), ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION, m_pwszPath, GENERIC_READ)) { SendResponse(E_DAV_LOCKED); return; } }
// If there was no request body, we want to get all props
if (!m_pmu->FExistsRequestBody()) { sc = m_cfc.ScGetAllProps (m_pwszPath); if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
DoFind(); return; } else { // If there's a body, there must be a content-type header
// and the value must be text/xml
sc = ScIsContentTypeXML (m_pmu.get()); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: PROPFIND specific fails without specifying a text/xml contenttype\n"); SendResponse(sc); return; } }
// Instantiate the XML parser
m_pcpf.take_ownership(new CNFFind(m_cfc)); m_pstmRequest.take_ownership(m_pmu->GetRequestBodyIStream(*this));
sc = ScNewXMLParser( m_pcpf.get(), m_pstmRequest.get(), m_pxprs.load() );
if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace( "CPropFindRequest::Execute() - ScNewXMLParser() failed (0x%08lX)\n", sc ); SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Parse the body
ParseBody(); }
VOID CPropFindRequest::ParseBody() { SCODE sc;
Assert( m_pxprs.get() ); Assert( m_pcpf.get() ); Assert( m_pstmRequest.get() );
// Parse XML from the request body stream.
// Add a ref for the following async operation.
// Use auto_ref_ptr rather than AddRef() for exception safety.
auto_ref_ptr<CPropFindRequest> pRef(this);
sc = ScParseXML (m_pxprs.get(), m_pcpf.get());
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { Assert( S_OK == sc || S_FALSE == sc );
DoFind(); } else if ( E_PENDING == sc ) { //
// The operation is pending -- AsyncIOComplete() will take ownership
// ownership of the reference when it is called.
pRef.relinquish(); } else { DebugTrace( "CPropFindRequest::ParseBody() - ScParseXML() failed (0x%08lX)\n", sc ); SendResponse(sc); } }
VOID CPropFindRequest::AsyncIOComplete() { // Take ownership of the reference added for the async operation.
auto_ref_ptr<CPropFindRequest> pRef; pRef.take_ownership(this);
ParseBody(); }
VOID CPropFindRequest::DoFind() { LPCWSTR pwszUrl = m_pmu->LpwszRequestUrl(); SCODE sc;
// At this point, make sure that they support text/xml
sc = ScIsAcceptable (m_pmu.get(), gc_wszText_XML); if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
// All header must be emitted before chunked XML emitting starts
m_pmu->SetResponseHeader (gc_szContent_Type, gc_szText_XML);
// Set the response code and go
m_pmu->SetResponseCode( HscFromHresult(W_DAV_PARTIAL_SUCCESS), NULL, 0, CSEFromHresult(W_DAV_PARTIAL_SUCCESS) );
// Find the properties...
auto_ref_ptr<CXMLEmitter> pmsr; auto_ref_ptr<CXMLBody> pxb;
pxb.take_ownership (new CXMLBody(m_pmu.get())); pmsr.take_ownership (new CXMLEmitter(pxb.get(), &m_cfc));
if (DEPTH_ONE_NOROOT != m_lDepth) { // Get properties for root if it is not a noroot case
// Depth infinity,noroot is a bad request, that is why
// check above is valid.
sc = ScFindFileProps (m_pmu.get(), m_cfc, *pmsr, pwszUrl, m_pwszPath, NULL, m_cri, FALSE /*fEmbeddErrorsInResponse*/); if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; } }
// ScFindFilePropsDeep initializes the emitter root only
// when it sees there's an entry to emit. so we crash
// in the noroot empty response case, when we try to emit
// the response, as we have no entry to emit and the
// root is still NULL.
// so we here manually initialize the root,
sc = pmsr->ScSetRoot (gc_wszMultiResponse); if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
// And then, if apropriate, go deep...
if (m_cri.FCollection() && (m_lDepth != DEPTH_ZERO) && (m_pmu->MetaData().DwDirBrowsing() & MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED)) { ChainedStringBuffer<WCHAR> sb; CVRList vrl;
// Apply the property request across all the physical children
sc = ScFindFilePropsDeep (m_pmu.get(), m_cfc, *pmsr, pwszUrl, m_pwszPath, NULL, m_lDepth); if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Enumerate the child vroots and perform the
// deletion of those directories as well
m_pmu->ScFindChildVRoots (pwszUrl, sb, vrl); for ( ; (!FAILED (sc) && !vrl.empty()); vrl.pop_front()) { auto_ref_ptr<CVRoot> cvr; LPCWSTR pwszChildUrl; LPCWSTR pwszChildPath;
if (m_pmu->FGetChildVRoot (vrl.front().m_pwsz, cvr)) { // Put the url into a multibyte string
cvr->CchGetVRoot (&pwszChildUrl);
// Only process the sub-vroot if we are
// truely are going deep or if the sub-vroot
// is the immediate child of the request URI
if ((m_lDepth == DEPTH_INFINITY) || FIsImmediateParentUrl (pwszUrl, pwszChildUrl)) { CResourceInfo criSub;
// Crack the vroot and go...
cvr->CchGetVRPath (&pwszChildPath); sc = criSub.ScGetResourceInfo (pwszChildPath); if (!FAILED (sc)) { // Find the properties on the vroot root
sc = ScFindFileProps (m_pmu.get(), m_cfc, *pmsr, pwszChildUrl, pwszChildPath, cvr.get(), criSub, TRUE /*fEmbedErrorsInResponse*/); } if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; } else if (S_FALSE == sc) continue;
// Find the properties on the vroot kids
if (m_lDepth == DEPTH_INFINITY) { auto_ref_ptr<IMDData> pMDData;
// See if we have directory browsing...
if (SUCCEEDED(m_pmu->HrMDGetData (pwszChildUrl, pMDData.load())) && (pMDData->DwDirBrowsing() & MD_DIRBROW_ENABLED)) { sc = ScFindFilePropsDeep (m_pmu.get(), m_cfc, *pmsr, pwszChildUrl, pwszChildPath, cvr.get(), m_lDepth);
if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; } } } } } } }
// Done with the reponse
pmsr->Done(); m_pmu->SendCompleteResponse(); }
VOID CPropFindRequest::SendResponse( SCODE sc ) { //
// Set the response code and go
m_pmu->SetResponseCode( HscFromHresult(sc), NULL, 0, CSEFromHresult(sc) ); m_pmu->SendCompleteResponse(); }
* DAVPropFind() * * Purpose: * * Win32 file system implementation of the DAV PROPGET method. The * PROPGET method responds with a fully constructed XML that provides * the values of the resources property/properties. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method utility object */ void DAVPropFind (LPMETHUTIL pmu) { auto_ref_ptr<CPropFindRequest> pRequest(new CPropFindRequest(pmu));
pRequest->Execute(); }
// CPropPatchRequest ----------------------------------------------------------------
class CPropPatchRequest : public CMTRefCounted, private IAsyncIStreamObserver { //
// Reference to the CMethUtil
auto_ref_ptr<CMethUtil> m_pmu;
// Translated URI path
LPCWSTR m_pwszPath;
// Holds a handle owned by the lock cache.
auto_ref_handle m_hf;
// Resource info
CResourceInfo m_cri;
// Contexts
CFSPatch m_cpc; auto_ref_ptr<CNFPatch> m_pnfp;
// Request body as an IStream. This stream is async -- it can
// return E_PENDING from Read() calls.
auto_ref_ptr<IStream> m_pstmRequest;
// The XML parser used to parse the request body using
// the node factory above.
auto_ref_ptr<IXMLParser> m_pxprs;
// IAsyncIStreamObserver
VOID AsyncIOComplete();
// State functions
VOID ParseBody(); VOID DoPatch(); VOID SendResponse( SCODE sc );
CPropPatchRequest (const CPropPatchRequest&); CPropPatchRequest& operator= (const CPropPatchRequest&);
public: // CREATORS
CPropPatchRequest(LPMETHUTIL pmu) : m_pmu(pmu), m_pwszPath(m_pmu->LpwszPathTranslated()) { }
SCODE ScInit() { return m_cpc.ScInit(); }
VOID Execute(); };
VOID CPropPatchRequest::Execute() { LPCWSTR pwsz; SCODE sc = S_OK;
// First off, tell the pmu that we want to defer the response.
// Even if we send it synchronously (i.e. due to an error in
// this function), we still want to use the same mechanism that
// we would use for async.
// Do ISAPI application and IIS access bits checking
sc = m_pmu->ScIISCheck (m_pmu->LpwszRequestUrl(), MD_ACCESS_WRITE); if (FAILED(sc)) { // Either the request has been forwarded, or some bad error occurred.
// In either case, quit here and map the error!
SendResponse(sc); return; }
// PropPatch must have a content-type header and the value must be text/xml
sc = ScIsContentTypeXML (m_pmu.get()); if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: PROPPATCH fails without specifying a text/xml contenttype\n"); SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Look to see the Content-length - required for this operation
// to continue.
if (NULL == m_pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szContent_Length, FALSE)) { DebugTrace ("Dav: PROPPATCH fails without content\n"); SendResponse(E_DAV_MISSING_LENGTH); return; } if (!m_pmu->FExistsRequestBody()) { DebugTrace ("Dav: PROPPATCH fails without content\n"); SendResponse(E_INVALIDARG); return; }
// This method is gated by If-xxx headers
if (!FAILED (m_cri.ScGetResourceInfo (m_pwszPath))) { // Ensure the URI and resource match...
(void) ScCheckForLocationCorrectness (m_pmu.get(), m_cri, NO_REDIRECT);
// ... then check the headers
sc = ScCheckIfHeaders (m_pmu.get(), m_cri.PftLastModified(), FALSE); } else sc = ScCheckIfHeaders (m_pmu.get(), m_pwszPath, FALSE);
if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Check state headers here.
sc = HrCheckStateHeaders (m_pmu.get(), m_pwszPath, FALSE); if (FAILED (sc)) { DebugTrace ("DavFS: If-State checking failed.\n"); SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Handle locktokens and check for locks on this resource.
// Our locks don't lock the "secondary file stream" where we keep
// the properties, so we have to check manually before we do anything else.
//$REVIEW: Joels, will this change when we switch to NT5 properties?
//$REVIEW: If so, we need to change this code!
// If we have a locktoken, try to get the lock handle from the cache.
// If this fails, fall through and do the normal processing.
pwsz = m_pmu->LpwszGetRequestHeader (gc_szLockToken, TRUE); if (!pwsz || !FGetLockHandle (m_pmu.get(), m_pwszPath, GENERIC_WRITE, pwsz, &m_hf)) { // Manually check for any write locks on this resource.
// If a write lock exists, don't process the request.
if (FLockViolation (m_pmu.get(), ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION, m_pwszPath, GENERIC_WRITE)) { SendResponse(E_DAV_LOCKED); return; } }
// Instantiate the XML parser
m_pnfp.take_ownership(new CNFPatch(m_cpc)); m_pstmRequest.take_ownership(m_pmu->GetRequestBodyIStream(*this));
sc = ScNewXMLParser( m_pnfp.get(), m_pstmRequest.get(), m_pxprs.load() );
if (FAILED(sc)) { DebugTrace( "CPropPatchRequest::Execute() - ScNewXMLParser() failed (0x%08lX)\n", sc ); SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Start parsing it into the context
ParseBody(); }
VOID CPropPatchRequest::ParseBody() { Assert( m_pxprs.get() ); Assert( m_pnfp.get() ); Assert( m_pstmRequest.get() );
// Parse XML from the request body stream.
// Add a ref for the following async operation.
// Use auto_ref_ptr rather than AddRef() for exception safety.
auto_ref_ptr<CPropPatchRequest> pRef(this);
SCODE sc = ScParseXML (m_pxprs.get(), m_pnfp.get());
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) ) { Assert( S_OK == sc || S_FALSE == sc );
DoPatch(); } else if ( E_PENDING == sc ) { //
// The operation is pending -- AsyncIOComplete() will take ownership
// ownership of the reference when it is called.
pRef.relinquish(); } else { DebugTrace( "CPropPatchRequest::ParseBody() - ScParseXML() failed (0x%08lX)\n", sc ); SendResponse(sc); } }
VOID CPropPatchRequest::AsyncIOComplete() { // Take ownership of the reference added for the async operation.
auto_ref_ptr<CPropPatchRequest> pRef; pRef.take_ownership(this);
ParseBody(); }
VOID CPropPatchRequest::DoPatch() { SCODE sc;
// At this point, make sure that they support text/xml
sc = ScIsAcceptable (m_pmu.get(), gc_wszText_XML); if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Get the IPropertyBagEx on the resource
// If the file is locked, we must use its handle to
// get the inteface. otherwise, access will be denied
auto_com_ptr<IPropertyBagEx> pbag;
sc = ScGetPropertyBag (m_pwszPath, STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &pbag, m_cri.FLoaded() ? m_cri.FCollection() : FALSE, m_hf.get() ? m_hf.get() : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (FAILED (sc)) { // You can't set properties without a property bag...
if (VOLTYPE_NTFS != VolumeType (m_pwszPath, m_pmu->HitUser())) sc = E_DAV_VOLUME_NOT_NTFS;
SendResponse(sc); return; }
// All header must be emitted before chunked XML emitting starts
m_pmu->SetResponseHeader (gc_szContent_Type, gc_szText_XML);
// Set the response code and go
m_pmu->SetResponseCode( HscFromHresult(W_DAV_PARTIAL_SUCCESS), NULL, 0, CSEFromHresult(W_DAV_PARTIAL_SUCCESS) );
// Apply the request
auto_ref_ptr<CXMLEmitter> pmsr; auto_ref_ptr<CXMLBody> pxb;
pxb.take_ownership (new CXMLBody(m_pmu.get())); pmsr.take_ownership (new CXMLEmitter(pxb.get(), &m_cpc));
CFSProp fsp(m_pmu.get(), pbag, m_pmu->LpwszRequestUrl(), m_pwszPath, NULL, m_cri);
sc = m_cpc.ScPatch (*pmsr, m_pmu.get(), fsp);
// Make sure we close the file before sending any response
if (FAILED (sc)) { SendResponse(sc); return; }
// Done with the reponse
m_pmu->SendCompleteResponse(); }
VOID CPropPatchRequest::SendResponse( SCODE sc ) { //
// Set the response code and go
m_pmu->SetResponseCode( HscFromHresult(sc), NULL, 0, CSEFromHresult(sc) ); m_pmu->SendCompleteResponse(); }
* DAVPropPatch() * * Purpose: * * Win32 file system implementation of the DAV PROPPATCH method. The * PROPPATCH method responds with a fully constructed XML that identifies * the success of each prop request. * * Parameters: * * pmu [in] pointer to the method utility object */ void DAVPropPatch (LPMETHUTIL pmu) { SCODE sc; auto_ref_ptr<CPropPatchRequest> pRequest(new CPropPatchRequest(pmu));
sc = pRequest->ScInit(); if (FAILED(sc)) { pmu->SetResponseCode( HscFromHresult(sc), NULL, 0, CSEFromHresult(sc) ); pmu->SendCompleteResponse(); }
pRequest->Execute(); }