#ifndef _ECB_H_
#define _ECB_H_
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ECB.H
// Header for IEcb interface class.
// Copyright 1986-1997 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include <autoptr.h> // For CMTRefCounted parent
#include <cvroot.h>
#include <davmb.h> // For IMDData
#include <url.h> // For HttpUriEscape
// ========================================================================
// Valid transfer codings. See HTTP/1.1 draft section 3.5.
// TC_UNKNOWN - Unknown value.
// TC_IDENTITY - Identity encoding (i.e. no encoding).
// TC_CHUNKED - Chunked encoding.
typedef struct _HSE_EXEC_URL_INFO_WIDE {
LPCWSTR pwszUrl; // URL to execute
DWORD dwExecUrlFlags; // Flags
// ========================================================================
// CLASS IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver
// Passed to IEcb async I/O methods
class IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver& operator=( const IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver& );
public: // CREATORS
virtual ~IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver() = 0;
virtual VOID IISIOComplete( DWORD dwcbIO, DWORD dwLastError ) = 0; };
// ========================================================================
// Provides a clean interface to the EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK passed
// to us by IIS.
class CInstData;
class IEcbBase : public CMTRefCounted { private:
IEcbBase( const IEcbBase& ); IEcbBase& operator=( const IEcbBase& );
// Private URL mapping helpers
SCODE ScReqMapUrlToPathEx60After( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszUrl, /* [out] */ HSE_UNICODE_URL_MAPEX_INFO * pmi ) const { SCODE sc = S_OK; UINT cbPath = sizeof(pmi->lpszPath);
Assert( m_pecb ); Assert( pwszUrl ); Assert( pmi );
if (!m_pecb->ServerSupportFunction( m_pecb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_MAP_UNICODE_URL_TO_PATH_EX, const_cast<LPWSTR>(pwszUrl), reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(&cbPath), reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(pmi) )) { // There is a fix for Windows Bugs 156176 that we need to do the
// following check for. It applies to IIS 6.0 (+) path only. In IIS 5.0
// the maping functions were silently succeeding, and truncating the
// buffer that contained the mapped path if it exceeded MAX_PATH.
// That behaviour suited us, but is not very nice, so IIS 6.0 chose
// to still fill in the buffer as before, but fail with special error
// (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER). That error still means success to us,
// so fail only if we see something different
if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != GetLastError()) { // Function does not allow to return failures, so the only option
// is to throw. We cannot proceed if we did not get the data anyway.
// If this function succeeds once, subsequent calls to it are non
// failing.
sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); Assert(FAILED(sc)); DebugTrace("IEcbBase::ScReqMapUrlToPathEx60After() - ServerSupportFunction(HSE_REQ_MAP_UNICODE_URL_TO_PATH_EX) failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); goto ret; } }
DebugTrace ("IEcbBase::ScReqMapUrlToPathEx60After() - ServerSupportFunction" "(HSE_REQ_MAP_UNICODE_URL_TO_PATH_EX) succeded!\n" "mapinfo:\n" "- url \"%ls\" maps to \"%ls\"\n" "- dwFlags = 0x%08x\n" "- cchMatchingPath = %d\n" "- cchMatchingURL = %d\n", pwszUrl, pmi->lpszPath, pmi->dwFlags, pmi->cchMatchingPath, pmi->cchMatchingURL);
// The value for cbPath, at this point, should include the L'\0'
// termination, and for that reason cbPath will always be more
// than the length of the matching path.
Assert (0 == cbPath % sizeof(WCHAR)); Assert (pmi->cchMatchingPath < cbPath/sizeof(WCHAR));
return sc; }
SCODE ScReqMapUrlToPathEx60Before( /* [in] */ LPCWSTR pwszUrl, /* [out] */ HSE_UNICODE_URL_MAPEX_INFO * pmi ) const { SCODE sc = S_OK;
CStackBuffer<CHAR, MAX_PATH> pszUrl; UINT cchUrl; UINT cbUrl; UINT cbPath; UINT cchPath;
Assert( m_pecb ); Assert( pwszUrl ); Assert( pmi );
// Find out the length of the URL
cchUrl = static_cast<UINT>(wcslen(pwszUrl)); cbUrl = cchUrl * 3;
// Resize the buffer to the sufficient size, leave place for '\0' termination
if (!pszUrl.resize(cbUrl + 1)) { sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; DebugTrace("IEcbBase::ScReqMapUrlToPathEx60Before() - Error while allocating memory 0x%08lX\n", sc); goto ret; }
// Convert to skinny including '\0' termination
cbUrl = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwszUrl, cchUrl + 1, pszUrl.get(), cbUrl + 1, 0, 0); if (0 == cbUrl) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); DebugTrace("IEcbBase::ScSSFReqMapUrlToPathEx() - WideCharToMultiByte() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); goto ret; }
cbPath = MAX_PATH;
// Get the skinny mappings from IIS
if (!m_pecb->ServerSupportFunction( m_pecb->ConnID, HSE_REQ_MAP_URL_TO_PATH_EX, pszUrl.get(), reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(&cbPath), reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(&mi))) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); DebugTrace("IEcbBase::ScSSFReqMapUrlToPathEx() - ServerSupportFunction() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); goto ret; }
DebugTrace ("IEcbBase::ScSSFReqMapUrlToPathEx() - ServerSupportFunction" "(HSE_REQ_MAP_URL_TO_PATH_EX) succeded!\n" "mapinfo:\n" "- url \"%hs\" maps to \"%hs\"\n" "- dwFlags = 0x%08x\n" "- cchMatchingPath = %d\n" "- cchMatchingURL = %d\n", pszUrl.get(), mi.lpszPath, mi.dwFlags, mi.cchMatchingPath, mi.cchMatchingURL);
// The value for cbPath, at this point, should include the null
// termination, and for that reason cbPath will always be more
// than the length of the matching path.
Assert (mi.cchMatchingPath < cbPath); Assert (mi.cchMatchingURL < cbUrl);
// First translate the matching path so we would know its
// length and would be able to pass it back
if (mi.cchMatchingPath) { // Converting will never yield the buffer bigger than one we already have
pmi->cchMatchingPath = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, mi.lpszPath, mi.cchMatchingPath, pmi->lpszPath, MAX_PATH); if (0 == pmi->cchMatchingPath) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); DebugTrace("IEcbBase::ScSSFReqMapUrlToPathEx() - MultiByteToWideChar() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); goto ret; } } else { pmi->cchMatchingPath = 0; }
// Convert the remainder of the path including the '\0' termination
cchPath = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, mi.lpszPath + mi.cchMatchingPath, min(cbPath, MAX_PATH) - mi.cchMatchingPath, pmi->lpszPath + pmi->cchMatchingPath, MAX_PATH - pmi->cchMatchingPath); if (0 == cchPath) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); DebugTrace("IEcbBase::ScReqMapUrlToPathEx() - MultiByteToWideChar() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); goto ret; }
// Find the matching URL length for wide version
if (mi.cchMatchingURL) { pmi->cchMatchingURL = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, pszUrl.get(), mi.cchMatchingURL, 0, 0); if (0 == pmi->cchMatchingURL) { sc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); DebugTrace("IEcbBase::ScReqMapUrlToPathEx() - MultiByteToWideChar() failed 0x%08lX\n", sc); goto ret; } } else { pmi->cchMatchingURL = 0; }
return sc; }
// Declare the version constant
enum { IIS_VERSION_6_0 = 0x60000 };
// Using a reference would make it impossible for us
// to tell if IIS ever requires that we use the
// EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK passed into async I/O
// completion routines for subsequent I/O.
IEcbBase( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK& ecb) : m_pecb(&ecb) { m_cRef = 1; //$HACK Until we have 1-based refcounting
public: virtual BOOL FSsl() const = 0; virtual BOOL FFrontEndSecured() const = 0; virtual BOOL FBrief() const = 0; virtual ULONG LcidAccepted() const = 0; virtual VOID SetLcidAccepted(LCID lcid) = 0; virtual LPCSTR LpszRequestUrl() const = 0; virtual LPCWSTR LpwszRequestUrl() const = 0; virtual UINT CchUrlPrefix( LPCSTR * ppszPrefix ) const = 0; virtual UINT CchUrlPrefixW( LPCWSTR * ppwszPrefix ) const = 0; virtual UINT CchGetServerName( LPCSTR * ppszServer ) const = 0; virtual UINT CchGetServerNameW( LPCWSTR * ppwszServer ) const = 0; virtual UINT CchGetVirtualRoot( LPCSTR * ppszVroot ) const = 0; virtual UINT CchGetVirtualRootW( LPCWSTR * ppwszVroot ) const = 0; virtual UINT CchGetMatchingPathW( LPCWSTR * ppwszMatching ) const = 0; virtual LPCWSTR LpwszPathTranslated() const = 0; virtual CInstData& InstData() const = 0;
virtual BOOL FGetServerVariable( LPCSTR lpszName, LPSTR lpszValue, DWORD * pcbValue ) const = 0; virtual BOOL FGetServerVariable( LPCSTR lpszName, LPWSTR lpwszValue, DWORD * pcchValue ) const = 0;
BOOL WriteClient( LPVOID lpvBuf, LPDWORD lpdwcbBuf, DWORD dwFlags ) const { Assert( m_pecb );
return m_pecb->WriteClient( m_pecb->ConnID, lpvBuf, lpdwcbBuf, dwFlags ); }
BOOL ReadClient( LPVOID lpvBuf, LPDWORD lpdwcbBuf ) const { Assert( m_pecb );
return m_pecb->ReadClient( m_pecb->ConnID, lpvBuf, lpdwcbBuf ); }
BOOL ServerSupportFunction( DWORD dwHSERequest, LPVOID lpvBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSize, LPDWORD lpdwDataType ) const { Assert( m_pecb );
return m_pecb->ServerSupportFunction( m_pecb->ConnID, dwHSERequest, lpvBuffer, lpdwSize, lpdwDataType ); }
SCODE ScReqMapUrlToPathEx( LPCWSTR pwszUrl, HSE_UNICODE_URL_MAPEX_INFO * pmi ) const { Assert (m_pecb);
if ( m_pecb->dwVersion >= IIS_VERSION_6_0 ) return ScReqMapUrlToPathEx60After( pwszUrl, pmi );
return ScReqMapUrlToPathEx60Before( pwszUrl, pmi ); } };
class IEcb : public IEcbBase { // NOT IMPLEMENTED
IEcb( const IEcb& ); IEcb& operator=( const IEcb& );
// Only create this object through it's descendents!
IEcb( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK& ecb ) : IEcbBase(ecb) {}
public: // ACCESSORS
LPCSTR LpszMethod() const { Assert( m_pecb );
return m_pecb->lpszMethod; }
LPCSTR LpszQueryString() const { Assert( m_pecb );
return m_pecb->lpszQueryString; }
DWORD CbTotalBytes() const { Assert( m_pecb );
return m_pecb->cbTotalBytes; }
DWORD CbAvailable() const { Assert( m_pecb );
return m_pecb->cbAvailable; }
const BYTE * LpbData() const { Assert( m_pecb );
return m_pecb->lpbData; }
virtual LPCWSTR LpwszMethod() const = 0; virtual UINT CbGetRawURL( LPCSTR * ppszRawURL ) const = 0; virtual LPCSTR LpszUrlPrefix() const = 0; virtual LPCWSTR LpwszUrlPrefix() const = 0; virtual UINT CchUrlPortW( LPCWSTR * ppwszPort ) const = 0;
virtual HANDLE HitUser() const = 0; virtual BOOL FKeepAlive() const = 0; virtual BOOL FCanChunkResponse() const = 0; virtual BOOL FAuthenticated() const = 0; virtual BOOL FProcessingCEUrl() const = 0; virtual BOOL FIIS60OrAfter() const = 0;
virtual LPCSTR LpszVersion() const = 0;
virtual BOOL FSyncTransmitHeaders( const HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO& shei ) = 0;
virtual SCODE ScAsyncRead( BYTE * pbBuf, UINT * pcbBuf, IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver& obs ) = 0;
virtual SCODE ScAsyncWrite( BYTE * pbBuf, DWORD dwcbBuf, IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver& obs ) = 0;
virtual SCODE ScAsyncTransmitFile( const HSE_TF_INFO& tfi, IIISAsyncIOCompleteObserver& obs ) = 0;
virtual SCODE ScAsyncCustomError60After( const HSE_CUSTOM_ERROR_INFO& cei, LPSTR pszStatus ) = 0;
virtual SCODE ScExecuteChild( LPCWSTR pwszURI, LPCSTR pszQueryString, BOOL fCustomErrorUrl ) = 0;
virtual SCODE ScSendRedirect( LPCSTR lpszURI ) = 0;
virtual IMDData& MetaData() const = 0; virtual LPCWSTR PwszMDPathVroot() const = 0;
#ifdef DBG
virtual void LogString( LPCSTR szLocation ) const = 0; #else
void LogString( LPCSTR ) const {}; #endif
virtual VOID SendAsyncErrorResponse( DWORD dwStatusCode, LPCSTR pszBody, DWORD cchzBody, LPCSTR pszStatusDescription, DWORD cchzStatusDescription ) = 0;
virtual DWORD HSEHandleException() = 0;
// To be used ONLY by request/response.
virtual void SetStatusCode( UINT iStatusCode ) = 0; virtual void SetConnectionHeader( LPCWSTR pwszValue ) = 0; virtual void SetAcceptLanguageHeader( LPCSTR pszValue ) = 0; virtual void CloseConnection() = 0; };
IEcb * NewEcb( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK& ecb, BOOL fUseRawUrlMappings, DWORD * pdwHSEStatusRet );
#ifdef DBG
void InitECBLogging(); void DeinitECBLogging(); #endif
// Routines to manipulate metadata (metabase) paths
ULONG CbMDPathW( const IEcb& ecb, LPCWSTR pwszURI ); VOID MDPathFromURIW( const IEcb& ecb, LPCWSTR pwszURI, LPWSTR pwszMDPath );
#endif // !defined(_ECB_H_)